How to give birth to a healthy baby: everything you need to know. What can the future mother can make to give birth to a healthy baby

You got pregnant. Well, it seems to be rejected, but for some reason some questions are standing in my head "Maybe it's late?", "Can I give birth to a healthy child?"And all because you are already not a girl, and your age has passed over the fourth ten. Do you think that child after 40. Can not be born healthy, because this period is the most dangerous for childbearing?
Throw away all doubts and stupidity from the head. Start rejoice that you will soon become mom, and believe that your pregnancy will pass without complications. Of course, doctors will tell you that at that age it is dangerous to give birth, and the pregnancy itself will be severe.

If you definitely decided for yourself that you are ready to become a mom - do not retreat. By the way, after 40 of their children gave birth to world stars, such as Madonna, Iman, Annette Bening, Chery Blair, Susan Seradon and Jerry Hall.

We offer to consider the most popular questions that arise from those who are going to give birth to a child after 40 years.

How old is the woman is considered late guide?

In the early 1980s, the "late" mothers were considered those who gave birth to children after 28 years, and in the 90s "borrowing" began to call those women whose age was over 35 years old. Nowadays most often to the "Late" woman in labor belongs to women older than 37 years.

What are the chances to give birth after 40?

With age, the chances of becoming pregnant from a woman are steadily declining. After 30 years, they fall by 20%, from 35 years - by 45-50%, and from 40 years - by about 90%. Of course, these figures in no way say that the child after 40 is an unfulfilled dream.

It is possible to give birth, and this was confirmed by scientists from North Carolina, who led over two years observation for 782 pairs Older age. The results showed that only 70 pairs failed to conceive a child leading sex life without condoms for two years.. David Dansson's chief researcher believes that couples who want to give birth to a child after 40 years old have patience And wait, not forgetting about the conduct of a permanent sexual life. As a result, it is possible to avoid interference with modern reproductive equipment, unless there is no reasonable reasons.

Why do women give birth so late?

If you compare how the forty-male women lived 10-30 years ago, and how they live now, then you can watch high improving the quality of life. Today, such women have good health, can care for themselves, visiting fitness and spa centers, besides, modern medicine is capable of creating real wonders. Dr. Julia Berriman believes that women after 40 years old are more prepared for pregnancySince they have already taken place in life, have a good job and all other benefits.

What percentage falls on the share of mature lies?

In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of women who give birth in adulthood. Today, the child after 40 is born in 2% of pregnant women. Recently, the study indicate that one pregnant seven pregnant women have age over 35 years old.

Is it affecting pregnancy after 40 age men?

Scientists of the University of Bristol conducted a study that showed that mature women account for longer to wait for pregnancy, if their partner has the same age.

So, it was proved that a woman under a man for 3-5 years, has less chances to get pregnant after 40 than a woman whose man is her peer or younger for 2-3 years. British researchers confirmed this fact. They were surveyed by several women who indicated that their child after 40 was born from men who were younger for several years.

What else can prevent pregnancy after 40?

Preventing the child can prevent:

  • Wrong food.
  • Excessive use coffee. If you drink more than two cups per day, then the ability to conceive decreases, and also grows the risk of miscarriage.
  • Use alcohol.
  • Smokingafter 35 years, it faces the congenital ugliness of the fetus and the birth of a child with a small weight.
  • Huddoba and fullness Also negatively affects the birth of children in adulthood.
  • Stress. The more the woman is nervous and worries, the less she has a chance to give birth to a child after 40.
Do you need to seek help to doctors?

In adulthood, when 35 has already exceeded, the woman begins perimenopausawhen it is very difficult to catch the days of ovulation. That is why it is more expedient to contact a doctor who will determine what can be done. Most likely, he will develop a special diet and prescribe a reception of vitamins. Some doctors advise their patients to go through the acupuncture procedure, which has a positive impact on the development of ovulation.

What effect has a pregnancy age?

The older the person becomes, the greater the probability of development any diseases. As a rule, closer to 40 many women appear chronic disorders, including diabetes. In addition, arterial pressure can also increase, and the risk of the appearance of malignant tumors is very large. Of course, such violations negatively affect the birth of children after 40.

And even if the woman does not have any diseases, hypertension, diabetes and bleeding may appear in any period of pregnancy.

Postpartum complications Already increased in 20-29 years, but most often, and this is 20%, they manifest themselves at the age of 35-40 years. As a rule, with the development of modern medicine, any disorders of pregnancy are recognized already in early timeSo there is more chances that the child after 40 years will be born healthy.

How are childbirth in adulthood?

Often in order to give birth after 40, women have to stimulate childbirth, do epidural anesthesia. Many girlfriends can not give birth on their own, so they do cesarean section.

Separate studies show that much depends from the configuration of the Hoerics themselves. Those who are more clearly realized are easier to fulfill the requests of the doctors and agree to the cesarean section.

Does the risk of genera increase over the course of cesarean section?

