How to treat pneumonia in dogs? Pneumonia in Dogs - Aspiration Pneumonia, Signs, Antibiotics

Unfortunately, we often begin to think about the well-being of our pets only if something is clearly wrong with their health. This is very dangerous, as sometimes even professional veterinary care may not be able to help. Fortunately, such serious pathologies are not so common, but pneumonia in dogs often manifests itself so suddenly that every dog ​​breeder should know about its main signs.

This is the name of pneumonia, or an inflammatory process that captures not only the pulmonary alveoli, but also the bronchial mucosa. In dogs, this pathology occurs quite rarely, but each case is very dangerous, since the owners do not always immediately understand the seriousness of the situation. What causes pneumonia in animals? Here are the main factors:

The type of exudate is purulent, serous. Croupous pneumonia is also distinguished: in dogs this variety is quite rare, but the disease in this case is extremely difficult, with a fairly high risk of death. By the way, what is it? This is the name of the most severe pathology, when the walls of the vessels become so permeable that fibrin begins to flow from the blood into the lumen of the alveoli. At the same time, the condition of the animal is so severe that without professional veterinary care, the dog can die in just a couple of days. In the photo, such animals look extremely emaciated, extremely weakened.

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The development of pneumonia of any type takes place in three stages:

  • Primary. It takes no more than five days, is characterized by weak and poorly expressed symptoms.
  • Secondary. During this period, all the signs characteristic of a particular type of pneumonia are already observed. Duration - no more than ten days.
  • Final, which ends with either recovery or death.

As for the current, it can be light, medium, heavy, super heavy. According to the development of the pathological process, pneumonia can be “divided” into acute, subacute and chronic (yes, this happens). An example of the latter case is aspiration pneumonia in dogs. It develops after the smallest foreign bodies (insects when inhaled) or liquids, including drugs, enter the alveoli.

Since in this case some limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe organ is often affected, the pathological process can develop for a very long time. Often, the owners do not suspect anything wrong, believing that their pet just has a mild cold. In very rare cases, the disease can end spontaneously. There is a focus of petrification (literally - petrification), when the affected tissue "pupates", wrapping itself in a capsule of connective tissue.

But you should not relax: chronic pneumonia, which ends in this way, can reappear at any time. If the dog is old, the probability of this approaching 100%. So it is necessary to treat the animal in any case, even if there are no signs of the disease, or they disappeared abruptly.

How is it manifested?

What are the signs that you can understand about serious health problems in your pet? In general, there are more than enough of them, but there are no specific ones among them.

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Judge for yourself:

  • First, there is a cough. As a rule, at first it is loud, hard and painful. For some time, the sound becomes muffled, softer, moisture appears.
  • Animal the temperature rises sharply, the dog refuses to eat, but at the same time he drinks a lot and willingly.
  • In most cases fever appears: it manifests itself in the form of alternating periods of elevated and normal temperatures. This process greatly exhausts the animal, deprives it of strength.
  • Breathing is difficult, with wheezing and wheezing. Very often a runny nose appears, a large number of dried crusts appear near the respiratory openings.

Very often, the owners do not know what. The correct answer is nothing at home. In most cases, the inept use of respiratory stimulants leads to dire consequences.

The dog's tongue and oral mucosa often become bluish or gray. This is due to a serious violation of gas exchange in the affected lungs. Are there any more specific signs that can be accurately diagnosed? Alas, it is impossible to say something definite at home, for this you will need to contact a good veterinary clinic.


First, the experts will take an x-ray. This will help to find out which lobes of the lungs are affected, how far the process has gone. In addition, a blood test is required. This helps to confirm or disprove the presence of localized, severe inflammation in the animal's body. Finally, it is the results of a hematological study that can indicate the specific cause of the disease. Thus, the abundance of eosinophils in the blood (eosinophilic pneumonia) immediately raises the suspicion of a strong helminthic invasion and the presence of a large number of roundworm larvae in the lungs themselves.

