How does a cat react to bright objects? How a cat sees the world. The world in the eyes of a beloved cat

Cats living next to a man for a millennium are still perceived as mysterious creatures with unique abilities. It is not surprising that many owners are interested in the question of how cats see the surrounding space, how their vision differs from ours.

The organs of vision of a cat have unusual features. Their size is striking - the eyes of a pet are very large in relation to the size of the body. They have a convex shape, which provides a view of up to 270 degrees. Eye color ranges from light golden to dark green, with blue in many breeds.

The pupil has an amazing ability - the shape can change depending on the strength of the light stream. The width of the pupil gives out all the experiences, mood and feelings of the beast. Interestingly, in large representatives of the cat family (lions, tigers), the pupils are constantly round.

Another distinguishing feature of the cat's eye is the third eyelid. It acts as a protective barrier, protecting from damage and dust. This is very important for a predator - in the process of hunting, he often has to make his way through grass and branches. The third eyelid can be seen when the cat is at rest with its eyes half closed.

There is a scientifically proven idea about how cats see our world. The vision of domestic predators is of the binocular type. Due to the fact that the monitored areas overlap in a certain way, the animal is able to examine the object with both eyes at once.

Color perception

Unlike most animals that perceive the world around them in black and white, cats have color vision. True, the range of tones that they can distinguish is much smaller than that available to humans. Most cats see the world in blue-gray, but in good light, other colors are available to them:

  • Violet.
  • Green.
  • Blue.

Things are worse with red, brown, orange. Yellow is often confused with white. Nature has not endowed cats with the ability to distinguish between the diverse range of colors that is characteristic of humans. To successfully hunt rodents, it is not at all necessary to identify potential prey by color.

How do cats see in the dark?

Some of the mystical abilities that cats are endowed with do not always correspond to reality. This concerns the claim that pets see perfectly in complete darkness. To perceive surrounding objects visually, a cat needs a small light flux, at least a small part of that which allows a person to distinguish objects in the dark. In complete darkness, the animal cannot see fully, but visual acuity at dusk exceeds that of a human by 8 times. This ability is genetically based - representatives of the cat family had to hunt in the dark.

The eye of a cat has a special structure. It has significantly fewer long-wavelength cones, which are responsible for color perception, than in humans. At the same time, there are many photosensitive receptors, thanks to which the animal perfectly orients itself in twilight conditions. In addition, the bottom of the retina is covered with a special substance - tapetum. With the effect of a mirror, it reflects light, resulting in a cat's vision is much sharper compared to other animals or humans.

Review sector

Any owner of a domestic cat knows perfectly well how lightning fast she can catch a rodent or a bird in one jump, despite the fact that a minute ago all her behavior betrayed a sleepy and lazy person. It is impossible to hold a predator due to the special structure of the eyes. The cat is able to move them relative to the visual axis. The angle of view is up to 270 degrees, so the animal notices everything.

With only one eye, the cat sees 45% of the picture, accurately calculates the distance to the detected moving object. Using along with this sense of smell and hearing, the predator leaves no chance for its prey.

Distance matters

Scientists ophthalmologists with the help of scientific research have revealed that cats lack the ability to distinguish objects located at a distance of more than 20 meters. This is due to the fact that the predator most often has to watch for potential prey from an ambush, when there is no need to notice objects that are far away. Another feature of cat vision is the inability to distinguish everything that is directly in front of the nose, closer than half a meter. In such a situation, the cat uses the organs of smell, whiskers, with the help of which the surrounding air is scanned. When playing with a pet, you should take into account this feature and bring the toy not too close to the muzzle.

Perception of the world

Of great interest to cat lovers were the works of the American photographer Nikolai Lamm, who tried to show with the help of photographs what colors cats can see, how they perceive the surrounding space. The blurring of the images is an illustration of the fact that the animal is able to recognize moving objects well without getting hung up on details. Nature provides for the maximum use of each organ strictly for its intended purpose. For the realization of the hunting instinct for a cat, it is more important not to miss the movement of the prey, while such trifles as the color of the coat, the length of the tail do not matter. A series of photos on the topic - how cats see our world, was created by the master with the involvement of specialists - ophthalmologists, felinologists.

