Ideas with matte varnish. Matte french gel. Matte manicure with regular varnish

Every season brings new fashion trends, and manicures are no exception. And since hands are the visiting card of every woman, it is simply necessary to follow fashion trends. For our readers, we reveal the secret of what kind of manicure will be in high demand in the coming season.

The main thing in the article

Fashion trends matte manicure

One of the latest trends of the upcoming season will be matte manicure. It is difficult to name a certain trendy color, since a matte shade is welcomed in a variety of shades. The main feature of this coating is its versatility, because matte manicure looks great:

  • in everyday life;
  • at work ;
  • at ceremonial events;
  • at secular receptions;
  • at the disco in the club.

If deep dark tones are more popular now, then for 2018 variations for fantasies are open. Designers advise not to be limited and use the following matte colors:

  • beige;
  • grey ;
  • cream;
  • green ;
  • soft blue;
  • pink ;
  • lilac .

It is also recommended to focus on one or two nails. It can be rhinestones, drawings, stamping, stickers.

Another of the "chips" of the season will be combined manicure using the same color in matte and gloss.

Matte manicure for short nails: the main trend of 2018

All variations of the matte finish will be at the peak of popularity, but the main trend of 2018 will be matte manicure with 3D effect. On short nails, it will look stylish, beautiful, elegant.

The most fashionable shades of matte manicure

The choice of the color of the coating for nails directly depends on the general image and internal state, but, whatever one may say, fashion dictates its own and the most fashionable shades of matte manicure should include:

  • red- a classic that will never go out of fashion;

  • beige shades will be the novelty of the season;

  • deep blue still in trend, and will be popular next season;

  • violet , another novelty of the 2018 season;

  • fashion will remain unchanged contrast of white and black.

Nail decor for matte manicure

There are no restrictions in decorating nail plates. Therefore, arm yourself with a matte varnish, and boldly apply the coating technique that is most to your liking. The following techniques will look great in a matte finish:

  • nail art ;
  • stamping;
  • moon manicure;
  • french;
  • gradient ;
  • decoration with rhinestones;
  • manicure "negative space";
  • Nude style;
  • knitted manicure;
  • lace cover ;
  • geometric images.

The best ornaments and patterns for matte manicure

The matte finish looks great on its own, but it can be embellished with various ornaments or patterns. With such an addition, the manicure will look more perfect. The choice of drawing depends on taste preferences and the chosen style, but we suggest looking at a few ideas in the photo.

Matte manicure: the best design ideas with photos

What will the coming season bring to fashion for matte manicure? Of course, the coating itself in the form of a monophonic manicure looks very impressive, but to embellish and stand out with your own individuality every fashionista wants. Therefore, consider what to give preference in order to always be on top.

  • Mehendi. Indian technique, which is actively used in nail design. For more information about what it is and how it is drawn, read the article: "".

  • Stamping. An excellent everyday option, which is done quite easily, but looks spectacular and retains some individuality.

  • Combination of matte and glossy coating of the same color in the form of an ornament I am the novelty of the season and will look spectacular, regardless of the chosen colors.

  • Knitted cover. The technique looks especially beautiful in pastel-pink colors. The peak of the popularity of such an ornament will be autumn-winter.

  • Nail art . Drawings on the nails are always relevant. On a matte finish look especially effectively.

  • Rhinestones and stones. In addition to jewelry, manicure with stones and rhinestones perfectly decorates women's hands, and on a matte background, the stones sparkle even brighter.

  • Ombre. The fashion for gradient technique and the performance of matte manicure did not bypass. Thanks to her, the coating becomes unusual and plays with a range of colors.

  • moon smile or inverted french. It always looks spectacular, emphasizing the refined taste of a woman.

Ways to create matte surfaces at home

You can make a matte surface on the nails at home. There are several ways to create a matte manicure:

  1. Apply matte varnish to the nail plate.
  2. take advantage a matting top coat applied at the end of the treatment .
  3. Make a matte gel polish. There are two ways to achieve haze on gel polish:
    surface grinding;
    applying acrylic powder.
  4. Make a coating using matte shellac.

How to make a matte manicure at home step by step

Every girl can make a manicure in a matte color, no worse than in a salon. To do this, you need to show a little patience and stock up on the following tools:

  • nail file;
  • manicure scissors;
  • cuticle tweezers;
  • base for varnish;
  • varnishes of the main color;
  • top coat with a matte finish.

Getting to the manicure:

Step #1. Preparatory. Remove old nail polish. Trim the cuticle and shape the nail plates. Coat them with base coat.

Step #2. Foundation application. On the base, apply the base color varnish in two layers. Start decorating the surface.

Step number 3. Decor. Make the desired drawing. Please note that before applying a part of the decor of a new color, you need to wait for the previous one to dry completely.

Step number 4. Fixing. After all design ideas are embodied on the nail plates, apply a top coat with a matte effect.

