Asymmetric skirt: a variety of fashionable images. Asymmetric skirt Skirt Sun with uneven podium

Skirts and dresses with an asymmetric subtome - short front and long rear (in detail about fashion models and configuration options), began to be fashionable last year, but unfortunately, find them on store shelves are still extremely difficult. However, you can find the output from any situation. So, you can go shopping in online stores or try to sew a skirt-mallet yourself. To do this, you need a pattern, explaining to it and some recommendations. I propose to consider the best options.

Skirt Pattern Short Front and Long Behind: Option for Celebration

Stitched according to this pattern, suitable for any solemn incidents, for example, for graduation. Although if you choose a more dense fabric and do not do three, but one layer, it may turn out a more modest model. So, here is the pattern and instruction (photo clickable).

Organza or chiffon 10 meters long, - 3 width and satin ribbon - 32 meters.

The photo shows the pattern of a skirt with a loop, folded twice, that is, if it turns it around it.

  • The radius patterns on the waist seam is 52 cm.
  • The length of the pattern from the loop is 1 meter.
  • The length of the short side is 60 - 62cm.
  • Draw a train. You need to retreat from the folding pattern by 60 cm. (The author recommends to take a bigger round circle by 20 cm and at the same time deepen the upper cut is also 20 cm, all corrections are marked in the photo).
  • Cut the second circle, the loop of which will be 15 cm shorter than the previous one.
  • Then cut the third circle, 5 cm shorter than the middle front, and approximately 15 cm in short from the back.
  • Bottom and middle circle cut into a short side split. And we enter to these sides, the tissue strip (width 62 cm, length 3 meters), assembled up to 45 cm in width.
  • Alternately, throw the layers on the mannequin and form the folds.
  • At the end of the fabric edges, glue the atlantic tape on the adhesive web, it is necessary for proper fixation. And then gently push it.

Pattern asymmetric skirt: option 2

The second pattern of the skirt "Mallet" is more modest and simple.

So, the following values \u200b\u200bare noted on paper:

  • maximum length - di maxi,
  • minimum product length - di mini,
  • 2 Radius of the circle - R \u003d ½ of (waist girth) / 3.14

If your growth varies within 155 - 170 cm, the most optimal will be the length of mini - 40 cm, and the maximum length 90 - 100.

To create a beautiful transition from maxi to mini, you must calculate the length of the transverse length. To do this, it is necessary to remove the arithmetic average of both lengths, that is, 40 + 90 \u003d 130 cm, 130/2 \u003d 65 cm.

In the same way, we calculate the length between the short part (di mini) and the middle of the bevel, obtained in the previous action, call this magnitude "oblique thread mini". 65 + 40 \u003d 105 cm, 105/2 \u003d 52.2 cm.

Now calculate the length of the product between the loop and the middle of the bevel (oblique thread maxi): 65 + 90 + 155 cm, 155/2 \u003d 77.5 cm.

Mark all the values \u200b\u200bon paper and connect smooth lines. If the semi-cup of the waist is less than 45 cm, then you can draw the pattern immediately on the fabric. Otherwise, the pattern is initially applied on paper, then the paper is cut and stacked on the cloth "Valts" (shown in the drawing).

Pattern Dresses with Asymmetrical Podol

Now let's look at the master class on creating a simple summer dress with an elongated rear pea.

It will take for work:

  1. - lightweight fabric in peas 1.5 × 1.5 m in size,
  2. - chalk or soap,
  3. - tape measure,
  4. - scissors,
  5. - 2 m oblique beaks,
  6. - Threads,
  7. - Overlock and sewing machine.

The fabric must be folded vertically 4 times.

Experienced masters can cover immediately on the fabric, as the author of the MK did. For example, you can applied to the material with a shirt of its size, cover the shallow and after cut. Or initially make the pattern on paper, according to the instructions suggested in the photo.

Start Circling Fabric Failure. After all the drawings are transferred to the fabric, cut out the workpiece.

Now determine where the front side of the product will be. From this side, deepen the neck about 3 cm.

After the outskirts and shoulder sections of dresses and treat them on overlock. The armies of the sleeves and the neck are treated by oblique baker: fold the ribbon in half, shiver and proceed along the seats and the neck. Pull the details on the machine.

Next, proceed to the creation of an asymmetric podol dresses. To do this, fold the product in such a way that the side seams are in the center. Determine the desired length in front and smoothly draw the line, as shown in the photo below.

Cut extra fabric, overtake the edges and push the typewriter.

The next step is to create a waist. Cut a stretch of a width of 5 cm and a long equal dresses width at the waist creation site.

