The activities of children's social shelters at the present stage. "Skillful hands"


In orphanages and boarding schools there are children whose serious illnesses and pathologies are compatible with life. These children do not die of their diseases, they can live with it. But their life is significantly different from the life of healthy peers and ours. Their special needs require a special habitat or special opportunities forevery child: operations, prosthetics, rehabilitation equipment, special educational programs.

These children face obstacles every day. Every day they become little heroes, performing an everyday feat - overcoming all the difficulties of the world around them, forced isolation from society.

Many children who received the status of a disabled person in the institution and many terrible diagnoses still dream of independence and mobility, independence from the help of other people, dream of learning the world outside the walls of institutions. Many of them really have every chance not only to become healthy and independent, but also to find a family.

Our goal is to help these children, to make their lives happier, to give them the opportunity to see the world as we know it: huge, comfortable, interesting, diverse.

In the program of targeted assistance to children "Healthy Child", we collect funds for both children from child care facilities and for children from needy families, whose parents cannot afford to pay for the expensive treatment of a child..

We update information on children and fees for their needs as donations come in, but not more often than once a week. If you did not find your name in the list of those who helped the child - be patient, we will update the information soon.



the collection for the code 293 is closed. The Foundation has already paid for the rehabilitation course for the girl for Milana, but it is scheduled for February. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report will be posted on the child's page.

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Samir Sh. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, delayed psychomotor and speech development... Collection amount: 159 600 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Guzel Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, delayed psychomotor development Amount of collection: 150,000 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Alexandra L. Diagnosis: acute lymphoblastic leukemia, accommodation spasm, amblyopia. Amount of collection: 231 250 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Egor A. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, motor alalia. Amount of collection: 500,000 rubles


the collection for code 298 is closed. For Natasha, the Foundation paid for a rehabilitation course. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report is posted on the child's page.

a new beneficiary of the Kutuzovskaya boarding school of the Moscow region was admitted to the program "Healthy Child" (project of the medical room) -. Diagnosis: epilepsy, accompanied by impaired psycho-motor and speech activity. Collection amount: 95,000 rubles

the collection for code 294 is closed. For Zhenya, the Fund paid for 2 rehabilitation courses for the boy. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report is posted on the child's page.

the collection for code 296 is closed. For Bulat, the Fund purchased a hippo-trainer, and now the boy is regularly engaged at home. Thank you very much to all the participants of the gathering. Delivery report on the child's page.


collection for code 295 is closed. For Ruslan. C. The Foundation has already paid for the rehabilitation course for the boy. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report will be posted on the child's page.


a new beneficiary was admitted to the "Healthy Child" program - Zhenya V. Diagnosis: epilepsy, accompanied by impaired psycho-motor and speech activity. Amount of collection: 234,000 rubles.font-family: "arial =" ">
AR-SA ">


the collection for the code 287 is closed. For George. D. The fund has already paid for tickets for him and the boy's mother. Many thanks to all Volgograd residents who responded to the request for help and transferred funds to pay for travel and examinations before the operation! The treatment report is posted on the child's page.font-family: "arial =" "> minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language:
AR-SA ">


a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Yaroslav P. Diagnosis: atypical autism with mental retardation and systemic speech underdevelopment. Amount of collection: 89,000.00 rubles.font-family: "arial =" "> minor-latin; mso-ansi-language: RU; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language:
AR-SA ">


a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Georgy G. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, neurogenic scoliosis of the 3rd degree Amount of collection: 22,500 rubles.

a new beneficiary was admitted to the "Healthy Child" program - Ruslan S. - Diagnosis: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss IV degree, cochlear implantation. Amount of collection: 85350 rubles.
a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Bulat. C. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, epilepsy Amount of collection: 69,900 rubles.
a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Togliatti boarding school. Diagnosis: multiple pathologies of mental development, intelligence and hearing impairment. Amount of collection: 240,000 rubles.


a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Bulat N. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Amount of collection: 149,600.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Anna G. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, double hemiplegia, pronounced central tetraporesis... Amount of collection: 180,000.00 rubles

adopted new beneficiary in the "Healthy Child" program - Anastasia R. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, symptomatic epilepsy... Amount of collection: 171,000.00 rubles

adopted a new beneficiary in the "Healthy Child" program - Milana S. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Amount of collection: 128 600,00 rubles

closed collection for code 271. For Karina R., the Foundation has already paid for a rehabilitation course for her. Thank you very much to all the participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising. The treatment report will be posted on the child's page.

