Long-term dates of the overall colony. Date in prison: procedure, necessary documents, deadlines, allowed things and products

Hello Julia.

What is a long date?

Article 89 of the Code of Criminal Code of the Russian Federation regulates the rights of convicts for imprisonment to provide long-term dates. Under long-term, there are three-sufficient dates passing on the territory of the correctional institution.

If the correctional institution is a colony-settlement, then for such concluded duration of durations (in cases provided for in the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation) can be extended to five days. Passage these dates can with partial time or full stay outside the colony-settlement. In this case, only the head of the colony can determine the place and order of a long date.

To date, the current legislation gives the head of the correctional institution the right to independent decisions regarding the definition of permission or ban on a date with little relatives. You, being a girlfriend of the prisoner, cannot claim the role of a close relative, so no confidence that you will get on a long date for your young man, no.

The guaranteed right to joint accommodation is provided only to spouses, parents, children, adoptive parents and adopted, brothers and sisters of the first line of kinship, grandparents, grandfathers. In other persons (in accordance with the 89th article of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, you are exactly another person), as mentioned earlier, permission for a long-lasting date is provided only by decision of the head of the correctional institution. It turns out that only the head of the prison depends, provide you with the right to meet with a young man or refuse. None of the norm of current legislation stipulates the obligation of the administration of correctional institutions to represent the possibility of long-term dates by civilian wives.

What to do Civil Women?

I advise in polite and correctly to turn to the head of the prison with a written petition for a meeting with a young man. Since only the top leadership of the correctional institution depends on whether you will be met with prisoners for a long time, any claims, requirements and threats in circulation and speech can not be.

The practice of imprisonment suggests that the bosses of prisons are not particularly preventing meetings of civil wives with prisoners. They are also people, and nothing human administration of correctional institutions is alien. Naturally, the behavior of your young man should be exemplary and exemplary, because no one is going to go to meet the prisoners, arresting and violating the regime and the conditions for serving the term in correctional institutions.

It is not at all necessary, but sometimes the bosses of prisons require documentary confirmation of the actual marriage relations between the prisoners and the guest. Actually marriage relationships include a joint accommodation within a civil marriage. You do not point out that you are the civil wife of the prisoner. However, your chances of obtaining permission for a long-term date will increase significantly if the HESCE or a home-controlled company will agree to issue a certificate confirming the fact of living together. If you are familiar with the district police officer, you can contact him with an appropriate request, explaining the purpose and need to receive this reference. If the prisoner is characterized at the place of residence, I do not think that you will be denied.

Required documents

In addition to proof of actual marriage relations, a number of documents and certificates confirming the absence of diseases and infections will have to gather. The procedure of medical monitoring is obliged to go through all applicants for a long date, regardless of the degree of relationship with prisoners. Despite the fact that the list of mandatory references and analyzes may vary depending on the discretion of the administration of a particular colony, prepare will have to be prepared:

  • Fluorography;
  • Conclusions from the therapist, dermatovenerologist, gynecologist;
  • HIV blood test, hepatitis C, RW.

Sincerely, Natalia.