The organs of hearing, which distinguish the height and strength of sound, help animals perceive surrounding objects more fully. In addition, cats have a high ability of tactile perception, involving sensitive organs - vibrissae. They are located not only on the muzzle, but even on the tail.

To a greater extent, the life of an animal passes in the world of smells, which play a more significant role than vision. It is not enough for a cat to see a new object, it is much more important to sniff it.

However, her eyesight is a real survival mechanism for her. The ability to recognize prey in low light conditions makes the cat one of the best hunters in the animal world. Knowing the peculiarities of the pet's perception of the surrounding space, the owner will be able to establish closer contact and understanding with him.

Attractive cat eyes seem to be something amazing. Bright green, blue, yellow, they slyly look at us, and many are simply sure that cats see ghosts and brownies, and the Egyptians believed that these amazing animals communicate with the gods.

Does she really see in absolute darkness and only see shades of gray? How does a cat react to bright objects? And can she see colors?

This amazing animal is shrouded in many myths. Consider the main physiological indicators of cats and cats and try to find out how these animals see.

cat pupils

The first thing we notice when looking into a cat's eyes is the pupils. In the evening they are large and round, and on a sunny day they turn into thin threads. This is due to the fact that cats do not tolerate bright light. These small predators prefer to hunt at night. In order to see the prey, the light of the moon is enough for them.

But in the daylight, the cat sees much worse: bright sunlight blinds it. In order to let in as little light as possible, the cat's pupils constrict. In the sun, the cat often squints and prefers to just take a nap, because on a sunny afternoon she sees everything blurry and indistinct. During a hunt or in a state of excitement, a small predator dilates her pupils in order to better examine prey or danger, while an angry animal, on the contrary, narrows them to focus on the enemy.

Can cats see in the dark?

In the dark, cat eyes glow mysteriously, so people used to believe that these animals perceive what is inaccessible to human eyes. To some extent, this is indeed true - mustachioed hunters see in the dark 10 times better than a person.

Why do cat eyes glow?

The vision of this animal, due to its nocturnal lifestyle, is significantly different from ours. On the back wall of the retina there are special tissues, a kind of mirror that can reflect light to the nerve endings. At night, the cat's pupil dilates to capture as much light as possible. It is the light reflected from the retina that we see when we look at a cat's eyes in the dark. Contrary to popular belief, cats cannot see in absolute darkness. But in a well-known room, thanks to a developed sense of smell, good hearing and mustaches - vibrissae, animals perfectly orient themselves even without a light source.

How far can a cat see?

Cats actively react to objects that are in motion. These small predators can notice a running mouse at a distance of 800 meters, clearly see objects at a distance of up to 60 meters. But things located directly under the nose, closer than half a meter, the cat sees poorly. You probably noticed that if you put something right next to the cat, then she will first of all begin to sniff it, receiving information using smell and touch.

For effective hunting, the animal does not need to see the prey in detail. The main thing is to determine the distance to the victim well, the direction of its movement. And the cat's vision is designed for just that. The organs of vision of the cat are located close to each other, which allows you to see the object with the left and right eyes at the same time. Thanks to this, the animal can very accurately determine the shape and size of prey. A cat's field of view is 20 degrees wider than a human's, and they see much better in the horizontal plane.

25 shades of gray

Many are interested in how a cat reacts to bright objects, because in nature its main prey is a nondescript gray mouse. It is precisely in order to distinguish and highlight from the environment many shades of gray that cat vision is designed. The question remains whether the animal sees any other colors.

What colors does a cat see?

For a long time it was believed that animals see the world in black and white, so the question of how a cat reacts to bright objects was not raised. But modern scientists have carefully studied the structure of the cat's eye.

Nerve endings in the organs of vision are represented by two types - cones and rods. Rods are responsible for the perception of light, and cones - colors - blue, green and red. There are very few cones responsible for the perception of red in the cat's eye, so it can be understood that animals distinguish well only blue and green shades. But there are a lot of rods in the cat's eye, which allows them to see well with a lack of light. Cats do not see the difference between red and green, and perceive shades of blue as one color, but still they have color vision.

