All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy. All about the thirty-first week of pregnancy Discharge at 31 weeks

Pregnancy is a magical period in a woman’s life. But at 31 weeks, reality makes itself felt: a big belly, fatigue, weight gain and hundreds of worries. But for the sake of meeting a little happiness, mothers endure even more. And now the main thing is to follow the regime, eat right and not miss visits to the doctor.

A joyful event at this stage will be maternity leave, which comes into force precisely from the 31st week of pregnancy. Now that there is more free time, the woman fully feels like a future mother. The baby makes itself known by actively pushing in the tummy, and the changes that have occurred in the body are difficult not to notice. Gait and posture change, the joints of the pelvic bones relax under the influence of the hormone relaxin. Physical activity and long walking are no longer so easy, but there is no need to completely limit your mobility if there is no indication for this. Start preparing for the arrival of your baby - a leisurely stroll through the shops in search of cute little things will be an excellent alternative to active sports.

Changes at 31 weeks of pregnancy.

A rounded belly at 31 weeks of pregnancy makes movements a little awkward, the waist adds about 1 cm per week. At the same time, skin cells do not have time to grow as quickly, which causes stretch marks and itching. It is necessary to use moisturizer or olive oil several times a day to prevent these symptoms. The dark stripe along the abdomen appears more clearly, and the navel begins to protrude, this indicates that even he is cramped there. Internal organs shift causing heartburn, constipation and frequent urge to urinate. And pressure on the diaphragm provokes shortness of breath and discomfort in the chest area.

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, even the smallest breasts will noticeably fill out. The venous network appears, the nipples and the areola darken and enlarge. A light yellow or clear, sticky, odorless liquid may appear from the breast - this is the first colostrum. Most often it is released in small portions at night. If there are no alarming symptoms, such as an unpleasant odor, color or bloody impurities, then there is no need to worry. Intense release of colostrum can be caused by sex, stimulation of the mammary glands, or an increase in body temperature. But under no circumstances should you squeeze colostrum out of your nipples! This provokes uterine tone and the release of the hormone oxytocin, which triggers labor.

At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus rises 8-10 cm above the navel and 30 cm above the pubis. Lying on her back, a woman may feel slightly dizzy, the reason for this is the inferior vena cava, compressed by the uterus. Therefore, it is better to lie on your side.

Vaginal discharge may be more abundant due to maximum blood supply to the pelvic organs. In color and consistency it is a light, homogeneous, odorless liquid. If the nature of the discharge changes, consult a doctor immediately.
False Braxton-Hicks contractions may appear. They are irregular and painless, and there is a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area or lower back; by placing your hand on your stomach, you can feel that the walls of the uterus are tense. This lasts no more than 30 seconds with an interval of 4-6 hours. In this way, the body prepares the muscles for childbirth. Therefore, do not confuse training contractions with real prenatal contractions.

Women's consultation .

This week, the pregnant woman is given an exchange card, which she must always carry with her in case labor suddenly begins. Before visiting gynecologist should take a urine, blood and smear test. During the examination, the doctor will listen to the baby's heartbeat using an obstetric stethoscope or fetal doppler (a mini probe that shows the heart rate), measure the height of the uterus, abdominal circumference, and blood pressure. The course of pregnancy at 31 weeks is complicated by the development of symptoms of swelling and varicose veins, so examination of the legs and arms is mandatory.
The date of the last planned ultrasound is set.
Problems during pregnancy are often caused by anemia, kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, bad habits, and an unhealthy diet. Regular visits to the doctor and tests are the key to timely identification and elimination of possible problems.

Baby . 31 weeks of pregnancy.

The baby is developing rapidly, all his organs are growing, new reflexes are being formed. At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s weight is about 1400 - 1600 g, and his height is about 39 - 40 cm. From this point on, the average weight gain is 200 g per week. As a rule, by this time the baby in the womb has already taken the prenatal position - head down, arms and legs crossed. Under normal conditions circumstances, the fetus will remain in this position until birth.

The baby, like the mother, has his own daily routine. The waking phases, during which the child actively moves his arms and legs, are replaced by sleep phases. The expectant mother should be attentive and monitor the nature and number of movements. Normally, this is at least 10 times in 12 hours. Too strong and frequent shocks, or their absence for a long time, can testify problems, so you should consult a doctor immediately.

Fetal changes at 31 weeks of gestation:

  • facial features become thinner, from a 3D ultrasound image you can tell who the child looks like;
  • the genitals are still forming, although gender is determined already from the 20th week;
  • the cartilage tissue in the nose and ears becomes denser;
  • the skin is still thin and the vessels are visible through it, but subcutaneous fat accumulates more actively, folds appear and shapes become rounded;
  • the nails are almost grown, the hair is darkening;
  • the pupils are almost formed and react to light, the iris accumulates pigment. The baby can focus his gaze, close and open his eyes;
  • a corneal reflex appears - when the eyes are touched, the child closes them;
  • The brain is actively developing, its mass is 25% of the mass of the adult brain. Nerve impulses are transmitted faster, differentiation of brain parts occurs;
  • are being improved hearing organs. The child hears external sounds, including the mother's voice;
  • lung tissue matures, alveoli continue to form, alveolocytes (cells lining the alveoli) produce surfactants - respiratory hormones;
  • The liver begins to produce bile, and the pancreas secretes insulin.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy.