French matte manicure

French manicure has not lost its relevance over the past 50 years. He endured a lot of reincarnations, but at the same time he did not lose his "face". Whatever decor, color or shape of nails is chosen for a jacket, it will be recognized always and everywhere. Matte jacket will become fashionable in 2018, which will be successfully combined with different colors and glossy finishes.

Do not forget that the jacket is the main wedding manicure, so we offer you to look at the new matte finishes in the style of French manicure for such a solemn event.

Matte manicure gel polish

Gel polish is very fond of modern girls and women, because it stays on nails for a long time, does not require constant adjustment and always looks like freshly painted. Of course, the nail industry could not ignore the latest trend of matte coatings and offered fashionistas a matte manicure with gel polish. How is it made?

The standard procedure for coating, drying and removing the sticky layer remained at the heart of this coating, updates came only in the form of a haze application. Read about the procedure for applying gel polish in the article: “Do-it-yourself nail design at home. How to cover nails with gel polish at home? ". You can matte the surface of the nail as follows:

  • Immediately apply matte gel polish, which is already commercially available.
  • Cover with gel polish matting top.
  • Do polishing With abrasive before 300 grit. Such procedure better produce in salon, because the for beautiful final result must to be « stuffed hand«.
  • Spray acrylic powder With velvet effect on the top not dried coating and fix her in lamp.
  • Apply matte dust. She is, how and powder, applied over finished gelvarnish and finish drying in lamp.

Ideas matte manicure With a photo

Useful tips for matte manicure

  1. Matte manicure Great looks on the any length, a because the contemporarywell-groomed fashion dictates to a womanwear short manicure, then choose for short nails deep colors or technology in style ombre.
  2. Not should do baths directly before drawing matte coatings, because the after drying out it will be uneven, So how at steaming nail plate swells, a after drying out narrows.
  3. To not resort monthly to coverage matte gelvarnish give back preference matte coatings With geleffect.
  4. For smooth tones matte coating should apply 2 3 times.
  5. If a want to use top coating on the matte varnish, not forget, what it must to be too With matte effect.

Matte manicure: videoinstruction on implementation

Mat on nails is beauty, rigor and grace in one "bottle". Even the usual matte finish, without additional decorations, already looks great, however, by adding quite a few decor elements, you can achieve incredible results.

Varnishes, gels, shellac for matte manicure

Matte nail polish came out in the distant 90s, but the peak of its popularity came relatively recently. Women especially liked the dark shades of the mat, which, in principle, is not surprising. You can fantasize on them without limits, coming up with a new and new design each time. But the matte finish has its drawbacks, which you should be aware of in advance.

  • As a rule, matte varnishes are very capricious when applied: they can lie unevenly on the surface of the nail, leave furrows, streaks, etc.
  • It is almost impossible to correct flaws in a manicure without removing the coating. Those. if something does not suit you, you will have to remove the previously applied varnish and do it all over again.

But it also has advantages:

  • Wide choice of color scale in absolutely any price range.
  • Nice nail polish.
  • Complete freedom in the choice of design.

In general, matte varnish looks very nice on fair skin. In winter, preference is given to dark shades, in summer - light.

Today it is difficult to imagine a store on the shelves of which there would be no matte varnish. However, if you do not have the opportunity to purchase such a coating, you can try out a few simple life hacks on yourself that will make the most common glossy shade matte.

  • The easiest and most common way is steam. Bring your nails with freshly applied varnish to the steam emanating from boiling water. To avoid getting burned, keep your hands 20 cm away from the water. Wait for it to dry completely - matte manicure is ready. This method has one drawback - evaporation can significantly affect the durability of the varnish, and not for the better.
  • Purchase a separate coating that will make a mat out of any gloss. The cost of such funds is quite low, but in terms of effectiveness it is unlikely to be compared with anything else.
  • Another option is to mix regular polish with a little cornstarch. Just pour a small amount of varnish into a separate container and add a little starch, mix and apply to your nails. True, this will slightly brighten the shade itself. It is best to experiment with some old varnish, which is not a pity to spoil and pour starch into the tube itself, this will simplify the application.

But it's easier, of course, to buy the matte varnish itself. Even if it is not available in the stores of your city, refer to online stores where there will definitely not be any problems with the search.

Matte glossy manicure

The combination of surfaces that are completely opposite in texture looks expensive and very beautiful. For a simple, uncomplicated quick manicure, you can organize the design according to the “French” principle. Cover the nail itself with matte, and the free tip with glossy.

The second, very simple version of a matte-glossy manicure is a dotted one. Apply a matte varnish, and put dots on top with gloss.

Or stripes instead of dots.

You can go more complex and come up with something more original. For example, a beveled jacket with dots and a couple of stripes. The execution, in principle, is very simple, but it looks far from it.

Black matte manicure

Black color is generally considered gloomy, but despite this, he has many supporters. This season, the fashion for everything is bright, red, yellow, but black is a classic.

