Conspiracies from pain in the lower abdomen. Quick treatment with conspiracies and prayers for abdominal pain

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 06 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

How to talk about stomach pain

How to talk about stomach pain

First of all, you need to see a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis, because some diseases must be treated immediately, without wasting time. If there are no indications for surgery, then use conspiracies with which you can weaken, and often completely get rid of pain. However, remember: you must strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations. Here is one of these conspiracies that are read over the water. The charmed water then needs to be drunk. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Grave in the cemetery

The earth is damp on it,

There is a hole in the ground

And this is not a hole, but a hole,

There are three knives in that hole:

One is sharp, the other is blunt

And the third, like a chip, dry.

The pain of the servant of God (name) is not acute,

Not stupid, but none

Like a dry stick.

How she withered

So the pain subsided.

Die pain. Amen.

From the book Everyday life of sorcerers and healers in Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries author Budur Natalia Valentinovna

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 31 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the book Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Release 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

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Health is the foundation of a fulfilling life. However, we understand this only when the disease makes itself felt. In such cases, the first step is to seek help from a specialist who will prescribe a course of treatment. But what to do if the pills do not help, and the pain does not go away? Children suffer especially hard ailments, and babies cannot at all explain where and what hurts them. In this case, a conspiracy from abdominal pain will not be superfluous.

As an adjunctive therapy, you can try to talk to the aching place on your own. In this article, your attention is invited to a conspiracy for abdominal pain in the case when there is bloating or dropsy.

Rules for preparing for the ceremony

The ritual of a conspiracy is a pagan action with the casting of a spell aimed at fulfilling the desired by turning to higher powers. To conduct the ceremony, it is not necessary to visit a witch or a psychic, it is quite possible to do it yourself, at home. The following are guidelines for execution, the observance of which will more likely help achieve what you want:

  • a conspiracy aimed at reducing pain is read exclusively on the waning moon;
  • choose the day of the week depending on the gender of the patient: men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, women's - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday;
  • do not practice witchcraft on church holidays and on Sunday;
  • before the start of the ceremony, cleanse yourself physically and mentally: take a bath, put on clean clothes, free your head from unnecessary thoughts, concentrate on the problem;
  • the best time of day for such events is late evening;
  • act alone, do not dedicate anyone to the course of the matter.

The main condition for speaking and the key to its success is the invested energy and the strength of faith in what you are doing. Otherwise, the actions will turn out to be just simple fuss, and the spell - a set of words.

A conspiracy from dropsy in three sips

The disease dropsy is also called ascites and is an accumulation of fluid in fatty tissues, leading to bloating. It can affect both adults and children. To eliminate the disease, you will need church water. Sitting in front of her, cast a healing spell.

“Water nourishes everything, water and earth moisturizes. Excess will leave the body, the earth will absorb, take away. The impure water will leave, with it the pulling pain will die. And the apple tree (apricot, cherry) will be saturated with moisture, and it will be good for her. In the name of all saints, amen."

Pour the charmed liquid under the fruit tree. If the baby suffers from pain, the mother can read the plot to him.

There is another option. Tear off a small branch or piece of bark from an aspen tree. Bring it into the house, rinse the floor with running water and read the following text over the torch:

“This branch burns and dries, and its song has long been sung. So let the sore go away, and from now on it will not find us. Amen!".

After the ritual, go outside, burn the branch at the stake. Leave, leaving the ashes to smolder, and not look back. Dropsy will leave you if done right.

Beneficial icon

An old church rite will help eliminate bloating, the causes of which can be very diverse, including banal overeating. For the ritual, you will need the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Put it in a bowl and pour holy water over it. Then pour the liquid into the cup, dip your finger into the bottom and draw a symbolic cross on your stomach. Throughout the process, whisper the words of the conspiracy in a whisper.

“The Mother of God walked across the field, thinking about her share. I saw the source suddenly, this faithful friend went out of thirst. I drank and blessed the water, endowed it with healing power. And he will heal my illness, if I put it where it hurts. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Cross yourself three times, wash the icon with church water. Soon the swelling should decrease and the pain should subside.

Pushing out the ailment

The following method of plotting against bloating does not require additional artifacts for its execution. The only condition is that it should not be carried out at night, like most magical rituals, but at noon. Gently press your hands on the patient's stomach, and then release, as if releasing air. Read a prayer at the same time.

“Fly away, evil, into the air, so that the stomach becomes the stomach. Do not return forever, remember, neither today nor later. Let the servant of God be healed, let sadness leave the house in a lump. Amen".

After a simple ceremony, go to church and light a candle for health. After bloating is discovered, effective conspiracies will work in a few hours and everything will decline, the body will get rid of pain.

Going out into the yard, pour the charmed water into the ground. Sign yourself with the sign of the cross 2 times and go into the house.

Roll a piece of white bread into a crumb and roll in salt. Roll clockwise around the navel and say the healing words:

“The circle of witchcraft ailment takes away, it will not return back. No one will ask for repayment, everything will be good, it will carry. In the name of all saints, amen."

These words must be said three times. Never throw away the rolled bread, but feed it to the birds. In the morning progress will be noticeable. After sunset, repeat the ritual.