closed collection for M1 code for guys Petrovvalsky boarding school, Volgograd region... The Foundation paid for the equipment already necessary for the Medical Office. Thank you very much to all the participants of the Gathering. A report on the assistance provided will be published soon.


the collection for the code 267 is closed. In the near future, Daniel P. will undergo a very necessary rehabilitation course for him. Thank you Huge to all participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising

collection for code 275 is closed. In the near future the Fund will pay for the necessary wheelchair for Yura L. and give it to the family.

collection for code 276 is closed. In the near future the Fund will pay for the necessary wheelchair for Pavel D. and give it to the family.


Closed collection for code 270. For Alexandra G. The Fund pays for and delivers a hippo-trainer. Thank you Huge to all participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising

collection for code 272 is closed. The Foundation will pay for the rehabilitation course for Daniel T.


a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Yura L. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia. Amount of collection: 86,000.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Olga D. Diagnosis: Consequences of perinatal CNS pathology with diffuse microsymptomatics, emotional and volitional disorders. Amount collected: 91 630.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Maxim E. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis. Amount of collection: 97 600,00 rubles

04/20/2017, Tatarstan

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Daniel T. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, developmental delay... Collection amount: 91,200.00 rubles

13.04.2017, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was admitted to the "Healthy Child" program - Alexandra G. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Amount of collection: 68,750.00 rubles.

13.04.2017 the camp for the code 258 is closed. In the near future Andrey V. will undergo a rehabilitation course that is essential for him in St. Petersburg. Thank you Huge to all participants who did not pass by and helped in fundraising

the collection for code 259 is closed. The Foundation will pay for the rehabilitation course for Fedor in the coming days.

04/11/2017, Samara region

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Slava K. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis... Amount of collection: 91,000.00 rubles

04/11/2017, Tatarstan

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Daniel P. Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, dysarthria ... Amount of collection: 238,000.00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Karina R. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, double athetosis... Amount of collection: 160,500.00 rubles

16.01.2017 collection for code 257 is closed. In the near future Gleb P. will go to St. Petersburg for treatment. Thank you Huge to all the participants who did not pass by and helped

the collection for code 260 is closed. The Fund will pay and deliver the necessary simulators to Azat within a month.

13.01.2017, Moscow region:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Masha N.

Diagnosis: Residual organic lesion of the central nervous system. Delayed psychoverbal development.Amount of collection: 104,800.00 rubles.

01/09/2017, Ryazan:the collection for the code 251 is closed - a soft room will be organized to help the children of the Ryazan orphanage. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping!

12/31/2016, Tatarstan:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Azat Z. Diagnosis:Cerebral palsy, bone deformation due to spastic tetraparesis... Amount collected: 66 300,00 rubles

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Darina K. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraporesis. Amount of collection: 63,200.00 rubles

12/31/2016, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was admitted to the "Healthy Child" program - Anastasia A. Diagnosis: diabetes mellitus. Amount of collection: 150,000.00 rubles.

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Matvey U. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. Amount of collection: 73,100.00 rubles.

12/30/2016, Belgorod region: a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Andrey V. Diagnosis: cerebellar insufficiency syndrome, right-sided central hemiparesis, neurogenic planovalgus deformity of the right foot. Amount of collection: 70,000.00 rubles. More details >>> Join now!

20.12.2016, Ryazan:a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Zhanna K. Diagnosis: Chronic sensorineural hearing loss, grade IV. on the right, III Art. on the left, systemic speech underdevelopment. Amount of collection: 48,000.00 rubles. Join us!

11/25/2016, Novosibirsk:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Sophia S. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. We are raising funds to pay for specialized walkers for children with cerebral palsy. Amount of collection: 105,000.00 rubles.

More details: Join us!

11/25/2016, Ryazan:

10/27/2016, Ryazan:

10/26/2016, Volgograd:

code 247 is closed - children with cerebral palsy will now be able to undergo rehabilitation courses in the rehabilitation department of the Sredneakhtubinsk Central Social Society.Thanks to everyone who participated in the fundraising for the rehabilitation equipment. More details

10/26/2016, Ryazan:

10/18/2016, Kazan:

10/18/2016, Ryazan:

10/13/2016 Ryazan:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Matvey K. Diagnosis: shunt-dependent hydrocephalus without progression. We collect for payment of a 24-hour nanny-sitter for the postoperative period. Amount of collection: 75,000.00 rubles. Details:. Join us!