It was no longer the first long date. Everything was familiar and worked out. She knew what to do, literally a minute. The main thing is to have time. On the eve I need to collect a few bags to quickly throw them into the luggage machine. In one sports all ordered things: workouts, two pairs of panties, two pairs of socks, a scarf, which may not miss, turtleneck, gloves - all black. In other bed linen and two plaid. In a large basket potato, cabbage, carrots, onions, garlic, salt, sugar.
On Thursday after work behind the wheel. Look, whether everything is in place - passport, money, phone, charging, birth certificate ... Certificate of birth of a long-awaited beloved son, who touching innocently looked from every photo, which she wore in her arms, I fished at night, sang a lullaby, read Fairy tales, drove on museums and on New Year's trees to the Kremlin and Luzhniki ... So, everything is in place. She mechanically corrected the gold chain with a pendant - the only material value transmitted through the female line from the great-grandmother, the pupils of the Institute of Noble Maiden. "Oh! Noble girls! Would you know where I'm going now! " She has long ceased to express themselves with useless questions: how it happened that she didn't do it, why exactly her son why he became so, did not go crazy. It has long cease to be surprised that this happened in their family, where no one has ever sat, except for the grandfather repressed in 1937. For a whole year with a mandatory ritual, it was rewned before bedtime. Shock from arrest, resentment, unwillingness to visit, then making the elusive investigator to get permission for short-term dates. Court. And stage. Disappeared for two months. This only in the laws is spelled out everything smoothly: allegedly reports to the native, where they send a prisoner, then upon arrival it gives it to call or report writing. Svetlana appealed to all instances. The authorities regularly sent reports with a message, where they moved her statements. Two months later she only found out where son. Immediately rushed to a short-term date. It was scary to look at him: the skin yes bone, the face is all shied, the look is extinct. All that little, which was seen from the clothes, face and neck were in the healing yellow bruises. Hands in scars and abrasions. Two fingers are chosen, or broken. "You beat you?" "No, everything is fine. Mom, everything is fine ... Now. Looking at her who began to curvate the face, he came into the phone: "You just do not cry! Do not dare crying here! "
Everything is behind, it has become ordinary and routine, everyday life, so to speak. The bruises passed, scored a little weight ...
At six o'clock, departure, about seven intersected the Moscow Ring Road, and everything remained some eight hours of a quick ride to get to the small town somewhere on the edge of the Empire.
The main thing is not to fall asleep behind the wheel .... At three o'clock in the morning, it's a fairly cool nose, she went to the hotel to sleep up to 7 am in the cheapest stinking room, not undressing. It was no longer before thinking whether the potato would wonder in the trunk.
In the morning, waking up, it's not cheerfully (it's still good that you managed to fall asleep), run-run, all in minutes! First for breakfast, then behind the wheel and in the colony to have time to write a statement to a hike to the store. And so 9 hours. In 11 launch. Total is two hours to be purchased. Over the wheel and in the only one in the city supermarket, which opens in 9, the rest is only 10, and this is late. Running, running with a list: 6 blocks of cigarettes, 10 rolls of chearage sausage. Varo-smoked can not. Condicated in plastic bottles, chocolate tiles, - all this for transmission. "Dark-soap": shampoo, shower gel, a few pieces of soap, deodorant, for shaving, etc. You can transfer 20 kg, the list of allowed products has long been all in the head, learned to the omens. And another mountain of products for three days. I want to prepare something delicious special. You need to make Salad Olivier, the meat asked more. The fish is red, Maslina (he loves them), and pamper another caviar jar ... five packages of milk, juices, two large bottles of Coca Cola. Her a lot of something else there, as a result, it turned out seven voluminous packages with products. Lord! Would advise all this! And even wild want to sleep and the head hurts. She looked at the clock. Already almost 11! Faster in the waiting room, otherwise they will lead without you. Everyone is sitting, waiting, tension increases. There are not so many people, some old friends. All tired, all have a whole battery bags in another room with separate output. This is a passage in the room of a long date. From the pre-banner the rail door, behind it is a small room, bombarded in two more places with grids with automatic doors. The device works so that if one door is open, the second is blocked and does not open. Those., Being in the cell in the middle of the room, just do not leave it. In this cage, the window, and there is a "clerk", which takes the passport and other documents and gives a pass - a regular paperboard, but it cannot be lost, otherwise they will not be released. In this purification, you only get to accompany the lady, which is constantly smiling by an ominous smile, from which frost on the skin.
It must be said that there was still a small chainka - something was wrong with the documents from one of the visitor, and while the warders ran there, and here, accompanied by a novel suffering, natikalo for an hour of the day. Only due to the fact that the lady was with a small child, in the end, the cerberries were walked.
There was a long-awaited team: "Rent money and prohibited things."
Svetlana, so calling our heroine, left the phone in the car and several thousand on gasoline on the way back, so I didn't go to the window. At the last moment she suddenly thought up with them the rights and documents for the car. Quickly running around the purse, she took the line next to their bags, recounting them: Once or twelve ... twelve. She did all of the dragging of things, terribly wanted to sleep. She calmed herself: more than a maximum of a couple of hours, while "wrapped", then while drinking all products on refrigerators, it is possible to set your bed linen on a core bed, so that you can safely sit or lie, beautiful melted on the table, put the kettle, throw in a frying pan Meat and cook borscht. In the meantime, open the cut, the outfit and drink the seagull with the son. Most!
Smiling lady was not in the spirit today. As it turned out, in the morning someone tried to convey something prohibited in the transfer. It was not a file or a gun baked in bread, but nevertheless. Some said that it was a phone, others, that drugs. The daythy spaced bags on the rooms, visitors sat on the sofa under the surveillance cameras, and the lady with the assistant began their favorite procedure. If earlier they missed all visitors for half an hour, now they acted so scrupulously that it took for 20 minutes to each room. Svetlana almost fell asleep on the sofa when she was invited to her room. All bags stood on the floor. The lady asked her to undress. When Svetlana undressed, she suddenly discovered that she had forgotten in fuss and remove the gold chain from fatigue.
Oh, the chain forgot to pass. Take it please.
Yes, take, take, do not worry, - the oversight of the warden, feeling the metal bones in the bra. - You can dress. Vasya! Come here!
Vasya went.
Remove it. - Vasya removed a chain on a small camera.
Well, that, lucky your products back.
How to back?! - Svetlana almost eyes got out of the orbits. - I so much took over from work, spent my monthly salary for foods, the road is so long ... How to back?
The lady continued his work. Svetlana, with hope in his voice asked if it means that it was all the same. "As they will decide on top," the lady answered, "and I have to check, maybe you have tried here yet." "Yes, I didn't try to carry anything, I just forgot, I forgot, I always wear it, I don't even feel that she was hope for me." "Well, you are not the first time you need to know." "Not the first, but I am very tired, driving almost all night, I did not sleep, hungry, and I have ulcers and hypertension." "What are you so patients ride something?" "What are there, what to do"