So far like this not installed. Operational intervention has the same percentage, both in 30 and forty years.

Can the age of mom affect the child's development?

Great probability that child after 40 will be born unhealthy or with developmental deviations. The risk and birth of a child with a disease such as Down syndrome.

According to the latest research, after 30 years, one child out of 400 is born down, and after 40 - one of 32. In addition, the late birth can end ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and birth of a dead child. So far, it was not possible to establish the reason for stilling in pregnant oldest age, while from 440 babies the dead today is born alone.

What is the percentage of miscarriage in women of mature age?

Miscarriages became frequent phenomenon of our life. Compared to young manfares, the risk of miscarriage in mature women is higher than about 50%. Childbirth after 40 most often have such an outcome.

Here, by the way, the obstetric and genealogical history plays its role. It will not be much difficult to understand that women who have never missed the risk of miscarriage at 40 years old than those who at least once in their lives came across such an outcome of pregnancy.

How often do premature birth happen?

The child after 40 years can be born premature, but only if the woman gives birth no longer the first child. Those who are waiting for the first child most often give birth on time.

Is the possibility of twins or triple?

The older woman, the greater the probability The fact that she will give birth to a single child. But a greater chance falls on the birth rate promotsey twins.

It is the opinion that the Late Children are more prone to diabetes disease. Is it so?

Yes, the disease of the late Children of Type I Diabetes depends on how many years it was his mom during childbirth. In 35, it is about 25%, after forty 30% or more.

For example, a woman can give birth to a child after 40, in which diabetes appears in adolescence, while the probability is 3 times higher than in children born from young mothers.

Is it worth a pregnant woman to be under the enhanced observation of doctors?

Yes, a pregnant woman is worth most often walking towards a doctor, test analyzes and pass various studies.

What is the likelihood that the doctor will appoint surgical intervention?

Yes, doctors today are trustedBy giving births instead of ordinary cladding Caesarean section. But today around the world, based on the practice, doctors try to avoid such actions, increasingly sending births to natural childbirth.

Maybe it is better to abandon the birth of a child?

A certain share of the birth risk of a child after 40 years is, but this is not a reason to give up pregnancy. After all healthy woman and at that age can give birth to a completely healthy child.

What types of tests are used to diagnose pregnancy "late" moms?

There are two types of tests used in the process of observing a pregnant woman. it scanning and diagnostics. Scan tests provide only preliminary conclusions about the likely presets:

Hormonal level study in blood. It is used to identify the risk of chromosomal anomalies, including Down syndrome. The time is 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Ultrasound procedure It is also used to detect different anomalies, including Down syndrome and different genetic disorders. The child after 40 is examined for 10-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests give more accurate and reliable information:

CHORIAL TEST (CVS) - The studies are taken by the uterus cells, during the diagnosis of which the presence or absence of Down syndrome, as well as some other genetic disorders is detected. A test for 11-13 weeks of pregnancy is carried out, the study accuracy is 99.9%.

Amniosenthesisit is used to study the amniotic fluid, during which the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy, Down syndrome and many other genetic disorders occurs. The resulting data is accurate from 99.9%. Terms of holding - 16-19 weeks of pregnancy.

Alpha Fetoprotein- blood test, which is held in 15-18 weeks. It is used to detect Down syndrome and nervous system defects.

Cordosenthesis It is a blood test of a nucleus that helps to identify rubella, toxoplasmosis and Down syndrome. It is held at the 18th week of pregnancy.

Are tests for mother and child dangerous?

All tests do not pose a danger to pregnant and its fetus, with the exception of Amniosenthesis, a chorial test and cordoscentresis. When taking the cells of the uterus for research exists risk of miscarriageAnd it can occur in one of the 100 cases. The risk of miscarriage during the Cordoscentresis and the chorial test is 1-2%.

Does these tests have to do?

No, optional. Usually, each fifth woman, going to give birth to a child after 40 years, refuses From passing such tests. This is their right, but it should be remembered that in some cases it is simply necessary to make one or another test from a medical point of view.

Is it true that mature women do better with their children?

Studies show that Mature moms are more calm, balanced and, as a rule, spend more time with their child. Life experience accumulating over the years, makes itself felt in the period of education of children. As a rule, they better oriented in purchases. By the way, according to statistics, the children of the "Late" mothers are more educated and differ in high school performance.

Can the birth of a child become a shock for the mother?

Undoubtedly, before that, all his life was dedicated to himself, and now it is necessary to be next to the baby 24 hours a day. Fatiguewhich is inherent in young mothers, does not leave those who gave birth to a child after 40.

There is an opinion that mature mothers live longer

Studies conducted by scientists of the University of Manchester, showed that women who gave birth at the age of 35-40, have a greater chance to live to 80-90 years. It was not possible to establish the reasons for this, but there is an assumption that an increase in the life of the eldest with pulling menopause at a later date.

