How to communicate with a married lover. Secrets of the perfect mistress. So let's try to understand who she is - an ideal mistress in the opinion of men

Mistress is a special topic for men who are forced to hide their relationship, while often themselves create problems themselves. Male site site recommends readers if you intend to and and be disclosed, then it is better to make a married mistress. How to behave with her so that the relationship really pleased, let's talk later.

If there is no desire to leave the wife to stay with his mistress, it is better to immediately choose a woman who will agree to leave your relationship in secret. A married woman is best suited for this role. She definitely does not want her husband to find out about everything. It will definitely want to disclose information about your relationship as little as possible. She will definitely not be revenge and return to you in various ways if you want to part. In all these actions, it will stop the fear of losing her husband, while it is a dirtiff in lover.

Of course, you can choose a lonely young lady for the role of mistress. However, it should be considered the fact that she will soon be to become your only one. She falls in love with you, after which it will start asking and even demand that you divorce your wife and marry her.

Sorry the nature of the relationship

Better initially all the points arrange over "and". You are not going to leave my wife. You are not going to marry anyone. This should know your mistress well. It is better to immediately be sincere, then not to get the whole anger that thought you love her and soon marry.

Even a married woman can decide what has found her other husband. She wants to divorce his current spouse to marry you. So that this does not happen, it is better to immediately say what binds you. You do not intend to part with your wife, so all your connection should remain secret.

Well, if you immediately designate the borders for which the woman should not go out. She is a mistress, the second after your wife. If this role does not suit her, then do not start anything with it. Speak that you are married to the mistress at least sometimes squeezed from her hopes and desires.

Why do you need to discuss the nature of the relationship? So that there are no situations when the mistress will consider himself deceived. You can tell her about love, you can give her gifts, and also spend a lot of time with it. However, she should be aware that you will never become her husband and the only man. Better from the very beginning, set up a mistress to the desired way, so that she wanted to take revenge on his wife.

Married mistress

Why better choose a married mistress? She definitely does not pretend to break the relationship with his wife to marry you. She already has a husband, which means that it has already satisfied this need.

Moreover, the married mistress will also be interested in keeping your connection in secret. She, too, does not want to quarrel with her husband, which means it will meet with you only for the sake of satisfaction of your needs.

Avoid dusposov

It is better to avoid any questions about your family life. Mother will surely be interested to learn how the relationship with his wife is folded. However, understand that any information may today not represent any danger, but over time to be used against you. If the mistress does not like the break of relationships with you, then she can wish you revenge. And here, as the way, it will be useful information that you yourself about your family will be.

Communication between lovers is mandatory. Woman, even if she and married, needs not only in sex, but also in communication. She wants to feel desirable, interesting, attracting. Here you can communicate not only live, but also by SMS, telephone. Of course, make sure that your secret correspondence gets into their hands to his wife or to other of your ill-wishers.

Always show the initiative to hear or write a mistress. Although she is not your beloved, it will be nice to feel at least some kind of attachment on your part.

Darite gifts

Even with the mistress will have to spend money on. After all, all women love surprises, even if they are just mistresses. It displays their love, energy, positive attitude. Since with your mistress you can not see every free minute, you can compensate for this disadvantage of various gifts. It is not necessary to give dear gifts, especially if the mistress is married.

You can give candy, sets of underwear, cosmetics, perfumes, decorations, flowers, and so on. Sometimes a married woman will simply suit the gift in the form of money, if anyone has no prejudice.

Even if your mistress is married, she also needs to make gifts to please. It is better to discuss with her, what better surprises to do to her so that the husband does not suspect anything.

Sincere words about love

Men often resort to such a job as recognition in love to arrange women to themselves. However, over time, they receive constantly demanding and dissatisfied women. What's the matter? If you say words about love, then must confirm their actions. If you say love words with your mistress, she perceives it as your desire to divorce your wife and start a serious relationship with her.

If you do not intend to divorce your wife, then it's better not to admit love to not give false hopes. If you are experiencing some feelings, then talk about them. However, they should be solely sincere.

In addition to gifts and words of love, sex and communication, you should bind walks. It does not prevent one evening to hold not in bed, but somewhere on a walk: in a cafe, cinema or restaurant. It is better to choose such places where you usually do not go with your wife and are not your friends. As far as possible, you are from the places where your acquaintances can see you.

Avoid Tree Topics

Another mistake of many men is a conversation about a possible divorce. Perhaps you are really thinking about divorce. However, if you have not yet applied to the registry office, it is better to pose.