All the proposed methods of conspiracies are based on church and folk traditions, do not hide anything black, no blasphemy. Remember that this healing technique is not an independent therapy, but only an additional one. Take care of your health!

In this article:

Any pain comes at the wrong time. To quickly get rid of any kind of pain, try proven conspiracies and whispers. They relieve pain in children and adults. They can come in handy in any situation. You never know when you might need a conspiracy for back or throat pain. Memorize them by heart - conspiracies help even when the pills are powerless. Healing magic has given us many interesting recipes for chronic or acute pain. These proven remedies can be used every day - conspiracies will not harm your health. In case of strong need, all texts can be read from the sheet, but it is better to know them by heart. They are always with you. Many drugs help with pain, but harm the liver, blood vessels, and heart. If you can replace them, why not?

So that the throat does not hurt

Say a short conspiracy for a sore throat at the first sign of a cold. You can say it on a spoonful of honey, cough syrup. In such a case, you can prepare a special, medicinal honey:

  • Buy a jar of your favorite honey;
  • Grate ginger root on a fine grater (4 tablespoons per 500 grams of honey);
  • Take the zest and juice of one lemon.

Make sure that you and your loved ones are not allergic to honey. Conspiracy text:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will go out, crossing myself, sprinkled with holy water, into an open field, to the steppe will. In that clean field, the stone lies and is silent - it doesn’t cough, it doesn’t cough, it doesn’t get worse, it doesn’t get sick. So the servant of God (the name of the sick person) would not cough, cough or get sick, he would always be full of strength and unharmed. Amen".

For those born in May, the throat will always be a weak point. Bronchitis and tonsillitis are easier to prevent than to allow the disease to develop.
This recipe will help you. For prevention, dilute a little in tea or warm water, drink in the evenings.

Conspiracy for pain in the back and legs

Very relevant for the summer season. If your back is stretched, you are blown away - do not wait until it passes by itself. Rub your palms with holy water, saying a conspiracy for back pain:

“Guardian angel, patron saint, you bless the water given by God, let it wash away the pain from my back, let it take it to the open field - a wide expanse, The water will go to the ground, take away the pain with it. Amen".

When they become hot - apply to a sore spot on the lower back, shins, knees. Your hands begin to radiate healing warmth. You can repeat this simple ritual several times a day. All discomfort will pass in 1 day.

Whispers for ear pain in children

There is nothing worse than a sharp earache in a child. Sleepless nights, cry, drops, pills. This conspiracy will help to quickly stop the pain, remove the heat from ear infections. It also helps adults when it shoots in the ear, it blew. You need to grab the ears, or take the child, with both hands. Say four times:

“Pain-bolina, stupid torment, roll away from the ears of the servant of God (name), roll with a ball, burst into the river, stay in it, go to the fish, shake them. Get out of here! Amen".

This conspiracy from pain in the ears always helps out. You need to pronounce it quietly - whisper twice in each ear. There are no ill effects left.

Quick help for severe pain

A conspiracy for abdominal pain can be pronounced even over newborns. These are kind words that take away all the unpleasant and painful sensations in the stomach, relieve spasms, colic.
You need to drive your right hand counterclockwise across the stomach, saying:

“As the saints of God do not hurt anything,
Their body does not ache and their soul does not grieve,
So that (so-and-so) would not hurt anything,
The body did not ache, the soul did not mourn.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

If this method does not help for a long time, take holy water, wipe it where it hurts and say:

“The Most Pure Mother (name) sends help,
St. Yegoriy is the first to leave on horseback,
And Flor and Lavr take away the illness (name).
My belly does not hurt, sick (name) to die.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This will help even from severe pain in the stomach with gastritis, ulcers. For such serious illnesses, be sure to consult a doctor. The healing effect of the prescribed remedies will enhance the conspiracy. Recovery is faster and pain is less intense.

Conspiracy and simple ritual

While reading the plot, keep your right hand over the collection

In order not to get sick all winter, use a quick recipe. You will need to prepare by drying the leaves of some plants. You need to dry it yourself, and not buy ready-made ones in a pharmacy. Prepare:

  • 5 birch leaves;
  • 5 oak;
  • 5 from blackcurrant;
  • A tablespoon of dried St. John's wort;
  • A tablespoon of dried mint.

Choose a sunny day in autumn. It will be necessary to put all the plants in boiling water, boil for 15 minutes. Cool the water, strain, speak to it:

“I speak myself firmly, firmly,
I speak from hard times to longevity.
Who among the living will pluck all the grass in the field,
Who sips water from the seas,
Even that one will not surpass my word,
My conspiracy will never break.
There are no stars in the sky,
The sun and the moon do not eat,
Don't drink water in the ocean
River sand is not considered.
So that I too
No one ever harmed
And not a single minute of my life
Witchcraft did not carry away.
Key in the water, castle in the sand
And God's amulet is always with me and on me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.”

With this water you need to wash, wash your hands, feet, wipe your body. If there are places of chronic pain - apply a compress of healing water for 20-30 minutes. If it hurts in some hard-to-reach place, for example, in the ear, then wipe around. Nature gives us the best medicines, and water infused with medicinal plants will help you strengthen your immune system. You will absorb the power of the healing magic of nature.