Occupation of a psychologist in the second junior group. Summary of classes with children of the second younger group using relaxation exercises. Walk in the autumn forest

Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 26"

Summary of the activities of a teacher-psychologist with children in the second junior group

"Visiting a bear" using game technology

Teacher-psychologist Marina Yurievna Konnova


2013-2014 academic year

Goals: creating an emotionally comfortable atmosphere in the group, fostering the desire to love and take care of animals and toys, developing empathy, cohesion of the children's group, coordination of movements, hand motility, perception, attention, imagination, relieving muscle tension.


To develop self-regulation of pupils through listening to musical works.

To form a positive emotional mood, unity of a group of children.

Materials: locomotive, teddy bear, whistle, sheets depicting cans, gouache, brushes.

Hello children! Today, together with the train, we will go to visit. You will guess where when you solve the riddle.


Winter sleeps in a lair,

Guess and answer

Who is this?

Well done, right. This is a bear. More like wagons. The train is recovering. Tu-tu!

Game "Steam Train"

Target: to teach a child to respond to his name, remember the names of peers, act on the show and verbal instructions.

Game progress: an adult explains to the children that now they will play a little train. The main locomotive will be the adult himself, and the children will be the wagons. He calls the children one by one, emotionally commenting on what is happening: I will be a locomotive, and you will be wagons. Petya, come to me, stand behind me, hold my belt, like this. Now Vanya come here, stand behind Petya, hold him by the belt (make your hands like Petya), etc. After all the children lined up, the "train" sets off. An adult, imitating the movements of a locomotive “Choo-choo, woo!” encourages children to repeat them.

As the game is mastered, the number of children participating in it can be increased.

So we came to visit the bear. - Where does the bear live? In the forest, in the pine forest. -Children, show me how the bear walks.

And here is our bear. (show the children a toy bear)

Children, and the bear is visiting friends, name who it is?

Children's answers: Bunny and deer


Bunny and deer want to play with us.

The game "The deer has a big house"

For each phrase of the verse, its own movement is performed:

At the deer (hands up to the head, like deer antlers)

Big house (hands over head "house")

He looks (right hand over eyes)

Into your window (with two hands, first vertically, then horizontally the window is depicted)

Hare (palms to the head, like the ears of a hare)

runs through the forest (clench your hands in fists, bend your elbows, pretend to run)

There is a knock on his door: (with a fist "knock")

"Knock, knock

Open the door (depict how the door opens)

There in the woods (point back over shoulder with thumb)

The hunter is evil! (angry face)

“Hare, hare, run (again portray a hare)

Give me a paw!” (give a hand)

    Mishka was very happy that we came to visit him. Children, who wants to pet the bear? (children come up and stroke the bear if they wish) Bear, do you like children? Will you pet them? (the bear strokes the children's heads)

    Let's gently stroke the bear on the tummy.

    Mishka, will you catch up with the kids? (the bear growls and nods its head in the affirmative). Let's play and see if the bear can catch us. Now the bear will catch someone. Olya or Sasha ... (dchildren scatter, a psychologist with a toy in his arms catches up with the children)

Children, let's remember what we did today? What did you like? What didn't you like? Thank you. Today we met with a brown bear in a pine forest. And now it's time for us to go home. Goodbye, bear! Let's make a train and go home. Tu-tu! Goodbye. See you.

Lesson with a psychologist in the second junior group

Theme "Rainbow of Emotions"

Target: Development emotional sphere of children.


Strengthen the ability to recognize, show emotions to verbally identify them.

Improve children's communication skills.

Cultivate goodwill, sympathy for each other, a desire to help.


Recording different mood music;

Magic wand;

Magic rain;

Photo of the sad girl Nastenka;

Photo of a cheerful girl Nastenka;

Magic flower.

preliminary work:

- getting to know the basics emotions(joy, sadness, anger, surprise).

- carrying out exercises that contribute to awareness of one's own body, relieving muscle tension.

– holding psychological games and exercises.

Lesson progress:

Teacher-psychologist: Hello guys! I am very glad to meet you!

How else can you greet each other? (children's answers). I know another way to greet each other. Let's try to say hello So:

Exercise "Good friend"

Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Speak in unison words:

Hello Friend! (shake hands)

How are you here? (shrugs hands in surprise)

I missed (Put hands to chest.)

You came (They take hands again.)

Fine! (converge in the center, hugging.)

Psychologist: Guys, look, today guests have come to us. Let's greet them.

Children greet.

Teacher- psychologist: guys, are you glad that we have so many guests today?

Then let's send everyone a kiss.

Guys, did you come in a good mood? Then let's smile at each other.

Game-exercise “Give a smile”

The poem "King Borovik" (V. Prikhodko)

Psychologist reads a poem.

There was King Borovik

Straight through the forest

He shook his fist

And he thumped with his heels.

There was King Borovik not in spirit:

The king was bitten by flies.

Psychologist. What is the mood of the king?

And how did you guess?

(children's answers)

Psychologist. Reads a poem, and invites children to act according to the text.

Psychologist. Oh, what am I to do? How many angry kings! What will help me?

I know, I know - Magic Wand!

Game-exercise “…turn around, turn around and smile”

Psychologist touches the magic wand to the shoulder of each child and speaks: “turn around, turn around and smile”,

Psychologist: And when do you have a very joyful and cheerful mood?

Children: When the sun is shining, when mom bought a new toy, dress, when they gave a gift, etc.

Psychologist: Show how you know how to rejoice - the children show.

When does sadness happen? (children's answers).

Show a sad mood, be sad - the children show.

So that you are not very sad, I suggest playing

game "Tuh-tibi - spirit"

Psychologist: I will tell you a secret word. This is a magic spell against resentment and disappointment and sadness. The driver walks inside the circle. As soon as he wants to talk, he stops in front of one child, looks into his eyes and three times, angrily, says magic word: "Tuh-tibi-spirit". Then the children change places.

A game repeats.

Psychologist. Guys, you know, this morning I went into the kindergarten and saw a photo of a girl - Nastya (showing a photo of a girl withemotion of anger ) . She was sitting all alone. What is her mood? (children's answers)

A photograph of Nastenka with emotion of anger.

Psychologist: see how many petals are around. What do you think we will do with them? - Collect magic flower.

The children take it in turns to choose the petals, on which there are photos with options to help the angry girl. When the magic flower is composed, psychologist invites the children to close their eyes, and changes the central photo of an angry girl to a cheerful one.

Psychologist. Why do you think the miracle happened?

(children's answers)

Game-exercise “Peel me”

Psychologist: Children, it means that when a person is angry, you can talk to him, calm him down, you need to caress him, and let's caress each other so that we become even kinder.

It sounds like a calm melody. One child turns to the other and gently strokes each other's arms, shoulders, legs, etc.

surprise moment

Psychologist asks the children to close their eyes.

Psychologist gives installation children: When the music starts, you need to open your eyes.

The melody of a waltz sounds.

Children, open your eyes

What are these miracles?

There are magical raindrops here,

They give us laughs

In the dance we spin

Let's smile and make friends.

Psychologist lightly touches the children "magic rain".

The waltz sounds, the children move to the music.


Here comes the end of our class and I suggest you say goodbye in different ways.

The children stand in pairs.

Psychologist. “Let's say goodbye with palms, backs, foreheads, noses)

Psychologist: Guys, are you in a good mood now? (children's answers)

(developing lesson for the 2nd junior group)

Target: sensorimotor and speech development.


