Envious girlfriends are signs of the consequences. Friends should be equal

Psychologists say that people who have not been possessed by at least fleeting envy do not exist. If a negative feeling is recognized and worked out, then it becomes an incentive for the development of self-esteem. Uncontrolled emotions lead to destructive consequences. Envy, reborn into anger and hatred, has one goal - to bring the object of psychological jealousy as much suffering as possible.

Envy does not arise from the desire to possess something, but from the desire that someone lose something. Ancient philosophers called this feeling sadness for the well-being of one's neighbor. An envious person cherishes the thought of seeing the worthy dishonored, the rich - the poor, the happy - destitute.

Modern specialists in the field of social knowledge show a keen interest in the phenomenon of envy. There is an opinion that the division of society into different layers has strengthened the spirit of competition and rivalry in relation to close people. There is a widespread and long-term survivability of an unfavorable component in interpersonal relationships.

The person who is envied most often does not even suspect this, since the “rival” maintains partnerships. At the same time, being convinced of the intellectual, physical or material superiority, the envious intuitively experiences painful sensations that manifest themselves at various levels:

  • Subconscious (inability to accept).
  • Emotional instability (annoyance, anger, irritation).
  • Behavior (the desire for physical impact on the subject of envy).

Let's take an example. Statistics is a stubborn thing, but it convinces that the reason for a large number of divorce proceedings is the betrayal of a spouse (wife) with a close friend (friend). In fact, a person who for a long time (perhaps from childhood) was considered a member of the family dreamed of one thing - to destroy it.

Women have a subconscious desire to be the most charming and attractive. And when a person who is superior in something appears in the immediate environment, this deals a severe blow to pride. Sometimes envy is born for the smallest reason:

  • It would seem that the most banal reasons - a gadget of a new model appeared, they bought a chic dress at a discount, a guy gave way to public transport, a randomly purchased lottery ticket turned out to be winning, they can give rise to a spark of irritation. If happy accidents are repeated with an enviable frequency, a friend quietly begins to hate.
  • Often beautiful girls choose girlfriends who do not differ in bright appearance. Some out of a feeling of pity, others in the hope of preventing rivalry in advance. This is a big mistake. A blooming girl causes allergies in withered friends.
  • Teenagers need a smart companion when they are in school when they can roll up their homework or tests. But in adult life, rapid career advancement, especially if friends work in the same institution, is perceived as a personal insult. People are condescending to stupidity, and someone else's wisdom provokes envious negativity.
  • The financial situation becomes an obstacle to respectable friendship. An envious person will never appreciate well-meaning gifts, although she will accept them with feigned gratitude. The higher the cost of the presentation, the more categorical the attitude. In some cases, partnerships are maintained purely out of mercantile motives.
  • The main stumbling block is the man. If a friend is jealous of the appearance or position of a young man, this is not so bad. Envy will smolder slowly. But if she's in love with him, it's a disaster. A person with unregulated emotions goes to any tricks, just to get the object of adoration. Gossip, gossip begin, while absolutely fictional facts are presented as reality.
  • A bad joke can be played by deliberate boasting of one's own merits and achievements. After all, as you know, luck loves silence. Boasting gives rise to intrigues and envy.
  • The process of degeneration of envy into malice has the opposite effect - the transition of anger into an envious form. Unmotivated anger is a disease that destroys a person as a person. Up to a certain point, aggression accumulates inside, until it pours out on the heads of poor girlfriends.

Physiognomists are convinced that it is possible to understand the character and attitude of a person to any phenomenon by behavior, facial expressions, and gestures. In order to recognize the hidden feeling of annoyance in a friend, you should carefully look at her reactions to various circumstances.

Sample tests.

