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Every fisherman, hunter, and just a fan of extreme recreation, of course, dream of a snowmobile. To go fishing or in the woods or just take a walk and enjoy nature. But all snowmobiles, starting from even the smallest price, are beyond the reach of an ordinary person, and this type of transport is very necessary. How to be in this situation an ordinary person. So the author puzzled for a long time how to be, where to get so much money, this is unrealistic. But a little later, he was struck by the idea of ​​​​creating a snowmobile from a bicycle, a kind of pleasure snowmobile. Just in garage old broken one lying around a bike, he then became a donor for the creation of an all-terrain vehicle. And so, what is this design - the rear wheel - a pneumatic skating rink or a mono-wheel, in front of the ski, which I made from an old skateboard. The rear fork has been converted to a mono-wheel, which is essentially the whole point of this design. Now let's take a closer look at how the author did the work on creating a snowmobile from a bicycle and what he needed for this.

Materials: an old bicycle, a camera from a Niva car, a tarpaulin, an aluminum sheet, an old skate board, a pipe.
Tools: welding machine, grinder, hammer, set of keys, lathe, sandpaper, glue.

Then he made a wheel, he did not make any structural changes, he just made an extension from an aluminum sheet.

Then he put a camera from the Niva car on the wheel and made a canvas cover under the wheel.

I installed such a ski track from an old skateboard on the front.

What just do not come up with folk craftsmen. So, today such alterations as snowmobiles from other transport products are gaining popularity. The snowmobile was widely used in our latitudes because of its versatility in the harsh climate of the country. Today on the network you can find many options for alterations. In particular, one of these variations is a winter transport device made from a bicycle. Moreover, you can make such a transport with your own hands.

What can be taken from the bike?

It would seem that there is something to take off the bike to make a snowmobile. However, to make a snowmobile with your own hands, you will need almost the entire bike. In particular, from large, you will need the entire frame, fork, seat.

In order to make a snowmobile, it is best to use a mountain version or any other with a reinforced, lightweight frame and a large set of speeds. As a power unit, it is advisable to use a motor from a motorcycle. It has a small mass, but at the same time it produces pretty good torque and speed. In particular, you can take the engine from the Minsk or Izh motorcycle.

With your own hands, you can make a snowmobile that can accelerate to a speed of 30–50 km / h on a flat track. Winter transport from a bicycle is designed for one person, whose weight is up to 80–100 kg. At the same time, the snowmobile can also move a small additional load.

In addition to spare parts, the following parts and products will be required:

  • ski length from 60 to 80 cm and the wider the better;
  • two pieces of iron pipe with a diameter of up to 50 mm (it is best to use light aluminum, but with a thick wall);
  • a piece of channel or U-shaped bracket;
  • a metal plate 25–50 mm wide and 4–5 mm thick;
  • square profile;
  • thick rubber or ready-made tracks. Finished products for chassis can be found on the construction equipment market. For example, the caterpillars needed for a snowmobile will fit from a mini-excavator;
  • three pairs of metal (preferably) wheels from a small cart.

From the tool you will need:

  • set of wrenches;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • welding machine;
  • drill.

Assembling the front of the snowmobile

First, remove the front wheel from the bike. Now we attach a piece of a channel or a U-shaped bracket to the prepared ski in the center. This can be done with ordinary bolts. Four M8 or M10 bolts will suffice. After that, cut off two identical pieces of pipe. We fix the pipes on the bicycle fork (one pipe for each “horn”). You can firmly fix the tubes on the plug using U-shaped clamps or clamps. A minimum of two fasteners must be used for each fork element.

Pipes are attached symmetrically to each other. To give additional rigidity to the extension cords designed on the fork in the middle of the length of the tubes, we drill through holes, tighten them together with a long bolt or hairpin. After that, we cut the fixed tubes along the length so that they are 20-30 cm longer than the bottom of the bike.

We return to the ski with the bracket. On both sides of the channel / bracket, it is necessary to make holes symmetrically to each other. At the edges of the tubes (near the ground) on the fork we drill holes of the same diameter as in the channel. Holes should be at least 11–13 mm. Now we connect the elongated fork with the ski through the holes. To do this, use a long bolt M10-M12. Thus, the ski is installed on the snowmobile. At the same time, it remains movable in a vertical plane, which allows you to descend / ascent at a different angle. You can steer the vehicle by turning the steering wheel, just like on a bicycle.

Work with the drive part of the transport

Remove the rear wheel from the bike first. Instead, a caterpillar chassis will be installed. If it was not possible to buy ready-made caterpillars, then we make them with our own hands from rubber. A strip about 40–50 cm wide should be cut off. On one side of the prepared piece of rubber, we fill metal, plastic or wooden planks. These small elements for the snowmobile will serve as snow lugs, so it is best to make them higher. We connect the edges of the rubber together to make a closed piece with snow hooks on the surface.

We assemble the wheels in pairs on the axle. Taking into account the diameter of the wheels and the length of the assembled caterpillar, it is necessary to make a frame that will serve as a common platform for all three pairs of rollers. We mount two pairs of wheels to the frame tightly, and the third extreme pair is movably in a horizontal plane. Its mobility will provide a good rubber tension, and as a result, it will prevent the tracks from slipping. On the axis of the first pair of wheels we fix an asterisk from the rear wheel of the motorcycle.