The time has come for the last scheduled ultrasound screening. What happens to the baby at 31 weeks of pregnancy is just as interesting to future parents as it was the first time. At this stage it is important to determine fetal presentation. If the baby is with his buttocks down, the mother will be prescribed a course of special exercises, and the baby will take the correct position. In the future, its mass will grow, and it will be extremely difficult to take the correct position. The doctor will provide comprehensive information about the course of pregnancy, fetal development, and will confirm or rule out the presence of pathologies. Will assess the condition of the uterus and amniotic fluid, determine the thickness of the placenta. He will examine the child’s internal organs and determine whether there is any entanglement in the umbilical cord.

The ultrasound protocol at 31 weeks of pregnancy contains the following indicators:

  • BPR (biparietal skull size) - 78.4 mm;
  • LTR (frontal-parietal skull size) - 58.8 mm;
  • DB (thigh length) - 100 mm;
  • DP (shoulder length) - from 50 to 60 mm;
  • SDHC (average chest diameter) - 73.5 mm;
  • ADD (average abdominal diameter) - 81.0 mm;
  • placenta thickness 31.33 mm (from 24.6 - 40.6); at the same time, it is homogeneous, without pathological inclusions;
  • the height of the column of amniotic fluid in a place free from parts of the fetus is 35 - 70 mm.

Must clearly be viewed 4 chambers of the heart, valves and great vessels. Heart contractions from 120 to 160 per minute. The lateral ventricles are no more than 10 mm wide, the structure is homogeneous.

31 weeks of pregnancy (photo):

If abnormalities are found during the examination, the doctor will determine the woman for treatment. Therefore, you should not miss scheduled consultation visits.

The cherished day is very close, about 10 weeks left. It is worth attending courses for expectant mothers. This will help prepare you physically and emotionally for the birthing process. Movement is life ! If pregnancy proceeds without complications, you can do water aerobics, yoga or even dancing. Of course, according to specially designed programs For pregnant women, duration classes near 30 40 minutes By 2 3 times V a week. Happens, What on 31 week pregnancy hurts head And appears drowsinessThis speaks O lack oxygen V body, That's why more often ventilate rooms And take a walk on fresh air By 1 one o'clock V day.

Basic recommendations:

  • attentively watch out behind movements crumbs;
  • control increase V weight;
  • hand over during All planned tests;
  • in a timely manner visit his doctor;
  • visit dentist 1 once V two months;
  • Right eat;
  • forget it about cigarettes, coffee And alcohol;
  • sleep Not less 9 hours V day;
  • regularly observe intimate And personal hygiene;
  • wear comfortable clothes from natural fabrics;
  • Not lift up gravity.

Nutrition on 31 week pregnancy.

WITH exit V decree, appeared more free time And became difficult limit myself V nutrition. While Houses, temptation eat WhatThat delicious increases, But Not forget, What extra kilograms will become additional load on back And can become reason late toxicosis (preeclampsia). Weekly increase V weight Not must exceed 300 G. That's why cakes, cakes And bold meat need to exclude. Important know, What child on 31 week pregnancy actively swallows amniotic liquid, which It has taste eaten food, on basis this are being formed his taste preferences, which will be preserved And after birth. That's why ideal diet pregnant must remind menu For children. Fruits, juices, vegetables, dairy products And low-fat varieties fish, meatHere basic Components healthy nutrition For future moms And baby.

Approximate menu For moms V III trimester pregnancy:


  • dairy porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • home or children's yogurt;
  • grated carrot With apple.

Second breakfast:

  • banana or 50 G dried fruits;
  • sandwich With cheese And fresh vegetables;
  • green tea or juice.


  • vegetable salad With oil or sour cream (without mayonnaise);
  • soup on chicken broth;
  • a piece boiled meat;
  • garnishstew or potato;
  • compote.

Afternoon snack:

  • cottage cheese or syrniki;
  • jelly fruit.


  • fish on a couple;
  • baked vegetables;
  • salad With beans;
  • cocoa With cookies.

Minimize quantity seasonings, garlic, Luke And salt V dishes, buy only fresh verified products. Food must be simple, A portions small. At strong attack hunger Can drink cup clean water or eat apple, better Total take a walk.

From what should refuse future mom?

  • smoked meats;
  • sausages And canned food;
  • carbonated beverages;
  • chips, snacks;
  • chocolate;
  • fast food;
  • fat fried food;
  • exotic fruits;
  • seafood;
  • nuts And citrus V large quantities.

Sex on 31 week pregnancy.