They gave birth to late children
  • Gina Davis God gave birth to the daughter of Alise Kesmen at 46 years old. Two years later, twins appeared in the family.
  • Kim Bacyingerborn daughter Ayrend in 42 years.
  • Beverly D, Angelo At 46, twins gave birth to artificial fertilization.
  • Great Madonna Gave birth to the first child of Lourdes daughter at 40, and after 2 years, the son of Rocco appeared on the world. Hearing rumors that she allegedly is going to adopt the baby, the great star threatened to sue, because in fact she was accused of being that she could no longer have children. Most likely, in the near future pop diva will be decided to give birth to your third child.

The birth of a kid is a happy moment, and it does not matter how many years it turned his mom. The future "late" mommy once again wants to wish patience and good mood. You will definitely be fine. So be prepared for the fact that all your time will go to a small creation. Is it not women's happiness?

Healthy, physically strong, cleaned baby - the cherished desire to any married couple.

The child is the "center of the Universe" of any family, the subject of pride and adoration of parents, their hope and continuation. In our age of environmental disasters, chronic stresses and hypodynamies there are many ailments, which may affect the "quality" of the future offspring.

Therefore, preparation for pregnancy should begin before conception. Unfortunately, many married couples, especially young, neglect family planning, believe that everything will work out - they say, nature will help
Yes, and for my health, we often do not watch too much, we do not pay attention to many symptoms until they become very obvious - and, as a result, in the hidden or chronic form "wearing" in themselves many diseases that may not be better influence the state of the future child.

Therefore, thinking about health, especially reproductive, you need from youth, and better, if it will take care of parents at an even earlier age. According to the observations of specialists, from 15 to 25 percent of girls of preschool age and adolescent girls who have not yet reached majority, suffer from various gynecological pathologies. These are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, both cysts, and misa, and impaired menstrual function. They must be identified and treated. Otherwise, they may not only undermine the health of the girls, but also to cause a reproductive function in a later-designed age. Of course, there is no need to show a little child a gynecologist once every six months, as recommended for adult women, however, a periodic inspection (especially if there are any complaints) worth it.

But even if you think that with your health everything is in order, you need to make sure that the occurrence of pregnancy is necessary.

So, you understand that they are ready to become parents. Where to begin?

First of all, the future mother should inform his gynecologist that she plans pregnancy. Well, if it is a doctor who specializes in planning and making pregnancy.
With a detailed survey of the marital couple, the doctor defines the hereditary features of future parents, assesses the overall level of their health and determines the need for the doctors of other specialties (therapist, Laura, Okulist, Neuropathologist, Genetics, etc.). Inspection of the gynecologist in combination with ultrasound examination, the inspection of the mammary glands, the thyroid gland, the stroke into cytology is necessary to eliminate the oncological diseases and the defects of the development of genital organs.

The inspection of future parents is obligatory for the presence of a number of infections that may be dangerous to the fetus in the process of its development: blood tests on antibodies to HIV, rubella, toxoplasmosis, simpleness, cytomegalovirus, blood test on RW and hepatitis B and C.

A number of infections defined in the sex paths of the spouses by PCR methods and culture sowing: chlamydia, ureaplasm, mycoplasmas, streptococci in (70% of patients there are no complaints), can lead to infertility and non-obscure pregnancy. These infections need to be heated when preparing for pregnancy. Very large for the formation of the central nervous system and intelligence in the fetus has a normal level of thyroid hormones at the mother.

If a woman has a pathology of the cervix (the so-called erosion), it is also necessary to cure before the occurrence of pregnancy. In modern gynecology, the method of radio wave surgery is actively used, which is suitable including broken women and practically painless.

It will be more convenient to go through all examinations, pass tests and make an ultrasound in the same medical center under the control of your doctor, especially since you can already do it in one visit.

Preferably 2 months before pregnancy lead a healthy lifestyle: avoid stress, overwork, colds, eliminate alcohol, reduce or stop smoking, avoid exposure to harmful physical factors (men's sexual cells are updated completely every 2 months). A woman on the eve and in early pregnancy time is recommended to receive folic acid at least 400 μg per day, this increases by 80% reduces the likelihood of random defects for the development of the nervous system of the fetus.

The first visit to the doctor is possible against the background of menstruation delays 7-10 days, when the fruit egg is visualized in the ultrasound in the ultrasound, the place of its "attachment" is estimated, sizes. Two weeks after the first ultrasound, it is time to start an integrated examination, consultation of many specialists, of which are required: therapist, ENT, Okulist, dentist. From 6 weeks of pregnancy under ultrasound examination, signs of the lifetime of the future child are already visible: the heartbeat is clearly seen, it can be "heard" on the apparatus. Those tests that you have handed over to pregnancy should now be repeated. When detecting deviations, supporting therapy is assigned.

