Severe degree of adaptation. adaptation in kindergarten. Three degrees of addiction. Longing for mom

Phases of the adaptation period.

Severe degree of adaptation. The child does not fall asleep well, sleep is short, cries out, cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, uncontrolled stool. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the kindergarten. Attitude to relatives - emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, avoids or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Speech does not use or there is a delay in speech development for 2-3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

The duration of the adaptation period depends on the individual - typological characteristics of each baby. One is active, sociable, inquisitive. His adaptation period will pass quite easily and quickly. The other is slow, imperturbable, likes to retire with toys. Noise, loud conversations of peers annoy him. If he knows how to eat himself, dress himself, then he does it slowly, lags behind everyone. These difficulties leave their mark on relationships with others. Such a child needs more time to get used to the new environment.

Factors on which the course of the adaptation period depends.


2. State of health.

3. Level of development.

4. Ability to communicate with adults and peers.

5. Formation of subject and game activity.

6. The proximity of the home mode to the kindergarten mode.

Exist certain reasons that cause tears in a child:

Anxiety associated with a change of scenery (a child under 3 years old still needs increased attention. At the same time, from the usual, calm home atmosphere, where the mother is nearby and can come to the rescue at any time, he moves to an unfamiliar space, meets, albeit benevolent, but strangers) and the regime (it can be difficult for a child to accept the norms and rules of the life of the group in which he fell). In kindergarten, they are taught a certain discipline, but at home it was not so important. In addition, the child’s personal daily routine is violated, this can provoke tantrums and unwillingness to go to preschool.

A negative first impression of attending kindergarten. It can be critical to a child's continued stay in preschool, so the first day in the group is extremely important.

Psychological unpreparedness of the child for kindergarten. This problem is the most difficult and may be associated with individual characteristics of development. Most often this happens when the child lacks emotional communication with his mother. Therefore, a normal child cannot quickly adapt to preschool, because he is strongly attached to his mother, and her disappearance causes a violent protest of the child, especially if he is impressionable and emotionally sensitive.

Children 3-4 years old experience fears of strangers and new situations of communication, which is exactly what is fully manifested in the preschool educational institution. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations in the garden leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, touchy, tearful, he gets sick more often, because stress depletes the body's defenses.

Lack of self-care skills. This greatly complicates the child's stay in kindergarten.

Too many impressions. In preschool, the baby experiences many new positive and negative experiences, he can overwork and, as a result, be nervous, cry, act up.

- Personal rejection of the staff of the group and kindergarten. Such a phenomenon should not be regarded as mandatory, but it is possible.

Causes of severe adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution

The absence in the family of a regime coinciding with the regime of a kindergarten.

The presence of the child's peculiar habits.

Inability to occupy yourself with a toy.

Lack of formation of elementary cultural and hygienic skills.

Lack of experience with strangers.

Reminders for the educator:

1. Educators get acquainted with parents and other family members, with the child himself, learn the following information:

What habits have developed at home in the process of eating, falling asleep, using the toilet, etc.

What is the name of the child at home

What does the child like to do the most?

What features of behavior please, and what are alarming parents.

2. Introduce parents to the preschool educational institution, show the group. To acquaint parents with the daily routine in kindergarten, find out how the daily routine at home differs from the daily routine in kindergarten.

4. Clarify the rules in communicating with parents:

Kindergarten is an open system, at any time parents can come to the group and stay there for as long as they see fit;

Parents can pick up the child at a convenient time for them;


5. It is necessary to show joy and care when the child comes to the group.

6. It is necessary to ensure the stability of the composition of educators for the period of admission and for the entire period of stay of children in the preschool educational institution. During the period of adaptation and after it, it is strictly forbidden to transfer children to other groups.

7. For the period of adaptation, if possible, a sparing regimen is necessary.

8. The proximity of the kindergarten mode to the home mode.

9. It is important to remember that the child should enjoy communicating with adults and peers.

10. The quality of adaptation of each child with

1.2 Indicators and degrees of adaptation.

Adaptation is usually difficult with a lot of negative changes in the child's body. These shifts occur at all levels, in all systems. Usually the surface of the iceberg is visible, and this is the behavior of the child. But the behavior also confuses adults.

And if parents knew what is happening in the body and soul of a child when he first goes to kindergarten, then they would hardly send him to this new children's team. He is constantly in it, as if under a current of strong neuropsychic tension, which does not stop for a minute. He is on the verge of stress or fully feels stress.

If it were possible to compare, using the same research method, the entire force of stress felt by a baby during the period of adaptation to an organized team with the force of stress of an astronaut going on a flight, the results would be staggering. They would just be identical.

If the severity of stress in a child is minimal, you will soon forget about the negative shifts in the adaptation process and what worries parents today. This will talk about easy or favorable adaptation. If the severity of stress is great, the child will obviously have a breakdown and, apparently, become ill. A breakdown, as a rule, is a witness to an unfavorable or severe adaptation in a baby. This means that adaptation can be easy or difficult. But after all, these are extremes, and extremes are connected by an intermediate option.

Adaptation is manifested mainly at the psycho-emotional level in the child. In order to judge this level in more detail and as objectively as possible, scientists have specially developed and refined a number of necessary indicators that quite informatively characterize the characteristics of behavior and the manifestation of emotions in a child adapting to a new organized team, and created emotional profile, or portrait (EP) of a child, first enrolled in a regular kindergarten. It includes the following indicators.

I. Negative emotions- as a rule, the most important component of EP, found mainly in every child adapting to a new organized team for the first time. Usually the manifestations are different: from barely perceptible to depression, reminiscent of captivity. With her, the baby is depressed, oppressed and indifferent to everything in the world. He is, and at the same time he is not. He sits as if petrified, all immersed in himself, like a deaf-mute or an alien from an unknown planet. Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't answer questions. It's not worth talking about sleep at all .. And suddenly, suddenly, the whole fossil disappears, and it rushes madly around the group, resembling a "squirrel in a wheel." Like a whirlwind, it breaks out of the hands of nannies or educators and rushes to the exit, conflicting with everyone on the go. She freezes there, and then, sobbing, calls for her mother, choking in her own tears. But suddenly, powerlessly falls silent, again turning into a mannequin. And so several times a day. Quite often, children express their negative emotions with a palette of crying: from whimpering to constant crying. But the most informative is paroxysmal crying, which indicates that, at least for a while, all negative emotions in the baby suddenly recede into the background due to the fact that they are pushed aside by positive ones. But, unfortunately, all this is only temporary. Most often at the time of the orienting reaction, when the baby is in the grip of novelty. The crying palette also includes "crying for the company", with which a child already almost adapted to the garden supports the "newcomers" who have come to the group, and makes up a "crying duet" or simply sings along in the choir. Usually, the longest of all negative emotions in a child is the so-called whimpering, with which he seeks to protest when parting with his parents, who are running away to work.

II. Fear- the usual companion of negative emotions, their "colleague", "companion" and "friend". It is unlikely that you will be able to meet a child who has not experienced it at least once, while adapting to kindergarten. After all, the baby, having come to the children's team for the first time, only sees in everything a hidden threat to his existence in the world. Therefore, he is afraid of many things, and fear follows him literally on his heels, nests in himself. The kid is afraid of the unknown environment and meeting with unfamiliar children, the kid is afraid of new educators, and most importantly, that you will forget about him when you leave the garden for work.

The kid is afraid that his parents have betrayed him, that they will not come for him in the evening to take him home.. The kid is afraid.. Very often we unwittingly provoke his global fear. And this fear is a source of stress, and its attacks can be regarded as triggers of stress reactions.

III. Anger. Sometimes, against the background of stress, anger flares up in a child, which breaks out, written literally on the face. At such a moment, the baby, like a small aggressor, is ready to jump on the offender like a panther, defending his innocence. During the period of adaptation, the child is like an “Achilles heel” and therefore so vulnerable that everything can serve as a reason for anger. Therefore, anger and the aggression it gives rise to can flare up, even if there is no spark, as if a powder keg is laid in the child himself.

