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What and how to cook for a couple.

If you do not have a steamer, but health requires a certain diet, use simple ways to cook steamed dishes.

  1. Way. The simplest device for steam cooking- a saucepan with water poured into it and a sieve, colander or grate located at the top, always tightly closed with a lid and wrapped with a towel around the edge of the lid for additional sealing. The water in the pan boils - and the evaporating steam warms, moistens and cooks the food.
  2. Way. You can independently make from steel or aluminum wire the simplest grate of a size suitable for the selected pan, resting along the perimeter on the bottom of the pan and rising 2-4 cm above the level of the poured water. It is better if the wire is made of stainless steel (but by no means copper! ). With this method, you should choose a fairly high enameled pan with intact enamel (so that a galvanic couple does not form due to the heterogeneity of the pan and grate metals). In the future, it is advisable to use the selected pan only for steam cooking and nothing else.
  3. Way. Cover the pan with a cotton cloth on top so that the fabric sags, and securely fasten along the edge of the pan with twine. Pour a pre-measured amount of boiling water through the fabric so that the water does not reach 2-4 cm to the fabric. Put food on the fabric, cover with a suitable plate, saucer or foil on top, close the pot lid tightly and place on fire. In this way it is possible steam many foods, including children's steam cutlets.
  4. Way. You can put food in a canvas bag and hang it in a saucepan or cauldron over boiling water with a tightly closed lid.
    Since ancient times, many peoples have prepared various dishes in this way.

Steamed vegetable recipes.

boiled pumpkin.

  • 400 g pumpkin (zucchini);
  • 1 tsp butter;
  • 1 st. l. crackers.

Peel pumpkin, remove seeds. Cut the pulp into slices and steam until tender. Lay the slices of the finished pumpkin in a pile on a plate and pour over the melted butter mixed with ground toasted breadcrumbs.

Interesting to know.

All nutritionists in the world unanimously talk about the benefits of eating steamed food. Food prepared in this way does not contain the carcinogens that are produced when you fry food in a pan. Products prepared using this technology are well absorbed by the body, they retain many nutrients that are destroyed during cooking or frying. For people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract, steamed food vital.

  • Cauliflower or regular white cabbage - an arbitrary amount.

If you have chosen white cabbage for cooking, then its heads must be washed, cleaned of grated and withered leaves and cut into medium-sized pieces. If the cabbage is cauliflower, it must be cleaned of leaves and divided into inflorescences. Steam cabbage until soft. Then take it out, let the water drain and put it on a dish or in another dish. Serve on the table, pouring oil or sauces on top, such as breadcrumbs, milk, sour cream. You can also sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped herbs.

Note to the owner

You can steam any vegetables.. One has only to remember that young or frozen vegetables cook faster and turn out to be more tasty and juicy than overwintered ones.

Steam cutlet recipe.

Steam cutlets from veal.

  • 300 g veal or chicken fillet;
  • 50 g white bread;
  • small bulb;
  • salt.

Soak bread in water and then squeeze. Wash the meat, dry it, pass it through a meat grinder twice, combine with bread, salt to taste and mix thoroughly.
Form cutlets from the resulting minced meat, put them in one row in a colander or on a wire rack, close the pan with a lid and steam for at least half an hour. You can not add onions to cutlets. Recommended for peptic ulcer, cholecystitis.

Note to the owner

  1. , panning is not accepted. When exposed to steam, the breading soaks, which worsens the taste and appearance of the product.
  2. For cooking steam cutlets it is better to take finely ground minced meat or pass the meat through a meat grinder twice. The meat should be fresh, lean varieties are preferred: chicken, veal, young beef and lean pork.
  3. Steamed meatballs, stacked in a double boiler in one row.
  4. Can cook cutlets in a water bath. To do this, put the cutlets in a small saucepan without handles, pour over the broth, cover with a lid, put in another saucepan half filled with boiling water. Keep in a very hot oven for 25-30 minutes.

  • 500g minced meat;
  • 200-300g pumpkin (zucchini);
  • Bulb;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt.

Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater, chop the onion, add eggs, salt, minced meat and form cutlets. Steam for 35-40 minutes.

On a note

Fried cutlets can be given to children only after 1 year, since when they are fried, a crust forms on them, which is difficult to digest. In general, for children under 3 years old, it is preferable to steam cutlets. Such dishes are indispensable for those who suffer diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Steamed fish recipes.

Steam fish cutlets.

  • 500 g of fish;
  • 60 g white bread;
  • 0.5 cup milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter.

Cut the fish into pieces. Remove the skin, take out the bones and pass through a meat grinder. The second time, skip the minced meat along with bread soaked in milk. Then salt, add a raw egg and beat until a fluffy homogeneous mass is obtained. Cut it into cutlets, place on the grate of a steam pan, greased with oil (or moistened with water), close the lid tightly and bring the cutlets to readiness.
Serve with puree. Recommended for chronic diseases of the stomach, liver and gallbladder.

Steamed fish puree.

  • 300 g fish fillet.

Remove fish from bones and skin. Place in a pot of boiling water. Cook, covered with a lid, over boiling water for about 5 minutes until tender. Make fish puree in a blender or mixer, dilute with a little milk, salt. Serve with vegetable puree. Usually cod is taken for such a puree. Recommended for young children and for pancreatitis, cholecystitis, kidney disease.

Steamed fish.

  • 200 g of fish (perch, cod or pike);
  • 250 ml vegetable stock or water
  • dill, parsley, salt.

Cut the fish into pieces, wipe dry, rub with salt and put next to the steam insert, sprinkle with dill and parsley. Boil vegetable broth or water in a saucepan suitable for the steam insert. Place the insert inside the pan, close the lid and simmer the fish pieces until tender, turning once during this time.
It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to prepare. Serve with milk sauce.

Cooking Tricks

The only negative of steamed meat and fish is an inexpressive appearance. But this drawback can be easily overcome if you pour some delicious sauce over the finished products, sprinkle with herbs, chopped boiled vegetables or grated cheese.

  • For 1 st. l. flour;
  • 1.5 cups of milk;
  • 1 st. l. oils.

1 st. l. mix flour with butter and fry a little. Then gradually, stirring constantly, pour in the hot milk. Boil the resulting sauce, stirring constantly, for 7-10 minutes and salt to taste.

Steam dumplings.

  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • 0.5 cup water or milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Salt;
  • 2 proteins for lubricating the dough.

Knead the dough for dumplings. To do this, pour the flour in a slide, make a recess in it and pour in water or milk. Then add eggs, salt to taste and mix well. Let the finished dough stand in a cold place for 20-30 minutes.
After that, roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut out circles from it, grease each with whipped protein and put about 1 teaspoon of the filling. Connect the edges of the circles and pinch. You need to cook dumplings just before serving, as they taste best when hot (warm). To prepare them, you need to use a double boiler, and if it is not there, pull and fix cheesecloth over a pot of boiling water, and put dumplings on it. They need to be turned over when one side is ready (this will be seen by the color and condition of the dough).

Note to the owner

Steam dumplings are beautiful, they do not boil and do not fall apart, as sometimes happens if they are boiled in water.

Cabbage filling for dumplings:

  • 600 g cabbage;
  • 4 bulbs;
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Finely chopped cabbage boil or fry in vegetable oil with onions.

  • 500 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 incomplete glass of sour cream;
  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oils.

Pass cottage cheese through a meat grinder, add sugar, 1 yolk, 1 tablespoon of melted butter. Mix everything thoroughly. Roll out the dough very thinly, cut out circles with a glass or a metal notch, grease them with whipped protein and put about 1 tsp on each circle. curd mass. Connect and pinch the edges.
10-15 minutes before serving, place dumplings in a double boiler or over a pot of boiling water on cheesecloth or a sieve. Ready dumplings can be poured with melted butter, they are usually served with sour cream or fruit syrup.

Recipes dishes in a water bath.

Water bath device.