Even by itself, black matte nail polish looks quite attractive, but it is possible that this option will quickly become boring for you.

Therefore, it can be diversified, for example, using foil.

Or use it in an ombre effect.

A combination with other colors distributed over all nails is not excluded, with an accent.

Red matte manicure

The prerogative of passionate natures. But, unfortunately, if we approach the issue from the side of ethics, then it should be worn only in the evening, or on festive occasions. But the soul of a woman is not so simple, and even during the day on working days, this bright color can be found on the handles.

Red mat, like other colors, can be used both in its pure form and complement it with others. One of the most successful color combinations can be called: pink, white, black and gold shades. As for the design, then there is a complete revelry of imagination. Starting from flowers and ending with various patterns that can only come to mind.

Pink matte manicure

Pink color is very delicate, and dullness gives it even more romanticism. Like other colors, matte pink comes in a variety of shades that allow you to create different manicure options. Pink and white looks especially beautiful, while the second shade can be applied both on the lunula, creating a moon manicure, and on the entire nail to highlight one of them.

For those who like it more difficult, you can advise more intricate drawings and patterns. Not everyone can do it on their own at home, but if you practice a little, then after quite a bit of time you will be able to create real masterpieces.

White matte manicure

White color is universal, which allows you to use it as a manicure decoration. Of course, it can be found on the nails in its pure form, but for many this approach will seem boring. However, if you use other shades and decorations when applying, then there can be no talk of boredom. On the contrary, you can experiment with a white mat as much as you like and it’s hard to imagine that such a manicure can be spoiled by something. The only difficulty with white manicure is the application of color itself. White is often very capricious and lays down with stripes and stains, so choose only proven brands.

Blue matte manicure

Blue is a very deep and mysterious color, and how beautiful it looks on nails in a matte finish is simply beyond words. Like red, it is ideal for evening walks and ceremonial exits. Even the simplest manicure, without additional decorations, looks very expensive. However, like other bright shades, blue does not tolerate slovenliness. Firstly, it must be applied very carefully, since any flaw will be clearly visible. Secondly, even the smallest chip will catch your eye, so you have to remove all the varnish and apply it again.

Beige matte manicure

Beige, in its color characteristics, is somewhat similar to pink. It is ideal for everyday life, for work and romantic walks. It is the color of innocence and lightness. At the same time, it is great to use it as a base for drawing on nails. Beige, like white, is often used for a wedding manicure, but not uncommon for a jacket.

It can be combined with other shades, for example beige looks very nice with white. And how breathtaking the ombre effect looks with such a combination of colors, just a feast for the eyes.

Matte french manicure

French is beautiful and versatile in itself, and if it is still made matte, it will sparkle with new colors. If initially the jacket meant the presence of white and flesh colors, then today the color combination is limited solely by your imagination. By including quite a bit of creativity, you can decorate your nails with foil, rhinestones, ribbons, etc.

Choosing discreet shades, you can wear a manicure to any trail, even to work. But it is better to give preference to dark colors for the holidays, otherwise it will be a manifestation of bad taste.

Matte moon manicure

Lunar manicure, this is the same French, only inverted. If in the latter case the free tip of the nail is painted over, then in the first case, as a rule, only the lunula is decorated in a contrasting color. Although, in the modern nail industry, manicure masters often combine two types at once, which looks very beautiful and original. You can perform a moon manicure with your own hands, as it is done very simply, for this you need only stencils and varnishes of matching colors.

Paint over the nail with varnish, which will end up only on the hole of the nail. Then stick the stencil, covering the nail hole with it and paint over the rest of the nail with the main color.

Matte manicure with rhinestones

In general, modern fashion does not welcome the presence of rhinestones in the image, calling such bows vulgar and tasteless, but still, there are no fewer lovers of sparkling pebbles. Of course, a proper amount of rhinestones on the nails can improve their appearance, but the main thing is not to overdo it. For example, if you want to cover all your nails with stones, then select one rhinestone for each of them. But if you decorate only one nail, leaving the others with nothing, then you can “lay” it all. It is worth paying tribute, with matte varnish, rhinestones look much better than with gloss. But still it will be much better if the sparkle of stones appears only on special occasions.

Matte manicure with a pattern

It is difficult to spoil a matte manicure with something, but to decorate ... Drawings are always appropriate, only for this you should have the skills of artistic skill. True, now it will not be difficult to purchase stickers for nails that look very original. If the decor material is of high quality, then it will generally be difficult to distinguish it from a real hand-made drawing. By the way, the best option would be to purchase not stickers, but a set for stamping. Then you can create a new professional manicure every day, spending only 15 minutes on it.

Matte manicure for short nails

Many people think that little looks on short nails, giving all the laurels to long ones. But this is an erroneous opinion. For several years now, neat, well-groomed short nails have come into fashion. They look like any varnish, and especially matte. If long bright shades look catchy and defiant, then this does not threaten short nails. Therefore, if until this day you have not been able to grow the desired length, you should know that you are in a trend - be proud of it.

