Developmental delay. Developmental delay: how to help a child? Why does a child lag behind in development?

Parents are sometimes discouraged when their child is diagnosed with mental development delay (MDD). Most often, this disorder can be easily corrected with the right approach from parents and teachers. But to do this, it is necessary to identify this deviation from the norm early in the child. The tests in the article will help you do this, and a unique table will help you determine the type of mental retardation in a child. This material also provides advice to parents of children with delayed psychological development.

What does the diagnosis of mental retardation mean? Who is diagnosed with delayed psychological development and when?

Mental retardation (MDD) is a violation of the normal development of the psyche, which is characterized by a lag in the development of certain mental functions (thinking, memory, attention).

The diagnosis of mental retardation is usually made in children under 8 years of age. In newborn children, mental retardation cannot be detected because it is normal. When a child grows up, parents do not always pay attention to the limitation of his mental abilities or attribute it to his young age. But some children may be diagnosed in infancy. He points to some disorders in the functioning of the brain, which in adulthood can manifest themselves in the form of mental retardation.

When attending kindergarten, it is not always possible to diagnose mental retardation in a child, since there the child is not required to engage in any intensive mental activity. But When entering school, a child with mental retardation will clearly stand out from other children because he:

  • hard to sit in class;
  • hard to obey the teacher;
  • concentrate your attention on mental activity;
  • is not easy to learn as he strives to play and have fun.

Children with mental retardation are physically healthy; the main difficulty for them is social adaptation. In children with mental retardation, delayed development of either the emotional sphere or intelligence may predominate.

  • With delayed development of the emotional sphere Children's mental abilities are relatively normal. The emotional development of such children does not correspond to their age and corresponds to the psyche of a younger child. These children can play tirelessly, they are not independent and any mental activity is very tiring for them. Thus, while attending school, it is difficult for them to concentrate on their studies, obey the teacher and obey discipline in the classroom.
  • If the child has hslow development of the intellectual sphere , then, on the contrary, he will sit calmly and patiently in class, listen to the teacher and obey his elders. Such children are very timid, shy and take any difficulties to heart. They are referred to a psychologist not because of disciplinary violations, but because of learning difficulties.

Tests to identify mental retardation - 6 ways to determine mental retardation in a child

If parents have doubts about the mental development of their child, then there are some tests that will help determine mental development disorders.

You should not interpret the results of these tests yourself, since this should only be done by a specialist.

Test No. 1 (up to 1 year)

The physical and psychological development of a child must correspond to his age. He should begin to hold his head no later than 1.5 months, roll over from back to stomach - at 3-5 months, sit and stand up - at 8-10 months. It is also worth paying attention to. A child should babble at 6-8 months and pronounce the word “mom” by 1 year.

KID-R scale for assessing child development from 2 to 16 months - and

Test No. 2 (9-12 months)

At this age, the child begins to develop simple thinking skills. For example, you can hide a toy under a box in front of a child and ask in surprise, “Where is the toy?” The child should respond by removing the box and showing with delight that he found the toy. The child must understand that a toy cannot disappear without a trace.

Test No. 3 (1-1.5 years)

At this age, the baby shows interest in the world around him. He is interested in learning something new, trying new toys by touch, and showing joy when he sees his mother. If such activity is not observed in the baby, this should raise suspicion.

RCDI-2000 scale for assessing the development of children aged 14 months to 3.5 years - download the questionnaire form in PDF format and instructions for parents on how to fill it out

Test No. 4 (2-3 years)

There is a children's game where you need to insert figures into their corresponding holes. At the age of two or three years, the baby should be able to do this without problems.

Test No. 5 (3-5 years)

At this age, a child’s horizons begin to form. He calls a spade a spade. A child can explain what a machine is or what kind of robot a doctor makes. At this age, you shouldn’t demand a lot of information from your child, but nevertheless, a narrow vocabulary and limited horizons should raise suspicions.

Test No. 6 (5-7 years old)

At this age, the baby can freely count to 10 and perform computational operations within these numbers. He can freely name the names of geometric shapes and understands where there is one object and where there are many. Also, the child must clearly know and name the primary colors. It is very important to pay attention to his creative activity: children at this age should draw, sculpt or design something.

Factors causing PVD

There may be several reasons for delayed mental development in children. Sometimes these are social factors, and in other situations the cause of mental retardation is congenital brain pathologies, which are determined using various examinations (for example,).

