How can I protect my skin from sun and skin cancer? What are the best means to protect your face from the sun in summer

Who does not like one of us to relax and bask in the sun, and also get such a desired tanned look.

But sun exposure can cause a wide range of skin problems.

To understand what processes occur in the skin during tanning, consider the rays that come to us from the sun.- this is alpha and beta ultraviolet rays.

In the cosmetics industry, they are referred to as UVA and UVB.

Beta rays UVB rays acting on the skin, contribute to the compaction of its stratum corneum (epidermis).

Under their influence, the cells under the epidermis receive protection.

Melanin is produced in the skin, as beta rays stimulate melanocytes, the cells that contribute to the formation of pigment. Melanin gives the skin a dark color and has a protective function.

But if you tan too much, beta rays damage the cell walls, causing burns..

Alpha rays (UVA), unlike beta rays, they do not heat, it is impossible to feel their effect on oneself.

They will not cause burns, but, having penetrated into the deep layers of the skin, they can provoke increased sensitivity to the sun, as well as aging of the skin, which reduces its immunity.

Alpha rays even penetrate glass.

How to protect yourself from the sun: tanning principles

You should not be afraid of being under the sun's rays, especially since the sun is simply necessary for all of us, because without it it will not be produced in the body vitamin D very important for bone health.

Also, without the sun, it is not produced the hormone of happiness - seratonin that relieves us of depression.

Therefore, sunbathing is possible and necessary!

You just need to know a few simple rules!

The rules of sun exposure are so simple that everyone knows them:

  • do not sunbathe in the period from 12 to 16 hours
  • not be in the sun for too long
  • use protective equipment while on the beach

Exists special sunscreens helping to get an even tan and not have problems with the sun.

So what is sunscreen is a cosmetic product in the form of a cream, lotion, oil or lipstick, which contains one or more UV filters.

Types of sun protection products for face and skin

  • Milk for sunburn... Typically used for the entire body surface
  • Tanning creams... Used primarily for the face
  • Gels without fat additives and emulsifiers... They are used for a tendency to inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Hair protection products.
  • Sunscreen lipstick and gloss

For the proper handling of sunscreens, we will understand sunscreen terminology.

Sunscreen terminology

Choosing the right sunscreen!

If the sunscreen packaging says:

UVB- these are ultraviolet B-filters that absorb ultraviolet radiation in the range of 290-320 nm, but they do not protect the skin from ultraviolet A-radiation, which, although it does not act as strongly as B-rays, penetrates much deeper and can cause only photoaging of the skin but also carcinogenesis (development of skin cancer).

UVA- These are ultraviolet A-filters capable of absorbing sunlight in the range of 320-400 nm. Regular use of these cosmetics protects the skin from premature aging and can significantly reduce the risk of malignant skin tumors.

SunbIok, Broad specyrum- contain ultraviolet filters that reflect the entire spectrum (ultraviolet rays A and B). These broad spectrum filters provide the best protection not only for the skin, but also for the immune system against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

SPF (Sun Protection Factor)- sun protection factor, which gives an idea of ​​the effectiveness of ultraviolet B-filters. For example, SPF2 written on a tube means that by treating your skin with this sunscreen, you can tan twice as long as usual, without fear of getting a skin burn.

Odds from 4 to 45 divide all funds into three groups:

(45-15) - strong defense,

(15-8) - medium, etc.

American and European sunscreens have different ratios.

In Germany, the sun protection factor is referred to as LSF, which is slightly lower than the SPF.

For example, SPF 15 corresponds to LSF 10.

It is advisable to use sunscreens with the highest SPF, especially for people with fair and thin skin, children.

Water Resistance- means that the sun protection factor does not decrease after 40 minutes of bathing.

Water Рroоf- means that the sun protection factor does not decrease after 80 minutes of bathing.

RAVA-free- this means that this product does not contain para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). More recently, it has been used quite often as an ultraviolet filter, but later it was discovered that PABA and its derivatives often cause allergic reactions.

How to protect your skin from the sun?

Apply sunscreen to dry skin about 20-30 minutes before tanning.

Apply the product evenly until completely absorbed. Then every 2 hours you need to repeat this procedure.

Also, do not forget about ears and neck.

Lips we need to protect with special sunscreen lipstick.

After sunbathing, the skin needs to replenish moisture.

To do this, you need to use after-sun products or care for sensitive skin.

These products will moisturize, soothe your skin and help you tan for longer.

Do not save

It is a big mistake to save sunscreen, making do with a subtle minimum (especially if the product is expensive). However, its excess does not guarantee happiness either. For reliable protection, you will need a very specific amount of funds - a ball the size of a five-ruble coin. Apply it 20 before going out into the sun so that the chemical filter in its composition has time to “turn on” and the cream starts to work.