IV. Positive emotions- a counterbalance to all negative emotions and their main switch. They are comparable only with the dawn, which announces to us that the night has long waned and there will be a bright, promising day for everyone. Usually, in the first days of adaptation, they do not appear at all or are slightly expressed in those moments when the baby seems to be "drunk" with an indicative reaction to the "charm of novelty." The easier the child adapts, the sooner they appear, similar to the first swallows, announcing to everyone about the completion of your child's adaptation process. Joy is especially good. In general, a smile and a cheerful laugh are, perhaps, the main "medicines" that cure most of the negative shifts in the adaptation period.

V. Social contacts. Already at the age of three, the baby usually likes to contact people, choosing the reason for the contact himself. The sociability of the child is a blessing for the successful outcome of the adaptation process. However, in the first days of being in a preschool institution, some kids lose this property. Such children are closed and unsociable, spending all the time only in "proud solitude". This "proud non-contact" is being replaced by "compromising contact", which means that your child suddenly began to take the initiative to make contact with adults. However, this initiative is imaginary. The child needs it only as a way out of the current situation and is not aimed at improving communication with people, especially with peers. At such a moment, the baby usually, crying, runs up to the teacher, grabs her by the hand, tries to pull her to the front door and begs her to take him home. The kid is ready to compromise with the manager or the nanny, he even prays to the nurse .. if not home, but only to be taken away from the group, to be taken away from these inept children as soon as possible. No, he does not want and cannot be friends with them. They are importunate, unbearable and "sting" stronger than a swarm of bees. How much easier it was at home when he spent all his days alone.

As soon as the baby is able to finally establish the necessary contacts in the group, all the shifts in the adaptation period will subside - and this will be an important step towards completing the entire process of adaptation in the child.

VI. cognitive activity- usually a true "friend" of all positive emotions. Like them, cognitive performance tends to decline and fade away in the face of stress responses. At the age of three, this activity is closely connected with the game. Therefore, the baby, when he first came to kindergarten, is often not interested in toys and does not want to be interested in them. He does not want to get acquainted with his peers, to understand what is happening next to him. "Why" as if in hibernation, and its cognitive activity is inhibited. However, as soon as he wakes up, or eventually you "wake" him up, the stress activity will be minimal and will soon disappear for good.

VII. social skills. Under the pressure of stress, the baby usually changes so much that it can “lose” almost all the self-care skills that it has long learned and successfully used at home. All this causes frequent ridicule in children and dissatisfaction with educators, who, as a rule, believe that the baby is not at all prepared for the garden. He has to be spoon-fed and washed like a baby. He "doesn't know how" to dress, undress, and use a handkerchief. Doesn't know when to say thank you. Well, in a word, a little savage.

However, as the child adapts to the conditions of an organized team, he "remembers" the skills he suddenly forgot, in addition to them easily acquiring new ones.

VIII. Features of speech. In some babies, against the background of stress, speech also changes, not progressing, but in the direction of regression. The baby's vocabulary is depleted, and he suddenly sinks a few steps, when talking only using infantile or lightened words. Almost no nouns. Almost no adjectives. There are only verbs. And sentences from polysyllabic became monosyllabic. In response to questions - "telegraph style". Such speech is the result of hard adaptation. With a mild one, it either does not change at all, or the described changes concern it a little. However, at this time, in any case, the replenishment of his active vocabulary, necessary for the age of the child, is difficult.

IX. Physical activity. During the adaptation process, it rarely remains within the normal range. The child is severely retarded or uncontrollably hyperactive. However, try all the same not to confuse his activity, changed in connection with the process of adaptation, with the activity inherent in the child's temperament.

X. Sleep. At first, there is no sleep at all, and in a quiet hour, the baby is like a "roly-poly". You do not have time to put him down, as he is already sitting, sobbing, on the bed. As you get used to kindergarten, the child begins to fall asleep. But a dream can hardly be called a dream. It is restless, interrupted all the time by sobbing or sudden awakening. Sometimes it seems that the baby is haunted by nightmares. As if he is watching his dream on TV, where he clearly sees what is happening to him. However, the film has only a terrible beginning, the kid is afraid to watch the end. And in order not to really see him, in fright, crying, interrupts sleep. And only when the child adapts to the garden, he, in fact, will be able to quietly spend his quiet time and sleep peacefully.

XI. Appetite. The less favorably the child adapts, the worse his appetite, sometimes completely absent, as if the child were on a hunger strike. Much less often, your baby suddenly falls into the other extreme and eats no less than Gargantua, trying to somehow satisfy his unmet needs with his "wolf" appetite. Normalization of reduced or increased appetite, as a rule, signals that the negative shifts in the adaptation process are not increasing, but are declining, and all other indicators of the emotional portrait described above will soon normalize. Against the background of stress, a child can lose weight, but, having adapted, he will easily and quickly not only restore his original weight, but also begin to recover in the future.

It is also necessary to know that during the adaptation process, a child may suddenly, without any apparent reason, have a short-term increase in temperature. Usually in these cases the doctor speaks of "adaptive suppositories". Such "candles" once again emphasize the severity of the adaptation period.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish 3 degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

Criteria for the severity of adaptation:

Ö - the emotional state of the baby;

Ö - his relationship with peers;

Ö - relationships with adults;

Ö - sleep and appetite;

Ö - frequency and duration of acute diseases.

With easy adaptation: all indicators are normalized, as a rule, by 3-4 weeks. With an average degree of adaptation - by 5-6 weeks. With severe adaptation - from 2-6 months. and more.

Adaptation is determined by the following factors:

1). The state of health and the level of development of the child. A healthy, physically developed baby has better adaptability. Nervously and somatically weakened, quickly tiring, having poor sleep and appetite, children cope worse with the difficulties of the adapted period, they experience stressful conditions and, as a result, they often get sick.

2). The age of the child at the time of admission to the kindergarten.

Separation - fear - stress - failure of adaptation - illness .. But all this is usually characteristic of a child with a difficult or unfavorable adaptation to kindergarten. With this type of adaptation, the process, as a rule, drags on for a long time and the child adapts to an organized team for months, and sometimes cannot adapt at all. Therefore, children with severe adaptation, which was predicted in a child even in a children's clinic, it is advisable not to send them to kindergarten at the age of three, but if possible a little later, as their adaptive mechanisms improve.

In addition, remember the crisis of three years, which can accumulate on the period of adaptation of the child. You need to know that at this time your baby for the first time felt like a person and wants others to see it. But we, others, do not see this, or at least do not want to see it, it is easier for us to have everything as before. Therefore, the baby is all at the limit, defending his personality before us, and his psyche becomes more vulnerable than before to the effects of various environmental circumstances.

And just at the time when the child, more than ever, needs parents, understanding him, and most importantly, support, when it is necessary and necessary to spare his weakened nervous system, as if on purpose, in addition to the mental stress of the crisis of three years , involuntarily, another heavy burden is thrown onto the shoulders of the baby - the burden of adaptation to kindergarten, not realizing that all this will “break” him. And some of the children really "tear", as evidenced by visible changes in the usual behavior of the child.

It must be remembered that the possibility of adverse adaptation in a baby usually increases dramatically when the child has a history of a number of adverse developmental factors, usually called "risk factors" by doctors. A child with severe adaptation, in addition to parents and caregivers, will only be helped by a pediatrician or a narrow specialist.

The polar type for severe adaptation is the type of easy adaptation of the child, when the baby adapts to a new environment, usually for several weeks, most often for half a month. There is almost no trouble with such a child, and the changes that are visible in his behavior are usually short-term and insignificant, so the child does not get sick.

In addition to the two polar types of adaptation, there is also an intermediate version, resembling an isthmus, usually connecting the "north" and "south" poles of the child's adaptation. In such cases, we are talking about the average severity of the course of the period of various adaptive changes in the child's body.