Especially fashionable matte manicure in 2016

And now we give variations of this year's fashionable matte manicure. Watch, enjoy, choose and transfer your favorite views to your nails.

Matte manicure is very easy to perform and looks elegant on the nails. This design will appeal to stylish fashionistas who prefer nail art only in its restrained manifestation.

How to achieve a matte effect

To make a real matte manicure at home, you need a little skill and additional materials. You can use a special top coat, or you can put into practice simple methods, which will be discussed later. Most brands have released lines of matte varnishes, but in this case you still need a top, otherwise such a manicure will soon need to be updated again.

Adding a matte finish to regular nail polish

How to make a matte manicure with ordinary varnish? A manicure with a matte varnish can be done quickly and easily, but what if you don’t have one at hand? The most sophisticated methods are used. Let's start with the officially recognized technology, but let's not shy away from original approaches.

  1. Start with a base coat, then a color coat, and after the polish has dried (usually 3 to 5 minutes drying time), cover your nails with a matte effect top coat. This is the easiest and most effective way, but there are several others.
  2. Buy a matte finish. Unfortunately, this option will not last long, so it is better to return to the first point.
  3. Particularly economical Internet users suggest using corn starch. With this ingredient, it is very easy to turn gloss into a matte manicure. You need to cover the nails with a base coat, and then mix a few drops of the most common varnish with a pinch of starch on a palette or foil and apply the resulting substance to the nail plate. After drying, the color will be a little lighter, but matte.
  4. The latter method is very popular with avid experimenters. Many girls, wondering: how to make varnish matte, the first thing they use is a steam bath. Although I, for example, do not quite like this option. After all, under the influence of high temperatures, dangerous substances can evaporate. The technique is simple. When you apply a colored layer, immediately place your hand over boiling water, so that the nails are doused with this very steam, but do not burn. In the common people, a pot of water brought to a boil is used as an inventory, but hands must be kept at a safe distance from boiling water (15-20 cm).

Technology for creating a matte manicure with gel polish

Matte nail design with gel polish, like the usual one, includes the use of an appropriate top coat, but there are other options. Do not forget that gel polish manufacturers recently pleased their customers with a top coat with a satin and velvet effect. Any ideas of a matte manicure can be implemented both in a traditional way and in an original way.

  1. The first option involves the use of a special matte top. After drying the last color layer, apply a matte top, dry under the lamp and remove the sticky layer. UV - 2 min. / LED - 30 sec. As you can see, everything is very simple.
  2. In the second case, the already completed manicure with gel polish must be carefully sanded, but do not overdo it, you only need to remove the gloss.
  3. After applying the last color layer, do not rush to put your hand under the lamp, first sprinkle the nails with acrylic powder, and then dry it. After two minutes in a UV lamp or 30 seconds on ice, brush off excess powder with a brush.
  4. Try to do a manicure with gel polish, but do not remove the sticky layer after drying the top, but rather sprinkle it with matte dust, and, as usual, get rid of the excess with a brush.

It doesn't matter if you want a black matte manicure or a combined matte manicure with a glossy pattern, in any case, you will have to choose one of the above methods for obtaining a matte finish.

Matte french gel

How to make a matte manicure gel polish in French style? When creating a jacket with gel polish, supernatural abilities and overwhelming efforts are not required. All you need is black gel polish and Matte Top It Off (Gelish), it will provide a velvety surface and protect such an amazing manicure from chipping.

Before starting, bring your nails to the desired shape, treat the cuticle and, as usual when working with gel polishes, remove the gloss with a buff. Clean the surface of the plate from dust with a lint-free cloth and apply a dehydrator or, in other words, an acid-free primer. In this case it is Gelish pH Bond. For the dehydrator to dry well, you need to wait 15 seconds.

But this preparatory work is not finished, it's time for the Foundation Base Gel, in this case we used Gelish. Dry in a lamp for 5-10 seconds in LED and a minute under UV. And then follow the steps according to the step-by-step photo.

  1. In the photo, the gel polish is in black, but you can choose absolutely any color. We apply the first layer, seal the end and dry. 30 seconds in LED and two minutes under UV.
  2. Completely repeat the first step again.
  3. Now apply Matte Top It Off (Gelish), dry (drying time is the same as in the first two steps). Remove the tacky layer with a lint-free cloth and Cleanse.
  4. On the tip of the French-style nail, apply the top coat of Top It Off (Gelish) gel polish. Drying time 30sec./2 min.
  5. Massage with cuticle oil.
  6. Remove the sticky layer.

That's all the matte manicure with gel polish is ready. As you can see, it is not difficult to make a matte manicure at home. Try using beige instead of black gel, it is more discreet and suitable for every day.

cat eye design

A cat-eye manicure with a matte top does not lose its appeal. If the glossy effect adds sophistication to such a design, then the matte effect makes it mysterious and more exotic. If you don’t know which manicure for short nails to choose for the holiday, of course, the feline one would be ideal.

