How to find a guy if. Suitable dating sites

VKontakte is a great platform in order to get acquainted with a good guy. Have you also decided to use it? Then take our advice on the note! You will find out where to start, how to prepare your questionnaire, which is the first to write, how to keep the interest of the young man. In addition, we will tell you what mistakes allow girls when correspondence. All this will help you find an interesting interlocutor in VC and establish virtual communication, which in the future will be able to paint into something more.

Before you get acquainted in Vkontakte, you should carefully prepare your profile so that he liked the young man. The page needs to create an attractive and pleasant one. For this:

  1. Fill in detail all the graphs (interests, work, education, etc.) so that a person understands who you are, what is your fond of.
  2. Open the visibility of groups in which the audio recordings, video, photo.
  3. If the profile is registered for a long time, delete excess information: outdated repographs and unnecessary pictures in albums. Instead, download high-quality pictures with you, on which the face and figure is clearly visible. Avoid dark, blurred, bad photos, where it is difficult to distinguish anything.

Features of the search guy in VK

"VKontakte" - a wide platform for finding a potential guy. Here you can quickly get acquainted on the correspondence in the following "places":

  • Groups. Find a group that meets your interests, go in the discussion, Meet and communicate.
  • Games. There are those directed specifically to create relationships. They involved real people who want to find love or nice to talk. The most interesting games: "Bottle: dating, flirting, communication", "Coincide: compatibility dating".
  • Chats. In many groups, people create separate conversations, discussing the questions of interest - is the perfect place to dating. You have the opportunity to know a person closer. The most interesting chats: "7 Sky", "asked, I saw, loved," "let's talk", "Let's be friends and dating.
  • Search for people. Open the "Friends" tab, on the right side, select "Search for people". If you know the name and surname of the person, enter them in the string and click on the ENTER keyboard. Choose the necessary age frames, gender, city, education, etc.

Search for people through a special option

How else can you meet: examples

Here is a detailed instruction how to establish contact with a man in VK:

  • If you liked the guy, communicating in a common chat, offer to go to private messages.
  • Playing online games, rewrite with a guy in chat, then add it to friends. After throwing out links to interesting reposities and pictures that you can discuss. Gradually, you will register communication.
  • If you have found a person through the search for people, you should carefully view its page: photos, videos, audio and video recordings, groups. To start communicating with a guy, Like his photos or wall entries, later repeat the steps. The next day you can already write to private messages or add it to friends.

You can not send messages first, and wait until the guy is interested in you and contact yourself.

What to write an unfamiliar guy

Write the first message on the basis of the guy's interests. For example, you see that he is interested in photography. Write: "Hi. I liked your photos. What camera do you draw pictures? " Then find out, he studied in photoshop or self-taught.

Want to get a detailed step-by-step instruction how to get acquainted with men on the Internet? We advise you to read free check list Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and translate them into lucky real." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the network, where to start acquaintance and how to translate them from the Internet into a real plane.

The book is free. To download, press this link, leave your e-mail and a letter will come to the mail with reference to the PDF file.

Another example. The guy is the group administrator. You can ask you to take you to the team: Search content, write reviews, articles. If a group of music can be written: "Hello! I love different music very much, I would like to join the work on the group. " If about politics: "Hello, I'm interested in politics, you do not dial the guys? I write a good article, I can help. "

More interesting ideas in this article. It will help to decide. You will also learn that you should not send. And you can interest it with the help of our other article. It is told in it.

A few more advice in this video, which will help write the first message:

How to continue communication

At first, the topic is to select the one that will cause the desire from the guy to conduct a dialogue (his interests). As you communicate, we find other options that will be interested in it. Come in groups, look for information interesting to him. The guy will begin to think that you have a lot in common.

You can talk about common neutral themes. These include policies, economics, movies, music, weather. Need to not forget. See in this article Instructions on how to do this by correspondence. Here you will find options for compliments and what you can not write.