Vision and behavior of a cat

Owners are interested not only in how the animal reacts to bright objects. The cat often shows interest in the TV, but can she see the image on the screen? Scientists believe that cats can only see flicker. However, the researchers note that the animal can see movement. Indeed, many owners claim that their pets enjoy watching animal shows, especially those with hunting scenes. Cats see themselves in the mirror perfectly. Many young animals, seeing their reflection for the first time, mistake it for a rival, and may even sneak up and attack.

How does a cat see its owner?

From a distance, they are able to recognize only a fuzzy silhouette, and a close face turns into a blur. In close communication with the owner, the cat focuses primarily on the smell.

How does a cat react to bright objects and toys?

There are owners who claim that their pets prefer toys of certain colors. Most likely, this is an individual feature, and no pattern has been identified. Therefore, when buying toys, you can safely be guided by your own taste.

How is cat vision different from human vision?

Yes, you can read that cats see better in the dark, their field of view is wider and they perceive colors differently. But it's pretty hard to imagine. Fortunately, photographer and retoucher Nikolai Lamm decided to demonstrate how our pets see the world. Thanks to a series of his photographs, we can easily find ourselves in a cat's shoes. He contacted veterinarians and cat specialists, and with their help he was able to replicate the animal's vision.

How to understand that a cat has vision problems

Cats are prone to various eye diseases. An attentive owner should be alert if the animal rubs its muzzle with its paws, blinks often, avoids bright light, the eyes become cloudy, tears flow, pus appears in the corners, and the eyelids are swollen. This is a reason to go to the vet. The most common eye disease in cats is conjunctivitis. Especially often it affects street animals. There are some really serious problems. The cat may begin to lose sight, simply go blind, but this is not immediately noticeable. Even a completely blind animal can navigate the house well.

How to define vision loss?

Firstly, the cat stops jumping on its favorite places - high cabinets, shelves, or does it awkwardly, misses, falls.

Second, she stumbles upon new or rearranged furniture.

Thirdly, her pupils do not narrow even in the bright sun.

Fourth, she stops responding to her favorite toys.

Finally, the animal does not look directly at you, if you are addressing it, the gaze is defocused.

If you notice any signs of visual impairment in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately. Even if the cat is blind, this is by no means a reason to refuse it. A pet will be able to live a full life if you follow a few simple rules: do not let the animal out on the street, do not change the location of food bowls and the tray without a special reason.

How a cat sees and perceives stationary and moving objects

Among the most impressive discoveries made in the second half of the twentieth century are the discoveries of two American physiologists - Hubel And Vizela, which recorded the electrical activity of individual cells in the visual cortex of the cat's brain when presented with simple visual figures.

Light stripes were used, projected by a projector onto a screen placed in front of the cat. Hubel and Wiesel found that in some cells, electrical activity occurs when a strip of light is presented to a cat at a certain angle. Only at a given inclination of the strip, the brain cell responded with excitation in the form of a long stream of impulses, and when the angle changed, it was “silent”.

Different cells respond to different tilt angles.

  • The cat was presented with differently oriented lines (they are shown on the left). An individual brain cell was excited only at a certain orientation of the line. This can be seen from the recording of electrical spike potentials.

Cells deep in the brain respond to more general characteristics of irritation, and the answer is no matter which part of the retina is stimulated by light.

Other cells of the cat's visual area are sensitive only to movement, and to movement in only one direction.

  • The arrows indicate different directions of motion of the strip of light that were presented to the eye. Registration of electrical impulses shows that certain cells are excited only when the eyes move in one direction.

These discoveries are of the greatest importance, since they show that there are analytical mechanisms in the brain that single out certain features of objects.

The cat, which has been living next to man for so many millennia, still remains a mysterious and mysterious creature for us. That is why the cat has always been considered an indispensable companion of people who know a lot about magical rituals. And, apparently, it is not in vain that popular rumor ascribes mystical features to them - the ability to live nine lives in a row and at the same time see what is inaccessible to us.

Looking into the bottomless, yellow-green eyes of a pet, each of the happy owners of a cat at least once in his life thought -? After all, it is quite clear that the perception of the surrounding reality by such majestic creatures is something out of the ordinary, at least in human understanding.