  • To the social factors of ZPR include inappropriate conditions for raising a child. Such children often do not have parental or maternal love and care. Their families may be antisocial, dysfunctional, or these children are raised in orphanages. This leaves a heavy mark on the child’s psyche and often affects his mental health in the future.
  • To the physiological causes of mental retardation include heredity, congenital diseases, severe pregnancy of the mother, or illnesses suffered in early childhood that affected the normal development of the brain. In this case, the child’s mental health suffers due to brain damage.

Four types of psychological development delay in children

Table 1. Types of mental retardation in children

ZPR type Causes How does it manifest?
ZPR of constitutional origin Heredity. Simultaneous immaturity of physique and psyche.
ZPR of somatogenic origin Previously suffered dangerous diseases that affect brain development. In most cases, intelligence does not suffer, but the functions of the emotional-volitional sphere lag significantly behind in development.
ZPR of psychogenic origin Inappropriate upbringing conditions (orphans, children from single-parent families, etc.). Decreased intellectual motivation, lack of independence.
Cerebral-organic origin Severe disorders of brain maturation due to pathologies of pregnancy or after suffering serious illnesses in the first year of life. The most severe form of mental retardation, there are obvious delays in the development of the emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres.

In most situations, parents perceive the diagnosis of mental retardation very painfully, often not understanding its meaning. It is important to realize that mental retardation does not mean that the child is mentally ill. ZPR means that the child is developing normally, only slightly behind his peers.

With the right approach to this diagnosis, by the age of 10, all manifestations of mental retardation can be eliminated.

  • Research this disease scientifically. Read medical articles, consult a psychiatrist or psychologist. Parents will find the articles useful: O.A. Vinogradova “Development of speech communication in preschool children with mental retardation”, N.Yu. Boryakova “Clinical and psychological-pedagogical characteristics of children with mental retardation”, D.V. Zaitsev “Development of communication skills in children with intellectual disabilities in the family.”
  • Contact the specialists. Children with mental retardation need consultation with a neurologist, psychoneurologist, as well as the help of a speech pathologist, educational psychologist, and speech therapist.
  • It will be useful to use didactic games in teaching. Such games should be selected based on the child’s age and mental abilities; they should not be difficult or incomprehensible to the child.
  • Children of senior preschool or primary school age must attend FEMP classes(formation of elementary mathematical concepts). This will help them prepare for mastering mathematics and the exact sciences, improve logical thinking and memory.
  • Highlight a specific time (20-30 min) to complete lessons and sit down with your child for homework every day at this time. Initially, help him, and then gradually teach him to be independent.
  • Find like-minded people. For example, on thematic forums you can find parents with the same problem and maintain communication with them, exchanging your experiences and advice.

It is important for parents to understand that a child with mental retardation is not considered mentally retarded, since he perfectly understands the essence of the events taking place and consciously performs assigned tasks. With the right approach, in most cases, the child’s intellectual and social functions return to normal over time.

Each child is individual. Accordingly, everyone has their own speed of development. Some people are already walking independently at 9 months, while others are only a year old. There are no templates by which to judge a child's development. But what to do if the child is developmentally delayed. Why does this happen and what are the signs?

What to do if a child is developmentally delayed

The child is developmentally delayed

Before you start panicking and running to doctors, find out what caused the child’s developmental delay.

A child’s developmental delay occurs for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect approach to education. In this case we are talking about unlearned material. Or with a lack of information, with a lack of encouragement to replenish it from adults. The child stops developing mentally, and the brain’s ability to remember and assimilate material decreases.
  • Delayed mental development of a child is manifested in the presence of certain behavior in children - it becomes more childish, performance is reduced, and fatigue is increased. Such children usually do not complete the tasks they start.

The cause of mental retardation in a baby may be pathological childbirth. Presence in a pregnant woman:

  • disorders during pregnancy;
  • frequent illnesses;
  • pathological childbirth;
  • excessive drinking, smoking, drug abuse.

The causes of developmental delay can also be social. These include:

  • too much control from parents;
  • the family treats the baby aggressively;
  • the presence of mental trauma received in early childhood.

To make a diagnosis, it is not enough to know why the child is developmentally delayed. It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by a pediatrician, neurologist, and child psychologist.

