How not to hurt male pride. Male ego - cellets, stored, beware

Sometimes, you can hurt a sensitive male soul with one word only. After all, they do not perceive critics in their direction at all. What is most influenced by male pride?

You can not show indifference, especially if you show intentionally. If both people love each other, then the manifestation of this emotion is further affected by male pride. If your cold look before it is captive, now, when you have become closer to each other, he is waiting for support and understanding from you.

While you will save your inflexibility. In no case never say that all his classes are nonsense. It is necessary to convince him that "Prince of Persia" for you roads just as for him. Sometimes for a man's hobby is of great importance in life, it must be appreciated. A man can knock out an equilibrium state: "Your press is completely disappeared," the female's mouth will sound like an intentional discontent with his figure and a way to pour it out.

The pride of men is strongly suffering if it is an object of comparison, and not in his favor. You can compare a man, but only positive moments: "Your look is the same hot, as with Antonio Bandera in that film." But it is worth saying to you something like: "You are up to Tom Cruise, like me to the moon," as a relationship between you will be irrevocably spoiled.

But if all this we are talking about the celebrity, but about the earthly, near-living person, about the neighbor, for example, then a pride will conquer Wolf.

In no case can not mock a man. They themselves love jokes and they have it well, but if you joke in his direction, it sounds like a challenge and he will definitely be offended.

Men are difficult to perceive the nicknames that they give the ladies of the heart. For example, "small", "Bunny", "Pupsik", "Bear". Well, if your man does not say anything to you, then this does not mean what he likes it. And if you call it that at all, so be prepared for the scandal. They love when the nicknames are more courageous: strongman, giant ...

Male dissatisfaction with a man in sex, the only thing that can really influence pride in pride. In bed, a man must feel the king of animals, and not hear in response to that, that he is rather similar to the old sloth. The rejection of sex for a man is equal to such a statement, which also affects the pride. In terms of sex, men are very wounded and to awaken the beast, we must try to very much.

It is impossible not to say about treason. You prefer to him another man, thereby leaving the scar, the scar on his pride. A male man will never forgive and will not forget. At the subconscious level, men understand that for women sex is not only animal instincts, but also the manifestation of feelings, while men are different differently.

Love, believe and maintain your man.

Self-love - This is an overestimated assessment of his forces, while simultaneously combined with a zealous attitude to his own personality and expressing severe sensitivity to the opinion of itself. Validity is noted in each individual, but it is expressed in varying degrees. Necessary, proud personality overly painfully perceive criticism in their address and are incredibly worried when they refuse them or. Improved pride is able to grow into quite aware or not aware of revenge.

Both pride

Each individuals is a personality, it represents something, has unique features of character and worldview. This is an absolute and indisputable fact. Nevertheless, human psychology includes some moments uniting all people. Such peculiarities include pride, which is one of the characteristics of a human character.

Self-love is good or bad? Psychologists give such a value of pride: protection by an individual of its social value, as well as relevance. In other words, pride defines such a trait of character, thanks to which the individual becomes smarter, more attractive, grows over himself, maintains value in society.

Is a pride of a good stimulus to improve your life? Every question everyone will answer himself. Some inclined to the opinion that pride is good, the other, that is the illusion of its own superiority leading to hyperbolization of its own "I". One thing is clear that for each individual there is its own personal motivation and without respect, as well as love for itself is impossible intellectual, spiritual and physical growth. And negative statements, judgments, instructions for disadvantages negatively affect the identity, assisted pride.

Each individual reacts to criticism in different ways: someone has a sense of guilt, someone becomes aggressive, someone has a self-esteem, someone is very annoyed, but in any case the criticism does not pass by the ears and strikes a shock .

Not everyone can adequately take criticism due to its individual characteristics and character traits, but it is important to be able to correctly perceive the design comments. If this happened that a person was inflicted unreasonable insult, then psychologists advise to accept it as a faithful fact, draw conclusions and go through life further.

A person is very susceptible to social approval. When he is praised, he grows in his own eyes when they criticize, on the contrary. Proud, builds a certain scale of values \u200b\u200bin his head and tries to achieve it with all their might. It is good when a person is committed to useful for himself and society goals and is a destructive behavior when an individual intentionally becomes the path of degradation. It must be remembered that in itself a pride acts as a catalyst of actions and desires, but not the main reason.

