How to apply a blush to a complete face. Proper application of Rumba. How to paint the blush - choose a brush

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The blush helps not only make the face brighter and expressive, but also improve its color, hide the existing shortcomings and help to allocate advantages. It can be said that this makeup is multifunctional, because it provides an opportunity to change the visual shape of the face or give the skin a lightweight tanning effect. Given what kind of type of Rumba will be used, the technique of applying them changes. To do this, the pads of the fingers, sponge or brush can be applied.

Types of Rumyant

To date, a fairly wide selection of Rumyan is presented not only in the color palette, but by their texture. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is the species of Rumen defines the technique of their application.

Compact dry blush

To apply this species of the Rumyan on the skin, a special brush must be used, it is desirable that it is made precisely from a natural pile, since in this case the cosmetics falls into a smooth and thin layer, it is easily grinding.

As a rule, complete with blush has a brush. It is very small, so it is not always convenient to use. Before skin, dry blush will be applied on the skin, the powder or tone cream is mandatory, so that they will fall to a more smooth layer.

If you make movements of the brush down and up, gently struck the blush, the ability to get a uniform layer of cosmetics on the skin appears.

Subject to the use of classic compact errands, a special brush with natural wool must be applied. Before the skin will be applied to the skin, from the surface of the brush is necessarily removed excess of the Rumyan - you can shake or flush with a clean paper napkin. If this is not done, the shade of the Rumyan will be too bright, and the makeup will be vulgar and causing.

Ball and powdered blush

To apply this type of Rumba, it is necessary to use a brush with a natural pile, which should be soft enough and dense. The tassel is foaming into a blush and shakes it lightly, after which the tool is applied on top of the tonal base and powder, then evenly decishes.

Liquid blush

It is necessary to use liquid blush correctly, as this tool has the ability to dry quickly, so there is no time to adjust the result.

This species of the Rumba must be applied using a cosmetic sponge or pillows from top to the tone base, but there is no need to use powder, otherwise the means will fall on the skin not with a flat layer. If necessary, the powder can be applied on top of the blush.

Cream blush

It is dense texture to the number of advantages of this type of blush, which is why they are quite easily applied on top of the tonal basis using a cosmetic spontaneity, which are made of circular uniform movements, due to which the coloring pigment is evenly distributed over the skin surface. A layer of powder is applied on top of the blush.

Features of applying Rumyant

Before you begin to apply makeup, it is necessary to take into account the fact that depending on the type of person, the features of the use of the Rumyan will also change.

Round face

  1. If you need to adjust the face form and make it visually less wide, it is recommended to stop the choice on the blunders of dark shades - for example, colors approximate to burgundy and brown.
  2. A thick line is drawn in a wide tassel in the direction of the center and to the chin. It is important that the upper part of the cheek is a bit lighter than the bottom.
  3. A small amount of Rumyan is applied in the direction from an external corner of eyebrows and to the temples.

Square face

  1. To a little visually smooth out the angular parts, it is necessary to apply blush towards the bottom up.
  2. Rushes are applied at the bottom of the cheek, after which they are well chosen, towards the temples.
  3. It is not necessary to very much to shade the cheekbones, since with the square form of the face they are so pronounced.

Oval face

  1. Rushes are silent on the cheeks semicircle, while their small amount is applied to the lower part of the chin.
  2. Do not forget about the upper part of the forehead, since a small amount of Rumen is necessarily applied to this area.
  3. Thanks to the correct oval form of the face, the blush can be applied on the cheek or cheeks (there are no restrictions).
  4. The best option will smile, after which the blush with a thin layer is chosen on protruding cheeks.

Heart-shaped or triangular face

  1. To adjust the wide cheekbone and narrow chin, the blush is silent in the cheek area.
  2. It is important to carefully grow a blush, while applying them evenly, trying to avoid too vividly pronounced areas.