With this type of adaptation, the child, on average, adapts to a new organized team for more than a month and sometimes gets sick during adaptation. Moreover, as a rule, the disease proceeds without any complications, which can serve as the main sign of the difference between this type of adaptation and an unfavorable variant. With this type of adaptation, the child's morbidity can be reduced by a doctor. The sooner he prescribes corrective measures to the child, the less likely it is that the baby will get sick, which means that his adaptation will approach favorable. And this, in turn, will help the child to adapt in the future, when he crosses the threshold of the school. It has been proven that with severe adaptation to kindergarten, the child does not adapt well to the conditions of elementary school.

Children from 1 to 3 years of age are especially vulnerable, since it is during this period that it is very difficult for a baby to “break away” from his mother. Attachment to the mother - a necessary condition for the normal mental development of the child - contributes to the formation of such important personality traits as trust in the world, positive self-awareness, initiative, curiosity. Attachment to the mother begins to form already in the first half of the child's life and by the end of the first year takes shape in the form of stable emotional and personal ties with loved ones, especially the mother. At 7 months, the child regulates the care of the mother with distinct excitement, anxiety, anxiety.

In the period from 7 months. up to 1.5 years, attachment to the mother is expressed most intensively. Sometimes the feeling of separation anxiety becomes so traumatic that it remains for life as a fear of loneliness. At 8 months, the baby begins to be afraid of unfamiliar adults, cuddles up to his mother - the fear of strangers lasts up to 1 year 2 months. In the following months, children are more comfortable with other people. It is at the age of 8 months to 1 year 2 months that the child aggravates and coincides with two fears - before his own mother and before unfamiliar adults. At this age, children are especially difficult to adapt to the nursery, and parents should take this into account. Children 2-3 years old are afraid of strangers and new communication situations. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to the nursery. Often, the fear of new people and situations leads to the fact that the child becomes more excitable, vulnerable, tearful, he gets sick more often. Boys aged 3-5 years are more vulnerable in terms of adaptation than girls, since during this period they are more attached to their mother and react more painfully to separation from her.

So, the adaptation of a child to new environmental conditions for him is a difficult and painful process, accompanied by a number of negative changes in the child's body, affecting all its levels.


Minusinsk Pedagogical College named after

Preschool education

PCC Medico-biological disciplines


The study of methods of adaptation of young children to the conditions of preschool

Completed by a student

2 courses, 271 groups,

specialties 050144

scientific adviser


1. Periods of life of children. characteristics of each period.

1. The neonatal period, which is divided into early neonatal and late neonatal periods.

The early neonatal period is the period from the moment of ligation of the umbilical cord to the end of 7 days of life (168 hours). This period is the most responsible for the adaptation of the child to extrauterine existence.

The most significant physiological changes during this period are the onset of pulmonary respiration and the functioning of the pulmonary circulation with the blockage of intrauterine hemodynamic pathways (ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale), as well as changes in energy metabolism and thermoregulation. From this moment, enteral nutrition of the child begins. In the neonatal period, all body functions are in a state of unstable balance, adaptive mechanisms are easily violated, which significantly affects the general condition of the newborn and even his survival.

The late neonatal period covers 21 days (from the 8th to the 28th day of a child's life). The most important characteristic of this stage is the intensive development of analyzers (primarily visual), the beginning of the development of motor coordination, the formation of conditioned reflexes, the emergence of emotional, visual and tactile contacts with the mother. Around the age of three weeks, many children begin to respond to communication with a smile and facial expressions of joy. This first emotional joyful contact is considered by many to be the beginning of the mental life of the child.

2. The period of infancy. It lasts from the 29th day of life to a year.

During this period, the main stages of adaptation to extrauterine life have already been completed, the mechanism of breastfeeding is sufficiently formed, a very intensive physical, neuropsychic, motor and intellectual development of the child takes place.

3. Pre-preschool, or nursery, period - from one to 3 years. It is characterized by a slight decrease in the rate of physical development of children and a greater degree of maturity of the basic physiological systems.

Muscle mass intensively increases, eruption of milk teeth ends, motor capabilities are rapidly expanding, all analyzers are intensively developing, speech is improving, individual character traits and behavior are clearly defined.

4. Preschool period - from 3 to 7 years. During this period, the differentiation of the structure of various internal organs takes place, the intellect develops intensively, memory improves, coordinated movements improve, individual interests and hobbies are formed, the length of the limbs increases, milk teeth gradually fall out, and the growth of permanent teeth begins.

5. Junior school age - from 7 to 11 years. At this age, children replace milk teeth with permanent ones, improve memory, increase intelligence, form independence and strong-willed qualities, and expand the range of interests.

6. Senior school age - from 12 to 17-18 years old. This is the most difficult period of psychological development, the formation of will, consciousness, citizenship, morality. This period is characterized by a sharp change in the function of the endocrine glands. This is the period of sexual development and the pubertal growth spurt.

2. Health formulation according to WHO. Factors affecting health.

According to the WHO, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

It is known that a huge number of different factors affect a person and his health. All of them were divided into four large groups and the influence of each of these groups on the human body was revealed:

medicine has an impact on 10%;

genetic factors (heredity) - 15%;

environmental factors (environment) - 25%;

Human lifestyle - 50%.

3. Health groups.

“Methodological recommendations for a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children and adolescents during mass medical examinations”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health (1982, 1991), are divided into 5 groups depending on the totality of health indicators.

Group 1 - persons with no chronic diseases, who did not get sick or rarely got sick during the observation period and have physical and neuropsychic development appropriate for their age (healthy, without deviations).

Group 2 - people who do not suffer from chronic diseases, but have some functional and morphological abnormalities, as well as 4 or more times a year or for a long time (more than 25 days for one disease) sick (healthy, with morphological and functional abnormalities and reduced resistance).

Group 3 - persons with chronic diseases or congenital pathology in a state of compensation, with rare and mild exacerbations of a chronic disease, without a pronounced violation of the general condition and well-being (patients in a state of compensation).

Group 4 - persons with chronic diseases, with congenital malformations in a state of subcompensation, with impaired general condition and well-being after an exacerbation, with a prolonged period of convalescence after acute intercurrent diseases (patients in a state of subcompensation).

Group 5 - persons with severe chronic diseases in a state of decompensation and with significantly reduced functionality (patients in a state of decompensation). As a rule, patients of the 5th group do not attend general educational institutions and are not covered by mass examinations.

4. The concept of health.

According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO), health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. At the same time, under physical health refers to the current state of the functional capabilities of the organs and systems of the body. mental health is considered as a state of the human mental sphere, characterized by general mental comfort, providing adequate regulation of behavior and conditioned by the needs of a biological and social nature. social health is understood as a system of values, attitudes and motives of behavior in the social environment. However, the definition of health given by WHO experts does not reveal the purpose of its preservation and its importance for a person. From the point of view of the target function of health, V.P. Kaznacheev (1975) gives the following definition of this concept: “Health is the process of maintaining and developing biological, mental, physiological functions, optimal working capacity and social activity of a person with a maximum duration of his active life.”

5. Monitoring the health of children.

Medical control over the physical education of children in preschool institutions includes:

1. Dynamic monitoring of the state of health and physical development of children, which is carried out during in-depth examinations by doctors of preschool institutions or clinics.

2. Medical and pedagogical observations of the organization of the motor regime, the methodology for conducting and organizing physical exercises and their impact on the child's body; control over the implementation of the hardening system.

3. Control over the sanitary and hygienic condition of the places where classes are held (premises, site), sports equipment, sportswear and footwear.

4. Sanitary and educational work on the issues of physical education of preschoolers among the staff of the preschool institution and parents.

The doctor's duties include a comprehensive assessment of the health status of children, systematic monitoring of the organization of all sections of physical education and hardening in kindergarten, and conducting medical and pedagogical observations at physical education classes at least 2 times in each age group during the year.