It is sometimes very simple to offend a proud person. For this, just one word is enough. In this case, there is an exacerbated pride, when the personality solely concentrates attention to the satisfaction of its needs and desires, by and large, it is indifferent to others. Such excessive self-conception leads to egocentrism.

The desire to be the first to relate to normal, healthy pride. Physically, a mentally healthy person is always endowed with this quality. In this case, this is a motivation to professional and personal success.

Charming pride is celebrated in women, so you should not intentionally offend them, because you can lose a good relationship with them forever. Women acutely react to comments on the appearance, the image of thoughts, behavior. In adulthood, it is essentially reacting to the words of flattery and compliments, so it is better to scour it, rather than express a lie. For representatives of the fine sex, it is important to feel calm and comfortable, so it is better to refrain from the rectilinear statement of flaws. If such a need exists, then it is better to express it alone. At the same time, the proven pride will not suffer much, and you will save normal relations.

Vulnerable pride

In a vulnerable pride, it is bad that the individual's critical comments in their address perceives painfully, and to people begins to relate to suspicion. A proud individual is very difficult to learn how to own yourself and competently perceive criticism. In whatever soft form, criticism was not presented, it is always difficult to perceive by people, and often individuals take it over close to heart, especially if the criticizing is inexperienced or criticism of non-constructive. Not many people own the art of constructive criticism, so it is doubly very hard and painfully perceive it.

How to react to criticism correctly, if it happened that the individual became its object? If a person has been criticized, then, first of all, he should convince himself that he really has something to criticize him, and otherwise he will lead himself aggressively. At the same time, if a person recognizes the right for other individuals to criticize him, he can also count on recognizing him of some rights. For example, the right to be considered to be considered, did not humiliate his merits, did not spread the criticism of the person. The individual also has the right to demand that criticism sound only in private conversation and not in the presence of unfamiliar people and colleagues.

We offer some tips, as a person behave in a similar situation:

- if the essence of criticism is incomprehensible, then you need to ask a person who criticizes to clarify that it specifically meant;

- It is important for a person to learn how to separate the content of criticism from the form, if a person does not suit the form, then you can answer this: "Criticism is valid - I admit it, but I wanted it to not go to personality";

- If a person does not agree with criticism, he should say about it, mentioning, with the expressions that emphasize that this point of view is it. For example, "I personally think otherwise" or "everything was wrong";

- Always keep visual contact and speaking not falling, with a vote, without increasing tones.

What does pride mean? A vulnerable patient of pride is not just awareness of personal negative moments of its nature, this is also a protective reaction of the ego on internal problems, as well as feedback to the world around. As a result, with a vulnerable pride, there is a resentment on those people who applied it. Offended pride is not a feature, but acts as already mentioned, a protective reaction of a person who was offended. Often, such an individual turns into unresponsible to criticism, becomes inadequate and not capable of self-analysis. This is because the ego of the individual builds a strong shell around his painful nucleus, which is felt like a good stupid pain. In this case, the lack of love, dissatisfaction with life, dissatisfaction with the reaction of those surrounding and himself are subject to provoking factors. The constant does not allow a person to fully live. Indications for the lack or statement of criticism to a person with exacerbate pride provokes only, and the consequence of such painful pride is inadequate behavior.

Male pride

The blow to pride offends any person, but in comparison with the female pride of men, it is more acute, as a result of which they become unpredictable, unmanaged and inadequate. In order not to hurt a male pride in family life, a woman needs to learn how to smooth sharp corners, be able to give up, do not touch pain. It also does not hurt to find out what is often the most annoying men, as well as what female actions they cannot forgive them at all.

By many women, the feeling of some impunity is perceived, as the right to speak and do everything that they do, as well as any ways to achieve their goals. A loving man can forgive a woman a lot if it does not pass a certain framework. When one day, it is often a good and mild man, ceases to be manageable, he is very much surprised his beloved half. Therefore, a woman is very important in a relationship to maintain a certain face, which is impossible for any circumstances. So will you never forgive a man? Male pride will be very worn by the female treason, which a man will be very difficult to forgive. Own treason with female treason is not comparable. They do not attach importance to their treason, because they refer it to a simple need for intima. After a betrayal, they continue to consider their own female native. But with female treason, everything is different. Often, women's treason is not accidental and in most cases there is a sympathy, hobby, search, as well as the need for affection and tenderness. By changing, a woman makes it clear to her man that nothing means to do nothing with him. In case of treason, men's pride suffers very much and, if even a man forgives, then the fact of treason is unlikely to ever be able to forget the relationship with such as before - no longer be.

