What does a baby feel in the womb? Does the baby feel the mother's pain in the womb. How does a baby feel when it is in the womb? Emotions that are life-threatening

Can the unborn baby hear inside the womb? How well and can it be frightened by loud sounds?

Formation of the hearing aid

The hearing organs of a baby, in comparison with other systems, are formed for a long time and difficult - up to 16 weeks, after which “maturation” already occurs. The laying begins at the 4th week of intrauterine development from the rudiments of the bones of the skeleton. At week 7, the future baby already has the basics of the middle ear. Gradually, the hearing organs "ripen" and begin to function. Before 16 weeks, the child does not feel loud sounds, respectively, they do not affect him in any way.

What does a baby hear in the womb?

As soon as the embryo's ears begin to function, he hears a little, but to hear anything at all, the sounds outside must be very loud, for example, a firecracker or a rock concert. After all, inside the mother’s tummy there is amniotic fluid, it dampens sounds, plus the vibrations of the embryo’s body itself interfere.
At the 24th week of intrauterine development, the hearing of the unborn baby improves significantly, the sound is already being transformed into nerve impulses. From this period, the baby is able to hear not only loud sounds, but also music. And at 27-30 weeks, the hearing of the unborn child is so mature that it distinguishes loud speech.

Is the child afraid of loud noises?

The child inside the womb does not hear very well, so it cannot be frightened by sounds, but it reacts sharply to the mother's condition. If loud noises cause stress in the expectant mother, then the baby will also be anxious from this. In addition, the discomfort that a pregnant woman experiences from the sounds of loud and ultra-high or low frequencies can adversely affect the pregnancy as a whole, up to premature birth.

What volume is acceptable

To feel comfortable, the total noise in the house and on the street should not be higher than 40 dB during the day and 30 at night. In reality, especially in urban areas, background noise exceeds 60 dB. This is not a very critical indicator, but it causes a state of constant nervous tension in the mother's body.
A separate category of sources of sound vibrations that are harmful to pregnancy is household appliances. You should avoid watching TV for a long time, working at a computer, using various household appliances, as well as listening to very loud music, because sound vibrations in headphones can exceed 100-120 dB. With the constant background sound of the bustle of the city, devices that play music are always set to high sound.
In order for the pregnancy to proceed normally, avoid disputes, scandals in raised tones, loud music, and the sounds of working equipment. For the baby, external sounds do not harm even loud ones, but some sound vibrations can adversely affect the state of pregnancy.

Text: Nadezhda Smirnova

Many pregnant women begin to feel their connection with the unborn child only after they feel the movements of the fetus - at first subtle, and then more insistent. How to decipher these signals, we asked the expert.

About what the baby is doing in the womb, says the head of the Moscow Center for Perinatal Diagnostics at the maternity hospital No. 27, obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Vladimirovna Yudina.

The laws of intrauterine life are not fully understood ...

Moves or it seemed?

The fetus begins to move in the mother's womb while still an embryo, almost from the moment of conception. He rolls over and somersaults almost continuously, but the expectant mother does not feel movement until his muscles are thin and weak. When their size and strength increase, a woman begins to feel a barely audible and gentle thrill inside herself. For the first time, the fetus makes itself felt at various stages of pregnancy. It depends on the condition and physiological characteristics of the expectant mother. Women who are expecting their first child may feel fetal movements in 20-22 weeks pregnant. Those who have already given birth can feel it earlier - from 16 weeks. The muscles of the uterus are more strongly stretched, and the movements of the fetus are heard more clearly.

Baby, how are you?

Studies have shown that in utero, the baby reacts to external sounds and the brightness of light. Their strength affects the intensity of his movements. It is also known that his activity is affected by both the mental and physical state of the mother. The state of wakefulness and rest can change in the fetus during each hour. This happens in accordance with the physiological rhythms of its intrauterine development, which are different for everyone. Some children may be more mobile in their mother's belly, others may behave more calmly. Their intrauterine life follows its own laws, which have not yet been fully studied.

Babies, even in their mother's womb, have days of special activity and periods when they want to relax and behave calmly. Sometimes fetal movements can be caused by the touch of the body on the inner wall of the fetal membrane, from which it moves away. Perhaps not enough oxygen is supplied to him with blood through the umbilical cord. When he moves, her position changes, blood flow increases and oxygen supply increases.

The fetus makes respiratory movements, sighs, sometimes hiccups. At times, the expectant mother feels stomach cramps from his hiccups. In the fetus, as in a newborn child, this does not cause any particular inconvenience. With some babies, this happens daily, or even several times a day, while others do not hiccup at all.