To create perfect makeup, it is necessary to observe a few features of the application of the Ruman:
  1. Many girls do not know what part of the cheeks to apply blush. It is very easy to determine the perfect area, it is enough to carry out a small test. First you need to smile widely, after which I define the center of the roundness of the cheek, which is attached with his finger. In the area where the ear with the head is connected, the thumb is applied and the line is visually held to the index. It is on this area that must be applied blush.
  2. It is necessary to impose a blush with a special tassel, but it should not be too big and volumetric. It is not recommended to use a beveled brush.

Thanks to the correct application of the Rumyan, you can create perfect makeup, give a skin easy and healthy radiance.

How to use blush to model face?

  1. To look attractive, it is necessary to stop the choice on the rosy, which contains flickering particles. The tool is applied to the highest part of the cheekbone.
  2. You can make a more expressive face if you grow under the bone a rather large number of Rumyan. The usual shade on the cheekbones is then added, due to which their natural beauty is emphasized.
  3. It is important to periodically clean the brush from the residues of the Rumyan, otherwise the microbes will accumulate on its surface, therefore, the risk of getting irritation increases. To clean the tassel, you can use a simple wet napkin or detergent, but not too soap.
  4. If cream blush will be used, it is necessary to blocked them with a napkin to remove excess means. Also, for this purpose, simple powder can be used.
  5. To apply liquid or gel blush, it is necessary to practice a little, otherwise you will have to wash and apply makeup anew.
  6. Simple cream blush can be an excellent replacement of lipstick, if they are applied to the lips, there will be an ideally supplemented color scheme of makeup.
  7. Rushed dark pink colors will help refreshing the face, which must be applied to the ears.
  8. For the ceiling of girls, it is not recommended to apply dark shades of the Rumba to the chin area, otherwise too bright difference between the skin on the face and the neck will be created, which cannot be allowed.
  9. When creating evening makeup, forever and lips are recommended to apply matte blush. An ideal option will be a peach, beige and pale pink shade. You can add makeup matte powder having a flicker effect.
  10. As soon as gel and liquid blush will be applied, it is necessary to wash your hands and only then continue to make makeup.
  11. Applying a blush to a round face, there is a risk of using too many cosmetics. In this case, it is necessary to apply a bit of Rumba to the middle finger and put the point in the center of the cheekbone, then carefully grow it towards the temples.
  12. To the face visually seemed a little wider, it is recommended to apply the point of the Rumyan on the cheekbone, right under the pupil and growing towards the temples. Then you need to draw the cheeks, and in the appeared depressures to apply a small amount of the rumba of a dark shade. The line of Rumba ends near the temples, but not above the eyebrows. Rushed bright shade will help to highlight the cheekbones, you can also apply them to the forehead and chin area, the tip of the nose.
  13. If the crumbly blush will be used, they should only be applied to the tassel, while movement should be strictly in one direction.

How to choose the right shade of Rumyan?

To create perfect makeup and emphasize natural beauty, you need to adhere to the following tips on the choice of shades of the Rumyan, which must fit the tone of the hair:
  • For brunettes. It is worth paying attention to the natural shade of the skin, since in this case the blush should be darker on the tone. An ideal option will be a terracotta, chocolate or brown tint agent. You can also boldly use the copper color of the Rumyan.
  • For red, brown, brown hair. If natural skin color is very light or has a light yellowish tint, it is recommended to stop the choice of golden-brown and orange blunders.
  • For late-skinned blondes. It is recommended to pay attention to cool and soft tones. It is advisable to stop the choice on the apricot and gentle pink shades, the coral blush will be an excellent option. When creating an evening makeup, you can use blush magenta shades.
No less important when choosing a roast of the skin:
  • For dry skin. It is necessary to give preference to the rudes of cream texture. The composition of such funds includes rather large amounts of oils and moisturizing substances. Consequently, it is much more useful to apply such a blush to dry skin, and fingers can be used for cutting makeup.
  • For oily skin. The ideal option will be powdered blush. They have a sufficiently dense texture, so that they are easily applied to the porous skin and fall into a smooth layer, while the ugly bold shine is reliably masked. To get the perfect skin tone, makeup artists advise to mix at the same time several different shades of the Rumyan.