Signs of a child's developmental delay

It is possible to identify certain deviations from the norm in the development of a child from birth. And as soon as the baby turns 3-4 years old, the diagnosis is made accurately on the basis of clinical signs, medical history, and examination. Most often, such children have poorly developed or absent unconditioned reflexes.

The following signs of a child’s developmental delay are identified:

  • an infant cannot concentrate on an object;
  • the presence of an acute reaction or its absence to sharp sounds;
  • the newborn does not focus his gaze and does not follow the object;
  • by 3 months the baby does not know how to smile;
  • slurred speech (like “porridge in the mouth”);
  • the child does not remember letters, the reading process is difficult.

This is just a small list of signs why a child is developmentally delayed. Once such a diagnosis is made, treatment begins immediately.

What to do if a child is developmentally delayed

It is difficult to give an exact answer to the question of what to do if a child is developmentally delayed. This is due to the individual characteristics of the child, the stage of delay and the treatment chosen by doctors. Most often this is:

  • Classes with teachers, speech therapists, doctors (neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist).
  • Maintaining a daily routine
Since a baby with developmental delay gets tired easily, it is worth including long sleep in his daily routine.
  • Conducting and attending correctional classes.

If parents notice the problem in time and make every effort to eliminate it, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

Before doing anything, you need to find the cause of the developmental delay. Parents should not try to solve problems on their own; they should turn to specialists. A severe lag may be associated with improper upbringing (parents pay little attention to the child or, on the contrary, overprotect him), special development of the psyche (occurs if there were complications during pregnancy and childbirth), biological reasons (previous infections, hereditary diseases).

For a child to catch up with his peers in development, finding out the reason is not enough. Specialists (psychiatrist and neurologist) must order an examination and make a diagnosis. Only after this can complex treatment begin.

What specialists should I contact if my child is developmentally delayed?

Psychologists distinguish several types of mental retardation: psychological infantilism, delay of somatic origin, neurogenic problems that affect development, causes of somatic origin and organic deviations.

Psychological infantilism can only be determined by a child psychologist or psychiatrist, but even experienced specialists often confuse it with improper upbringing and pampering. Treatment is prescribed by a psychologist; as a rule, the child’s behavior is corrected through regular sessions with a psychiatrist and speech pathologist.

Children with developmental delays of somatic origin are under the overprotection of their parents. The child is not independent, he does not know how to react to the environment, he is afraid of a new environment, and cannot make decisions. To compensate for developmental delays, the family needs to contact a psychologist and teacher, and the former should also work with the parents.

Organic disorders are pathologies in the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It is difficult to compensate for them; complex treatment is required.

Neurogenic causes of severe developmental delay arise due to an unfavorable climate in the family or psychological trauma suffered by the child. There are no problems with brain function, but behavioral reactions are impaired. In this case, the help of a psychologist, teacher and defectologist is needed.

At the first signs of developmental delay in a child, parents should immediately seek help from specialists. The longer you postpone a visit to a neurologist or psychologist, the more difficult the treatment will be.

In this article:

Sometimes the diagnosis of “developmental delay” appears quite suddenly during a routine medical examination of the baby. It can be diagnosed for various reasons even before the age of 1 year. The doctor pays attention to the presence or absence of unconditioned reflexes in the baby.

All developmental delay problems can be divided into physical and mental. If there is a physical delay, then intelligence is often preserved. Organic ones are considered the heaviest. brain and central nervous system damage which lead to a decrease in intelligence. If it is known that the child is developmentally delayed, then a visit to a specialist should not be postponed. Neurologists, psychologists, speech pathologists and psychiatrists work with various problems. They will help create a plan for your baby's development and learning. Then everything depends on the parents and their help.

Developmental delay

Parents must remember that a diagnosis of developmental delay does not mean that the child will never be able to do anything. Some types of retardation are mild, and the child will be able to attend kindergarten, school, and continue his education. He just needs more time and attention. Special programs have been developed for such children; there are kindergartens and correctional schools. The baby can be fully developed and socialized. Being behind does not mean at all that he will not be able to live the normal life of a child.

For heavy
Forms of retardation of physical or mental development are much more complex. Doctors and speech pathologists should help parents decide what to do. They will recommend developmental programs and training centers. Such children should not be abandoned to their fate. They are taught simple rules of behavior and personal hygiene. Here the task of teaching is to give the child as much independence as possible.