The cat surveys the world with all the senses simultaneously, and even the visible pictures she considers and feels not only with the help of her eyes. But it is the eyes that give this animal that very phenomenal mystery: they are expressive, and if we compare all the feline representatives with each other, then in a domestic cat they are the largest, relative to the proportions of the body itself. The color of the iris is always individual, they can be sky blue, ocher gold, and emerald green. The cat's eye gets the ability to glow in complete darkness thanks to a special reflective layer. The tapetum, as it is called, is located behind the retina.

Vertical pupils, under the influence of external stimuli, are able to change their outlines almost instantly. Depending on the condition of the cat, her mood, lighting and time of day, the pupil may become round or slit-like.

The feelings and experiences of your pet can be studied precisely by these changes - to see love, relaxation, bliss in the cat's eyes, or vice versa, fear, anxiety and vigilance. The constriction of the pupil occurs due to the force of compression of the iris. An interesting feature is that large representatives of the family, for example, lions and tigers, do not have the ability to modify the pupil, their eyes are always the same shape - round.

How do cats see?

It is known that felines cannot focus their eyes on small things, which means that the overall picture of reality is a little blurred for them. So, for example, their vision of large panoramas and distant objects resembles human vision with myopia.

But those objects that move, regardless of the available speed of their movement, the cat's eye tracks very clearly. After all, this skill is required for successful hunting. However, it should be noted that our belief in absolute feline vision is slightly erroneous. The ability of the animal to survey the surroundings in impenetrable darkness has not been proven by zoologists. And yet, in the dark, a cat sees better than a person, about eight times, this certainly requires a minimum intensity of the light flux, compared with the intensity at which a person himself can distinguish the contours of objects. Only the special structure of the eye allows a pet to see at night much better than people.

The most amazing aspect of cat vision is the viewing angle. For comparison, the human sector is only 180 degrees, while in a cat it reaches 270. Such vision can be characterized in two words - binocular and stereoscopic. The animal has a truly unique feature: to move its eyes, changing the visual axis. This can be described as follows: a cat, with one of its eyes, sees the object it needs only 45% of the full image, but at the same time it is able to calculate in detail the distance that needs to be covered in order to get closer to the object of interest as quickly as possible. It is precisely these that explain the fact that even a dozing animal is capable of grabbing a mouse running past with its claws with one sharp movement. The breadth of angular vision in cats is also much greater than in humans.

Green cones were found in the cat's eyes, which are responsible for long-wavelength perception. There are somewhat fewer of them than in humans, but even this number gives the animal the opportunity to look at the environment and see a color picture. True, the cat's vision palette is much dimmer and smaller. More specifically, a cat cannot distinguish the blue of the sky, the green of the leaves, or the crimson of the sunset. But the general spectrum, without detailing the shades, is quite accessible to them. So, the world, in the usual representation of a cat, looks bluish-gray, with inclusions of brown, yellow, purple and orange. A person, on the other hand, has a completely different receptor set, and therefore the gamut of perceived shades and midtones is much wider.

These animals also have such an organ as the third eyelid, which can protrude from the corners of the eyes, while wetting the cornea and removing dust and small particles from it that can damage the organ of vision. When a cat is dozing, on the surface of her eyes you can see the thinnest film, this is the nictitating membrane.

But the eyes for cats are not the main organ of perception, animal sensitivity is also focused on hearing and smell. In addition, luxurious mustaches and eyebrows, scientifically called vibrissae, also represent an additional sensory organ. With the help of which the cat not only learns the world, but also clearly demonstrates its attitude to what is happening around it. And smells for a pet are undoubtedly more significant than sight, because each new object is not only examined by the animal, but also carefully sniffed.

Many animal lovers wonder how cats see our world. This is very different from the perception of the surrounding people. This is largely due to the structure of the eyes of animals.

The structure and features of the cat's eyes

Cats have very large, protruding eyes. They go deep into the skull. This limits the movement of the eyes, in order to examine the object located on the sides, the cat must turn its head. Despite this, the overview of animals is much larger. It is approximately 200 degrees. This is due to the bulge of the eyeball. Structural features:

  • The lens is larger than that of a human.
  • The cat clearly sees only at close range and only what the eye is focused on.
  • The retina of the eye is made up of cells that respond to light. There are a lot more sticks. It is they who react to light, and the "cones" - to the color gamut. In cats, it is predominantly blue-yellow with an addition of green.