The nurse, taking the most direct part in this work, also exercises control during morning exercises, outdoor games and hardening activities.

The annual work plan of a preschool institution provides for days of joint visits by a doctor, head, teacher, nurse in order to monitor the general motor regime and organize various forms of physical education.

6. Main indicators of children's health.

1. The level of physical development: weight, height, circumference of the chest and head, condition of the skin and mucous membranes.

2. The level of neuropsychic development: speech, vision, hearing, smell, touch, movement.

3. The level of resistance to diseases (during the year, the norm is up to 4 times).

4. The state of body functions.

7. Adaptive capabilities of children as an indicator of the level of health.

Adaptation - the process of adapting the body to changing environmental conditions - general natural and industrial, social.

Adaptation includes all types of innate and acquired adaptive activities of organisms with processes at the cellular, organ, systemic and organismal levels that maintain the constancy of homeostasis.

The adaptive capabilities of an organism (the ability to balance with the environment) are one of the fundamental properties of a living system. Health as a certain level of the organism's adaptive capabilities (adaptability, or adaptive potential) also includes the concept of homeostasis, which should be considered as the final result of the activity of numerous functional systems, as a target function of multilevel hierarchical control in the body.

On the basis of ideas about adaptation and homeostasis, a classification of health levels was proposed, which includes 10 gradations [Baevsky R. M., 1983].

For the practice of mass preventive examinations of the population, a simplified version of this classification is proposed, consisting of only 4 gradations:

    satisfactory adaptation of the organism to environmental conditions. Sufficient functionality of the body;

    tension state of adaptive mechanisms;

    unsatisfactory adaptation of the body to environmental conditions. Decreased functionality of the body;

    disruption of adaptation (by the floor of the adaptation mechanism).

8. Adaptive mechanisms of children.

One of the mechanisms of adaptation of the body to the environment is self-regulation - the basis of the body's resistance (stability) to influencing factors.

The immune system plays an important role in the adaptation of the body. Immunity (lat. immunitas - release, getting rid of something) - the body's immunity to infectious and non-infectious agents and substances that have alien antigenic properties.

Adaptation of the organism to environmental changes is carried out due to another very important factor - a large "margin of safety" of the organism.

An important role in the mechanisms of adaptation is also played by the general adaptation syndrome, the so-called stress response and biological rhythms.

9. Types of adaptation.

    Biological adaptation of man. This is an adaptation of a person to the conditions of his environment, which arose in an evolutionary way. The peculiarities of this type of adaptation is the modification of the internal organs or the whole organism to the conditions of the environment in which it finds itself. This concept formed the basis for the development of criteria for health and disease - in this regard, health is a state in which the body is maximally adapted to the environment. If the ability to adapt is reduced, and the period of adaptation is delayed, we are talking about a disease. If the body is unable to adapt, we are talking about maladaptation.

    Social adaptation. Social psychological adaptation involves the adaptation of one or more people to the social environment, which represents certain conditions that contribute to the realization of life goals. This includes adaptation to study and work, to various relationships with other people, to the cultural environment, to the conditions of entertainment and recreation. A person can adapt passively, without changing anything in his life, or actively, by changing the conditions of life (it has been proven that this is a more successful way). In this regard, there can be a variety of adaptation problems, from strained relationships with the team to unwillingness to study or work in a certain environment.

    ethnic adaptation. This is a subspecies of social adaptation, which includes the adaptation of individual ethnic groups to the environment of the areas of their settlement, and we are talking about both social and weather conditions. This is perhaps the most peculiar type of adaptation that gives rise to differences in linguistic, cultural, political, economic and other spheres. Allocate employment-related adaptation, when, for example, people from Kazakhstan come to work in Russia, and linguistic and cultural adaptation, acculturation. The normal course of adaptation is often hampered by racist or Nazi views of the indigenous people and social discrimination.

    Psychological adaptation. Separately, it is worth noting psychological adaptation, which is now the most important social criterion that allows you to evaluate a person both in the field of relationships and in the field of professional viability. psychological adaptationPsychological adaptation depends on many variable factors, which include both character traits and the social environment. Psychological adaptation also includes such an important aspect as the ability to switch from one social role to another, and adequately and justifiably. Otherwise, we have to talk about maladaptation and even problems in the mental health of a person.

10. Degrees of adaptation.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicators of severity are the timing of the normalization of the emotional self-perception of the baby, his relationship to adults and peers, the objective world, the frequency and duration of acute diseases.

The period of easy adaptation lasts 1-2 weeks. The child's sleep and appetite are gradually normalized, the emotional state and interest in the world around are restored, relationships with adults and peers are being established. Relations with close people are not violated, the child is quite active, but not excited. The decrease in the body's defenses is expressed slightly, and by the end of the second or third week they are restored. There are no acute illnesses.

During adaptation of moderate severity, violations in the behavior and general condition of the child are more pronounced, getting used to the nursery lasts longer. Sleep and appetite are restored only after 30-40 days, the mood is unstable, during the month the baby's activity decreases significantly: he often cries, is inactive, does not show interest in toys, refuses to study, practically does not talk. These changes can last up to a month and a half. Clearly expressed changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system: it can be a functional violation of the stool, pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, manifestations of exudative diathesis may increase. These manifestations are especially pronounced before the onset of the disease, which usually occurs in the form of an acute respiratory infection.

Of particular concern to parents and educators is the state of severe adaptation. The child begins to get sick for a long time and seriously, one disease almost without interruption replaces another, the body's defenses are undermined and no longer fulfill their role. Another variant of the difficult course of the adaptation period is the inappropriate behavior of the child, which borders on a neurotic state. Appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat or neurotic vomiting when trying to feed the child. The child falls asleep badly, cries and cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; sleep is light and short. When awake, the child is depressed, uninterested in others, avoids other children, or behaves aggressively.

A child crying quietly and indifferently, indifferent to everything, clutching his favorite home toy to himself, not responding to the suggestions of educators and peers, or, conversely, a child violently expressing his protest against the new conditions by screaming, whims, tantrums, scattering the toys offered to him, aggressive - this can be a child in a period of severe adaptation. Improvement in his condition is very slow - within a few months. The pace of its development is slowing down in all directions.

11. Facts affecting the severity of adaptation.

During the adaptation period, the following factors must be considered:

Condition and development of the child. It is absolutely clear that a healthy, well-developed child endures all sorts of difficulties more easily, including difficulties of social adaptation. Therefore, in order to protect the child from diseases, to prevent mental stress, parents should do their best to provide the child with conditions for development and take care of his health.

Baby's age. It is more difficult for children of one and a half years to endure separation from relatives and adults and changes in living conditions. At an older age (after one and a half years), this temporary separation from the mother gradually loses its stressful influence.

Biological and social factors. Biological factors include toxicosis and diseases of the mother during pregnancy, complications during childbirth and diseases of the baby during the neonatal period and the first three months of life. Frequent illnesses of a child before entering a preschool institution also affect the severity of adaptation. Unfavorable social conditions are essential. They are expressed in the fact that parents do not provide the child with the correct regimen appropriate for age, a sufficient amount of daytime sleep, do not monitor the correct organization of wakefulness, etc. this leads to the fact that the child is overtired.

The level of training of adaptive capabilities. Socially, this opportunity does not train on its own. The formation of this important quality should go in parallel with the general socialization of the child, with the development of his psyche. Even if a child does not enter a preschool institution, he should still be placed in such conditions when he will need to change his form of behavior.

12. Organization of the life of children in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. Persons responsible for its success.