Majority matrimonial steam on like this big term stop sexual relationship. Experiences behind baby more often Total Not give man And woman relax V this moment. Future Mother Maybe feel myself unattractive frombehind big belly, A dad Maybe seem cold Just frombehind Togo, What He Not knowsHow myself Right lead. That's why spouses Very important support close tactile and emotional contact. Harmony And confidence between partnerspledge quality sexy relations before And after pregnancy.

At consultations With gynecologist Not be embarrassed And ask to him questions, concerning sexy relations. Doctor will inform you O symptoms, at which appointed sexual peace:

  • bloody discharge, bleeding;
  • risk miscarriage;
  • leakage amniotic water;
  • infectious diseases at partner;
  • presentation placenta;
  • neck uterus Not holds fetus (softening, opening);
  • decline libido.

If pregnancy leaks Fine And No contraindications To sex, sexual life V this term quite appropriate. Reduction muscles vagina And uterus- This training before childbirth. The only one forbidden zoneThis breast, her stimulation Maybe call premature childbirth.

Exist special poses, at which is minimized pressure on stomach And depth penetration.

Herself popular, When woman lies on side, A man behind:

Childbirth on 31 week pregnancy.

Premature childbirthThis fear everyone future mom. Important during define symptoms threats, after all there are cases, When ancestral activity succeeds stop. Not only becoming more frequent pain on 31 week pregnancy are alarming symptoms:

  • heaviness V region vagina;
  • frequent urination;
  • allocation mucus With bloody inclusions (departure traffic jams);
  • copious leakage amniotic water;
  • brown spotting discharge, bleeding.

If You noticed any from symptoms immediately call ambulance help. Not panic And try calmly wait help. Positive mood mothers And qualified medical help will contribute positive outcome. Certainly childbirth on 31 week pregnancy dangerous For crumbs, But achievements perinatal medicine increase percent nursing With everyone year. Known numerous cases O survival kids With critical weight near 500 G.

Causes, By which childbirth can happen earlier deadline:

  • intrauterine infection fetus;
  • abortions And cases miscarriage V past;
  • harmful habits (Not only mothers, But And father);
  • stress;
  • physical loads;
  • age (young or older category);
  • excess or inadequate weight women in labor;
  • flaw hormone progesterone.

Care behind premature child.

Parents should stock up patience And courage. IN first days child will constantly located V incubator, connected To systems life support And artificial breathing, because the organs more not enough developed For independent functioning. Through some days, at positive dynamics state, doctor will allow take baby on hands.
Very important provide close emotional And physical contact With child: talk With him, sing lullabies, hug And iron. Research show, What like this way adaptation newborn passes easier And faster.
Progressive doctors recommend method Kangaroo, So called method « leather To skin».

This way nursing premature children was first applied Colombian doctors V 1979 year And built on three basic elements: Love, warm, chest feeding. Happening imitation intrauterine gestation. baby undress And post mom or dad on breast, above cover blanket. Feeding carried out only infant milk, But at necessity include additional nutritious substances. So way, children worn out By method Kangaroo, faster And better are recruiting weight, less often are sick infectious diseases, faster are getting closer With to those around peace.

31 a week pregnancy. Video.

There are 10 weeks left for the birth, if we consider the ideal 40-week gestation. But in practice, not all women give birth on the expected date, so it is not known exactly how much is left. You have already been gone a long time - 7.5 obstetric months. And now the 31st week of pregnancy begins. The baby is getting ready to show himself to the world.

Fetus (sex of the child)

A baby at 31 weeks of gestation is already quite mature, but its development does not stop. He is now actively building muscle mass: the child’s weight can already exceed 1.5 kg, and the size is on average 40 cm, in order to be born strong. However, internal organs and systems also do not lag behind and continue to improve. The pancreas is already producing insulin, but at the same time its cells continue to multiply. And the liver develops further - now it will be able to cleanse children's blood of toxic substances.

The lungs are actively preparing to perform their functions. The production of surfactant continues - a substance that prevents the still empty alveolar sacs from sticking together. This will allow them to “inflate” when baby takes his first breath.

The brain does not stop developing: at 31 weeks of pregnancy, connections are established between nerve cells, and nerve fibers are surrounded by protective sheaths.

The baby has been feeling you for a long time, reacting to mood swings and your emotions. He hears sounds (and not only intrauterine ones, but also distinguishes voices), has a developed sense of smell and sees well. And at 31 weeks, the so-called “corneal reflex” also appears: the baby will certainly close her eyes if she touches the cornea of ​​her eye. And there is already something to hurt: by the end of this week, the nails will almost reach the edge of the fingertip.

The sex of the child has long been known, but the genitals are still developing: the boy’s testicles have not yet descended into the scrotum, while the girl’s labia remain open. The baby’s belly button is also not in place yet, and the skin is still translucent - in general, it wouldn’t hurt to sit in the tummy a little longer. Meanwhile, mom is already starting to count the weeks until she gives birth. Please be patient - it’s too early...

