Tar dandruff soap: application features, effectiveness and reviews. To strengthen and grow hair. Other tar-based dandruff remedies

Tar soap for dandruff has not lost its relevance for a long time. Even grandmothers used this effective remedy. It is gaining its former popularity, as much attention is paid to natural products in caring for the appearance. Tar soap against dandruff is used by many girls. Thanks to its beneficial properties, it solves this problem and improves the appearance of the strands.

The uniqueness of the drug is due to the fact that the constituent component - birch tar, is known for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal action. After using soap, the problem with dandruff is solved.

Soap affects the skin:

  • improves blood supply;
  • stabilizes keratinization of epidermal cells;
  • has a healing effect.

Due to its healing properties, tar is used in cosmetology and medicine. It is part of medicated shampoos and ointments.


Do not use the drug for skin with hypersensitivity. It is forbidden to use in acute inflammatory processes of the epidermis.

Avoid funds containing tar and kidney disease.

How to cook at home

Buy from a store or make your own. The second method is the most acceptable, as it allows you to enrich the composition of the drug: decoctions of useful herbs and oils are added to it. They enhance the effect of tar and help eliminate the causes of dandruff.

An easy way to prepare the preparation is to use baby soap. To prepare the product you need:

  • 100 g of baby soap;
  • 100 g of herbal decoction or water;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of burdock or castor oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of birch tar.

Soap is rubbed on a coarse grater. Shavings are poured with a decoction of chamomile, nettle or burdock root and melted in a water bath. Tar and base oil are added to the resulting homogeneous consistency, mixed. The substance is poured into molds and allowed to solidify. Soap hardens within 2-3 days.

What can be added to the composition of the drug

When preparing the product at home, enrich it with the following components:

  1. Coconut oil to improve the condition of the strands.
  2. Palm oil for quality soap.
  3. Jojoba oil to strengthen and nourish hair follicles.
  4. Cocoa bean oil, which has a moisturizing effect.

How to apply

Improper use of soap will not bring results, you must use the following method:

  1. Wet the strands.
  2. Lather a bar of soap in your hands. Apply lather to hair.
  3. Foam is carefully rubbed into the scalp.
  4. Leave the foam on the hair for 5-7 minutes. Do a head massage so that the foam preparation is better absorbed.
  5. Wash the strands with warm running water.

Tar soap does not give instant results. At the beginning of the application, it may seem that the problem has worsened: there is more dandruff. You cannot stop using the tool. In a month the problem will be completely eliminated.

How often to apply

For prevention, it is enough to use the remedy once a week.

For the treatment of the scalp, it is used 2 times a week. Due to the strong drying effect, you can not use the product constantly. Enough 1-2 courses of application per year.

To benefit from tar, useful tips will help:

  1. After using the product, you can not wash your hair with hot water, as this provokes the appearance of greasy plaque.
  2. The only drawback of using the product is the unpleasant smell that tar emits. Water with apple cider vinegar, which is used to rinse curls, helps get rid of it. The ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 4 to 1. A few drops of orange, tea tree, rose or lavender essential oil are added to vinegar water.
  3. After prolonged use of the drug, the hair becomes dry. To prevent this, moisturizing balms are used.

It is most expedient to apply this method of combating dandruff to owners of hair prone to oily content. Thanks to the drug, they will get rid of dandruff and the strands will not quickly get fat.

Almost a quarter of the world's population suffers from dandruff. The ideal way to treat seborrhea is to eliminate the cause of the disease. To do this, you need to identify what kind of failure in the body provoked the activity of the fungus: cosmetics, diet, psychological state, etc. After that, seborrhea must be treated using one or another dandruff remedy. Let's take a look at some simple yet effective ways to get rid of flaky scalp.

To get rid of the annoying "white crust" will help the usual household or tar dandruff soap. But this remedy should not be abused, since soap lye, as a result of prolonged exposure to hair, destroys their structure.

Laundry soap contains in its composition saturated fatty acids that envelop each hair, moisturize and nourish them. Therefore, laundry soap not only helps to effectively get rid of dandruff, but also restores damaged and dry hair, however, such a dandruff remedy should not be used more than once a week. In this case, you need to wash your hair with soapy water.

