How to raise a boy without a father. The child grows without a father - typical mistakes in the upbringing and tips of the psychologist Mom and relatives. Can the mother independently raise his son

Already at the stage of pregnancy, knowing that the long-awaited son will appear soon, every woman thinks about being a true man. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in this - according to the established stereotypes, for the correct growth and the formation of knowledge, the boy needs attention to the Father. And not just attention, and the direct participation of the parent in the life of the child. Modern psychology debunked the myth that only in a complete family it is possible to raise a real and strong man - he is able to raise him as a woman in marriage and a single mother.


When the baby appears on the light, he needs all the love and care of the mother. Until conscious age, according to research, the child does not distinguish the people in sexual sign, but by the first year of life he easily determines where Mom, Dad, sister, uncle or other relatives, familiar. From the very moment of birth, the boy needs more heat and affection than a newborn girl, since small representatives of the strong half of humanity are more vulnerable in physical and psychological terms. No need to limit communication with the baby - even at such a young age, the child feels attitude towards himself. Slowing on the hands of a crying son, you should talk to him, reminding him that he is a man, he is strong and brave.


When the boy turns three years, communication with male faces becomes need for him, and it does not matter who it will be: Dad, her husband's husband or grandfather. For him, the main thing at this age is to comprehend and adopt all the men's behavioral qualities and habits. In general, at this stage of its development advises not to force a child to do something at the request of parents, against his will. This is fraught with the emergence of misunderstanding in the family, as well as the manifestation of personal complexes at the kid in more mature age.

From the boy - in a man

The child, becoming older and taking the behavior of the behavior of him from the very childhood of representatives of strong sex, builds communication with peers and relatives. The attitude towards women in the boy is formed thanks to his mother - it is she who is the personification of femininity, beauty and home heat. Looking at Mom, the baby on the subconscious level remembers its features, both external and character, which in the future will affect his preferences in the choice of life companions.

Can the mother independently raise his son

Many women, in trying to give their own and care of the Father, often sacrifice themselves. At the same time, each of them finds excuses to his actions: "Well, and that that the husband beats me / does not work / drinks / cheating, but the boy has a father. To grow a man from him, he needs father's care." Often, such "care" is manifested in the form of constant tiles and dulling, since when disrespecting for a woman, it is unlikely that you can expect strong father's senses from her husband. Men of this kind, except natural, the very conception, will not participate in the upbringing of the baby, all concerns about him will completely lie on the shoulders of women.

As a result, after a long and painful attempts to correct the "negligent dad" and vain searching for a compromise family disintegrates. It pushes a woman with a little son to look for a new dad for the baby. Sometimes everything is repeated in a circle, and in other cases only a few acquire a good family man and father. Do not think that, swaying with my husband, a single mother will not be able to correctly raise the boy, - it is under the power of any adequate and loving mother. To do this, you need to be guided by several simple communication rules with the child.

Since the realization of the surrounding world, Mom should develop responsibility for himself, their words and actions. Over time, the boy will begin to understand that the promised must be performed, but to correct mistakes. It follows to clarify the child only a calm, affectionate tone, without scandals and hysterics. It is important to remember that the baby needs to constantly grant the right to choose - just so he will feel independent.

In how to bring up a boy a real man, there is another important aspect: the Son must feel its significance. But it is not necessary to cultivate egocentrism in it - such a person will grow by "Narcissa", and its further adaptation in adult life will be significantly difficult. Significance is not in the scale of the universe (I have everything for this world), but only in relation to the mother. For example, when landing into public transport, Mom may ask her son to help her or during a walk he addresses him with words: "Take me by the hand, suddenly I fall, and you will hold me."

Any mother should understand what to communicate with the male faces to the child to become a successful and confident man, vital. She is obliged to resolve the son to see his father (if any), spend time with him. At the same time, she should constantly be aware of all events taking place in his life, talking about it with him and help solve problems. How to raise your son with a real man? Become a friend for him, the best and most close. With a lack of male attention of the boy, naturally, after agreeing with him, it is necessary to write to any sports section - sport disciplines, helps the child adapt in society.