Men can not forgive women if they dismiss in relation to their relationship, and also put themselves above them. Whatever a man, he wishes himself to feel the main thing and be a defender, as well as support. A man wants to feel more confident, stronger, even if the woman earns more and knows how to make decisions, as well as implement them. A woman should shoot men's pride and not take over the role of the owner of the situation. Sooner or later, a man will not stand the moral burden, will oppose it and goes to the one with whom it will be confident and strong.

A woman to preserve relationships with a man can never be compared with others. He wishes to be the best and only one for a woman, so the comparison with others does it humiliates, generates complexes and irritation, which can break out from under control.

A woman is not standing in the house to emphasize their role of mistress and loud to express the shortcomings of her husband, as well as the advantages of other men. In order not to hurt the pride of men, you need your mind and knowledge do not demonstrate to the detriment of the image of your beloved man.

Also do not like men attempts to manipulate intimate relationships. Refusal of proximity under the contiguous pretext of headache and fatigue is one way to push the man to treason. And to demand for sex the execution of whims, gifts and thus manipulates dishonestly.

After getting married, many women relax and try to look good only before going out of the house. Over time, the husband thinks about why the wife no longer wants to like him? Even if he does not show the look, you need to not forget about it.

How to hurt male pride? Male pride can be strongly lean when a man is exposed in a funny light and for him it means non-recognition of its consistency. Women should be careful with ridicule in the male address. This is especially true of intimate opportunities, members of his family, appearance, the ability to make money.

Men do not want to "dance under the female dull", do not tolerate stamps and monotony in behavior, do not tolerate command tone from the woman. These listed moments may forever repel the hunt for male to communicate with women. Male nature will not tolerate the imposing stereotype of behavior, and will not try to fulfill all the assigned expectations.

In order not to hurt a male pride of a woman, it is necessary to change the stereotypes of behavior, to say less "so it should be", "do it all", and try to be unpredictable. Men do not tolerate the clarification of relationships, they prefer the words actions and rely on the impulse, instinct, and long conversations cause irritation and are able to lead to a discontinate. Therefore, women should not pull the man into clarifying relationships.

A man will never tolerate the flirt of his chosen with another man. Such behavior of a woman will annoy the man, and pride will be very worn.

How else to hurt male pride? There are still some women habits who are very annoying men. These include endless telephone conversations, endless serials, thirst to suck, aimless shopping hiking, as well as the habit of buying everything in a row. Many things are closed with eyes and try not to focus on, and not to notice, but it is not necessary to abuse it. It is necessary to stop in time, and also think - whether the husband is worth acting on the nerves, bring to irritation, indignation and displeasure. To preserve peace and tranquility in the family, and so that the man will respect and loved the woman, it is necessary to respect and spare his pride.

Women's pride

The pride of women so often happens unreasonably overestimated that it may be offended by anything and a representative of the beautiful sex immediately turns into a disgusting being. A woman with a proud pride begins to ulce, let dust in the eyes, offend the words of the interlocutor. Often, the behavior of a woman is not controlled and it does not give up a report, in what does. From this state it is very difficult to get rid of. A woman is haunted by the desire of revenge and burglarism in the eyes. Minor resentment and non-infractions provoke an increase in tension relations and worsen interpersonal relationships. Therefore, to preserve trust, sincere, happy relationship, a woman needs to overcome, no matter how difficult it was, the progress of pride.

Psychologists note that the blow to pride is easily applied by male treason. Not all women can watch through the fingers on numerous men's treason. And as if experts did not try to explain the causes of men's treason, show moving motifs so that women are not so emotionally and painfully reacted to it, nothing happens.

Psychologists note that treason arises due to the weakening of emotional connections between spouses, and it makes a hidden conflict with a clear. According to statistics, it is a woman for today in many cases performs the initiator of the divorce. Women's pride pushes on such a decisive step. Before divorce, a woman decides that it is more important for her: personal pride or excerpt, love, patience to a person who has recently been close and relatives. Often, women are indignant: why psychologists after the treason of her husband urge them to endure?! It turns out that the wife should, meeting her husband from work, to be charming, feed sophisticated dinners, ensure leisure and still engage in children.