The number of fetal movements with the development of pregnancy becomes more and more. Rhythmic beats in some cases become regular and are repeated at a constant interval, while in others the fetus pushes spontaneously and in various ways. The great activity of the fetus in the mother's womb does not at all mean that after birth it will be more restless than those babies whose movements were less intense.

Test D. Pearson "Count to ten"

On a special map, the number of fetal movements is noted daily from 28 weeks. The count starts at 9:00 and ends at 21:00. A small number of movements (less than 10 per day) may indicate fetal oxygen deficiency and is a reason to see a doctor.

Periods of special activity

  • If a pregnant woman leads an active lifestyle, the child calms down with the rhythm of her movements and she does not feel his jolts. As soon as she lies down to rest, the baby begins to kick and push. Therefore, some expectant mothers hear the baby's movements more often at night than during the day.
  • Sometimes the strength of the pushes increases after the mother eats. The food she eats adds energy to the fetus.
  • The intensity of stirring also increases from the release of hormones into the blood when the expectant mother gets nervous.

After 28 weeks Pregnancy fetal movements are already well distinguishable. It develops, grows and grows stronger, and its movements become more and more tangible. You can already clearly understand when he is resting and when he is awake. As long as the baby is spacious enough in the uterus, he is constantly spinning and kicking. Sometimes it hurts a pregnant woman.

In order for the child to calm down, it is sometimes enough for her to change the position of her body or take a few deep breaths.

By 34 weeks During pregnancy, the fetus in the uterus takes the final position from which it will be born. He has already grown so much that it becomes a bit crowded there - it is already difficult to roll over and spin. In women who have given birth, the fetus sometimes changes its position even after this period. The activity of the fetus before childbirth decreases slightly, but even then it does not stop its movements. In late pregnancy, the fetus often sleeps at the same time as the mother.

All the feelings of a future mother who listens to the movement of her child are very subjective, and you should not attach importance to the observations of other pregnant women and compare them with your own. Each fetus in the mother's womb, like any person, has its own individuality, temperament and develops in its own way. If something worries you, consult with the doctor who is leading the pregnancy!

In medicine, it is customary to divide pregnancy for trimesters:
1st trimester - from the 1st to the 3rd month of pregnancy, during this period, the child develops the organs and structures of the body;
2nd trimester - from the 3rd to the 6th month, the heart, lungs and brain are formed to the level necessary for survival;
3rd trimester - from the 6th to the 9th month, there is a preparation for the work of all systems and organs, that is, the adaptation of the baby.

All people know that child in the abdomen is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord, through which it receives the nutrition it needs. Everyone advises a pregnant woman to eat well and be calm, experiencing extremely positive emotions. And this is absolutely correct, because pregnancy is a hormonal process, and all human emotional reactions are associated with hormones. With stress and fear, each person in the body produces adrenaline, which excites the nervous system, and in a pregnant woman, the nervous system of a child in the womb. Under severe stress, huge doses of adrenaline can lead to a constant need to receive it, hence the birth of restless excitable children who sleep and eat poorly, bringing great anxiety to parents. Many dads are interested in the question, does the child feel anything in the womb and does he hear his speech? By the end of the sixth month or at the beginning of the third trimester of a woman's pregnancy, the baby begins to respond to sounds.

By the end of this month, child is from 700 to 750 grams, and its height is only 30 cm. At this time, the nails on the hands and eyelids are formed, the hair on the head of the child becomes thicker, the contours of the face are formed. Also, the child's nostrils open and the alveolar sacs of the lungs begin to form. Scientists have come to the conclusion that since this period, close communication with parents for the child is very important. The baby in the tummy should feel the touch of the parents through the tummy and hear their voice.

Modern research American scientists have shown that starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the child in the womb feels, hears and understands in its own way what is happening. Here are some interesting facts that scientists discovered in the process of research:

1. The child duplicates the actions and mood of the mother. He dozes when the mother sleeps and wakes up with her. When the mother is calm, the child behaves calmly.

2. The child reacts to light. This happens towards the end of the sixth - the beginning of the seventh month. Even though vision is hardly needed before birth, the baby sees light in the womb. If the lamp is directed at the mother's stomach, then the child will seek to escape. He closes his eyelids and rolls over in his stomach.