First, you can change your mind at any time. Children, the opinion of relatives, joint property, and just a refusal of conceived can encourage you without divorcing his wife. And what will happen if you have already promised a mistress to divorce? At best, she will forgive you or just you will part. In the worst case, she will want to take revenge on false hopes.

Secondly, you give your conversations about the divorce. Now the mistress will wait for you to come to her with the excellent news that we divorce with my wife. Moreover, the longer you will pull with the submission of an application to the registry office, the more persistent will become a mistress in its requirements. You have promised, gave hope.

Material aid

Give your mistress money? Do not stand K. this issue Treat negative. Many men provide their mistresses, even if after that they can be called prostitutes. Mantility for women is natural. Each woman, even your wife, is to some extent the relationship with a man for the sake of money from him.

How much money to give mistress, should be decided by you personally. However, there are mistresses who meet with men only when they give them, and in the quantity they need.

Love separately, work separately

Often lovers are found at working together. A woman of your secret life can be your colleague or even subordinate. However, here too, initially you need to place all the points above "and". At work, you must work and do not even give the form that there are any relationship between you. But in bed and with love meetings you can enjoy love.

Even if you go to business trips together, other people should not be aware of your shared love affairs. This information can take advantage of ill-wishers who want to harm you.

Refuse to start a child

Another mistress may want to give birth from you a child, especially if she is alone. This can not be done. Understand that women are born children will begin in various ways to tie you to yourself. They will first begin to put pressure on your pity, then they will threaten, and at the end they will force you to constantly provide materially. This you will definitely be hidden from your wife if she knows how much money you earn.

The child should be obtained only in family relationships. And the mistress do not even let any hopes for it.

He will be able to part

If you decide to stop relationships and, it is better to do it in human. The lover is worthy of taking normally with her and put before the fact. No need to leave silently, leaving it in the unknown.

Understand that if you leave silently than you can raise your mistress, she will want to find and find out the relationship. So, she can come to you to work or even home to find out with screams and scandal, why you disappeared. And about this exactly your wife will know.

How to behave with a married woman?

If you decide to change your wife, it is better to choose a woman's married or who agrees to be the second. From the very beginning you need to discuss that you will only love lovers, no more. You do not intend to love her, create a family and give birth to children. If all this is satisfied with your mistress, then you can quickly see with her, sleep and give gifts. Start the relationship with the mistress correctly, it will save you from surprises and female hysterics.

Relationships of men and women - the topic is complex and conflicting by itself. And if there is someone third in them, then everything complicates many times. And how to be if you were the third? Banal story: You love each other, you are good together, but ... how would it be softer? ... "I'm married a little." Familiar? So, this article is just for you, dear. Perhaps you have already wondered: "How to behave with a married man if you are a lover of a married man?" Well, let's try to find the answer.

We put priorities

Why this is this man? He is beautiful, smart, successful, do you have common interests, spiritual connection or just "Passion overwhelmed and bold everything in its path"? It is very important to abstract from emotions and firmly solve for themselves what exactly you want from these relationships. Even if you are now satisfied with the position of the "second violin", far from that it will always be. Determined the border for themselves. Do you hope he divorced? Wonder if you really want it. Take the place of the one from which he runs away from time to time to you. Imagine for a second that it happened. Are you sure that after some time you will not find yourself in the role of a deceived spouse?

It is no less important to be aware that your man is in relation to you. What doesn't he have enough at home? Men shade an intrigue on the side much more often than women. Someone lacks sex. Someone gets tired of life and family obligations and wants to plunge into romantic relationships, re-feel like a hunter. Someone wants to feel support and understanding, which cannot be obtained from the spouse. Even to prostitutes, men are often treated for sex, but to pour out the soul. It has long been proven fact.

In order to understand how to behave with a married man, if you are a mistress of a married man, you need, first of all, to understand what these relationships give you. Both you.

Portrait of an ideal mistress

Whether it is ready to maintain your connection at the proper level and strengthen it to you. If you decide for yourself that you need this particular man, you will have to become a dream for him, ideal, fairy tale, because "harsh reality" is waiting for him at home.

Pay more attention to your appearance, preparing for the next meeting. Do not try to relax being in front of him in a home dressing robe and slippers, because you are a mistress, not a wife, and you can not afford similar carelessness.

Sex is the most important component of your relationship and here you should be a goddess. Show fantasy and let it do to him. Whether it is ready for the fact that he may want experiments to which he did not decrease with his wife.

You have to share his interests and hobbies, maintain it in everything, that is, to give him what is not in his family. Become for him not only a woman, but also a friend, that's what is really important.

You can't afford criticism in his address and you can not put forward any requirements. Imagine yourself in his place: home wife "saws", and here - you. Believe in this case, he will quickly lose interest if you start to express numerous claims to him.