The scene is adjusted to about 0.5 cm on each side and then notify the product from the wrong side.

Now insert the rubber band in the rummer (2 cm gum width) the length of which will be equal to the girth of your waist.

Summer dress with a train is ready! You can additionally decorate its belt.

H Astales summer, and with it and hot days! It's time to sew this asymmetric skirt of light cotton fabric, which allows you to demonstrate long legs and a beautiful tan. In addition to Croy, this skirt has one more indisputable dignity - a bright print. The artist painted tissue with skillful strokes and flower bouquets to his taste and mood, and we can only admire his creation.

Skirt details

Details of the front half of the skirts to handle under construction covers, adjust along the edges and stop. How to do it correctly, see. To impose the right side of the front half on the left, aligning the labels 1-2, to fit the talerous slice.

Pasting on the bottom of the rear side of the skirt to adjust and strain. Fix and stack side seams. Pads process and irip.

On the tall cuts with the side seams. Upon the upper slice of the skirt, it is cut to the undercurrent slide, unscrewed onto the wear side, clean it, to clean, paste, turn around the edge and stop.

Your skirt is ready! Wear with pleasure and conquer everyone around them with their beauty and cheerfulness!

In the fashion industry, asymmetric skirts are particularly popular. From the season in the season, stamps, fabrics and actual color solutions are changing, namely, this item of the wardrobe, according to fashionable observers, is a kind of measure of the sense of style of its owner. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the variety of execution of asymmetric skirts, which offer fashion designers.

Asymmetry Croy, fabrics and colors

To understand what an asymmetric skirt type represents, look closely looking at the latest collections of trendy couturiers. The manifold of represented by the end is striking: asymmetry is manifested in geometrically verified parts, exquisite multi-layered, sharp drops of the hem, cut down diagonally, square or in the form of capes, the use of a wave-like edge.

Among all models, the skirt of an asymmetric style "with the smell" is especially popular. Fashion designers cover it, shifting the smell line sharply in the side and lengthening one of the parts of the front panel. The "smell" itself can be performed in a classic style - braziness on the lower part of the front panel, and can be a complex cut in the form of a flower, stylized ride, vertical drapery.

The asymmetric skirt with the smell is also different and a possible sharp drop in the level of the hem. Bold girls fashion designers offer options in which the lower part barely closes the thigh, and the front reaches the middle of the tibia or even descends below the ankle.

An asymmetric skirt-sun and its "cut" half-samples are particularly popular among designers of options. As a rule, asymmetry in them is performed in the level of the hem, opening the arcuate legs of the beautiful lady from the level of mini in front and dropping below the ankle behind, forming the illusion of the loop. Another interesting innovation that distinguishes precisely the asymmetric skirt-half-fetter is the height and length of the folds of the folds in it. With their help, designers form a "torn" cutting of the Niza, but while maintaining the geometric seittences of asymmetry.

The most complex is considered asymmetric. Fashion designers retain the usual shape in it, and asymmetry is layered with the help of the intake of the hem, or sharply outstanding vertical and diagonal voltage lines.

An overview of asymmetric skirts would be not complete without mentioning a comparative new type - multilayer asymmetry. It is expressed in the fact that the fashion designers, forming a style, make the lower layer shorter than the top, cut it in oblique. The very top layer is sewn from translucent fabrics or with the use of lace, perforation, or.

Such ample opportunities for asymmetry in the formation of silhouettes of skirts allow you to use almost all tissue solutions. Winter and demi-season their models are sewn from knitwear, dense woolen and half-walled, skin, suede or costume fabrics. For summer, there is an all palette flying or holding the shape of the cloth. You can choose a suitable skirt from silk, cotton, chiffon, denim and even a fate.

As for the color solutions, in this case, fashion suites are offered for most of its own one-photon options in order not to distract the eye from complex cutting and not "overload" an image of accents. However, exceptions exist. A direct asymmetric skirt in a cage and other classic prints is proposed to attention, and even the use of animalistic, predatory patterns is allowed for lush variants. The last assumption is appropriate only if the asymmetry is expressed in the drop in the henching level.

Choice rules

Asymmetric skirts can be a great solution to mask the flaws of the shape, but only when they are selected according to the silhouette.

The most popular straight style of asymmetry with a sharply beveled podol is suitable only with slim ladies, possessing, and with an accented belt. It is best to pay attention to the Options of Midi or Maxi, in which the top will be deposited, thereby compensating for the extension of the thighs. The most difficult to choose a suitable model. They are recommended to choose a complex, multilayer asymmetry or model with a smell.

