How to remove scars: the most effective ways. Removal of postoperative scars and scars on face and body

The mechanisms of appearance of scars on the face may be different. In some, they arise due to mechanical skin damage. Other scars are formed due to acne. Third suffer skin problems as a result of the influence of negative environmental factors. Whatever reason was at the heart of the formation of scars on the face, these defects in any case do not paint appearance. Especially female. If earlier with the problem I had to put up or remove the scars on the face of the people's methods, today there is a huge range of cosmetic procedures that are able to get rid of the woman from this trouble.

Types of scars on the face

Before choosing a technique that will help remove scars on the face, it is necessary to determine which type of scar is related to. Cosmetologists allocate several main varieties:

Hypertrophic - As a rule, they have a convex form, the edges are uneven, they are noticeably towering over the skin. The common cause of their formation is healing the wound, which is accompanied by inflammation.

Nimmotrophic - To remove such scars on the face is much simpler, because they do not protrude above the skin surface, their fabrics have retained elasticity, the only thing that gives out, is a lighter or uneven shade.

Atrophic - Such scars are formed on the face in the form of a shallow groove, the species resemble the pits are formed in most cases due to the low skin ability to update cells.

Keloid - Remove the keloid scars on the face more difficult, as they are characterized by the growth of tissues, so they go beyond the borders of the scar and capture healthy skin cells. The formation of keloid scars is a certain time, we usually contribute to reduced immunity functions to this process.

Important rules in the removal of scars on the face:

  • remove the scars on the face is much easier at the initial stage of their formation;
  • to remove scars on the face, you will need time and an integrated approach to the problem - for one procedure, the scar will not succeed;
  • only a doctor, based on the complexity of the patient, and individual wishes of the patient should choose the method of removal of scarsing education.

Sometimes it happens that the own body no longer pleases. And the reason is not at all in physical form or ideals of appearance. The thing is that for any reason it appeared scars or scars.

Is it possible to remove the scar

The removal of scars is a subtle question concerning both medicine and cosmetology. For a long time to get rid of the scar of times and was always almost impossible. But now cosmetologists are able to correct any flaw on the body. Modern medicine provides not one way to get rid of scars. Among them are distinguished:

  1. Surgical intervention. It is a plastic surgery, to remove scars or scars, with the help of their excision. This method is painful, with a long rehabilitation period. And not always with the result that is expected.
  2. The simplest and affordable - ointment for scars resorption. But, unfortunately, they work well only on fresh scars. If your scope is more than 5 years old, it is unlikely to dissolve without a trace.
  3. Cryodestruction of scars. Removal of scars using liquid nitrogen. The procedure is present and provided in many clinics or cosmetology cabinets. However, extremely undesirable. Scars after it do not disappear finally, and smoothed and sprawled in breadth.
  4. Chemical peeling. The procedure is more suitable for getting rid of small scars remaining, for example, from pimples.
  5. Removal with a laser. One of the most subtle and accurate operations to remove seams on the body.

How to remove scars from acne

In order to remove scars from acne from the face, the peeling procedure is most suitable. Achieving the result occurs for several sessions. It cleans the top layer of the epidermis from old cells, helping regenerating new ones. As a result of the process of skin renewal, scars from acne gradually disappear.

There are several types of peeling:

  • chemical: Performed with acids;
  • laser: Almost painless procedure, with a rehabilitation period for a couple of days;
  • coral: based on the addition of coral crumb into a mixture for peeling.

The use of a particular type of peeling depends on the state of your skin, as well as on the density and age of the scars.

Removing scars

It is best to remove scars or scars with a laser. In the clinic, under the supervision of the doctor.

The laser removal procedure is divided into two types:

  1. Laser treatment. With its help, the scar is converted into normal skin. The treatment process is a pulse effect on a mutilated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, as a result of which it softened and compared with the skin.
  2. Laser grinding with erbium laser. That is, layer-by-layer removal of the scar. This method allows you to remove any kind of scars.