3. The child memorizes words and whole expressions. He hears the sound of his mother's voice and distinguishes it from other sounds. If dad often talks to the baby through the tummy, then he remembers the sound of his voice well and immediately recognizes it after birth. American scientists cite this fact: a pregnant woman attended courses for expectant mothers and did gymnastics under the “inhale-exhale” command, two years after the birth of her daughter, she was very surprised to hear her daughter repeat the same command: “inhale-exhale”.

4. The child is listening how parents talk and react to the intonation of their voice. When a father or mother addresses him, he calms down, the rhythm of his heart is even and calm. Parental quarrels make a child's heart beat faster. If the parents are optimists, then the child inherits these qualities of character already in the womb.

5. The child has a sense of taste and loves sweets. Scientists have found that after the introduction of glucose into the amniotic fluid, the child's swallowing movements increase, and the injection of iodine slows them down. From the unpleasant taste of iodine, the child grimaces in disgust.

6. The child reacts to external stimuli. He moves his head if mom's tummy is stroked with a hand. And if cold water is poured on the mother's stomach, he beats with his legs, expressing his displeasure and anger.
7. child hears music. It turned out that babies in the womb don't like rock and they really like classical music. The calm music of Beethoven and Vivaldi puts them to sleep.

8. Child hates smoking. The child does not like even when the mother thinks about smoking. His heart begins to beat faster already when mom thinks about whether she should drag on another cigarette.
9. Already a two-month-old baby in the womb reacts to the physical trauma of the mother. If the mother accidentally hits her stomach, then the child hides, as it were, seeking salvation.

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Many parents believe that the baby needs communication already in the period of intrauterine development, so mom sings lullabies to him, and dad tells fairy tales. Studies show that these touching scenes do not contradict the facts: the baby really hears sounds and reacts to them, so you can and should talk to the child. Let's see how long the fetus's hearing is formed, what sounds bring joy to the baby, and whether he will be able to remember voices and music when he is born.

When the baby begins to hear

The organs of hearing in the embryo begin to form at the fifth week from the moment of conception, or at the seventh obstetric week. First, the inner ear appears in the embryo, and then the middle and outer. If you conduct an ultrasound scan at the eighth week of pregnancy, you can see the outlines of small auricles in the crumbs. But during this period, when the organs of hearing are just being formed, the child cannot hear yet.

But at the sixteenth week of intrauterine development, the fetus begins to perceive the first sounds. At the first stage, he feels them as vibrations of different intensity, but already at the twenty-first week, the child distinguishes sound waves and hears them the way we do. Moreover, he captures not only the noises heard inside the mother's body, but also voices, hum, music from the outside world. The world of sounds is gradually replenished, but so far the baby hears them somewhat muffled.

Features of the perception of sounds in a child in the womb and ways of communicating with him

In the course of studies of the sound susceptibility of the fetus, scientists have found that the audibility of a child in the womb can reach up to thirty decibels and that the fetus hears best low-frequency sounds (high-frequency sounds are worse through the abdominal wall and amniotic fluid). By the way, therefore, the male voice of the baby distinguishes more clearly than the female. But the mother's voice is a completely different matter: it is heard clearly, as it reaches the baby through the skeletal system, bypassing the aquatic environment, which distorts the sound.

Being in the womb, the fetus most clearly hears, of course, the work of various organs of the mother. Noisy, like a giant pump, mother's lungs; her heart beats rhythmically; like a motor, the digestive tract works. And already at the thirtieth week of his development, the baby perceives sounds so well that he is able to respond to the intonation of the parent's voice and express his opinion about this or that music.

French scientists conducted an experiment that made it possible to understand whether a child hears music in the womb. To do this, a sensor was placed in the uterine cavity, which reacts to sounds from outside. He clearly recorded not only the voices of nurses and the noise of steps, but also playing classical music, confirming the guesses of scientists.

Since at first the fetus begins to hear the mother, then she should begin to communicate with the child, and this must be done calmly and affectionately. It's time for the first conversations - the sixteenth-seventeenth week of gestation. Over the long weeks of pregnancy, the mother's voice will become so familiar and familiar to the baby that after birth, he will gladly respond to his mother's speech. It must be said that the baby hears and recognizes the low timbre of the father's voice no worse than the mother's, therefore the father's speech, telling fairy tales, is also extremely pleasant to him.

The child will be pleased to hear the unpretentious conversation of parents, affectionate appeals to him, calm lullabies and fairy tales. According to the results of one of the studies, it turned out that children recognized fairy tales that were read to them several times a day: the crumbs pulse slowed down, as if he was listening to familiar words. This fact suggests that during pregnancy it will be useful for the mother to remember her favorite childhood stories.