Creating a positive emotional mood in the group;

development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body;

development of visual, tactile perception (color, shape, size of objects);

The development of auditory perception;

development of attention, speech and imagination.


Image of the Sun; flashlight - “sunny bunny” (or a yellow ball - “sunny bunny”, or ribbons of yellow, red, blue color to depict rays); screen house (house from the table theater) with icicles under the roof; small animal toys (cow, goat, ram, dog, cat and other domestic animals); 3-4 metallophones ( or triangles, bells for every child) and hammers for playing on them for each child; squirrel toy; "wonderful bag" with items (nuts, mushrooms, cubes); multi-colored cords, cardboard images of multi-colored balloons of the same color with holes at the base; equipment for musical accompaniment.

Terms and conditions:

The lesson is held in a fairly spacious room, which should be equipped with carpet, tables and chairs appropriate for the growth of children. All necessary equipment is placed before the start of the lesson in such a way as not to attract the attention of children until the right moment.

Work with children is carried out in a playful way, the play space is organized using 4 modalities (motor, tactile, visual, auditory). Much attention is paid to the quality of didactic aids and gaming equipment, as well as the design and organization of space and the selection of musical accompaniment (it is possible to involve a musical director in the lesson).

An adult should create an atmosphere of goodwill, trust, cooperation.

Number of participants: 8-10 children.

Lesson duration: 20–25 minutes.

Lesson progress:

1. Greeting.


Hello guys! My name is …. I didn't come to visit you alone. The Sun itself decided to visit you.

Winter has passed! The sun became spring, affectionate. It began to glance at the ground, to look into the windows.

I saw how good children are here, beautiful, kind. The Sun wanted to come to visit you, to get to know you.

(The psychologist approaches each child, shines a “sunny bunny” flashlight on the palm of his hand or gives him a ball to hold, the children say hello, give their names).


So, Sunshine, you found out the names of the children.

And we have known you for a long time, we are watching you. Let's show, kids, how the sun walks across the sky.

2. Exercise "Sunshine"(E. Makshantseva “This is how the sun rises”)

(Children squat)


The Sun liked how you sang a song about him. It became spring, warm rays to stroke everyone (you can shine a flashlight on the legs, other parts of the children's body, naming them). The sun sent warm sunbeams (sun rays) to see if spring is expected on earth, if the Sun is happy. Let's go for the sunbeams.

(Throws sunbeams on the rug, or rolls out a yellow ribbon)

This ray is not simple,

Look, golden.

We'll follow the beam

On the path through the forest!

3. Walk.


Oh, what a hot sunbeam turned out to be - the snow melted. Puddles everywhere!

Gotta wear boots (tilts, imitate putting on boots)... Now we are not afraid of puddles, we can walk right on them (walking with high knees)... And these puddles are bigger - you need to step over them (walking with a wide stride), Now the puddles are so big that you can't step over them! Let's jump over (jumping)... We have very large puddles in front of us - we need such bypass (walking like a snake after a psychologist, you can hold hands)... Well, now, we went to the hillock, the puddles ran out.


But where are we? How far the sunbeam has taken us!

(We approached the house: on the table there is a screen-house with the image of icicles under the roof, 3-4 metallophones (triangles), hammers according to the number of children; figures of domestic animals behind the screen-house)

4. Rhythmic game "Drops"


Look, guys, what a house is on a hillock. You hear? Some interesting sounds! (The psychologist plays the metallophone: first, a lower sound in quarter durations, then higher in eighths, the highest in sixteenths).

What do you think it is? (children answer)

Yes, these are drops: the sun's rays melted icicles under the roof of the house, water droplets fall and ring. Take the hammers, let's play drop music, Let's help the sun melt the icicles.

The course of the game "Capel"

The psychologist plays the metallophone:

first, a lower sound - in quarter durations "- What large drops are falling";

then higher - eighths "- Smaller droplets began to drip faster";

the highest - in sixteenths "- Very small droplets, but how quickly they fall."

(Children repeat the rhythm after the psychologist, saying “drip, drip ...”)


So all the icicles have melted

I wonder who lives in this house?

5. Finger gymnastics "House" ( CD « Developmental girls. Five funny pigs. Finger songs - games " )


Children, do you understand who lives in the house? Let's look in the window and see. (Turns the screen over, the children examine the animals, repeat their voices; name the animals whose voices did not sound).

Then repeat finger exercises.

(He sends a sunny bunny towards Squirrel's toy with a bag containing mushrooms, nuts, small cubes, or rolls out a red ribbon)

Look, the red beam

He flickers through the clouds.

We'll follow the beam

Let's visit Belka!

6. Exercise "Magic bag"


Guys, look how sad Squirrel is. What's happened?

I stocked up in the fall, in a hurry. She put everything in her bag. And now I just can’t find a mushroom or a nut in a bag. Here: one fungus and one nut remained. I don't know what to do.


Children, let's try to help Squirrel?

(Children are first invited to touch the fungus and the nut, then, without looking into the bag, pull out one or another object).


Well done, guys, now the squirrel will have enough food until the summer!

(The psychologist sends a sunbeam towards the table, on which cardboard images of colored balloons and colored strings are laid out, or rolls out a blue ribbon)

This light is blue.

He is calling us.

Who will follow the ray -

Goes to kindergarten.

7. Exercise "Pick up the rope"


Sunny Bunny led us to Sunny's magical pantry.

We've gone so far from home! The sun decided that we would fly back faster on balloons - they are magical.

But there is one secret. The balloons cannot take off until we pick up each rope of the right color - the same as the balloon itself. Then the balls will lift us into the air, and we can quickly fly to our group on them.

(Children pick up a rope, insert it into the holes on the balloon mockup and tie it; if the child cannot tie the rope on his own, the psychologist helps, but does not do it for the child)

8. Relaxation "Balls"


Now you can hit the road.

Calm, "magic" music sounds. (Children repeat smooth movements after the psychologist: flying, circling, falling lower, rising up, etc. The psychologist pronounces and shows all movements.)

Well, here we are back in kindergarten! (Children put balls on the table)

The sun was so good and pleasant with us, but it's time for him to return to heaven. Let's say thanks to the sunbeam for the trip and "Goodbye!".

9. Farewell.(The psychologist approaches each child, shines a flashlight - a “sunny bunny” on the palm of his hand or gives him a ball to hold; the children say: “Goodbye.”)

You can make small “sunny bunnies” circles from gold foil (as a farewell gift from the Sun) and put them in the palm of each child.

Author: Kushlyanskaya Julia Nikolaevna
Position: teacher-psychologist of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 31" Svetlana "
Location: Smolensk city, Smolensk region


1. Creating a positive emotional mood in the group.

2. Development of the ability to act in accordance with the rules of the game.

3. Development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body.

4. Development of visual perception (color, shape, size of objects).

5. Development of attention, speech and imagination.


ladybug toys,

ladybug drawings,

Fruit basket,

The colors are black and red.

Lesson progress:

Psychologist- greetings.

Psychologist- Children, today we are waiting for many adventures, meeting new heroes. But first we need to go to the fairy forest.

Children walk along grooved paths, jump on balls, step over bumps. All this happens to the music.

Psychologist- Look who's standing on the path.

Children - It's a bunny!

Psychologist- And what does our bunny like to eat?

The children answer.

Psychologist- Our bunny is kind of sad. Our hare had a misfortune, he carried a basket to his children and scattered it. Look how many vegetables are in the clearing. Cucumber, what color? And the tomato? What about cabbage? Look, what shape is the tomato? Children look at vegetables and name them. Let's help our Bunny and collect only carrots in his basket.