"arial =" ">

10/12/2016 Ryazan region:

a new beneficiary was accepted into the "Healthy Child" program - Alexey L. Diagnosis: congenital heart disease, Oik oval window. We collect for payment of a 24-hour nanny-sitter for the postoperative period. Amount of collection: 21,000.00 rubles. Details:. Join us!

"arial =" "> 10/12/2016, Novosibirsk:
font-family: "tahoma =" "> and its maintainer

font-family: "tahoma =" "> paid travel from Ryazan to the place of treatment and back. Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the child! Details:

06/15/2016, Ryazan:

closed code 249 - to helpNecessary rehabilitation equipment was handed over to the Elatomsk orphanage... Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the institution! Details:

05/18/2016, Ryazan:

closed code 158 - to help Artem S. cryus
color: gray "> babysitting services, as well as transportation costs to the place of treatment
... Thanks to everyone who participated in helping the child! Details:

ALTUFIEVO SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF Moscow FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 127106, Moscow, Altufevskoe shosse, 13, building 4, building 4
(district) North-East Administrative District: Pleasing; st.m. Vladykino (1000m SE)
tel .: 401-0079 - Secretary
fax: 401-0079
e-mail: [email protected]

THE ROAD TO THE HOUSE SHELTER Moscow; 117418, Moscow, Profsoyuznaya st., 27, building 4
(district) South-West Administrative District: Cheryomushki; st.m. Profsoyuznaya (450m to the C), Novye Cheryomushki (450m to the SW)
tel .: 128-4769 - Information
fax: 128-6620

ZYUZINO SOCIAL SHELTER (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 117452, Moscow, Azovskaya st., 33, building 3
(district) South-West Administrative District: Zyuzino; st.m. Sevastopolskaya (350m NW), Chertanovskaya (800m S)
tel .: 310-3400
fax: 310-3400

SPIKE SOCIAL SHELTER (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 141014, Moscow region, Mytishchi, Semashko st., 50/10, building 2
tel .: 582-9994

COMMITTEE ON FAMILY AND YOUTH AFFAIRS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF MOSCOW SOCIAL HELP FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 142853, Moscow region, Stupinsky district, Alekseevskoe B. p / o, Raduzhnaya der., Sadovaya st., 3
tel .: 739-9809
fax: 996-1821
e-mail: [email protected]

KRYUKOVO SOCIAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 124681, Moscow, Zelenograd, Zavodskaya st. (Kryukovo), 14B
(district) ZelAO: Kryukovo
tel .: 533-0033 - Secretary
fax: 533-0033

LOBNYA SOCIAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 141730, Moscow region, Lobnya, Aviation st., 6
tel .: 579-0179

LYUBERETSKY SOCIAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN; 140070, Moscow region, Lyuberetskiy district, Tomilino settlement, Karamzina st., 20
tel .: 557-4533
fax: 557-4533

MARINO SOCIAL SHELTER FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS; 109341, Moscow, Novomaryinskaya st., 3, building 4
(district) SEAD: Maryino; st.m. Maryino (near)
tel .: 345-3500 - Information
fax: 345-3500
e-mail: [email protected]
web page:

ISLAND OF HOPE CHRISTIAN GIRL SHELTER; 109451, Moscow, Belorechenskaya st., 22/66, office 149
(district) SEAD: Lyublino; st.m. Bratislavskaya (800m SW), Lyublino (1150m C)
tel .: 654-7629
fax: 654-7629
e-mail: [email protected]
web page:

(district) North-West Administrative District: Tushino Yuzhnoye; st.m. Skhodnenskaya (1150m N), Tushinskaya (1200m S)
tel .: 492-2681 - Switchboard
fax: 492-2681

SOLNTSEVO SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS CJSC MOSCOW; 119620, Moscow, Solntsevsky prospect, 8A
(district) JSC: Solntsevo; st.m. South-West (5300m NE)
tel .: 934-6344
fax: 934-9636