Grinding scars

Has a number of advantages:

  • it is possible to remove any kind of scar;
  • after the first procedure, the result is visible;
  • it is allowed to conduct a procedure in the neckline, neck, face;
  • as a result of the operation, the fabric is not damaged around;
  • the procedure does not require special training, suitable for all skin types;
  • lack of severe postoperative period.

The number of procedures will be directly dependent on how much the skin is damaged. Specialists recommend not to rush to obtain the result and go to it gradually, making intervals between procedures long per month or two.

Contraindications include: tan, diabetes, oncological diseases, pregnancy.

Tattoo closing scars

Not every scar can be easily removed, and sometimes the procedure is so expensive that not everyone can mask it. Another way to get rid of the annoyed scar is to block his tattoo. He is sureless, but not suitable for everyone. Not everyone is ready to put the drawing on your body, which will have to wear a lifetime. However, those who still decided on a similar one, it is worth going to the case seriously.

First you need to decide on the pattern. The master can make for you any sketch of your wish. A good tattoo wizard will always tell you the standing options and will help determine. After the preparation is over, you can proceed directly to the image of the drawing on the body.

How to disguise scar

Scars for girls sometimes are terrible atomic war. But I don't want to decorate your body tattoo, especially if he is on his face. And the operation and that is terrible. Then nothing remains, how to simply disguise it with cosmetics. It is worth considering that such a way can work only with small scars, but not with rude scars or postoperative seams.

To work on the scar you will need:

  • tonic;
  • primer;
  • consiller;
  • set for make-up.

To begin with, clean the shra place with tonic. Apply the primer, it will help better hide the scar. Next, use the Consiller. It will adjust the scar. After the consulter snacks a little, get rid of surplus with the help of a sponium, just grooking the scar. And the final stage apply a tonal basis. Remember that to achieve a better effect, it must be selected exactly into the tone of your skin.

How to remove scars at home

At home, get rid of the scar is finally impossible. You can slightly smooth the skin on the tab or evilcing, making it less noticeable. Even if you decide to make this issue yourself, resorting to grandmother's recipes, consult your doctor anyway.

Check out some ways to remove the scar at home:

  1. Bodhage will help to dissolve the scar.
  2. Mases helping skin regeneration. The most common "contractupex".
  3. In the removal of small scars can help (jojoba, rosemary, almond).
  4. Use all sorts of masks. For example, from scarlet leaves. Just press juice from them, let him run the day. Apply on the scar a couple of times a day. Or a mask with honey and. You will need 1 tbsp. l. Each product, mix ready for use. The mask should be kept for about an hour.

Removing scars: photo before and after

We present to your attention photos of scars before and after various procedures.

Elimination of scars with laser

Application of grindoff

Piling procedure

Masking of scar cosmetics

Overlapping tattoo

Scars and scars in open areas, the face does not add attractiveness. Therefore, cosmetologists are looking for ways to cope with defects for several decades and have already achieved success. With modern methods, the removal of scars on the face is possible to spend almost without a trace.

Read in this article

Removal options

Scars are several species. And the choice of a method of combating a defect largely depends on its type. Sometimes it is necessary to exposure to several alternately.

Chemical peeling

The procedure is an impact on the problem area of \u200b\u200bskin acid. Most effective, used more often for the median exposure. On the purified from cosmetics, the area is caused by the drug, they are kept for several minutes, then neutralized.

The surface is burned, which leads originally to the appearance of dry film or peel on it. But it becomes an incentive for the formation of new cells. As a result, the surface relief is equalized and its color. The scar is less noticeable for several sessions, which are carried out with pauses at 10 to 14 days. So you can get rid of traces of acne and hypertrophic scar.


