How kindergartens work on New Year's holidays. Why do you need an application for a child's leave in kindergarten - a sample. During the summer holidays

A kindergarten teacher is also a teacher, only with his own special characteristics.

As you know, workers in the pedagogical sphere are given a special one, this is due to the peculiarities of the profession itself and the load that they bear during the school year. For educators, there is generally no academic year or vacation as such, but their work time is more standardized.

So how many vacation days does a kindergarten teacher have? And are there additional conditions for rest for workers in this area?

Citizens who have entered into an employment relationship with an employer, regardless of their position and work performed, have. A balanced approach to work and rest allows employees to perform their duties efficiently and take good care of their health.

Rest is divided into several categories:

  1. - technical and for meals.
  2. Weekend days when a person is off work for 24 hours or more.
  3. Vacation.

Vacation is the longest vacation. Vacation periods are granted to all employees without exception annually. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the minimum duration of vacation is 28 days. These days can be selected by the employee at a time or divided into parts. It is allowed to divide the vacation period into any number, provided that one of its parts is at least 14 days.

The right to leave arises automatically for a person with the start of work, but it can be used subject to certain conditions. In the first year of work in the organization, an employee will be able to apply for a job no earlier than he has worked for six months. After six months, he can immediately take the entire period due to him or take only part of it. In subsequent years of work at this enterprise, provided that the length of service was not interrupted by departures, you can take rest days at any time, starting from the day the new working year begins. The work year is an individual indicator that begins its countdown from the moment an employee is hired for a position. When transferring to another organization, the labor year is counted according to new dates.

As a rule, in most cases, the length of the vacation period is not affected by the length of service. Although there are professions where, with an increase in continuous experience, the duration of annual rest also increases, for example, among rescuers.

Types of holidays provided to teachers

There are a number of cases when days without pay are provided to employees on a mandatory basis. Such rules relate to special life moments that are prescribed by law:

  1. Birth of a child.
  2. Wedding.

In the event of any of these cases, 3 to 5 days are allocated at your own expense.

When is vacation granted?

The Labor Code states that the vacation time is chosen by the two parties to the agreement. Usually this process proceeds as follows:

  1. The employee chooses the desired vacation dates.
  2. The employer agrees on the terms or adjusts them.

Educational institutions have their own special order, which is tacitly considered unshakable and subordinate to the educational process itself.

It is unthinkable to imagine that teachers will go on a long vacation in turn during the academic year. This can disrupt the course of learning and derail a well-established educational program. Therefore, teachers have a rest during the holidays, as a rule, we are talking about the longest of them - summer.

Since not only teachers, but also educators and psychologists are classified as pedagogical workers, the time of their vacations is set depending on the institution where they work.

In kindergartens, as such, there are no vacations at all, so here vacations are issued according to the system of the chosen order, without reference to any particular time of the year.

You will be interested

Every parent who has small children is concerned about such an important issue as the opening hours of kindergartens. Is the schedule of work in state institutions really respected? Does it differ in private organizations? What should be done if a violation is found?

The main mode of operation established at the legislative level

There is a standard mode of operation by law, which has been established by medical professionals and representatives of preschool institutions. In accordance with the charter, there are several features of staying in a children's institution:

  • Parents have the right to leave the child in the kindergarten for 12 hours. In various cities, a certain time regime has been established: from 8 am to 8 pm or from 7 am to 7 pm. The exceptions are private and round-the-clock kindergartens.
  • On pre-holiday days, the time regime is reduced to 10.5 hours, that is, parents can bring the child to the kindergarten at the usual time, but you need to pick it up 1.5 hours earlier.
  • On weekends and kindergartens do not work.
  • In some institutions, by agreement of educators and parents, there is That is, parents can leave their baby in kindergarten until 21:00. A single group for children of all ages is organized on its territory.
  • There is also an abbreviated daily routine, which lasts only 3-4 hours. Usually, newcomers who need to adapt are left for such a period of time.

This entire procedure applies only to the stay of children in a preschool institution, it does not apply to kindergarten employees.

Working hours of the main staff

There is a working hours of kindergartens established for staff. For each of them, a certain load per week is provided.