Common mistakes when applying the Rumyan

To get the perfect makeup, it is necessary to study in detail errors that are often allowed when applying makeup:
  • Do not apply a blush by one solid line in the direction from top to bottom, as this can spoil makeup strongly. It is important that the blush is gently struck and the line should be slightly rounded.
  • It is not recommended to apply a blush only in the field of cheekbone, you also need to work and decolte.
  • The chosen shade of Rumba should be harmoniously combined with the rest of the makeup.
  • Do not try to apply a large number of Rumba to create a tanning effect, since in this case the makeup will seem inaccier.
  • On the top of the top it is recommended to apply the powder or a tone cream so that they do not look very bright.
Create perfect makeup, which will emphasize natural beauty, very simple. To do this, it is necessary to correctly pick up the shade of the Rumyan and adhere to the above councils for applying them.

Check out the technique of applying Rumba in this video:

Makeup has become an integral part of the life of the fair sex. With it, you can hide small shortcomings of the skin, and it is also advantageous to emphasize the advantages. The blush give naturality to appearance, as a slight redness in the field of cheekbones - a sign of good well-being, at a minimum. The absence of Rumba will make the face flat and lifeless, so the only case when you should not apply them, - makeup grim in the style of Halloween.

The market of cosmetics every year becomes more and more diverse. New leather care products appear, decorative cosmetics are not lagging behind. A few years ago, the blush was only crumbly powered powders, but even today they are sold in different variations: in classic powdered form and balls. A huge number of diverse Rumen makes it difficult to choose from newcomers who have not yet understood that they need. In general, all products of this kind can be divided into several types:

  • Crumbbed;
  • Cream;
  • Gel.

The choice of the Rumyan is primarily due to the type of skin, since it is from this that will depend, the decorative cosmetics of which structure should be selected. For oily skin, crumbly and gel-shaped. Poodly-shaped well lay on the skin, evenly distributed over it. They visually cover the pores and black dots that could not remove the base. Such blush are used last, after the powder. They will hide the fat shine of the sebaceous glands and give the face a more natural and blooming appearance.

Gele-shaped blush breathe quickly and are moisture-resistant. They are applied or on clean skin or over a tonal cream, after which they drink. Such makeup is very resistant, but only if the origin of the skin is quite rigorous.

Cream blushes are created for dry skin owners, as the composition includes moisturizing oils that soften the skin. Use them about the same as gel. The difference is only in the moisturizing effect. In addition, cream will not dry for a long time, so there is no risk that the blush crackle or begin to fall during a smile.

For normal skin, any type of Rumyan is suitable, you just need to choose the right color. Color selection is caused by:

  • Skin color;
  • Eye color;
  • Hair color.

There are universal colors that are suitable almost to all: gently apricot and pink. But even the superficial study of this section of decorative cosmetics says that the color palette is much more. There are several rules that help to choose the color of the blush:

  • The color of the decorative cosmetics must be a few shades of the darker of the natural color of the skin;
  • Reduce brightness can be added to the additional layer of powders and pre-decisive;
  • Pearl Rushes, as well as the Bronzators are only suitable for parties and solemn events, but not for the usual working day;
  • The owners of light hair or light skin preferably use more delicate and light shades;
  • Ginger women, as well as with a small beige tan, it is necessary to stop their choice on golden and amber colors;
  • Brown eyes will become deeper if the color of the Rumyan is berry, it is better to choose cold shades of peach and pink, and green eyes will emphasize the brown shade;
  • Tone Rumba must match the tone of lipstick.