Taba of perfect mistress

If you seriously tuned to a long relationship, it is equally important to know how not to behave with a married man if you are a married man's mistress.

His family is holy

In no case cannot require a divorce from him, discuss this topic, negatively responding to his spouse. Forget about its existence. If he will complain, you, of course you can listen to him, but the less the theme of his family will pop up in your communication, the better. Watch this, because it is important.

Do not ask him gifts or material assistance, even if you are with him because of money. No, you did not hear. If you are moving mercantile interest, it will have to hide it thoroughly, because no man does not like to be "dairy cow".

You should always be in a great mood when he is near. Hysterics, tears, screams and other stormy manifestations of negative emotions will have to postpone "until better times." Men do not like hysterics, so even if you are the star of theatrical layoffs, do not try to turn your relationship into dramatic production. He will not appreciate it.

First of all, it is necessary to be the reason, it is necessary to determine the most: passion, love, temporary passion. In any case, it is necessary to realize how to behave with a married man so that he felt superiority, joy from meetings, even if only the status in society is interesting, it is a temporary option and can simply give something valuable.

Often, the mistress is often addressed not only for the sake of the carnal joy, but also in order to fill the life of the missing elements: caressing, care, understanding, tips mistresses will help to keep any man to themselves.

It is important to adhere to those principles that are beneficial for both parties, even when the guy fell in love - is not a fact that at the same time is ready to say goodbye to his legitimate wife. The essence of relationships on the side is to satisfy the desires of the content, which should clearly know how to behave with a married lover, and accordingly, causing a married man.

If the relationship is temporary, uninteresting, without feelings, then you should not claim the place of the new wife, it is better to be an ideal, which worship, wish to perform all whims than ever-exhausted by the life, tired with a heavy moral sediment. The adoration receives the perfect mistress of a married man, because it knows exactly how to behave with a married to please him.

Perfect image

Being a lady of a married man, you need to be able to stay in the shadows, to understand that the exposure can lead not only to the collapse of your relationship, but also provoke incredible problems that will leave stigma for a long time.

Be a lovelist - a big job. It is necessary to realize what responsibility is assigned to know what the rules of the mistress of a married man are concluded. Perhaps it looks funny, but, in fact, there are unwritten rules of the behavior of the mistress, which can conquer, conquer the heart of even the most unkind, impregnable macho.

Rules of perfect mistress:

  • Be as simple as possible, do not climb with whining and constant problems, less complaining.
  • Working on confidence, speak daily: "I am the best, I will succeed," psychologists have proven that people with high self-esteem stretch more.
  • Passion, frankness helps the male sex feel like in paradise, if he considers you a goddess in terms of sex, it will certainly want to return again.
  • Elegance, well-groomed grace. Few people will be interested in the young lady with a "beam" on the head, in a bathrobe, impregnated with aromas of food, need thrill sensations, a variety of feelings, a splash of emotions.
  • It is advisable to share not only a bed, but also views, values, to provide support, be able to listen to just be a good friend.
  • Why go there, where is constant discontent and statements? Only from the house ran away, where the wife "blood drank", and here on you - the continuation should be. Be prudent, restrain, even if it is extremely difficult, remember that it is necessary to be a princess from a fairy tale, and not a grumbling witch.
  • He must feel that no one loves him with the same force as you. Fully ignore the fact of the marital status.
  • Do not straighten anything, do not blame, do not work about how bad when it is not, let it be an ideal superhero for you, which always appears on time and does everything perfectly.


  • The first and basic rule on which the further development of relations will depend on is the frequency of family discussions, believe me, negative, non-extended statements will not lead to anything good. If we value a person, then you can not condemn his choice, to demand something, explicitly express at elevated colors. Listen should always be, but it is better to refrain from the explosion of emotions, because the reaction may be the most unpredictable.
  • It's no secret that in touch with maritics often go for the sake of benefits, in fact, there is something in it ... There must be some kind of refund for patience, constant separation with another lady, listening to problems. Of course, it's nice to take, get gifts, especially if they are expensive, but it is necessary to thoroughly hide, rejoice in every little thing, so that a good desire arose to please more and more. Remember, no respectful gentleman will not be patient next to him a capricious trans.
  • It is impossible to be inactive mumps, but hysterics will also have to leave somewhere on the sidelines, be something else. Turn the joint time on the holiday. It is not necessary to interfere with rare meetings on that quarrels, tears, disassembly, constantly build a victim, whining, in this case, such "suffering" can easily, irrevocably, do not flush their nerves and do not have the patience of others.
  • Stop manipulation, plant the feeling of guilt, because it can push to thinking to make a choice, which, by the way, may not be in your favor.
    Forget about the control, persecution, a person should not feel the prisoner.
  • Men do not tolerate fools, try to get out of their society as soon as possible so throw the following things out of my head: sex is the most important, in addition, it is necessary to deal with at least self-development. Do not even try to keep the child if the plan works, the "happy" dad will feel an idiot, hate you for this face, such things must be coordinated. Keep calm, adequacy, do not make unexpected visits, do not take persecution, homemade.
  • Nobody loves obsession, arrogance too. Show independence, do not shift your problems, troubles, care, do not ask for frequent help.