One of the most effective methods is the removal of scars on the face of the laser. There are two possibilities for its use:

  • . It is necessary for evaporation of fluid from the tissues of the problem area. As a result, dry crust is formed on it, which later disappears. The impact is very accurate, which gives an excellent aesthetic effect. The laser reinforces the production of collagen in the skin. This leads to alignment of the scar and its discoloration.
  • Fractional laser grinding. The method ensures the appearance of microchannels in the skin simultaneously while preserving healthy tissues in immunity. Selective traumatization leads to the active synthesis of collagen. The scar softened, its color becomes closer to the main shade of the skin.
Before and after several sessions of fractional laser grinding

Laser removal of scars on the face is carried out for 6 - 10 sessions with pauses in 1 - 2 months. The older the scar, the longer the treatment will be. But he is given to the formation of all kinds, it is possible to get rid of their external manifestations by 90%.

Surgical excision

If the scar is floating, wide, it can be removed by the scalpel. The operation is made under local anesthesia. The scar cut out, the edges of the wound bring together and impose a new seam. When the fabrics grow, a thin line is formed, which can then be made even more imperceptible. Cosmetic procedures will help.


  • new scars in the treated area;
  • pigmentation disorder (dark spots or white areas);
  • infection of tissues;
  • aggravation of acne and herpes;
  • resistant erythema (redness, not disappearing up to the year);
  • pronounced cooperosis.

Almost the same signs (besides burns) can cause microdermabrasion, although they manifest to a lesser extent. The use of Diprospan can turn the hypertrophic scar into atrophic. Injections of hyaluronic acid can cause allergies or skin inflammation, as well as plasmolifting. But with due preparation, a qualitatively made procedure, compliance with the rules of rehabilitation complications arise very rarely.


How much will it cost returning the skin of smoothness, depends on the area of \u200b\u200blesion, the type of procedure, the time it will take, the number of sessions. The laser can cost 3000 - 7000 p. For 1 sq.m., mesotherapy - from 3000 r. session,"Diprospan" - from 1800 p.

For my microdermabrasiah will have to post from 3500 p. (all face) or from 800 p. For 1 sq. Cm, if you need to remove the scar. Cryotherapy session costs from 300 r., Plasmolifting - from 3000 p. Surgical excision of a scar is possible for 10,000 p. And more expensive.

The abundance of procedures, their effectiveness, the advantages of each allow you to expect that even removing deep scars on the face, keloid scars are possible. And if it fails to get rid of the defect at all, there is a chance to make it a little care. The main condition is the right choice of the treatment method.

There is an opinion that the scars are decorated with a real man. Perhaps not all men agree with this. But with the fact that scars and scars do not adorn women, they will agree, perhaps, all. What to do? How to remove the scars so that they do not bring inconvenience?

Scars may appear for various reasons. It may be scars left after heighting acne, or after surgery. And maybe as a result of injury or injury. Whatever the reasons, but remove the scars from the face or body is possible. Here are some basic tips.

  1. If the scar appeared after a wound or operation, then the first actions should be taken immediately. After removal of the seams, it is necessary to start using cream to dissolve the scar tissue as quickly as possible. One of the most effective, at the moment is the Kontraktex cream. In many cases, the use of one thing is enough.
  2. If, after applying the course of cream, the traces of the scar are still visible, then you can use the peeling procedure. During chemical peeling, special reagents are applied on the skin, the top layer of the skin is removed as a result. Thanks to this method, you can remove scars on your hand or other parts of the body.
  3. If the scar forms a dent or a hole on the surface of the skin, then to remove it, you can use special dermal fillers. Cosmetologists typically use collagen or a special hyaluronic acid gel. As a result, the skin is leveled. But such a procedure will need to be repeated every few months.
  4. If you want to get rid of the unpleasant memories of the scarstore, then you can use laser therapy. Such a method helps to make a scar from the surface of the skin, almost leaving traces. To remove the scar with a laser more often apply local anesthesia. Procedures may differ from each other depending on the laser. There are those that remove the upper layers of the skin, giving it a more natural look. And subsequently the scars disappear. Other lasers penetrate the lower layers of the skin and stimulate the production of collagen. Thus, you can get rid of scars from the inside.
  5. If the scar is very big or a lot of them, then you can resort to the surgical method of their removal. There are several such methods. For example, you can cut the scar and impose intradermal seams. You can also make a plastic surgery with a change in scar contours. Or cut the scar for the purpose of the next skin transplant. There is a surgical method called an expander dermatency. It lies in the fact that a silicone bag (expander) is embroidered next to the scar, a physiologically solution is introduced into it. As a result, the code over the scar is stretched. After that, the bag is removed, the scar is excised, and the skin pulls up.