Meanwhile, the lady turned all the bags on the bed, checking the handles, seams and gaskets. When she turned a wallet, then in one of the hundred branches, in which no one looked around for several years, I discovered SIM card with delight. "And what's that? - It seemed her joy would not end. - Vasya, take off! " Vasya removed everything. "This is an old SIM card, she has already two years old, I bought it in Italy and forgot about it. It has long been blocked and never unlocked in life, it is easy to check. " "Yes, now will call the operator," the lady answered surprisingly seriously. "Get home" And meanwhile, Vasya has already revealed half canning cans, and the lady itself all the packages with juice and milk and sniffed them with such a decisive movement, as if she wanted to taste.
"But how do I converge all these banks back? They are open! " "Yes, as you wish!" Svetlana seemed to be better silent. Since it was useless to talk. Vasya completely dreamed of a joke: he unpacked meat and began to poke him with a knife, then the whole mayonnaise crossed the same knife in the plastic container. Special delight has a red caviar bank. And she got from the cutting gun of Vasi. "Are you poke meat?" "Pokyal" "Let's still different times" Vasya still dumped, and then another time passed through mayonnaise for loyalty. The lady still spoke out about the fact that the pork into the room of a long date can not be brought. "It used to be" "" And now it is impossible to read the announcements. " Some point Svetlana felt the pulse of her frequent, stumbled in the temples. It seemed another couple of seconds, and she or would faint, or cling to this lady to plug her ulcerative smiles back. But, defeats the wave of anger, Svetlana just sat down to the edge of the chair, trying to cope with dark spots in the eyes. The lady brewed the final chord all the medicines that yazuvenches, cores and hypertensive are parted, and at the same time and droplets from a cold. "Not allowed"
The warders put a sim card and a chain in the package, pills climbed and dragged somewhere, banned Svetlana to leave the room. The spectacle was horrified: the double bed and the table were littered with the inside out of things, were forced by open canned food, olives and cucumbers. It was for more than two hours. Usually at this time all fussed in the kitchen, sadly pans, as in some family-group culinary reality show. Probably, they fussed ... Svetlana was sitting on a chair, not knowing what to do, whether to collect things, or on the contrary, disassemble. From the corridor there was a joyful revival and something exclar: "Boys lead!"
"Are you not allowed, really have to go back?" And when I can again get on a date, and whether they will be allowed at all?
Somewhere in three hours Svetlana decided to get out of the room, since he felt the urgent need. Having dried out the door, she saw the day and shouted to him: "Is it possible to go to something?" He allowed. Immediately, Vasya appeared with the news: Dress, now quickly go to court, and then, perhaps, the head will allow a date. Last time in a similar case was allowed, although it was not allowed before, I had to leave parents.
But before going to court, Svetlana was taken to the office to a pretty young lieutenant, which performed bureaucratic functions. With a shy view, he politely read the article incriminated by Svetlana, not forgetting to add: "Nothing personal, no offense. We carry out our work. Under Article 19.12 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation Transmission or an attempt to transfer by any way to persons contained in the institutions of a criminal executive system or temporary detention facilities and other places of detention, items, substances or food, the acquisition, storage or use of which is prohibited by law, - imposition Administrative fine in the amount of from three thousand to five thousand rubles with confiscation of prohibited items, substances or food "
Svetlana as if she hit the current: "confiscation? What? Chains? But it is impossible! This is our family relic, it's from the great-grandmother ... I did not want to carry it, I accidentally forgot to remove. I'm so tired, I did not sleep all night, I ran the shops in the morning, I dragged the bags ... "- she again sank her former song. Everything that happened seemed some terrible sleep. Everything had to go wrong. But when was the last time it was, how did she want? No, it can not be, this is some kind of wild joke, which will certainly end, the lieutenant will apologize, will take a chain for storage, then to return it to get out of date, says for goodbye: "Next time be careful." But instead, the lieutenant confirmed the worst assumptions that the chain was confiscated. He asked formal questions, filled a bunch of papers, then read something long and tediously, gave a signature. At the end, the same lady declared, now in the role of "witness" in the company with Vasia-witness. They painted too. The lady continued to joke and smile. Svetlana suddenly remembered that in the room of a long date, the products were opened and deeds: meat, chicken, caviar and red fish, everything is warm from 12 o'clock, in the room from 14 o'clock, and the time was already about five. Svetlana asked if her products did not deteriorate and would they go to court soon. "A little more," answered by one finger on the keyboard bureaucrat. Before going to court, the lieutenant began to search for the head of the colony to find out if a date will take place. Until the end of the working day remained five minutes. He could not reach the phone, but someone said that the boss walks through the territory. Communication does not take, because they are devoured there. After some time, the boss was drawn in his office and graciously allowed not to deprive a date. Lieutenant and Vasya brought svetlana to the street, sat in the "old, but foreign car", as proudly called her driver. Apparently because of the compassion to the pitiful form of the impairment, when the lady was released, they returned to her part of the medicine. In court came to six. Only single windows glowing in the building. Some full women painted the walls in the lobby. "And the court closed, up to five works. Did you call in advance? " "No," just answered a polite lieutenant. Svetlana almost lost consciousness. "Sut out someone alone, maybe the judge still lingered." Lieutenant cheerfully ran the stairs and disappeared for a whole hour. Then he descended for the violature and the witness, who mentally prepared speech to decline the judge. The judge with a long nose, strict and gray, immediately, breaking the violators, deprived her words. Then he long and discouraged some articles of the law, of which Svetlana understood only one thing that she would never see the chain again. She tried to insist that her violation was unintentional and if she were, really would like to carry a chain, it would not have done this with his own neck, and would hide it so that no lady would never find her. And in general, why would she pass the son of this chain, a valuable family relic, in prison. Symka is also a similar situation. Well, not working, this sim card never earn in life ...
Some MiG Svetlana thought, and not to demand a lawyer, but immediately shared this by presenting how much this comedy will delay, and then she will definitely not see the Son, and even to the loss of the chain will add thousand 50, at least plus spoiled products . But the main thing is that she was afraid for her son, no matter how they would have recovered on it.
The judge read the sentence, declaring that she was convicted of prohibited items on the territory of a correctional colony, for which a fine of 3 thousand rubles is imposed on it, and the Italian sim card is confiscated ...
Svetlana still standing on the street, waited until the lieutenant discussed something with the judge, probably how to cut the chain.
Somewhere about nine it entered the room, began to remove the products. In addition to chicken and fish, everything else it seems to be normal. Svetlana was extremely glad that despite his nerves, hypertension and circumstances, she did not break down, did not lite tears before servants of the law, especially the glad was that she was not clutched into the hair of a smiling lady and did not shake her stupid smile. The chain was ... It is not even sorry ... There are no words ... It seemed that these so long contained tears are nowpal.
Steps behind the door, and here in the son's room, from the past date a bit of grown and drowning in the shoulders, in a black tag and a hat with a bag in his hands.
At last!