However, in some cases, a large amount of these blood cells indicates a problem with hormones. So, in some cases, eosinophilia is caused by an excess of histamine in the body, which, in turn, often occurs with prolonged allergic reactions. In addition, in older dogs it can be provoked by a developed oncological lesion. In a word, there can be a lot of reasons, only an experienced veterinarian can deal with them!

A dog is an active, curious and courageous animal that can often be unaware of the possible consequences of its actions. The task of the owner is to protect the pet in every possible way, create comfortable living conditions for him and follow the elementary rules of keeping. Unfortunately, best friends suffer from acute respiratory diseases, and there is no effective vaccination to prevent such ailments. Inflammation of the lungs in dogs is one of the complications of infectious diseases or a consequence of the improper maintenance of the animal. The disease is extremely dangerous and can be treated with aggressive drugs, so we will briefly consider a possible problem from all sides, knowing the risks, it is easier to prevent troubles or understand how to act correctly.

Among dogs, males are more susceptible to pneumonia - statistically more than 60% of recorded cases. Females are more hardy by nature, their body has additional resources that are designed for the reproduction of offspring.

Pneumonia is more common in medium breeds (from 12 kg) - hunting, hounds, sled dogs and employed dogs. This is due to the physiological and psychological temperament, an active dog gets tired more, as a result, the body may experience a breakdown and a decrease in immune defenses.

In terms of age, the risk group includes:

  • Young dogs that are immunocompromised or in the vaccination period.
  • Middle-aged dogs with pathological diseases.
  • Elderly animals, due to a decrease in the activity of immunity.

Pneumonia is rarely an independent disease, more often - a complication of pre-existing health problems.

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Causes of Pneumonia in Dogs

1. Violation of the rules for keeping pets- dampness and drafts in the home are a direct path to diseases of both animals and owners. Lack of vitamins, trace elements, fatty acids, proteins and fats destroys the dog's immune system.

2. Congenital diseases- any "breed" or chronic disease must be constantly monitored and treated. "Launching" of a sluggish disease will sooner or later manifest itself as complications.

3. Complications due to colds or vaccinations- a virus that has already entered the body can quickly suppress the dog's immunity.

4. Ignoring preventive examinations of working dogs– Animals who give 100% all the time need not only proper rest, but also supportive activities. Weakened immunity should be stimulated immediately, without waiting for "obvious" symptoms.

5. Hypothermia and a sharp temperature contrast- walks in the winter months should be shortened, especially for smooth-haired dogs. Dirty paws are washed only in cold water, otherwise blood vessels are destroyed and there is an additional burden on the heart.

6. Frequent bathing and drafts- the redeemed dog is wiped dry or dried with a hairdryer. Before bathing, the dwelling must be closed all windows and vents. After swimming for at least 2 hours, walks are contraindicated. If the dog runs and shows excessive activity, it cannot be stopped - this is how it heats up.

All of the above causes can be predicted in advance, but do dogs have pneumonia that comes on suddenly? Unfortunately yes. Pneumonia is perceived as an exclusively "cold" disease, but it is not. Inflammation of the lungs is a lesion of the alveoli, leading to abscess, tissue death, impaired gas exchange.

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The acute course of the disease can be caused by:

  • Injury to the respiratory tract and chest.
  • Edema.
  • Filling the lungs with fluid or blood.
  • Burns of the respiratory tract, as a result of inhalation of smoke or chemical fumes.
  • A sharp deep hypothermia, for example, a dog falls through the ice in a pond.

The above causes cannot be eliminated on their own, they require the intervention of a veterinarian. The owner must provide first aid and help the dog in every possible way on the way to the hospital.

Diagnosis - the main symptoms of pneumonia

Signs of pneumonia depend on the degree of damage to the body:

  • An increase in temperature, up to a fever.
  • Cough with phlegm, sneezing, runny nose, lacrimation.
  • Apathy, loss of strength, decreased activity.
  • Loss of appetite and weight.
  • Dehydration.
  • Deterioration of the condition of the coat.
  • Wheezing on expiration.
  • It is easier for a dog to breathe with its paws wide apart or with its neck stretched out - an extremely dangerous symptom.