Laundry soap It has strong cleansing and antifungal properties.

We will study in more detail the properties of laundry soap that help fight dandruff:

  1. Disinfects. The potent alkaline components that make up laundry soap have an active antimicrobial effect on the scalp, killing the fungus.
  2. Dissolves grease and washes away dirt. With the help of strong cleansing agents, dandruff and oil flakes are quickly and easily removed from the scalp.
  3. Relieves itching. This tool significantly reduces itching, and in some cases completely eliminates it, even after a single application of a soap solution.
  4. Dries. This is one of the best remedies if the scalp is oily at the roots and seborrhea is oily. But if dandruff is dry, then the skin after using laundry soap needs to be moisturized.
  5. Accelerates hair growth. The composition of this soap includes a variety of useful components that help strengthen the hair follicle and hair growth. If dandruff is accompanied by their loss, then this property of laundry soap is very important.

In the future, this soap can be used once a month to prevent dandruff.

Tar dandruff soap, due to the content of natural nutrients, is very effective in combating skin flaking. This remedy is especially effective for oily seborrhea. Birch tar - the main component of this soap, has a specific smell, but you should not be afraid of it, because the "aroma" of tar soap foam does not remain on the hair, disappearing after 15-25 minutes.

Tar- a substance that is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, does not cause allergic reactions and heals small cracks on the scalp.

To get rid of dandruff, it is necessary to prepare a soap solution or foam, apply the composition to the hair roots, then lather and distribute along the entire length. After 5-7 minutes, the composition should be washed off NOT with hot water, but in order for the hair to comb well, you need to rinse it with slightly acidified water - 1 tbsp. vinegar per 1 liter. water.

Important! Do not use hot water to wash off the soap solution, otherwise the soap will curdle and it will be impossible to comb your hair.

Using laundry or tar soap for dandruff will not give an instant result. After 4-5 weeks of regular weekly use, dandruff will gradually disappear completely. You can repeat the course of treatment no earlier than three months later.

Essential and vegetable oils from seborrhea

You can also fight seborrhea with the help of various vegetable and essential oils. Excessive exfoliation of the skin on the head will help normalize castor, olive, coconut, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, burdock oil for dandruff or any essential oil. Such natural remedies contribute to the rapid disposal of snow-white dead scales.

The most commonly used essential oils are tea tree, cypress, rosemary, geranium, ylang-ylang, hops, lemon balm, cedar, lavender and eucalyptus. In order for dandruff to disappear, you need to add 3-5 drops to your rinse or shampoo. You can also rub a few drops of any of the above essential oils into your scalp after washing your hair.

Among vegetable oils, the most effective are:

  • Castor oil is a very effective dandruff remedy that relieves itching, eliminates dryness, strengthens and softens hair, and nourishes the scalp. It is necessary to apply to the hair roots and lightly rub into the skin half an hour before washing your hair;
  • burdock oil for dandruff - is used to treat dry seborrhea and is not applicable to oily hair. This tool also needs to be rubbed into the skin before washing the head, then be sure to wrap it with a film and a towel. Such masks should be done within 3-4 weeks;
  • coconut oil - has a pronounced antibacterial property, providing an antimicrobial effect on the hair, stimulates their growth, restores shine and strength, prevents the appearance of gray hair. Apply to the skin with light massaging movements;
  • olive oil - protects the scalp from severe drying and flaking, preventing dandruff. With the help of this tool, they massage the head, and then wrap the hair with a towel and leave for 30 minutes;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil is an excellent hair beauty product that stimulates hair growth and strengthens, has a powerful regenerating effect, which helps to remove dandruff and renew the skin. It is applied as a mask on the hair 40 minutes before water procedures for two months;
  • linseed oil - quickly normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, is perfectly absorbed and easily washed off. To treat dry dandruff, flaxseed oil should be warmed up and rubbed into the hair roots 20 minutes before taking a bath. Repeat the procedure twice a week for two months.

To prevent dandruff, rub any of these oils into the scalp once a week for one month.