Kill the victim

How well, that we live in your free time, where everyone itself establishes orders, the norms of morality, the way of life. Is it worth it, in general, to make relationships with a person related family bings? - Yes, if it really wants, in the end, you need to listen to your heart, if it is love, flaming feelings, and suddenly, and mutual, then surely worth the risk, go to active actions.

The content is probably knowing in advance what goes in advance, so in the future it is useless to roll the scenes of jealousy, put pressure on pity, to put forward an ultimatum. Everything is quite simple: the option is either suitable, or no. In fact, it was invaded in someone else's life, so threatening, blackmailing, demanding - stupid. It is unlikely that you will cause compassion the thief invading your territory, which carries some incomprehensible Ahine that you offended him, strongly owed.

Of course, you can put the final cross on the morality, declare home, call (by any methods to run into a conversation or meeting with my wife), roll a grand scandal, but it is equivalent to sign a death sentence, after such a passion, but And the brutal final of the relationship will come. Rejoice because you have: attention, caress, tenderness, gifts.

In fact - freedom, lack of constant morals, life. Build life so that it suits it if something went wrong, it means that the path was chosen wrong, what's actually, it is worth blaming himself, try to correct. Understand, not everyone is ready to go to the cardinal changes, throw a family, it is worth accepting, do not dramatize once again about this.

The truth is extremely simple,

guys (at any age) always go to where they love and wait.

In such a way, they are a bit distracted, forget their daily difficulties. No matter how insulting, regrettable, but the mistress is needed for relaxation, demonstrate yourself in all its glory, magnificence, and certainly, do not leave it indifferent.

It is sometimes useful to show the hardness of nature so that "Kazanova" did not think that he was allowed to be a lot, because it would start to wipe "legs" immediately, the interest immediately dispel. A lot of effort must be attached to understand how to behave with a married man that he was pleased, reigned full idyll.


This is such a topic ( How to behave with a married man? ) I met me at one of the numerous forums on women's topics on the Internet. AND sad Not from what questions were asked there: "Does the lodge have the right to call a married man, write and when she doesn't want to see him, refuse him?"

I read on the forum and I understand that some kind chaos going on in their heads People (forgive me conviction). The answers were in style: "The mistress does not have any rights at all! Do not deserve! " Or "if there are no children with his wife on his side, why not have the right?!"

Discussing the topic in our majority - women. Reading their comments, I did not leave the thought: "Well, how can you not love yourself!" And you know why? Because the discussion repelled from the role Lovers or wife. But no one - not from person, none declared her opinion from the role of a woman! This result of reasoning was because all the answers were built, based on the very first incorrect point of view, in the categories of distorted reality, from the persecution of the injured personality. In the root, the wrong question has led the corresponding answers. I do not even know how to such manipulative The question is at all finding "healthy" answer. What does it mean "to behave?" Why exactly the category of men "married"? Who is addressed to the question at all (mistresses, girls in search, wives, women divorced)?

Probably, still correct will ask yourself why do I need to talk to a man? What result i want Get from communication with a man? If a man is married, how will it affect On the result of the conversation and the behavior of a man?

These questions do not limit you, dear women, and your thinking categories "correct / wrong". These questions are addressed to different categories of people (and women and men who are married or not). The status of a married man does not closure to the person and its decisions in the framework of the same role - a spouse or bachelor. If you strive to avoid manipulation, then refer to the personality boundaries of a person stands with respect regardless of his civil, social or professional status. You communicate with a person, not with his role (status).

Of course, the position / human status may limit the choice when making life solutions to them. This may be associated with (moral) beliefs. But it is not necessary to voluntarily be mistaken that a person comes under the influence of your relationship or his relationship with the environment. By and large all people are free From you and even free from your status (although it is not easy)! It happens regardless From who you come to each other. Understand, dear women, that even if you are married, your spouse is not your property to impose restrictions, dispose of time and its resources. If you are not marriedthen you have the same set of rights to it! Other duties only.