The influence of different music on the fetus

Classical music, fairy tales, poems, sounds of nature have a positive effect on the baby's nervous system during fetal development and give him extensive information about the world. Harmonious, beautiful and calm melodies are useful for both mother and baby, as they contribute to their emotional relaxation. The sound of melodic instrumental compositions already during this period lays in the crumbs musical abilities, a craving for beauty and good taste.

But loud music is extremely undesirable for the baby, since a sound exceeding ninety decibels is very difficult for the perception of the fetus. No wonder the powerful compositions of rock singers are met with such disapproval from the crumbs.

Preferred Music

Music that pleases mom is not always to the liking of the baby, but there are certain genres to which all children react in the same way: classical music, lullabies, operas, calm romances and folk songs cause positive emotions in the fetus: it calms down and listens carefully to the tune he likes. A negative reaction will not be slow to manifest itself in the roar of rock music, rhythmic and loud pop compositions: with these sounds, the kids begin to push hard, sometimes with their extreme activity they force their mother to muffle the sound or leave the concert. Therefore, including the next composition for your baby, be guided by his behavior: he will behave calmly when he likes music, and actively push when this or that melody is unpleasant for him.

As a rule, children who listened to classical music before their birth were later far ahead of their peers in mental development.

When choosing music for joint listening with a baby, it must be remembered that the baby's body will, first of all, respond to the frequency, tonality and rhythm of the melody. The latter should not be higher than the heart rate - then the music will calm and delight the child. If this is relaxing and soothing music for pregnant women, you can turn it on at a low volume and attach a playback device to the tummy: the child will quiet down and soon fall asleep with her mother. It is also convenient to listen to music in headphones by adjusting the volume: the baby will be able to perceive the melodies in the same way as the mother.

It is desirable that listening to music at a time does not exceed more than half an hour. The best period for music sessions is morning awakening and time before bedtime. The kid reacts to music in the same way as an adult: sad melodies cause him a similar mood, but major cheerful notes can have an exciting effect on him. Therefore, classical works are considered the best option for the fetus, since they usually combine both elements perfectly.

In addition to speech, the fetus perfectly feels the mother's mood: when she is upset or excited, her heart and pulse beat with a vengeance, her breathing goes astray, the tone of her voice is distorted. At these moments, the child calms down, as if sensing danger.

Interesting discoveries related to the perception of sounds by a child in the womb

The understanding that music has a beneficial effect on a pregnant woman and her baby has existed since ancient times, and therefore in China, Japan, and India, expectant mothers tried to listen to religious songs, folk choirs, and beautiful symphonies. Progress in the field of medicine and the advent of ultrasound allowed scientists to find out the following facts:

  1. In 1982, the Japanese, having examined several hundred pregnant women with an ultrasound scanner, noticed the reaction of children to listening to music: the kids actively moved to peppy melodies, and calmed down to sad ones.
  2. Numerous studies have shown that babies can remember tunes heard in the womb and recognize them after birth. Scientists suggested that pregnant women listen to a specially prepared repeated speech “ta-ta-ta” several times a day for the entire third trimester of pregnancy. After birth, babies responded best to the sounds of “ta-ta-ta”, as they remembered them even before they were born.
  3. American scientists managed to prove that the fetus has an auditory memory. He is able to memorize not only music, but also voices. Expectant mothers were asked to read the same poem to their unborn baby every day. After birth, newborns recognized this particular work from many other poems.
  4. Long-term history shows that all newborn babies recognize the mother's voice: they respond to it, quickly calm down if the mother speaks to him.

The different reactions of babies to certain classical works can be used when you need to calm or cheer your baby.

The music of Antonio Vivaldi will help calm the baby, therefore, in order to calm the restless child, you can listen to The Four Seasons with your child. And if the baby, on the contrary, needs to be cheered up (for example, before the study of CTG), it is worth listening to Brahms' Hungarian Dance No. 1. In addition, the most popular works for pregnant women include Mozart's music, which you can listen to before going to bed, lulling your baby: for example, Symphony No. 40.