Rhythmic music sounds and the children begin to collect carrots in a basket.

Psychologist- Well done, you are real helpers!

Psychologist- Guys, let's go further, let's see what awaits us next.

Suddenly a Bear appears from behind the bushes.

Psychologist- Look, it's a bear. How big he is, brown, how soft he is, with long claws. Where are the bear's ears? What about the kids? Where are the bear's legs? And you? And the eyes? And the mouth? And the nose?

The children are looking at the bear.

Psychologist- kids, and our Mishka wants to say something. The psychologist brings the bear to his ear and passes the words of the bear to the children. He asks us to play with him.

He offers to play hide-and-seek with him, but not ordinary, but bearish.

When he says eyes, you close your eyes; when he says nose, you close your nose; when he says mouth, you close your mouth. Agreed?

The psychologist is all great fellows, but our bear liked you so much that he does not want to let you go and offered to play one more game with him. It's called "Fast Bear".

The sun is shining, the bear is sleeping, all the children are walking in the clearing.

Suddenly the sun is gone, the bear wakes up and wants to catch the kids. Children run into the arms of their teachers. The game continues 2-3 times.

Psychologist- the bear wants to tell his favorite poem, and we will try to remember and come up with movements.

Bear clumsy walks through the forest Moving from side to side

Collects cones, sings songs Tilts down

Suddenly, one of the bumps Mishka right in the forehead Palm touching the forehead

The bear got angry and kicked the top We stomp

Psychologist- Guys, you are all great fellows!

Psychologist- (takes the bear in his hands) The bear brought us drawings today. See what is shown here?

Psychologist- right clearing! But the trouble is, there is no grass in our clearing. Let's draw beautiful green grass for our clearing.

Psychologist- Well done boys! Well, now let's go further.

Children walk along tactile paths to the music.

Psychologist- look what a good squirrel. Guys, what a fluffy tail she has.

What color is she? What does she like to eat?

Our squirrel loves to play. And she wants to play with us too.

The psychologist puts paired toys in front of the children, differing in size and says:

Psychologist- Guys, squirrels wanted to play with your toys. Help her choose small toys.

Psychologist- Well done, but unfortunately our journey has come to an end and it's time for us to return to kindergarten.

Children go to the rhyme

Right on the track - top top top!

We played today

Top top top top

Learned a lot of new

Clap-clap-clap-clap (one way)

Everyone did their best

Top top top top

And have some fun

Clap-clap-clap-clap (in another)

We had fun with you!

Friends, Thank you!!! Goodbye (we wave!!!)

The psychologist asks if the children liked the fairy forest? What do they remember the most?


1. A.S. Ronzhina "A psychologist's lesson with children 2-4 years old in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution."

2. E.E. Khomyakov "Complex developmental activities with young children".

3. E.V. Zherdev "Children of early age in kindergarten".

4. E.Ya. Yanushenko "Your baby can do it."

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Explanatory note

1. Thematic planning of the work of a teacher-psychologist in the second junior group

2.1 Soap bubbles

2.2 Ladybug

2.3 Walk in the autumn forest

2.5 Leaf fall

2.6 Kittens

2.7 Balls

2.8 Kolobok

2.10 Fingers

2.11 Grandma's yard

2.12 Animals in the forest

2.14 Hen and chickens

2.15 We are friends


Annex 1

Explanatory note

The main task of the work of a child psychologist in an educational institution is to preserve the psychological health of children. This problem is very extensive, multifaceted and very relevant in our stressful time. The development of the emotional sphere is one of the main components of maintaining and preserving the psychological health of our children.

Adaptation is the ability to adapt a person to a new environment, and for a small child, a preschool institution is a new, mysterious space, with new people and new relationships. Adaptation makes such reactions work, the nature of which depends on the psychophysiological and personal characteristics of the child, on the existing family relationships, on the conditions of stay in a preschool institution. Therefore, each child adapts in their own way.

However, there are some regularities in this process. :

The first thing to remember is that a child under the age of 2-3 does not need to communicate with peers, this area of ​​​​activity has not yet been formed. For a child at this age, an adult is a play partner, a role model, he satisfies the child's need for benevolent attention and cooperation. Since peers themselves do not need communication, they cannot give this to another child.

Therefore, a child, going to a preschool educational institution, cannot quickly adapt: ​​he is strongly attached to his mother, her disappearance causes the child to protest, and if this is an impressionable and emotionally sensitive child, then the stress is even stronger. The child should acquire the first experience of his stay in kindergarten with the emotional support and benevolent attitude of all adults (and kindergarten workers and parents), and this is a very important factor in the normal adaptation of the child.

Also, children 2-3 years old experience fears of new people and unfamiliar situations. These fears are one of the reasons for the difficult adaptation of the child to kindergarten. Often this leads to the fact that the child is easily excited, becomes vulnerable, touchy, whiny, and as a result, he begins to get sick more often, because prolonged stress caused by his fears depletes the body's defenses. All this together can lead to emotional disturbances or a slowdown in psychophysical development.

To prevent this from happening and the adaptation of the child to go smoothly and painlessly, you need to help the child, and an important role in this period is played by the developmental and preventive classes of the psychologist.

In the search for new forms of integration of different types of activities, ways to introduce the game into the learning process, the search for new (non-traditional) forms of work with children, many psychologists have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to conduct complex classes. Such classes are held jointly with the teacher of the group, which ensures the quality of education, i.e. individual approach to children, taking into account their characteristics.

For this issueare already workingthe following programs and technologies:

Ronzhina A.S. "Classes of a psychologist with children aged 2-4 years in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution";

Kazakova T.G. "Classes with preschoolers on fine arts";

Gribovskaya A.A. Application in Kindergarten.

The authors of these programs and technologies help specialists to work in the system of developmental and preventive complex classes aimed at preventing the maladaptation of children and developing the creative abilities of each child.

The program of Ronzhina A.S. was taken as the basis for the developmental and preventive program of work of a teacher-psychologist on the maladjustment of children 3-4 years old in kindergarten. Psychologist's classes with children 2-4 years old during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution. - M .: Knigolyub, 2004.

For easy perception and assimilation of the material by children, developing games and exercises in each lesson were united by a single theme. the presence of a single plot sets up and creates an emotional microclimate. This increases the desire of children to participate in tasks and affects the quality of the proposed tasks. And it is the game setting of the goal of the task that interests children to participate, which gives its positive results in development, both for the child himself, and professional satisfaction for the psychologist.

Targetcorrective and preventiveprograms- correction and prevention of maladjustment of children aged 3-4 years in a preschool educational institution.

This determines main goals:

¦ overcoming stressful conditions in children 3-4 years old during the period of admission to kindergarten;

¦ training educators of the second junior group in the methods of conducting group activities in the adaptation period.

In parallel with the solution of the main tasks, tasks of integrated development children:

¦ removal of emotional and muscular tension;

¦ decrease in impulsivity, excessive motor activity, anxiety, aggression;

¦ development of skills of interaction of children with each other;

¦ development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

¦ development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements;

¦ development of game skills, arbitrary behavior;

the development of creativity.

Since during the period of adaptation, babies often get sick and need re-adaptation after an illness, it is recommended to conduct classes during the first three to four months. The main means of work are a variety of games with speech accompaniment: round dances, nursery rhymes, finger games, rhymes - they quickly captivate children, switch their attention from unrestrained crying to friendly clapping and stamping their feet. It unites children, sets them a positive emotional mood.