Salt will help cure dandruff

Another effective remedy for dandruff is sea or regular table salt. After all, it is a good antiseptic, and in high concentration it has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, including those that cause dandruff. Salt cleanses the scalp of impurities, improves blood circulation and nourishes the hair follicles.

But salt used against dandruff has a number of other advantages:

  1. Exfoliates dead epidermal cells - abrasive salt crystals act as a scrub, removing scales and neutralizing itching.
  2. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands - salt removes excess fat from the skin and dries it.
  3. Stimulates hair growth - salt particles irritate the skin, promoting blood flow to the hair follicles.
  4. Prevents hair loss - the saline solution contains a lot of useful substances that nourish the hair roots.

There are several ways to use salt for the prevention and treatment of seborrhea:

  1. Salt can be rubbed into the head in its pure form. To do this, before water procedures, you need to massage slightly damp skin with 2-3 tablespoons of salt for 3-5 minutes, then immediately rinse with shampoo and rub into the skin again for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water.
  2. Salt mask with yolks and bread is very effective against dandruff. Mix 1 tsp. sea ​​salt, 2 yolks and 2 soaked pieces of rye bread. Apply the mixture on the hair and leave for 45-60 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
  3. You can make a salt-based dandruff compress. To do this, pour 1 glass of salt with 200 ml of water, apply the solution to the roots, wrap with foil and put on a warming cap. Wash your hair after 50-60 minutes. Such compresses strengthen hair and return shine.

Salt against dandruff is an excellent inexpensive tool that every housewife has in the kitchen.

Treatment of seborrhea with baking soda

Baking soda is a very useful powder for cooking, disinfecting, whitening teeth, boiling laundry, getting rid of the smell of sweat, washing dishes and other surfaces, so every housewife in the kitchen must have a pack of soda. But few people know that soda is also an excellent remedy for dandruff. Baking soda has a wonderful exfoliating effect.

When using soda to rub into the skin, the powder mixes with excess fat and other impurities that are easily washed off with plain water. At the same time, the use of baking soda for dandruff does not violate the skin-fat balance, which means that there is no overdrying, as when using pharmaceutical products against seborrhea.

And yet, baking soda, despite the fact that it is not toxic, must be handled very carefully if:

  • hair was recently dyed - soda will easily wash off the paint and the color will become dull;
  • the scalp is sensitive, itching or an allergic reaction may occur;
  • hair is very dry, thin, brittle and split ends.

Treating dandruff with baking soda is great for oily hair at the roots. To do this, you can use one of the popular recipes for dandruff and oily seborrhea:

  1. Dissolve 4 tsp. soda in a small amount of water and, carefully rubbing, apply the resulting mixture on the scalp, hold for 3-5 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  2. Pour a glass of warm water into a bottle, pour 1 tbsp into it. soda and 1 tsp. shampoo. Shake well and wash your hair with this mixture once a week if the hair is oily, and twice a month if the curls are dry.
  3. Combine 1 tbsp. soda, 100 ml of water, 1 egg and 5 tsp. vodka, mix thoroughly and apply to the roots, and then along the entire length of the strands, gently massaging the scalp. Rinse off with water and vinegar or citric acid.

Soda is a wonderful remedy for oily seborrhea, which has been tested by more than one generation.

Sulsena against peeling skin

Effectively fights the causes of dandruff and itching of the head Sulsen. The paste normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin of the scalp, removes exogenous toxins that destroy the hair follicle. Sulsena also favorably affects the strengthening and growth of hair, increases their tone, gives a healthy look, elasticity and shine. This tool effectively restores the vital activity of skin cells.

Sulsena- a drug for seborrhea containing 1% or 2% selenium disulfide and a complex of useful additives.

There is also Sulsen anti-dandruff shampoo, which has antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Shampoo or paste is applied to wet hair, rubbed with massaging movements into the hair roots, washed off after 5 minutes. Hair after application of Sulsena becomes soft, shiny, very easy to comb. One bottle or tube is enough for a course of treatment.

As a prophylactic, a 1% solution of Sulsena is used, and for the treatment of dandruff, a 2% shampoo is used.