How to communicate to like

To enjoy, ask open questions to a guy who need to give a detailed answer. People nice to talk about themselves, so the guy will treat you benevolently.

Support the tempo of communication, convenient to the interlocutor. If you boost without stopping, and the guy is to answer longer than the expected, you will scream, offended, although there are no reasonable reasons.

Do not be accessible to the interlocutor at any time of the day and night, remember independence. If you can save a thin line between communication and personal space, the young man will always be glad to communicate with you. So you probably like the guy, we have prepared for you. You will find out what you can write how to communicate and MN. Dr.

Correspondence errors

There are several points that should be avoided when communicating with a young man you like. Here are examples:

  • Spamily. Observe reasonable messages that send the interlocutor. They should not be excessively long, the size of the sheet.
  • Do not scream guy clouds. In addition to you, he has other interlocutors and friends with whom he communicates.
  • Do not grieve. Excuse only censorship, the girl does not adorganize the girl.
  • Be careful with smiles. Avoid excessive amounts (more than 3 prases), the guy will decide that you are too emotional.
  • Write competent. Pay special attention to punctuation, due to errors you may not be misunderstood.

If you do at least one error, the young man may not answer you. Find out, a separate article on the site will help. She will give a more detailed answer to what you could do wrong.

This video is about how to like the guy on the Internet, what needs to be done, here are all secrets:

Holding to our rules, tie communication with an interesting interlocutor and support it will be quite simple!

Friends, this is not an applied article. There are no specifics and step-by-step instructions, how to gain happiness. Article - the reflections of the author without a claim against originality and genius. Low expectations - a pledge of a quiet sleep. :)


My girlfriends were divided into two camps: while alone willingly share experiences and give wise advice on how to get married, others sighs that there are no normal men in this world.

You know, if I personally did not know these comprehensively beautiful girls from the group disappointed, it could safely assume that they would overestimate the price or leave no chance of normal guys. But it seems the matter in the other.

Maybe some girls simply have not tend to notice those men? They do not fall in love with those, and then they themselves suffer and weeping at night. Yes, of course, there are not the most simple situations in life. But, to be honest,: there is no such thing that one thing is to blame.

Where to find a normal guy

Well, Okay, one day you took and grown. I understood and adopted that you like pompous assholes. But after all, you are tired. Any drama, even the most suitable, sometimes asks, and want something normal and present. And here there is a reasonable question: and where and how to find a normal guy?

If there was some kind of magical place, seey, wherever all the normal men were hiding, then, probably, the girls would have already lined up in a queue of faster than behind the heads of the new H & M collection with some famous designer. Maiden, who graduated from the courses of the guru of female practitioners Pavel Rakov, would definitely bring there on special buses, and all broken hearts were sent to forced rehabilitation.

Alas, there is no such place of concentrated male strength. Well, I don't know about him. It is clear that all key life meetings always occur completely accidentally and unpredictable. But here is a simple applied question: is it possible to increase this probability with artificial way?

Maiden thoughts loud

I went to the people (in Telegram) and wrote my girlfriends with a request to tell where they generally acquainted and looking for non-random connections. The reaction of the girls was ridiculous: from "Well, I talked normally, An, what you start" to "a very difficult question. I never met the normal. " Summed up a girlfriend, which wrote: "Oh, Anh, normal guys - an extinctional look."

Among the popular answers to the question where to meet, if you are very lucky, the universal, work, interests, interests, car services, sports sections, friendly parties, bars and cafes have appeared. One girlfriend suggested that Romeo could safely guard on some fashionable intellectual tusa, although the girl herself admitted that "does not work yet."

Places vs Lifehaki

So, what can help meet a normal dude?

1. Dream to meet him. Be disappointed and do not expect anything

It is very important to live with the thought that somewhere in this huge world necessarily he is, with whom you have fun, comfortable, freely and cool, as with friends. At the same time there is no idealization of the world. We all always fall in love with those, and many girls are afraid to fall in love stronger than guys. In life, probably, everything comes when you let go. Will be disappointed in everything and stupidly scoring, do not expect anything.