* Who should notify relatives about the place where the convict is serving a sentence?
At first, the administration of the SIZO will inform you to which your convicted relative will send a sentence. This will happen immediately after the SIZO will receive a notice of the entry into force of the court sentence against the convicted person.

Then, within 10 days from the moment of the arrival of your relative in Yiwu, where he will serve the punishment, the IU administration will inform you all the necessary information, including the address of this institution.

Your relative and himself can call you by phone, report on the place where he is serving a sentence. The IU administration provides the right to call relatives convicted to his request.

(Art. 17, 75, part 2. Art. 92 PEC RF; p. 9 rules IU).

** What are there anyway with the convict and when can I come for a date?

Two types of dates are provided to the deprivation of freedom:

Short-term, duration of 4 hours;

Long-term - up to 3 days in the territory of IU with accommodation in a specially equipped room, as well as up to 5 days with accommodation outside IU. In this case, the head of the IU determines the order and place of a date (for example, an urban hotel at the expense of a convicted person or his relatives).

Short-term dates are provided with relatives or other persons in the presence of the representative of the IU administration. Long-term dates are provided with the right of living together with his spouse (spouse), parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted, siblings and sisters, grandfathers and grandmothers, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of IU with other persons.

For long or short-term dates for the convict can simultaneously come by no more than two adults, together with whom the minors brothers, sisters, children, the grandchildren of the convict.

Persons who arrived on a date with convicts must have identity documents, as well as confirming their related relations with the convicted person: passport, military ID, identity card, certificate of birth, marriage certificate, guardianship and guardianship authorities. Arrived on a date of the face, their clothes and things are inscribed. If the person who arrived on a date refuses this procedure, a long-term date with the convict is not allowed to him. In this case, instead of a long date, a short-term date can be granted.

Passed any products or things by persons who arrived at a short-term date with the convict, the room for dates is not allowed. Long-term dates are allowed to carry food (with the exception of wine-vodka products and beer).

The number of short-term and long-term dates, relying on the convicted person per year, depends on the type of IU and the conditions in which it is located.

If the convict is serving a sentence in an IR of general regime and is under normal conditions, it is permitted during the year to have 6 short-term and 4 long-term dates; In lightweight conditions - 6 short-term and 6 long-term dates; In severe conditions - 2 short-term and 2 long dates.

If the convicted is serving a sentence in an IR of strict regime and is under normal conditions, it is permitted during the year to have 3 short-term and 3 long-term dates; In lightweight conditions - 4 short-term and 4 long dates; In severe conditions - 2 short-term and 1 long date.

If a convict is serving a sentence in an IR of a special regime and is under normal conditions, it is permitted during the year to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term dates; In lightweight conditions - 3 short-term and 3 long-term dates; In strict conditions - only 2 short-term dates.

If the convict is serving a sentence in the colony-settlement, then it may have a date without limiting their quantity.

If a convict is serving a sentence in prison in general mode, then it is allowed to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term dates during the year.