You can choose any colors, blue, gray, green, white or burgundy, but remember that nude is in trend today, that is, beige. And to make art more festive, you can decorate it with rhinestones or drawings.

Manicure with rhinestones

To put your nails in order for the holiday, it is not necessary to run headlong to the salon. Try to make a manicure with rhinestones yourself. Start with simple options presented in the photo gallery. A red matte manicure inlaid with stones and crystals will look very impressive. It is enough to add a red dress and your image of a fatal beauty at a festive evening will not leave anyone indifferent.

Manicure with rhinestones is easy to do. All that is needed is to cover the nails with varnish, then with a matte top and after it dries with glue, glue the rhinestones. Instead of a top coat, it is possible to use matte dust, which is practically rubbed into the not yet dried layer of varnish. The result is a velvet design embellished with crystals.

What color to choose

Usually, depending on the chosen dress, the choice of varnish color also depends, but you should not write off your own preferences.

  • romantic ladies usually choose pink manicure;
  • sophisticated and self-confident women of fashion - blue manicure;
  • those who love shocking are prone to a bright palette: red, green, orange, but in any case, matte nails look muted than glossy ones;
  • democratic business ladies - beige.

Matte nails are a well-chosen direction for a business environment. Nude matte manicure without frills, always appropriate for negotiations or just in the office.

French Style Ideas

Matte French manicure in terms of execution technique differs only in that a smile is neatly drawn after a matte top. In terms of color palette, such a design is absolutely inorganic, but the best solution would be to work in one color, so the design will be in one tone, and it is desirable to make a smile, unlike the base, glossy. While the possibilities are endless, many use glitter or a contrasting color on the tip of the nail.

Manicure 2017 fashion trends photo:

White and beige, black or blue and gold are especially beautifully combined. Don't be afraid to play with texture and contrast. In the trend, though simplicity, but not gloomy dullness. After all, even a beige jacket can be made boring.

2017 photo gel:

Nail design using a matte finish always looks chic and stylish. In our article you can see photos of a beautiful matte manicure. This type is very popular among the fairer sex, who follow fashion trends in nail design.

World designers of gel manicure, for many years in a row, have been focusing on matte manicure. Every time there are new solutions that delight fashionistas with non-standard and innovative ideas.

It's good that in the past there was a time when a woman had to give an ordinary glossy varnish a matte finish, first make up her nails, and then hold them over the steam.

Nowadays, thanks to the latest developments in modern industry, lovers of matte manicure can use a special coating with a matting effect.

There is also a wide range of matt lacquers available. A sufficiently large selection of colors can satisfy even the most capricious tastes of women.

Still, the matte finish has its “minus” - it focuses on even the most inconspicuous defects of the nail plate.

That is why it is so important before applying varnish, carefully, slowly prepare the nail. Its surface must be absolutely flat.

Actual colors for matte manicure in 2018

If we talk about the choice of tone, you need to pay attention to the fact that the most successful matte finish looks when it is made in bright saturated colors.
Blue is considered the leader in the color palette this year. Fashionistas can try all its shades. It can be deep blue (closer to black) and rich shades of "aquamarine".

If a girl has a desire to perform a summer manicure in the “sea” style, cornflower blue, blue, azure, and turquoise shades are perfect for its base.

Sexy red color in the nail design of the 2018 season does not lose its leadership position. It seems to be relevant at all times. When the classic red is already tired, the girl can choose the color of Marsala, strict burgundy, "royal" cherry, attractive chocolate.

A manicure with a matte finish looks “expensive” if black was chosen to create it. Visually, it seems that the nails are “royal” velvet. This type of nail design will be wonderfully combined with an elegant evening dress. It perfectly focuses on the beautiful shape of female fingers and the refined shape of the girl's hands.

The important thing is that juicy shades are not the only possible option. Ladies who prefer delicate images will certainly be delighted with pastel colors. You can safely choose one of the feminine colors: mint, pink, lilac, peach, lavender.

Those girls who lead an active lifestyle will undoubtedly be delighted with bright warm yellow and orange tones. They contribute to the creation of a joyful summer mood not only for the owner of such a manicure, but also for people who are nearby.

It cannot be said that white and beige colors were “overboard” this season. They can and should be used in design. There is one “but” - these tones should only be used as an additional color, otherwise the manicure will seem “sad” and pale.

Design with a matte effect: an overview of the TOP best colors of gel polish 2018

Stylish matte manicure: trends and directions in 2018

Lace design

If you perform a matte manicure, the lace pattern on the nails will look magical, as if it is shrouded in mist. For a girl, if she prefers such a manicure, lace will add sophistication and elegance to the image.