Raising common mistakes

  1. The overabundance of love in conscious age provokes the wrong perception of the world around the child. Undoubtedly, love and protect your child, you can and need, but everything should be a measure. Mothers should fit themselves in advance at the time when the son grows up and acquires his family. Some women especially acutely perceive the child's care from the parent home, they simply cannot accept the fact that their adorable son now costs without mom.
  2. Cruel attitude, the pressure from the parents never helped to raise a strong and bold man. From families who believe that cry and manual attribution, as well as the absence of the right of choice - this is the norm, the scored, shye and at the same time embittered guys who have low self-esteem and disrespect for women in baggage. It is worth remembering that our children are a reflection of the "weather in the house" and the behavior of parents.
  3. Lack of attention from both the mother and father makes the future of a man to closes in itself. Greater, such boys become alienated, many of them, in order to force parents to notice themselves, are associated with bad companies, they begin to drink alcohol, drugs, acquire various harmful habits.

Future man: upbringing in full family

Some mothers allow one very big mistake - surviving for the health and safety of a newborn baby, they do not give the Father to fully enjoy communication with him. It is the first moment of the meeting of Pope and Son is a key point in how to raise the boy a real man. If a wife refuses her husband several times in his desire to help with a baby, then the future healthy schop of his father and his son can go to no.

Mother and father

Mothers should often leave the child with her husband, to promote their joint pastry - to organize various campaigns for their men, change them on fishing. In any conflict situations, mom needs neutrality, but do not forget to talk to the baby about his misconduct.

How to raise the boy a man with a real man? To do this, you need to be an example in everything, starting with the relationship to my wife and ending with its position in society. The child is intuitively feeling if Dad loves Mom, whether he respects her. Even if both parents are trying to create an image of an ideal family with the sons, and behind closed doors are constantly quietly finding out the relationship - to raise the boy from the boy, a mentally healthy member of society will be difficult.

Books - the best assistants in the educational process

Many parents are looking for an answer to the question of how to raise the boy a real man. A book containing old good fairy tales in himself helps to tell the child in detail about the role held in life. Knights, hedgehogs, princes, possessing untreated force, are always ready to help weak sex - beauties enchanted by evil wizards.

The distribution of roles in each fabulous history allows access to the small boy that men are strong, heroic and selfless people. Thanks to the fairy tales in the child's subconscious, the perfect image is formed to which he wants to strive.

  1. Learn your child with the rules of etiquette. It does not matter how old you understand, the main thing that he has understood from the small years how to talk to the elders why women need to help, and how important the words spoken by them are.
  2. Explain the Son that all his emotions: fear, embarrassment, joy, sadness and sadness can and need to express words.
  3. Take a baby to order, let him help you at home.
  4. Organize reading evenings, read your son good life stories and fairy tales, share your impressions with him.
  5. Teach the child to play correctly. Supporting in his failures, say the boy that one defeat is not a reason to lower your hands and give up the goal.
  6. Show it that the manifestation of tenderness is not weakness.
  7. Let the child help you and others. It is let that, but not forced.
  8. Create a frequent communication of Pope and Son.

  1. Throughout pregnancy, support your spouse, talking with a growing baby in her heart. After his appearance, try to spend as much time as possible next to it. It is at this stage that you will begin to understand how to bring up from the boy a real man using only my skills and love for the child.
  2. Find free time, trying as long as possible to be at home - endless business trips and a non-corrugated working day is taken from your baby precious childhood, spent with dad.
  3. More often show emotions. Love, laughter and tears associated with your son are not considered weak. Looking at you, the boy will understand that there is nothing shameful.
  4. Be disciplined, set the routine of the day for the child. What is he grew up with a successful man? Make his day useful, help him solve the tasks set. Mildly, without manual design, set the norms of discipline, while calmly and firmly insist on respect for yourself and mother.
  5. Make fun with your son. Joint leisure must bring joy as a child and you.

Many single mothers come to psychologists with the question: "How to be if there is no dad in the family? How can I live, how to educate children? ". This question is especially relevant for those who raise sons. After all, the boys need a male example for imitation - and it is not.

In this article, I will tell not only about the upbringing of courageous boys without the constant participation of the native Pope, but also about the princesses-daughters, which the presence of the father is also important.

The role of dad in the family

The presence of a father in the family is necessary. And it does not matter, daughter or son you grow. Boys he shows how a man should live, how he must behave, what qualities to have, introduces him to the male world and teaches male skills. Woman will never understand how it happens. We, women, thoughts and perceive everything differently, more sensitly. And men - they are strategic, accurate.

For the girl it is also important to have dad. His love subsequently affects her spiritual development, the ability to contact and understand the representatives of the opposite sex. In this regard, communication with his father in childhood is its first experience of communicating with a man. Mortification, she either self-realizes and will be a happy woman, either become a gray mouse, with a low self-esteem, inability to love and get love, and will not be able to build a happy relationship, his own family with a decent man.