  1. With special joy, tell about a happy event. Complete indifference or weak attempts to share violent emotions is a sign of cold rage.
  2. Tell about the depressing events that touched your personal life. The envious woman will try to hide a jubilant smile behind false sympathy. With a fake reaction, a person tries to lull vigilance.
  3. If your virtues become the topic of conversation among friends and colleagues, envious people turn their attention to their achievements.
  4. Pay close attention while talking to a friend. A squinted look, retraction of the abdomen, like a predator before an attack, are indicators of an unfriendly attitude. Clenched fists speak of closeness from the outside world, from someone's feelings and experiences. In addition to compassion for her beloved, the envious feels nothing.
  5. Unexpectedly boast of a decision in your favor, which a friend would not refuse. Suddenness will not allow time to hide negative emotions.
  6. Share the secret and don't be surprised when the revelations become an "open secret." A favorite pastime of people with a black sense of envy is to discuss in detail other people's missteps for all to hear.
  7. Envy can be embodied in a careful imitation of behavior, habits, style decisions in clothing.
  8. Pay attention to the critical remarks of the companion, whether they have good reason. Perhaps the chic dress that she rejected was not so bad, and a handsome guy who wants to meet in a cafe does not look like a bandit at all.
  9. Feeling your superiority and the goodwill of others, a friend tries to spoil the impression. There are any ways to enter - inappropriate jokes, nit-picking, stupid jokes.

But the tests don't always work. If the feeling of envy has just woken up, emotions will be under control. Be wary when a friend convinces you that she is jealous "in white." The lines between the so-called white and black envy are very thin. Boundaries are broken all at once.

An envious person in close surroundings, a kind of delayed-action explosive device. Moreover, you can’t guess when it will work and what consequences it will bring. Unlimited trust increases the chances of causing irreparable damage. From the meanness and deceit of the best friends, careers and destinies collapsed.

The employer will not understand the underlying reasons if he constantly hears about the insolvency of the employee, the inability to cope with his official duties. The lack of career growth can be tolerated, but it is not uncommon for a person to be left without work as a result of envious slander.

The saying that a friend in need is a friend is not always true. When you feel bad, the envious person is good. Her painful feeling rests peacefully. The catalyst for a negative reaction is success, prosperity, luck. With a heavy heart, a friend rejoices for you, while entangling you in a web of black lies. Colleagues suddenly find out that they promoted you not for professionalism and perseverance, but for ...

Gossip also works in relationships with loved ones. The spiteful woman will find a way to sow the seed of doubt in a loved one, how to quarrel with friends and acquaintances. Sometimes slander and slander stain the reputation for the rest of your life.

The free access of a petty creature to your family increases the risks of discord with your husband. While you are messing around with the children, cooking dinner, walking the dog, a friend, fragrant with aromas, enchants the owner with a sweet languid smile. Exaggeratedly praises male virtues, casually notices that they are undeservedly underestimated. Drop by drop, rebelliousness accumulates in the husband. The result is leaving the family.

Quite the opposite, the envious person will manipulate you, making you believe that this is not the person who is worthy to walk beside you all your life. Therefore, many modern girls and women practice friendships outside the home and family.

What to do if your friend is jealous of you

A person always has a choice. Convinced of hidden gloating, you need to decide in which version further events will develop.

Folk wisdom says: "Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are." Our environment as in a mirror reflects our well-being, success, life position. So maybe you should not attract unnecessary negative emotions to yourself?

Provocateurs of envy - the psychological characteristics of the female biological system. When judging a friend, one should not forget that an unbearable feeling can play a cruel joke on any person. If it is impossible to protect oneself from an envious person or the attachment is very strong, all possible actions should be taken.

Call a friend for a frank conversation, try to find out the true cause of hidden envy. You cannot replace a qualified psychotherapist, but finding the source of negativity will help reanimate the friendship.

If it turns out that the matter is in the young man to whom you devote all your free time, do not rush to extremes. There are personal boundaries that no one has the right to violate. You can introduce her to someone, but you don’t need to drag her on a string everywhere with you.

If a girl has complexes about her appearance and wardrobe, feed her friend's pride. Focus on her strengths. Maybe she has phenomenal stamina, an awesome figure, a breathtaking look.

Keep the line between support and servility. Excessive efforts to eradicate the discontent of a friend are fraught with the opposite effects. As in Ivan Krylov's fable "The Wolf and the Lamb": "You are to blame for the fact that I want to eat." Pathological envy will always find something to feed itself.

When trying to find sympathy from a friend in difficult situations, do not forget that sometimes she also has a need to lean on someone else's shoulder. If you use a friend as a pillow for tears, from time to time it’s good for you to be her. True friendship exists only on the condition: accepting - give!