Unfortunately, these rules are not always enough to accurately choose the Rumen. It is necessary to proceed directly from all the factors that in the first time it seems impossible task. If you are not sure which hue is suitable for you, look at yourself carefully in the mirror after a walk in the frost. The color of the natural blush is always perfect.

What brush is suitable?

Professional makeup artists have a whole set of brushes for all occasions. Although most of the ladies imagine only a round fluffy brush for powder when mentioning the brush for the Rumyan, there are other options. For the application of the Rumen are used:

  • Round fluffy brushes for powder;
  • Beveled fluffy well suited for a clear contour;
  • Kabuki - a fluffy dense round shape that practically does not have legs, but only a small holder;
  • DOFIBR - the most universal nanosper from a two-layer pile;
  • Brush for the blush with a broken or bent leg.

Any of these brushes will perfectly cope with the task. The nuance is only the possibility of applying a clear contour, because everything is coping with decisive. A brush for the Rumyan is familiar not to many, it is not fluffy, but thanks to the bent leg it is easier to determine the contour of the application of the Rumen.

Also when choosing a brush should pay attention to the pile. It should be soft, the use of a synthetic or natural pile for ordinary makeup does not play roles, but professional make-up artists choose a natural pile, as it is more porous and more evenly causes crumbly means. The strongest brushes have a double sizing so that the pile does not fall out, but the molting process is inevitable, especially for a natural pile, which breaks out over time. When you first get acquainted with a brush, you should not "refrigerate" the villus.

In case you are going to use cream blush, the brush is not required at all, as the decisive is made with the pads of the fingers, so the choice of brush is required only for crumbly bliss.

How to apply blush in the form of a face?

The blush is applied not only to the region of cheekbone, but also on the forehead, chin, neck. All these manipulations are designed to visually adjust the features of the face, close as much as possible its appearance to the ideal oval, which does not require adjustments. There are several major face forms:

  • Oval. Perfect or extended, diamond;
  • A circle;
  • Rectangle;
  • Square;
  • Triangle. A heart with a wide frontal part or a trapezium is an inverted triangle with a wide bottom.

Depending on the form of a person, the principle of application of the Rumen is changing. With perfect oval, they are applied only on cheekbones with originally round shape and decisive to the temple. An extended oval can be visually reduced if the rushes on the tip of the chin is a triangle, which is directed by a vertex in the middle of the lower lip. And also on the top of the forehead soft oval. The cheekbones are underestimated not only for the temple, but also to the jaw joint.

The round face must be narrowed, so the blush is not communicated to the temple when rustice near the cheekbone. The tube is directed along the contour of the face to the tips of the lips, but does not reach them, coming to no. Also blush are applied from the tip of the eyebrows up. Thus, between the places of application of the cheekbones and eyebrows should be the gap.

The corners are smoothed by a rectangular face, so the blush is applied with light stripes on the forehead on visual "corners", there is a contour neckline on the cheekbones with a clear straight line from an external corner of the eye to nostrils, but ends in the middle of the cheekbones, as well as light strips of blush on the jaw joint . Approximately the same scheme in a square face, but the tube passes in a straight line from the angle of the eyes to the corner of the lips, almost flowing to them.

On a triangular face in the shape of a heart, the cheekbones are drush as an extended oval, and also smoothed the corners on the forehead, but not thin stripes, but in small ovals. With an inverted triangle, the blush is applied only on cheekbones. Application of oval shapes from the skull until the middle of the cheek, in this case, you can not pass the rush.

How does the process of applying the Rumyan?