How to remove scars at home?

But really the scars and scars can be removed only with specialists in special clinics? Not. You can remove the scars at home using the following recommendations.

  • lemon juice. It contains natural whitening substances that will make the scar less noticeable;
  • aloe juice. With small domestic cuts or to prevent scars from acne to fresh wreck, Aloe needs to be applied. The juice of this plant has restoring properties, and he will heal without the formation of a scar;
  • honey. This is a natural remedy for a universal mask from scars. Honey can be applied to the scar several times a day;
  • homemade mask. If you mix a tablespoon of shallow oatmeal with one tablespoon of cream and add a couple of lemon juice drops, then a wonderful mask from the scars. It must be applied to the skin for 15 minutes, and then wash off with warm water.

Each body has its own characteristics, and various scars appear in different wounds, but now you know exactly what you can get rid of the scars. And if someone asks you: is it possible to remove the scar on the face so that there are no traces left, you can say with confidence: "Yes!"

Scars and scars can appear on the skin as a result of any damage. Conduct burns, cuts, surgical operations and even ordinary acne to their formation. Get rid of such dubious "decorations", especially if it is located on the visible body of the body or face, it wants almost every person. Previously, such a procedure was possible only in some cases, but progress in the medical and cosmetology sphere allows you to eliminate almost any scars or scars.

To begin with, find out the difference between the names of these skin damage. Scar is a visible trace remaining on the skin after suffering injuries or surgical interventions. This word is not used in medical terminology and is more common in normal speech. The scar is the growing of dense connective tissue in the sections of the former damage to the skin (burns, mechanical damage, ulcers, ulns or postoperative wounds). It is this term that is used in medicine to designate a skin defect resulting from injury or skin inflammation. That is, "Scar" and "Scar" are practically synonyms. In the usual speech, scars are more often called flat scars, and scans are protruding the surface of the skin of the connective tissue.

In our article, we will introduce you to the main types of postoperative scars and methods for their removal on face and body. These knowledge will be useful for you if you want to get rid of such skin defects.

Types of scars

Experts identify such types of scars:

  1. NORMALLOGICAL REDGE. Such a trace on the skin is formed with a normal and uncomplicated process of scarring the skin after damage. Rubech Malozameten (in most cases), flat and has a color that is as close as possible to the shade of healthy skin.
  2. Atrophic scar. Such a trace on the skin appears after the unsuccessful removal of moles and papilloma or develops after acne or acne. The scar resembles a hole or deepening in the skin. His flavored fabrics due to the fact that they are reduced in the level of collagen.
  3. Hypertrophic scar. Such a trace on the leifty after various damage to its covers. The reasons for its appearance may be burns, ribbon wounds or wounds from bites, improper treatment of acute injury, constant traumatization of the wound zone, inflammation or wound suppuration, the location of injury in active zones (on the skin of the joints, neck, etc.) or genetic predisposition To the growth of connective tissue. Such a scar always protrudes over the surface of the skin and has a pinkish shade. In some cases, peelings are observed on its surface, or donges.
  4. Keloid scar. Looks like a tumor. The reasons for its appearance are such factors: genetic tendency to keloidosis, scale and place of injury (ears, pubic area or sternum, etc.). Injuries, operations, vaccinations, burns, or tattoos can lead to its formation. Such a scar is hanging over the surface of the skin, rises above it and has a bright pink (almost red) or a blue color. Its surface is corrupt and tight to the touch. After 5-6 years, it will gradually pale, its surface becomes wrinkled, and the central part can fall into the skin.