Sincerity, openness, equality, mutual assistance, mutual respect are the definitions of real pure relationships, unclouded by malice and envy.

It's good to have friends! However, it is very difficult to understand how "real" they are. The reason is envy. It is, unfortunately, very common. Especially among the female population of the planet. What do girlfriends envy and how to deal with their envy?

Anything! We list what their envy can “touch”: new clothes, the appearance of fans, an expensive car, a new apartment, pregnancy, the birth of a child, visiting a solarium and a beauty salon, changing an image, having money, buying a summer house (country house), purchasing vouchers, graduating from a higher educational institution and obtaining a diploma, obtaining rights, participating and winning competitions. There are many more things that can cause envy among girlfriends. But we will “stop” the enumeration in order to figure out what to do with this bad feeling. Live knowing that you can live like this! Ignore the "blackness" of thoughts and phrases. Get used to whispering behind your back. If you don’t want to live like this, then start solving the problem in other ways!

How to deal with the envy of girlfriends:

Altruistic Method

Give the envious woman the "reason" for her envy. She will be shocked, but she will be delighted and understand that you do not regret anything for her. It is possible that her conscience will wake up in her (which until that moment had been sleeping in a deep sleep).

tricky way

Stop talking to that lady who is jealous of you! Ignore her calls, messages. Do everything possible so that she does not find out about how you live and what is happening in your life.

Witchcraft option

Go to a fortune teller (prophet) and ask her to see who specifically dared to envy you and why. Ask the woman to "take away" this bad feeling from you. Remember: for the “magic” to work…. You have to believe in her!

The cardinal method from the envy of girlfriends

Leave the city (away from the person who harms you with his envy). Disappear from the life of this "friend" of yours and stop considering her as such. At first it will be difficult and hard to get used to her absence, but time will help you do it!

book way

Silent option

Stop sharing your joys and accomplishments. Learn to rejoice silently. Share your positive emotions only with "tested" and selected people! If you do not completely trust anyone, then keep thoughts inside yourself.

"Disarming envy" method

What can "disarm" an envious person? Request for help! Ask her for something or wait for her to "give" you a request! Remember this. Then everything will turn out great.

"Trust" Method

Enter full confidence in your envious person. Tell her that you have a lot of problems. Share your problems with her. You can “embellish” something so that your girlfriend believes you one hundred percent! In general, real friends do not know how to envy "black" envy! If such a feeling "leaks", then the girl is most likely not a friend, but so .... A fleeting person in your life!

From personal life...

"What do girlfriends envy?"

I'll tell my story. I was very friendly with a girl... Our friendship lasted for over fifteen years. But one day it all ended. Because she told me she couldn't "tolerate" my luck anymore. I really got lucky often! I never needed money and male attention. I've always had a great (high paying) job and a lot of fans! Violetta had nothing. I convinced her that everything was still ahead of her. She pretended to believe, but in fact for a long time she “nurtured” envy in herself. Vita knew everything about me. Down to the details of my intimate life! How I regret telling her everything! I understand that nothing can be changed, but I would like to do it! I would give all my savings to buy a real time machine! Unfortunately, I am not a sorceress, although I like to do good deeds! I had a friend Olesya. It was hard to be friends with her! She complained to me about life, I listened to her .... And when she began to tell something about herself, what she told me: “do not tell me about how everything is fine with you, otherwise I feel offended.” However, I continued to be friends with her. And I felt sorry for her, and I liked her in many ways. After eight years, I could not stand it and moved away from her. I hinted to her that it was impossible to envy, but she did not want to listen to me! What did it lead to? First, to the fact that Olesya began to have specific "problems" in relations with her beloved boyfriend. Then they got married, but soon divorced. I didn't ask her about anything. I just often follow her page on the social network to be aware of what is happening to her. There are such people…. I remember that I had to buy a laptop from her, which she won in some kind of lottery. We agreed that my husband and I would drive up to her by taxi. She sent the exact address in a message. We called a taxi, took the money and went to her place. She brought out the laptop and looked at me with such eyes that I wanted to fall through the ground! Why is it better to live without envy? Because it can lead to terrible consequences! Through the fault of envy, a person can kill or maim another. Think, for example, of betrayal, jealousy, or beauty contests. Now do you understand how difficult it is? Understanding is not everything! Do not hide the fact that you also experienced a terrible feeling of envy! All the people on the planet “met” with him. The fact is that there are those who have made attempts to "get rid" of it. And some continue to envy, not suspecting that by the manifestation of such a feeling they “set” bad luck on a person. It happens that not only bad luck, but also "black stripes", illness, depression. Don't envy your friends! Achieve everything that you lack! Imagine envy exists for lazy people. They don't want to do anything on their own. That leaves them lazy. Laziness is a boring and not fruitful (empty) occupation.