And if there is only mom?

History tells us about how hard Europe has experienced two world wars, losing many representatives of strong sex. Women were forced to learn how to live without men, to manage their own forces to provide a family, raise and train their children. And this not the best reflected on most subsequent generations in terms of their psycho-emotional development.

But in life - at work, in school, family, in society - young women communicate with representatives of both sexes. Girls who grew up without a father do not understand how they must behave with men, their behavior and their inner world remains a complete mystery to them.

When a girl in childhood communicates with dad, she already begins to form certain contact skills with the opposite sex. Moreover, analyzing the attitude of his father to her and mom, she creates a man's image in the subconscious, with whom she would like to be in the future. If there is no father nearby - she cannot create his perfect image, which means it will be difficult for her to understand what she wants from men, from relationships.

How to fill the shortage of men in the family

If for any reason you have no husband at the moment, for the boy you need to find another image of imitation. Well, if there is a grandfather - he will fully cope with the task to replace the father's grandson.

In the absence of the grandfather, you will have to find another example - the godfather, the native uncle, the coach on the circle on the assembly of aircraft models, the coach for a hand-to-hand struggle - anyone who can cause respect in the boy and will become a good example for imitation. The main thing - a man should reflect confidence, successful self-realization and the ability to make his family happy.

What is the main function in the family performs a man?

That's right - protection. In this regard, it is meant both financial and physical protection, if suddenly it will be necessary.

Look at the surrounding familiar men with whom I could often contact the child. Rate its quality - whether he looks happily, confidently in himself, how much he is responsible and spiritually strong. Determine for yourself who could be like your boy whatever you want to see it in 15-20 years. Choosing a suitable "candidate" on a male image for a child, ask him to sometimes participate in the life of the child.
Well, if it is your close friend or relative, it will be easier to connect it to the participation in the life of the baby. Try to arrange your son (or daughter) to communicate more often - trips to nature, help in the lessons, from time to time to a child after kindergarten or school.
So children will be able to get both models of behavior, seeing differences in them, and each of this experience in communication will be expected to benefit - boys will see what they should be in the future, and girls will learn to understand men.

Allow yourself to rely a little on another man, because first of all it is necessary for your child's happiness.

Common mistakes in self-education of children

Most often, a woman thinks that the rather after the divorce it will marry the better. This is a very common mistake among lonely mammies. After all, in a new marriage you will enter with old thinking, expectations. As a result, either a man will try to quit you as soon as possible, or you will be unhappy with him all my life, as you will not be able to establish relationships.

The second, no less common mistake - the expectation of the appearance of a man in your life only to shift all its problems to him: responsibility for the financial support of the family, responsibility for happiness in the family, the well-being of children, their own inner harmony and so on.

Of course, with time it will be so. But a man should see, and not tired, tortured, unclean "aunt."

You must believe in yourself, take your life as it is, to become happy. And with the arrival of a man, your life will be even brighter. With such thinking you will pre pretrately find yourself a lover with which you will really be happy.

If you become a happy mom, your child will also be happy next to you. And with the advent of a man in your shared life, the son (or daughter) will receive a model of the behavior of a real man.

If you have problems in raising children and communicate with them, it will help you to gain harmony and establish relationships with others.

With love,
Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

Rise up a real man - strong, purposeful, which will be a great husband and father. Equally, as in full family there is every chance to grow insecure a person who is not able to respect women.

Incomplete families are not those in which there is no father or mother, but those where parental love lack.

Igor Kon.

The author of the book "Boy - Father of Men"

How to raise a boy lonely mom

1. To realize your sexuality, the child begins with one year. At this moment, the boy needs a certain ideal to which he will strive by copying his behavior and character traits. Of course, it is better that it was a father, but this role can successfully fulfill the grandfather, uncle or husband girlfriend. When the boy is growing, it is worth sending it to the sports section, where he will learn to communicate with men and where he may have an example for imitating in the face of a strong and courageous coach.

2. If the father's father, an ideal for a boy, can be the image of a hero father. If the parents divorced and Mom looked at her ex-husband, he should not report this son: in the eyes of the child, Dad should remain a good person. Explain the boy that his father loves him very much, but the circumstances have developed so that they can not see. If the father wants to communicate, do not prohibit, no matter how strong your insult. Do not create a monster father in my head in my head - it will push it away from all men.