For example, the work schedule of the head of the kindergarten is 40 working hours per week. This is a completely normal load. That is, such personnel must be present in the preschool institution and perform their duties five days a week (from Monday to Friday), eight hours a day (from 8.00 to 17.00). There is one hour lunch break (from 12.00 to 13.00).

In some cities, the standard mode may vary. For example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, the main staff of a preschool institution works from 9.00 to 16.00. The administrator of the institution and the senior teacher have the same work schedule.

Working hours of educators

The work schedule of a kindergarten teacher is slightly different, his workload should not exceed 36 hours a week. As a standard, two specialists work in preschool institutions: a worker of the first shift - from 7.00 to 14.30, and a worker of the second shift - from 14.30 to 19.00, a lunch break for preschool teachers lasts 30 minutes. As for the work schedule, educators work every day with alternating shifts.

Working hours of support staff

It is worth noting that support staff also work on the territory of the kindergarten, which makes the life of children more comfortable, interesting and colorful and provides invaluable assistance to educators. They also have a specific work schedule.

  • With a load of 40 hours a week, nannies and junior educators work (from 8.00 to 17.00), cooks and kitchen workers (from 6.00 to 15.00).
  • About 20 hours a week, the caretaker, music director, secretary, cleaner, repairman, janitor and loader should be on the territory of the garden. Typically, such personnel are on duty for 4 hours a week from 8.00 to 12.30 with a 30-minute lunch break.
  • There must be a watchman on the territory of the preschool institution around the clock. It works 24 hours a day with a work schedule of a day in three. There must be a minimum of four employees.

It is worth noting that in some institutions, the availability of staff, as well as the opening hours of kindergartens, may vary slightly.


Separately, it is worth talking about the daily routine in a preschool institution, which every parent should be familiar with.

  • During the first hour of the kindergarten, children are received. The kids who have already arrived at this time are engaged in a free type of activity.
  • At 8.00 breakfast is organized (as a rule, these are dairy dishes).
  • From 8.30 to 9.00 there are creative activities in groups, such as drawing, modeling or dancing.
  • From 9.20 to 11.20 a walk in the fresh air is provided, this time may vary, depending on weather conditions.
  • From 11.45 to 12.20 children have lunch.
  • From 12.45 to 15.00 there is a two-hour quiet hour.
  • At 15.30 the kids go for an afternoon snack.
  • From 15.25 to 16.25 group classes are provided.
  • Children have free time from 16.20 to 19.00, they are all waiting for the arrival of their parents. In the summer, they walk on the street, in the winter they are in groups and play.
  • Dinner is provided at 18.30.

In some preschool institutions, classes with a speech therapist, swimming, choreography and much more are included in the daily routine.

What to do if the regime is violated?

The working hours of kindergartens, established by law, must be respected. Unfortunately, not all workers in this area perform their duties qualitatively. There are the following violations that can negatively affect children and their parents:

  • The caregiver does not come to work on time, which is why the parent is forced to leave his child with a caretaker or wait, periodically being late for work.
  • The caregiver demands to pick up his baby earlier, because he does not want to be in the institution until the end of the shift because of one child.

By law, the educator is required to start his official duties at 7.00 (or 8.00, depending on the exact schedule), that is, at this time the parent can already leave his baby in kindergarten. If the teacher is periodically late, then this fact should be recorded and a complaint addressed to the head should be written. In case of a single delay, it is recommended to speak with the teacher orally. If, through the fault of the educators, a person was late for work and received a reprimand for this, then he has the right to demand compensation from the educational institution.

As for the end of the working day, each parent has the right to leave their child in the institution until 19.00, and the teacher must work until the last baby is taken away. If the teacher does not want to fulfill his duties, then he should be reminded of what the mode of operation of the group in kindergarten is, or conduct oral conversations with him, explaining his own situation at work.

As a rule, children attend preschool institutions. But, if the parent goes on vacation, he wants to pick up the child from the garden for this period. How to properly arrange a vacation for a child in kindergarten, we will learn further.

Possible nuances

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In preschool educational institutions there are 2 periods:

At this time, no training sessions are held, so the child can be taken away for the whole summer without presenting any documents to the administration.

Regardless of the period in which the parent decided to take the child on vacation, he must write an application addressed to the head of the preschool educational institution.