Typically, just the most amazing stories, when not even sure that he will call back after a date.

In general, you just need to believe that one day you will meet with whom you can be yourself. Who loves your friends. Of who is easy to breathe with an easy. And if he already met, he will not give you to leave (read it: Do not let him go for anything). At the same time, a special emphasis on the fact that it is desirable to disappoint and not wait for the cherished meeting. Just live, and there, you look, and the prince on the horizon.

2. Visualize

If You Don't Know Where Are You Going, You Might End Up Somewhere ELSE.

Home Idea: To find something, you need to clearly know, and what we, in fact, are looking for. They say visualization is a really working thing.

So, the girls, you need to make sure to tune in to the right zen and submit that who you want to be what you want in the end. You imagine all the important qualities of the narrowed, but most importantly, not from the opposite, that is, without any particles "not". For example, if you want a high brunet, ask a high brunet, and not "not a blond medium height, the main thing is not very low." Only real qualities, without negative and denial. And then you write it all on the leaves and send the message to the Universe, which will definitely fail. Yes, perhaps she will need some time in search of a guy of dreams. But Moscow, you know, not immediately built.

Of the important: not confused in the testimony, girls! We ask the same, say it out loud, and then the universe is confused.

More Lifehak: sometimes it is useful to ask friends to introduce you to someone, well, to check the spells. The main thing is not girlfriends: it does not work. It is the guys friends.

3. Do not be afraid to take the first step

It's funny that there are two diametrically opposite opinions on this. One girlfriend (married, raising the Son) has long encourages everyone and score me on public conventions and says that in general, she did the first step in her life situation, and it does not regret anything. Another girlfriend (not married, no guy) recently came to the conclusion that all her first steps did not know anything good.

I do not have a personal meaningful record of the first steps to judge their success. But, I confess, I always had a scary to take the first step. It seemed that if the guy did not make him himself, then, probably, he was not necessary. Why should I propose what is not potentially needed? My mother always said to me: "Never ask for nothing, everyone will come and give themselves." So: they will not give.

Girls, maybe you are the same as I, live yourself with the philosophy of proud herons, and normal guys do not even catch up, what can they like?

4. Register already in Tinder

Do not forget that many guys are also tormented by the question: and where to find a normal girl? And, as my boyfriend's friend statistics shows, many of the quite normal dudes are registered in for General Fun. And what if you are the same, with whom not only Fun, but also have a happily ever after?

And now you have planned, donated, realized that the first step is not sturder. Come on, act! Forward, on the barricades!

And yes, I would not believe it myself if the number of stories "got acquainted in Tinder - happy together already 2, 3, x year," among my own acquaintances did not grow in geometric progression. IMPORTANT: Tinder is an example of a slight way to nurse a date. No matter where you find them, it is important that you go to them at all.

A reasonable question: can I get something normal from dating on the Internet? I will answer the words of the American uncle of my friend Christina, who recently wrote on my wall on Facebook and instantly loved my friends:

Natalia Kapartov

Reading time: 5 minutes


Any girl dreams about serious relationship. True, not all such happiness falls. It seems, and the clever, and beautiful, and crossbars, and the serious prince does not come across.

Injustice of life, karma or still make sense to look for reason?

1. The use of good guys, which come across on your way, automatically "go to the Friend Zone".

Even those that are in love with you, do not drink and do not smoke, with golden hands and other "bonuses" of the best husband in the world. You just do not notice them.

Maybe you will look at friends? Suddenly, someone's heart wounded now beats in unison with yours?

2. Your selection criteria are too severe.

Perhaps you are looking for a prince with a villa on the island, an infinitely long car and with thick bundle of gold banknotes. And, of course, he must be a blue-eyed blond under 2 meters and with a skeleton in the shoulders.

And he must love children and dogs, constantly travel, not to drink and not look at other girls, as well as take you with all your shortcomings.

Do not look for an ideal guy, he is already busy! Reduce the bar of your claims, and you will definitely smile.