In prison on strict mode, only 2 short-term dates are allowed during the year.

Convicts serving punishment in VC are allowed to have during the year: under normal conditions - 8 short-term and 4 long-term dates; In lightweight conditions - 12 short-term and 4 long dates; In preferential conditions - an unlimited number of short-term dates and 6 long dates; In severe conditions - only 6 short-term dates.

The first date can be granted to the convict immediately after his transfer from the Quarantine Branch of the AIU (here the convict here is contained from the first day of arrival in the IU and up to 15 days) to the detachment. Subsequent dates are provided after a time of time equal to the number obtained during division of 12 months on the number of dates (short-term and long), relying condemned per year.

Convicted by their written statement is allowed to replace a long-term date, short-term or long-term date - telephone conversation.

(Art. 89, 121, 123, 125, 131 PEC RF; Section XIV rules IU).

*** For long-term dates, it is allowed to carry food (with the exception of wine-vodka products and beer). Convicted before and after a date are exposed to a complete search. Clothes and things of citizens who arrived on a date can be inspected. The face that abandoned the inspection, a long date is not permitted, but it can be replaced by short-term. In case of detection of the prohibited items hidden from inspection, the perpetrators can be attracted to administrative responsibility under Art. 19.12 Administrative Code.

**** Article 19.12 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - Transfer or an attempt to transfer prohibited items to individuals contained in the institutions of a criminal executive system or temporary detention facilities

Transfer or an attempt to transmit by any way to persons contained in the institutions of a penalizing system or temporary detention facilities and other places of detention, items, substances or food, the acquisition, storage or use of which is prohibited by law -

The imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of from three thousand to five thousand rubles with confiscation of prohibited objects, substances or food products is entitled.

***** Food, things and items that are condemned forbidden to have with them, get in parcels, parcels, or acquire.
All types of weapons, ammunition, explosives, poisoning, fire hazardous and radioactive substances, lighters;
money, valuable things, securities, currency of foreign countries;
optical devices;
Wrist and pocket watch (in prisons);
Food requiring heat treatment (except tea and coffee, dry milk, fast food concentrates that do not require boiling or cooking);
Home canning products, yeast;
All types of alcoholic beverages, beer;
Perfume, cologne and other alcohol products;
narcotic drugs, psychotropic toxic and potent substances, and without medical testimony and medicinal substances, medical items;
electronically computing machines, typewriters, multiple devices and other office equipment;
Knives, dangerous razors, blades for safe razors, piercing-cutting items, constructively similar to cold weapons;
axes, hammers and another tool;
playing cards;
Cameras, Photographic materials, chemicals, filmmers, video and audio equipment (except television receivers, radio receivers), communications and components for them, providing work;
any documents (except for documents established by the identity of the convict, copies of sentences and definitions of courts, answers to the results of consideration of proposals, applications, petitions and complaints, receipts for storage for money, things, values);
compasses, literature on topography, martial arts, service dog breeding, arms device;
military and other uniforms, accessories to it;
Clothes, hats and shoes (except slippers, sports costumes and sports shoes) unidentified samples;
Color pencils, markers, markers, ink, mascara, ball and helium rods (with the exception of blue and black colors), paints, copy paper;
pornographic materials, items;
Electrical devices (with the exception of electric customs, household electricity films of factory execution).

Short-term dates for four hours and long-term dates for three days on the territory of the correctional institution are provided to imprisonment. In the cases provided for by this Cases, long-term dates can be provided with living outside the correctional establishment of five days. In this case, the head of the correctional institution is determined by the order and place of the date. Short-term dates are provided with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of a correctional institution. Long-term dates are provided with the right of living with a spouse (spouse), parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted, native brothers and sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandchildren, and with the permission of the head of a correctional institution - with other persons. 2.1.

How to get a permit for a date with the cohabitant?

On a lightweight mode - 3 long and 3 short-term. For us with you, the difference in one date may seem small, but from a psychological point of view, for people isolated from society in educational purposes, every date with a close and loved person becomes almost a holiday . And therefore, for people who have committed more serious crimes, such a privilege, as a long-lasting "date" in prison, may not be simply reduced, but also canceled if his behavior does not correspond to the internal regulations.
How many dates are put on strict mode? Long-term dates in the strict mode colony are not prohibited. Only two short-term dates with relatives per year are available to prisoners. Prints for such a restriction are: the severity of a perfect crime; Recurrences or criminal past prisoners; The need for strict measures to re-education citizens.

Permission for a long-term date for persons who are not married

To date, the current legislation gives the head of the correctional institution the right to independent decisions regarding the definition of permission or ban on a date with little relatives. You, being a girlfriend of the prisoner, cannot claim the role of a close relative, so no confidence that you will get on a long date for your young man, no.

The guaranteed right to joint accommodation is provided only to spouses, parents, children, adoptive parents and adopted, brothers and sisters of the first line of kinship, grandparents, grandfathers. In other persons (in accordance with the 89th article of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation, you are exactly another person), as mentioned earlier, permission for a long-lasting date is provided only by decision of the head of the correctional institution.