Before 1 year of age, serious delays can be easily identified, especially in physical development. Before entering school (5-7 years), mental development disorders are detected. Parents can conduct many observations themselves. If you have any doubts about the “tell-tale signs,” consult your doctor immediately. Some forms of retardation can be corrected with an adequate pedagogical approach.

Physical retardation

We are talking about a significant lag in the main anthropometric parameters. For example, a child is born of completely normal height and weight, but over time these indicators practically do not change. The baby eats well, but there is no increase in height or weight. This situation may be due to two reasons:

The main manifestations of this problem:

  • retardation in height, weight;
  • underdevelopment of the limbs;
  • insufficient amount of muscle or fat tissue;
  • baldness.

Premature babies often suffer from these problems. Then it is believed that at 1-2 years it is still impossible to talk about the degree of danger of falling behind. Children only develop more slowly and gain weight. If after 2 years of age the problem persists, then a diagnosis of “developmental delay” is made.

There are cases
when physical and mental development are delayed at the same time. This is a very serious situation. More often it happens that the child maintains a normal intellectual level. He develops in the same way as his peers, he can attend kindergarten, school, and communicate normally. The degree of physical retardation plays a decisive role here.

Such children cannot be left without attention and education. The brain works normally, which means the child has a cognitive interest. He needs to learn, otherwise personal changes will occur. The baby has potential, which means something needs to be done for his proper mental and emotional development.

Mental retardation

There are many options for how a baby’s mental development delay will manifest itself. Three main directions:

The behavior of such children is immature, very “childish”: for example, a child is 10-12 years old, but he still does not show enough independence or interest. The development of children with mental retardation corresponds to the age of 1-1.5 years, as if it stopped there. They suffer from severe brain dysfunction. There can be many reasons - from abnormal intrauterine development to infections experienced in early childhood.

Main reasons

Let us take a closer look at the main causes of mental retardation in children. Most of them affect the functioning of the nervous system. Typically, disorders are detected before the child reaches 1 year of age. Others will be more noticeable after 3-4 years.

Wrong approach to learning

Unfortunately, the wrong pedagogical approach is quite common. This applies not only to educators and teachers, but also to the child’s parents. No one trained him or used developmental techniques. It happens that a child doesn’t even know how to play, because no one taught him how to do it.

The child stays without the attention of adults, they don’t walk with him much, or he generally stays in the apartment all the time. Then there is no incentive for the emergence of cognitive interest. The psyche began normal development, but during an important period of time (up to 1 year) it fell into stagnation. The development of the psyche and intellect can no longer follow the right path.

If you start working with your baby in time, the psyche will again enter the active phase. Of course, if there are no other prerequisites for mental retardation. A psychologist identifies such problems by analyzing the baby’s behavioral reactions, his history and living environment.

Social environment

Here, the reasons for the lag are factors that are traumatic for the psyche. So, parents can be too strong take care of the child, not allowing him to express his personality, limiting his independence. Infantilism sets in. At 5-6 years old, the baby still cannot eat on his own or do personal hygiene.

Mental reactions to aggressive behavior are possible. The child is intimidated, withdraws, and stops communicating with the outside world. This can happen from year to year - the child needs the help of a specialist to solve the problem.

Biological factors

Many children with psychological retardation were already born with defects in brain development. They greatly influenced the baby’s intelligence and reactions. The reasons may vary.

  • Neurocerebral nature (improper formation of organs during embryo formation)

These are strong deviations functioning of the nervous system, improper development of the brain. This type is the most difficult for further work. All mental and behavioral processes take a different path.

  • Pathologies during pregnancy

Here the reasons are both dependent on the mother and independent. For example, hereditary pathologies. A woman may not know that she is a carrier of a pathological gene. Or he knows, but deliberately takes risks.

Other causes of pathological fetal development during pregnancy:

  • maternal use of alcohol and drugs;
  • past infections;
  • taking medications, antibiotics, strong sedatives (there is a huge list of medications that should not be taken during pregnancy);
  • pregnant woman's injuries, falls;
  • severe toxicosis.

Organ laying in this case it goes wrong. The brain and nervous system are most affected by chemicals (drugs, alcohol, medications).

These include:

  • difficult childbirth;
  • head injuries;
  • hypoxia.