In a word, the lace pattern is chosen by those ladies who want their image to be associated with the real lady. When creating lace on the matte surface of the nail, the technique of applying points and lines is used.

To make lines, take a thin brush or needle. For points, a special device is used - dots. If this tool is not at hand, ordinary hairpins will successfully replace it. At the end of the hairpin there is the same metal ball as the dots sticks.

Patterns and ornaments

Matte manicure is already well-groomed beautiful nails, without additional decor. If you wish, you can realize the wildest fantasies by decorating a matte manicure with an ornament or pattern. Creativity has no limits, as does the pursuit of excellence.

The combination of glossy and matte varnish looks quite attractive and “fresh”. It's easier than ever to implement ideas on the theme of French manicure.

For example, the nail plate itself is covered with matte varnish, and the “smile” is painted with glossy varnish of the same tone. If you do the opposite, it will also come out original!

Now it is important to use all kinds of geometric patterns. Draw on nails: straight and wavy lines, broken lines, ovals, zigzags, circles, spirals. Perform them with contrasting colors. Alternatively, a glossy varnish is also appropriate. To make the drawing clear and neat, you should use adhesive tape or a stencil.

If you learn how to use stamping (this is such a special stamp), you can create interesting pictures on the nail plate. The result is an intricate tandem of gloss with a matte surface. This manicure looks amazing.

Even someone who can't draw can do the job. To do this, you need to take a dots or a thin brush and apply dots with a glossy varnish.

Stylish is the design in which three-dimensional pictures protrude above the surface of the nail plate.

Photo of the best ideas with matte varnish with lace and patterns

Fashion trends in moon manicure

What is a "moon" matte manicure? What is its feature? This is a non-standard version of the famous classic French manicure.

In this variant, a kind of displacement is used. The standard "smile" becomes a "crescent", and instead of being at the tip of the nail, it is located at the base of the nail plate. Interestingly, the "crescent" is drawn, if desired, in one of the directions.

There is one caveat: when a jacket is combined with a moon manicure, the same direction of the “smile” and “crescent” is assumed.

If you use contrasting colors when creating a moon manicure, then in 2018 it is very fashionable. In this version of the manicure, you can “play” with rich colors, which is not allowed in strict French.

A combination of tones is allowed:

  • white with chocolate;
  • yellow with orange;
  • black with peach;
  • purple with white;
  • golden with blue;
  • red with blue;
  • yellow with green.

Stylists, for the most part, consider the most successful tandems of this season - these are unions: white and black, "silver" and "gold", red and beige, white and red. Choosing one of these options, a female person will look fashionable and stylish.

For those who work in institutions, classic combinations of moon nail designs are presented.

For example, unions look great in a business style:

  • white and soft pink;
  • translucent and white;
  • black and white;
  • beige and black.

When choosing shades to create a moon manicure, you must also choose a method for applying varnish. This nuance should not be forgotten. For one shape of the nail, a crescent is suitable, one to one similar to the shape of the hole.

For another shape, it is better to choose a crescent that extends beyond the boundaries of the hole. Lunar manicure has a unique ability. It seems that the nail plate becomes shorter than it really is.

That's why girls who have short nails should opt for a traditional French manicure.

It may seem strange to some, but too long nail plates are not quite suitable for “anti-french”. It doesn't look very attractive. It is best to choose this option for those women who have nails of medium length.

Rhinestones when performing a matte manicure in 2018

Every woman strives to create her own unique image, so as not to be like anyone else. Few want to repeat themselves. Fashionistas immediately catch new fashion trends. This also applies to nail design. The article below presents photos - new 2018 matte manicure with rhinestones. This year, the emphasis is on bright exquisite shades of varnish, various patterns, additions with stones and rhinestones.

Medium length nails continue to be popular. They should only protrude slightly beyond the ball of the finger. Not inferior to its leadership position and long nails. It is very important that their shape is correctly chosen. The trend is rectangular nails, the edges of which are rounded. The almond shape is a great option. Rectangular and sharp shapes are a thing of the past.

Most girls prefer to decorate their nails. To do this, they use a variety of accessories.
The most popular among other types of design is decorating nails with shiny rhinestones. Many women are attracted to their sparkling brilliance. Rhinestones shimmer like precious stones, giving the manicure luxury and sophistication.

Designers believe that coatings with plum, burgundy, cherry shades will look most advantageous. Glossy varnish can also be considered. The trend of the season is “calm” shades. The original design will look if you use rhinestones to decorate nails.

Fashionable matte jacket

How does a classic jacket turn out if you use matte varnish for design? Such a manicure looks like an innovative idea. When creating it, you can realize your desires by experimenting with color schemes and the texture of the coating.

Combining a classic jacket with a matte varnish and a moon one with a glossy varnish (or sparkling) is a great idea for owners of nails of different lengths. This type of nail design will perfectly complement any outfit.

It will be appropriate in various situations. The girl will feel comfortable in any situation: at work, at a party, and at a gala event.