The choice also affects the length. So, short options are appropriate in everyday wearing. Long asymmetric skirts, especially those in which the illusion of the loop is created, are suitable for creating an evening or everyday summer image. Democratic in this case "Tea Length" can be the basis of how the directions of Casual, so lie down in the office appearance.

Sounds of combination

Being a centering element of the appearance, such skirts require particular attention to their own combination. Therefore, a very relevant question: what to wear this item wardrobe.

Best asymmetrical cutting skirt looks in summer images. For them, a free model is selected, sewing from the cloth-holding form, length in the floor, supplemented by crop-top, sandals on the platform in the style of 70s. and bulk taut. If the line of the waist is not ideal, the top and translucent blouse is selected to such a cut, refueling completely and partially for the belt. The choice of shoes in this case depends solely on the overall style. So, in Sport-Shika it is appropriate to wear it with dots, in a romantic or ethno with sandals on a flat sole, and with slim legs and with gladiators or ballet flashes on ankles.

Cool summer or in the velvet season stylists recommend to combine such a skirt with a t-shirt, seasoned partially over a belt, a thin cardigan or a shortened jacket, coarse boots or tennisms. End image will help a broad-grade hat or Fedor, as well as a taut or a mini-bag, carrying over his shoulder.

In the off-season stylists recommend turning to the lush skirts asymmetric cut. They are recommended to build their image to the contrast between the extremely feminine shape of the skirt with folds and deliberately free, even a few men's wardrobe subjects. So, it is appropriate to add a sortier with a raised collar, free jumper and classic boats, taking a bag-envelope or volumetric clutch. On the shoulders you can throw the coat of the size of over-size or o-silhouette.

For those who prefer a democratic street style and sports directions to the creation of images recommend several other options. The skirt in this case is complemented by volume (with a direct side of the skirt) or a fitting (with a lush) striped sweater or another classic print, or. Shoes are better to choose the most closed as possible: it can be both high-top boots, and ankle boots, and.

Judging by the photo of fashion magazines, the skirt asymmetric cut can be the basis for the office onion. But in this case, it should be complemented by the highest items of the wardrobe. It will be appropriate to a combination with a shirt without decorating, a straight cut jacket and an accentuing thin belt, tied as on the skirt itself, made in a classic print into a cage or a goose paw, and over the jacket. Shoes should choose a classic, office-boat or.

It remains only to understand how an asimetric skirt can fit into the evening output. For him, you should choose a long model of a direct fitting cut or, on the contrary, the most magnificent. It is complemented by seven-fledged tops, opening hands or even one shoulder. Be sure to express accents with decorations or belts. The image is completed with elegant sandals or, thin heels and a clutch.

At the end, it remains to note that the asymmetric skirt is an excellent tool for creating a set of interesting images that advantageously underline the beauty of the silhouette of an excellent lady.

Oh, these fashionists! All go through and worry to support the trend of the season. Writing the original patterns similar to the outfits of stars, they want to look stunning, stylish, expensive.

Everyday and solemnity are compatible

There are things that are relevant not only in fashion peak. We are talking about skirt, short front and long rear. Simone of this model obliges to observe the main requirement: we can wear it with the owners of slender legs. And the disadvantages in the hips and the waist will be hidden.

The amazing property of such cut is his versatility.

Create with your own hands the image with a skirt in front of the short, and the back is easily easily, if you need to look:

  • solemnly;
  • in business style;
  • everyday.

Therefore, rigorous skirt will seem elegant. Bright, active, ambitious girls see an exclusive, romantic wardrobe subject. Please note: the optimal option for the evening dress. The increhensible style with notes of freedom and frivolity becomes fantastic if you add volume. For a wedding or prom - the best toilet, enchanting, moderately extravagant.

Called this multipurpose product ambiguous

Depending on the length of the "tail", the sun skirt is quite short in front and the long back, the fashion designers and the tailors are called glue with the length of the length from mini to maxi. There is a more common concept "Asymmetric" or "with a loop".

There is no fundamental difference, although the first embodiment includes models in which the long part is at the level or a little lower than the knees. And the loop implies an elongation to the ankle, to the floor. Yes, without a heel can not do, but in such a luxury robe, success is guaranteed.

What kind of matter is suitable for sewing?

From the name of the skirt, which is shorter in front, the back is longer, the end result does not depend.

It should be determined with other important characteristics:

  • tissue density;
  • color;
  • style.