Sometimes an initially healthy child can suffer serious damage (both mental and physical) during childbirth. It will cause developmental delays.

How to identify developmental delays

There are many indicators of delay that parents themselves can notice. Or maybe
Maybe the kindergarten teacher will identify the problem. Usually the most striking manifestations begin after 2 years. The pediatrician will tell parents what to do in such a situation.

Some manifestations will be noticeable even at the age of several months. will point them out to you pediatrician or nurse which will test the child's reflexes.

The presence of several (3 or more signs) at once indicates a serious disturbance of mental activity and a lag in intellectual development.

How to help your child

Parents should definitely contact a specialist. Only he will be able to draw up an individual treatment plan for the child. Sometimes developmental delays can be “mitigated” and partially caught up with the school curriculum.

Go to a specialist

Different doctors work with developmental delays. It all depends on the type of problem, the presence of organic changes. It is very dangerous to postpone a visit to a specialist, because it is easiest to correct or treat delays at the initial stage.

  • Child psychologist

Somatic infantilism. It's developmental delay
which is not organic in nature - from the point of view of physiology, the baby is healthy. Perhaps the child was raised incorrectly and not enough attention was paid to his upbringing. This makes him dependent, he has no interest in study and life. Such diagnoses are made no earlier than 3-4 years of age.

  • Psychiatrist

Mental disorders, antisocial behavior. The baby has great difficulty socializing and cannot be in society. Such children are often aggressive and do not respond to conventional methods of education. They often require medication and therapy.

  • defectologist

Mild forms of developmental delay. For example, delay in speech development, memory, concentration. These problems can be corrected completely or partially. It also works with abnormal social-behavioral reactions in children.

  • Neurologist

This specialist deals with neurological problems. He prescribes complex treatment,
maintenance therapy
. Neurological problems are the most serious on this list. It is practically impossible to neutralize their impact. Most often, a baby with problems goes to a neurologist before the age of 1 year, a few months after birth. Such children will need special therapy, medications, physical therapy.

Correctional kindergarten

Parents often do not know what to do after receiving a diagnosis of developmental delay. Any of the specialists can advise on the further course of action. If possible, the child is offered to be taught according to a special program. If the deviation is detected early, then this is a kindergarten with a defectological or correctional bias.

Correction class
helps children catch up with the program - they are shown how to study. If there is a slight lag, then it is quite possible that after 2-4 years of correctional kindergarten the baby will be able to go to school with other children.

Here classes are held differently than in a regular garden. The groups are small and there are more teachers. So, in a regular kindergarten there is only 1 teacher and 2 nannies for 10-15 people. Here, every child needs attention. The staff is much wider: these are educators, speech pathologists, nannies and nurses.

Special schools for children with developmental problems

If serious developmental defects are identified, after kindergarten the child is sent to special educational institutions. Main areas of work with children:

  • attempts at socialization;
  • self-care training.

Many children with severe neurological and cerebral impairments will not be able to learn. They are given the basics of knowledge about the world, but greater emphasis is placed on socialization, because such children can easily play together and be in society. For kids with serious psychiatric problems this is important, otherwise they will treat people inappropriately.

The children are taught the rules of personal hygiene so that they are able to take care of themselves at least minimally. Unfortunately, they need constant attention and help from adults. A regular school cannot provide them with this opportunity.

Each child develops at its own individual speed, some already begin to walk at 8 months, and some hardly at all; some children already speak at 1.5 years, while others remain silent until they are three years old or even longer.

But, nevertheless, doctors have a number of standards, and if the child does not meet them, then a diagnosis of developmental delay may be made.

Parents of such children should understand that having a diagnosis is not a death sentence.

Delays may be mild and may not affect the child’s intelligence in any way. These children will be able to go to school and kindergarten in the same way, we just need to work with them more and help them overcome difficulties.

A child develops normally if:

  • the level of development corresponds to the level of most of his peers;
  • his behavior meets the requirements of society: the child is not antisocial, not aggressive;
  • it develops according to individual inclinations.

When talking about child development norms, you need to understand that they come in different types.

The average statistical norm is the average value obtained as a result of observation of healthy children, using the arithmetic mean.

That is, the number of children with the same indicators is divided by the total number of children examined. This norm is only a guide; a child’s achievements can vary greatly, both down and up. For example, children begin to walk at one year old.