A selection of music for pregnant women with the possibility of online listening:

"Sleeping Beauty" by Tchaikovsky:

"Swan Lake" by Tchaikovsky:

"Nutcracker. Waltz of the Flowers" by Tchaikovsky:

Symphony No. 40 by Mozart:

"Seasons - Summer" Vivaldi:

"Four Seasons - Autumn" Vivaldi:

"Seasons - Winter" Vivaldi:

"Hungarian Dance No. 1" Brahms:

"Nocturne in G Minor" by F. Chopin:

"Moonlight Sonata" L. v. Beethoven:

Minuet by L. Boccherini:

During the period of bearing and waiting for the baby, they try to surround the expectant mother with care and support. Already in the first trimester, the most important organs of the child begin to form, so at this time it is important for a woman not only healthy nutrition, rest and sleep, but also emotional harmony and tranquility. Listening to music has a beneficial effect on both the condition of the pregnant woman and the nervous system of the fetus: it has been proven that children “brought up on the classics” during the gestation period are ahead of their peers in mental development, more often endowed with musical talents and good taste. Therefore, listening to music for expectant mothers is not only a pleasant pastime, but also an opportunity to reward a little genius with a gift.

In medicine, it is customary to divide pregnancy for trimesters:
1st trimester - from the 1st to the 3rd month of pregnancy, during this period, the child develops the organs and structures of the body;
2nd trimester - from the 3rd to the 6th month, the heart, lungs and brain are formed to the level necessary for survival;
3rd trimester - from the 6th to the 9th month, there is a preparation for the work of all systems and organs, that is, the adaptation of the baby.

All people know that child in the abdomen is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord, through which it receives the nutrition it needs. Everyone advises a pregnant woman to eat well and be calm, experiencing extremely positive emotions. And this is absolutely correct, because pregnancy is a hormonal process, and all human emotional reactions are associated with hormones. With stress and fear, each person in the body produces adrenaline, which excites the nervous system, and in a pregnant woman, the nervous system of a child in the womb. Under severe stress, huge doses of adrenaline can lead to a constant need to receive it, hence the birth of restless excitable children who sleep and eat poorly, bringing great anxiety to parents. Many dads are interested in the question, does the child feel anything in the womb and does he hear his speech? By the end of the sixth month or at the beginning of the third trimester of a woman's pregnancy, the baby begins to respond to sounds.

By the end of this month, child is from 700 to 750 grams, and its height is only 30 cm. At this time, the nails on the hands and eyelids are formed, the hair on the head of the child becomes thicker, the contours of the face are formed. Also, the child's nostrils open and the alveolar sacs of the lungs begin to form. Scientists have come to the conclusion that since this period, close communication with parents for the child is very important. The baby in the tummy should feel the touch of the parents through the tummy and hear their voice.

Modern research American scientists have shown that starting from the fourth month of pregnancy, the child in the womb feels, hears and understands in its own way what is happening. Here are some interesting facts that scientists discovered in the process of research:

1. The child duplicates the actions and mood of the mother. He dozes when the mother sleeps and wakes up with her. When the mother is calm, the child behaves calmly.

2. The child reacts to light. This happens towards the end of the sixth - the beginning of the seventh month. Even though vision is hardly needed before birth, the baby sees light in the womb. If the lamp is directed at the mother's stomach, then the child will seek to escape. He closes his eyelids and rolls over in his stomach.

3. The child memorizes words and whole expressions. He hears the sound of his mother's voice and distinguishes it from other sounds. If dad often talks to the baby through the tummy, then he remembers the sound of his voice well and immediately recognizes it after birth. American scientists cite the following fact: a pregnant woman attended courses for expectant mothers and did gymnastics under the “inhale-exhale” command, two years after the birth of her daughter, she was very surprised to hear her daughter repeat the same command: “inhale-exhale”.

4. The child is listening how parents talk and react to the intonation of their voice. When a father or mother addresses him, he calms down, the rhythm of his heart is even and calm. Parental quarrels make a child's heart beat faster. If the parents are optimists, then the child inherits these qualities of character already in the womb.

5. The child has a sense of taste and loves sweets. Scientists have found that after the introduction of glucose into the amniotic fluid, the child's swallowing movements increase, and the injection of iodine slows them down. From the unpleasant taste of iodine, the child grimaces in disgust.

6. The child reacts to external stimuli. He moves his head if mom's tummy is stroked with a hand. And if cold water is poured on the mother's stomach, he beats with his legs, expressing his displeasure and anger.
7. child hears music. It turned out that babies in the womb don't like rock and they really like classical music. The calm music of Beethoven and Vivaldi puts them to sleep.

8. Child hates smoking. The child does not like even when the mother thinks about smoking. His heart begins to beat faster already when mom thinks about whether she should drag on another cigarette.
9. Already a two-month-old baby in the womb reacts to the physical trauma of the mother. If the mother accidentally hits her stomach, then the child hides, as it were, seeking salvation.