Only after the verification of the application, the child can rest.

Current legislature

Since kindergartens belong to the education system of the Russian Federation, they carry out their activities in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-ФЗ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

Since the application is a written appeal of a citizen to the administration of the preschool educational institution, it must be executed in accordance with Art. 7 of the Federal Law of May 25, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the Procedure for Considering Citizens' Appeals”.

How to apply

Such an application is submitted only with a personal visit of one of the parents of a preschool educational institution.

You cannot apply to a kindergarten through the State Services or through the MFC. This possibility has not yet been provided.

In order to submit such an application, it is necessary to visit the preschool educational institution during the working day of the clerk.

His working day is usually standard - from 9 am to 18 pm. The application is written and submitted to him.

After that, he sends an application to the education department, where the accountant works. There is a check of payment for kindergarten services.

What you need to know

Each kindergarten operates on the basis of the Charter. A written contract is concluded with each parent, which specifies all the basic rights and obligations of the parties.

It is in the contract that the number of days for which the child can be picked up from the kindergarten is indicated with the preservation of a place for him. As a rule, this is 75 calendar days.

That is, the child may be absent from the kindergarten for 75 days and he will not lose his place. It doesn't have to be a vacation. In the application, you can indicate the wording "due to family circumstances."

You can pick up a child for this period not only in the summer, but throughout the year. The garden will have to save the place.

This time period can be divided into parts, and not used in its entirety. But, during each calendar year, parents have 75 days for vacation.

But, many gardens prescribe a different period in their contract - 90 calendar days.

Thus, they go towards parents who have the opportunity to take the child for the whole summer.

Before you write an application, you need to make sure that there are no debts for payment. Otherwise, the child will not be released until the debt is repaid.

Video: when to write an application for kindergarten. Queuing for kindergarten

Sample application for leave in kindergarten

Writing a vacation application is not difficult at all! There is no unified form, but it must be submitted in writing. There is no oral submission. The sample can be downloaded.

In order for the application to be considered correctly executed and accepted for consideration, it must be written in accordance with the norms of Law No. 59-FZ.

In Art. 7 of this law says that the following information must be indicated:

About the party that accepts the application In this case, you need to specify:
  1. The full name of the preschool educational institution.
  2. Full name of the head of the preschool educational institution
Information about the applicant, that is, about one of the parents You only need to enter your first name. It is not necessary to indicate the address where the parent lives
Then you need to indicate the full name of the child and state a request to save a place for him in a certain group for a specific period If the vacation takes place during the summer recreational period, then the reason for the absence of the child can be omitted. If at other times, then the reason must be specified
Date of application Signature of one of the parents

If the parent wants the child to rest in the summer, then only a receipt for payment for the last month must be attached to the application.

If the child is taken on vacation during the school year, then you need to bring a certificate from the place of work of one of the parents stating that he also has a vacation during this period.

All these documents are necessary so that the administration of the preschool institution can protect itself in case of unforeseen circumstances.

During the school year, it is the kindergarten that is responsible for the life and health of the child.

Although, by writing an application for a vacation, a parent or other legal representative of a minor removes responsibility from the kindergarten and shifts it to himself, in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to attach documents.

In addition, children's municipal preschool institutions are also inspected by higher authorities.

And for every missing child, the administration must account. The application form is developed by the administration of the DOW.

How many days can you book

The contract should indicate how many days the child may be absent at the request of the parents and the kindergarten will be obliged to “keep” a place for him.

As a rule, it is 75 or 90 days. This period does not include the periods of illness of the child, that is, his absence "by reference".

This is exactly the time period when a parent can pick up his baby without good reason. It could be a vacation or "family circumstances".

If the child needs to be taken away for a period longer than that specified in the contract, then the garden cannot guarantee that the place will be saved. It is necessary to consult with the head of the preschool educational institution, whether she can keep the place.

According to Law No. 273-FZ, every month a parent has 5 calendar days during which he can not take his child to kindergarten without explaining the reasons and without writing an application.

You can even not bring a certificate from a doctor about the state of health of the child and not report the reasons why the minor will be absent.

Can they refuse to provide

It is important to understand that a parent may be denied leave for his child.