What girlfriends envy and how to deal with it you already know ...

Envy has many faces

We always compare ourselves with other people, and the main criteria for this are “better” and “worse”. But in some cases, this serves as an impetus for one's own development (and even progress in general), prompting them to take active steps to achieve success. In others, it leads to the birth of negative emotions in the human soul, causing self-destruction and damaging the object of envy.

When envy for someone settles in a person, as a rule, he himself realizes that this feeling is negative, therefore he tries to carefully hide or disguise it. Only in rare cases does an envious person behave openly, expressing his annoyance, irritation and aggression towards a more successful person, and sometimes clearly trying to "put a spoke in the wheel." However, secret envy is always worse and more dangerous than open envy, it can be compared to a time bomb that will explode sooner or later, and the consequences can be very deplorable.

Envy destroys many relationships, including friendships. After all, this negative feeling can lie in wait for us anywhere, and the worst thing is when a close person turns out to be an envious person, to whom you have confidence and respect. Therefore, as they say, "trust, but verify."

"Symptoms" of envy

Envy is difficult to contain for a long time, it will definitely manifest itself, accumulating over time. You can suspect your girlfriend of unkind thoughts by one or more signs, just take a closer look at her behavior, mood changes, and facial expressions. Here are a few signs that, with almost one hundred percent probability, allow you to “bite through” an envious girlfriend:

1. When you share your joyful experiences, you notice discontent, boredom or irritation of a girlfriend, an attempt to "cool" you or move the conversation to another topic.

2. A friend tries to devalue your achievements, explaining them not by your efforts and efforts, but, for example, by a favorable set of circumstances.

3. After talking with a friend, you begin to feel guilty about the fact that everything is going well for you.

4. You notice that a friend imitates you (in appearance, behavior, lifestyle, etc.).

5. A friend dissuades you from any decisive steps that can lead to your further prosperity, finding many trifling excuses for this.

6. You notice that a friend is more interested in the negative aspects of your life, and simply ignores the positive ones.

7. A friend tries to publicly compare herself to you, focusing on her own superiority, even if at some points you are, in fact, clearly on top.

8. A friend expresses her “love” for you too violently, feignedly (especially in the presence of other people), praising and exaggerating your virtues.

How to deal with the envy of girlfriends?

If you feel that your girlfriend is jealous of you, do not immediately end the relationship. Of course, this feeling should not be allowed to develop further, because it really transforms people, and even a loved one, eaten by envy, is able to commit meanness towards you. Do not try to maintain friendly relations, knowingly hide your successes and pretend to please an envious person - real friendship cannot be built on this.

If your friend is dear to you, try to talk to her, to understand her feelings. Perhaps she needs help, and it is yours. You can discuss her behavior with a psychologist in order to figure out what her envy is based on, how to deal with it.

I must be strong to the envy of all. And still should be beautiful for the evil of others. Regardless of everything, I must say that I feel good so that others do not rejoice.

Be silent about your happiness. Envy, whatever it is, can break any happiness. The couple may not be. And all because of the "goodwill" of single friends.

The world will explode when you and I are finally within lighter range. We will be together for evil. Let your friends envy, because we are perfect.

You can only fully trust the hatred of enemies, because the flattery of friends can be hypocritical and hide true envy.

A real friend will never envy.

Always remember: even the best friend can turn into an enemy. Most often this comes from your happiness and her loneliness, from self-interest and inability to enjoy the happiness of others, from envy and anger.