3. Those guys that you liked, were laptops.

One did not lower the stool with the toilet, the other twice the two bags of tea twice, the third scattered socks where it fell. Horror!

And you tried very hard, slowly taking off the "chips" and trying to fix the heights (each in turn), but this did not happen.

So maybe not worth it? Why correct them, if they are, what? After all, you would not want to fix you? Take it as you loved it.

4. You are not looking there your prince.

Princes do not go on discos - they work and get tired in the evening. Princes are not looking for adventures in snack bars (they are not looking for adventures at all).

And in the bars they also do not get acquainted.

It is possible that your hero is that a young man that walks his Labrador every morning near your home. Or, that man, that he lost his place in the subway, and then did not bring his eyes off you until the "final". Or that guy that constantly reads the same book in a cafe, where you drink tea into a lunch break.

5. You are not looking for your prince.

Maybe you are too open in your desire to meet the hero of his novel?

Too deep neckline, too short skirts, too much makeup and coquetry, too much alcohol at a party ...

Men love naturalness. And they always feel the "hunters" female (to become "game", no hunter wants, by nature the man is).

6. You are not interested in anyone.

Throw away "something else", "yes there can be no such thing" and "Yes, I am the most, the most!" And let's try in the eye.

What can you offer a man other than conversations about girlfriends, shops, fashionable clothes and yoga? In addition to intrigue, gossip, crosses, harmfulness? In addition to love for brand and label?

Men love smart, independent and self-confident women who are not focused on fashion. With silly, capricious intrigans play, and in smart - marry.

7. You have too many complexes.

It happens, a woman seemingly unspoicing, "neither the faces, nor skin", the legs are curved, the chest is small, the hairs are slightly, and the man next to her - as the magazine cover it. Injustice? Not!

Just this woman is confident in herself, knows how to file himself and is not looped on his shortcomings.

Men get tired of women's "complexes." And how will they love you like this, if you are not capable of it?

8. You are not ready for a serious relationship.

That is, the thoughts are you already under the crown in a white dress and kids you choose the booties, but in fact you are still not ripe for a serious relationship and family life.

Analyze your desires. If in your dreams - wedding limousine, romantic nights on the ocean, beautiful things for kids and a tiny dog \u200b\u200bunder the color of furniture, then you are not very ready yet.

Enjoy freedom and do not get into your married.

9. You are "your boyfriend" for all your familiar men.

You have fun in the company, you can tell you about failures with girls, you ask for advice and even stay at night if the "girlfriend expelled". But no one sees a woman in you.

There are 2 options. 1 Option: You lack femininity. Try a skeptical look at your appearance and your behavior. If you smoke, the workshops speak right in the urn 2 meters from myself, chase the ball with the men, scolding as a shoemaker - it's time to change something. 2 Option - Your prince just has not yet appeared.

10. You are sloppy.

Alas, and it happens.

Pay attention to your manicure, on the teeth, on the abundance of pimples from excess cosmetics, dirty shoes, torn tights, sweat spots on the blouse, etc.

Men love well-groomed women, from which it smells with comfort, tenderness and non-drying spirits.

11. You are too smart and put your fans of intelligence.

He is about love you, you are about Kantha Physics. He is about love you, you are about Schopenhawer. Etc.

Sometimes it makes sense to look a little more stupid than you are. Or at least talk less.

12. You are too busy.

Well, how to meet your half, when in the morning I study, then work, then household things, and tomorrow everything is re-?

Look for your favorite time! Go to the sea, go to the museum, ride skiing, swim in the pool, participate in forums / trainings, etc. Enjoy life!

Cupids love happy people, optimists who do not complain about life and enjoy it to the whole coil.

13. Because it simply does not need to be sought.

Well, no need, and that's it. Happiness - it will find you.

You can simply "lie on him the road." And it is not necessary to seek specifically.

The more active you are looking for, the more carefully it hides from you. Everything has its time!