Culinary processing sometimes requires boiling the product in a water bath. To set up a water bath, you need two pots, one smaller than the other, so that the smaller one can be placed inside the large one, on its bottom, on an inverted saucer or pieces of wire. In a small saucepan put the food that needs to be cooked. Water is poured between the walls of both pans so that the water does not reach the edge of the smaller pan by five centimeters. Then both pans are covered with a lid and put on fire. As it boils, water must be added. So cook food until cooked. Most often, cereals and all kinds of stews are cooked in such a water bath.

  • Young medium-sized potatoes;
  • Salt;
  • butter;
  • dill greens.

Put the prepared potatoes in a saucepan, on top - a tablespoon
butter, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and parsley, salt; close the lid and put the dishes in a water bath (in another large bowl with boiling water). Simmer until tender (the time depends on the number of potatoes, usually about half an hour).

  • 1 kg cottage cheese;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 1.5 cups sugar;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 200 g sour cream

Rub the cottage cheese until the mass is homogeneous. Stir in softened butter, sour cream, eggs. Boil the mass in a water bath, preventing the water from boiling. When the mass becomes dense, mix it, cool a little. Lay on wet gauze in a mold, put a load, keep in the cold for 10 hours.

cheese pudding recipe.

  • 20 g butter oil
  • 2 yolks;
  • 40 g cheese;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • 30 g of ham or boiled vegetables;
  • salt.

Beat butter with yolks, grated cheese, sour cream, salt and mix with whipped proteins. Put in an oiled pudding dish, cook until thickened in a water bath, put on a dish, sprinkle with finely chopped pieces of ham or boiled vegetables.

Recipe for soufflé in a water bath.

Soufflé curd steam

  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 3- tbsp. boiled and mashed rice;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2-3 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. butter;
  • 2-3 tbsp sour cream;
  • Vanillin.

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, combine with sugar, rice, vanillin, milk, egg yolk, mix and carefully introduce the whipped protein into the resulting mass. Put the mass into a mold, greased with oil, cook in a water bath and serve with sour cream.

Carrot soufflé with cottage cheese.

  • 6 carrots;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 cup milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil.

Peel the carrots, rinse, cut into slices, put in water until tender and rub through a sieve. Add milk, bring to a boil, add semolina, boil for 10 minutes, cool. Add granulated sugar, yolk, cottage cheese to chilled carrots, mix well. Then beat the protein and add to the mass. Put the pudding in a saucepan greased with oil and boil in a water bath. Recommended for chronic liver diseases.

Zucchini soufflé.

  • 800 g peeled and core zucchini;
  • 0.5 cup milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 tsp powdered sugar;
  • 1 st. l. butter;
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cut the zucchini into cubes, simmer in a small amount of water until tender. Throw in a colander, let the water drain. Boil milk, add to a bowl with zucchini, add semolina and cook until thickened, cool. Add powdered sugar, salt, butter, egg yolks, mix well and add beaten egg whites.
Put the mass in a saucepan and cook in a water bath. Recommended for chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach.

Now almost every home has household appliances that cope with complex tasks and make a person's life much easier. In many kitchens you can see combines, mixers, blenders, double boilers and other “helpers”. For example, using a double boiler, you can cook a dietary and no less tasty dish than making them in a pan, since the products are thermally processed with a high level of moisture. Unfortunately, not all housewives have such a device in their kitchen, and the question immediately arises, how to steam without steam cooking? How long to cook chicken in this way? On the Internet there are a lot of recipes for dishes that can be prepared without such a household device.

How to replace a steamer?

When there is a complete household appliance in the kitchen, you just have to throw the ingredients into it, set the cooking mode. Steamed dishes are liked not only by modern people, earlier our grandmothers also cooked in steam baths, providing their family with healthy, tasty food. And they managed at the same time without any appliances for cooking.

Instructions for a homemade steamer:

  1. We take a deep pan or a cauldron with a bowl. Vessels must be of the same diameter.
  2. Pour water into the pan halfway, and cover with gauze folded in several layers on top.
  3. We fix the gauze fabric with linen thread.
  4. We put pieces of meat or any other products on gauze cloth and cover with a lid on top.