Dates with convicts

Naturally, the behavior of your young man should be exemplary and exemplary, because no one is going to go to meet the prisoners, arresting and violating the regime and the conditions for serving the term in correctional institutions. It is not at all necessary, but sometimes the bosses of prisons require documentary confirmation of the actual marriage relations between the prisoners and the guest.
Actually marriage relationships include a joint accommodation within a civil marriage. You do not point out that you are the civil wife of the prisoner.
However, your chances of obtaining permission for a long-term date will increase significantly if the HESCE or a home-controlled company will agree to issue a certificate confirming the fact of living together.

How to get a date with convicts in the SIZO? Sample application

Fast food: a. Noodles; b. Soups for brewing; c. Porridge. Bouillon cubes; 3. Crackers, bread4. Black tea, sugar, coffee; 5.
Vegetable or butter in a small amount; 6. Cheeses; 7. Cigarettes. The most detailed list of products can be found at this address. Conclusion in Russia, in contrast to a number of countries, long-term dates are allowed with the residence of the relatives of the prisoner in the territory of the colony. However, for this you need to perform a number of strict requirements. However, for the prisoner, a meeting with loved ones is a real holiday, so do not be afraid to go to visit him to the colony and support.

Support for him now is needed. The main thing, do not forget to send a request for a date to the name of the colony chief and explore the list of things that are permissible. We draw your attention to the fact that Russia's legislation is constantly changing and the information written by us may be outdated.

Secure - without intermediaries


According to Article 75 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: condemned to imprisonment are sent to serving the sentence no later than 10 days from the date of receipt by the Administration of the Investigative Isolator notification of the court sentence into force. During this period, condemned has the right to a short-term date with relatives or other persons.

How to get a date with convicts in the SIZO immediately it is worth saying that a date is provided in the order of turn, and in most cases the turn is stretched for months. So, the application is written in the name of the organ or person, in the production of which is a criminal case - the investigator (if the prisoner is currently under investigation), the judge (if the case file is transferred to the court), the appeal appeal (if the appeal is consideration), administration (Head) of the insulator.

How to get a date with convicts in the SIZO?

If a person remains in the SIZO, then it will be guaranteed to receive a parole, if it is diligently to work, as well as unlimited short-term meetings up to four hours and long-lasting dates. Short-term date What a short-term date is known to everyone.

For short-term meetings of the convict will be accompanied by the representative of the colony. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that: 1. It is impossible to transfer personal belongings and products during a short-term date; 2.

Conversations will be brought to the workers of the colony; 3. In some cases, the dates will be held in rooms where the convicted and its guest will be separated by glass. If you want to transfer products to prison, you use the window to transfer things.

Permission for a long date with the humor

The grounds for early termination of the date are:

  • an attempt to transfer suspected or accused prohibited objects, substances and food;
  • attempting by persons who arrived on a date, information that may impede the establishment of truth in a criminal case or contribute to the commission of a crime.

It is carried out in a premises specially allocated for this procedure, which is equipped with a specialized negotiation device and the separating barrier from the bulletproof glass. Conversations may be brought to those responsible for this face, if necessary, a negotiation record is being conducted. Also in the room should be an employee of the detention facility, which monitors in order to prevent possible unauthorized transmission.

What is needed to get a date with prisoners in the SIZO

The prehistory of this case is: - a citizen who serves punishment in places of imprisonment turned to us. Before detention and condemnation, he lived in a civil marriage. Marriage is not registered in the registry office. - The Customer's civilian spouse appealed to the IU (correctional institution) for providing her a long date, to which he received a refusal. - We appealed the refusal to court, which I ordered the administration to provide a long date. - The following is a decision of the appeal instance, where the administration of the AIA appealed to such a decision. The appeal definition of the judicial board considered at the court hearing the case on the appeal of IR UFSIN on the decision on the district court on a lawyer's claim for the interests of a citizen to IR on the recognition of actions illegal and the imposition of a date.

Permission for a long date

The procedure for obtaining permission with convicts in the SIZO writing a statement for the provision of permission to date: is written in the name of a person or body, in the production of which is a criminal case (the head of the insulator, judge, chairman, investigator). The application must specify the nature of social relationships with the suspect and ask for the provision of written permission to meet (up to 2 people).

Sample statement 2018. Obtaining a written permission: the document must be certified by the stamp, as well as contain information about the faces admitted to the date. Remember that the investigator or other official has the right to refuse a date if he believes that such a meeting may prevent the establishment of truth in this criminal case.

In this case, demand a written response with an official with an indication of the reasons for refusal. To come to SIZO with written resolution and passport.

How is a date in prison?