Look for the correct letters

Ignorance of the markings on the packaging does not absolve from liability. In any case, choose broad-spectrum sunscreens that promise UVB and UVA protection (abbreviations must be indicated on the packaging). Each season pleases us with new cosmetic novelties. For example, a couple of years ago, new products appeared that can be applied directly to damp skin, and this summer there were many new products with a matting effect.

Keep a stick in your purse

Today, the need for sun creams is as obvious as a red burnt nose on the face when this simple rule is neglected. It is he who needs to be given special attention. The skin in this capricious area tends to be oily, so the sunscreen's effects wear off rather quickly. In high-risk areas, sticks traditionally work well. They are convenient to use without attracting too much attention to yourself (and they are easy to always keep close at hand).

Protect yourself always

Cloudy days in summer are not a reason to do without a day cream with SPF. Moreover, it is in such weather that the rays of the A spectrum are especially dangerous, causing serious diseases and contributing to skin aging.

Consult your doctor

High blood pressure medications, hormonal birth control pills, and antibiotics increase the sensitivity of tissues to the sun and increase the risk of burns and sunburn. If you travel to hot regions, but continue to take medications, be sure to choose products with the highest SPF (at least at least 30).

Soothe your skin

Sometimes in the sun the face becomes covered with red spots. This is not so much a burn as microinflammation ─ a specific reaction to ultraviolet light ─ which is quite easy to remove. It is enough to take a capsule of evening primrose oil, pierce it and apply the contents to clean skin overnight. Thanks to the high content of essential gamma-linolenic acid, which restores the water barrier and reduces redness, in the morning there will be no trace of annoying problems.


Chill out in time

If you feel like you are on the verge of heatstroke, think about soft drinks: ice cold Diet Coke can be a good cooling factor. Let's reassure the adherents of a healthy lifestyle: it is not necessary to drink it. It is enough to put the jar on the back of your neck and wait until it gets warmer. It is the neck that sets the tone for the blood flow, so it is in this area that it is important to lower the temperature in the first place.

Use thermal water

Sprinkle thermal water not only on your face, but also on your body: it will make the most powerful thermoregulator - your skin - work in full force. It works in the following way: part of the liquid is absorbed instantly and lowers the temperature of the blood in the moist area. The mineral fountain is best directed at the heart rate areas: neck, inner knees, dorsum of the wrists.

Treat burns correctly

If you do burn out, your skin needs urgent help. First of all, cool the burned area: take a cool shower or apply a wet cold compress (avoid ice, as this can only exacerbate skin damage). Then the burn site can be treated with a regenerating and healing agent, which accelerates the regeneration process of the skin and restores its protective barrier, soothes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents the development of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. These products usually contain panthenol and thermal water. Do not use ointments and powders, as the temperature of the burnt tissue decreases much more slowly under them. Also, do not lubricate the burn with cologne or alcohol - this can cause painful shock.

Forget about peeling

Soon after the skin has calmed down, the peeling phase begins. Trying to help her with exfoliation is the worst thing you can do in this situation. You will have to endure, no matter how unaesthetic the appearance, and let it all take its course: let the flakes exfoliate naturally, and concentrate on keeping your skin well hydrated with products containing ceramides.


Discipline split ends

A mixture of salt and bleach is what makes the hair look like straw. To cover up damage, take a styling cream or wax-like hair pomade and apply to the ends of your strands. This - in every sense of the word - will smooth the situation. And after a “hot vacation”, arrange a spa ritual for your head and take a serious restorative course ─ now in the salons you can find treatment programs for any budget.

Maintain color

Strands playing with sun glare are still one of the fashionable hair-trends, but faded, faded and ginless strands are “move tone”. Therefore, do not forget about tint shampoos. The purple color neutralizes unwanted warm tones, while the gold pigment removes the unpleasant green sheen that often manifests itself after interaction with the mineral salts of the pool water.

Use a protective spray

When going to the beach or the pool, spray your hair with a spray with UV filters: then it will not, like a sponge, absorb salt and chlorinated water. After returning to your hotel or apartment, rinse your hair well and apply a cosmetic oil to your hair to restore its vitality.

Photo: Getty Images, press archives

In this article, we will tell you a few facts that will make you immediately go to the store for a jar of sunscreen.

Last year, the UK was diagnosed with melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, in 55 out of 10,000, according to the Center for Cancer Research (UK).
Moreover, the incidence of skin cancer in people over 55 has increased by 155% over the past 20 years; in people under 55 years of age, there is also a tendency to an increase in the incidence of 63%. According to the latest research, sunscreen is still neglected by many people; there is evidence that some funds are not as effective as they are positioned; and we are also warned about the emergence of new types of radiation. In this article, we will discuss these studies with experts in the sun protection field.