When the color and structure of the Rumyan is selected, it is worth thinking about how to apply them correctly. The definition of the face form greatly facilitates the task, however there are several more rules:

  • The crumbs are applied after the powder, the rest are applied to clean skin or the basis for makeup, after which the powder is applied.
  • Cream and gels are applied and carrying the pillows of the fingers.
  • The brush to use the crumb-painted Rumba should not be too diligently on the color powder. It gives a more rich color, which will be more difficult to grow. It is better to apply a remedy for smooth tone several times.
  • When applying never use sharply completed lines, the brush must round the contour.
  • The color is applied along the cheeks. You can define them smiling or laying up a sponge bow.
  • The brush should move along the zeles up and down towards the temples, until the perfect shade is turned out, then the rusting process begins.
  • When rastushevka, the form of the face is taken into account. The line should not be a clear, it is visually "dissolved" in all directions. Application on chin and forehead in most cases occurs with light touch of the brush so that the color only indicates itself.
  • Stew in soft circular movements. If you need to designate a line slightly more clearly, for example, for a rectangular face form, use a bevelous brush.

It should be remembered that the blush is never brought to the temple, although the tube goes precisely towards them. Modern makeup artists begin to apply the color sometimes with almost the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, focusing on how natural blush performs. It gives the face a healthy and blooming look, and also visually rejuvenates. Share, based on the face form, is designed to adjust and smooth the corners. So before applying the decorative cosmetics, it is necessary to put a task: managing a face form or a natural blush.

If you are a novice, which is just starting to comprehend the art of makeup, then you must know how to apply a blush. This part of Maik-APA is one of the main in the subject of the Correction Correction of a person who can improve your proportions if you can do it competently. Many people do not like their reflection in the mirror with printed blunders. This comes from ignorance of the principles and secrets of the application of this cosmetics. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with this article, tips from which will help make a face more harmonious.

How to pick a blush

Thanks to properly selected blush, their competent use you give the face sculpture, and make-up - complete view. This magic decorative cosmetics make you fresh, more and younger than younger. Slightly touched by a brush cheek - this is the desired barcode of any beauty. Previously, the ladies had to pinch themselves to give color. But modern girls are available more gentle and pleasant tools.

In color hair

Blondes, owners of light-blond hair. It is recommended to use gentle tones of Rumyan - light beige, peach, pink, coral. Dark Russes Girls and Brownames need to stop their choice on muffled beige, apricot colors. Brunettes, dark-haired ladies should give preference to lilac, burgundy, brick, plum. The growls are very fit warm and at the same time bright shades with shiny or golden particles.

In color eye

Girls are better to give preference to the rushes of berry shades for an oval face. They emphasize the color of the eyes, give them more light and heat. Refuse brown, beige shades, which will make you faceless and boring. To reject blue eyes, choose cold pink colors for oval face, warm peach. Plum tones to put aside because you visually will make your eyes smaller. Pink shades are recommended green-eyed, and dark burgundy is prohibited. The first will give a look emerald color.

Body and face color

Light skin is perfectly suitable blush of a cool palette for an oval face. You can try purple, light pink tones, and for evening makeup brighter. Dwarf skin blush is required mainly for solemn Maik-APA. You can use the bruter, dark tones, starting with copper and finishing chocolate. Light brown tones with yellowish skin scholars. Very dark color of the skin will well allocate chocolate, terracotta.

Rules rules on an oval face

With the right oval of the face, you can draw a blush on the cheeks or cheeks. However, the ideal option is considered to be: apply a blush on the cheek apples when smile, we grow down. To create an illusion of a sculptural and relief, it is necessary to choose a shade, which is darker on 2-4 tones than your skin color. For modeling, a terracotta tint or a bronzer can be used. Application scheme:

  • Circle a slight movement by typing a little Rumyan on the brush, the contour of the face from the ears to the chin.
  • Spend a thin line on the back of the nasal from the nose to the tip, we grow out the boundaries.
  • Tighten your cheeks, draw a brush by the vintage.
  • Inflate cheeks, rising lines up and sides.
  • Under the bottom lip in the hole, put the point, grow it.