The cat recognizes fast moving objects well (at a speed of 48 frames per minute) just due to the “sticks”. However, this also has its drawbacks. The cat may not pay attention to slow movements, or not notice them at all.

Evaluation of far and near views

There is an opinion that a cat recognizes well only objects that are close. Scientists have confirmed that these animals are indeed nearsighted. They distinguish objects well only at a distance of up to twenty meters. Everything that is further, the cat sees everything very blurry, without contours and borders.

At the same time, the animal also distinguishes between objects that are directly in front of its muzzle or at a distance of up to 0.5 meters. In this case, mustaches and ears help to survey the near world.

The famous explorer and artist Nikolai Lamm was able to take a series of photos that show how a cat sees the world around him with his own eyes. Cat's eyes are the most adapted for capturing fast movements. A person can only notice a gliding shadow, and an animal can see not only a running mouse in detail, but also its route.

Features of the vision of four-legged pets

The vision of representatives of the cat family, scientists refer, as in humans, to the binocular type. The animal can look at objects with both eyes at once. This is laid down by nature for the possibility of hunting or orientation in the area. Thanks to the interesting structure of the eyes, the cat quickly and at a distance determines the location of prey.

  • From ancient ancestors, the animal received a stereoscopic visual type. The cat sees the world in three dimensions. This helps to accurately determine the distances to objects of interest.
  • The cat perfectly sees moving objects on a horizontal surface. To view the sides and top, the animal turns its head. However, this does not detract from the ability to accurately determine the distance for the jump, although this changes the angle of view.
  • The cat does not see motionless objects well, but moving objects are excellent. Animals have vertical pupils, the constriction of which is more intense from the brightness of the light. In twilight or darkness, on the contrary, expansion occurs. Such features of the pupils allow animals to see perfectly in any light intensity, regardless of the time of day.

The cat has a third eyelid, endowed with a protective function. It saves the eyeball from injury and drying out. Due to the third eyelid, the cat can look for a long time without blinking.

Seeing the world in twilight or darkness

Animals see in the dark due to the unique structure of the retina. The receptors are the same as in humans - cones and rods. However, the former are less than the latter by about twenty-five times. The organs of cat vision have many light-sensitive receptors. They allow animals to navigate perfectly even in poor lighting conditions.

At the same time, the look of cats glows. This is due to the presence of the tapetum, a layer of substance that covers the back surface of the retina of the cat's eye. It acts like a mirror, the light from the tapetum is reflected. As a result, the cat is endowed with sharper vision than humans.

In total darkness, a cat, like a person, does not see anything. Visual acuity is significantly reduced. The animal cannot distinguish the outlines of objects. However, if there is even a very weak light source, a cat's vision becomes much sharper than a human's. The cat sees perfectly in the twilight. In low light, the visual acuity of an animal is 7 times higher than that of a human.

Color range of perception

Many animals see the world in black and white. However, cat vision is endowed with a more diverse range of shades. However, their color vision is very different from that of humans. The cat does not clearly see all the colors, but only their rich spectrum of shades. Features of color differences:

  • According to an old theory, an animal can only distinguish 25 shades of gray. This was due to the fact that the cat often hunts for rodents. The color of their skin is just painted in a variety of gray shades. It was believed that it was their cat that could spill in poor lighting.
  • Modern scientists have already proven that the color scheme of the cat's eye is very diverse. The animal is able to distinguish other shades besides gray - blue, green, yellow. However, in the feline version, the shades are dimmer, lacking brightness.
  • Do cats cut colors? Animals see mostly hay-yellow spectrum. Very badly distinguish between red and green. Often confused with yellow and white, brown with red and orange. For cat breeds, a variety of colors is not necessary for life. For them, it does not matter what color (and how saturated it is) the surrounding objects are painted.

The cat sees people not only with ordinary vision, but also with the internal one, and the sense of smell also helps. There is an opinion that animals consider people to be simply great relatives, whose duties include the care and maintenance of smaller brothers. However, due to the peculiarities of the organs of vision, when contact is too close or 6 meters away, the cat sees the owner very vaguely and is more guided by smell.