If you like our article and you have thoughts about this, share with us. It is very important for us to know your opinion!

In the modern world, people relate to non-standard relations tolerant. If another 10 years ago, the attitude of two young people of the same sex caused shock, today this is no longer surprised. Yes, and what to hide, such pairs existed at all times. Simply today with open access to the media and the lack of censorship as such in many areas of life, people of unconventional orientation are not hiding, but they exhibit their feelings more openly and liberated.

But regardless of the orientation, gender and time, the question of dating and finding its half is always relevant. Only answer him for most people is still a bit simpler than, for example, to decide exactly where it is and we will try to find out in this article.

What attracts men in each other?

First of all, it is important to note that the same-sex relationship is not a perversion, but a feature of a person. Some scientists even argue that the change in attraction to the opposite sex is laid in intrauterine. And if a certain failure in the development of the fetus occurs and the center of the attraction turns out to be amazed - the orientation changes to same-sex.

It can be said that sympathy between guys is determined by nature. They are attracted to each other at the level of physiology.

But, of course, there are other reasons why the guys like this or other man:

  • Socio-psychological factors. Namely the role of the family in the bookmark of interests to a certain sex, as well as the direction of family education.
  • Behavioral aspects. Most often it is an unsuccessful experience with the partner of the opposite sex.

How to attract the guy you like?

As in any way, the attraction between guys can smell suddenly, and may manifest after a rather long period of time. And just as in standard relations, some young people prefer to hope for a miracle. And others do not sit folded hands, actively moving towards their goal, solving the problem: "Where to find a beautiful guy?".

In order to attract an object that causes sympathy, first of all it is necessary to look presentable. After all, in spite of everything is always met by clothes. Stylish clothes, fashionable shoes, laying, well-groomed face and manicure will definitely attract attention.

And after that you can already include all your charm, wit. The sense of humor and some non-standard knowledge will help intrigue the most impregnable guy himself.

It remains to solve the main task - where to find a guy guy. Consider the most popular options.

Standard dating sites

  • Specialized clubs for gays. In any, even the most small town you can find institutions that are focused only on the male contingent and their goal just solves the question: where to find a guy Gay.
  • Search among friends, on friendly parties. Often the guys are completely not allocated among other people. Thus, communicating in a noisy company, the likelihood is that one of handsome will be exactly the person who needs young gay.
  • On swing parties. Specially organized events for meetings and dating people of non-traditional sexual orientation. Usually they pass in country clubs, private apartments, in saunas. It is worth noting that most often people come to such meetings seeking if there is a mood on serious, prolonged relationships are better to look more carefully. Perhaps even in not quite ordinary places.

Unusual jobs for dating

Having wondered where to find a guy, the places discussed above give a rather large guarantee to find a guy of her dreams. But if after all, after visits to specialized meetings and events, Gay Prince has not yet been found, you should approach the task of non-standard.

To begin with, it should be determined what similar hobbies and hobbies can be at a potential partner. If it is painting, then you should attend various exhibitions and master classes. If these are literature, you can try to go to a literary club or a creative meeting of any author. Especially if the author writes on topics capable of attracting people with unconventional orientation.

Do not forget about sports. It is not a secret that guys-gay for the most part followed their body, and for this visit the gym, swimming pool, sporting events and various courses.

The only thing that should be considered when meeting in unusual places is to recognize Gaa much more difficult than, for example, in a specialized institution, where everything is known to know. But the probability of long, permanent relationship after acquaintance in a non-standard location is significantly higher.

Dating on the Internet

Nowadays, probably one of the easiest and most affordable ways where you can find a guy - this is the Internet. Each user, even the most uncertain is completely able to take advantage of this opportunity.

Where to looking for?

  1. First of all, you need to contact search engines - they will help you find specialized sites for dating. There are places to search for various relationships - only intimate, long-term and even friendly.
  2. A large number of gays actively uses social networks. Often their profiles are open and also in groups you can find a large number of ads about gay dating.
  3. Forums, chat rooms, sites and even blogs will help you find a guy guy.
  4. Recently, applications for smartphones about dating have become popular. They are convenient to use, and they are very functional.