When entering kindergarten, all children experience adaptive stress, so it is very important to help the child overcome emotional stress and successfully adapt to the new environment. Experts distinguish three periods of a child's getting used to kindergarten: acute, subacute, compensation period. The first two periods can be classified according to severity - mild, moderate, severe and extremely severe. The characteristics of all degrees of adaptation are described in the specialized literature, so we will focus only on the functions of a nurse during the period of adaptation. Among them: - work with medical records, if necessary, a conversation with parents to determine the child's health group, understanding the history of its development, clarification of complications and prohibitions on certain medications and products;

Together with the psychologist and the head teacher of the preschool educational institution, preparation of recommendations on the mode of adaptation of the child to the preschool educational institution based on the records in the medical record;

Preventing children with viral infections and other current diseases from entering the kindergarten, monitoring the health of children and food intake;

Together with teachers, maintaining an adaptation sheet (is carried out until the child fully adapts to kindergarten).

Often the reason for the unbalanced behavior of children is the incorrect organization of the child's activity: when his physical activity is not satisfied, the child does not receive enough impressions, he experiences a deficit in communication with adults.

Disruptions in the behavior of children can also occur as a result of the fact that his organic needs are not satisfied in a timely manner - inconvenience in clothing, the child is not fed in time, has not slept.

Therefore, the regime of the day, careful hygienic care, methodically correct conduct of all routine processes - sleep, feeding, toilet, timely organization of independent activities of children, classes, implementation of the correct educational approaches to them is the key to the formation of the correct behavior of the child, creating a balanced mood in him.

13. Phases of adaptation.

In the course of a comprehensive study conducted by scientists in different countries, stages (phases) of the adaptation process were identified.

1. Acute phase - accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, more frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, regression in speech development; phase lasts an average of one month.

2. Subacute phase - characterized by adequate behavior of the child, that is, all shifts decrease and are recorded only in certain parameters, against the background of a slow pace of development, especially mental, compared with average age norms; phase lasts 3-5 months.

3. Compensation phase - characterized by an acceleration in the pace of development, and by the end of the school year, children overcome the developmental delay indicated above.

14. The main objective indicators of the end of adaptation.

Objective indicators of the end of the period of adaptation in children are:

    deep dream;

    a good appetite;

    cheerful emotional state;

    full restoration of existing habits and skills, active behavior;

    age-appropriate weight gain.

15. Main types of adaptation.

Doctors and psychologists distinguish three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe. The main indicator of severity is the timing of the normalization of the child's behavior, the frequency and duration of acute diseases, the manifestation of neurotic reactions.

Easy short-term adaptation lasts for 2-6 weeks.

Severe - long-term: about 6-9 months.

16. The concept of microbiology. Characteristics of microorganisms.

Microbiology is the science that studies the life and development of living microorganisms (microbes). Microorganisms are an independent large group of unicellular organisms related in origin to the plant and animal world.

A distinctive feature of microorganisms is the extremely small size of an individual.

Diameter b. bacteria does not exceed 0.001 mm. In microbiology, the unit of measure is micron, 1 µm = 10-3 mm). Details of the structure of microorganisms are measured in nanometers (1 nm = 10-3 µm = 10-6 mm).

Due to their small size, microorganisms easily move with air current through water. Spread quickly.

One of the most important properties of microorganisms is their ability to reproduce. The ability of m / organisms to reproduce rapidly is far superior to animals and plants. Some bacteria can divide every 8-10 min. So from one cell weighing 2.5 10-12 gr. in 2-4 days, under favorable conditions, a biomass of the order of 1010 tons could be formed.

Another distinguishing characteristic of m / organisms is the diversity of their physiological and biochemical properties.

Some m/organisms can grow in extreme conditions. A significant number of m / organisms can live at a temperature of - 1960C (liquid nitrogen temperature). Other types of m / organisms are thermophilic m / organisms, the growth of which is observed at 80 ° C and above.

Many microorganisms are resistant to high hydrostatic pressure (in the depths of the seas and oceans; oil fields). Also, many m / organisms retain their vital activity in a deep vacuum. Some m / organisms withstand high doses of ultraviolet or ionizing radiation.

17. Spread of germs.

The soil - is the main habitat of many microorganisms. The content of microorganisms in the soil is millions and billions in 1 gram. The composition and number of microorganisms depend on humidity, temperature, nutrient content, soil acidity.

Fertile soils contain more microorganisms than clay and desert soils. The top layer of soil (1-2 mm) contains fewer microorganisms, because the sun's rays and drying cause their death, and at a depth of 10-20 cm - microorganisms are the most. The deeper, the lower the number of microorganisms in the soil. The 15 cm of the topsoil are richest in microbes.

The species composition of soil microflora primarily depends on the type of soil. Aerobic microorganisms predominate in sandy soils, while anaerobic microorganisms predominate in clay soils. In their composition, as a rule, saprophytic species of spore-forming bacilli and clostridia, actinomycetes, fungi, mycoplasmas, blue-green algae, and protozoa are found.

Soil microorganisms decompose human corpses, animal and plant residues, self-purify the soil from sewage and waste, the biological cycle of substances, change the structure and chemical composition of the soil. Pathogenic microorganisms enter the soil with excretions of humans and animals.

Air. The number of permanently located microorganisms in the atmospheric air is relatively small. Most of them are found in the near-Earth layers of the atmosphere. As you move away from the earth's surface in ecologically favorable regions, the air becomes cleaner.

The number of microorganisms depends on the height and distance from settlements. Here they only remain for some time, and then they die due to solar radiation, temperature effects, and lack of nutrients.

In winter, the number of microorganisms in the air of open spaces is less than in summer. In indoor air, the number of microorganisms in winter is greater than in summer. Microorganisms enter the air from patients through the respiratory tract, with dust, from contaminated objects, soil.

In the atmospheric air, the species composition of microflora is constantly changing. In the air there can be: staphylococci, streptococci, pathogens of diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, influenza viruses. Therefore, airborne and airborne dust transmission routes of the infectious principle are possible. And to prevent them, masks, airing, wet cleaning are used.

Water. Water is the natural habitat for many microorganisms. Quantitative ratios of aquatic microorganisms in open water bodies vary widely, depending on the type of water body, season, and degree of pollution. There are especially many microorganisms near settlements, where water is polluted by household sewage. Clean water - artesian wells and springs. Water is characterized by its self-purification: death under the influence of sunlight, dilution with clean water, due to the antagonism of microorganisms and other factors.

The species composition of the water microflora is not much different from the soil. Water epidemics are known: with cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery, tularemia, leptospirosis.

Normal microflora of the human body. The microflora isolated from a healthy person differs in species diversity. At the same time, some types of microorganisms live in the human body permanently and constitute a normal group of microflora, while others are found periodically, entering the human body from case to case.

Respiratory tract: permanent microflora is contained only in the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and pharynx. It contains gram-negative catarrhal micrococci and pharyngeal diplococci, diphtheroids, capsular gram-negative rods, actinomycetes, staphylococci, peptococci, proteus, adenoviruses. The terminal branches of the bronchi and pulmonary alveoli are sterile.

Mouth: specific types of microorganisms in the oral cavity of the child appear after 207 days. Among them, 30-60% are streptococci. The oral cavity is also populated with mycoplasmas, yeast-like fungi, saprophytic species of treponema, borrelias and leptospira, entameb, trichomonads.

Gastrointestinal: The small intestine does not contain specific types of microbes, and occasional ones are rare and few. The large intestine is colonized by transient microorganisms from the first day of life. Obligate anaerobes prevail in it, in particular - bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, bacteroids and eubacteria - 90-95%. 5-10% - facultative anaerobic bacteria: Escherichia coli and lactic streptococci. Tenths to hundredths of a percent of the intestinal biocenosis fall on the residual microflora: clostridia, enterococci, proteus, candida, etc.

Microflora of the skin and conjunctiva of the eye: micro- and macrococci, coryneforms, mold yeasts and yeast-like organisms, mycoplasmas, opportunistic staphylococci live on the skin and conjunctiva of the eye. Other types of microbes, actinomycetes, fungi, clostridia, Escherichia, Staphylococcus aureus, seed the skin and conjunctiva in conditions of severe indoor air dustiness, contamination of household items, direct contact with the soil. At the same time, the number of microorganisms on the skin is many times greater than on the area of ​​the eye, which is explained by the high content of microbicidal substances in the secretion of the conjunctiva.