Important! Instead of a gauze cloth, you can use a colander by covering it with a saucepan lid. It is recommended to use enamelware.

Thus, you can steam any dish without a slow cooker and a double boiler.

General principles for steaming cutlets

Despite the fact that steam cutlets do not have an appetizing crispy crust, they are very tasty, and much healthier than fried ones. Moreover, cooking them is not as difficult as in a frying pan, because you do not need to stand at the stove, constantly turning them over.

If there is no double boiler, but you really want to cook your favorite steamed dish:

  • Use a regular saucepan with a flat-bottomed sieve.
  • The duration of cooking depends on the selected meat, chicken dishes are prepared the fastest.
  • Minced meat for cooking cutlets is better to do it yourself, as cutlets from purchased minced meat can fall apart.

Important! Vegetable products are added to the meat - cabbage, carrots, potatoes. They give juiciness, help to diversify the flavor range. Vegetable cutlets are prepared only from vegetables or cereals. This is a very good option for those on a low calorie diet.

Steam cutlets in a frying pan

To prepare delicious steam minced chicken cutlets, follow these recommendations:

Important! The cooked dish is no different in taste and appearance from that cooked in a double boiler.

Steamed vegetable cutlets without a double boiler

Vegetable cutlets are a great option for vegetarians. Prepared in the same way as meat dishes.

Important! Cabbage cutlets are considered the most delicious. They are very tasty and fragrant. And with the help of semolina, cutlets keep the desired shape and do not fall apart.

In order to steam vegetable dishes without a special appliance, you will need a pot of water and a sieve or a flat colander. The recipe for this healthy and tasty dish will be as follows:

  1. Chop up a head of white cabbage.
  2. Three on a fine grater two onions.
  3. We mix vegetables.
  4. Add one raw egg, three tablespoons of semolina and spices to taste to the vegetable mass.
  5. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  6. We shape the cutlets, place them in a heated pan and pour a glass of water.
  7. We cover with a lid.

Important! The process of preparing vegetable dishes takes much less time than cooking meat. Vegetable products are cooked no more than 20-25 minutes.

Steam cooking

Steamed fillets of red or white fish are usually prepared.

Important! It should be borne in mind that the preparation of fish products will take longer than vegetables or meat, since fish is more at risk of diseases and in some cases is a carrier of various diseases.

Before cooking, it must be properly cleaned and rinsed. Fish is prepared in a frying pan with a small amount of water added or in a sieve over a pot of boiling water. Before the cooking process, the fish fillet is smeared with your favorite spices and a few drops of vegetable or olive oil.

Important! Ready fish is served with mashed potatoes or rice.

Cooking tricks without a steamer

To make the food tasty and fragrant, you must follow certain recommendations:

  • Form the patties with wet hands, periodically placing them in cool water.
  • If the meat seems dry, you can dilute it with a chopped vegetable mixture or white bread soaked in milk.
  • To preserve juiciness, cooked foods are wrapped tightly in foil.
  • During cooking, you can add a piece of butter. It gives tenderness to products.
  • Not only semolina, but also boiled rice or wheat can keep the shape of cutlets.
  • If the meat is too coarse, beat it well before chopping.

Security measures

All devices used must be convenient and reliable, and safety precautions must be observed when working with steam devices:

  1. Use special gloves, as the steam can also cause burns.
  2. The cloth gauze can get wet and be as hot as a saucepan. Therefore, do not touch it with bare hands.
  3. Do not use a plastic sieve or colander, as dishes made from such material are unstable to high temperatures.
  4. Fix the cloth tightly so that it does not fall into the water and you do not have to get it out of the boiling water later.

Important! Compliance with safety precautions is one of the main requirements for steam cooking.

How to cook delicious meatballs

An article about different ways to cook steamed cutlets with and without a double boiler. A simple recipe and ways to cook cutlets according to it in different ways.

20 pcs.

1 hour

220 kcal

5/5 (4)

Many people know that fried foods are bad for your figure and health. For people with diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, fatty fried foods are generally prohibited. But not to refuse because of this from your favorite meatballs? I will tell you how to cook delicious steamed minced meat patties that will be good for your health and your figure.