Feelings at 31 weeks of pregnancy

Of course you are a little tired. Carrying a load becomes more and more difficult, sometimes there is not enough air to breathe, you are constantly hot and sweaty, and your favorite sleeping positions are no longer available. At 31 weeks of pregnancy, the mother feels clumsy and awkward: she can no longer perform many simple manipulations on her own. Your health also begins to deteriorate: your digestive system malfunctions, your head hurts and feels dizzy, and your vision may even blur. If you are “overwhelmed”, and swelling, cramps appear or worsen, and your blood pressure decreases or increases, then do not hesitate to visit a gynecologist. In any case, you will now have to appear at the clinic more often, you will also need to go through the main specialists again and take all the tests, including smears for infections. The doctor must make sure that you are absolutely healthy, because childbirth is just around the corner. And if any unexpected problem arises, it will need to be resolved in advance. One of the most common problems that occur in the third trimester is thrush, which must be treated before birth.

In general, try to take care of yourself so that by the momentous day you are in a state of full combat readiness. Follow the already known recommendations that will help eliminate many troubles: prevent swelling and constipation, maintain hygiene, keep your emotions under control, and do not violate the principles of a healthy diet.

Now heartburn can increase with a vengeance, so if you have not yet found a way to escape from it, you will have to do so. And the pain is becoming stronger and more noticeable. All discomfort in the later stages only intensifies...


The spine, sacrum, pelvic bones and knee joints experience increasing stress. Your weight is constantly increasing, your tummy continues to grow, and it does not go away without leaving a trace. It is very important to learn how to alleviate your condition and prevent severe pain and fatigue. Do not stick your tummy forward, sit only on chairs with a back, do not walk for a long time, do not sleep on your back, try to rest during the day as needed, be sure to walk every day - fresh air is vital.

Back and lower back pain can be greatly alleviated and even prevented by wearing a brace. But, firstly, not all pregnant women can wear a bandage, and secondly, if the baby’s presentation is breech or transverse, then the bandage will prevent the baby from turning his head down. In general, consult your doctor: he will recommend you how to choose and wear a prenatal bandage correctly.

In the third trimester, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases. Therefore, pain in the anal area should not be ignored.

Many women complain of pain in the perineum. In general, the pelvic bones are now softening under the influence of the hormone relaxin. They seem to be moving apart. But if the pubic bone hurts, then you cannot remain silent about it.

Headaches can occur for 1001 reasons. But if it is strong and sharp, and is also accompanied by darkening of the eyes, convulsions and swelling (which do not disappear by morning), then we are most likely talking about eclampsia, although this rarely happens: usually, gestosis is detected at an earlier stage .

Abdominal pain is also a warning sign. If it is not related to the functioning of the digestive organs, then tell your gynecologist about the pain: normally, your stomach should not hurt.

Weight at 31 weeks of pregnancy

In order not to once again provoke problems with digestion of food, do not deviate from the general recommendations for nutrition at 31 weeks of pregnancy. Many mothers think that in fact nutrition is not so important, which, it should be said, is very in vain. Your diet, eating regimen and method of cooking affects almost everything: swelling, dizziness, cramps in the calf muscles, thrush, heartburn, constipation, bloating, itching - everything is directly related to what and how you eat. What can we say about the weight, which is already increasing every day. Moreover, the increase should ideally consist almost entirely of amniotic fluid, increased blood volumes, the weight of the baby, uterus and placenta, the weight of the growing breast, and only to a very small extent the mother’s fat reserves, which will be used up during childbirth and the period of breastfeeding the baby.

So your appetite should be kept under control until the very last day, and especially in the third trimester. Weight at 31 weeks of pregnancy may increase compared to the initial values ​​by a maximum of 11.7-12.5 kg. Don’t starve yourself if you go a little beyond the limits - deviations are quite possible, because you can’t fit everyone in with the same brush. But if there are significant deviations from the established standards, the doctor must determine the cause of the violation and help you eliminate it. You may have to restrict yourself somewhat in your diet. It may be enough to just reduce your salt intake. It is much worse if excessive weight at 31 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by high blood pressure and swelling: in this case, gestosis must be treated.


After 30 weeks of pregnancy, some mothers and fathers begin to gradually curtail their sexual activity. Undoubtedly, the emotional and physical state of a “pregnant” couple is constantly changing; this, of course, largely concerns the woman. But often it is men who begin to avoid intimacy in later stages.

It will be useful for both parents to know: if there are no medical contraindications to sex, the mother feels great and lovemaking does not cause her any discomfort, then sex at 31 weeks of pregnancy is not forbidden. If you are careful, it will not harm the baby, since it is protected by reliable armor in the form of the pubic bone and the thick wall of the uterus.

Don't be alarmed by possible scanty bleeding after sex, but next time be more careful. Penetrations and frictions should be shallow, smooth and gentle. The most favorite, safest and most comfortable positions at 30 weeks are with penetration from behind. Otherwise it will be inconvenient: the tummy becomes a real obstacle to physical intimacy in the literal sense of the word.