The microflora of the urogenital tract: the urinary tract of healthy people is sterile, and only in the anterior part of the urethra are gram-negative non-pathogenic bacteria, coryneforms, micrococci, staphylococci and others. Mycobacteria smegma and mycoplasma live on the external genitalia. From the 2-5th day of a newborn's life, the vagina is populated for many years by non-pathogenic coccal microflora, which is replaced by lactic acid bacteria during puberty.

18. Variability of microbes. Application of these properties in medicine.

Microbes are highly variable. For example, under the influence of certain influences, a bacterium that has the shape of a long stick can turn into a ball. But it is important for us that a change in the appearance, shape of the smallest creatures is sometimes accompanied by hereditary changes in their properties under the influence of irradiation.

In the laboratory, it is possible to "tame" useful microbes that produce, for example, antibiotics, or even change their properties so that they will produce useful products in even greater quantities. So, it was possible to develop a culture of a mold fungus that gives penicillin, the productivity of which is 200 times higher than usual. Under natural conditions, a microbe was discovered that is capable of synthesizing a valuable amino acid, lysine, in noticeable quantities. As a result of the impact applied, an altered form of this microorganism was obtained, which synthesizes lysine 400 times more intensively than the "savage". The addition of cheap lysine to bird and animal feed dramatically increases its nutritional value.

It is possible to deprive pathogenic microbes of harmful properties by acting on them, for example, with x-rays or radium. Such neutralized microbes turn from enemies into our friends. With great success they are used to obtain therapeutic vaccines. To successfully combat harmful microbes, their characteristics must be taken into account. Knowing the properties of microbes, it is possible to create conditions that will be favorable for the development of beneficial species and hinder the development of harmful ones.

Adaptation of a young child to the conditions of a preschool educational institution

Kindergarten is a new period in a child's life. For him, this is, first of all, the first experience of collective communication. Not all children accept a new environment, strangers immediately and without problems. Most of them react to kindergarten by crying. Some easily enter the group, but cry in the evening at home, others agree to go to kindergarten in the morning, and before entering the group they begin to act up and cry.

From the moment a child enters kindergarten, he begins the process of adaptation to new conditions. What is adaptation? Adaptation is the process of a child entering a new environment for him and adapting to the conditions of this environment (social environment, daily routine, norms and rules of behavior, etc.)

Adaptation is a rather difficult period, both for the child and for his parents.In children during this period, appetite, sleep, and emotional state may be disturbed. Some children experience a loss of already established positive habits and skills. For example, at home he asked for a potty - he does not do this in kindergarten, he ate at home on his own, but refuses in kindergarten. Decrease in appetite, sleep, emotional state leads to a decrease in immunity, to a deterioration in physical development, weight loss, and sometimes to a disease.

There are 3 stages of the adaptation process:

    Acute phase - accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status (weight loss, illness, loss of appetite, poor sleep, regression in speech development, resentment towards parents ...) - 1 month

    The subacute phase is characterized by adequate behavior of the child, all shifts decrease, all mental and physical processes return to normal - 2-3 months.

    The compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration in the rate of development.

The adaptation period to new conditions for each child proceeds differently. On average, this period takes from 2 to 5 weeks. There are three degrees of adaptation: mild, moderate and severe.

With easy adaptation The child's behavior returns to normal within two weeks. Appetite is restored by the end of the first week, after 1-2 weeks sleep improves. The mood is cheerful, interested, combined with morning crying. Relations with close adults are not violated, the child succumbs to farewell rituals, is quickly distracted, he is interested in other adults. Attitude towards children can be both indifferent and interested. Interest in the environment is restored within two weeks with the participation of an adult. Speech is inhibited, but the child can respond and follow the instructions of an adult. By the end of the first month, active speech is restored. The incidence is not more than once, for a period of not more than ten days, without complications. Weight unchanged. There are no signs of neurotic reactions and changes in the activity of the autonomic nervous system.

Average degree of adaptation. Violations in the general condition are more pronounced and longer. Sleep is restored only after 20 - 40 days, the quality of sleep also suffers. Appetite is restored in 20 - 40 days. Mood unstable during the month, tearfulness throughout the day. Behavioral reactions are restored by the 30th day of stay in the preschool educational institution. His attitude towards relatives is emotionally excited (crying, crying at parting and meeting). Attitude towards children, as a rule, is indifferent, but may be interested. Speech is either not used or speech activity slows down. In the game, the child does not use the acquired skills, the game is situational. Attitude towards adults is selective. Incidence up to two times, for a period of not more than ten days, without complications. Weight does not change or slightly decreases. There are signs of neurotic reactions: selectivity in relations with adults and children, communication only under certain conditions. Changes in the autonomic nervous system: pallor, sweating, shadows under the eyes, burning cheeks, peeling of the skin (diathesis) - within one and a half to two weeks.

Severe degree of adaptation. The child does not fall asleep well, sleep is short, cries out, cries in a dream, wakes up with tears; appetite decreases strongly and for a long time, there may be a persistent refusal to eat, neurotic vomiting, functional disorders of the stool, uncontrolled stool. The mood is indifferent, the child cries a lot and for a long time, behavioral reactions are normalized by the 60th day of stay in the kindergarten. Attitude to relatives - emotionally excited, devoid of practical interaction. Attitude towards children: avoids, avoids or shows aggression. Refuses to participate in activities. Speech does not use or there is a delay in speech development for 2-3 periods. The game is situational, short-term.

The duration of the adaptation period depends on the individual - typological characteristics of each baby. One is active, sociable, inquisitive. His adaptation period will pass quite easily and quickly. The other is slow, imperturbable, likes to retire with toys. Noise, loud conversations of peers annoy him. If he knows how to eat himself, dress himself, then he does it slowly, lags behind everyone. These difficulties leave their mark on relationships with others. Such a child needs more time to get used to the new environment.

Studies of teachers and doctors show that the nature of adaptation depends onthe following factors:

    child's age. It is more difficult for children under the age of 2 to adapt to new conditions. After 2 years, children can adapt to new living conditions much easier. This is explained by the fact that by this age they become more inquisitive, they understand the speech of an adult well, they have a richer experience of behavior in different conditions.

    health and developmental status of the child. A healthy, well-developed child is more likely to endure the difficulties of social adaptation.

    formation of objective activity. Such a child can be interested in a new toy, activities.

    individual features. Children of the same age behave differently in the first days of their stay in kindergarten. Some children cry, refuse to eat, sleep, they react to every suggestion of an adult with a violent protest. But a few days pass, and the child's behavior changes: appetite, sleep are restored, the child follows the game of his comrades with interest. Others, on the contrary, are outwardly calm on the first day. Without objection, they fulfill the requirements of the educator, and in the following days they part with their parents with tears, eat poorly, sleep, and do not take part in games. This behavior can continue for several weeks.

    living conditions in the family. This is the creation of a daily routine in accordance with age and individual characteristics, the formation of children's skills and abilities, as well as personal qualities (the ability to play with toys, communicate with adults and children, take care of themselves, etc.). If a child comes from a family where the conditions for his proper development were not created, then, naturally, it will be very difficult for him to get used to the conditions of a preschool institution.

    the level of fitness of adaptive mechanisms, experience of communication with peers and adults. The training of mechanisms does not happen by itself. It is necessary to create conditions that require new forms of behavior from the child. Toddlers who, before entering kindergarten, repeatedly found themselves in different conditions (visited relatives, acquaintances, went to the country, etc.), get used to a preschool institution more easily. It is important that in the family the child develops a trusting relationship with adults, the ability to positively relate to the requirements of adults.

Causes of severe adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution

Entering kindergarten, the child experiences stress. Any stress, especially prolonged, leads to a decrease in the immune reserves of the body, increases susceptibility to various diseases. It is also important that the child's body in the children's team is faced with a microflora alien to him, he has no immunity to the majority. It is with this that the increase in cases of diseases in the first year of visiting a kindergarten by a child is connected. Medicines are used to increase immunity, consult your doctor.