As a result of the use of Sulsena, not only dandruff and itching, multi-colored lichen, seborrheic dermatitis completely disappear, but sebo-control occurs - skin protection from dandruff with a long-lasting effect, and hair is also healed. In addition, the manufacturer of Sulsena recently changed the fragrance, and instead of the usual unpleasant smell, the aroma of medicinal herbs is felt.

At the same time, Sulsena dries the skin of the face very much, so you should avoid getting shampoo on your face, especially your eyes. After water procedures, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin of the face and hands. There are no special contraindications for the use of Sulsena, only individual intolerance to the components that make up the product. Therefore, before using a paste or shampoo, you need to carefully study the composition of the drug.

Sulsena is a good medical remedy for dandruff. But when seborrhea appears, you should also try to get rid of it with soda, salt, soap, vegetable and essential oils in one of the ways listed above. Believe me, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Using tar soap for dandruff - a real misfortune of the 21st century, has recently become not only useful, but also fashionable.

And now the regulars of social events share with each other a simple and very effective solution to this delicate problem.

And the owners of luxurious hair only confirm the long-known rule: what is time-tested is always better than any bold innovation.

Moreover, tar has been used to treat a variety of scalp conditions, including oily seborrhea, which most of us know as dandruff, for centuries.

And they get this miracle cure as a by-product of logging, using birch bark to isolate a special kind of resin rich in essential substances.

Incredibly, but true - reviews on the use of birch tar as a preventive and therapeutic agent in the fight against dandruff and other diseases of the scalp are mostly positive.

Those who choose this method of therapy for themselves are not deterred by either the specific smell or the peculiarities of using this remedy.

However, tar in its pure form has not been used in cosmetology for a long time. Instead, the cosmetic industry produces tar soap, which is great for fighting dandruff.

Tar dandruff soap began to be used more than a century ago as a natural and safe antiseptic with a mild cleansing, drying and healing effect.

What is the special healing power of this miraculous component?

In the antiseptic effect - tar disinfects and heals small wounds on the surface of the skin, relieves itching and irritation.

In improving blood circulation in the skin - it stimulates hair to intensive growth, normalizes their nutrition.

In reducing the fat content of the skin - the normalization of the condition of the skin leads to the elimination of problems associated with the formation of dandruff and other unpleasant symptoms.

But when treating hair with tar soap, it is important to remember that this is precisely a therapeutic agent. It is not suitable for daily shampooing.

Moreover, it should not be used at all more than once a week with normal oily skin, and more than twice a week with increased sebum secretion.

These limitations are due to the pronounced degreasing properties of tar, which, even in a ratio of 1:10 in the composition of soap, has a rather strong effect on the skin and hair.

Another important point concerns the sensitivity of the skin to the effects of tar soap.

Due to the fact that this tool has the ability to cause an acceleration of blood circulation at the site of contact with the skin, it is better not to neglect the dermatological test.

Apply a little soapy water to the inside of your wrist before you start washing your hair, and only after making sure that there are no signs of an allergic reaction on the testing area, you can proceed with the procedure.

You should not use tar-based cosmetics for kidney inflammation, during pregnancy and lactation, with individual intolerance to birch tar.

With caution, it should be used for acute inflammation of the skin in the head area - in this case, it is better to consult a professional trichologist, who will issue an opinion on the advisability of using this component as part of therapy.

How to wash your hair with tar soap?

When using tar soap against dandruff, a number of rules should be observed.

In particular, the method of its application does not involve the use of hot water - in this case, instead of a healing effect, you will get an untidy oily sheen on the surface of your hair.

No need to be surprised that the condition of the hair after using tar-based soap will be noticeably different from what shampoo gives.

But in this case, only the effectiveness of the composition matters, and some discomfort that accompanies the treatment of symptoms of increased sebum separation is easily eliminated with the help of natural rinses or balms, they should wash their hair after removing soap suds from the hair.