And if the spouse suddenly finds out about treason, she needs to calm down, tune in to a neutral wave, attend the hairdresser, to hum. Fashioned songs, follow the wardrobe, in order to remind of their attractiveness. In such a situation, not every woman wants and will be able to behave. Therefore, most women choose a divorce. At the same time, many women outrave the fact that psychologists do not call for a husband who learned about the treason of his wife, to take home care, try to return their appeal, make gifts to his wife and capture her mood. It seems to be purposefully, consider wives, emphasizes the difference between male and female psychology.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to take into account the male psychology in family life, since representatives of the strong gender nature endowed emotional stability, will, and all methods from women on re-education are often faced with resistance. Many wives would not hurt to take advantage of the ability to adapt, patience and caress, and not go across. Many husbands do not stand pressure in this situation, and the betrayal is often an infantile attempt to self-affirmation in the eyes of another woman. And if the wrong spouse start to reproach in immorality, egoism, then it is possible to push it finally. Of course, and with a stranger, and with their pride need to be considered and not allowed to learn him to aggravated limits. Therefore, it may be, nature and endowed women with artistry, spiritual subtlety, deep heartiness, the ability to see the soul, to understand, sorry and empathize.

It seems that everything is good: you love each other, and you have time to spend together, and you dream about the joint future. That's just sometimes it is inflated as a soap bubble, and when it bursts, there is little space, it becomes little and, first of all, you. So what do you do wrong? Why does he break off on you, seemingly from scratch? Eh, you disturbed the male ego, and it is strictly prohibited.

So, the male ego is the inner side of each man, and the side is special and in something even incomprehensible, since it needs a special approach. The fact is that it is the male ego that reveals the entire essence of a man. All men's hypostasia: Hunter, conqueror, breadwinner, head of family, Lovelace, lover - they all find their reflection, but rather even take their start in the male beginning.

  • You can say otherwise, the male ego is the pride of the men, which, you can undermine his faith in yourself, and put the collapse of his values.

Of course, you can speak infinitely about male pride, as it is pretty - the unknown area of \u200b\u200bthe male consciousness, but this is already the prerogative of psychologists, and our task is to figure out how to live next to a man so that his male pride was not Both.

You see what the matter is, the ego, which is spent, the thing is very gentle and fragile. A man only seems to be so strong (meaning morally), but in fact, it is very easy to hurt and touch for living. Moreover, not necessarily specific words, the male ego is sensitive even to hints. So they said something wrong, and all, wait for the analysis of flights, scandals, offended face and inflated lips. Male ego visually resembles a soap bubble that inflates - inflates from the resentment and discontent, and then how to burst that there will be little space! Well, what, let's wonder the most frequent women's mistakes that beat on male pride.

Do not make it comments before his friends or foreign people.

Oh yeah! This is the most important female mistake by making a woman can no longer count on the fact that her man will fulfill her orders unquestioned. If your man has not been to nail the shelf in the bathroom for several months or the crane flows in the kitchen, and he will never achieve anything, if you start criticize your man before outsider.

What does a woman drive at this moment? She thinks that if he disseminate a man before his friends, he will be ashamed and he will fix everything immediately. Nothing like this! You just call it aggression. For example, you came to visit your friends, and you speak out loud yes with all our eloquence: "What are your beautiful wallpaper, but I can't finish it for half a year, we can live on suitcases!". Do you think, after such words, does he start to finish repairs?! No, you can forget that he will ever be finished at all. In a man, he possesses his pride, and he will begin to do everything on you.

Psychologists advise in this case to flow up to the opposite. For example, everywhere and constantly praise your man, even if it is completely wrong. By doing so, you are the tessime of male pride, Ion wants to meet your words. And, if you are visiting friends to say that your man has golden hands, at home he will immediately take the ill-fated shelf.

Do not mention with it of your former

And even more so, do not think to put them in an example. The favorite female phrase: "But my ex always hugged me before bedtime" or something else in the same way. Disture memories of your former from your vocabulary once and forever! Male pride implies the full and unconditional possession of his woman.

Of course, he perfectly understands that you have had men before him, but his ego does not want to put up with it, and will not do it! So, if you want to save your relationship and its nerves in any case, do not remember your former. Better, on the contrary, often emphasize that you have the only and unique, and you also searched for his whole life.