Also, the child needs measures to prevent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, primarily intestinal dysbacteriosis. Dysbacteriosis - qualitative and quantitative changes in the species composition of microorganisms that normally inhabit the intestines. Violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora leads not only to incomplete absorption of nutrients, but also to various violations of the normal functioning of the body. Prevention of dysbacteriosis in children should be carried out not only after acute intestinal infections, but also with drastic changes in living conditions, upon admission to kindergarten. Usually, such drugs should be given for a long time, and parents always want to give a magic pill, after which the child will never get sick. Such miracles do not happen. Every parent should remember that maintaining good health is painstaking, strenuous and necessarily regular work.

It must be remembered that food in kindergarten may differ from the preferences of the child, and he will also have to get used to this. And parents are better off before the child enters kindergarten to adjust his diet.

Tips for improving your child's health:

    compliance with a strict regime;

    healthy, balanced diet;

    stay outside for at least 2-3 hours daily;

    playing sports in accordance with the age capabilities of the child;

    a favorable microclimate in the family is the love of both parents.

First of all, the child needs to create at home such a regime and living conditions that would be as close as possible to the regime and conditions of the kindergarten.

Approximate daily routine for children under 3 years old:

7.00 - 7.30 - wake up, morning toilet.

until 8.00 - admission of children to kindergarten.

8.00 - 9.00 - morning exercises, washing, preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

9.00 - 9.20 - games, organization of educational activities.

9.45 - 11.00 - walk.

11.00 - 11.20 - return from a walk, game.

11.20 - 12.00 - lunch.

12.00 - 15.00 - daytime sleep.

15.00 - 15.25 - gradual rise, afternoon snack.

15.25 - 15.45 - independent game activity.

15.45 - 16.00 - organization of educational activities.

16.00 - 17.00 - walk.

17:00 - 17.20 - return from a walk, game.

17.20 - 17.50 - preparation for dinner, dinner.

17.50 - 19.30 - independent activity, going home.

19.00 - 20.00 - walk after kindergarten.

20.00 - 20.30 - return from a walk, hygiene procedures, calm games.

20.30 - 7.00 - preparation for bed, night sleep

If children in the family sleep, eat, walk at different times, they hardly get used to the daily routine in kindergarten. The discrepancy between the home regimen and the regimen of a preschool institution negatively affects the child's condition, he becomes lethargic, capricious, indifferent to what is happening.

Bringing a child to kindergarten for the first time, it is not recommended to leave him immediately for the whole day. The most sparing option is if the child in the first days will be in the group for 2-3 hours, and will have lunch and sleep at home, in a familiar environment. It is better to coordinate the time with the teacher and come with the child during walking hours. Allowing you to gradually get used to it, you can leave the child for daytime sleep, taking it immediately after waking up. When you see that your appetite and sleep have returned to normal, you can leave it for the whole day. But do not force things, you need to go to work faster, you want the child to start going to kindergarten all day long, you insist, but the child has not yet adapted, and psychosomatic illnesses begin. All children are individual and get used to kindergarten in different ways.

On the first day of visiting the kindergarten, do not leave the child alone right away, it is best to come for a walk and spend it together, you will have the opportunity to get to know the teacher, observe the child's behavior, set the child up for a positive attitude towards the kindergarten. When you part, leaving the child in kindergarten - part with the child easily and quickly. Of course, you are worried about how your child will be in kindergarten, but long farewells with a worried expression will cause anxiety in the child, and he will not let you go for a long time.

Remember to reassure your child that you will definitely come back for him.
If a child has difficulty separating from his mother, let his father take the first few weeks to kindergarten.

Give the child his favorite toy to kindergarten, let the toy walk with him every day and get to know other children there, in the evening you can ask what happened to the toy in kindergarten. Thus, you will find out how your baby manages to get used to the kindergarten. Play with your child with homemade toys in kindergarten, where one of them will be the child himself. Watch what this toy does, what it says, help your child find friends for it and solve your child's problems through it, orienting the game towards a positive result.

Many children in the early days are very tired in kindergarten from new experiences, new friends, new activities, a large number of people. If a child comes home tired and nervous, this does not mean that he is not able to get used to kindergarten. It is necessary to take such a child home earlier. During the adjustment period, exclude unnecessary irritants - TV, loud music (in extreme cases, do not turn them on very loudly), loud conversations, large crowds of people.

It is now important for a child to be with you as much as possible, to be sure that you love him. Engage in calm games at home, reading, looking at pictures, drawing, modeling, walking before going to bed. Do not go with him to visit, on holidays, as this creates an additional burden on the nervous system. Do not accept guests for now, you will make up for everything later, when the child gets used to it. Be sure to tell the child that you love him, that you will certainly come for him. When you take your child home, talk to the teacher and find out how the child ate and slept. If necessary, compensate for malnutrition or lack of sleep at home.

Equally important in the period of a child getting used to the conditions of a preschool educational institution is the presence of the necessary cultural and hygienic skills, self-service skills. Quite often, children, coming to kindergarten, do not know how to eat on their own, do not ask for a potty, do not know how to dress and undress, use a handkerchief. The child must be taught to: wash hands, use a spoon, eat on their own, eat soup with bread, chew food well, keep the table clean while eating, use a napkin, participate in undressing, take off clothes and shoes unbuttoned and untied by adults, take off tights, know their clothes, be able to ask an adult for help.

For the formation of these skills, appropriate conditions are necessary: ​​uniform, deliberate requirements for children from all adults in the family, constancy of requirements, specificity of rules and a gradual increase in their volume. In the formation of skills, exercises in action, encouragement for the performed action in the form of praise, approval are of great importance.

Sometimes, upon admission to kindergarten, there is a temporary loss of already acquired skills and habits. To prevent this from happening, it is important not only to train children in the application of the acquired skills, but also to control their implementation in different situations, to explain their meaning. Children who have formed the necessary skills related to eating, washing, dressing, undressing, laying down, feel calmer and more confident in a group.

So, the admission of a child to kindergarten can be painless for him, if you prepare the baby for this in advance. For this you need:

    timely expand the circle of his communication with adults and peers and thereby contribute to the formation of the need for communication and development;

    it is correct to build the entire system of family education so that the child has a positive experience of communication, the skills and abilities necessary for this age are developed;

    the child must be sure that he is loved by his parents, that he is not sent to kindergarten as a punishment, but because he has grown up and his parents are proud that their child has become big, he can do a lot on his own and can go to kindergarten.

And no matter how good the kindergarten is, do not make an irreparable mistake - do not consider that it replaces the family!

Games during the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten

To reduce stress, it is necessary to switch the child's attention to activities that bring him pleasure. It is, first of all, a game.

The game "Pour, pour, compare"

Toys, foam rubber sponges, tubes, bottles with holes are lowered into the basin with water. You can fill a bowl of water with buttons, small cubes, etc. and play with them:

take as many items as possible in one hand and pour them into the other;

collect with one hand, for example, beads, and with the other - pebbles;

Raise as many objects as possible on the palms.

After completing each task, the child relaxes the hands, holding them in the water. The duration of the exercise is about five minutes, until the water cools down. At the end of the game, the child's hands should be rubbed with a towel for one minute.

The game "Drawings in the sand"

Scatter the semolina on a tray. You can pour it in a slide or smooth it out. Bunnies will jump on the tray, elephants will stomp, it will rain. The sun's rays will warm it, and a pattern will appear on it. And what kind of drawing, a child will tell you, who will be happy to join this game. It is useful to perform movements with two hands.

The game "Talk to the toy"

Put on a glove toy. There is also a glove toy on the child's hand. You touch her, you can stroke and tickle her, while asking: “Why is my ... sad, his eyes are wet; who he made friends with in kindergarten, what are the names of his friends, what games did they play”, etc. Talk to each other, say hello with your fingers. Using the image of a toy, transferring his feelings and moods to it, the child will tell you what worries him, share what is difficult to express.