To understand how to treat a dog, you need to take blood and urine tests, take an x-ray, and undergo an examination at the clinic. If a trip to the clinic is not possible, treatment with targeted antibiotics is excluded.

Treatment for pneumonia in dogs

If you have the opportunity to visit the clinic, the veterinarian will tell you in detail about the process of treating the dog. What to do if there is no opportunity to visit a doctor, how to overcome pneumonia in dogs. Treatment at home is possible, call the clinic and describe the situation, a decent doctor will not refuse to help remotely. The duration of treatment and its actual outcome will depend on your diagnostic abilities.

Most people, one way or another, have heard of pneumonia and know that it is pneumonia. Pneumonia is often accompanied by inflammation of the lower respiratory tract - the bronchi, and then the disease is called bronchopneumonia. With pneumonia, the pathological process develops in the lung tissue, where gas exchange occurs: the body absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. Inflammation of the lungs always carries a potential threat to the life of the animal. In most cases, the cause of pneumonia is an infectious process.

There are various classifications of pneumonia.

Depending on the causative agent, infectious pneumonia is divided into:

1. Fungal. It is mainly caused by the fungus Cryptococcus neoformans, the causative agent of cryptococcosis and is difficult to treat.

3. Bacterial. As a rule, this is a secondary infection associated with bronchotracheitis, which often develops in small puppies when they are transported over long distances, or when feed masses enter the respiratory tract due to megaesophagus (total expansion of the esophagus).

In most cases, pneumonia is bacterial in nature. This means that a bacterial infection quite often complicates the course of the pathological process. Purulent exudate impregnating the lung tissue, an increase in body temperature is her calling card. And most importantly - a potential threat to the life of the animal. In general, the bacterial flora must be constantly monitored and suppressed.

This article is devoted to the treatment of bacterial pneumonia.

Cough, the leading clinical sign of inflammation in the lungs, is a very common symptom of many diseases in dogs and cats. Therefore, the diagnosis of pneumonia cannot be made only on the basis of the results of a clinical examination, an X-ray examination is required. Taking into account the data of the anamnesis of life and illness, it is possible to distinguish patients from the risk group, which should be examined most carefully.
Coughing in puppies purchased from a pet store, market, shelter, or picked up from the street can be a sign of both bronchotracheitis and canine distemper.

Coughing dogs and cats with a high fever, lack of appetite, indifferent to the outside world must definitely undergo an X-ray examination; many patients with pneumonia have no fever, and some even remain normal activity.

Dogs with suspected megaesophagus should be screened for pneumonia, and patients with a confirmed diagnosis should have periodic x-rays.

Kittens with an acute upper respiratory tract infection in the absence of a positive trend in treatment should undergo an x-ray examination.

It is important to remember that bacterial pneumonia is a secondary process that complicates the course of the underlying disease. Therefore, the main task of the doctor is to recognize this disease, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. And this may require additional diagnostic procedures and consultations of specialists, for example, a cardiologist, oncologist, etc.

The condition of an animal with pneumonia can be assessed as:

Stable - the animal has a strong cough, but remains a good appetite and normal activity. Such patients can be treated at home.

Unstable - poor appetite, or lack of it, lethargy and apathy, it is required to place the patient in a hospital.

Critical - the body does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen; the patient requires oxygen therapy and / or artificial ventilation of the lungs, as well as round-the-clock monitoring.

The goal of the treatment is to stabilize the general condition of the patient so that the owners have the opportunity to treat their pet at home, since the duration of therapy is several weeks. If the animal has a good appetite, he is prescribed antibiotics in tablets with food, a course of physiotherapy and periodic x-ray examinations to monitor the dynamics of the disease.