TEXTILE SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS; 109390, Moscow, Tekstilshchikov 1st st., 6A
(district) SEAD: Textile workers; st.m. Printers (900m to the southwest), textile workers (950m to the N), Volzhskaya (1400m to the southeast)
tel .: 179-1191
fax: 179-2072

KHIMKINSKY SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS; 141400, Moscow region, Khimki, Leninsky prospect, 11A
tel .: 575-9616 - Secretary, Director
fax: 575-9616

KHOROSHEVO-MNEVNIKI SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS; 123423, Moscow, Narodnogo militia st., 3, building 2
(district) SZAO: Horoshevo-Mnevniki; st.m. Polezhaevskaya (2850m NE), Oktyabrskoe Pole (2850m NE), Bagrationovskaya (3300m SE)
tel .: 199-5520 - Social service
fax: 199-5520

SHCHELKOVSKY DISTRICT MOSCOW. REGION SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS; 141108, Moscow region, Schelkovo, Kooperativnaya st., 15
tel .: 526-4236 - Director
fax: 526-4236

SOUTH ADM. DISTRICT SOCIAL Shelter (Moscow) FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS OF MOSCOW; 115563, Moscow, Borisovskiy proezd, 15, building 3
(district) Southern Administrative District: Orekhovo-Borisovo North; st.m. Domodedovskaya (1750m S), Krasnogvardeyskaya (1800m Southeast)
tel .: 390-5354

A shelter is a social institution for temporary residence of children who find themselves in an extreme life situation. Children's social shelters are created and liquidated by the executive local and administrative bodies on the basis of the "Model Regulations on the Children's Social Shelter".

The purpose of the shelter is to provide socio-pedagogical, psychological, medical, legal assistance to minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation requiring the help of specialists. The maximum stay of children in the shelter is 6 months. The approximate structure of the shelter: primary admission service, department of diagnostics of social maladjustment, service for the implementation of social rehabilitation programs, department of social and legal assistance. The shelter can exist as an independent institution or be part of a social and pedagogical center. The structure of the shelter, which is an independent institution that is not part of the shelter complex - a social and pedagogical center, can be limited to two structural divisions: the primary admission service and the department of social rehabilitation and social and legal assistance.

If the shelter becomes part of the social and pedagogical center, the structural structure can be as follows: the primary admission service, the service for the implementation of social rehabilitation programs. The primary admission service of an orphanage social shelter consists of a quarantine department with a separate entrance, an admission and hygiene department, and premises for inmates to live. The staff of the service is 4 - 10 patronage nurses who have undergone special training at the social and pedagogical center. The staff of the quarantine department includes educators, assistant educators, and a medical worker. After the expiration of the period of the child's stay in the quarantine unit (1 month) and the provision of appropriate assistance to him, the child is sent to a group where a psychologist, social educator, doctor, defectologist and other specialists work with him. By the end of the child's stay in the shelter, measures should be determined for his further arrangement (return to the family, boarding school, etc.).

The currently existing social shelters operate according to the Model Regulations and are intended for temporary residence and social rehabilitation of children and adolescents 3-18 years old.

Social shelters are educational institutions where children and adolescents are assisted in solving their life problems. Their functions are to ensure the safety of the child, to protect him from rigidity and external threats, to relieve the severity of mental stress in relations with his family, with teachers, and peers. The work of the shelter is aimed at the correction and rehabilitation of children.

The peculiarity of the shelters is that it is a temporary residence facility. Since the rehabilitation program is individual for each child, the length of stay at the shelter is also individual. The child himself can apply for asylum in the shelter until his further fate is decided.

The contingent of the shelter is made up of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren (90%), whose living in a family has become impossible, for example, because of the parents' alcoholism, constant beatings, and the lack of basic living conditions. One of the reasons for placing children in a shelter is sexual violence (11%), violence against both young children (1.5 - 5 years old) and girls 13 - 15 years old. 9% of children are placed in an orphanage due to illness of the mother, absence of relatives, death of parents, at the time of registration of guardianship.

Children are sent to the shelter by police officers (59%), social teachers (26%), relatives (10%), and very rarely (6%) children come to the shelter on their own, these are teenagers who are forced to leave the family.

Very often, the administration of the orphanage is faced with the problem of further placement of children, since many can no longer be returned to the family, since parents are deprived of parental rights (35%), children are full-time orphans (14%), parents are disabled (19%) or mentally ill.