You know, I don't want to be your girlfriend, even though I love ... It's just that sooner or later we will part and possibly become enemies. I won't be able to see you and I'll die... I'd rather be the best friend for you... Better...

Never make excuses! Your friends don't need it, and your enemies won't believe you anyway...

What is love, I do not understand in any way. Is it happiness, or is love the enemy...?!

Keep your friend close and your enemy closer...

I know that you are not a friend, not an enemy, with pain, with pain every step ...

It is better to be the object of envy than compassion.

You need to live in such a way that your parents are proud of you, your friends hold on to you, your soulmate loves you, your enemies die of envy, and everyone else stupidly admires you.

Even though envy is a bad feeling, I envy those who have true friends.

Enemies are sometimes more loyal than friends. Friends will always step aside if you don't need them. Loyal enemies will never leave you!

Do not trust your enemies, in the worst case, they will kill you! Do not be afraid of friends, at best they will betray you! Fear those, with silent and indifferent consent, of whom betrayal and crimes take place in the world!

fighting for the truth, no matter what the advantage is on the side of the enemy, the truth is the advantage ...

you didn’t understand me when you were my girlfriend .. you will understand, maybe becoming my enemy!

After some time, a letter arrives from a friend from the army: “We are taught here to remove snow and boil potatoes. So if the enemy attacks, we will clear the way for him and prepare food for him.”

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them more.

There is no compliment more sincere and eloquent than human envy.

It is very difficult for beautiful girls to have a good reputation. They are always talked about badly because of envy.

The easiest enemy is the one who comes at you with his fists, the most dangerous is the one who swears allegiance.

Sometimes it seems that the people most devoted to you are your enemies, they are always there in difficult times.

Is it possible to give the enemy morning exercises instead of dinner?

Never complain about fate. What for? You will upset your friends, you will please your enemies, but you will not help yourself ...

Three persons reign in the world, their names are envy, hatred and malice.

If a friend suddenly becomes your enemy, if your thoughts are in the form of smoke under the ceiling and your family is a notebook, a pen and a microphone, then forget about everything, everything else is a background. (c)

In this life, everyone has made a mistake at least once .. everyone has loved unrequitedly at least once .. everyone has their enemies .. because ideal people do not exist

No passion bewitches a person like love or envy. – F. Bacon

Yes, I have enemies, but they are just empty-headed losers who envy me.

You need to forgive enemies so that they cry!

Envy is one of the unpleasant feelings of a person, which is caused by irritation and displeasure with the success and well-being of other people.

If you have no enemies, then happiness has turned away from you.

the most dangerous enemies are the best friends, for only they know all our weaknesses

Thank you, life - you make me wiser! Thank you, enemy - you make me stronger! Thank you Muses for not leaving me... Music, thank you for playing again...

with his problems, alone with himself ... at the bottom of his heart, keeping his longing. clenches his fists and repeats “I can.” so often whispers “I hate” to him. he is not yet an enemy, but not a friend anymore. ... from city to city she is alone

Explain what happened to us - do not lie. Why today we are almost enemies. Why am I losing your love? Are you playing with me or am I with you? I can’t understand myself. Why do I love you so much. Do you want me to unlearn you remember? Do you want me to cry, as spring cries ...

“Envy is one of the most effective elements of hatred.”

I envy those people from whom I steal statuses ... you are brilliant, damn it!

I'm not offended, I draw conclusions. I don't have enemies, they have me. I have my own opinion, which I will not refuse. I have principles that I adhere to. (c)

True friendship knows no envy.

From best friend to nemesis, there is only one handsome guy.

A friend is someone who is comfortable with your successes. Without envy, flattery ... simply and sincerely ...

The best revenge is oblivion, it will bury the enemy in the ashes of his insignificance.B. Gracian

Forgive your enemies, but write down their names just in case

Everyone sticks to me: your friends, friends of your friends, but only YOU do not pay any attention to me ..

Friends make life happy, enemies make life interesting.

Love is not your friend and not your enemy, but only the way ... take care of it!

if someone decides to attack Russia, then we will win anyway, because when they see our roads, the enemies themselves will surrender

Misunderstanding makes enemies out of friends. Lion Feuchtwanger

Sometimes, in this world, the most tender feelings are mixed with dirt. The most loving girlfriends turn out to be traitors, the most cynical scoundrels turn out to be vulnerable princes. Our best friends turn out to be our worst enemies!