The assembled frame with track must be installed at the rear of the bike. This can be done by welding the drive frame to the bike frame with plates. However, if the frame is large titanium or aluminum, then the drive should be fastened with bolts, since at home it is unlikely that it will be possible to weld to non-ferrous metal. The distance from the track to the frame should be at least 5–10 cm.

We proceed to install the power unit on the bike. The best place for the motor are the horns behind the seat. There, the engine will not interfere with the legs and there will be no fear of getting burned on it. However, you can put it in the center of the frame, but only with the top skin. It is worth noting that it is best to place the engine with a shift foot in the middle of the frame, and it is advisable to place the motor with gear shifting on the steering handle at the back.

The engine is placed on the snowmobile so that its sprocket is above the caterpillar drive sprocket. When installing the power unit, it will be necessary to weld the plates and the channel to fix it on the bicycle frame. How to weld them, you should be guided on the spot. After that, you need to make a chain of the desired length and connect the sprockets. We mount the tank as close to the engine as possible.

Thus, the snowmobile is practically assembled. We install all the controls of the power unit and the brake bar. For comfort, we select a comfortable seat.

So, it’s easy, you can assemble a snowmobile without serious investments, which uses a bicycle as a base. A bicycle snowmobile can be modified with your own hands at your discretion, but the above scheme will be quite enough for driving through snowy fields.

As you can see on the example of this children's snowmobile-snow scooter, it is very simple to make it with your own hands - the main thing is to think over in your head a design that will be easy and inexpensive to implement. and after that it is easy to transport in a car, as well as store in a garage (so that it takes up as little space as possible when disassembled. It was this option that S. Khomyakov from Moscow made with his own hands.

It's nice that the whole process is simple, no expensive parts are required, and the result is quite decent.

True, one should not expect good cross-country ability in deep or loose snow from a small car, but it has enough power to tow two or three Argamaks or sleds with riders.

Engine from a motoblock with a capacity of 6 liters. With. for such a snowmobile it will be just right, besides, the walk-behind tractor has been idle all winter in my village idle, waiting for spring arable work in the garden. I was going to make a caterpillar mover myself, using suitable ready-made parts for this purpose, for example, half a caterpillar from a Buran snowmobile.

There are many descriptions on the Internet explaining how to make a motorized towing vehicle for fishermen from parts from a snowmobile.

On one of these sites, I found that there is a special motorcycle installation kit for sale - a ski instead of a front wheel and a caterpillar mover with two small tracks. After installing this kit on a motorcycle, according to the seller, it turns into a full-fledged snowmobile. I doubted this very much: the track area is too small for a motorcycle whose weight is more than 150 kg.

But for a small collapsible snowmobile, such a caterpillar mover is just right, I just have to install an engine from a walk-behind tractor, a seat and a collapsible front end with skis for control on it. With the independent manufacture of a caterpillar mover from ready-made parts and a caterpillar from a Buran snowmobile, it would have cost me less, but winter was already in full swing. After some thought, I bought this set and another ski, because for better stability and safety I decided to do it in front two controlled skis.

I made a collapsible frame from square pipes with a section of 50-215.50 and 25-215.25 mm, and also used a double seat from a scooter and a steering wheel from a children's bicycle. Since the weight of the caterpillar mover is 20 kg, and the weight of the engine with automatic clutch from the walk-behind tractor is only 25 kg, I decided to install the engine on a quick-detachable platform for the convenience of disassembling and transporting the snowmobile.

I used the front longitudinal tubes of the frame and the forks of the front wheels from old bicycles, shortened to the required dimensions, as turning ski racks. For better controllability of the snowmobile on packed snow, I installed special undercuts made of an 8-mm metal bar from below on plastic skis, and aluminum corners with holes for attaching to steering swivel racks on top.

The parts of the collapsible part of the frame were fastened together with pins and bolts with wing nuts. It only takes a few minutes to assemble and no tools are required. The engine is mounted on a quick-detachable platform, the drive from the engine to the rear shaft of the caterpillar mover is carried out by a motorcycle chain.

The gear ratio is chosen so that the maximum speed of the snowmobile does not exceed 20 km / h. At the same time, a snowmobile can tow several sleds or snow scooters with riders behind it. The front part of the snowmobile - with skis and the rear - with a caterpillar mover - are pivotally connected, which made it possible to abandon shock-absorbing springs in the suspension of skis and caterpillars.

And the wide and soft seat from the scooter provides comfortable movement on a snowmobile even for two adults. Since the speed of the snowmobile is low, and it has practically no rolling due to the high resistance of the transmission and tracks. The snowmobile is not equipped with a brake, only an emergency engine stop button is enough.

Driving the snowmobile is very simple: after starting the engine, you need to turn the motorcycle throttle mounted on the handlebars.

As a result, the engine will increase speed, the automatic clutch will work, and the snowmobile will start moving. As the engine speed increases, the speed of the snowmobile increases, and when the throttle is released, the speed decreases and the snowmobile stops.

DIY snowmobile: step-by-step assembly photo

1. Snowmobile disassembled.
2. Assembling the snowmobile begins with the installation of the engine on the tracked motor.

3. Two rods are attached to the caterpillar mover, connecting it to the transverse beam, on which the swivel skis and the rudder are installed.

4-5. Inserted between the rods are the front strut and the supporting arch of the seat.

6. A beam with swivel skis and a rudder is connected to a caterpillar mover.

7. The parts of the snowmobile are connected to each other using pins and bolts with wing nuts.

Below are other entries on the topic "How to do it yourself - to the householder!"

Self-contained child's snow-scooter with a gasoline mower engine