Structure and form of classes

The joint activity of a teacher-psychologist with children begins with a greeting, and then with exercises that require coordination of actions: children walk together, run, perform other tasks in accordance with the rhythm and words of the poem. These exercises increase the speech and motor activity of children, help to tune in to work, and also create a positive emotional background.

The main part includes games and exercises that give children the opportunity to move intensively, freely express their emotions, and actively interact with their peers.

It ends with calm sedentary games and exercises.

The composition and number of exercises and games that make up the lesson can be varied by the educational psychologist: in order to avoid overworking the children, he can reduce the time or change the sequence of parts in accordance with the mood of the children.

Classes lasting 10-20 minutes are held 2 times a week for 4 months. It should be noted that the game and exercise should be repeated 4-5 times so that the children remember the words of nursery rhymes and songs, the rules of the games. In addition, young children love repetition, familiar games and exercises are easier for them to perceive.

It was stipulated above that the teacher of the group takes an active part in the classes. He adopts the methods and techniques used by the psychologist in various situations, notes the games that the children liked the most and uses them in his work, which ensures the quality of education, i.e. individual approach to children, taking into account their characteristics.

Expected results

1. Successful adaptation of children to kindergarten admissions;

2. Improving the psychological climate in the group, team building;

3. In the field of development of cognitive processes:

Increasing the level of development of attention, perception, speech, imagination;

Increasing the level of development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements;

Increasing the level of development of creative abilities.

Mechanisms for tracking results: Based on the observation of the behavior of children, educators fill out adaptation sheets. (Diagnostic methods "Adaptation sheet" is attached - Appendix 1).

exercise activity children garden

1. Thematic work planningeducational psychologist insecondjunior group

Topic of the lesson

Lesson number

Games and exercises used in GCD



1. Greeting

3. "Ladushki-Palm"

4. "Flight of Bubbles"

5. Application "Colorful bubbles"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Blowing soap bubbles"

3. "Inflate the bubble"

4. "We kick top top"

5. Application "Big and small bubbles"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Blowing soap bubbles"

3. "Bubbles, get in a jar"

4. "One ball"

5. Group drawing "Soap bubbles"

6. Farewell


1. Greeting

3. "Catch a ladybug"

4. Little fingers "

5. Application "Ladybug"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Introducing the ladybug"

4. "Warm the ladybug"

5. Drawing "Points on the backs"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Introducing the ladybug"

3. "Ladybug, fly away to the sky"

4. "Ladybugs and the sky"

5. Modeling "Legs for a ladybug"

6. Farewell

Walk in the autumn forest

1. Greeting

2. "A walk in the autumn forest"

4. "Maple leaves"

5. Application "Maple leaves"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "A walk in the autumn forest"

4. "Song for a hedgehog"

5. Drawing "Prickly hedgehog"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

3. "Mushroom picker"

4. "Mushrooms"

5. Application "Mushrooms for a hedgehog"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "What ball"

3. My cheerful sonorous ball "

4. "Bouncing balls"

5. Application "Colorful balls"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "What ball"

3. "Bouncing balls"

4. "Hide and Seek"

5. Application "Big and small balls"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "What ball"

3. "Hide and Seek"

4. "Find the ball"

5. "Wonderful bag"

6. Modeling "Colorful balls" - teamwork

7. Farewell

leaf fall

1. Greeting

3. "Rain and sunshine"

4. "Leaf fall"

5. Drawing "Leaf fall"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "A walk through the autumn forest"

3. "Leaf fall"

4. "Rain and sunshine"

5. Drawing "Rain"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Rain and sunshine"

3. "Leaf fall"

4. Group drawing "Maple leaves"

5. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Guess who's meowing"

3. "Cat with kittens"

4. "Butterflies"

5. Drawing "Butterfly"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Cat with kittens"

3. "Butterfly"

4. "Catch a butterfly"

5. Application "Colorful butterflies"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Guess who's meowing"

3. "Cat with kittens"

4. "Butterfly"

5. "Butterfly, fly!"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Compare balls"

3. "Picture the ball"

4. "Balls"

5. Application "Pattern of balls"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Balls"

3. "Breeze"

4. "Ball in the air"

5. Drawing "Blue and red balls"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Compare balls"

3. "Wonderful bag - 2"

4. "Don't lose the ball"

5. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Fairy tale" Kolobok "

3. “What kind of vegetable? What kind of fruit?

4. "The gingerbread man rolled"

5. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Fairy tale" Kolobok "

3. "Hide the bun"

4. "Kolobok rolled 2"

5. "Treat the bear"

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Fairy tale" Kolobok "

3. Silent

4. Modeling "Kolobok"

5. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Guessing riddles"

3. "Colored pencils"

4. "Mur-mur - Meow-meow"

5. "The cat is dancing"

6. "The cat is tired"

7. Farewell


1. Greeting

2. "Brothers-sloths"

3. "Greeting with palms"

4. "Hide and Seek"

5. “Colored handkerchiefs

6. Farewell

Grandma's yard

1. Greeting

2. "Cheerful smile"

3. "Two met ..."

4. "Mystery bag"

5. "Sculpt a fence"

6. Farewell

Animals in the forest

1. Greeting

2. "Funny riddles"

3. "Guess who called you"

4. "Check your posture"

5. Carousel

6. Farewell

1. Greeting

2. "Hello, I'm a Hedgehog"

3. "Two hedgehogs met"

4. "Hedgehog is angry"

5. "We walked, walked, walked ..."

6. "Help the hedgehogs find their needles"

8. Farewell

Hen and chickens

1. Greeting

2. "The mother hen and chickens"

3. "Find the chickens"

4. "Count the chickens"

5. "Chickens in the Nest"

6. Farewell

We are friends

1. Greeting

2. "Day and night"

3. "Heron"

4. "Guess the riddles"

5. "Sparkle of kindness"

6. Farewell

2. Program content

2 . 1 Bubble

Goals: removal of emotional tension and aggression; reduction of excessive physical activity; teaching children to establish contact with each other, group rallying; development of a sense of rhythm, general and fine motor skills; development of attention, speech, imagination, memory; development of a sense of form and color.

Equipment: 2 sets for blowing soap bubbles; a tape recorder and a cassette with a smooth melody recording; balls or balls; whatman paper with painted colored contours of soap bubbles of different sizes, colored paints and brushes; ½ of an album sheet with drawn colored contours of circles (soap bubbles), ready-made forms (colored circles-liners of the same diameter and different), glue, glue brush, oilcloth, rag, tray.

Activity progress:


Bubble blowing exercise

The psychologist shows the children a set for blowing soap bubbles and offers to guess the riddle:

Born in soapy water

Turned into a ball.

flew to the sun,

Yes, it didn’t fly - it burst!

The psychologist, the educator and the children blow soap bubbles, watch them, catch them. At the end of the exercise, the psychologist asks questions. Children answer them.

How many bubbles did I blow? - A lot of.

What shape are the bubbles? - Round.

What size were the bubbles? - Big and small.

What color do you see bubbles? - White, blue, green, yellow.

Multi-colored (sums up the psychologist). - Multicolored.

What did the bubbles do? - They flew, burst, circled, fell.

What did you do? - Inflated, caught, jumped ...

! It is necessary to try to ensure that the children answer in full answers.

Exercise "Patty-Palm"

Children sit in a circle on the carpet. The psychologist sings the song "Pallets-palms" and shows the movements. Children repeat after him.