Features of the energy perception of the world

Since ancient times, stories about the uniqueness of cat vision have been transmitted - to see what is inaccessible to the human eye. For example, energy entities or ghosts of the other world, brownies, dark forces. Features of energy perception:

  • The cat really has a strong aura, which extends not only to itself, but also to the surrounding people and space.
  • The animal is able not only to protect the world from negative energy, but also to eliminate the existing one. This is confirmed by numerous cases when a cat heals its owners, seeing a painful stream and directing it outside the territory that it considers its own.
  • The animal is just as sensitive to the emotional coloring of a person, which it “sees” with the organs of touch.

A cat can look into the void with dilated pupils, or follow with its eyes something invisible to the human eye. In these cases, perhaps the animal is observing astral entities.

Transmitting what a cat sees through its gaze

What a cat sees, it cannot describe. But she is able to "talk" with her eyes. An animal can be frightened by something invisible to humans. Then the cat looks at the owner with wide-open eyes with dilated pupils. With a normal background of the surrounding world, when from the point of view of the animal, everything is fine, the look is squinted, the pupils are constricted.

Help with seeing the world around you

The ability of a cat to navigate in pitch darkness, and not to stumble upon surrounding objects in twilight, is due to excellent spatial memory, sense of smell and touch. These feelings are indispensable helpers in viewing the world around us.

The cat sees him vaguely, smeared, without clear outlines. These feelings become an addition, replacing the brightness of shades and clear boundaries, which makes it unimportant for a cat how she sees the world - in color or not.

Above the upper lip of the cat, on the chin and above the eyes are vibrissae - thin hairs. They have supersensitivity, helping to better navigate the world around them, and are an important addition to the eyes. As a cat ages, its visual acuity decreases. The mustache is getting longer. This partially compensates for the lost vision.

Lived next to people. In ancient Egypt, they were deified, believing that they see the souls of the dead and are guides to another world. In Europe, in the Middle Ages, black cats were massacred. This animal has always been next to a person, never leaving him indifferent to himself.

Cat's eyes deserve special attention. Their unusual pupil and the size of the eyes themselves gave rise to many mystical speculations. Let's try to figure out what is so remarkable about the vision of the most ancient satellite of man.

Features of cat eyes

We rarely pay attention to the fact that cats have very large eyes relative to their size. Through them, they look at the world with a viewing angle of about 270 °. A man can't do that.

Their pupil reacts to the slightest change in the light flux, changing its shape from a round to a narrow elongated slit. As you know, a cat is a predator, it was not by chance that nature endowed the animal with such vision.

It is believed that the furry predator sees well in the dark. In fact, the cat sees well in minimal light. She needs 10% of the illumination from that which is considered the norm for a person. In this light, we can hardly see anything.

Important!In complete darkness, the animal does not see anything, just like a person.

Some people may object to this that the animal walks around the house at night, orienting itself normally. But the fact is that vision is not the only sense organ of a cat that helps him perceive the surrounding reality. Whiskers, or vibrissae, are ultra-sensitive sensors that help the animal receive information and navigate in space.

The main reasons why cats see in the dark better than humans:

  • cats need only 10% of the illumination that a person needs;
  • in an animal in the eye, there are six times more than in a person, cones responsible for shades;
  • the shape of the eye is in the form of an ellipse, the cornea is large, a special layer on the wall of the eyeball that reflects light. These factors favor night vision, thanks to them, the cat's eyes glow at night;
  • the reflective surface of the eyeball can change the wavelength of the photon that the animal normally sees. This is the reason that the domestic predator perfectly distinguishes objects against the background of the starry sky.
Cats have poor distance vision, especially in daylight.

Important!Objects that are directly in front of them, cats see poorly, due to farsightedness. They can feel the food placed nearby, but it will take them some time to find it.

Shades of colors distinguished by a cat, and what is the difference from human

Previously, there was an opinion that a cat does not tend to distinguish colors, but she sees everything only in gray colors. The main argument for this statement was that the animal hunts at night, and color vision is useless to it.

Modern science has proven this theory wrong. Cats can see many colors normally, though not as well as humans, of course. Their eyesight is different from ours, and the only color they cannot see is red.

This is due to the photoreceptors that are located on the retina of the eye. In humans, these are rods and cones filled with color pigment. They can be red, yellow and blue. All other colors can be obtained by mixing these colors.
There is no red pigment in the cones of our pets. Imagine the complete absence of all kinds of shades of red around, and you will roughly understand how our world is seen.