- in 10-12 weeks of pregnancy it is necessary to ultrasound to eliminate the "coarse" malformations of the fetus;

- in 18-20 weeks you can already assess the structure of all the formed bodies of the child, the heart is particularly thoroughly investigated at this age;

- Uzi in terms of 26-28 and 32-34 pregnancy weeks makes it possible to estimate the size of the fetus, the state of the placenta, the number of accumulating waters, blood flow in the vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord. By 28 week, the fetus rounded the cheeks, the face becomes more formed, distinguishable sponges, sponge. He can scratch the eye, folded the cams, make a grimace, smile. Thanks to the modern possibilities of ultrasound devices (3D / 4D modes) Future parents will be able to see all this in real time!

Thus, the whole chain of surveys allows you to assess the risk of the child's birth with any deviations.

However, the planning of pregnancy includes not only the observation of the health of parents and the future child.

If possible, avoid nervous stresses and physical overwork, take care of the cold and other "random" diseases, completely eliminate alcohol and, if possible, refuse smoking (or at least as much as possible the number of cigarettes smoky).

A pregnant woman must comply with the correct power supply and lead a healthy lifestyle. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables, in the diet daily there should be fish or meat - an indispensable sources of protein, cottage cheese and other fermented efficiency - the calcium contained from them is vital and for the proper formation of the fetus, especially its skeleton and teeth, and to maintain the health of the woman.

It should be limited to the consumption of sweet and flour dishes (overweight adversely affects the course of pregnancy), salted, carbonated drinks (except for weakly salted mineral water, from which it is necessary to "remove" an excess gas). Strong tea and coffee create an excessive load on the cardiovascular system - it is much more useful to replace them with juices and fruits and berries.

Moderate and carefully planned physical exertion are useful: "Looking" can not! To preserve the health of the mother and the child, various complexes of exercises and procedures are specifically developed for preparing for childbirth, about which you need to consult with your doctor leading.

Observe reasonable caution, combine activity with rest, correctly fidge, regularly examine and consult your doctor - In this case, everything will go well, and your child will be born healthy!

Any woman awaiting the appearance of a son or daughter's light, sincerely wishes her baby to be healthy. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that the child appears to light with severe violations, which carries it to suffering, and parents for a large number of experiences. As a result, many family couples are asked: how to give birth to a healthy child?

Modern medicine and the responsibility of a couple in family planning issues will contribute to the successful conception, a prosperous course of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy kid.

Reproduction problems in the modern world

Statistics suggest that today, with attempts to reproduce healthy offspring, humanity faces a variety of problems:

  • 15% of family pairs of reproductive age in Russia - barren;
  • 15 - 20% of the coming pregnancies ends with miscarriage;
  • 3% - the number of children in the world from the total number of newborns, which appeared on the light with deviations.

In some cases, this statistic is due to the inattention of future parents, and especially moms, to their health. A number of other sad events are the result of an unfavorable coincidence.

At the beginning of the 20th century, reproductive was considered age up to 30 years. Total life expectancy and reproductive age of humanity have increased significantly since then. In this regard, many women postpone the birth of children in order to build a career and live for themselves, hoping that modern medicine will help them give birth in adulthood. However, reproductive technologies sometimes cannot solve all the problems that appear with age.

According to statistics from a healthy 30-year-old woman, the likelihood of becoming pregnant in one menstrual cycle is about 20%. In 40 years, this probability decreases to 5%. 35 years old - a critical point, after which a sharp decline in fertility begins. The fact is that a woman from birth is endowed with a certain reserve of eggs. Reaching puberty, the girl begins to lose one of them monthly. Every year the stocks of eggs are becoming smaller, and those eggs that remained are not so active. Reducing the quality of eggs has an adverse effect on the viability of the embryo, and also reduces the chance of conception.

Of course, you can find examples when women give birth and in 45 years old, but it is worth remembering that for many of them a pregnancy takes place very hard with eductions, high pressure and other pathological conditions. Having a healthy child also becomes more difficult: the likelihood is that he will have malformations or chromosomal anomalies, for example, Down syndrome.

The ability of men to childbear is less time. This is explained by the fact that new spermatozoa is produced in the testicles of men regularly. Although the approach of old age and men has a negative impact on the reproductive function. The seed fluid becomes less, and the spermatozoa in it is no longer so mobile. Many men with age have a decrease in blood testosterone levels. This leads to a decrease in sexual activity.

However, young age is not a guarantee that everything will succeed. Many young parents, not knowing themselves, are carriers of genetic diseases that can interfere with conception and favorable pregnancy. Yes, and modern life, especially in big cities, undermines the health of young people.

How to give birth to a healthy child in conditions of bad ecology and chronic stress? What needs to be done to make pregnancy in adulthood or in the presence of chronic diseases led to the desired result? First of all, you should not neglect the planning issues of a healthy family.

Preparation for pregnancy

It is important to start planning the pregnancy long before conception. The abandonment of bad habits and the transition to the correct nutrition is not enough to be confident in their health and the health of the future kid. Both parents must pass the survey in order to detect problems that can negatively affect their reproductive function and on the health of the child.