In addition, it is necessary to know the rules of work with blush of different types. They are dry crumbly, ball, compact, compressed, creamy, liquid. Dry rushes is important to apply only on top of the powder. They are suitable for all skin types: oily, dry, combined, normal. The rules for applying the Rumba of different types:

  • The crumbly different brands (Mary Kay, Avon, Bourgeois) are delivered by a thin layer. They are ideal for beginners, because they are difficult to overdo it.
  • Compact are fine grinding, look natural with proper application. However, it is necessary to pre-work with such.
  • Ball (Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent) perfectly look on any color of the face. Their feature is adaptation to the skin color due to multi-colored balls. They are applied with a brush, sponitor.
  • Liquid are used mainly by experts, since they are complex and require certain skills. For oily skin, this type is not recommended because they can flow, thereby spoiling all the makeup. They must first be confused on the palm of the palm, apply on the face with the pads of the fingers.
  • Fondant and cream are applied to the skin, which is not yet covered with powder.

Step-by-step technique of applying Rumyan on an oval face - Photo

With the unsuccessful application of the Rumyan, you can spoil even an oval person, which is considered the benchmark. It is important to feel the measure, otherwise you risks to be like a nestling. When applied, errors may occur on an oval face: incorrectly chosen texture, bad decisive, incorrectly selected tone, too much a large amount of means. Follow the step-by-step instruction below to make the right makeup. However, before this pick up a round brush for cheeks and flat for cheek. Phased master class:

  • Emphasize the line of cheekbones. A little draw your cheeks, a wide brush to gently apply blush from the ear to the corner of the mouth. Circular movements are growing.
  • Outline the jaw line to soften it. Apply a blush from the outer edge of the jaw, not reaching the middle of the chin. So you will make the contour clearer.
  • Highlight apples on a round brush cheeks. To correctly see the place, smile and determine the bulges.
  • We are growing towards the temples. Light, fast movements for balancing the color and completion of makeup, go through the brush with the remnants of the roast of the chin, the back of the nose, forehead. Highlights apply on the cheekbones, the center of the forehead, the back of the nose for light accents.

Video Makeup Lessons on Oval Face for Beginners

Rushane plays an important role in creating perfect Maik-APA. They are able to give the devils of oval form of greater relief, refresh the tired face, emphasize youth or add tominities. However, unsuccessful and selected blush are able to reduce all efforts to achieve a beautiful makeup. To avoid mistakes, see the video from YouTube for beginners who will tell you the basic principles and secrets of creating perfect Maik-APA. They will help you visually narrowing the face, making it more sculptural and relief.

Celebrities with an oval face do not need difficult correction: they cause this cosmetic tool on the apples of the cheek, which instantly refreshes the image. In some cases, you can see Rushean Rushes towards the temples, which is more suitable for evening or solemn makeup. The oval face form may be thin, elongated with the shoulder cheeks, like Sarah Jessica Parker. She delivers a blush on the chin, the middle of the forehead along the hair growth line, a little lower checked towards the ears, which is visible in the pictures. So the excessive length of the face is visually balanced.

Not all women use blush and know even less, as and where they need to be applied. Properly chosen blush is very refreshing the face and are able to reduce the woman for several years aged, so do not use them - it's almost a crime. In addition, a healthy blush on female cheeks always attracts the opposite sex. So, what kind of blush and how to apply them, so as not to be like a nesting table?

Varieties of Rumyant

First, the blush differ in structure. For dry fading skin, it is better to use creamy blush. They are usually produced in beautiful jars in the form of a dense cream, which can be applied with fingers or a synthetic brush. Fingers are preferable because they are slightly warming the blush and make them easier to grow. Rushed rustling is to erase their visible borders, that is, to lead them into the skin. If you are used to the brushes, take sure the synthetic pile - it is better gaining creamy textures, it gives them better and easily cleaned with water and soap.