Examination of children at the shelter gives a rather difficult picture: 80% of children have neuropsychiatric pathology, 42% have mental retardation, and respiratory diseases prevail. Only 2.2% of children are healthy.

Since the time spent by children in the orphanage is limited, the social educator faces a difficult task in a short time to extinguish the child's crisis conditions, conflict with the family, to involve the child in school, to engage in work, to organize treatment, to determine his future. That is why it is especially important to endear the child to himself, to create an atmosphere of participation, warmth and care.

If the kids hardly forget about the family, then the teenager does not miss the family, tries to realize himself, to establish himself among the children. A social educator must show understanding, benevolence, but convince a teenager of the need to change his life. He must be able to provide first medical, psychological and legal aid.

Adolescents admitted to the shelter are characterized by extreme psychological imbalance. Often after the first week "runners" leave the shelter to continue their wanderings. A social educator needs to master some psychological techniques in order to convince a teenager to stay in a shelter, to trust new adults.

The social teacher is faced with a number of tasks at the same time: to create a home environment for the child in a shelter, to establish mutual trust with him, to teach him to observe the norms of community life, to direct him to the path of introspection and self-education. In the implementation of the rehabilitation of a teenager, the teacher is assisted by other employees of the shelter: a doctor, psychologist, lawyer, business executive, educators.

Each child has his own destiny, his own problems, so the study of each child is the main thing when he is admitted to the orphanage.

The peculiarity of the social shelter is that it carries out the prevention of social orphanhood, child crime and neglect, protection of children's rights, and provides social, pedagogical, psychological and medical rehabilitation of minors.

For the work of assistance to be effective, it is necessary to clearly organize the activities of all employees of the shelter. The main role in organizing this work is assigned to the social educator.

When a child enters an orphanage, a "Rehabilitation card for a pupil of an orphanage social shelter" is issued for each child, which reflects all the work on the rehabilitation of a minor.

The first stage in working with children is the study of their documents, conversations with them, with social teachers of schools and kindergartens, inspectors of the IDN, i.e. with those people who delivered the child to the orphanage. It can also be outside adults who have decided to help a child in a difficult life situation. The data is entered into the card.

Further, the "Program for the primary examination of the family and the child" is being developed. It is composed of social educators, a psychologist, a medical worker and the deputy director of the SOC. The social educator reflects in it the actions and activities for the conduct of social investigation.

He plans to:

· Conducting conversations with parents, relatives, teachers of educational institutions, inspectors of the IDN, employees of the PND, KDN, children's polyclinic, etc. to obtain more accurate information about the child and his family;

· Examination of the living conditions of a minor;

· Drawing up a "Map of the network of social contacts", "Map of addictions", various questionnaires, which give a more complete picture of the situation in which the child finds himself;

· Observation of the child during the adaptation period.

The next important stage in the work is to conduct pedagogical consultations. They are organized by a social teacher: he appoints the time, invites the participants, keeps the minutes of the council. A pedagogical council, at which a program for the rehabilitation of the family, parents, relatives of a minor and all interested persons is developed. Specialists from the SOC came to the conclusion that the first consultation should be held as early as possible, 3-5 days after the child is admitted to the orphanage.

The speeches of all participants are recorded in the protocol, after which the situation is discussed, a family rehabilitation program is developed. It assigns tasks for all members of the council and deadlines. This form of work with dysfunctional families is considered very effective, since the presence of representatives of various services at the consultation helps parents to realize the complexity of the situation in which they find themselves with their children; specific conditions and tasks are set before parents, when fulfilling and solving which they will be able to improve the situation in the family and take their children from the orphanage.

After ten days of observation of the child during the adaptation period, a pedagogical council is held to draw up a rehabilitation program. The social educator invites to the meeting the deputy director of the SOC, psychologist, medical worker, educators who observed the child during the adaptation period. Specialists analyze the observation card for the child, announce the diagnostic results, and then develop an individual rehabilitation program.

The main areas of work of a social teacher in social rehabilitation are:

1.the formation of social interaction skills among the inmates of the shelter;

2. work with pupils to prevent deviant behavior;

3. the formation of skills and abilities to act in a difficult life situation;

4. formation of skills of responsible behavior;

5. work with pupils and their parents to restore the lost contacts with the family.