3. It is important how Mama itself refers to men. If she is experiencing fear, aggression, shame or other negative emotions in the presence of men, then the child will feel them. This will lead to difficulties in communicating with men.

4. Read the boy on brave knights, pick up movies in which men are courageous heroes.

5. Do not attempt to compensate for the love of my father, surrounding the boy care for 24 hours a day. Independence is one of the most important male qualities. The boy should be able to wash everything: wash the dishes, clean in the apartment, clog nails. No need to stand on his soul, controlling every movement: it is very important to trust the son.

6. A common mistake that lonely moms is allowed is that they decide to devote their lives to the child, and then, naturally, waiting for mutual returns. Child do not need these victims. No need to forget about your personal happiness, put a cross on your own life. You should not speak the boy that you are sake of it from the forces on two works, do not sleep, limit yourself in everything: it will form his feeling of guilt.

7. Mom must be a caring and affectionate, not an iron lady decisive all the problems. It is important that the boy understands: a woman needs to take care. At the same time, it is impossible to carry a stick and turn the baby from orphanage in a responsible man who must take care of a weak and defenseless mother.

8. Quickly praise the child. Speak: "You will succeed!", "You are my defender", etc. For a boy growing without a father, this is especially important: so you strengthen it in confidence that it is significant for you.

9. When a man appears in mom's life, you need to be ready for jealousy from the son. Rapprochement of two expensive women people should be gradual, tactful, unobtrusive.

10. Do not expect the Son to fill the emptiness caused by the lack of a major man in the house. Remember: First of all, he is a child who always needs in your love and support. The owner of the house, the boy will become only after creating his own family.

11. Do not expect a boy to treat life just like you. In men and women, emotions and image of thoughts differ. Listen to his opinion with respect. Learn to be interested in his world, which is far from yours.

Do not believe in psychologists who argue that innovative boys grow in incomplete families. This statement is actually incorrect, but acts as a self-realizing forecast

Igor Kon.

The author of the book "Boy - Father of Men"

12. Always come to your son to help if he was offended and he needs your support. Do not shout on it, do not scold in case of errors or misdemeanors. He must be sure: you are on his side and believe that this misunderstanding will no longer repeat. So the boy will have a safety sense that helps him confidently walk through life.

13. Women raising sons on their own, risk to fall into one of the extremes: to give all of themselves without a rest to the child or stay with his son, it is underlined dry, trying to fill the gap of harsh male education. And the one, and the other position form a distorted picture of the world. In the first case, the child will most likely grow indecisive and blessing. In the second - it may lose faith in people, because in childhood he had fallen away parental love.

Psychologists have proven: the boy is important to the presence of a man. Inside the lack of dad is felt by a teenager. Many women do not understand how to raise a child without a father, especially the Son remaining in care after the divorce. Mothers allow a lot of errors that reflect on the nature of the mature.

Mom's actions

It is hard to explain to the baby, the causes of what is happening. Many adolescents perceive the news about the divorce of parents painfully, consider themselves to blame for psychological injuries. An ideal solution for divorce is a conversation with a child. It is necessary to clarify the current situation. It is advisable to attract the father to the spiritual conversation.

You should tell a teenager about the further development of events. Peel the nuances: report the location and possibility of visiting the Father. Convince that his father does not throw him. Parents love - everything remains still. Baby must be protected from fear, loneliness. In the perfect version, the conversation with children about the upcoming dissolution of marriage is carried out before the start of litigation.

The general scientific opinion about the leading role of parents in the upbringing of kids is absent. Part of psychologists say that basic skills, behavior models instigate the mother's education. Character is laid until the five-year-old age. Typically, the education of such ages is entirely or leading the mother. But contrary to this, after the divorce, many women doubt the ability to raise the Son without the active participation of the Father.

The rest of the psychologists say that one mother can not bring up his son to a real man. Her duty is to find a worthy Father's own baby. Otherwise, the boy can grow unhappy, dependent, indecisive.

Of course, if the woman remained lonely with the baby in his arms, the ideal option will be regular help in parenting. It is desirable to contribute to the upbringing of a former spouse. Many argue that only the native father is able to strongly and unconditionally love the Son. Pretty controversial statement.

Modern men in spouses take women with children. They love her offspring so that many blood fathers did not dream. But there are men, from communicating with whom the baby can learn exclusively negative features. In this case, it is better to raise the kid one.