I started cooking steamed cutlets myself after I decided to take care of my figure, and I have never regretted it. If you think that you need to have a steamer for this, then you are mistaken. Cutlets can be steamed both in a pressure cooker and in a slow cooker, but ... I have tried many different ways, and I like to cook steamed cutlets without a double boiler using a regular pan and colander. Next, I will tell you how to do this, and how much to steam cutlets.

Kitchen appliances

Depending on which cooking method you choose, you will need different utensils. In any case, you will need a plate and a spoon.

  • To cook meatballs in a steamer you only need a steamer.
  • To cook meatballs in a water bath you will need a saucepan and a colander.
  • To prepare steamed cutlets in a frying pan, you only need a frying pan with a lid.

Required Ingredients

We will take the simplest diet recipe for steamed cutlets.

You can use other classic cutlet recipes that you are used to with eggs and bread, but in our case, these cutlets will be very tasty.

Cooking sequence

In a double boiler

This is the easiest way I know how to steam cutlets. Just mix all the ingredients and mix well. Roll up cutlets and put in a double boiler for 35 minutes. She will do everything for you. Cutlets will turn out juicy and spicy.

in a saucepan

And this is the easiest way to cook steam cutlets without a double boiler. To do this, take a saucepan and fill it about a third with water. Put a colander on top and put the molded cutlets into it. Cover with a lid and cook for 40 minutes over low heat.

in a frying pan

In this case, you need to pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, and when it heats up, lay out the cutlets and fry a little on both sides. If you are making fried cutlets, then you need to fry it in another pan and add it to the cutlets. Then everything is filled with water to the brim. Cutlets should languish over low heat for about 40 minutes. If necessary, you can add a little water during cooking.

Bon appetit!

Video recipe for cooking cutlets in a double boiler

And now let's see how a professional makes such cutlets on a good double boiler, and compare how his method differs from ours. I think nothing!

Cutlets are a dish that can be eaten with any side dish. Steam cutlets are best served with a side dish of vegetables: for example, you can cook vegetable stew or rice with vegetables. It will be delicious if you serve cutlets with any porridge or boiled potatoes. It is better not to combine them with fried potatoes, because then the whole point of their preparation is lost. You can just eat a couple of cutlets with vegetable salad and bread, because it is quite satisfying.

If steam cutlets seem too lean and tasteless to you, then you can make a light sauce for them or

Steamed cutlets are a very simple dish, but still there are a couple of secrets on how to make them even better:

  • If your cutlets are falling apart, but you don’t want to add bread, then you can replace it with oatmeal.
  • If you add onion, then it is better to grate it or even scroll through a meat grinder.
  • To make the cutlets juicier, at the end of cooking the minced meat, add frozen greens or ice, broken into small pieces, into it.
  • If you use several types of meat for minced meat, then the cutlets will turn out tastier and richer.

Other options

Steamed cutlets can be made from anything:, or you can simply add the filling to the cutlet. Their main idea is to remove excess fat and help the protein to be better absorbed, which means being healthy, but still tasty. Therefore, you can find many recipes for meatballs that can be steamed. But remember - steam patties have different cooking times, depending on what they are made of. So how long do you need to cook steam cutlets? Fish are the fastest to cook - 10-15 minutes. Chicken and turkey - an average of 20-25. Cutlets from pork, beef and veal can be cooked in 30 minutes.

Steamed food is tasty and healthy. It preserves the natural color and taste of products without loss of vitamins and microelements, and meat, fish and vegetables do not lose moisture and turn out juicy. In addition, steamed meals are considered low-calorie because they are not fried in oil. If someone in your family is forced to follow a diet for medical reasons or for weight loss, cook food for a couple, and then it will never occur to anyone that they are limited in some way. It's so delicious!