Palms, palms, ringing crackers ... Rhythmically clap their hands.

Clapped their hands, clapped a little.

Yes ... Put your palms on your knees.

Foam interfered, bubbles were allowed, Imitate movements.

Bubbles flew, children were amused.

Yes ... Put your palms on your knees.

They folded their fists, beat them with fists: Fold their palms into fists. knocking

“Knock-knock, knock-knock!” fists against each other.

“Knock-knock, knock-knock!”

Yes ... Put your palms on your knees.

Ladushki danced, children were amused, Squeeze and unclench fists.

So they danced, the children were amused.

Yes ... Put your palms on your knees.

The patties are tired, the patties are asleep, They put their palms folded in a “boat”

Bye-bye-bayushki, bye-bye-okay. under the right, then under the left cheek.

Yes ... Put your palms on your knees.

Exercise "Flying Bubbles"

The psychologist offers the children to lie on their backs, wrap their arms around their legs bent at the knees, and pull their heads up to their knees.

The children are doing the task.

Remember how smoothly the bubbles swayed in the air. Try to picture it.

The children are doing the task.

The psychologist and the educator help the children to swing back and forth.

Application "Multicolored bubbles".

Exercise "Puff up, bubble"

Everyone join hands and stand in a small circle. The psychologist tells a rhyme and slowly steps back. Children repeat after him.

Inflate, bubble

Blow up big

Stay like this

Don't crash!

The circle expands until the psychologist says, “The bubble has burst!” Then everyone clap their hands, say in unison: “Clap!”, run into a small circle and again join hands.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Exercise "We kick top-top-top"

Children speak together with adults and perform the following movements:

We kick top-top-top, Children and adults walk around the room, high

And clap, clap, clap! raising their legs, clap their hands.

We walk along the path. They follow the psychologist, they clap their hands.

And we hit our hands.

Top-top, legs, top! Standing still, stomp their feet

Clap, clap, pens, clap! clap their hands.

Oh yes kids, oh yes strong men! Handles on the belt, spinning.

Application "Big and small bubbles"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for the application. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider circles-inserts of different colors, different sizes on trays. Draws the attention of children that the circles are different in size and different in color. Children must name the size and colors themselves.

2) consider the contours of the circles on the sheets.

3) place the insert circles in colored contours of the appropriate size and color. The child must find the colored contours of the circles on the sheets and paste a circle of the appropriate size and color into each colored contour.

Exercise "Bubbles, gather in a jar"

Come on, bubbles, get in a jar. (Children run up to the psychologist and stand close to each other).

I take a bubble stick and dip it into the jar. (The psychologist strokes the children's hair with his hand).

Let's check if all the bubbles are collected in a jar. (Calls the children by name, meets their eyes).

One, two, three, blow bubbles! (Children scatter around the group. Loud and smooth music sounds - children depict the flight of soap bubbles).

Exercise "One ball"

The psychologist divides the children into pairs, gives each pair a ball / ball and says:

Imagine that the ball / ball is a soap bubble that cannot be dropped, otherwise it will burst. Hold the ball together and perform movements together (jump, raise your arms up, squat, etc.).

Group drawing "Soap bubbles"

2) choose a contour for yourself, which will need to be painted

3) the child must choose a paint that matches the selected outline of the circle and decorate it without stepping over the edges and without interfering with other children.


Children and adults remember what games and exercises were held during GCD and discuss what they enjoyed the most.

2. 2 Ladybug

Goals: creating a positive emotional mood in the group; development of the ability to act according to the rules of the game; development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, orientation in one's own body; development of visual perception (colors, shapes); development of attention, speech, memory and imagination.

Equipment: a toy ladybug (preferably round); black finger paint or gouache mixed with toothpaste (so that the paint does not absorb into the skin and is easily washed off); ½ sheet, glue, glue brush, oilcloth, rag, tray, ready-made forms (red circles) (for each child), black plasticine, modeling board.

Activity progress:


Exercise "Acquaintance with a ladybug"

The psychologist shows the children a toy ladybug and says:

A ladybug came to visit us. Look how beautiful she is! Let's say hello to her.

Children consider a ladybug, greet her.

The psychologist offers to determine the color, shape, size of the toy. If children find it difficult to answer, the psychologist himself calls the color, shape, size.

Exercise "Catch a ladybug"

Guys, imagine that our ladybug flew. Come on, let's try to catch her!

The psychologist, pretending to try to catch an imaginary bug, performs grasping movements above his head: with one hand, with the other, with both hands at the same time. Children repeat the shown movements.

Let's open our fists and see if we managed to catch a ladybug.

Children following the psychologist slowly unclench their fists.

Here is our bug! Give him both hands.

The children, following the psychologist, join their open palms, imagining that they are holding an imaginary bug.

Exercise "Little fingers"

Now show me your right hand, and now your left. Let's make friends with our fingers.

Boys and girls are friends in our group. Children put their hands in the castle

We will make friends with you little fingers. and alternately connect the fingers

One two three four five! right and left hands, starting with

Let's start counting again. little fingers.

One two three four five!

Application "Ladybug"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for the application. The psychologist offers children:

1) look at the red circles on the trays. Children must name the color themselves.

2) compare the finished forms and the image of a ladybug. Children must independently say what the finished shapes look like (circle on the body).

3) place the circle in the center of the sheet, and then glue.

Exercise "Ladybug, fly to the sky"

The psychologist tells a nursery rhyme and shows the movements. Children repeat after him.

Ladybug, Rhythmically shake their palms.

Fly away to the sky, Make waves with crossed hands.

Bring us bread, They wave their hands at themselves.

Black and white Rhythmically clap their hands.

Just not hot! They threaten with the index finger.

¦ As a rule, during the first lesson, many children are not able to repeat some movements for an adult. In this case, the psychologist, the educator put the kids on their knees and, supporting their palms, do the above movements with them.

Exercise "Warm the ladybug"

The ladybug is frozen and cannot fly. Let's warm it with our breath.

Children breathe on their hands.

¦ Teaching this breathing exercise, the psychologist can ask the children to open their mouths wide and pronounce the sound “A” for a long time.

The ladybug has warmed up, let's blow it off our palms.

Children take several deep breaths through their nose and exhale through their mouths. On exhalation, lips are pulled out with a tube, palms are substituted under cold streams of air.

¦ At the initial stage of mastering this exercise, you can invite children to pronounce the sound “U” for a long time while exhaling.

Drawing "Points on the backs".

2) compare the application and the image of a ladybug. Children must independently say what is missing on the back (black round dots).

3) children, following the psychologist, dip their index fingers (or brushes) in black paint and draw circles on the backs of ladybugs.

The game "Ladybugs and the wind"

And now, guys, let's turn into ladybugs ourselves.

We circled around

And they turned into ladybugs. They are spinning. Show different parts

Ladybugs, show me your bodies.

Heads, spouts, mouths,

Wings, legs, tummies.

Amazing! Now imagine that the sun is shining, ladybugs are crawling on the leaves.

Children get on all fours and crawl on the floor.

An angry cold wind blew, turned the bugs over.

Children roll over on their backs, move their relaxed arms and legs.

¦ If a psychologist observes tension, constrained, abrupt movements in one of the children, then he can help the child relieve excessive tension by stroking and shaking lightly.

A kind warm breeze blew, helped the bugs to roll over.

Children get back on all fours and crawl.

The warm breeze blew harder, lifted the ladybugs into the air, and they flew away.