Divorce does not cancel obligations to the bloodstream in the material and psychological equivalent.

  • The husband strive to see the Karapuz - let it take part in the upbringing. Do not limit it in desires.
  • A former husband does not want to do a teenager, you will have to impose responsibility entirely on women's shoulders.

The boy needs the right prototype. Focusing on him, the baby gradually realizes how a man must behave. The first awareness of sexual differences comes early: at the age of one year. To become an example for imitation can husband, grandfather, stepfather, godfather, uncle, husband close girlfriend, neighbor.

After reaching the kid of a three-year-old age, it is recommended to give it to any sports section. This mother will receive several positive results at the same time.

  • First, the boy will have a mentor a man - coach.
  • Secondly, the coach is disciplined, courageous. Looking at him a baby, smoothly starts to adopt male behavior.

The coach will teach courageously to carry minor injuries: beaten knees, bruises. Mama needs to be soft, worry about any scratch that appeared in the Son. If she belongs to a man in male, without showing weaknesses, he will forever understand that women are strong, do not need support. Relationships to them in the future will be formed appropriate.

At a five-year-old age, the boys in the character lay courage, purposefulness. It is necessary for the approval of his actions by an adult man. So the boy learns to overcome obstacles, reaching the goal. Woman's woven worry and lubricate her knees with green. Mother should not praise the Son that, having fallen from the scooter and hurt himself, he overburden pain and drove further. Mother's praise will sound unnaturally, excitement will give insincerity. The child is lies recognized and becomes a resolution signal to fraudulent actions.

The boy needs a male understanding of about 10 years. The period of sexual adult begins. There is a mass of intimate misunderstandings that the Son is ashamed to find out from the mother. During this period, the child's attitude towards women is laid. The boy can blame the mother in divorce and the absence of a father, angry for excessive love and care, show aggression.

Former husband, continuing to communicate with his son, can conduct conversations for "uncomfortable" themes. It is obliged to explain to the offspring that the culprits of the divorce does not exist.

Teenage age and in full family does not go smoothly. When a woman has no husband who will explain and on his own example will show the behavior of an adult man, the guy begins to "try on" different models of behavior. Often, such leads to sad consequences.

Common mistakes

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  1. Women's mistake - Father's dates ban with a child. After the divorce, there is a mass of negative emotions, offense. Former husband becomes an enemy. To annoy him, many women are forbidden to communicate with her son. Such actions cause a negative psychological imprint on the character of the kid. It is necessary to locate bad emotions for seven locks and encourage communication. Parents help to form children consciousness. You can never humiliate and insult your father in the eyes of the Son.
  2. It is impossible to replace your father. Mom should be loved by love, caressing, tenderness and femininity. Son must be shown the correct model of the behavior of a woman / man;
  3. Do not consider your family incomplete or defective. This attitude negatively affects the child. There are families where the husband is missing and this provision is practically not felt due to maternal care;
  4. Despite the small age, it is impossible to "suck." Excessive softness can accommodate. The boy must learn independence. He is a future man who needs not only tenderness, but also hardness, determination;
  5. A woman should not give up a personal life. The happier mother, the more comfortable feels off. Often, the second spouse is wonderful communicating with the adoptive child, which allows you to find a way out of conflict situations.
  6. No need to finish everything behind my son. If the child does not work out something, the mother should not take the initiative and finish. It is better to explain in a soft form, how to do it. Let learn to bring the finishhead. It is required to enlist his support in domestic troubles. No needless tasks. Buttoning bed, remove toys, wash the plate and spoon are quite relevant instructions;
  7. Do not push the child's desire to assist. Shows care - enjoy! So he realizes that it becomes a defender and a support woman;
  8. Do not realize dreams on Bloody. If you wanted to do ballroom dancing, you do not need to embody the dream on my son. He has its own preferences, often completely different from the parent;
  9. It is dangerous to prohibit friends with peers. It is impossible to ignore the opinion of the child. If friendly relationships, according to Mother's opinion, damage to the offspring, it will become a life lesson. Experience will be remembered for life.

Father child died

If death prevented family happiness (her husband died), you need to take into account the psychological state of the mother. After the tragedy, a woman will not be able to quickly resume psychological equilibrium and how to behave with his son on the magic. When the mother gathered with the forces, then the truth should tell the child. Deception will be remembered for a long time. Lie can turn into a loss of precious trust.

You should tell the son of courage, kindness, masculinity of the dad. Father is an ideal model for imitating anyone looking to death.