Most often, pregnancy for pregnancy begins with a visit to a woman gynecologist. To eliminate deviations in the bodies of the reproductive system, a normal inspection and ultrasound examination (ultrasound) are carried out. An inspection is carried out for the presence of oncology, take strokes on cytology. In some cases, the doctor may recommend the consultation of other non-surfactant specialists, oculist, cardiologist, etc.

In addition to a thorough examination of a woman, a partner survey is required. The married couple should pass tests for sexually transmitted diseases. Many infections (mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, etc.) adversely act on the development of the fetus and can lead to his death. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, they can be quickly suppressed. Also, future parents should know their blood compatibility to exclude the possibility of rejection of the fetus by the mother's body.

Not at all unnecessary for spouses who want to give birth to a healthy child will be a genetics doctor consultation. A specialist will conduct a survey of future parents in order to get a complete picture of their health status and give an assessment of their heredity. If you have any doubts from a doctor, it can assign a test for the carriage of gene mutations. Many of them may not affect the health of the parent, but they are able to negotiate heavy flavors in the baby, sometimes incompatible with life. Knowing the presence of chromosomal rearrangements from the father or mother, the doctor will easier to draw up a therapeutic course that will increase the chances to conceive successfully, to endure and give birth to a healthy child.

Prenatal diagnostics

Suppose preparation for pregnancy has been successful: parents have undergone the necessary surveys and received a long-awaited confirmation of the doctor that a woman can get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child.

After conception, the responsible period comes - pregnancy. The baby tool requires special attention to health and regular visits to the doctor. The specialist will follow the condition of pregnant and fetus using planned inspections and analyzes. Such control helps prevent possible complications during pregnancy.

Modern prenatal diagnosis provides a wide range of techniques that help learn about the pathologies of the fetus long before the birth of a child. Each trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by a number of surveys called screening. These surveys make it possible to find out the conformity of the development of the fetus standards, as well as to identify the presence of incurable anomalies of gene origin. All women are undergoing it, but they should be particularly closely close to it.

In the first trimester, the most optimally spent screening in the period from 11 to 13 week of pregnancy. First spend ultrasound. The main goal of this method on this period is to assess how successfully the development of the fetus is flowing, respectively, the period of pregnancy, as well as determine the thickness of the collar space (TVP) of the embryo. The collar space is the zone in the neck of the child's neck (between the skin and soft tissues), where the liquid accumulates. The value of a TVP exceeding the norm may be evidence of the anomalies for the development of the fetus, including the presence of Down syndrome.

However, unambiguous conclusions on the results of the ultrasound will not give a qualified specialist. Conclusions are made on the basis of comprehensive research. After an ultrasound, a period of 10 to 13 weeks, a blood test is performed, which determines the concentration of certain biological markers in it, in the first trimester it is PAPP-A and HCG. The elevated or reduced level of these markers in the blood can also be a sign of development deviations. Further, on the set of data from ultrasound and biochemical analysis, the special program calculates the risk of genetic deviations, such as Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome.

Screening studies of the second trimester are carried out on the period of 16-20 weeks. Blood analysis This time is taken to measure the level of AFP, HCG and free estriol. Taking into account the results of the ultrasound and the first screening, new data on the possible risk of birth of a child with pathologies is calculated.

The second ultrasound is carried out in 20-24 weeks. The specialist studies the presence, the correct location and structure of all the children's bodies. Much attention is paid to the state of the valve organs of the mother (umbilical umbilical, placenta, octoplodic water), the state of the cervix.

Screenings do not allow to put specific diagnoses, but only identify what the likelihood that the baby will have any chromosomal anomalies. In the case when the risk of pathology is high, pregnant is given a direction for the passage of invasive diagnosis. Each period of pregnancy corresponds to its method of invasive research: the biopsy of Chorion (9.5 - 12 weeks), amniocentesis (16 - 18 weeks), cordocentsis (22 - 25 weeks). Each of these surveys implies a surgical invasion of the mother's body by puncture. This is done in order to take the material containing the DNA of the fetus. All these methods have high accuracy (about 99%), but are stress for the mother and carry a small risk of complications (bleeding, the leakage of the oilyoper waters, etc.). In 1 - 2% of cases, the procedure may provoke miscarriage.

The screening of the third trimester includes ultrasound, revealing the defects of the child's development, which should be manifested in late terms. Also in the interval between 30 and 34 weeks, the Dopplerometry is carried out - a type of ultrasound, which helps to evaluate blood flow in the child vessels, in the uterus and placenta.

The newest developments in the field of prenatal diagnostics offer future mothers of simpler methods for calculating the risks of chromosomal anomalies in the fetus. For example, non-invasive DNA Test Panorama is effective for 9 weeks, has an accuracy of more than 99%, and can identify the widest range of genetic pathologies in the fetus: Down Syndrome, Edwards, Patau, Pathology of sex chromosomes and a number of other deviations. The passage of the test involves only the taking of blood from the vein in a pregnant woman. From the resulting material with molecular technologies, the DNA of the fetus will be highlighted, which will be studied for the presence of gene rearrangements and chromosomal anomalies. This method is much more accurate than standard screening and is absolutely safe for mother and fetus, in contrast to invasive diagnostics.