In a separate group you can allocate postoperative scars. Depending on the process of healing and the inclination to the growth of connective tissue and keloidosis, such scar changes on the skin on the skin may be normal, atrophic, hypertrophic or keloid.

What is the indications and when will the scars remove?

There are two types of indications for removing postoperative scars:

  • medical - the scar is deleted in cases where it leads to functional disorders (for example, it hinders the flexion of the joint, deforms the mouth or eyelid, etc.);
  • cosmetic defects - the scar is removed due to the patient's development.

The time of the scar removal operation is determined individually for each patient. Factors are taken into account:

  • location of injury;
  • the nature of blood supply damaged tissues;
  • character and scale damage;
  • the age of the patient;
  • fabric immunity;
  • heredity.

As a rule, in the next time (no later than a month after the operation), scars are removed, which are located on the skin of the joints and limit its normal movement. In other cases, the operations are carried out after the "ripening of the scar", i.e., 1-2 years after surgery.

Ways to remove postoperative scars and scars

There are several ways to remove postoperative scars and scars. In each specific clinical case, the method of getting rid of hate marks on the skin is selected individually. The choice depends on the type and size of the scar, the age of the patient and the features of its health. To remove some scarmets more appropriate, the use of a set of events.


Some keloid or hypertrophic scars can be removed by freezing. The doctor wets the applicator in a special cooling substance (for example, in liquid nitrogen) and presses it several times to scar formation. The exposure time is determined individually and is a few minutes. The processed skin is covered with ice frost. Stages of frost and thawing are accompanied by very tangible painful sensations, so such a way of removing scars is carried out under anesthesia.

In the first days after the operation on the skin and the ruler, swelling and bubbles appear (the consequences of a deep burning chill). After 5-7 days, the bubble is revealed, serous fluid is poured out of it and the healing process begins. The cold damage plot is covered with a crust, under which healthy fabrics begin to form. The recovery process lasts about 3 weeks. A pinkish scar appears on the place of the previous scar, which after 5-6 months it becomes almost imperceptible. In some cases, 2-3 of the same procedures are performed to achieve the maximum cosmetic effect.

The success of this technique for the removal of postoperative scars depends on the genetic tendency of a person to form hypertrophic or keloid scars. If there is such a hereditary predisposition, a relapse of scar changes is possible.

Microwave therapy

This technique is used as an additional procedure for cryodestruction. It is performed using over frequency electromagnetic waves, which contribute to destabilization of water in scar tissues. As a result, the subsequent freezing of tissues becomes more efficient. When using microwave therapy, the scar becomes more flat, pale and less often recurs.


This technique can also be applied to removal, and for the prevention of the formation of scars. It is more suitable for the removal of young keloid scars. The procedure for near-focus exposure (X-ray therapy) is performed using a special machine. Dose of irradiation and the number of procedures are determined individually and depend on the age and the area of \u200b\u200bthe scar and the age of the patient. To remove mature keloid scars before the procedure, their activation is performed using cryodestruction. After reaching a bubble reaction to low temperatures (after 1-2 sessions of exposure to cold) and the deposition of all crusts is irradiated with rays of beech. After such procedures, keloid scars disappear and rarely recur.


This technique, which consists in mechanical removal of the upper layer of the skin with special rotating brushes or cutters, can be used to remove hypertrophic and some normatrophic scars. During the procedure that is performed under the anesthesia, the doctor as if hears the scar (burned) fabric to the top layer of the dermis.

After stopping the bleeding, the bandage is superimposed, which changes periodically. In place of the remote layer of the skin appears Stroup, which independently disappears in 7 days. Over time, the scar becomes less noticeable. In some cases, with an incorrectly made methodology or its incorrect choice, an even greater scar can be formed on the site of the former scar.