It is the stomach that is the main “culprit” of your poor health. But he is the toddler’s temporary home, so all the attention now revolves around the belly. During each visit to the gynecologist, he examines your stomach, measures it, listens to it, touches it - there is already something to work with. You may not notice, but you certainly feel that it is increasing literally by the day - this is necessary, the baby is gaining weight.

Due to the rapid growth, the stomach often itches, because the skin is very stretched. If stretch marks are destined to happen, then nothing will save you, but this does not mean that you don’t need to take care of your skin: be sure to moisturize your skin with cream or olive oil.

Your tummy is now like a map: since there is less and less space left for the baby inside, you will often have the honor of seeing various baby “details” on this map - here is a hand, and here is a leg, and here is a butt or head.

Many mothers feel rhythmic twitching of the abdomen at 31 weeks of pregnancy - this is the baby hiccupping.


You can find out what the baby is doing while waiting to meet his mother during an ultrasound scan at 31 weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, not only the sex of the child is clearly visible, but also his “leisure”: he sucks his thumb, swallows amniotic fluid, plays with the umbilical cord, can cover his face with his hands or smile! But, of course, the main thing is not this (or rather, not only this), but other indicators: the fetal heartbeat, its parameters, location. Already now, the ultrasound specialist will certainly pay attention not only to how the child is lying, but will also check whether he is tangled in the umbilical cord.

During an ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy, Doppler sonography of blood vessels is also performed: this is necessary to assess the uteroplacental and fetoplacental circulation.

The specialist will also examine the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the degree of maturity of the placenta, and the size of the uterus.

It is at 30, 31 or 32 weeks that the third mandatory ultrasound during pregnancy occurs, but for many it will already be the fourth, fifth or even more - recently, doctors believe that it is better to play it safe when there is a need for it, and to clarify whether everything is Is the baby okay and is there any threat to the pregnancy? Therefore, it is likely that before giving birth you will have to undergo an ultrasound scan more than once. Be calm about this.

Uterus at 31 weeks of pregnancy

During the ultrasound, the uterus will be examined: its condition and size. She is already quite large, because the baby is growing quickly, and the uterus is trying to keep up. This brings certain inconvenience to the woman: lying and sitting in some positions becomes impossible, since the uterus puts pressure on the vena cava, blocking the flow of blood to the heart.

The uterus at 31 weeks of pregnancy rises 31 cm above the pubic symphysis or 11 cm above the navel. From time to time it contracts, training before childbirth, during which the cervix gradually softens and shortens. You feel it with mild pain in the lower abdomen, it seems to turn to stone for a short time (from 30 seconds to 2 minutes) and relaxes again. These are called Braxton-Higgs contractions and are not dangerous.

Sometimes a woman may feel some discomfort during training contractions (although in most cases they are quite painless): just lie on your left side and wait until the process stops. If you are already familiar with the breathing techniques that you will use during childbirth, then this is an excellent opportunity to practice. If not, then master them to make your work easier in the future.

But when the cramping pain grows, intensifies and becomes more frequent, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. There is not a second to lose if the amniotic fluid breaks or bleeding begins.


Amniotic fluid may leak in small portions or pour out in a stream. You will not miss the second symptom of approaching labor, but in the first case, the woman is not always able to recognize leakage. Water should normally be clear and liquid, odorless. Today, pharmacies sell special tests to determine water leaks at home. In a clinical setting, a woman can also undergo a similar study, and if suspicions are confirmed, she will be admitted to the hospital. Therefore, such discharge should alert you.

The third trimester is the time for a complete medical examination before childbirth. This primarily concerns sexually transmitted infections, since they pose a threat to pregnancy in general and the baby in particular. That is why the gynecologist will again take a smear from your vagina to determine the pathogenic flora.

Very often, expectant mothers develop thrush in later stages. To avoid this, do not forget about the dietary recommendations: they remain in force until the very end, and control of the consumption of flour and sweet products is one of the main ones. Also, stop using panty liners - it’s better to change your underwear more often, which, by the way, should be exclusively natural!

The development of thrush is indicated by white cheesy or mucous discharge that smells like beer, yeast or fish. Such discharge usually causes terrible discomfort to a woman: irritation and swelling of the genital organs, itching, burning, pain. Candidiasis should certainly be cured before birth, since during the passage of the child through the birth canal it will become infected, and this is fraught with consequences.

You should pay attention to discharge at 31 weeks of pregnancy, since the risk of contracting other sexually transmitted infections remains quite high. Any changes in leucorrhoea - its color, consistency, smell, and especially the appearance of additional suspicious signs - must be double-checked by taking a vaginal smear.

The appearance of traces of blood on underwear should also alert you. Sometimes an anal fissure or inflamed hemorrhoids begin to bleed. A small amount of blood from the vagina may normally be released after sexual intercourse or within a few hours after a gynecological examination. But also bleeding of varying intensity (including spotting) may indicate a threat of premature birth, especially when accompanied by other symptoms and warning signs, for example, nagging pain radiating to the lower back.