The method of using tar soap implies the following procedure:

  1. start washing your hair with abundant wetting of its surface with warm or slightly cool water;
  2. next, lather the bar of soap well in the palms (do not treat in direct contact with the bar of soap on the scalp);
  3. start washing your hair, carefully applying the resulting foam to the surface of the hair, evenly distributing it along the entire length;
  4. leave the remedy for some time (no more than 7 minutes) - this will be enough for the treatment to be successful, to enhance the effect, you can periodically massage the skin;
  5. remove the product from the scalp with warm or cool water, rinsing thoroughly.

To combat the specific smell and side effects in the form of increased dryness of the hair, which gives treatment with tar soap, modern conditioners, as well as natural emollients and moisturizers, help.

Apple cider vinegar will help restore the usual softness. This natural conditioner is very easy to use.

They can wash their hair both after using tar soap (in a ratio of 1: 4 with water), and after regular shampoo. And natural oils will help restore shine and elasticity to the hair.

We prepare soap with natural tar with our own hands

Treatment of increased fat content and inflammatory processes on the surface of the scalp does not necessarily involve the use of finished types of cosmetic products.

You can make soap yourself, with the addition of additional ingredients, and wash your hair according to the standard therapeutic effect.

The composition of homemade tar soap includes:

  • basic soap base (you can take regular baby soap) - 1 piece;
  • natural birch tar - 40 grams;
  • water or herbal decoction - 100 ml;
  • oil base (you can take any natural oil) - 25-50 ml.

When preparing tar-based soap from these ingredients, you will need to grind a bar of ordinary soap, then mix it with the prepared liquid base and heat the mixture without direct contact with a heat source (you can use a water bath).

The resulting composition is hot mixed with tar and oil base and thoroughly mixed.

The resulting mixture can be distributed in containers prepared in advance for storage and cooled until completely solidified.

In addition to the basic components, natural oils can be added to the resulting soap mass, which can enhance the effect of the product.

In particular, to improve the nutrition of the scalp, you can supplement the composition with jojoba oil. Cocoa butter will help soften and moisturize the skin.

Coconut and palm oils will help add shine and vitality to your hair.

Involve hand-made or factory-made tar-based soap in the treatment of scalp problems to ensure a quick normalization of the condition of the skin and eliminate the increased oiliness associated with the manifestations of seborrhea.

Or use it as a prophylactic once or twice a month to reduce oily skin and promote nourishment and hair growth.

And you can forget about dandruff forever, enjoying the shine of a beautiful and healthy hair.

Dandruff occurs at least once in a lifetime in every person - a temporary hormonal imbalance, unhealthy diet and bad habits can cause it to appear. In addition, the wrong shampoo is a common cause of dandruff. One of the popular remedies is tar dandruff soap, which, according to reviews, gives positive results after the third application.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you decide to use tar soap against dandruff, contact a pharmacy or hardware store, where it is sold freely.

The only drawback that tar hair soap has is its smell. It is really not the most pleasant, but after 15 minutes after application, it disappears and is not felt. Soap cannot be left open, for it you need to prepare a closing soap dish in advance, and after use, ventilate the room.

After using soap, you can rinse your head with diluted apple cider vinegar - half a glass per liter of water. It will rid the hair of the smell that exudes tar, and add shine to the hair. You can also add a couple of drops of essential oil.

Composition and properties

The composition of the soap includes birch tar and salts of higher fatty acids, due to which soap foam is formed. Tar has the following set of medicinal properties:

  • Antimicrobial;
  • Antimycotic;
  • Drying;
  • Anti-inflammatory.

When wondering if tar soap helps with dandruff, it should be remembered that a fungus can also be the cause of dandruff, so you will have to use not only soap, but also special antifungal agents.

homemade soap

If you can’t buy soap, you can make it at home on your own, while it will be more natural and at any time you can make the amount that is necessary for use.

To make tar soap at home, you will need:

  • any natural baby soap;
  • strong, rich decoction of nettle or burdock;
  • 15 ml of burdock oil;
  • 35 g of tar.