To determine the dynamic norm of development, the same data is used, but not a specific value is obtained, but a range within which the child’s development corresponds to the norm. For example, children begin to walk between 9 and 15 months of age.

The proper norm is the ideal norm for the development of a child, taking into account his individual characteristics, heredity, average and dynamic norms. Only a doctor can calculate the proper rate, guided by comprehensive examinations.

  1. Deviations in child development Physical.
  2. This group includes children with hearing impairments, musculoskeletal disorders, and difficulties in moving and performing various actions. Mental.
  3. This group includes children with speech, mental and mental development disorders. Pedagogical.
  4. Probably the most rare group of children who, for some reason, did not receive secondary education. Social.

This group consists of children who, in the process of upbringing, did not receive the proper social function, which affects the child’s behavior in society. The complexity of such deviations lies in the fact that it is very difficult to distinguish social deviation (fears, weakness of will) from manifestations of character.

Causes of developmental delay

Delays in mental and physical development can have several causes:

  • Firstly, this is the wrong pedagogical approach. Here, deviations from the norm do not depend on the functioning of the brain and physical characteristics, but lie in the incorrect behavior of parents/teachers in this process. This problem can easily be eliminated with regular lessons with a teacher who can choose the right approach to the child. Parents are required to pay more attention to their child, motivate him to learn, praise any achievements of the child, and encourage him to engage in mental activity.
  • Secondly, biological factors can also lead to a child’s developmental delay. These include disturbances in the functioning of the body, alcohol consumption, smoking, infectious diseases of the mother during pregnancy, birth injuries, infectious diseases in infancy, heredity, problems in the endocrine system, hormonal imbalance.
  • Third, we should not forget about social factors. Total control on the part of parents, lack of attention, lack of communication, aggressive relationships and domestic violence, mental trauma suffered at an early age can lead to serious deviations in the development of the child.

Which specialists should I contact?

First of all, if you suspect a delay in the development of your child, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

There are a number of doctors you should definitely visit:

  1. A neonatologist is a doctor who monitors.
  2. A neurologist will help identify and treat pathologies of the central nervous system and check the child’s reflex characteristics.
  3. The endocrinologist will check the general condition of the child, hormonal levels and the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  4. A psychologist will correct the child’s undesirable behavior, identify its causes, and help improve the level of learning.
  5. A defectologist works with children over two years old, helping to develop attention, memory, thinking and fine motor skills.
  6. A speech therapist works with children from 4 years old. Not only does she practice difficult-to-pronounce sounds, but she also conducts speech therapy massage of the speech muscles to improve diction and teaches how to correctly compose sentences.

What to do?

In order to draw conclusions on the existing symptoms and determine the level of development of the child, psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations (PMPC) are created at all children's medical institutions, where highly specialized doctors in the field of child development work, who examine the child, explain the situation to parents and jointly draw up a correction plan .

If your child is nevertheless diagnosed with developmental delay, there is no need to despair and panic. Treatment should begin as early as possible and act comprehensively, that is, use a wide range of specialists in treatment, along with the constant work of parents.

Common treatments for developmental delay include:

  • Microcurrent reflexology– impact of minimal electrical impulses on biologically active points. These impulses restore the functioning of the central nervous system where it was disrupted. This therapy is approved for use in children from 6 months.
  • Classes with a defectologist and speech therapist. Their work is aimed at developing memory, fine motor skills, thinking, correct articulation and stimulating facial and chewing muscles of the face and neck.
  • Drug therapy. Medications for developmental delay can only be prescribed by a neuropathologist or neurologist. Using examinations (MRI, CT or EEG), he identifies pathologies in the central nervous system and selects an individual treatment plan. No self-treatment!

Additional methods for correcting developmental delays are also used:

  1. Working with a child psychologist. It is extremely necessary when the delay is associated with social factors and psychological trauma.
  2. Alternative approaches to treatment, such as hippotherapy, dolphin therapy, art therapy and music therapy, development of motor skills - large and small, various developmental exercises.
  3. Osteopathy. This is an alternative therapy method, but nevertheless shows good results. An osteopath manually influences the child’s biologically active points and regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

With timely treatment and qualified assistance, you can achieve good results and significant progress in development; the main thing is to seek help from specialists at the first manifestation of symptoms.

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