There are also pressed blushes, to which we are all accustomed, and crumbly. The latter is better to trust professional makeup artists, because they are usually strongly pigmented and tremendous. Conventional extruded blush can be both matte and with the addition of shimmer - a small pearl, which further refreshes the face and visually hides small wrinkles. The skin literally glows from the inside, and only young girls can usually boast by it. So without Rümmen, we can not do if we want young and look good at any age.

Color spectrum

The most win-win version is a blush of a peach shade. They go to all women. This also includes coral color, and gentle pink. During the daytime, we only give a hint of a light blush, and in the evening the intensity of the Rumen can be strengthened. Women with dark-skinned skin can also take advantage of the plum shades of the Rumyan and even red, just gently.

If you want to create an image of a snow queen, you can safely take for any cold tint of the Rumyan, right up to violet. As an evening option, of course. For the image of Barbi, we are suitable blush "children's" pink color. For daily use - all natural shades of the Rumyanta, from beige to gently pink.

Bronzemen - Blushing Tan color, very often go with shimmer. Best look at already tanned skin. They are applied to emphasize the tan and in no way in order to create a tan effect on the face. If there is no shimmer in the bronzer, then they can be used to sculpture (modeling).

In addition to color, blush are white and brown. They are used to model the facial oval. We highlight the cheekbones, we make the nose wider or already, in short, or longer, we raise the eyebrow visually, "do" the face is correctly ovative. The technique of their application is very different from the usual, but about it is slightly lower.

How and where to apply blush

Blush is never appreciated thoughtless, wide nasal strip before temple. To properly apply a blush, you need to take into account the shape of your face. If you have an oval face, type the blush on the brush and touch the most convex place on the cheek. It is clearly visible if you smile. Next, enhance the brush up the cheekbone.

Before applying a blush, learn your face, his shape, find the cheekbones, pass them with your fingers - it will be so much easier for you to properly apply a blush. The brush for pressed Rumba is better to take from a natural pile. Check that it does not be broken, but it should not be very soft. The brush should be elastic, otherwise you will be difficult to grow a blush, and a healthy blush will turn out on the face, but an ugly stain.

If you have an extended face, then the blush we apply quite differently. With the above ascending method of application, we are slightly extending the face, which is ideal for oval and round form of the face. Girls with elongated oval should apply blush only on the cheek apples (for this you smile). Another way is to apply the blush almost parallel to the eye line, and thus the face will visually become more wider. One or two touchs to the cheeks apple and then carry a brush almost to the ear.

If your face form reminds of a heart (inverted triangle), then you need to apply blush as with an extended form. If the face has the shape of a conventional triangle, that is, the upper part of the face is much already lower, then we use the standard technique of applying the Rumyan as with an oval face.

The technique of applying modeling Rumyan

With modeling rushes, everything is not as with conventional color. White color is designed to flame and give the volume of the face. Dark brown color removes on the face all unnecessary and removing us from oval form. Brown should be necessarily a cold shade (it is also called gray-brown), and in no case will not give in redhead, terracotta and other shades.

So how to apply such a blush? The same brush as for ordinary Rumba. It is quite suitable. It can be an oval shape or beveled. To study small sections of the face, we also need a little tassel.

White color is applied as the highest point of eyebrows, on the top of the cheekbone, on the back of the nose, on the so-called cupid bow - this is the place right above the upper lip, under the bottom lip on the chin, for the middle of the forehead. If the forehead is narrow, then it is possible for the entire forehead. Dark color is applied under the cheekbones, along the growth line of hair, from the tip of the eyebrows to the temples, on the wings of the nose. If the face is wide at the bottom, then dark color passes throughout the contour of the face and we decide everything towards the neck.

In order for us, we really got a beautiful correction of oval and damn face, you need to carefully decide. White color can not be afraid, but you need to be careful with the dark. It is better to implave the intensity than to go through it. Therefore, apply a dark shade in stages. Often there is no need for a complete correction, so do not worry if you did not work from the first and even second time. Learn to emphasize the cheekbones and make a blush, and you will always look irresistible!