In the case of inpatient treatment, the following therapeutic measures are prescribed for the patient:

Antibiotic therapy
In a hospital setting, antibacterial drugs are used in the form of injections.
Antibiotics work to kill bacteria. It is important that the active substance of the drug penetrates into pus and sputum, not all antibiotics are capable of this. Doctors try to prescribe a combination of antibiotics that complement each other's action to cover the entire spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
In each case, before starting antibiotic therapy, an antibiotic sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, you need to get a tracheal washout. The procedure is performed under sedation. The resulting secret is sent to a bacteriological laboratory, where it is sown on nutrient media, a pure bacterial culture is isolated and titrated for sensitivity to antibiotics. In parallel with the washings, the histology of the bronchi is taken, which is important for the patient's prognosis.

In this case, this is a special massage for better sputum separation. Rapid tapping of the chest contributes to the secretion in the lungs and its removal into the lumen of the bronchi. Once in the respiratory tract, the discharge provokes a cough, which ensures the rapid removal of sputum. This procedure must be carried out at least 4 times a day and as long as the animal continues to cough.
Light physical activity also contributes to a more efficient secretion. It is recommended to avoid overexertion due to respiratory failure. This issue requires an individual approach.

Oxygen therapy
Its appointment is necessary for severe respiratory failure. For the same reason, artificial ventilation may be required. Room air contains about 20% oxygen, and in the gas mixture during oxygen therapy - 40%. A higher concentration is not recommended due to the toxic effect of pure oxygen on lung tissue. A patient requiring this type of therapy is usually in a critical condition.

Infusion therapy ("droppers")
Infusion therapy is carried out in animals that show signs of decompensation (shortness of breath, vomiting, loose stools, refusal to feed). Such therapy should be carried out in a hospital, since the condition of animals with respiratory failure is severe and it is important to carefully monitor such indicators as urine output per hour, an increase in shortness of breath. This cannot be done at home, as there is a risk of developing pulmonary or cerebral edema.

home care

Once the patient regains normal appetite, treatment can be continued at home. And in this case, the owner and his family members are required to strictly follow the rules: Do not allow your pet to stay in cold, damp air for a long time. In inclement and frosty weather, it is better to stay at home.

Tapping massage 4 times a day, light physical activity to stimulate cough.

Do not suppress cough with special cough suppressants. It is necessary to regularly remove the infected secret from the respiratory tract.

Apply antibiotics as directed. The course of treatment is up to several weeks.

The patient requires periodic x-ray examinations.

Discuss any changes in the treatment regimen with your doctor.

The prognosis for pneumonia is cautious. It all depends on the primary problem in each individual animal.

Pneumonia in dogs is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the lungs. There are several types of pneumonia that differ in origin. So, bacterial pneumonia has an infectious origin and often becomes a secondary infection with bronchotracheitis, tracheal collapse, or even a foreign body in the respiratory tract.

Pneumonia is especially dangerous for puppies and aging dogs. In strong adult dogs, this is a very rare disease, because it contributes to the weakening of the protective properties of the body.

Symptoms of pneumonia in dogs

Symptoms largely depend on the condition of the animal. Usually:

  • the dog is breathing heavily and quickly;
  • coughs;
  • she is depressed;
  • not infrequently there is fever, fever;
  • mucous membranes of the mouth acquire a grayish tint;
  • pulse quickens;
  • sometimes .

When stable, the only symptom is sputum. If the condition is not stable, the animal has no appetite, it weakens. If one lung is affected, the dog will avoid lying on that side. If both lungs are affected, it will generally be difficult for her to lie down.

In a critical condition, the body is severely lacking oxygen, it urgently needs ventilation. In any case, it is imperative to seek the help of a veterinarian as soon as possible.

The earlier a disease is diagnosed, the more effective treatment can be. To get rid of pneumonia, a complex of several types of treatment is practiced:

  1. antibiotic therapy,
  2. physiotherapy,
  3. oxygen therapy,
  4. infusion therapy

Often a combination of ampicillin or cefotaxime with gentamicin. Expectorants are also prescribed - terpinhydrate, sodium bicarbonate, antitussive libexin. Aspirin is used to reduce too high a temperature. If there is a threat of pulmonary edema, furosemide and oxygen therapy are necessary. If the pet's condition is critical, he needs urgent hospitalization.