Childbirth at 31 weeks of pregnancy

If there are any hints of the possible onset of labor (in the third trimester this is no longer a miscarriage), it is necessary to react very quickly and make every possible effort to maintain the pregnancy. It is very important that the baby waits until the due date or stays in the mother’s tummy for as long as possible out of the allotted time. Because its development is not yet complete, and this mainly concerns the respiratory system: the baby’s lungs are not functional, and he will not be able to breathe on his own if he is born now.

However, if for some reason birth occurs at 31 weeks of pregnancy, the baby will be able to survive - and this is the main thing. He already has an established thermoregulation system (his small body is able to retain heat and maintain it at a stable level, which is simply necessary for life), his digestive system is ready to accept and digest his first real food, in general he is already largely self-sufficient and resembles an ordinary newborn.

Moreover, you must understand that premature birth does not just happen. Only in the event of some kind of threat or severe discomfort does the baby try to be born as quickly as possible. And if this happened at 31 weeks, then don’t be upset. Get ready to nurse your baby - he needs warmth and care like no one else.

In general, it’s still too early to talk about childbirth. But they may well occur prematurely. Therefore, from the 31st week of pregnancy it is not recommended to travel far from home. When you go on maternity leave, you will also receive an exchange card in your hands. Together with your passport and medical insurance, you now need to carry it with you everywhere. The card contains the most important information about the course of pregnancy and your individual characteristics in terms of childbirth, and this will help the doctor receiving them to carry out their work as correctly as possible.

The 31st week of pregnancy is the end of the 7th obstetric month and the fetus is already 29 weeks old. Until this point, 8-12 kg is considered normal weight gain.

Every day your sensations become stronger, as the birth approaches and the baby becomes more active. At 31 weeks, the baby already weighs about 1.6 kg, and his height is approaching 40 cm.

What happens at 31 weeks

Remember that now the main task of a woman is look after your health, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, eat right, walk in the fresh air and enjoy your situation. The expectant mother may feel light tapping in her belly, no need to worry, it’s your baby hiccupping.

Due to the enlargement of the uterus, the internal organs become increasingly crowded. Which in turn provokes a feeling of discomfort in the woman, and she may also experience some problems in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. This provokes the appearance of heartburn, which mainly torments the expectant mother in the evening, and all because of late dinners. To get rid of it, many people find it helpful to eat half-sitting.

The period is already quite long, so every woman should know about birth harbingers. If you have the following symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance:

  • thick mucous or watery discharge;
  • sharp nagging pain;
  • pressing feeling in the perineal area.

Read more about birth harbingers

This week you may experience severe shortness of breath, which increases during vigorous activity. Therefore, try to get plenty of rest.

During this period, a woman may notice how her appearance has changed, the condition of her nails has improved, and her hair has become thick and beautiful.

Possible risks

  1. . The reason for this may also be problems with blood vessels and kidneys.
  2. If a woman has a slight weight gain, for example, using different diets, there may be a risk.

The possibility of childbirth at 31 weeks of pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

If any signs suddenly appear, it is very important to react immediately, as there is a chance to save the pregnancy. It is important to understand that if the baby wants to be born so early, then something is going wrong. But if this happens, there is no need to be upset, if you make every effort, the baby will definitely survive and be healthy.

During this time, many women may experience late toxicosis (gestosis). Most often, it worries those who are overweight, hypertension, as well as liver, kidney and heart diseases.

Complications of gestosis can cause convulsions, swelling, decreased vision and even death. This can also trigger sudden changes in weight; you can gain more than 400g in a week. Late toxicosis most often appears in mothers:

  • if a woman is pregnant for the first time;
  • if a woman is pregnant with twins;
  • if you become pregnant after 35 years of age;
  • if a woman has vegetative-vascular dystonia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension.

You can read more about late toxicosis

How a woman feels at 31 weeks

During this period, due to a growing belly, a woman may experience discomfort in the chest and pelvis area. At this time, pressing on the abdomen can cause pain in the baby and this will force him to move.

Possible physical sensations

Childbirth is getting closer, so the female body begins to prepare for it and changes both externally and internally:

  1. Stomach. During this period, the belly grows very quickly. Daily weight gain is about 300 g and it consists of the placenta, fetus, amniotic fluid, blood in the vessels and the uterus.
  2. Breast. During this period, the breast begins to secrete a thick liquid that has a salty taste, it is called colostrum. It contains substances that are beneficial for the child; in the future, this liquid will become milk. At the moment, it is released due to the hormones produced by the baby’s adrenal glands. If you experience discomfort in your chest towards evening, sleep in a special bra. The nipples become a little larger and rougher, and the mammary glands also become fuller.
  3. Uterus. It rises above the pubic joint by more than 30 cm, which is why it protrudes forward, and the distance to the navel is 11 cm.
  4. Pain. Almost all pregnant women experience back pain this week, as it is quite arched in the lower back. Pain in the pelvic area can occur due to the action of the hormone relaxin, which softens the ligaments of the symphysis pubis. This is necessary for the baby to come out more freely during childbirth. If you experience prolonged nagging pain, this may mean that it is enlarged and this can cause.
  5. Weight. In general, the weight should increase by 10-12 kg. But if it is much larger, there is no need to lose weight and limit your diet, as this can cause serious health problems for the baby. If the weight increases gradually, then there is nothing wrong with it.
  6. Thrush. Due to a weakened immune system, the chance of developing thrush, which is characterized by the appearance of cheesy discharge, increases. And this is the first signal that you urgently need to see a doctor. Read more about thrush during pregnancy
  7. Edema. At this time, almost every woman appears. They need to be monitored, so consultation with a doctor is mandatory.
  8. Insomnia. Constant heaviness in the lower back and cramps interfere with sleep. In addition, the rather impressive size of the abdomen does not make it possible to take at least some comfortable position. Do not forget that sleeping on your back is prohibited. Plus, once you fall asleep, you'll have to get up to go to the toilet. In this case, the only advice is to be patient.
  9. Fetal movement. The woman feels the baby’s movements less and less often, as they become less active due to the tightness. But still, they are felt clearly. During this period, the child develops his own sleep pattern and active life. Read about the need to monitor your baby's movements
  10. Discharge. This week the quantity may increase, which should be light gray in color, milky, homogeneous and with a sour odor.
  11. Urine output. Often, urine leakage may occur during this period, for example, during laughing, coughing, sneezing, etc. The reason for this is that the uterus has enlarged and it puts pressure on the bladder. Try to completely empty your bladder during this period; to do this, lean forward a little. Train yourself to go to the toilet every half hour. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of fluid daily.

Possible emotional experiences

Do not panic, because during this period the baby shares all the experiences and emotions of his mother.

Therefore, talk to your child every day, sing songs to him, do everything possible to make both him and you feel good.

Reviews from women about 31 weeks

During this period, women experience not only new changes in their bodies, but also new emotions, here’s what expectant mothers say about 31 weeks:

Inessa: “It’s 31 weeks, the baby is very active. An ultrasound showed that our position was correct, I felt better, but because of this I felt constant pain in my sides and ribs. Well, these are all small things compared to how you feel about your child.”

Svetlana: “Yesterday I went to the doctor and they told us that due to the baby’s incorrect position and other serious problems they would do a caesarean section, it was very scary. I pray to God that everything will be fine.”

Valeria: “I could no longer restrain myself and at 31 weeks I bought almost all the necessary things for my girl. Next week we are going for our 3rd ultrasound. The baby is very active, especially at night, probably preparing me for future sleepless nights. As for weight, I only gained 7.5 kg. Heartburn only hurts if I eat at night, but everything is fine, no swelling, no back pain.”

Eve: “The doctor told me today that the fetus is located very low, and this increases the risk that it will be born prematurely. Now I’m sitting crying and worrying.”

Valentina: “My son turned over, of course, I myself felt that he began to kick from above, in the ribs. Today the doctor confirmed my assumptions, so we are preparing for future births.”

Angelina: “I only gained 6 kg because I try to eat only what is good for the child.”

Karina: “At 31 weeks I feel good. How I like being on maternity leave, I do what I want, I found a hobby, now I’m realizing myself in a completely new area.”

Albina: “I was tormented by back pain, it was very difficult to walk, as I had gained 20 kg. Now I watch my diet more carefully.”

Julia: “My daughter is growing up very quickly. Everything is fine, we are developing according to plan, I have gained 8 kg, so everything is normal. I don’t suffer from heartburn because I try not to eat in the evenings.”

Fetal development at 31 weeks of gestation

The baby already reaches a length of almost 40 cm, and its weight is about 1.6 kg.

The baby begins to develop a sucking reflex.

The baby's iris continues to darken. He already reacts perfectly to light and darkness. On an ultrasound, you can see that when a child touches his eyes with a pen, he immediately squints, since he already has a horn reflex has formed.

During this period, the child's fat tissue continues to increase in size. Due to what's under the skin a layer of white fat forms, blood vessels are no longer visible. The skin begins to change color from red to pink.

The fingers are already fully formed nails. In addition to white fat, the baby has brown fat tissue, which is located between the shoulder blades, behind the sternum, along the spine and near the kidneys. It is needed in order to maintain body temperature at the required level, thereby preventing fetal hypothermia. The amount of brown adipose tissue is only 8%, over time it turns into white fat, and its purpose is to preserve energy and water reserves.

Thanks to kidneys they work well and very actively, urine is constantly excreted from the child’s body into the amniotic fluid.

As for sleep, in most cases it is represented by the REM sleep phase, it is during this period that a person able to dream.

A child's brain continues to grow as the number of convolutions constantly increases. At this time, nerve cells are already actively functioning and forming new connections. Protective sheaths begin to form on the nerve fibers. Due to the fact that nerve impulses are transmitted at high speed, the baby begins to assimilate information.

The lungs have already formed quite well and thanks to the surfactant, which helps to straighten the lungs, in case of birth, Baby will be able to breathe on one's own.

Actively increasing pancreas, which after birth will produce enzymes that will participate in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, during this period it completely provides the child with the necessary insulin.