If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy child, then she should not be neglected with prenatal diagnosis. Thanks to these studies, the number of newborns with severe diseases is much lower than it could be. Having received the results of the diagnosis, and learning what she had a chance of the birth of a healthy child, a woman together with her family and the doctor may decide whether to preserve pregnancy. A non-invasive prenatal test can give such information already in very early time, which means, in the case of disappointing results, it will be much safer to make an abortion. In some cases, when identifying any pathologies, the doctor may prescribe adequate therapy, which will help increase the likelihood of a healthy kid.

Pregnancy after abortion or fetal death

Sad statistics says that about 21% of pregnancies around the world are interrupted by artificially. On abortion, potential mothers go both by medical testimony and due to the prevailing life and unwillingness to have children. It is no secret that the abortion is extremely adversely affected by health. The victim of infertility due to the interrupted first pregnancy becomes every fifth woman. The classic instrumental abortion is especially dangerous when the uterus scrapes under general anesthesia, it can cause irreparable injuries to reproductive organs. Vacuum and medical abortions, which are carried out in the early stages, carry with them much less complications.

However, absolutely safe abortions does not happen. Any artificial abortion of pregnancy entails a hormonal background failure, especially this is due to a violation of progesterone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy in its early periods. Many women have miscarriages because the abortion was taken in the past.

Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy child after an abortion? The answer to this question in many cases will be positive, but it is worth knowing that the approach to pregnancy planning should be as literate as possible and responsible. Of course, much will depend on the individual characteristics of the woman and on how hard the consequences of an abortion made had previously taken. Experts recommend planning the following pregnancy no earlier than six months.

Sometimes it happens that pregnancy is interrupted not by the will of a woman. Most often it becomes the result of the fetal death. To prevent a repeated spontaneous interruption of pregnancy, it is worth finding out what the causes of the situation have arisen?

To draw up a treatment and preparation plan for the next pregnancy, the abortion material obtained by scraping is sent to histological examination. It is best that the material be examined from a genetic point of view. This will make it possible to draw up a more accurate forecast for future pregnancy.

As a genetic study, karyotyping is used, which implies the study of the chromosomal set of the fetus. The most accurate study of abortive material will be chromosomal micromatrix analysis (HMMA), it is he who can give the most clear picture as to which genetic failures led to sad consequences.

After a frozen pregnancy and man, and the woman must pass a full examination, ranging from diseases to sexually transmitted by sexual genetics. Usually, the planning of re-pregnancy doctors recommend to postpone for six months so that the mother's body is restored, and both spouses could undergo the appointed treatment.

The forecast for women who had one frozen pregnancy is quite optimistic: in 80-90% of cases they can become pregnant, to endure and give birth to a healthy child to the next pregnancy.

If the woman survived several frozen pregnancies in a row, then she may be diagnosed "habitual unbearable". Repeated pregnancy as if "programms" the body for subsequent failures. This case requires an extremely attentive approach and long-term treatment. It will increase the chances of a couple on the appearance of the heir.

Lifestyle of future parents

How to give birth to a healthy child? Of course, in addition to the passage of the necessary surveys, it is necessary to observe a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy. Approximately two months before conception to future parents it is necessary to avoid stress, overwork, ARVI and influenza. It is worth completely excluding alcohol and smoking.

Balanced nutrition is extremely important for a pregnant woman. It is necessary to have a large number of fruits and vegetables. Fish and meat should be present in the diet daily, because these are an indispensable protein suppliers. Cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurts will provide the mother's organism by calcium, which is necessary for the formation of bones and fetal teeth. The consumption of sweet, flour, salty, oily, carbonated drinks is to be seriously limited. A set of excess weight is very adversely affected by pregnancy. Strong tea and coffee can increase pressure and create an excessive load on the heart. It will be wiser to replace them with natural juices.

Do not forget about moderate exercise, they will help not only stay in shape, but also prepare for childbirth. A sedentary lifestyle will not be useful for a woman or baby. Today, there are many exercise complexes for pregnant women, there are many special groups where you can do yoga or aquaaerobics.

Summing up, we can say that a future mother needs to be reasonably approaching pregnancy planning, attend a doctor and undergo all necessary research, to eat properly, balanced activity and recreation. Compliance with these recommendations will help maximize the likelihood of the birth of a healthy child.

Free consultation based on prenatal diagnostics

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* Consultation is carried out for residents of any region of Russia via the Internet. For residents of Moscow and Moscow region, a personal consultation is possible (with them to have a passport and the acting policy of the OMS)

Each woman wants to give birth to smart and beautiful kid. Scientists invent new and new ways that help future mothers in achieving this goal. Some experts insist that only a fish diet guarantees the birth of a child-intellectual, others advise future mothers to eat chocolate and egg yolk. Third - to wear headphones on the belly and scroll through the "lecture" in a foreign language that has not been born elsewhere.