The main criteria for adapting a child to kindergarten conditions

The main adaptation criteria are:

Behavioral reactions;

The level of neuropsychic development;

Morbidity and course of the disease;

The main anthropometric indicators of physical development.

There are four degrees of severity of adaptation to kindergarten:

1) easy adaptation: the child is active, there are no external changes, shifts in behavior are normalized within 1-2 weeks;

2) medium adaptation: during the entire period, the mood may be unstable, there may be a lack of appetite, short duration, restlessness of sleep. This period lasts 20-40 days;

3) heavy adaptation: the child gets sick, loses weight, pathological habits appear. Lasts two to six months;

4) very difficult adaptation: about six months or more. The question arises - is it worth the child to stay in kindergarten, perhaps he is a “non-sad” child.

No matter how we prepare the child for the nursery, he is still in a state of stress, especially in the early days. This is manifested in the refusal of food, a negative emotional state, a deterioration in well-being. The baby sleeps restlessly or does not sleep at all, clings to adults or, conversely, refuses to contact with them.

Affects the adaptation of the type of temperament of the child. It is noticed that sanguine and choleric people quickly and easily get used to new conditions. But phlegmatic and melancholic people have a hard time. They are slow and therefore do not keep up with the pace of kindergarten life: they cannot get dressed, eat, or complete the task faster. They are often driven, spurred on, not giving them the opportunity to be themselves.

The issue of organizing the adaptation period is also important. Thus, the admission of children to a preschool educational institution in advance - in the spring - makes it possible to realize the appointment that the parents received from the teacher - psychologist and thus bring home conditions closer to those of a kindergarten.

Properly structured work with parents, which will be discussed in the next chapter, also plays an important role.

In a children's institution, the teacher monitors each child, recording the results in the adaptation sheets. In the period of adaptation, complex health-improving and educational activities are also very important. The adaptation process is manageable, and gives its positive results.

Levels and criteria for adaptation

Traditionally, adaptation is understood as the process of a person entering a new environment for him and adapting to its conditions. Adaptation is an active process that leads either to positive (adaptation, that is, the totality of all beneficial changes in the body and psyche) results, or negative. At the same time, two main criteria for successful adaptation are distinguished: internal comfort and external adequacy of behavior.

In the course of a comprehensive study conducted by scientists in different countries, three phases of the adaptation process were identified:

1) the acute phase, which is accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, regression in speech development;

2) the subacute phase is characterized by an adequate behavior of the child, that is, all shifts decrease and are recorded only in certain parameters against the background of a slow pace of development, especially mental, compared with average age norms;

3) the compensation phase is characterized by an acceleration in the rate of development; as a result, by the end of the school year, children overcome the above delay in the rate of development.

There are also a number of criteria by which one can judge how a child adapts to life in an organized children's team.

The most important component of adaptation is the coordination of the child's self-assessments and claims with his capabilities and with the reality of the social environment.

Working with parents.

A necessary condition for successful adaptation is the coordination of the actions of parents and educators, the convergence of approaches to the individual characteristics of the child in the family and kindergarten.

Even before the baby enters the group, caregivers should establish contact with the family. It is difficult to immediately find out all the habits and characteristics of a child, but in an introductory conversation with parents, you can find out what are the characteristic features of his behavior, interests and inclinations.

It is advisable to recommend that parents in the early days bring the child only for a walk, so it is easier for him to get to know the caregivers and other children. Moreover, it is advisable to bring the baby not only for a morning walk, but also for an evening walk, when you can draw his attention to how moms and dads come for children, how they happily meet. In the early days, it is worth bringing the child to the group later than eight o'clock so that he does not witness the tears and negative emotions of other children when parting with his mother.

Parents, giving their child to kindergarten, are worried about his fate. Sensitively capturing the state and mood of his loved ones, especially his mother, the child is also worried.

Therefore, the task of the educator is to calm adults first of all: invite them to inspect the group rooms, show the locker, bed, toys, tell what the child will do, what to play, introduce them to the daily routine, and discuss together how to facilitate the adaptation period.

Also, parents must be sure that the educator will fulfill their requests regarding food, sleep and clothing for the child, that all medical and hardening procedures will be carried out only with their consent.

In turn, parents should carefully listen to the advice of the teacher, take into account his advice, observations and wishes. If a child sees good, friendly relations between his parents and caregivers, he will adapt much faster to a new environment. It is also very important for the child how he feels in the group, whether he likes it there. To do this, the teacher needs to create comfortable conditions for the child to stay in kindergarten, which will be discussed in the following chapters.

Creating an emotionally favorable atmosphere in the group

It is necessary to form a positive attitude in the child, a desire to go to kindergarten. It depends, first of all, on the ability and efforts of educators to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort and benevolence in the group. If a child feels this warmth from the first days, his worries and fears will disappear, adaptation will be much easier.

Almost any baby at first experiences discomfort from the size of the group room and bedroom - they are too big, not like at home. To make it pleasant for the child to come to kindergarten, you need to “domesticate” the group. Visually reduce the room, make it more comfortable beautiful curtains on the windows, a border along the upper edge of the wall.

Furniture is best placed in such a way that it forms small "rooms" in which children feel comfortable. It is good if the group has a small "house" where the child can be alone, play or relax. You can make such a “house”, for example, from a crib, covered with a beautiful fabric and removing the bottom board from it.

It is advisable to place a living corner next to the "house". Plants and green color in general have a positive effect on the emotional state of a person.

A sports corner is also needed in the group, which would satisfy the need of two-three-year-old children to move. The corner should be designed so that the child has a desire to study in it.

Babies are not yet fluent enough to express their feelings and emotions clearly. And some, especially at first, are simply afraid or embarrassed to do it. Unexpressed emotions (especially negative ones) accumulate and, in the end, burst into tears, which look incomprehensible from the outside - there are no external reasons for this.

Psychologists and physiologists have established that for a child, making art is not only and not so much an artistic and aesthetic act, but an opportunity to throw out one's feelings on paper. An art corner with free access for children to pencils and paper will help to solve this problem at any time, as soon as the baby has a need to express himself. Children especially enjoy drawing with felt-tip pens - markers that leave thick lines on a sheet of paper attached to the wall. For an attentive educator, the color that is chosen for the picture will help to understand how the child’s soul is at the moment - sad and anxious, or, conversely, light and joyful.

Playing with sand and water has a calming effect on children. Such games have great developmental opportunities, but during the adaptation period, their calming and relaxing effect is the main thing.

In summer, such games are easy to organize on the street. In autumn - winter, it is desirable to have a corner of sand and water in the room. For diverse and exciting games, unbreakable vessels of various configurations and volumes, spoons, sieves, and so on are used.

As observations show, as children get used to new conditions, their appetite is first restored, and sleep is more difficult to normalize.

Sleep problems are caused not only by internal stress, but also by the environment, which is different from home. The child feels uncomfortable in a large room, the fuss of other children distracts, makes it impossible to relax and fall asleep.

Such a simple thing as a bedside curtain can solve a number of problems: create a feeling of psychological comfort, security, give the bedroom a more comfortable look, and most importantly, this curtain, which the mother sewed and hung in front of the child, becomes for him a symbol and a part of the house, like favorite toy with which he goes to bed.

During the adaptation period, it is necessary to temporarily preserve the upbringing methods familiar to the child, even if they contradict the rules established in the kindergarten. Before going to bed, the baby can be shaken, if he is used to it, give a toy, sit next to him. In no case should you force-feed or put to bed, so as not to cause and not fix for a long time a negative attitude towards the new environment.

It is necessary in every possible way to satisfy the extremely acute need of children in emotional contact with an adult during the period of adaptation.

Affectionate treatment of the child, the periodic stay of the baby in his arms gives him a sense of security, helps to adapt faster.