Don't even think about once a day sunscreen.

In May this year, a study by a consumer advocacy organization tested four once-a-day sunscreens and found that after 6-8 hours their SPF dropped by an average of 74% to SPF 8. Such products are simply ineffective, since they are easily erased by exposure to sweat, during swimming and exercise. Any product must be applied in the morning and repeated at lunchtime.

New types of radiation

Ultraviolet B (UVB) rays are known to damage the skin, while sunburns and cancer are caused by the sun's A (UVA) rays. The latter are dangerous even on cloudy days, because they penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, causing premature aging and melanoma. A sunscreen factor (SPF) depends on its protection against UVB, while its overall rating - a maximum of 5 points - is determined by its exposure to UVA. However, UV radiation only accounts for 7% of solar radiation and 50% is infrared radiation (IR). It is infrared radiation that triggers the formation of free radicals and their penetration through the skin. Most sunscreens will not affect it in any way.
Although there is no evidence that infrared radiation causes the development of skin cancer, dermatologists advise protecting against it with the help of special means.
Data collected over the past 12 months has shown that blue-spectrum visible light, or high-energy visible light (HEVL), may be behind the pigmentation or freckles that appear on dark skin. In the past, dermatologists have asked people with dark skin to use a wide spectrum of sunscreens that protect against both UVB and UVA. Recent studies have shown that in dark-skinned people, HELV leads to melasma, a skin defect associated with increased pigmentation.

Choose your sun protection level wisely

It is illegal in the UK to manufacture products with an SPF of more than 50, as the sun protection potential of the product increases very little after the SPF 30 mark. Products with SPF 30 protect against 98% of UV-B rays, and products with SPF 50 - from 98.8%. This means that if you apply enough SPF 30, you will get the protection you need. Please remember that there is no international labeling system for HEVL or IR-protected items.

Better more

Only 14% of men and 30% of women use sunscreen, and even when using, they apply only half of the required amount. It is necessary to use 2 milligrams of the product per 1 square centimeter of skin. She also recommends using about one teaspoon of sunscreen for the face and neck, six teaspoons for the rest of the body, and three to four teaspoons to protect the baby.
Melanoma in men most often forms on the back, and in women on the lower legs, an area that is usually neglected when it comes to sun protection, especially if the woman prefers to exercise outdoors in the summer.
Protecting children from the sun is paramount, as five serious burns before age 18 will double the risk of melanoma in the future. But be careful, according to Dr. Mahto, the skin of babies under 6 months is very sensitive and thin, sunscreen should not be applied to it, babies should be kept away from the sun.

Top Tips for Successful Sunbathing

  • Use an SPF 50 sunscreen when exposed to active sun for long periods of time.
  • If you plan to be in the sun for a long time, apply the cream twice: half an hour before going out, and then repeat the application outside.
  • Apply sunscreen generously and frequently, 6-8 teaspoons of lotion each. Reapply after swimming, even if your product is waterproof, after using a towel, heavy sweating, or whenever there is a chance of rubbing it off your skin.
  • Take short-term sunbathing from March to October to replenish your vitamin D deficiency.
  • It is impossible to get enough vitamin D if you sit by the window on a sunny day, you just need to go outside with open arms and legs to stimulate vitamin production

Children under 5 and older adults should be given vitamin D supplements if they rarely get out in the sun.

The long-awaited season of vacations, trips to the sea, sunbathing and carefree relaxation begins. The body is so bored of warmth and sun that it is ready to surrender to it at the first rays of the sun. And here the most important thing is to remember that the sun can become both a friend and an enemy for the skin ..

Vitamin D, precious and so rare in recent years, is undoubtedly beneficial for health, but excessive tanning is a risk of early skin aging, peeling, burns and even cancer. The face is especially exposed to sunlight. To keep it from looking dehydrated, rough, wrinkled and have a natural color, you need to protect it with special zeal. Fortunately, cosmetologists today have a whole arsenal of cosmetics in store for this.

How to prepare your face for tanning?

The skin of the face is the most sensitive to external influences. Ultraviolet radiation partially destroys the structure of cells when the natural defenses in the form of the pigment melanin are no longer active. This is how uneven tan, redness and burns on the face are obtained. If you are planning to cleanse your face, it is best to do it a few days before sunbathing. Gentle face peeling removes dead skin particles and evens out its relief. Peeling agents can contain plant granules, aromatic oils, fruit seeds, and mineral elements. However, using a scrub on the day of tanning can lead to uneven skin pigmentation and additional UV irritation.