After a certain time, repeated consultations are held to track the implementation of the rehabilitation programs for the family and the child. If necessary, adjustments and changes are made to the program.

After leaving the orphanage, the program for the rehabilitation of the minor continues according to the recommendations made by the specialists working with the child.

One of the most important areas of work of a social teacher on the social rehabilitation of orphanage inmates is the prevention of crime and delinquency among minors, legal education, which includes acquaintance of inmates with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, in particular the regulation of issues affecting the interests of children (Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses, The Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Rights of the Child", the Convention on the Rights of the Child).

Interestingly, in each district (city) at least 50 specialists are engaged in working with dysfunctional families. For example, in Orsha (in addition to 19 employees of the shelter), these are 27 social teachers of schools, 9.5 staff units of the city social and pedagogical center, 3 - the guardianship sector of the city executive committee, 4 - the territorial center of services for the population (in total - 62.5 staff units).

Today in Belarus there are 140 shelters, which annually spend more than 20 billion rubles from local budgets. On average, the state spends 180 million rubles a year for the maintenance of one shelter.

Thus, the children's social shelter is not only a temporary “shelter” for children who find themselves in a difficult life situation, but also an institution that carries out a whole range of measures to rehabilitate the child and his family.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2000 N 896
"On Approval of Model Provisions on Specialized Institutions
for minors in need of social rehabilitation "

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Foundations of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

2. To recognize as invalid the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 1996 N 1092 "On approval of the Model Regulations on a specialized institution for minors in need of social rehabilitation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 39, Article 4562).

Approximate position
about the social rehabilitation center for minors
(approved by resolution

With changes and additions from:

I. General Provisions

1. This Approximate Regulation regulates the activities of a social rehabilitation center for minors (hereinafter referred to as the center), which is a specialized institution created in the system of social services of the social protection bodies of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local government bodies. On the basis of this Provisional Regulation, the center develops its charter, which is approved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The main tasks of the center are the prevention of neglect and homelessness, as well as the social rehabilitation of minors who find themselves in difficult life situations.

5. The Center is created, reorganized and liquidated by the decision of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or by the decision of local self-government bodies in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Joint foundation of the center is allowed.

8. An admission department, a long-stay group, a social hotel, a family educational group, departments of diagnostics and social rehabilitation, social and legal assistance, transportation of minors, as well as other units necessary for the implementation of basic tasks can be formed in the center.

a) provides temporary residence for minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

b) takes part in identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions that contribute to the neglect and homelessness of minors;

c) assists in the restoration of the social status of minors in peer groups at the place of study, work, residence, promotes the return of minors to families;

d) provides social, psychological and other assistance to minors, their parents (legal representatives) in eliminating a difficult life situation;

e) develops and implements programs of social rehabilitation of minors aimed at getting out of a difficult life situation;

f) ensures the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors;

g) organizes medical care and education for minors, promotes their vocational guidance and their acquisition of a specialty;

h) assist the guardianship and guardianship authorities in the placement of minors left without parental care;

i) notifies the parents of minors (their legal representatives), guardianship and guardianship authorities about the presence of minors in the center;

j) on the basis of checking the expediency of returning to families of minors who have left them without permission, invites parents (their legal representatives) to resolve the issue of returning minors to them;

k) on the basis of checking the feasibility of returning minors to educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, or other children's institutions, summons representatives of these institutions to resolve the issue of returning to them minors who have left these institutions without permission.

11. The center accepts around the clock minors aged 3 to 18 years, who applied for help on their own, at the initiative of their parents (their legal representatives), sent (received) on other grounds in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of place of residence.

12. Minors are in the center for the time necessary for the provision of social assistance and (or) social rehabilitation and solving issues of their further arrangement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. It is not allowed to keep minors in the center in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, with obvious signs of an exacerbation of mental illness, as well as those who have committed offenses. In case of admission of such minors, measures are taken to send them to the appropriate institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

V. Management of the center

The seizure of property assigned to the center in operational management is allowed only in the manner and in cases established by civil legislation.

The attraction of additional funds by the center through voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities and other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation does not entail a decrease in funding at the expense of the funds of its founder (founders).