The Internet is particularly helped by modest, shy or insecure young people who are looking for a guy. It makes it possible to open, get to know each other before the meeting. But thereby there is and danger to stumble upon a deception. For secure dating and communication on the Internet it is better to use Skype or video chat.

Continued acquaintance

After the question where to be resolved, and the partner can be found to go to the next stage - the continuation of acquaintance.

  • First meeting and first date. This stage is very important, since it is the first impression that is the foundation for the further development of relations. Naturally, there is a need for dating, if it provides for the format of the relationship. To meet you, you can choose a closed terrace of a restaurant, the last session in the cinema or just a walk around the city. It all depends on the mood and fantasy of partners.
  • Instead of a standard date, it is quite useful to rendezvous. Based on the above options where to find a good guy, you can choose a pool or gym. Continue acquaintance and communication stands there. Among other things, it is useful and interesting.
  • The transition to the stage of closer relations is solved by each gay couple individually. It is the opinion that men's pairs with unconventional orientation are only interested in sex, and especially hard. This opinion is mostly mistaken and in fact many couples do without rude intimate relationships.

  1. Stability. Deciding for an acquaintance with a guy and deciding where to find a guy guy, the main thing, not to retreat from my goal. Systematic and purposefully attend sites, parties and places where you can meet your destiny.
  2. Honesty. With any form of dating with the guy, it is important to honestly voice your goals. And also should not be too addicted about yourself because, as you know, the secret always becomes clear.
  3. Independence. Spromatic phrases, funny stories from life, undoubtedly attract and attract the future chosen one.

Whatever a way and wherever the acquaintance of the guy with a guy, it must necessarily be a bright, memorable event. And even if the acquaintance will not have the continuation of the meeting itself and communication should leave only pleasant memories.

    Get acquainted with new guys. Before you begin to meet with a guy, you need to meet him. You can try to start a relationship with a person you already know, or go to the street and find new acquaintances. It's easy and fun, so don't be nervous! But with new friends should be careful - what if they hide something or deceive you?

    • Join some club, community or section. You can do your favorite sport, take drawing lessons, or join the research group. Find what you like, and you will have the opportunity to meet with people with whom you have a lot of common, and with which there is something to talk about.
    • Go to clubs (it may be an adult institution or for all ages, depending on what you like) and start communicating with new people. Just be careful and rely on common sense.
    • Find a group on the Internet that you like. It can be a fan forum of any show or a famous personality, or maybe a multiplayer video game that you have to do. However, be careful - do not let your personal data when you do not know.
  1. Get acquainted closer. After you met someone, get acquainted with him closer before you start a relationship. In the end, you can not judge a person only in his appearance! Try to evaluate before a date, whether the guy meets your minimum requirements.

    • He's funny? Clever? Pleasant in communication? Decide that it is important for you, and whether he has these qualities during your first conversation. If he is not suitable for any requirement, then it is not even worth a relationship with him, even if it looks very sexy.
  2. Make sure that he has no one. If he already has a girl, it is better to give up him and look further. Think about what she can feel when he learns that she is not the only one. Therefore, do not make another thing that I would not want to make you.

    Find out that other people think of him. Possess what it represents. If his friends, especially girlfriends, it seems that he really wants to have a relationship, then this is a good sign. Ask your shared friends about what they think about him, and try to get acquainted with his friends and colleagues.

    Build friendship

    1. Do not hurry. Do not rush your new friend, but remember that if he does not like you, what you are, then it is not worth spending time in trying to get it sympathy. Find such a person who will first be your friend. Do not hope that he will immediately become your boyfriend - give him time to get you closer. First, start spending time together, communicate, first from time to time, you can then try to meet more often. Let's each other space. Usually, if you are very good and fun together, then your friendship will turn into something more. Try not to be too intrusive: you do not stand after a week of communication to decide, whether it is worth it in the future to become your husband.