Do not challenge his decisions in the open

And this is another mistake that women admit, since they cannot cope with their inner gusts. It is about the fact that a man is the head of the family. That's just this chapter constantly does something wrong and allows for elementary errors. We are women, trying to send their man to the right way and challenge his decisions, which naturally leads a man to real rabies.

So why? And the fact is that, again, the idea that the man is the head of the family, that he is the main, and its decisions are indisputable, undergoing the male ego. And a woman challenging the male decisions, undermines his male ego and his faith in herself, in principle. So really a woman needs to agree with his man and take all his decisions? No, his decisions can be challenged, but it is necessary to do this not clearly, but is hidden, so as not to harm his proud.

  • As they say, a man is a family head, and a woman is a neck that turns this head. So be smarter, because it is possible to do in - to your own and not to touch his ego.

How to do it? Suppose your man wants you to corporate your favorite dress, but you understand perfectly well that his choice is just terrible that in this dress you can go only to the garden to frighten the raven. Well, no need to criticize his opinion and say that the dress is terrible, and at absolutely there is no taste, try to give him to understand that in another dress you will be better.

Thus, each woman needs to remember that in order to preserve strong and healthy relationships, do not try to beat around the patient and fragile - on male pride. Trying something to prove to a man, do not do it, destroying his male ego, as a man becomes dismantled and offended. After all, we are women, should be smarter and resourceful, so beplaceable, holy and cherry male ego.

Such a quality as a pride is expressed in several components: it is, first of all, too overestimated opinion about himself and its own opportunities, which is directly related to self-esteem, as well as too zealous attitude to his own personality and too sensory attitude to its assessment on the part of other individuals.

The pride in principle takes place for each person, but it is expressed in varying degrees. At the same time, an incorrect is considered an excessively high pride, which may even be poured into the so-called "narcissism". Such people are too painful perceive the criticism on any, even the most smallest occasion. They are also characterized too much and deeply worry the refusal to one or another request. It is worth noting that excessive pride may result in serious consequences when the individual feels too offended without any adequate reason and can slow down a serious revenge.

Both pride

Man is a unique and unique being. Even inside its own society, each individual is a unique person. We all have our own, personal features of appearance and character, a unique combination of qualities, advantages, disadvantages. But at the same time, for each of the people there is something in common. In particular, we all inherent in a sense of pride in one way or another severity.

It is impossible to unequivocally talk about whether the very presence of pride is something good or bad. Psychologists consider this phenomenon as a special property of the human psyche, which allows the individual to preserve its individuality, actual things and quality for him. In other words, this is one of those properties that are based on the desire of an individual to develop, self-improvement, an increase in its value in society.

But is it really a feeling of pride is such a good stimulus for working on yourself? In this matter, everything is not so unequivocally, because the severity of pride and its manifestation of each individual is very unique. Someone is inclined to assume that pride is a good background to hold self-esteem in its adequate condition, others - that this is nothing more than a negative quality, which leads to the exaggeration of the importance of its own "I". In any case, it is worth noting that both assumptions have a place to be, as pride is really able to manifest itself in various variations. Adequate self-esteem, as well as a positive assessment of the surrounding from the outside, contribute to more resistant self-improvement, but negative criticism, failures and condemnations can cause proven proud.

In fact, not each of us can safely make negative comments about yourself. All this depends on the nature of a person, his beliefs and other unique factors of his psyche. Nevertheless, the ability to adequately perceive the design comments, even even in a negative key, is very important quality. We all react differently to the comments in general: someone is very annoying and climbing the quarrel, in every way denying them, someone silently swallows offense, someone has a lot of self-esteem.

If you have become a victim of completely unreasonable criticism or just resentment to your address, it is best to use the simple advice of psychologists: ignore, accept the offender what has already happened, step further in life, without giving up a lot of things, because they do not change you and Your personality. It is worth noting that in general a person is social and, therefore, very dependent on social opinion. The slightest praise is able to exalt us in our eyes, but criticism or insult - to forever repeal the hunt for further attempts to achieve something. In this case, pride should be viewed as a kind of "catalyst" of decisions and actions accomplished, but not as motivation for their formation.