This can happen for the following reasons:

  • parents have a duty to pay the parental fee for the maintenance of the child in preschool;
  • the parent has already exceeded the limit of days allowing unhindered absence.

The administration of the preschool educational institution cannot guarantee the parent that the place for his child will be saved.

If the parent insists on leave, the parent must sign the notice form. Thus, the responsibility of the manager will be removed.

If a parent believes that he was denied leave unlawfully, then he has the right to file a complaint. You need to submit it to the city department of education.

To do this, you need to take the following steps:

You can file a complaint in the following ways:

  1. During a personal visit to the committee.
  2. To the official mailbox.
  3. Through the official website.
  4. Through your representative. The latter must have a notarized power of attorney to represent the interests of the parent or other legal representative of the child.

According to the Charter of the preschool educational institution and Law No. 273-FZ, the manager does not have the right to refuse the parent to grant leave to the child within the period specified in the contract.

What to expect when you return

Sooner or later, any vacation ends and parents need to go to work, and the child needs to go to the garden again.

You need to go to the child care facility exactly on the date indicated in the application. There is no need to re-apply. But, you need to visit the pediatric district doctor and examine the child after the vacation.

The doctor will check the child's health after the rest and issue a certificate stating that the child is healthy and can attend kindergarten.

Do preschoolers need vacation?

Here comes the summer.And this means that most parents are thinking about whether to take their child to kindergarten.

Summer is the time when you want to spend the whole day outside.

Are you tired at your job? After five or even six working days, the weekend seems like a holiday to us. But even then it is extremely rare to get a rest. Either you need to clean up the house, then fix the car, then go to your parents ...

Your child is just as tired as you. Since there are many children in the group, there is enough noise in it. For example, do you get tired of the noise in the clinic or in the market? And your child lives in noise five days a week. Eleven months of the year. So maybe you should take a break sometimes? And give him a good rest from kindergarten?

Let's take a closer look at the problem...


  1. As a rule, during the holidays, there are few groups in kindergartens. For example, 6 instead of 12. Children of different ages are connected to each other in groups

There is not enough space for games in the group. We have to spend everything free on the street. And there - the heat is incredible! Children get tired of walking and do not want to play outside. What can we say about daytime sleep, when the temperature in the room reaches 40 degrees. Unfortunately, heat strokes in kindergarten children are not uncommon. And the teachers are not to blame.

  1. Another significant disadvantage of visiting a kindergarten in the summer is other people's educators. Of course, this does not continue all summer, but for a certain period of time, parents will have to trust their child to an unfamiliar teacher, who, perhaps, will not even have time to remember the name of your child.
  2. Also, there are no classes in the gardens in summer. Therefore, children play games that they have been through during the year in kindergarten or that they knew before kindergarten.
  3. Very often in the summer in groups (and in the garden) they make repairs, paint the game equipment on the plots. Children stain their clothes with paint, inhale the smell of paint and building materials. Naturally, workers during repairs are noisy and do not stop working during quiet hours.

We figured out the disadvantages, let's move on to the advantages:


  1. You will have the opportunity to communicate with each other. After all, almost always we don’t have enough time to take a walk, read, play ... And on vacation from work and kindergarten, you can perfectly catch up with everything and the child will be sure that mom and dad are interested in his life and his company is pleasant.
  2. You can travel together. Children love adventure. And the easiest way to get acquainted with the world is with their parents. Why don't you go to the sea? And if there is no such opportunity to just get out for two or three days in nature? And it is interesting for children and it is useful for you to be in peace and quiet. And for some time, millet to be ordinary happy parents of an inquisitive child.
  3. Your child will get sick much less often. According to statistics kept by kindergarten teachers, those children who were given such a “vacation” from kindergarten are much less likely to get sick. Simply because the body had time to restore its strength to continue the learning and playing process with the children.

If the child attended and continues to go to kindergarten in the summer, then autumn and winter will certainly be marked by long sick leave. Do you need to spoil the baby's health and your relationship with your superiors? If not, then a summer vacation is a must.


Remember how we treat the child and his health depends on how, over time, he will treat us and our needs. Keeping this rule in mind, try to find time and be with him at the cost of one month outside the kindergarten.