Compared to Dermabrasia, this procedure is more sparing, but it can only be used to remove surface scars (atrophic and some normatrophic). For polishing of the epidermis and exfoliation of its cells, the powder of aluminum oxide, ultrasound or some chemical compounds (acids) is used. Removing a scar can be performed for several procedures. Their number and intervals between them are determined individually. As a result, a new layer of healthy skin is formed at the site of scarmers.

Laser technologies

These techniques can be used to delete any types of scar changes. For their execution, special equipment and anesthesia are used. Erbium and carbonate lasers are widely used. Their rays are heated and the layers of the skin are evaporated, which form a scar, and stimulate the production of natural collagen. At the same time, the laser does not damage healthy fabrics, ensures an antibacterial effect, does not require the imposition of seams, and the patient's rehabilitation passes much faster.

A carbon dioxide acts on a given depth, and with its help, large scars and scars can be removed, and the erbium polishes surface layers of the skin. These techniques can be used on any parts of the body, including and on such delicate zones as either. Laser technology is often combined with other procedures: physiotherapy, dermabrasion, microdermabrasion, peeling, mesotherapy, etc. Such a complex effect on the skin provides a more perfect cosmetic result.

Surgical operations

To remove scar skin deformations, simple, complex and multi-step surgical interventions can be carried out. These ways are more radical, but rarely used to remove keloid scars (due to their frequent relapses). The choice of one or another surgical technique is determined by a clinical case (i.e. the view, sizes and shape of the scar). All of them are conducted under general anesthesia and require the rehabilitation of the patient in the hospital.

With non-strokes of the scars, simple operations are carried out on their excision and ears with cosmetic seam. After healing such a postoperative wound on the body of the patient, the trace remains barely noticeable.

With camp contractures on the joints (scars that limit the movement of the joint) are performed operations with plastic by local tissues. For this purpose, areas of skin, which are located near the scar, or the flap of the skin on the leg (i.e., the flap is not completely cut, and it is left onto the feeding leg).

With extensive scars, an operation with expander plastic can be performed. For this, special silicone bags or tissue expanders are used, which are embedded under the skin near the scar. They are gradually pumped by saline, and the increase in their volume leads to skin stretching. You can achieve this result in 1-2 months. After the formation of a sufficient number of new tissues, the expanders are removed, the scar is excised, and the edges of healthy skin are sewn.

In more complex cases, with extensive scars, plastic transplant transplants are carried out. Such interventions can be performed using:

  • full-layer flap - the transplant site is excised in the full thickness of the skin;
  • the split flap - the transplant site is split up to the thicker in such a way that the keratinoblasts (cells for self-healing) are defended on the donor surface, the flap is excised in the form of a solid area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the flap mesh or the brake method on the reverted.

When performing such plastic operations with free skin grafts, various additional devices can be used, providing faster healing of tissues (for example, radion and radio.)

Filling with collagen or adipose tissue

This technique is used to remove atrophic scars. It is performed under local anesthesia. There are several subcutaneous injections and fill it with a collagen, adipose tissue (taken from other parts of the body) into the scar of the scar. The effect after such removal of the scar is temporary, since the substance introduced under the skin is dissolved over time (collagen - after 4-6 months, adipose tissue - after 6-18 months, hyaluronic acid preparations - after 6-12 months). After that, the procedure can be repeated.

Medication methods of therapy

As additional therapy for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars, various drugs can be used, which are entered into modified tissues. To do this, drugs can be used:

  • corticosteroids: triamcinolone acetate, Kenalog-40, Diprospan et al.;
  • immunomodulators: alpha and gamma interferons;
  • enzymes: Lydase, Ronidase, etc.;
  • cyticostatics: Fluoruracyl, Bleomycin

These injection techniques can be complemented by microcurrent therapy.