      Show him that you are not like that. Just remember that it is better to be yourself when you talk to him. It is extremely important to show that you are not like everyone else, it will help you stand out from the mass. Do not be just another person in the crowd, do not enhance all his negative thoughts about the girls. You should not be one more, sparkling on his appearance. Be a person, cheerful and exciting! Do not rush events, let him get to know you.

      Do not close, do not position yourself as an impregnable girl. Highlight a little time to spend it with him, and let him understand what you really want to communicate with him. Smile and look into his eyes. Do not be angry and do not intimidated it. Otherwise, he will decide that you are against any relationship.

      • Tell me that there is an unnecessary place, perhaps he wants to join you at dinner.
      • Smile and put him when you look at each other across the room or communicate with friends.
      • Be kind to others too. Show him that you are such a person to whom you can approach and talk to anyone. Treat another friendly, praise them, do not rude, and show all your views that you do not bite off his head if he tries to talk to you.
    2. Talk to him. It is very important to interact with it often. Talk to him at a random meeting, find a reason to talk more often. The more you say, the closer you become. This is a great way to build a friendship that can turn into something more.

      Be a good friend. Since you have already become friends, then be good girlfriend. Support it and having fun. Become the one that he can trust and admire. Most guys, as a rule, are invited to a date for girls with whom they have a lot in common. If you are good friends, it will be easier for him to communicate with you, and he may want to communicate with you even more often.

      Learn each other better. Find out what he is like a person. You do not have to like everything in it, but also what you don't like it, you should not take too critical. You can not change it, so it is very important to take it as it is.

      • Talk about politics, religion, childhood and family, about school years, as well as about hopes for the future you will tell you much about what he is for the person. But be careful. By affecting things like politics and religion, you can begin to behave rudely. Let him know that you are interested in his personal life, but do not want to get there, where he does not want to let you.
    3. Look, do you have something in common. Well, when you both love the same things (so you will talk about something), but also good to have some differences (so you will have the opportunity to compete with each other and expand your horizons). Talk to him and find out what is common between you.

      Determine its status. Try to evaluate whether it is opened for a relationship as a whole. Maybe he already likes someone. Maybe he recently survived parting and does not want any dating at the moment. It is necessary to respect him and his feelings. Do not be overly obsessive if it is not in the mood for the relationship.

      • It may turn out that it will be difficult for you to get this kind of information without asking him about it. Try to go around yes about, ask leading questions. This information, by the way, can possess his close friends. They may even be ready to help, if you give them my soul and they want to bring you.
      • Be sure to not get stuck in a friendly zone if you want to meet him, but remember that the guys friends are also excellent friends!
      • IT IM IMPORTANT TO FLIT WITH THE GUYS YOU ARE INTERESTED. Don "T Flirt with Every Guy Because Then You Will Develop A Bad Reputation. It is important to flirt with guys who are interested in. But do not flirt with each guy, it will develop a bad reputation.

    Will love him

    1. Stress it advantage. Everyone wants to be with those who make it better. He makes us feel good, and assures us that we can be good people if we try to be so. Make him believe in yourself, encourage it in all his endeavors.

      • Remember: do not be indulgent, remove unnecessary tips and help, and do not try to adjust it for yourself. Help him to become better, help him change for the better, but do not turn it into an ideal partner for myself.
    2. Help him improve. Do not criticize it if it does something bad or wrong. It will make him feel terribly. Instead, it is better to show how it should be done. You can, of course, tell him that you don't like something, but do it not from the meanness, and do not forget to help him find a way to do it better.

      • If he has bad estimates and he lags behind at school, choose time and work with him additionally on those themes in which you understand better than it. Do not do his work for him, but at that time, try to help him realize that he himself can do everything.
      • If he is depressed and can not find a job, help him look for her. Offer to go with him for an interview for recording or passing a resume, talk to him about things that can help him get more pleasure from work. Help him find a job to which he will get together with the pleasure every day.
      • It is especially important not to criticize him publicly or before his friends or family.
    3. Become better. Show him that you become the best person, communicating with him. As soon as you start becoming better, it will begin to do the same. Make the things you like, and make it feel part of your life. Ask him advice on how to change those things in yourself that you do not like.