The court of first instance, satisfying the requirements of the plaintiff, reasonably applying the provisions according to Part 2 of 89 PECs, P.75 of the rules of the internal regulations of correctional institutions (order of min.ubi from 03.11.2005 N 205), proceeded from the fact that the basis for refusing to provide a convicted person A long date with a different person, to the category of which is the plaintiff, is the fact of the negative impact of such a date on the convicted person. The grounds that would indicate that a long-term date with the plaintiff will have a negative impact on the convicted person. In this connection, the refusal to the administration of IR in providing a date by the court of first instance is correctly recognized as unreasonable. It seems from the materials of the case that short-term dates with the plaintiff were repeatedly provided with the convicted person. Information that the indicated dates had a negative impact on the convicted person, the defendant was not represented.
Spouses; c. Parents; d. Brothers, sisters; e. Grandparents. If the prisoner is not distinguished by exemplary behavior, it may be forbidden for long-term dates. In addition, there are practically no dates with cohabitants and beloved people, if the marriage bonds are not made. How are you going in prisons? Since the prison is a territory that is under constant special protection, then be prepared for a thorough inspection and control by workers in prisons. The workers must check you on the absence: 1. Alcoholic and narcotic intoxication; 2. Availability of prohibited items: money, weapons, mobile phones, drugs; 3. Food, if a date is short-term, as well as the presence of a prohibited container (glass, metal).

Types of dates with convicts, their number that is believed to convicted during the year, their duration is established by the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation. All this depends on the type of correctional institution, as well as the conditions in which the convicted sentence is serving. The procedure for granting a convicted date is regulated by the rules of the internal regulations of correctional institutions, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2005 No. 205.
Two types of dates on the territory of a correctional institution are convicted of imprisonment.
short-term, duration of 4 hours;
Long-term - up to 3 days in the territory of a correctional institution with accommodation in a specially equipped room, as well as up to 5 days with accommodation outside the correctional institution. In this case, the head of the correctional institution determines the order and place of a date (for example, an urban hotel at the expense of a convicted person or his relatives).
And so, the number of short-term and long-term dates, which rely on the convicted person per year depends on the type of correctional institution and the conditions in which it is serving a sentence.
If the convict is serving a penalty in a correctional colony of the general regime and is under normal conditions, it is permitted during the year to have 6 short-term and 4 long-term dates; In lightweight conditions - 6 short-term and 6 long-term dates; In severe conditions - 2 short-term and 2 long dates.
If the convict is serving a punishment in a correctional colony of a strict regime and is under normal conditions, it is permitted during the year to have 3 short-term and 3 long-term dates; In lightweight conditions - 4 short-term and 4 long dates; In severe conditions - 2 short-term and 1 long date.
If the convict is serving a punishment in a correctional colony of a special regime and is under normal conditions, it is permitted during the year to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term dates; In lightweight conditions - 3 short-term and 3 long-term dates; In strict conditions - only 2 short-term dates.
The convicted, which is serving a sentence in colony-settlement, may have a date without limiting their quantity.
If the convict is serving a sentence in prison in general mode, then it is allowed to have 2 short-term and 2 long-term dates during the year. In prison on strict mode, only 2 short-term dates are allowed during the year.
Minor convicts serving a punishment in educational colonies is allowed to have during the year: under normal conditions - 8 short-term and 4 long-term dates; In lightweight conditions - 12 short-term and 4 long dates; In preferential conditions - an unlimited number of short-term dates and 6 long dates; In severe conditions - only 6 short-term dates.
Short-term dates are provided with relatives or other persons in the presence of a representative of the administration of a correctional institution. Long-term dates are provided with the right to coach with a spouse (spouse), parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted, native brothers and sisters, grandfathers and grandmothers, grandchildren, and with the permission of the chief of correctional institution - and with other persons.
No more than two adults can come to short-term or long-lasting dates for the convict, along with whom the minors brothers, sisters, children, the grandchildren of the convict.
Persons who arrived on a date with convicts must have identity documents, as well as confirming their related relations with the convicted person: passport, military ID, identity card, certificate of birth, marriage certificate, guardianship and guardianship authorities. Arrived on a date of the face, their clothes and things are inscribed. If the person who arrived on a date refuses this procedure, a long-term date with the convict is not allowed to him. In this case, instead of a long date, a short-term date can be granted.
Passed any products or things by persons who arrived at a short-term date with the convict, the room for dates is not allowed. Long-term dates are allowed to carry food (with the exception of wine-vodka products and beer).
The first date can be granted to the convict immediately after its transfer from the quarantine branch of the correctional institution into the detachment. In a quarantine department, a convicted can be found from the first day of arrival in a correctional institution, and up to 15 days. Subsequent dates are provided after a time of time equal to the number obtained during division of 12 months on the number of dates (short-term and long), relying condemned per year.
According to a written statement of the convict, it is allowed to replace a long-term date, a short-term, short-term or long date - telephone conversation.
For legal assistance, a convict is given a date with lawyers or other persons who have the right to provide legal assistance, without limiting their number of up to four hours. According to the statement of a convicted date with a lawyer, alone is provided, outside the leaders of third parties and without the use of technical means of listening.

Nikolai Severin

Human life is unpredictable. It also happens that someone from relatives or acquaintances falls into a detention facility (SIZO) or a correctional colony (IR). Consider in this article, how to get on a date in the SIZO or IR and what you need to do for this.