Children, depicting the flight of ladybugs, run slowly, wave their arms smoothly, buzz.

The sparrow is flying! Save yourself, ladybugs!

Children run into the arms of a psychologist and educator.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Modeling "Legs for a ladybug"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for modeling. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider your application "Ladybug", which was completed in the last lesson.

2) compare the application and the image of a ladybug. Children must independently say what the ladybug is missing (black legs).

3) the children, following the psychologist, roll out thin sausages from black plasticine.

4) place them on the application to make legs, press lightly so that they are fixed on the base.


Children and adults remember what games and exercises were played and discuss what they enjoyed the most.

Ladybug really liked you, but it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye!

2 . 3 Walk in the autumn forest

Goals: group cohesion, development of empathy; development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, the ability to quickly respond to instructions;

reduction of excessive motor activity; learning to distinguish colors, correlating objects by color; development of spatial representations, the ability to display in speech using prepositions (on, under, in, for, etc.) the location of things; development of general motor skills, development of memory, speech and imagination.

Equipment: painting or photograph "Autumn Forest", a toy hedgehog; toys (bibabo dolls): fox, will, bear; red, yellow and green maple leaf (mushroom) - they are also ready-made forms for application (for each child), red, yellow and green baskets (gift bags / boxes); colored base 10 * 20 cm, glue, glue brush, oilcloth, rag, tray; ½ sheet with the outline of a hedgehog, a black pencil for each child.

Activity progress:


Exercise "Walk in the autumn forest"

The psychologist shows the children a picture that depicts an autumn forest. Children examine the picture, name the season, explain by what signs they determined that autumn is depicted.

Let's imagine that we are going for a walk in the autumn forest. Children stand one after another and walk in a circle.

The psychologist tells the nursery rhyme and shows the movements, the children repeat after him.

On a flat path, Moving at a normal pace.

On a flat path

Our feet are walking

Our feet are walking.

On pebbles, on pebbles. They move in big steps.

Over bumps, over bumps, jumps forward.

On small leaves, Move in small steps.

In the hole - boom! They squat down.

¦ WITH In order to develop voluntary control over actions, the psychologist draws the attention of children to the fact that they need to squat down, and not just sit on the carpet or fall on their knees.

Well, here we are in the forest. We should be met by a hedgehog... Where is he?

Children find a hidden toy and say where the hedgehog was (under the table, etc.).

¦ The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Exercise "HedgehogsTo"

The psychologist examines a toy hedgehog with the children, offers to touch it. Children touch the toy with the palm of their hand, pretend to prick themselves, pull their hand away, say that the hedgehog is prickly.

The psychologist invites children to learn a poem by V. Zakhoder.

What are you, hedgehog, so prickly?

This is me just in case.

Do you know who my neighbors are?

Foxes, wolves and bears!

The psychologist explains how the hedgehog defends itself from "its neighbors", invites children to play. Children, depicting hedgehogs, crawl on all fours in a group. When the psychologist shows a toy (a fox, a wolf or a bear), the children should group and sit still.

¦ The game is repeated 2-3 times.

¦ It is difficult for some children to comply with the condition of the game: do not move when a fox (wolf, bear) appears - they tend to run away, hide. Getting into a role will help overcome impulsiveness. Children are reminded that hedgehogs cannot run like hares, they cannot climb trees like squirrels, but they have a safe hiding place - needles.

uprSignificance "Maple Leaves"

Psychologist says:

The hedgehog collected maple leaves in the forest. He asks you to help him arrange the leaves correctly in the baskets. The psychologist gives each child a set of maple leaves, puts out three baskets (gift bags / boxes) - red, yellow and green. Children lay out the leaves in baskets of the corresponding color.

Application "Maple leaves"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for the application. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider ready-made forms on trays - maple leaves. The psychologist notes that they are of different colors. Children must name the colors themselves.

2) Arrange the elements on the base as done on the sample.

3) stick the elements on the middle of the base in a certain sequence (red, yellow, green).

Exercise "Song for a hedgehog"

The psychologist offers to sing a song to the hedgehog.

A child is chosen to represent the hedgehog. He sits down and wraps his arms around his knees (or lies down and curls up). The psychologist and other children stand around him and sing a song.

Walking slowly through the forest

Suddenly we saw a hedgehog.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - we are friends,

Let us pet you.

Everyone leans over and gently touches the hedgehog.

¦ The game is repeated 2-3 times.

In order for each child to be in the role of a hedgehog, you can offer several children to sit in the center of the circle at once.

Drawing "Prickly hedgehog"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for drawing. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider the contours of the hedgehog on the sheet. Draws the attention of children that the hedgehog is missing something. Children must say "needles" on their own.

2) children draw the hedgehog's needles with a pencil.

Exercise "Mushroom picker"

Sasha walked, walked, walked, They imitate the movements of a mushroom picker: they go,

Found a white mushroom, bend down and put the mushrooms in the box.

One is a fungus, two is a fungus, three is a fungus,

Put it in a box.

Exercise "Mushrooms"

Psychologist says:

The hedgehog collected mushrooms in the forest. He asks you to help him arrange the mushrooms correctly in the baskets. The psychologist gives each child a set of mushrooms, puts out three baskets (gift bags / boxes) - red, yellow and green. Children arrange mushrooms in baskets of the corresponding color.

Application "Mushrooms for a hedgehog"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for the application. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider ready-made forms on trays - mushrooms. The psychologist notes that they are of different colors. Children must name the colors themselves.

2) arrange the elements on the basis - the hedgehog drawing from the last lesson as done on the sample.

3) stick the elements on the base.


Children and adults remember what games and exercises were held in the lesson and discuss what they liked the most.

Everyone says goodbye until next time

2 . 4 ball

Goals: group cohesion, development of the ability to interact with peers; increased emotional tone; development of a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements; development of orientation in space; learning to reflect in speech their location, the location of other children, objects; development of visual and tactile perception, speech and imagination.

Equipment: big ball; a cloth bag, a small plastic ball and a plastic cube (commensurate in size), ½ of an album sheet with colored contours of circles (balls) drawn (2 for each child), ready-made forms (colored circles-liners of the same diameter and different), glue, brush glue, oilcloth, rag, tray, plasticine set, modeling board, whatman paper with painted colored contours of soap bubbles of different sizes.

Activity progress:


Exercise "What ball."

The psychologist shows the children large and small balls and offers to determine their shape, size, color.

The children complete the task.

Show the shape of the ball with your hand and name it (the ball is round).

Children draw a circle in the air: with one hand, with the other, with both hands at the same time.

Compare balls by size.

Children show a big ball and call (this is a big ball), show a small ball and call (this is a small ball).

Compare the balls by color.

Children name the color of the balls on their own.

Exercise "My cheerful sonorous ball"

Let's sit around the ball and tell a poem about it.

Everyone sits around the ball and puts their palms on it. Children repeat after the psychologist S. Marshak's poem "My cheerful sonorous ball" and rhythmically slap the ball, first with one, then with the other hand.

A psychologist helps children who slap the ball irregularly. He puts his hand on the child's hand and helps him coordinate the movements of his hand with the rhythm of the verse.

My cheerful sonorous ball. And then you rolled

Where did you run off to? And did not turn back.

Yellow, red, blue. Rolled into the garden

Don't chase after you. Ran up to the gate

I clapped your hand. Rolled under the gate

You jumped and stomped loudly. Ran to the turn.

You're fifteen times in a row there got hit by a wheel.

Jumped to the corner and back. Burst, slammed - that's all!