A person with inadequate, overwhelmed pride, is very easy to offend. This is essentially their distinguishing feature. Sometimes enough and one word, even if it does not carry some intentional subtext or negative shade, a narrow-minded person is able to find them. At the same time, it is worth distinguishing pride, which can lead to the development of egocentrism, and the desire to be first. The latter is quite a normal quality that is inherent to each person and in the norm should evolve. Of course, if it does not go beyond adequacy.

Vulnerable pride

In itself, too overestimated pride is not a dangerous, but quite another thing, if a vulnerable pride is developing, to which it can lead. This is bad because a person with such pride is very hard perceives criticism in his address, in whatever form it has been filed, it is generally hard to own himself and adequately perceive the comments on his address. All the above is perceived too close to the heart, especially if the comments and criticism was not so constructive.

It is very important to develop the ability to react to the criticism uttered to your address. First of all, it is worth evaluating criticism and make sure that you really have something that you deserve such a kind of comments. At the same time, if someone recognizes the right of others to criticize him, he can also require the observance of a number of his rights, from the surrounding. In particular, the criticism of someone's personality should not be a public domain and, as a rule, it is customary to pronounce in a private conversation.

Here are a number of tips from psychologists as to how best to behave in such situations:

  • If you do not understand what the essence of critics aimed at your address is best to ask a person to clarify what exactly he means, rather than try to independently build some guesses.
  • It is also important to be able to distinguish the content of criticism, that is, its essence, from the external form. In which she is ridiculed. The essence of criticism can be valid, but at the same time you may not like exactly how it is filed. In such a situation, it is better to immediately say right: "Your criticism is valid, but should not go to individuals."
  • It happens that you categorically disagree with criticism and this has its own foundations. It is worth trying to calmly convey your point of view to the opponent, justifying it or emphasizing the fact that this is your personal opinion.
  • Always during the conversation, keep calm and. Do not let the interlocutor think that he suppressed you something, talk to a calmly raised voice tone.

It should be emphasized that the feeling of vulnerable pride is not just some kind of negative reaction to negative criticism and something similar. In fact, this is also the protective function of the human ego. It concerns the purely internal problems of the individual, and is also considered to be feedback with the outside world. That is, it should be understood that the insult, based on pride, is not a unique feature of character, and only a reaction to an external psychological stimulus. Such a person becomes completely incapable of the perception of criticism from the side, self-analysis, as well as prone to inadequate behavior.

Male pride

In principle, the blow to pride is a painful event for any person, although some can cope with this, so that the reaction to negative external psychological factors has its own. In particular, male pride, unlike female, is more pronounced, so that representatives of strong sex the reaction is much more aggravated. Because of this, they often become somewhat inadequate, uncontrolled and even aggressive. In order to avoid such situations in family life, you should learn how to smooth out the "sharp corners" arising, to quickly solve conflict situations and, in which case, to make concessions. It is very useful to know what the men most often leads to the irritation of men, and what actions from the side of the woman they are simply not able to forgive.

Most of the most beautiful sex representatives are too much relying on their impunity, perceiving it as the right to say anything to the men, without fear of incuring responsibility, as well as to achieve their goals in any available way. It is believed that a loving husband is able to forgive his half all. In principle, it is, especially if such "antics" do not switch certain frames. But at some point, the situation comes suddenly when a man becomes tough, no longer amenable to control and is able to surprise his spouse very much. That is why any woman should feel a certain face that it is not necessary to overtake in a relationship with a man in no way.

Of course, first of all it is worth noting female treason. We emphasize that treason from the spouse, as a rule, for a man is not at all what his own treason. For example, if he changed his spouse himself, he quite rightly may noted for himself that his betrayal was only an intima need, so his wife still remains for him the only and native. At the same time, it is very often believed that treason on the part of a woman is more conjugate with feelings, based on sympathy, needs in caress and love. That is, the treason of spouse is a direct hint for a man that she does not apply to him as its only one, so the relationship is already completely different.

So treason hurts a man's pride very much. There are cases when a man is able to forgive betray, but in the future he still will hardly forget the fact of what has happened, so the relationship will never be more definite.

Also, many men do not endure situations when a woman will lead his position lead in their relationship. Any man, whatever he, always wants to feel the support, necessary, irreplaceable. If a woman takes on the role of the hostess of the provisions every time a difficult situation arises, it hits his pride. The same applies to the comparison of a man with someone else, the best than he.