      Show your independence. Show him that you are mentally and physically independent. You do not need it constantly, every minute (although he should feel that it can sometimes help you), and that you have your own mind. It will make you in his eyes an independent, developed and interesting person. After all, he wants a girl, and not an inflatable doll without brains.

      • Do not be afraid to be completely honest in your sympathies and antipathy. Let him know what you think about problems, and not just agree to anything he says.
    4. Encourage its independence. Do not force him to feel as if he should spend all his time with you. Do not make a person from it to have a weekend or Friday evening. Make him to do things that he loves: let him spend time with her friends, and you can spend time with your own.

      • One of the reasons why many guys avoid relationships is what they think that these relationships will interfere with them to engage in loved ones. Show him that with you the opposite.
    5. Be yourself. And otherwise, how do you know, does he love you or a fictional image? If you pretend to those who you are not, then you will feel uncomfortable with him. This, in turn, will affect your communication with him, and in the end it will be difficult for you to preserve at least some relationship.

    Make a step

    We make communication easier in the future

      Be a good partner. Be someone nice to go for a date. If you are known as a person with whom to walk on dates, you will be much easier to find a guy in the future. Be fun, active and pleasant in communication. Become a person with whom it is nice next.

    1. Advice
      • Do not discuss other girls with him, guys hate it. It will be bored with him, but it will give out.
      • Romantic relationships occur only when the girl is honest, as well as caring and attentive towards her boyfriend. They want to become a reliable support for you and expect from you the same.
      • Remember that all the boys are different, so choose the one who has a good character and who can make you happy. It is usually good, calm guys who become the best boyfriends. Since they are not very lucky with girls, they really appreciate the one who gave them a chance.
      • When you tell him about what you like, do not forget to be positive. He can either answer you reciprocity or not answer. The best way to learn about his feelings is not to look at what he says, but what he does. If he constantly seeks to be with you, then you definitely like him. If he ignores you, do not call him, even if he says he is crazy about you. Perhaps you like him as a person, but he has no desire to be with you.
      • If you are still a student, learn at school and you have common lessons / couples, invite him to make a homework together. The more you spend time alone, the better.
      • If you think you love him, but you are not comfortable with him, then you should get better in your feelings.
      • When you talk to him, and he tells you about things in which you do not understand, try to change the topic to the one you both know, it will be fun and interesting.
      • Do not go to hell; Give him time and space to decide what he really wants. If he does not want to go on a date right away, do not force it. He will suggest when will be ready.
      • Just having fun with him and be yourself!
      • Do not try to force your boyfriend all the time to jealous. It loosens trust and agitates relationships. Almost in all cases it repels the partner.


      • If you understand that he is trying to force another girl to jealous, then the relationship with him is a waste of time.
      • Do not let him coagulate you. If he is trying to change you, break up with him. He obviously does not appreciate what he has.
      • Do not tolerate pressure in the relationship. If he threatens or makes you do what you do not want, then this is the end of your relationship. No one has the right to force you to do anything.
      • Do not invite a person on a date to show your courage; When the truth pops up, it will be very painful.
      • Do not create the impression of a tenacious and dependent person, otherwise you will soon want to get rid of you. Make sure this does not happen, make a huge number of friends and change your attitude towards people.
      • Never communicate with other guys who, ultimately, can send you messages, the contents of which do not like your guy.
      • Do not be discouraged if it did not work with one. There are many good guys around with which you could start a relationship.
      • Do not in charge of yourself, otherwise you do not like it. You can see other girls leading yourself. But even if they like someone, it is most likely exclusively because of their appearance.
      • If you have something, what would you like to share with him, but you are afraid that he will disagree badly, write a note and put it in his wallet, or do something like that.