  • To prepare a decoction, take two tablespoons of dry nettle or burdock, pour a liter of boiling water. It is better to do this in an enamel bowl. Then a vessel with boiling water and herbs is put on fire and slowly brought to a boil.
  • When the composition boils, boil for another 5 minutes and set aside from the heat under a tight lid. After cooling to room temperature, the broth can be filtered, thick grass will no longer be needed. You can store such a decoction for no more than a day in the refrigerator.
  • Let's proceed directly to the preparation of soap. A piece of baby soap is rubbed on a fine grater and melted in a water bath. Half a glass of herbal decoction is added to it. In the event that it was not possible to make a decoction, use plain water.
  • When the soap with the decoction is completely melted, add burdock oil and a tablespoon of tar. Once mixed, pour into a soap mold and leave to cool. In about two days, the soap will completely harden and it can be used for medicinal purposes.

Terms of Use

The method of application in which tar helps with dandruff the most is suitable for owners of oily scalp and hair. Usually in this case, the so-called oily dandruff is formed. The sebaceous glands on the head produce too much fat, resulting in a dense film on the surface of the skin, which prevents the shedding of dead skin cells. Such dandruff has a yellow tint and is oily to the touch.

Treatment involves the use of soap no more than twice in seven days. If you hit fanaticism, applying more often, you can achieve dry skin, and dandruff will form even more intensely.

After the tar, you can use cosmetics, such as balms and masks. It should be noted that owners of oily hair are not recommended to use masks containing paraffins and waxes, and avoid products with parabens.

In addition to the fact that tar helps to cure dandruff, there is a strengthening of hair follicles and, as a result, the hair becomes more voluminous and strong.

How to properly wash your hair

In order for tar to fully normalize metabolic processes in the layers of the epidermis, strengthen hair and eliminate dandruff, you need to properly wash your hair with tar soap.

The method of application is quite simple. Avoid direct contact of the bar of soap with the scalp. Proper use means that the hair will be washed with soapy lather, so take soap in your hands, lather thoroughly, lather and spread over the entire scalp.

After that, the covered area of ​​the skin is massaged for about five minutes, for this the foam is rubbed in a circular motion, but it is better not to scratch the skin. After combing, you can leave micro-scratches, the ingress of tar into which is highly undesirable. With the help of massage, it is easy to improve blood circulation, which will help eliminate dandruff and normalize metabolic processes in skin cells.

After washing your head with tar foam, you need to rinse it with warm running water. You need to rinse thoroughly and for at least three minutes, otherwise the layer of soap remaining on the skin will make the hair greasy, and can also lead to intoxication of the epidermal cells.

Duration of treatment

Like any folk remedy, tar soap should be used for a long time - washing your hair once will not be enough. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to use tar soap for at least a month. Then they take a break for two months and again use a month for prevention.

If this method is used by owners of dull hair suffering from dry dandruff, tar soap suds will help eliminate the itching and irritation that steadily accompanies dry dandruff.

With dry skin, such a remedy should be used very carefully, and not more than once a week, since tar soap can dry the skin even more and lead to even more dandruff.

If it doesn't help

If the use of tar soap has not brought any results, it is recommended to contact a dermatologist-cosmetologist. Since in this case, a microscopic fungus can become the cause.

A dermatomycosis of the scalp should be treated by a dermatologist or mycologist, for this special antifungal agents are used. If the doctor approves this option, tar soap can be used as an additional treatment.

Otherwise, reviews about the use of soap are only positive, the only thing that scares many away is the smell, but it is easily eliminated with essential oils, apple cider vinegar or the use of cosmetics.

Tar soap consists of approximately 10% birch tar, which is known for its medicinal properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • drying;
  • antifungal.

The main purpose of using tar soap is to treat:

  • many skin problems, including frequent inflammation and neurodermatitis;
  • diseases of the scalp - fungal infection, dandruff, hypersensitivity.

Tar soap is not the most popular remedy for dandruff. Most often, he prefers special shampoos and ointments.

However, after tar soap, a good result is often observed in the shortest possible time.

One of the most common causes of dandruff is a fungal infection.

Some types of fungi can exist in humans all the time, but appear only during a weakened immune system or taking antibiotics. The reason for the positive dynamics in the treatment of such dandruff is the antifungal properties of tar, which lie in the features of its composition.