Manipulation in intimate relationships is another light way to hurt male pride. All sorts of excuses in bed like a sick head and bad mood, especially if they are too frequent - this is only a reason to push it to treason. Require for sex the execution of whims and buying gifts - this is still the worst idea.

You can easily withdraw a man if you put it in a negative light in front of friends or even close relatives. Representatives of strong gender I want to be wealthy and reliable, practically ideal and indispensable for our companions, so mockery or too aggressive criticism from the beloved woman is an overly painful blow to them.

There are still a number of female deeds and habits that are easily annoyed by men. These are also infinite chatter on the phone, gossip, aimless running on shopping ... Many these things men can easily close their eyes and not focus on this. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to abuse.

Women's pride

What is in turn a female pride from male is distinguished? First of all, psychologists note the fact that it often happens unreasonably overpriced, so it can be very simple to touch it, and it can be done completely suddenly, uttering just one "not true" word. At the same time, the woman, being visible, is able to turn into a real "monster". They will foresee the insult and revenge, capable of ulcers, lie, let dust in the eyes, go down to banal insults.

At the same time, it is very easy to hurt the pride of any woman with married treason. Not all of them are able to look at such things through the fingers, no matter how men did not try to justify their search for an intima "on the side" and put their treason less significant than treason.

In most cases, according to statistical data, women themselves are the initiators of divorce and breaks in relations. At the same time, the treason, one of the most frequent actions leading to this, occur on the basis of a decrease in emotional bonds in the family. Very often, the woman pushes on such a decisive step is the vulnerable pride.

If treason has occurred from the husband. And the spouse learns about it, it's a very difficult question in front of it: to accept it, learn to live and forgive, try to keep the former relationship with that person who has always been relatives and loved ones? Or listen to your pride and stop all for the root? Psychologists recommend women to try to take a neutral position, relax, not hot, to take the decision in the future from their point of view, and not chop off the shoulder.

We made a list of things that in no way should do to save men's pride. By the way, this is important not only for the harmonious course of your relationship, but also for the success of your beloved on a career field and in other affairs. After all, knowledge of male psychology will allow you to help your beloved believe in your own strength and become a real support of your family.

5 things that hurt men's pride

1) You laugh at him in the presence of friends.

Never - absolutely never - do not need to do that. Even if it seems to you that your favorite is endowed with a great sense of humor. Any jokes over it, no matter, successful or not, he will perceive as recognition of his own insolvency. Especially if you deliver them out loud in the company of friends. Especially if they concern sex, its appearance, work, earnings, achievements in sports and relatives. Leave the jokes with you, in the extreme case, you can laugh with my mother or girlfriends. When your guy is not with you, of course.

2) You are trying to be the main in the family.

Even if you earn 2 times more, it is not a reason to command them at home. Try to be softer and let him take everything into your hands. So you not only be able to relax and relax at home, but also make the right step in your relationship: a man will feel like a head of the family, will become more responsible and active.

3) You make it go to the doctor.

Such is the male psychology, for the most part, they hate to go to the doctor (especially if it comes to sexual health), and if they begin to hint at the need for examination, they perceive it as a blow to pride. Make a horse King - If you think that your man needs to visit the doctor, sign up for reception on the same day and tell him about the bottom of health for you. Or ask the mother-in-law to convince the Son that it is necessary to be examined.

4) You are not living.

If you envy your girlfriends and often tell the guy that Masha was again in the Maldives again, and you did not go to the sea for the third year in a row, try to find a more constructive method to express my desires. Such an approach and whining about how bad life you have, lingering a man and cause His apathy. After all, he feels guilty that he cannot give you everything you want! It is better to inspire him to change the work or get an increase in tenderness, attention and love.

5) You often refuse sex.

Intimate topic is one of the most important for any man. Let him feel that you appreciate him and you have pleasure from sex! And if it is not so, then why do you meet at all?

What to do if you hurt male pride

It doesn't matter whether it happened by chance or in the mouth of a quarrel when you wanted to build a partner. It is now important to smooth the conflict and return to him faith. First, apologize for what has been said. Secondly, we will often tell the favorite compliments, making a soft focus on what was offended last time. Thirdly, try more often to please your husband or boyfriend, for example, massage, breakfast in bed and other pleasant things. Soon you will see that in response, he also tries to make you pleasant - both emotional and materially. Return will not make himself wait!