Boil or steam

Steamed is healthier than boiled, stewed or baked in the oven. The fact is that when steaming, the temperature does not rise above 100 ° C, so the beneficial substances are completely preserved in the products. During cooking, many water-soluble vitamins pass into the broth and are destroyed more quickly. In addition, during the process of boiling and stewing, vegetables and meat lose their natural color and become paler. There is an opinion that steamed dishes are tasteless unless seasoned with spices. But this is not so, and you can be sure of this. The fact is that steamed natural products have a wide variety of flavors, and you can also use spices that add richness and piquancy to dishes. However, you will need much less spices than for cooking stews and boiled dishes. After a while, you and your loved ones will get so used to steam food that everything else will seem tasteless.

What is best for steaming

You can steam any dish - meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, omelettes, casseroles, dough products, cereals and even desserts. Steaming is not only healthy, but also very convenient and practical. For example, scrambled eggs and porridge will never burn in a double boiler, so you do not need to monitor them, the soup will not boil over. Liquid dishes are usually steamed in special bowls, and they are cooked in the usual way, only not by boiling, but by the action of steam.

What should not be steamed? Pasta in a double boiler boils soft and sticks together, and legumes remain raw. But even if you pre-soak peas or beans and, with patience and adding water, wait 3 hours until they are cooked, you will be disappointed. The taste of legumes cooked in the usual way is no different from a dish cooked in a double boiler, including in terms of benefits. Definitely do not steam mushrooms and offal, as they require pre-cooking for a long time.

Steam cooking with kitchen appliances

The simplest appliance for steaming is a mechanical steamer, which is a special insert on legs or a steam basket that is placed in a pot filled with water. Food is laid out on top, the pan is closed with a lid and put on fire. The water in the pan boils, evaporates, and food is cooked on this steam. Once upon a time, housewives used a colander or a sieve instead of a double boiler, but now we steam food using special tools that make it easier to work in the kitchen and save time.

How to cook in a steamer? Everything is very simple. At the base of this kitchen appliance is a container into which water is poured, and then brought to a boil using a heating element, as in an electric kettle. One or more steam baskets are installed on top, into which steam enters, and all the condensate flows into a special pan. Modern double boilers are powered by the mains, so you can cook several dishes in them at the same time without constant control and presence in the kitchen.

Not everyone knows how to steam in a slow cooker, but it's even easier than using a double boiler. Despite the absence of a multi-storey structure, the food is prepared very quickly, it turns out tasty and fragrant. In a slow cooker, you can also cook two at the same time - one in the usual way in a bowl and the second - for a couple.

Steam cooking functions are also available in some models of microwaves and air grills. Choose what suits you best!

Use only fresh quality products, which must be thoroughly washed before cooking and cleaned if necessary. Cut food into large or medium pieces, because small pieces will cook very quickly and turn into porridge. Vegetables or meat slices should be the same size so that the dish cooks evenly. Also, do not stack the pieces in several layers - the more food in the double boiler, the more time it will take to cook the dish. Leave small gaps between the pieces for free air circulation.

The steamer must be tightly covered with a lid. If there is at least a small gap in it, the cooking time will increase. Also, make sure that the water does not boil away, and add it if necessary. Pour boiling water over the grits before cooking, and cover the seafood with foil to make them especially tender.

If you are cooking several foods at the same time, put meat or beets on the lower tier of the steamer so that they get the hottest steam, and leave the upper tiers for fish and other vegetables. Beets are also best cooked at the bottom because they often produce juice that can color the food underneath. By the way, when calculating the cooking time, keep in mind that for each tier located above, you should add 5 minutes, because the steam, passing through the lower tiers, cools down a bit.

How long to cook in a double boiler

All require different cooking times, and much depends on the power of kitchen appliances and the size of the product. Cooking time is usually indicated in the instructions. Root vegetables are boiled for about 30 minutes, non-starchy vegetables - 15-20 minutes, green vegetables - 3 minutes. Thinly sliced ​​pieces of meat are cooked for about 1.5 hours, meatballs, meatballs, zrazy and other minced meat dishes - 60 minutes, and chicken meatballs reach readiness within half an hour. Chicken, turkey and rabbit cook quickly - about 45-50 minutes. Cereals are usually boiled for 25-30 minutes. Fish is steamed faster than meat, and after 10-15 minutes it will delight you with its delicate taste and aroma. However, some varieties of fish are cooked longer - for example, catfish or pike.