Before you gossip about my life, take care of yours.

The enemy of the enemy is not always your enemy, just as each other is not always your friend.

An unreasonable feeling of hatred is a well-founded feeling of envy!

I would not like to pre-register for either hell or heaven: the fact is that I have friends both there and there

Just love. What happened to us, explain - don’t lie. Why today we are almost enemies. Why am I losing your love? Are you playing with me or am I with you? I can’t understand myself. Why do I love you so much. Do you want Will I forget how to remember you? Do you want me to pay ..

You can't love anyone but your enemies. They are so funny! All the time they strive to substitute the bandwagon and swear all the time when I jump over it! =).

The best way for a man to make an enemy is to invite a girl to remain friends!!

Honore de Balzac.

God bless you From every bad weather, From an evil tongue, Sudden misfortune. Keep you from pain, Betrayal, illness, From a smart enemy, From a petty friend, And God grant you, If it is in His power, Health, long years, Love and a lot of happiness! Christ is risen

And let everyone envy me, go through the forest, I'm happy! 🙂

Nothing is more invigorating than the envy and rage of others who have a little more bust and a little less brain.

I throw flowers at my enemies... in GRABU -2

You can't love anyone but your enemies. Damn, they're so funny! All the time they strive to substitute the bandwagon and all the time they swear when I jump over it.

Only former friends can be the greatest enemies. They know all your weak points. (C)

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.

All the trouble that your worst enemy can say to your face is nothing compared to what your best friends say about you behind your back. / Alfred de Musset /

There are no friends here. There are only enemies here. Fake smiles. Envious glances.

I appreciate real friends. I hate lies and envy. I don't think I do. I recognize mistakes. I try to fix them. I treat people the same way they treat me

Envy is one of the stimuli of dreams.

Most often, envy arises in relation to people of the same circle.

Only those who have good self-esteem and no feelings of envy can be friends with me.)

Envy will die. But envy - never!

Friendship based on envy contributes to the disorder of the nervous system.

A coffee shop, hot chocolate and milk - she herself is the person with whom it is easy for her ... not to break away but not to get closer, she whispers to him more and more often - I HATE. he is not an enemy and not a beloved friend, but the sound of his voice, her favorite sound

The worst enemy is doubt. Because of him, we lose what we could have gained, but did not even try!

Envy is the ability to see the virtues in others.

Don't waste your time being jealous...

It is very difficult for beautiful girls to have a good reputation. They are always talked about badly ... out of envy!

If you want to defeat the enemy, become him. © SiluyaNova

Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the Bible says, "Love your enemies."

And the oyster has enemies!

Envy is competition.

If a friend suddenly turned out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but so ...

I’m walking, walking now on my own and not an enemy to you and not a friend to you ... my love was lost ... she left - she didn’t return, but I stayed ...

Never pay too much attention to criticism or praise. They can crap out of envy, but praise out of pity ...

if you want your password not to be cracked by your enemy, put his name ...

"Envy torments and torments itself."

Are you jealous? Envy silently!

True friendship is when the message “I got sick” comes back to you “What are you, OHRYNELA ??”!

I don't have enemies, they have me. I have my own opinion, which I will not refuse. I have principles that I adhere to. I do not smile at people who are unpleasant and uninteresting to me. I don't try to please everyone. I am the way I am.

Girls, do you remember the old Sims 2 computer game? Who else created their enemies with terrible scum, and then mocked them?: D

Envy and pride is when you see someone have a cool status, but you don’t specifically click “I like” 🙂

No one is as prone to envy as people who are self-degraded.

This morning I woke up, brought coffee, sat on the windowsill ... And a clear thought came to me: “I am a happy person.” Oh yeah. God gave me everything that many people only dream of. beauty. Willpower. Money. Healthy parents. Mind. Future. Freedom. Sobriety mind

Better to be an honest enemy than a fake friend...

Sympathy can be obtained, envy must be earned ...