It is necessary to praise the Son for any positive experience. Praise will help to understand the correctness of the actions. Examples for imitation are everywhere. Take advantage of fairy tales, movies, songs about brave knights, polite gentlemen, strong heroes protecting weak. Walking down the street, it is not, to pay attention to men who make any noble act: the save the kitten, the help of a grandmother, which independently cannot go through the roadway, gave way to a woman's place in transport.

It is necessary to show respect for the opinion of the Son, consult as with adults. To give at least imaginary freedom to actions: allow you to choose from the two or three options provided by the mother. There will be a joint study of something: brands of cars, the planets of the solar system. The occupation should be interested in the siblings.

Joint pastime will enable the child to realize that they love him, respect, appreciate. Fulfillment of homemade trouble will give the family integrity and will provide an opportunity to enjoy communication.

Family is not only a spouse, husband and children living together. Family is devotion, mutual understanding and revenue. Rise up a boy with a role model and without a father. The main thing is to believe in my son and certainly accept and understand.

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Incomplete families every year, unfortunately, it becomes more and more. If life circumstances have developed in such a way that you are forced to raise your son without a father, do not despair, but gather with the Spirit. Believe me, even without a father, you can raise a real man.

There are several very important rules that should be followed by raising the boy. In our material you will find useful tips of children's psychologists about how to raise the Son without a father.

17:52 16.10.2014

To begin with, let's deal with what roles Mom play and dad are played. From Mom, a boy learns to love and take care of others. Mom teaches son sympathy and kindness. Function Pope - Show an example of how the man should be. Thanks to the dad, the son is aware of his belonging to the male floor, adopt the concept of male behavior: learns to command and obey, be responsible for their actions, to achieve goals, defend their point of view. Sometimes a man, brought up by the mother alone, grows by misinterpretative and passive, conflict, is not always able to provide their future seven necessary concerns, and sometimes financially.

To prevent fatal errors when reading 7 by the advice of psychologists about how to raise the boy without a father :

1. If there is such an opportunity, save good relationships with a former husband. Discontinue the personality of the former husband from the personality of the father of your child. If you don't have such an opportunity, you must "provide" the presence of an adult man in your life and life of your son - let it be your father, brother, a good friend, perhaps a new love. It is important that the Son can always seek him for advice or help. Even if in many situations you yourself can give a good advice, much better will be if he appeal to a man.

2. No matter how strange it sounds, but, raising the child, do not sacrifice your personal life. When you become a mom, it does not mean that the cross should be put on his life and devote all of themselves to children. This is the main mistake of lonely mothers who do not know how to raise a son without a father. Excessive love and guardianship are capable of turning the child in a egoist who does not respect someone else's opinion and is used to that everything and always gets him simple and without much effort.

Keep full relationships with friends, attend interesting events. And for the baby, it will be an example that life needs to enjoy, problems - decide, and not to close to failures.
It is not necessary to exercise a hypertension: let the child takes his own solutions, makes mistakes and learn to them, the main thing is to always be ready to support it.

To be taken into account another very important point: you should not be consumed with the Son regarding your personal life. But in case you are going to marry, it is obliged to clearly explain the baby that he will not lose anything from this.

3. With the Son, do not discuss his father or other men. Never.

4. In adolescence, the boy faces not only with the problem of sexuality, but also aggressiveness, which is explained by the powerful discharge of testosterone. That is why he often initiates conflicts: Grubits, he fights, provokes. It is very important that in this period in the life of the son there was a reputable man. If he does not have the opportunity to communicate with his father, let it be someone from the family or another authoritative person, with which he could communicate: the coach of the sports section, teacher at school, etc.

5. Another problem with which mom faces is a matriarchy. Such families are often built on the unconditional authority of a woman. It is fraught with the fact that the Son will begin to perceive a woman as a very strong creature that does not need care or in care, and can solve all the problems arising independently.

Thus, you will be suppressed in the sown of his male beginning, the boy will dismiss the desire to be the leader and asserted. It can adversely affect the personal life of the Son, and at the career.

The Battle of the Son with the Mother Dictation can go to the fight against femininity in any of its manifestations. And if he will subsequently notice the "female" qualities: kindness, affection, the desire to take care of someone, - he will suppress them in himself.

Therefore, never forget that you are a woman and need male care and help. Do not be afraid to exercise weakness or confess to the inability to do anything.

We hope our material has become useful for you and you brought out some of the main rules on how to bring up a son without a father.