Cooking fish at home for a couple

Take fillets of trout, pink salmon, salmon and any other fish you like, sprinkle the fish with lemon juice and olive oil, rub with any spices, salt, black pepper and fish herbs and leave for 15 minutes. The fish, saturated with the aroma of spices and dried herbs, will turn out fragrant and piquant. You can lightly pickle it in a sauce of lemon and orange juice, soy sauce, dry wine or beer.

Put fish steaks in a double boiler or slow cooker on lettuce leaves, place onion rings, slices of tomato or bell pepper on top, decorate all this splendor with greens and lemon slices. You can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, and then turn on the double boiler mode for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, some housewives add spices, a little wine vinegar or dry wine to the water for steaming. Serve steam fish with lemon, herbs, vegetables, rice or mashed potatoes.

How to steam meat

Rinse the chicken breast, let it dry and make small cuts in the flesh. Cut the garlic into thin plates, stuff the meat, pour two glasses of water into the multicooker bowl and cook the breast for 35-40 minutes. You can cook beef in the same way, only it should be pre-marinated in wine or salt water for 2-4 hours. A glass of water requires 2 tsp. salt. After the meat is marinated, sprinkle it with spices and herbs and steam for 40 minutes. Some housewives say that if you rub a piece of beef with dry mustard 2 hours before cooking, it will turn out very soft and tender. Keep in mind that the dish will be quite spicy, so such culinary techniques are not suitable for children's cuisine. Cut the meat into slices and serve with any sauces and side dishes.

Steamed vegetables with sauce

Prepare chopped cauliflower or broccoli, diced zucchini, bell pepper rings, and onion rings. If desired, you can add any vegetables here - pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. While the vegetables are steaming, make a light sauce with a cup of low-fat yogurt, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. mustard. Add any fresh and dried herbs, spices, salt, pepper and one minced garlic clove to the dressing. Pour vegetables over before serving and enjoy their aristocratic taste.

Steam vegetables, meat and fish are eaten with herbs, sour cream, grated cheese, butter or olive oil, cream or sauce. Steamed dishes go well with any seasonings, complementing their exquisite taste with new shades. Be picky gourmets and feed your family tasty, healthy and stylish!

Diet cutlets are a useful and necessary dish not only in clinical nutrition, but also when it is worth unloading well after the holidays. The recipe for steaming cutlets without a double boiler is a big lifesaver for housewives. Not everyone has a pressure cooker, double boiler or slow cooker, but almost every home has a sieve or colander.

I propose to cook the most tender chicken cutlets in a colander. Our family really liked the option of cooking steam cutlets without a double boiler - for its simplicity and accessibility. Washing the colander was faster than fiddling with "normal" steam cooking appliances.

The composition of cutlets is the simplest. We need a skinless chicken breast, two slices of bran bread or a long loaf, onions with garlic, as well as salt, butter and a little seasoning for cutlets - to taste. Flour is taken at will.

First you need to prepare the main products for twisting in a meat grinder. Chicken, onion and loaf are cut into pieces.

Prepared ingredients are passed through a meat grinder.

The resulting minced meat is salted and seasoned with cutlet spices. Let's take a little spice.

Let's break the chicken egg into minced meat.

After that, the minced meat is very thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous cutlet mass. The better you mix the minced chicken, the more tender the steam cutlets will turn out.

Round meatballs are formed from homogeneous minced meat. So that the viscous minced chicken does not stick to the hands, they are moistened with water. The bottom of the colander is pre-lubricated with butter, and then it is necessary to place cutlet blanks in it. Too "liquid" cutlets, if desired, crumble in flour. The colander is placed on a pot of boiling water and covered with a lid. Actually, this is how our steamed cutlets will be prepared without a double boiler.

Control the active process of boiling water in the pan and after 45-60 minutes the steam cutlets will be cooked. Try it! If the taste of the cutlets suits you completely, carefully remove the cutlets to a plate. Garnish with greens and serve for lunch as a healthy second.

The double boiler is not so important, when "need for invention is cunning", as it turned out.