As mentioned earlier, it's simple. Cover the nail plate with matte varnish. "Smile" is drawn with gloss of the same color. Everything. Nails look amazing!

By the same principle, a moon manicure is performed, as it is called “anti-french” in another way. In this case, the hole is drawn with a glossy varnish, and not the edge of the nail. If you change the glossy and matte varnish in places, the manicure will look new.

Color variation is appropriate. Designers, when performing a beautiful manicure, are advised to apply contrasting colors. For example, white will suit: purple, black, blue. Both shiny and matte can act as a "contrast".

As you can see, there are no particular difficulties. In the process of creating a matte manicure, you can use various fantasies and preferences. In order for the image to be unique, a girl can choose her own, corresponding to her inner "I", a unique option.

Matte manicure tips for short nails

It is assumed that short nails will be popular for a few more years, as the fashion for all natural does not give up its leading position. This is also explained by the fact that girls and women have to spend more effort on caring for long nails.

It is not very convenient to do household chores with them. But with short nails there are no such restrictions. They are comfortable both at work and at home.

If the lady has short nails, a good option would be to choose a coating of the same color. It is able to focus on the ideal shape of the nails.

In the event that there is a desire to draw special attention to yourself, you need to choose a gradient coating. Two colors are used here in contrast. It is necessary to apply them in such a way that there is no clearly defined border between them, and the colors smoothly transition from one to another.

Geometric ornaments look great on short nails. Patterns do not take up much space, and will serve as a great addition to the manicure. It will not be difficult to fulfill them. Each girl will be able to create a beautiful and fashionable manicure with geometry.

Photo matte manicure for short nails

How to use a glossy varnish to make a matte finish

In the event that there was no matte varnish at home, and you want to do a manicure, this is not a reason to be upset. It will not be difficult for a girl to create a matte manicure without resorting to the help of a specialist. It is enough to choose among your glossy varnishes the one that matches your mood, and then boil water in a container.

Below is a step-by-step description of how you can create a matte manicure at home without a matte finish.

  1. Put a small pot of water on the fire and bring it to a boil.
  2. Nails should be painted with any varnish you like (which is at home).
  3. Once the varnish is applied to the nails, it is not necessary to wait for drying. They bring their hands to a saucepan with boiling water, and hold the nails for 15 seconds over the steam. The gloss will disappear, and the glossy surface will become matte.
  4. You need to wait until the coating is completely dry. It won't take that much time. It takes the same number of minutes for the varnish to dry without additional processing.

So, “magically” the coating becomes matte! It should be noted that a 100% velvety structure will not work. The perfect matte manicure is obtained only when the varnish is used, which is sold in stores. Anyway, the girl will be satisfied with the result.

Nails with a matte finish look fashionable and “fresh”. You shouldn't deviate from the "classics". In fashion: blue, red, black, shades of "burgundy" and "plum".

Those ladies who love romance and the style associated with it can apply natural calm tones. Cream color, being versatile, also looks great in any situation.

Video: Simple manicure with rhinestones gel polish

The nuances of a flawless matte manicure

In this type of manicure, the use of light colors is not entirely desirable. There will be no expression. Here is why preference should be given:

  • grey-blue;
  • black
  • green (closer to emerald);
  • pink with a hint of lilac (fuchsia);
  • gray
  • ash-lilac shades.

The secret to a perfect matte manicure

So that the nails do not look "dirty", it is better to use plain varnishes. If there are sparkles in the matte varnish, or mother-of-pearl is used in it, there is no need to talk about the well-groomed appearance of the nails.

Matte polish looks perfect on oval-shaped nails. If the owner of a manicure has square nails, it will look rough.

When a girl makes a matte manicure for herself at home, to get an excellent result, varnish on all nails should not be applied at once. It is necessary to paint 2 or 3 nails first.

Then, to create a matte effect, hold them over steam. Already then the next nails are made out.

The best matte varnish manicure ideas in 2018

If a girl thinks that a solid matte finish is very "strict", this "strictness" can be softened. To do this, use glossy accents with varnish. For example, you can get a matte French manicure if you cover the edge of the nail with clear varnish.

Another option is to use colored enamel to cover the tips of the nails. In exactly the same way, dots are placed randomly. You can do a drawing. On a velvet background, the gloss will look perfect. Use an almost transparent varnish or the same tone.


In no case should you apply a greasy cream to your hands (for the purpose of moisturizing) before performing a manicure. The effect of "velvet" will not work.

Matte lacquer has such a “plus” - this is its ability to hide scratches that accidentally form on a manicure. The reverse side is that the most insignificant flaws are visible on such a varnish. That is why before you create a manicure, you need to carefully polish your nails.

Matte nail polish lasts longer than glossy nail polish. That is why, having strength, it can eat into the nail plate.

To ensure that after the coating is removed, the nails do not stain with the color of the varnish (especially for dark tones), it is necessary to apply the base - the coating before applying the colored varnish.