Another cause of dandruff is seborrhea. Tar is also used to treat disorders in the sebaceous glands, so tar soap can solve the problem of this origin.

Some precautions for use

To preserve the beauty of hair, especially dry, it is worth thinking about additional nutrition and moisturizing during the treatment of dandruff with tar soap, since it has a pronounced drying effect.

Even with oily scalp, rubbing the hair with a bar of soap is unacceptable.

Usually only foam is used, which must be distributed as close as possible to the hair roots.

Sometimes flaky skin from dryness is mistaken for dandruff. In this case, tar soap can aggravate the situation by drying the skin even more.

Soap is alkaline. Neglecting rinsing with acidified water, you can deprive your hair of shine and elasticity.

It is not advisable to wash off tar soap with too hot water. Empirically, it was found that due to heating, it can leave an oily film on the hair, which is difficult to wash off even the second time.

How to deal with dandruff with tar soap?

The main way to use tar dandruff soap is as follows:

  • thoroughly wet the hair, leaving no dry strands;
  • lather tar soap in your hands or with a special mesh;
  • distribute the foam at the roots of the hair;
  • after five minutes, wash off the soap with cool water;
  • rinse your hair with slightly acidified water (add a spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar to the water);
  • for dry and normal hair, it is desirable to use a balm.

There is another method that allows you to get rid of dandruff with tar soap. You can make a hair mask according to the recipe:

  • grate or otherwise grind one tablespoon of tar soap;
  • add 100 grams of sour cream;
  • add a couple of drops of vitamins A or E;
  • Apply the resulting mask to the hair roots, rinse after an hour.

This mask should not be used for prevention and more than once a week. It is well suited if there is a lot of dandruff.

The most popular courses for using tar soap against dandruff:

  • 15 procedures with a break for 2 months;
  • 2 treatments per week until dandruff disappears;
  • 1 procedure per week for prevention.

And in this topic you can get acquainted with folk remedies to combat dandruff with burdock oil. Feedback from people about the application.


Oksana, 27 years old. I have been using tar soap for hair for more than two months now. I wash my hair once a week. After washing off the soap, I always apply conditioner, otherwise I will not comb without hair loss.

For all the time of application, dandruff has never appeared, although it used to be constantly.

Another plus is that the oiliness of the skin has decreased. If before I had to wash my hair daily, now I do it once every two days.

Natalia, 19 years old. I really wanted to cure dandruff as quickly as possible. I bought ordinary tar soap for 17 rubles, immediately washed my hair with it. Dandruff was a little less, but the hair looked terrible. I have never had them in such a bad condition, they have become like tow. Fortunately, everything returned to normal after washing with regular shampoo. If you use this soap for hair, then according to all the rules - with rinsing with acidic water and a mask for the length of your hair.

Xenia, 23 years old. Tar soap for a couple of applications saved me from dandruff. For convenience, I purchased it in the form of liquid soap. It does not smell very good, but the main thing is the result. The dandruff disappeared completely. Sometimes I use it for prevention instead of shampoo.

Anastasia, 32 years old. For a long time I avoided tar soap. Once, in childhood, I washed their hair with them, having heard that it was useful. The hair then did not give in to the comb and looked bad. When dandruff began to appear regularly, I decided to try tar soap again. This time I chose not the usual one, but ordered it in a natural cosmetics store. The bar cost about 80 rubles. Either this soap turned out to be better, or the hair changed, but nothing terrible happened to the hair, and the dandruff disappeared in a week.

Anna, 21 years old. Tar soap actually helps with dandruff. It was recommended to me by a doctor. I cured dandruff in 3 applications, just by washing my hair with this soap. Who wants to try - I advise only one thing. The main thing is to rinse your hair with sour water! I tried without rinsing - the hair was terrible to the touch. In general, the soap is excellent. Now there is no dandruff anymore, I use it for my face.

Dandruff has bothered every person at least once. In many cases, it ends with a complete cure. You will find homemade recipes for the treatment of dry and oily dandruff in the article.

Recipes for hair masks with coconut oil can be found in the rubric. What are the benefits of coconut oil?

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