Intellectual abilities are formed even before the birth of a person - a long-proven fact. For example, about a huge meaning for the development of the future child Balanced nutrition During pregnancy, many scientific works are written, and recent studies show that fish consumption by pregnant women contributes to the development of the brain from the fetus. Chocolate diet "Children born from women who fought with stress with chocolate, much more active than their peers, less susceptible to fear."

According to scientists from Harvard's medical school (Boston), if the future mother in the second trimester of pregnancy ate fish in large quantities, then at the age of 6, her child coped perfectly with tests for mental development. It is known that the indicators of the mental development of children are in the inverse dependence with the content of mercury in the mother's body. Therefore, scientists concluded: future mothers should eat exclusively fish with low mercury content. Large long-lived fish over the years accumulate mercury, so it is better to have a fine fish. For example, completely little mercury contains a small tuna, coming on canned food, as well as fat salmon.

Interestingly, scientists themselves sometimes refute their own diet for pregnant women. For example, most diets are prohibited yolks, liver and meat. But, it was precisely these products most of all contain lecithin, one of the vitamins of class B. American researchers found out that children born in mothers who received lecithin in large quantities during pregnancy were much more consistency, it was better to lend themselves to learning and had excellent memory .

Many scientists agree that the pace of mental development of the fetus adversely affects stress, or rather, the usual female fears and fears before birth. A chocolate will help to cope with stress during this period. As scientists have found out from the University of Helsinki, children born from women who fought stress with chocolate, much more active than their peers, less susceptible to the fear in unfamiliar situations and more friendly.

When scientists find out that the child "sees" and "hears" before birth, among the pregnant women it was the norm to listen to Beethoven to create a "harmonious" environment of his fetus and view wonderful faces on the canvas Leonardo da Vinci to give birth to a beautiful child. Even the term appeared - "Prenatal" prenatal pedagogy. California has a specialized prenatal university. Students of this educational institution are not yet born kids. The training program is designed in such a way that it stimulates the development of the fetal brain.

Future parents teach gently tapping along the belly of a pregnant woman in the place where they felt the impetus to the future kid. When crossing, parents should spend loud words that encourage the activity of the fetus. The children who have completed the Prenatal University are developing much faster than others and very closely emotionally with their parents. There are other prenatal development techniques. For example, in Russia practiced listening to classical music and record speech in a foreign language through headphones, put on the stomach of the future mother. True, not all experts support similar innovations. Some lead evidence that attempts to teach the baby in the womb destructively affect the development of his nervous system and psyche.

The same parents who are still going to make a child, scientists advise to calculate the deadlines for its appearance. According to a number of specialists, intellectual children most often appear in January, February and March. Scientists made their findings on the basis of experiments related to the seasonal oscillation of the testosterone level in the body of a woman. Researchers believe that its level strongly affects the development of the child's brain. The chances of having a small genius in June, July and August are much lower, experts argue.

Before applying drugs specified on the site, consult your doctor.

One of the most fateful and important events in the family is the birth of a child. Many fears pursue future parents from the moment of preparation for conception before the birth. They all want their baby to be born healthy, happy, strong and cleaned. But modern environmental conditions, a large number of stress and hereditary diseases put a big question of parents - how to give birth and grow a healthy child? Especially acute this topic is when mother goes to what risks after 35 years and how to bring them to a minimum - more in the article.

Risks of late pregnancy

Of course, today the average age of the polling women has decreased significantly. It comes from 25 to 32 years. But still the future mother after 35 is considered to be akin. What problems does it promise to a child and the most famite?

First, our body, unfortunately, tends to wear out. With age, more and more chronic diseases appear, perhaps there are consequences of sexually transmitted diseases. Some have a breakfast early pregnancy.

Secondly, the female uterus is no longer so capable of having to wear, as aged 25-30 years.

Third, according to statistics, children with chromosomal deviations appear more often. 70% of children with Down syndrome were born from mothers older than 35 years.

Fourth, these are frequent complications during bearing, severely transferred pregnancy, toxicosis, premature detection of spindlewater water, weak generic activity, the need for caesarean flow.

In addition, problems with lactation, child development may arise.

In general, difficulties are countless, but there are a lot of examples when, after 35 years, healthy and happy kids were born. The conclusion from the foregoing is that the first late pregnancy should be necessarily planned, before its offensive, a woman must pass a thorough full consultation with a doctor. So, after 35 years?

Pregnancy planning

Avoiding many health problems and child development will allow the advance medical examination of the Pope and especially moms. How to give birth and grow a healthy child? Komarovsky advises first to determine the hereditary genetic risks that may arise at late pregnancy. For this, both parents should visit a genetics doctor who will analyze blood test for a chromosomal set. If the chromosomes of the mother and father do not correspond to each other, if a woman has a risk of an inferior offspring, the doctor will report after the survey.