Liver continues to grow, the lobules that are responsible for purifying the blood have almost formed. The liver also produces bile.

The process of formation of the auditory system is coming to an end. Receptors hearing hidden deep in the cochlea of ​​the inner ear.

Signs that distinguish an unborn baby from a newborn:

  • in boys, the testicles are located in the abdominal cavity;
  • the lungs are not yet mature enough;
  • the navel is lower than it should be;
  • outwardly the child looks a little thin.

Fetal ultrasound photo

Photo of 3D ultrasound of the fetus at 31 weeks:

To ease the load on your back, don’t be afraid to use a brace. But if the child’s position is , then it is better not to use it, as the child may still roll over. To choose the right bandage use the following tips:

  1. Measure the circumference of your abdomen at the level of your navel.
  2. Add 5 cm to the resulting number and you will determine the required size.

Remember that you need to put it on while lying down. Read more about the rules for wearing a prenatal bandage

There is no need to stay at home in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Go for walks, attend various cultural events, listen to music. Remember that the child hears everything perfectly, so sing him songs and play his favorite songs.

Nutrition rules

During this period, special attention must be paid calorie content daily menu. A woman must understand that it is very easy to gain weight in this state, and then it will be very difficult to lose it.

Maintain your diet in such a way that you do not feel hungry. To do this, eat often, but in small portions. At 31 weeks it is recommended completely give up use salt, Sahara, fried, smoked, pickled and other harmful products.

Be sure to eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day, as they contain vitamins necessary for both mother and child.

Also this week, make sure that your diet includes healthy proteins and amino acids. To do this, add fermented milk products to your daily menu.

Just remember - no diet, the baby must receive all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

Important tips for proper nutrition:

  • you should not indulge yourself with sweets as a way to lift your mood;
  • you should eat only when you feel hungry;
  • To avoid constantly thinking about food, find yourself a hobby to distract yourself;
  • to satisfy your hunger, use berries and fruits;
  • give up sweets and fatty foods.

Necessarily monitor the amount of fluid you drink and excreted urine. The difference between them should be less than 200 g. If the difference is greater, it means that fluid is retained in the body, which in turn can cause edema and disruption of the kidneys and heart.

Remember to get rid of back pain ideal for physical exercise and massages, especially if it is done by the man you love. At this time, it is necessary to develop correct posture, do not walk for a long time, and do not sit on chairs without a backrest.

At this time, if you don’t believe in omens, you can start choosing things for the baby and packing what you need for the maternity hospital. You will find a list of things needed for the maternity hospital

It is very important during this period track for, normally it should be 120/70 mm Hg. If sudden changes are observed, you should consult a doctor.

Intimate relationships

Starting this week, both partners may begin to avoid intimate relationships. A woman because desire decreases, and a man because he is afraid. But if a pregnant woman has no contraindications, and the doctor does not prohibit having sex, then you should not limit yourself.

Main - be careful and there will be no harm. The best position during this period is from behind. Penetrations should be smooth and not deep. Read about safe sexual positions for pregnant women

Physical exercise

Of course, 31 weeks is not the time for intensive training, but there are still loads that are simply necessary for a pregnant woman.

Properly selected exercises will only bring benefits and help get rid of pain.

Women who exercised during pregnancy recover much faster after pregnancy.

  1. . The safest way to maintain your physical fitness. In addition, water has a calming effect, thanks to which a woman can get rid of stress and anxiety. Exercises performed in water have a positive effect on the respiratory system and blood flow. Water will also help relieve back pain.
  2. Walking. Another method to maintain your physical fitness. Take a long walk, but if you feel any discomfort, rest for a while.
  3. A great way to reduce discomfort during childbirth. Various exercises are aimed at reducing pain, teaching you how to breathe correctly, getting rid of psychological problems and gaining strength.

What can you do at this stage of pregnancy?

  1. Listen to music, just remember that the baby hears everything, so give preference to calm melodies.
  2. Start learning cooking as you will need to follow a special diet after the baby is born.
  3. Handicrafts are not only a great activity to diversify your life, but also a chance to create something exclusive for your child, for example, knit something for him.
  4. Read books, but not only those dedicated to pregnancy and future motherhood. It's time to read something you never got around to reading before.

Examinations at 31 weeks of pregnancy

During your next visit to the doctor, be sure to ask exactly how the baby is positioned. For a safe birth, the baby should be positioned head down. Read more about fetal position

If a pregnant woman has it, but once a week it is necessary to take a blood test to monitor glucose levels.

Because immunity at this time pregnancy weakened, then various infections may appear in the body. In this case, it is necessary to take a test since the sooner you determine the presence of a problem, the faster you can get rid of it.

At this time the doctor may prescribe 3 scheduled ultrasounds. This is necessary for the doctor to determine whether the baby has any abnormalities or health problems, measure its size, listen to its heartbeat, examine its internal organs, and, in general, draw a conclusion about how exactly the fetus develops.

Read more about the third planned ultrasound

Video about 31 weeks of pregnancy