Our fear is the source of courage for our enemies. (c)

He is not an enemy and not a beloved friend, but the sound of his voice, her favorite sound. (C)

Envy those people who sit in the ass, dreaming of achieving the same as you!

Envy is a flattering thing, many are ready to go out of their way for the envy of others. But is it good when jealous girlfriend ?

girlfriend envy is a widespread phenomenon. Every girl has experienced this at least once. Envy is inherent in the female sex, regardless of age. As a child, a girl is jealous of her friend because of a beautiful dress or a new toy. In adolescence, a girl envies a more beautiful, in her opinion, friend, and in adulthood female envy aimed at successful and happy women in family life. Although the reasons for envy are not always unambiguous, and may lie in completely unexpected things.

In a way, envy is one of the manifestations of female friendship. But often, it is the envy of one friend to another (or to each other) that causes the collapse of this very friendship. Envy can arise because of little things that men would not even pay attention to, but female psychology is completely different. The ability to inflate an elephant out of a fly, isn't this inherent in the weaker sex?

Friends should be equal

Let's look at successful examples of female friendship. There are such examples, and there are plenty of them. One can notice such a tendency that such girlfriends are often equal among themselves. They have a similar financial situation, their families are similar, even in appearance there are many similarities. And this is not a mere coincidence, as it might seem at first glance. This is confirmation that friends should be equal , and then their friendship has every chance to survive for many years.

Consider such a situation that one of the friends got married, and the second has not yet found her soul mate. Can such communication be called complete? At first, maybe yes. But the further, the more noticeable will be the difference of interests. If these two women were once close friends, now one, having married, has gained many new interests that her friend is not yet able to share. Just like a married girlfriend can no longer, as in the old days, behave like a young unmarried girl and support the whole range of such interests (parties, clubs, parties, lightness), because she is already responsible for her husband. Especially if a married friend has a child, then she will have even fewer similar interests with a childless friend. An unmarried, childless young woman is unlikely to share the conversation about diapers, toys, and baby food.

Another situation: one girlfriend is a bright, beautiful and stylish girl who is very popular among the males, and the second girlfriend is modest, not popular and has a normal average appearance. How long can such a friendship last? Envy of a brighter girlfriend will sooner or later become a stumbling block in this communication.

How to recognize the envy of a girlfriend?

Your affairs are going as well as possible: love lives in your heart, they praise you at work, your mood is super! But your friend somehow does not share your joy much ... Maybe it seemed that something not very good happened to her in life, so she does not share the joy? Or maybe it's just jealousy! How to recognize the envy of a girlfriend and make no mistake, it's not so easy?

It is necessary to conduct an experiment: share joy with your girlfriend, and carefully follow her reaction. If a barely perceptible discontent flashes across the face, then this is obvious - attempts to hide unpleasant emotions caused by a feeling of envy.

How to deal with the envy of a girlfriend?

If you value friendship, you will probably wonder girlfriends , and is it worth doing something at all? We should talk heart to heart. A frank conversation is most likely if a friend is a decent person, will drive her into the paint, and she will experience a feeling of embarrassment. You, for your part, cheer her up if she is going through difficult times now, and wish her soon the fulfillment of all her desires. Try not to forget about your friend, even if you are not quite “up to it” now, communicate on topics that are of interest to both of you, and not just to you, because, being in happy euphoria, you often want to talk about yourself and what exactly you worries the most.

If a friend begins to be hypocritical and refuse what you present to her, claiming that it seemed to you, then you should think in general about whether you need such a friendship further?

What not to do if your girlfriend is jealous

Envy is an integral part of the life of any person. No matter how many people try to claim that they never envy anyone, this is not true. To one degree or another, envy manifests itself in every person, and this is normal. You can smooth the situation up to a certain point. For example, do not provoke moments of envy. But trying to please an envious girlfriend in everything is also not worth it! You can’t hide your successes and achievements, as long as your girlfriend doesn’t envy, because this will not become the foundation of a strong friendship for you.

Think back to the beginning of your friendship. Perhaps you were not so successful and lucky at that moment. Your girlfriend may have chosen you on purpose to look more successful against your background, but as soon as the situation changed, this did not suit her friend and this is the result - envy appeared and the “friendship” came to an end.