The second step is a visit of a woman to a gynecologist who will make all the necessary tests and smears on sexual diseases, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C and some others will check for cancerous diseases of the mammary glands, will do an ultrasound. If any diseases and deviations are revealed, they need to cope with them before the pregnancy comes. Well, if the father passes a full survey of the urologist and the venereologist.

And of course, the main thing is that it is necessary to give birth to a healthy child, is a healthy lifestyle of both parents, a full advance expectation of smoking and alcohol, physical health, sports, walking outdoors and proper nutrition.


There are many tips for scientific and anti-scientific on how to successfully conceive the kid.

First, the menstruation cycle should be followed. The most suitable time for conception is ovulation (12-14th day after the start of the cycle). It can be determined by either your own well-being (strong discharge, sometimes bloody, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, a strong sexual attraction), or use more accurate means, such as tests for ovulation.

Secondly, tranquility should be kept both during sexual intercourse and after when you wait for the result. Scientists have proven that it does not affect the positive result at all. After the act, it is also not worth running, jumping or lying, crushing your legs to the ceiling. It is enough just to lie on the back for 20-30 minutes, this posture is considered to be the most favorable so that the spermatozoic reaches the walls of the uterus.

Thirdly, uninterrupted sexual acts during ovulation do not increase, but on the contrary, reduce the chances of becoming pregnant, since the sperm after several seeds loses its incharpasses. It is best to accurately take ovulation and try during it.

Pregnancy: First Steps

As soon as a woman finds out that she will become mom, in her head, she appears at first unrestrained joy, and then fears appear: how to give birth and grow a healthy child? Yes, she knows that it is completely healthy and prepared for pregnancy, but will everyone go well in such a mature age?

Do not panic. First of all, because it may negatively affect pregnancy.

Having done a test or defining the delay, you must first visit the gynecologist. He will make tests and will hold an ultrasound, thereby confirming the pregnancy and its term. Next, he will put you on maternity records, will lead a medical care card, the history will collect and send many and many doctors from the dentist to the surgeon. This will allow you to check again, whether everything is in order with your health.

Also, the gynecologist is obliged to advise you about food and your behavior during pregnancy. For example, on the first weeks, doctors do not recommend playing sports and even live sexual life, since the egg cell has not yet gained on the walls of the uterus and your activity can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, the first trimester woman in the position should be as calm as possible, relaxed, should not worry and nervous.

Pregnancy: food and vitamins

Gynecologist, explaining to you how to give birth and grow a healthy child, will have to register the course of vitamins. In the first time it is vitamin D and folic acid. Next to this list will add magnesium B 6, iodine, calcium and others. The doctor will appoint them himself according to pregnancy and necessity. It is not worth buying vitamin complexes themselves without consultation.

As for nutrition, in the first 2 trimesters you can eat almost everything that requires your body, with the exception of alcohol, excessive coffee and strong tea, carbonated drinks, raw meat and fish, preservatives and chemistry, non-baking products.

Listen to your body, he will definitely tell you what you need to eat.

Pregnancy: rest and sleep

One of the main things you need to endure and give birth to a healthy child is a full-fledged rest and sleep. The psychological state of the mother depends on this. Treat pregnancy as a vacation before the difficult year of sleepless nights, whims and children's tears. This is your chance to relax, so do not load yourself with tedious work, fully pour out, go to the fresh air, do not rush and enjoy this serene time.

Physical exertion, if there is no doctor's readings, you do not need to minimize. For example, the pool and unhurried walk will help to prepare muscles to future childbirth. Do not run, do not jump, do not lift gravity and do not hold your hands long in the up position.

Do not forget about positive emotions, because the baby feels inside everything and understands. And if you are upset or inflicted, it is experiencing the same emotions.

Prevention of deviations

What to do to give birth to rest, sleep, eat delicious and useful food, not nervous. The rest should be entrusted to doctors. It is not worth worrying about possible deviations of a child, since the gynecologist will take you monthly and follow the course of pregnancy. For 9 months of waiting you are waiting for multiple blood and urine tests, 3 ultrasound, consultation of various kinds of doctors - therapist, surgeon, an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, a dentist and others. If some problems arise, you will be informed about it, so screw yourself less and do not be nervous.


If you think that the pregnancy problem is the most important, then you are mistaken. This is important, but the question is even more important, how to give birth and grow a healthy child.

Birth is great stress both for the baby and for mom, especially after 35 years. Most likely, you are waiting for a cesarean section, since the generic activity during this period the woman is already weak. But such an operation should not be afraid, since many mothers pass through this for various reasons.

It will be better if you are morally and practically prepared. Visit courses for moms, breathing training, behavior during battles, pathend, etc.

Remember that with the right approach, you significantly increase your chances of the birth of a healthy and happy baby.