In the old days, in order to create a beautiful blush girl on the face, the girls had to rub the cheeks of a swag, viburnum or a slightly pinch them. In the modern world, everything is different. It is enough to go to the store and buy already ready-made blush, any color. They and enjoy easily, and the effect is longer, and conveniently in the women's handbag always wear. But to look like a blush is really attractive, and not repulsive and not spoil makeup, you need to get acquainted with all the subtleties of their application.

To know how to apply blush , First you need to make them the right choice. In fact, there are several species and they are all different. Also should pay attention to the brushes for convenient and qualitative application.

The most common and long-term view of the Rumyan is dry compressed. It is necessary to apply them with the help of a thick bevelous brush for the Rumyan. You can also use a small or large brush for powder. The main thing is to clean it on the wrist to remove the remaining particles of the powder. Experts advise after all the same take a smaller brush, because it allows you to apply a blush more sight. Many girls make a fairly common mistake, causing an uncontrolled number of Rumens on the face.

The following appearance is cream blush. They are good because the girl can apply them on the face in small quantities and fingers to correct, grow up as it should. Such blush prefer to use in the summer. Apply cream blush, except with your fingers, you can special brushes - dofibrami. Duofibra is brushes for cream brumes of two types of pile - combined long synthetic with short natural. Such short hairs give the effect of spraying the spray on the skin, they will mask it with thin pieces of blush. But such brushes have a flaw - their price is really overestimated.

And the last new type of Rumyan is special poems. According to the consistency, they resemble cream blush with something. But due to the fact that they appeared relatively recently, then there are no clear rules for their application. Some recommend applying such rushes with their hands, and some are special brushes. There are many ways to apply a lot, but as long as this is an experimental group of funds and talk about something specific about them.

How to choose the right shade of Rumyan?

Blush is suitable for almost all girls, the main thing is to choose the right texture and shade. A blush with small shimmer give a glossy shining effect, and the girls with problem flakes such a blush should not use such a blush. On the contrary, to hide the flaws on the skin, it is better to choose a blush with a matte effect.

Blushes on shades can be divided into pink, peach, creamy. Pink shades will suit girls with pale skin, blond hair and eyes; He will inform the face of teenage freshness. Peach shades are dark and light. Such blush are the most universal, they are suitable for almost all the types of girls, refresh the face. They are well combined with pink, and with peach lipstick, suitable for both day and evening makeup. Creamy shades are something mean between yellow, peach and brown. They are suitable for girls with a yellow subtock. Such a blush, when well-tested on the skin, do not create the effect of synthetic ermen, it is not seen that something is applied to the skin. They make the color of the skin slightly brighter and saturated, create the effect of skin glow from the inside. And how to apply a blush with dark and tanned girls? In this case, you should use a matte blush of a creamy shade, but tone pick up a quarter of a lighter skin and it will make it visually younger.

It happens, not every girl thinks how to apply a blush. And the next list of rules will be a memo for many beauties and will help learn to use a blush in makeup perfectly.

Blushing should be applied to soft driven movements to achieve the effect of spraying and natural blush. If you do it with your fingers, then the movements should be slightly slamming, air. And the longer you beat the blush, growing them, the greater they will lie.

You need to smile and outline the visually the most relief round-mobility zone of cheeks, relax and then only put the blush. If you need to make a face visually already, then the speck is recommended to put a few millimeters higher than usual.

To hide dark circles under the eyes, try to pick a blush slightly brighter and slightly cooler shade.

If the arrows are used in makeup, the blush should be applied much less or their shade should be natural. But if bright shades of the Rumba are used, then you should not draw the arrow.

Using bright lipstick, it should be remembered that the Rumba needs to be applied more than usual.

Using the Rumyan - Science is simple, but if you allow at least a slightest error: pick up the wrong shade, or to apply too much the brumes or incorrectly arrange them on your face, then you can completely spoil the whole image as a whole.