Date as a legal term

A date is a meeting of a suspected or convicted citizen with relatives or other people from the official permission of the institution where the specified citizen is located. The right to date is spelled out at the legislative level - in Article 395 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Code of Criminal Procedure).

Types of Svidany

Dates with a delayed citizen can be 2 species:

  1. Short-term, durability up to 3 hours in the SIZO, and up to 4 hours in a correctional institution. In an insulator of temporary content (IVS), dates are not allowed in principle. The meeting is allowed on any day except the sanitary appointed in this institution.
  2. Long Dates can be provided to a citizen only after making a sentence by the court. Therefore, this kind of date can be both in the SIZO, with the permission of his boss and in a correctional institution (IU). Long-term date in IU is available on 3 or 5 days, depending on the permission.

List of people allowed

Dates with convicts in the SIZO are allowed a limited circle of persons:

  • lawyer;
  • close relatives, no more than two times. It is worth noting that juvenile relatives are allowed on a date, subject to the approval of them for a formal permission for a date from an authorized official;
  • notary, if necessary, making any documents.

According to the rules of the internal regulations, the following persons are not allowed on dates:

  • under the influence of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
  • not having a document certifying a person;
  • not specified in the official permit for a date.

Date in the SIZO to the court

While a citizen is not convicted, he expects a court decision in the SIZO. Dates in this institution are allowed only with relatives, lawyer, notary. In accordance with paragraph 139 of the Internal Rules of the SIZO, meetings can only be short-term and no more than 2 times in a month.


In Russia, the prison in Russia differs under the conditions of the content of the convicts - the general, special and strict regime. Those, in turn, are divided into lightweight, ordinary and strict conditions of detention. You can compare the difference in this

Permission for a date in the SIZO can give the following officials:

  • investigator, if investigative actions have not yet been completed;
  • judge, if the investigation is completed, and the case is transferred to the court (paragraph 18 of the Federal Law No. 103-FZ dated July 1, 1995);
  • head of the SIZO, when the court has already been sentenced;
  • appeal board, in case the case is transferred to appeal (by the way, you can read about the timing of the appeal)

After receiving the permission, a citizen who asked for a date should appear in the SIZO with a resolution and his passport. It is worth noting that the officers of the SIZO are entitled to watch the person who appeared to meet with prisoners.

Directly in the investigative insulator, the date is provided in the order of queue. It is possible to sign up to this queue through the Internet through the website of the electronic queue, or with a personal visit to the SIZO through the terminal. If there is no such technical equipment in this institution, then in this case you need to take a place in a live queue.

Procedure for obtaining permission

To get a permit for a date in the SIZO or IR, you need to write a statement. When finding a detainee in the SIZO, the statement needs to be addressed to the face, in whose jurisdiction at the moment there is a prisoner, as stated in the previous paragraph. If the convict is already in IR, the application for a long date in IR should add to the chief of the colony.

The application for a date must contain:

  • position and name of the addressee;
  • The name and passport details of the applicant;
  • FULL NAME AND PRIENCE, SUBLICATION OF THE DEVELOPMENTS OR SOCIAL SOCIETY, for example, if a date is required for documenting documents using a notary;
  • a request for a date;
  • contact information to receive a response by appointment;
  • date to compile a statement and personal signature.

After submitting an application for a short-term date in the SIZO, or short-term or long-term in IR, it is necessary to wait for a written response. The answer can be both permission for a date and refusal. If the investigative actions are not yet completed, the failure can be motivated by the interests of the investigation.

The permission for a date is a document certified by the stamp in which it is indicated who can come on a date and what conditions must be met.

Methods for submitting an application

An application for a date for a date in the SIZO or IR can be submitted in several ways.


Through the receiving SIZO or IR. The fact of filing an application must be fixed in a special magazine of incoming correspondence.

post office

postal departure of Russian Post. The departure must be issued with the option notice to send it to the addressee.


Through the official website of GUFSIN (the General Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service) of the Russian Federation, where it is geographically convicted. You can send an electronic request for a date via email or using the site option by order with convicts. IMPORTANT: This service does not have this service in all SIZO and IU.

To find out if you can make a request for a date in a particular institution via the Internet, you need:

  • go to the official website of the GUFSIN of the desired region,
  • in the menu on the left, choose the "Subordamental Institutions" pointer,
  • in the page that appears, find the desired detention center or IU,
  • view information about the electronic services provided by this institution.

As a rule, on the page there is an application form to download and (or) the application for a date, information about the work schedule and contact details.

Citizens who received also have the right to date. How it passes - look in the video:

After applying for a date, one of the selected methods must be waited for an answer. The answer can be given using any of the means of communication, but must be confirmed in writing. If a citizen who wants to get a date is in one settlement with a SIZO or IR, the optimal method of feeding is personal. If the prisoner and a citizen who wants to see him are on the territorial removal, then it will be more convenient for the option of mail or submitting an application through the GUFSIN website.

All questions of interest can be asked in the comments to the article.