Approximate position
about a social shelter for children
(approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2000 N 896)

With changes and additions from:

I. General Provisions

1. This Approximate Regulation regulates the activities of a social shelter for children (hereinafter referred to as the shelter), which is a specialized institution created in the system of social services of the social protection bodies of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local government bodies. On the basis of this Model Regulations, the shelter develops its own charter, which is approved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The main task of the shelter is to provide emergency social assistance to minors who find themselves in difficult life situations.

3. In its activities, the shelter is guided by federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the child, this Model Provision and its charter.

4. The shelter carries out its activities in cooperation with bodies and institutions of education, health care, internal affairs, public and other organizations.

II. Organization of the shelter

5. The shelter is created, reorganized and liquidated by the decision of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or by the decision of local authorities in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Joint founding of the shelter is allowed.

6. The shelter is a legal entity, owns the property assigned to it in the operational management of the property, has current and other accounts in credit institutions, an estimate, a seal of the established sample, a stamp and letterheads with its name.

The shelter maintains accounting records and submits information about its activities to the state statistics and tax authorities, the founder (founders) and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its charter.

7. The shelter can be created at the rate of one institution for 5-10 thousand children living in the city (region). If there are less than 5 thousand children in the city (district), one shelter can be created.

8. An admission department, a social hotel, a family educational group, departments of diagnostics and social rehabilitation, social and legal assistance, transportation of minors, as well as other units necessary for the implementation of basic tasks can be formed in the shelter.

9. In accordance with its tasks, the shelter:

a) together with the bodies and institutions of education, health care, internal affairs and other organizations, carry out activities to identify children in need of emergency social assistance;

b) provides temporary residence for minors who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

c) provides social, psychological and other assistance to minors, their parents (legal representatives) in eliminating a difficult life situation, restoring the social status of minors in peer groups at the place of study, work, residence, and facilitating the return of minors to families;

e) organizes medical care and education for minors in the shelter;

f) assist the guardianship and guardianship authorities in the placement of minors left without parental care;

g) notifies the parents of minors (their legal representatives), guardianship and guardianship authorities about the presence of minors in the shelter;

h) on the basis of checking the expediency of returning to families of minors who have left them without permission, invites parents (their legal representatives) to resolve the issue of returning minors to them;

i) on the basis of checking the expediency of returning minors to educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, or other children's institutions, summons representatives of these institutions to resolve the issue of returning to them minors who have left these institutions without permission.

10. At the shelter, a board of trustees can be created from representatives of the bodies of social protection of the population, education, health care, internal affairs, as well as representatives of organizations and persons interested in the development of the shelter.

The procedure for creating and the competence of the board of trustees is determined by the charter of the shelter.

Members of the Board of Trustees perform their functions free of charge.

III. Conditions for admission and detention of minors

11. Minors aged 3 to 18 years old are admitted to the shelter around the clock, who applied for help on their own, at the initiative of their parents (their legal representatives), sent (received) on other grounds in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of place of residence.

When a child is admitted under the age of 3 years, he is sent to the appropriate institution.

12. Minors are in the shelter for the time necessary to provide them with emergency social assistance and resolve issues of their further placement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. It is not allowed to keep minors in a shelter in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, with obvious signs of an exacerbation of mental illness, as well as those who have committed offenses. In case of admission of such minors, measures are taken to send them to the appropriate institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. Minors are kept in the shelter on full state support.

IV. Staffing of the shelter

15. The shelter accepts workers with special education or special training.

16. The relationship between employees and the administration of the shelter is governed by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

17. The shelter establishes wages for employees depending on their qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of work performed, as well as compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature) and incentive payments (additional payments and incentive payments, bonuses and other incentive payments) ...

V. Shelter management

18. The shelter is headed by a director appointed by the body of social protection of the population of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or by a local government body.

The appointment of the director of the shelter is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of the shelter.

Vi. Property and funds of the shelter

19. The owner of the property or a body authorized by him, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, assigns to the shelter the property in operational management.

The shelter owns, uses and disposes of the property assigned to it in the operational management in accordance with the purpose of this property, its statutory goals and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The seizure of property assigned to the shelter in operational management is allowed only in the manner and in cases established by civil legislation.

20. Financing of the shelter is carried out in accordance with the established procedure at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets. Financing of the shelter can be carried out on the basis of standards determined for one inmate, depending on the type of institution. Attraction of additional funds by the shelter through voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities and other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation does not entail a decrease in funding for the shelter at the expense of the funds of its founder (founders).