But this will be a very rough idea, since a cat has six times more receptors than a human, which determine various shades.

Do cats see the paranormal world?

Considered a magical animal. Esotericists believe that, thanks to her aura, she is the guardian of not only a person, but also his family. The animal does not just guard the house from the penetration of otherworldly entities. In the event that they have already settled in the house, the cat expels them.

Remember the old custom: when moving to a new home, be the first to let the cat go there. It is believed that when an evil spirit is found in the house, the cat expels it with the help of its biofield. If the animal fails to do this, then it takes the evil spirits with it, removing the threat from the apartment.
Psychics and all kinds of mediums believe that the animal is able to drive the ghost or the soul of the deceased out of the house, so it is impossible for a cat to be nearby during a seance.

Egypt, Japan, Thailand, Burma - this is an incomplete list of countries where cats are revered and magical abilities are attributed to them. Many of us have seen how a domestic purr rests quietly with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason, the animal jumps into an aggressive stance, begins to hiss, its fur stands on end. There is a feeling that it saw something that we are not given to see.

In fact, scientists explain this by the peculiarities of the animal's vision. As already mentioned, the cat sees perfectly at a distance of up to seven meters, but the animal does not see very well right in front of it.
But vibrissae add a huge amount of information. Therefore, in case of a lack of a visual picture, the mustache complements the "information file" that enters the animal's brain.

The result of such a mixed presentation of information may be an incomprehensible reaction of the animal. Imagine that you have an afternoon siesta, a light nap, a good mood, and then a clear visual image appears in the brain - your child smokes at recess.

Moreover, you do not doubt the veracity of the information. Your reaction will probably be like a cat's sudden outburst of rage.

Did you know?The cat is not able to chew large pieces of food. The reason for this is the inability to move the jaw from side to side, only up and down.

What to believe - scientific justification, or the fact that cats see the other world, is up to you.

Can see far and how far

The eyesight of a cat gives her the ability to see objects well at a distance of up to seven meters. If the subject is further away, the image quality drops. The farther, the more blurred the picture appears before the animal.
But they can notice an object even at a distance of half a kilometer. But at distances up to 1 meter, the eyesight of cats can do little to help.

In such cases, furry predators are rescued by smell and hearing. Do not forget that a huge amount of information comes to the animal through vibrissae. Perhaps, in addition to the feelings known to us, cats have some other, unknown to us.

What do cats see in the mirror and on TV?

Often people laugh at the sight of a cat throwing itself at a mirror. Hissing, and arched back - your pet is ready to attack. The fact is that the animal sees itself in the reflection without realizing it.

A cat, seeing some animal, expects additional information, first of all, from the whiskers. But neither smell nor tactile sensations that complete the picture of what is happening enter the brain.

As a result, there is a semblance of what a person calls cognitive dissonance - a conflict, a discrepancy between the information received and established ideas.
As for the TV, science is of the opinion that apart from the flickering on the monitor, the animal sees nothing else. Sometimes the movement on the screen puts them into a kind of stupor.

But many people know how cats love programs about animals. They are interested in watching birds, cats and other animals. After the transmission ends, they usually leave the room. A reasonable explanation for this has not yet been given.

How does a cat see a person?

Cats see their owners for who they really are. Only the gamut of colors differs, for the reasons mentioned above. If the person is far away, the animal sees a blurry silhouette. If it is very close, right in front of the nose, the outlines are also lost. In this case, the mustache and the smell of the owner help.

Did you know?The Amur tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. It grows up to 3.7 meters long, while reaching more than 3 centners of weight.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the world of such domestic purrs familiar to us is still a secret with seven seals.

Even with all the modern achievements of science in the field of zoology and physiology, much in the life of a cat is incomprehensible to us. This gives rise to a lot of conjectures and attempts of all kinds of explanations of a mystical nature.

Did you know? A cat's body has more than twenty bones more than a human's. The reason an animal can fit through wherever its head goes through isthe absence of clavicles in the body.

With dogs, everything is much simpler, they are completely and completely devoted to a person, ready to protect him even at the cost of their own lives.

Cats, on the other hand, are often independent and somewhat infernal, they seem to make it clear that they are subject to much more than we humans. Perhaps this is the reason for their attractiveness and charm.