Exercise "Bouncing balls"

Now imagine that you have turned into balls. Katya, what color will you be the ball? And you, Vova? Etc. Children look at their clothes and name the appropriate colors.

I will play with balls - lightly slap you with my palm, and you will jump like balls. The psychologist, reciting the poem “My cheerful sonorous ball”, puts his palm on the head of each child in turn. Children, feeling the touch, bounce in place. To the words: do not keep up with you - the children run away from the psychologist to the teacher. The game is repeated - and the children run away from the teacher into the arms of a psychologist.

Application "Colorful balls"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for the application. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider circles-inserts of the same size, different colors on the trays. Draws the attention of children that the circles are the same in size, but different in color. Children must name the colors themselves.

2) consider the contours of the circles on the sheets.

3) place the insert circles in the colored outlines of the corresponding color. The child must find the colored contours of the circles on the sheets and paste a circle of the corresponding color into each colored contour.

Game "Hide and Seek"

The psychologist offers the "balls" to play hide and seek. He reads the poem "My cheerful sonorous ball." Children are jumping. To the words: "do not keep up with you" - the children scatter around the group and hide. The psychologist is looking for children. The found child must say where he was hiding (under the table, behind the chair, in the corner, etc.).

¦ The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Application "Big and small balls"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for the application. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider circles-inserts of different shapes, different colors on trays. Draws the attention of children that the circles are different in size and different in color. Children must name the size and colors themselves.

2) consider the contours of the circles on the sheets.

3) place the insert circles in colored outlines of the appropriate size and color. The child must find the colored contours of the circles on the sheets and paste a circle of the appropriate size and color into each colored contour.

Exercise "Find the ball"

Guys, you played hide and seek so much fun that the ball also wanted to play with you. Close your eyes and the ball will hide.

Children close their eyes, the psychologist hides the ball. At the command of the psychologist, the children open their eyes and begin to look for the ball. Finding, they say where he was hiding.

Exercise "Wonderful bag"

The psychologist shows the children a cloth bag containing a small ball and a cube.

There was a small ball hidden in this bag. You need to find it without looking into the pouch.

The children take turns looking for the ball by touch and tell how they distinguished it from the cube.

Modeling "Colorful balls"(Tocollective work)

Children come to the table, on which everything is prepared for modeling. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider the contours of the circles on the drawing paper. Draws the attention of children that the circles are different in size and different in color. Children must name the size and colors themselves.

2) choose a contour for yourself, which will need to be “decorated” with plasticine.

3) the child must choose the plasticine corresponding to the selected contour of the circle.

4) roll out the ball, place it in the center of the circle and press, then stretch the edges of the ball to the contour borders.

5) in the process of work, try not to interfere with other children.


2 . 5 leaf fall

Goals: creating an atmosphere of emotional security; removal of emotional and muscular tension; decreased impulsivity, increased motor activity; development of the ability to move in the same rhythm with other children, adapt to their pace; development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, speed of reaction; development of speech, imagination, creative abilities.

Equipment: large umbrella; a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of the sound of rain, a cassette with a recording of slow, calm music; two maple leaves (for each child); yellow, red, green gouache, brush (for each child); leaf with the image of an autumn landscape.

Activity progress:


Exercise "A walk in the autumn forest"

The psychologist invites the children to see what is happening outside the window. He draws the attention of the kids to the signs of autumn (yellowing trees, fallen leaves, cloudy sky) and says:

Imagine that we are going for a walk in the autumn forest.

The children line up. Psychologist says:

Listen carefully to the words. Try to move together. Don't overtake each other.

Legs walked: top-top-top, They go one after another.

Right down the path: top-top-top.

Come on, more fun: top-top-top,

Here's how we do it: top-top-top.

Legs ran Running, trying not to overtake

On a flat path, each other.

Run away, run away, only the heels sparkle.

¦ The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The game "Rain and Sun"

Children walk around the room, pretending to collect leaves. As soon as the psychologist turns on the cassette with the sounds of rain or gives the command “rain!”, the children run under a large umbrella held by the teacher and hide so that everyone has enough space. The psychologist can drum his fingers on the surface of the umbrella, imitating the sound of rain. The noise of the rain stops and the command “Sunshine!” The children run out from under the umbrella.

¦ The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Exercise "Leaf fall»

A cassette with a recording of calm music is turned on. Children take a maple leaf in each hand. Psychologist says:

Imagine that you are maple leaves. Autumn came, it was time for leaf fall, the wind tore the leaves from the trees, and they swirled in the air. Show how the leaves dance in the wind. Children, depicting the flight of leaves, move smoothly to the music.

The psychologist reads the poem and shows the movements. Children repeat after him.

Leaf fall, leaf fall, Spinning, depicted leaves.

Leaves yellow fly, Throw leaves up.

Under the foot rustle, rustle, Walk on the leaves.

Soon the garden will be bare. Lie down on the floor and listen to music.

Drawing "Leaf fall"

Children sit at tables. The psychologist distributes paints, brushes and sheets depicting an autumn landscape and offers to draw flying leaves. Children, telling the poem "Falling Leaves", put a brush to a sheet of paper in rhythm with the verse. Everyone is looking at the drawings, the psychologist praises the children for their work.

Drawing "Rain"

Children sit at tables. The psychologist distributes paints, brushes and sheets depicting an autumn landscape (from the last lesson) and offers to draw raindrops falling from the sky. Children apply a brush to a sheet of paper, depicting raindrops.

Everyone is looking at the drawings, the psychologist praises the children for their work.

Game "Rain"

Rain, rain, what are you pouring? 4 cottons.

You don't let us walk. Floods.

Rain, rain, full of pouring, 4 cottons.

Children, the earth, the forest to wet. Jumping in place.

After the rain at the dacha Walking.

We will jump through the puddles. Jumping over puddles.

Group drawing "Maple leaves"

Children come to the table, on which everything is prepared for drawing. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider plates of paint and maple leaf stencils. Draws the attention of children that paints are different in color (like leaves). Children must name the colors themselves.

2) choose a color in which you will need to dip the stencil.

3) dip a maple leaf in turn in a plate of paint and make an imprint on a large sheet of drawing paper without going over the prints of other children.


2.6 Kittens

Goals: the formation of positive self-esteem; development of the desire to empathize, help, support each other; relieving muscle tension; development of the ability to express emotions (fear, sadness and joy); development of auditory perception, the ability to reproduce the sounds heard; development of motor skills, coordination of movements, orientation in one's own body; development of spatial representations; development of attention, speech and imagination.

Equipment: yellow, red, blue, green butterflies the size of a child's palm (according to the number of children); toys or object pictures in yellow, red, blue and green; ½ of a sheet with a depicted outline of a butterfly, colored pencils; cord with butterflies tied to it.

Activity progress:


Exercise "Guess who's meowing"

The psychologist “meows” first like an adult cat, and then like a kitten.

Children, who is meowing?

The children give their guesses.

That's right, you guessed it, it's a cat and a kitten meowing. The cat's voice is low, and the kitten's voice is high, thin, it almost squeaks. Let's try to meow like a cat and like a kitten.

The children are doing the task.

Game "Cat with kittens"

Let's play, I'll be a mother cat, and you will be kittens.

Kittens, soon we will go for a walk in the yard. There is a dog in the yard, you must be able to defend yourself. Now we will learn to hiss and release claws.

Everyone squats down, clench their fingers into fists, say: “Sh-sh-sh”, then open their fists, spread their fingers (“show claws”) and say: “Meow”.