21. The shelter has the right to carry out income-generating activities provided for by the charter, corresponding to the goals of its creation, and to dispose of this income in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

22. The property remaining after the liquidation of the shelter is transferred to its owner, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Approximate position
about the center for helping children left without parental care
(approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2000 N 896)

With changes and additions from:

I. General Provisions

1. This Approximate Regulation regulates the activities of the center for helping children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the center), which is a specialized institution created in the system of social services of the social protection bodies of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments. On the basis of this Provisional Regulation, the center develops its charter, which is approved in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The main tasks of the center are the temporary detention of minors left without parental care, and assistance in their further placement.

3. In its activities, the center is guided by federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the child, this Model Regulation and its charter.

4. The Center carries out its activities in cooperation with bodies and institutions of education, health care, internal affairs, public and other organizations.

II. Organization of the center

5. The Center is created, reorganized and liquidated by the decision of the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or by the decision of local self-government bodies in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Joint foundation of the center is allowed.

6. The Center is a legal entity, owns the property assigned to it in the operational management of the property, has settlement and other accounts in credit institutions, an estimate, a seal of the established sample, a stamp and letterheads with its name.

The Center maintains accounting records and submits information about its activities to state statistics and tax authorities, to the founder (founders) and other persons in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its charter.

7. The center can be created at the rate of one institution for 5-10 thousand children living in the city (region). If there are less than 5 thousand children in the city (district), one center can be created.

8. An admission department, a long-term stay group, departments of diagnostics and social rehabilitation, social and legal assistance, as well as other units necessary for the implementation of the main tasks can be formed in the center.

9. In accordance with its tasks, the center:

a) together with the bodies and institutions of education, health care, internal affairs and other organizations, carry out measures to identify children left without parental care;

b) ensures the temporary maintenance of minors left without parental care;

c) develops and implements programs of social rehabilitation of minors, aimed at their further arrangement;

d) ensures the protection of the rights and legal interests of minors;

e) assist the guardianship and guardianship authorities in the placement of minors left without parental care;

f) organizes medical care and education for minors in the center, promotes their vocational guidance and their acquisition of a specialty.

10. At the center, a board of trustees can be created from representatives of the bodies of social protection of the population, education, health care, internal affairs, as well as representatives of organizations and persons interested in the development of the center.

The procedure for creating and the competence of the board of trustees are determined by the charter of the center.

Members of the Board of Trustees perform their functions free of charge.

III. Conditions for admission and detention of minors

11. The center accepts around the clock minors aged 3 to 18 years, left without parental care, who applied for help on their own, sent (received) on other grounds in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, regardless of place of residence.

When a child is admitted under the age of 3 years, he is sent to the appropriate institution.

12. Minors are in the center for the time necessary to resolve issues of their further arrangement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. It is not allowed to keep minors in the center in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, with obvious signs of an exacerbation of mental illness, as well as those who have committed an offense. In case of admission of such minors, measures are taken to send them to the appropriate institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

14. Minors are kept in the center on full state support.

IV. Center staffing

15. Employees with special education or special training are hired in the center.

16. The relationship between employees and the administration of the center is governed by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

17. The center sets the wages of employees depending on their qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of work performed, as well as compensation payments (additional payments and allowances of a compensatory nature) and incentive payments (additional payments and incentive payments, bonuses and other incentive payments) ...

V. Management of the center

18. The center is headed by a director appointed by the body of social protection of the population of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or by a local government body.

The appointment of the director of the center is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of the center.

Vi. Property and funds of the center

19. The owner of the property or the body authorized by him, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, assigns to the center the property in operational management.

The Center owns, uses and disposes of the property assigned to it in the operational management in accordance with the purpose of this property, its statutory goals and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The seizure of property assigned to the center in operational management is allowed only in cases and in the manner established by civil legislation.

20. The center is financed in accordance with the established procedure at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets.

The center can be financed on the basis of standards determined for one pupil, depending on the type of institution.

The attraction of additional funds by the center through voluntary donations from individuals and legal entities and other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation does not entail a decrease in funding for the center at the expense of the funds of its founder (founders).

21. The Center has the right to carry out income-generating activities provided for by the charter, corresponding to the purposes of its creation, and to dispose of this income in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

22. The property remaining after the liquidation of the center is transferred to its owner, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.