Often women (and with men happen) want their declared in relationships to impose partner duties. This is the main reason for the discretion in a pair. Imposed expectations become shacklesFrom which naturally want to get rid of.

Be a woman next to a man, not a person with a status or fulfilling the role!
We teach:

♦ How to learn to live without manipulations, talk freely with the environment,
♦ How to maintain calm confidence in relationships,
♦ How to have dignity, reputation and enjoy respect.

To know this and be able to, you are enough.

With love, Elena Deltendik

In this article about the new psychology of relationship with a married man, I will tell you the secrets that it is not customary to speak. Many women simply do not want to know about them, because they are waiting for suffering from a touch with a man unconsciously or specifically. And married people do not talk about what they actually want from relationships on the side, due to the fact that this truth is unpleasant for them, and for women is bitter. Where better to present everything under the romantic sauce of breaking passion and rainbow promises! The higher the castle of illusions, the more painful to fall ... so I would call my revelations

First, let's clarify than a family man differs from the usual one. The difference is huge, believe me. A married means that took the desired - status, woman, or self-affirmation. So, women, what can you surprise a married man who, let them temporarily, but UGAS instinct hunter and the conqueror? Skilled sex? .. Do you like cakes? Sooner or later, sweet cheers, and wants something sharp. Are you ready to guess the tastes of a man and be different? I already hear the protest - they say, I do not intend to adapt to any ... Psychology of relationships with a married man - this is a sophisticated art to wake a new attraction in it, get care, and perhaps love ... If a woman wants from a family man only sex and template gifts on Case - Is this a game? Just the need to take advantage of a man in favor of your pleasure. Do you like when you use you? ..

Psychology, especially in love, does not tolerate stamps. Want to keep a man, free or married, - play not on his body, but on the organ of his soul. He will be grateful to doubly - after all, they emphasized the person, and not just the male. Do not need to put pressure on it "When do you encourage?!" And "I want to marry!" A married man is not grapes. Grow it gradually and patiently, and he generously delighted you with its fruits. Want to squeeze all the juices from it - be prepared to use the unfortunate spinning soon.

Psychology of relations with a married man - a delicate strategy. In this battle wins the wise. A skillful woman will arrange so that everyone will be fine: she, a man and his family. Surely, this approach for you is new and will seem strange. To find out the relationship with his wife, talking about her nastiness, demand, to divorce, - I don't care what to dance barefoot on a hot scaled field. First of all, you will burn yourself! When the time comes that a married man chooses: a cozy homemade focus, in which, let not 100%, but sure, or a brief connection with the capricious hysteric? .. Do not need to be a psychologist to understand. Of course, there will be those that will prefer the second - seekers of acute sensations. But when the adrenaline evaporates, a man will bother to tackle a challenge mare, and he will want a relaxed living.

How to start a relationship with a married man?

Now about women's desires. The psychology of relations with a married man will be successful only thanks to the right actions of a woman. First of all, you do not need to deceive yourself. What do you really want from connection with him? "Love and Communication", as my friend said. An exclusion is old as a world. The time of pink glasses has passed. Now a new reality - in honor of sincerity. First of all, in front of me. Admit what you need relationships with a married man:

  • avoid solitude
  • use his money and receive gifts
  • have sex without commitment
  • get care and reliable shoulder
  • for the sake of sports interest.

Benefits a lot. The frankly you will, the less disappointment you will comprehend. It is not necessary to talk about your real intentions to a man. Psychology - thin matter, and guessed without words ...

What if you fell in love with a man?

Patiently build a bridge to His heart:

  • do not condemn and maintain
  • help instead of demand
  • not to be offended, but to communicate,
  • find diamonds of any relationship - what is interesting to do you both (hobbies, travel, general views),
  • be unpredictable, do not open all the cards at once, leave the sweetest Sherbet for later when he is sure that you are an open book for him.

While you stay for him at least a bit of secret, he will pick up the key to you ... Men love to overcome difficulties. Perhaps there will be disturbances: "Why should I do everything? Let him try himself! " Successful psychology of relations with a married man begins with you ... If he feels the reliability of your intentions, it will respond the same. But it may happen that you loved, and he needs only sex. Do not waste yourself in vain, go. Why grow flowers for someone who does not feel their fragrance? ..

In my life, there was also a married man - Sultan Shahriyar. Women who gave him only carnal affairs, killed in the morning. I stayed alive only because I started talking to him, to sleep his aggression with fairy tales, and, most importantly, to overtake your fascinating stories on the half-word, to regret in it, desire to see again, and again. Men love ears much more than women. Do you know this? .. Use these new secrets, and turn your relationship with a married man from an ordinary need for pleasure!