¦ The exercise is repeated 2-3 times

It's time to go for a walk. Be careful, and when you hear the word dog, defend yourself, as I taught you. Children walk in a group. At the signal "Dog!", The children perform the above exercise.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Game "Butterflies"

The psychologist invites the children to come up to him, shows the butterflies and says: “Look, kittens, butterflies have come to us. Let's take a look at them. This butterfly is yellow like the sun. And what color is this one? That's right, blue as a bell. and so on.

¦ It is desirable that in the field of vision of children there are multi-colored objects or pictures with which they could correlate the colors of butterflies.

The psychologist gives a butterfly to each child and says:

Butterflies want to play. Get in a circle.

Children, holding butterflies in front of them, stand in a wide circle and, following the psychologist, say the words:

Butterfly, fly, fly, fly, Slowly perform

Fly, fly, fly! voluntary hand movements.

Rest on the head (on the shoulder, etc.)! in which the butterfly is

imitation of the flight of a butterfly), and follow it with their eyes.

¦ In subsequent lessons, you can invite children to hold a butterfly with their left hand or with both hands at the same time.

Drawing "Butterfly".

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for drawing. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider the contours of the butterfly on the sheet.

2) choose a pencil to work with and name the color yourself.

3) decorate the butterfly without stepping over the edges of the outline.

Exercise "Catch a butterfly"

The psychologist invites the children to sit on their knees and says:

Now try to catch a butterfly without getting up.

The psychologist approaches each child in turn and, holding a butterfly over his head, offers to reach for it. Children try to reach the butterfly with their right, left and both hands.

Application "Colorful butterflies"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for the application. The psychologist offers children:

1) look at the trays of butterflies-liners of different colors. Draws the attention of children that the butterflies-liners are different in color. Children must name the colors themselves.

2) consider the contours of the butterflies on the sheets.

3) place the butterfly inserts in colored outlines of the corresponding color. The child must find the colored contours of butterflies on the sheets and paste a butterfly of the corresponding color into each colored contour.

Exercise "Butterfly, fly!"

The psychologist invites the children to come up to him, shows butterflies (2-3 brightly colored paper butterflies, each of which is tied with a thread 50 cm long and attached to a cord at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The cord is pulled by the psychologist and the educator so that the butterflies hang on face level of a standing child). Psychologist says:

Look how beautiful butterflies are: red, yellow, blue. How many of them. They are like alive! Let's see if our butterflies can fly. (Blowing on butterflies). Look, fly! Try to blow too. Which butterfly will fly farthest?

Children take turns approaching the butterflies and blowing on them.

¦ It is necessary to ensure that the child stands straight, does not raise his shoulders when inhaling, blows on one exhalation, without getting air, does not puff out his cheeks, and slightly pushes his lips forward. The child should blow for no more than 10 seconds with pauses so that the head does not spin.

¦ All children should take part in the exercise.


2 . 7 balls

Goals: development of communication skills (to learn to establish contact with each other, to act in concert, to adapt to the pace of the partner’s movements); removal of emotional and muscular tension; development of the ability to coordinate their actions with the rhythm and text of the poem; development of orientation in one's own body; development of general and fine motor skills; development of visual perception, speech and imagination.

Equipment: a big red ball and a small blue ball; medium-sized balls (for each pair of children); a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of calm music and a rhythmic smooth melody; a sheet of paper and colored pencils (for each child); a cloth bag with two balls of different sizes, a cube and other toys; ½ of a landscape sheet, ready-made forms (large red and small blue circles), glue, glue brush, rag for each child.

Activity progress:


Exercisese "Compare balls"

The psychologist shows the children a big red ball and a small blue ball. Children examine the balls, name their number, compare in size and color.

Exercise "Picture the ball" The psychologist invites the children to stand in a circle, hold hands and depict first a large, and then a small ball. The children are doing the task.

Game "Balls" Psychologist says:

Guys, the balls want to play with you.

Children following the psychologist repeat the words and perform the movements mentioned in the text.

Girls and boys jump like balls.

They stomp their feet, they clap their hands,

They nod their heads and then rest.

¦ The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Application "Pattern of balls"

Children sit down at the tables, on which everything is prepared for the application. The psychologist offers children:

1) consider on the trays the insert circles are large red and small blue. Draws the attention of children that the circles are different in size and different in color. Children must name the size and colors themselves.

2) examine the sample and pay attention to the sequence of circles (big red, small blue, big red, small blue).

3) arrange the elements on the basis as it is done on the sample.

4) the child must glue the mugs of the appropriate size and color in the given sequence.

Exercise "Wind"

Children lie down on the carpet, close their eyes. The psychologist turns on calm music and says:

The balls rest, and the breeze flies around the room and touches them.

The psychologist strokes the children: one on the head, another on the knees, the third on the tummy, etc. Having opened their eyes, the children should show and name the parts of the body that were touched by the breeze.

Exercise "Ball in the air"

Psychologist says:

And now we will show how we will draw balls.

The children, following the psychologist, draw a spiral: first in the air, alternately with their right and left hands, then on the palm of their hand with their index finger.

Drawing "Blue and red balls"

The psychologist places a large red ball and a small blue ball in front of the children, distributes sheets of paper and pencils.

Draw a big ball with a red pencil, and a small one with a blue one.

Exercise "Wonderful Pouch 2"

The psychologist shows the children a cloth bag containing a small ball and a larger one, a cube, and other small toys.

There was a small ball hidden in this bag. You need to find it without looking into the pouch. Children take turns looking for the ball by touch and tell how they distinguished it from other toys.

Game "Don't Lose the Ball"

The psychologist turns on rhythmic, smooth music, divides the children into pairs and gives each pair a ball. At the command of the psychologist, the couples, without releasing the ball from their hands, must walk around the group, jump, spin, sit down, etc.


2 . 8 Kolobok

Goals: group cohesion, development of empathy, teaching children the skills of cooperation; removal of fears of fairy-tale heroes; development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements; development of perception (gustatory, tactile, visual, olfactory); development of spatial representations; development of attention, speech and imagination.


bibabo dolls (characters of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Kolobok"); cloth bag; fruit and vegetable; plasticine ball (for each child); didactic set "Bowls"; wooden toys: fungus, ball, cube (commensurate in size); sports equipment: tracks with a different surface texture, gymnastic balance beams, gymnastic bench, hoop.

Activity progress:


Exercise"The Tale "Gingerbread Man"

The psychologist tells and dramatizes (with the help of toys) the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Children repeat the movements shown by the psychologist.

There lived an old man and an old woman. Here the old man asks: "Bake me, old, a bun."

The old woman made flour (perform smooth movements with her hands towards herself), scraped salt (slowly clench and unclench her fists), salted (collect fingers in a pinch, “salt” with her right, left, both hands), stirred the dough (circular movements in different directions with her right , left and both hands), blinded a bun (imitate the modeling of a bun), rolled (perform circular movements with one palm over the other clockwise, counterclockwise, change hands and repeat the movements), anointed with oil (stroke with one palm the other), into the stove put the hot one (breathe warm air in the palm of your hand) and put it to cool on the window (blow in the palm of your hand). Tired of the kolobok lying: he rolled from the window to the mound, from the mound to the grass, from the grass to the path. The gingerbread man is rolling towards the forest across the field (they lie on the carpet and roll, “like logs” with outstretched arms and legs, performing 3-4 turns back and forth). He rolled to the forest, and there the hare was already waiting for him.

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