Step-by-step video - lesson: the perfect matte manicure with a pattern and rhinestones

Among the fashionable novelties of 2017, matte manicure stands out. And although this nail design has been used for a long time, it is still very popular.

There are more and more new creative patterns and stylish tricks - all this adds originality to the nails.

There are several ways to create a matte manicure at home. The easiest way to purchase a matte varnish in a specialty store, where you can choose the shade that suits you.

The second way to add a matte effect to your nails is to buy a special varnish coating. As a rule, it is suitable for any type of manicure made with gel polish, shellac or simple varnish. Some of these coatings additionally strengthen the nail plates.

At home, some fashionistas create a matte manicure using steam or starch - they help to achieve this unusual effect.

The main advantages of matte manicure

A manicure with a matte effect is to the liking of many modern fashionistas, and for good reason, because it has a number of advantages compared to other designs:

  • it is stylish and modern;
  • it is easy to apply it yourself;
  • it dries quickly;
  • manufacturers of matte varnishes offer a wide selection of any shades;
  • matte varnishes evenly fall on the nails.

However, this coverage also has its downsides. For example, with a matte effect on the nails, you can not use fixatives, because this will ruin the whole design.

What matte varnish to choose?

On the modern market, you can find many models of matte varnishes of various quality - both bad and good. Consider three manufacturers that are particularly popular.

  • "LCM Direct" - a huge selection of varnishes, you can find a shade for any design.
  • "OPI" - quick-drying varnishes with a matte effect. At an affordable price, you can choose a color for every taste.
  • "Orly" - varnishes with the effect of matte and gloss. This manufacturer also provides a wide selection of colors.

What do you need for a matte manicure?

To create a nail design with a matte effect, you do not need many tools, you only need:

  • varnish of any color;
  • cotton pads;
  • a bowl or teapot with water;
  • liquid for removing the past coating;
  • nail file.

The design of any manicure should begin with the design of the nail plates. Give them the desired shape with a nail file and sand the nails so that the varnish lays evenly.

For manicure with a matte effect, oval-shaped nails are most suitable, and on square ones, such a design can look rough.

But the most important thing is that the shape of the nail plates on all fingers is the same and neat.

After these procedures, proceed to the creation of the design.

How to create a matte effect on the nails yourself?

Using the example of French nail art, we will figure out how to add this interesting effect to the nails. For a matte manicure, we use black varnish - it will make your jacket even more elegant.

So, instructions on how to create a haze effect with steam:

  • Put a bowl, pot or kettle of water on the fire. You should have time to paint your nails by the time the water boils.
  • Cover 2-3 nails with varnish, then let dry a little and cover them with another layer - this will help the steam to spread evenly over the entire surface of the nail. When this varnish is dry, repeat the procedure with the rest of the fingers.
  • At a height of 15 centimeters, hold your hand over the steam coming from the kettle or bowl. It is enough to hold the nails for one minute.
  • Wait until all the varnish dries well.
  • Cover the tips of the nail with a jacket with a colorless varnish or fixer.

Even at home, fashionistas create the effect of a matte manicure thanks to starch. You can do this in 4 simple steps:

  • Fill a small plate with any starch.
  • Cover your nails with varnish and let dry a little.
  • Using a brush, apply starch to a slightly damp varnish, leave for one minute.
  • Using a brush, gently brush the starch off your nails without touching the varnish.

Sometimes women of fashion add a little starch directly to the container with varnish. Then after that you need to shake it, and then you can apply varnish on your nails. When it dries well, it is also necessary to carefully remove the starch.

You can diversify nail art with interesting solutions, for example, jagged manicure and zebra designs.

To create a scalloped manicure, add a few streaks of clear polish after the matte finish is completely dry.

And to make a zebra manicure, use tape or stencil cover the nail plate with colorless varnish. Such techniques will give elegance to your hands.

How to create a matte effect on gel polish in 6 steps?

If plain polish doesn't work for you and you want a more durable design, go for a matte manicure with gel polish. Then there are two options: you can purchase a coating that will immediately have this effect, or you can polish the applied gel polish with a special nail file to create a haze.

The second method is more complicated and requires certain skills, so let's look at how to apply a matte finish with gel polish.

  • Carry out the procedure for preparing the nails for a manicure.
  • Apply base coat, dry under UV rays.
  • Apply a couple of layers of gel polish, dry under the lamp.
  • Apply top to fix, dry too.
  • Carefully remove the sticky layer.
  • Apply a matte finish for regular polish.

Some women of fashion prefer not to dry the fixative, but immediately cover it with acrylic powder on top.

After that, the nails are dried under a lamp, and then the excess powder is carefully removed with a brush. This makes the manicure not only matte and delicate, but also velvety.

Still not sure which nail design to choose? Then see even more photos of matte manicure with various designs below.

Photo matte manicure