Summer skirts sew from thin fabrics. They are most often translucent, but what they look! Ease and airiness - in such a robe you feel like a cloud, butterfly, fairy. Confirmation of this sensation will be the gazes of others when complying with some tips. Recommendations of stylists relative to the combination of summer styles are quite logical: do not lose gentle image, save the silhouette. Top up, preferably plain, not to distract from the main detail. Add accessories appropriate.

For the cold summer or spring-autumn period, more dense tissues are used. Femininity and charm will not go anywhere, but to match seasonal weather will have to. The asymmetric skirt is worn up to winter cold.

Tights, shoes, boots, jacket or sweater - Experiment without constraints. It is important to remember about the belt and shoes. Do not overload the ensemble with a rough massive sole. Available wide bracelets, large hairpins on hair, with flowers, rhinestones.

But it is necessary to adhere to harmony. The color decision of the skirt with different lengths of the front and rear affects the rest of the outfit. Bright, dark, bright, pastel tones, fabric with pattern, flowers, cage, or strip, even in polka dot - restrictions not installed. The main focus on color, and it should be carefully and competently pick up the rest of the clothes.

A combination of contrast tones is still colorful and sustained. Similar solutions refresh the dark thing. Heated with a white cant of a hem, emphasizes a smooth bend, and becomes a highlight.

Such things are in demand for parties, cocktails, important meetings. The introduction of bright details should not be obsessive.

Choosing a style

It is possible to stand in the skirt with an asymmetric length, if you sew it differently.

Cutting this original clothing is a few species;

  • straight;
  • half-chain;
  • the sun;
  • invasion;
  • with assembly.

A variety of types allows you to create various models, unique, original. And for those who in their imagination drew the only location of the open part, add clarity: the skirt looks good when the short side of the side, or in front, shifted from the center. Operates one leg, similar to a dress for tango.

Will it work out the designer thing independently?

Acquire the finished product easier. And what about the creative, embodiment of ideas and other advantages of individual tailoring. Learn how to quickly sew your own skirt in front of a short, behind a long, and take about the case.

Step-by-step description of the sewing fit in 5 points:

  • Step 1. Prepare fabric, work tool for sewing, finished pattern. Material to fold the front side inside and stick in several places by pins in order not to shift. The pattern is not bad, too, pinch;
  • Step 2. Pattern is applied to the fabric. Cut with a reserve for the processing of edges (approximately 3 cm);
  • Step 3. Doing the Top Cutting Processing. If the skirt is on the belt, then hide it separately, notify and firm. Simplified way: to adjust the edge and insert a gum. Subsequently hide the decorative belief;
  • Step 4 I skip. In this part, you should try the product and align the bottom. The cunning of asymmetric skirt simplifies the process. Do not have to eliminate errors with an accuracy of the millimeter. By logic, the height of the edge in a circle is unequal - the secret is revealed;
  • Step 5. It approached the final stage of the bottom edge processing. Not every mistress accidentally dust overlock, so we will bypass the primitive double bending. Do not be lazy to wet, before scheduling. Seams will be careful and even more.

Professional dressmakers famously cope without these instructions, but the sequence of sewing is the same for everyone. It remains to trust the product and be proud of my own creation. If you wish, you can continue decoring with waters, beads, satin ribbon, etc.

The asymmetric skirt is found in the wardrobe far from every fashionista. And in vain! After all, this piece of clothing is incredibly popular today, feminine, beautiful, interesting. In addition, such a style is represented by a large selection of models. And in our article we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most fashionable.

Asymmetric sun skirt. The most popular are the models of flying cloth with an elongated ceiling ceiling. To date, this is a classic option for romantic female representatives. An arched skirt with the asymmetric bottom will simultaneously emphasize in the form of sexuality and mysteriousness.

Asymmetric Pencil Skirt. An excellent choice of strict option will be an asymmetric model. After all, such a skirt will thinly dilute the sullen business image, especially if the fashionista is complained by the framework and cannot afford a variety of color schemes.

Asymmetric magnificent skirt maxi. The most elegant and feminine are the models in the floor. Such skirts look particularly interesting, since asymmetry is more obvious.

What to wear an asymmetrical skirt?

When choosing clothes to an asymmetric skirt, it is worthwhile that the rest of the wardrobe must be a standard smooth cut. In no case cannot be combined uneven model with asymmetric riding or accessories. Also, the skirt will always be the main element in the image. Therefore, the top and shoes are better to choose a laconic, neat, tight. In the case of a straight and narrow asymmetric skirt, let's say an ensemble with a shortened shoe and wide cut. Also an unusual item of a female wardrobe looks great with short and fitted leather jackets.