Before tanning, it is better not to wash your face with soap or cleansing gel, as they remove the natural protection of the skin, which will contribute to intense photoaging in the future. But for the abundance of moisturizers, the skin of the face will only be grateful. Moisturizing increases the protective properties of the epidermis and minimizes the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. As a nice bonus - a beautiful and even tan. Look for creams and lotions that contain aloe vera extract, vitamin E, panthenol.


The most important rule of quality and safe tanning is constant hydration. Under the influence of the sun's rays, the skin of the face is dehydrated 4 times faster. It is necessary to replenish the lack of moisture with moisturizers, emulsions or milk. However, these products should in no case contain alkalis and fat: propylene glycol, mineral oil, petroleum jelly and glycerin. Better to choose water-based cosmetics and thermal water - they are easily absorbed, gently nourish and do not clog pores. The moisturizer is best applied before the SPF protector. In this case, special attention should be paid to the nose, cheekbones, forehead - they are especially prone to pigmentation. Before tanning, it is better not to use decorative cosmetics, it may not bring any tangible harm, however, often in combination with a protective agent, it contributes to the appearance of irritation, redness, and allergic reactions. In addition, the skin will tan more slowly.

Intensive therapy, or the secret to quality tanning

Protect your face with tanning products with UV filters. Cosmetic companies today offer products with varying degrees of SPF. Traditionally, for the face it is necessary to choose products with the highest SPF values. This applies to special sunscreens, daily face care products and decorative cosmetics. Of course, an individual approach is important here. It is necessary to take into account the phototype, skin sensitivity, age. For people with dark skin, the level of natural protection is increased, so creams with an SPF factor of 6-8 are suitable for them. Light skin requires a higher level of protection - from SPF 8 to SPF 30. People with fair skin, prone to pigmentation (freckles), with light and red hair need the greatest protection. 5 minutes of exposure to the sun without protection is enough for them to get burned. The sun protection factor should be the highest - SPF 40-50. Tanning products should be applied a maximum of 20 minutes before sun exposure and renewed regularly.

1. Soothing milk for face and body Soothing Milk Progressive Tan SPF 50 Sun Beauty, Lancaster.

2. Light cream for the face Silky Touch Cream Radiant Tan SPF 15 Sun Beauty, Lancaster.

3. Cream-comfort for the face Comfort Touch Cream Radiant Tan SPF 50 Sun Beauty, Lancaster.

4. Soothing cream for the face Soothing Cream Progressive Tan SPF 50+ Sun Beauty, Lancaster.

Experts recommend using UV-filters not only when you are on vacation. For life in the city, they will be no less relevant. Decorative cosmetics and care products with UV filters protect sensitive and problem skin prone to pigmentation. In cloudy weather, cosmetics with SPF 15 are enough, in sunny weather - you can increase the level to 30. Even for the climatic conditions in Belarus, such caution will not be superfluous. Look for SPF marks on foundations, daytime moisturizers, foundations, compact and loose powders, BB creams, lipsticks, lip glosses and balms, and bronzers.

Some girls find that if you apply multiple low-protection products to your skin, the SPF will eventually add up. This is fundamentally wrong: you cannot get double protection. Therefore, a cosmetic bag must contain one product with a high SPF index.

You can choose the necessary cosmetic product in the sunscreen lines Avene, Lancaster, Clinique, Shiseido, Vichy, La Roche-Posay.

1. Vichy Capital Soleil Mattifying Sunscreen Emulsion SPF30 +.

2. Sunscreen for face Avene SPF 50+.

3. Protective face cream City Block Sheer SPF 25, Clinique.

4. Avene Sunscreen Emulsion for Sensitive Skin SPF 50+.

5. La Roche-Posay Hydraphase UV Intense Legere SPF 20 Long-Lasting Intense Rehydration.

6. Shiseido Mattifying Compact Powder Oil Free SPF 16 .

7. Restoring emulsion for skin and body care after sun exposure After Sun Intensive Recovery Emulsion, Shiseido.


If what happened - the skin of the face is burnt - then the "ambulance" will come in the form of cooling agents. Regular cool water will help relieve tension and burning. It significantly lowers the temperature of the skin. In no case should alcohol solutions and oily substances be used. The best remedies for a burnt face today are still folk remedies: masks from egg white and carrots (in a ratio of 1 egg white and 1 cup of grated carrots), from oatmeal and cool water. After a few minutes of application, the mask must be washed off with cold water. You can also wipe your face with aloe juice mixed with medium-strength black tea. And remember about thermal water!

Observe all precautions and sunbathe in profile - then the tan will be as even as possible and will not cause much harm to the skin of the face.

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Section Articles

26 july 2018 Before the beginning and the high season of solar activity, you will find on the shelves of stores and pharmacies a variety of sunscreens of different brands, ranging from the most affordable to impressive in their price, uniqueness of the formulation and the declared effects. It is clear that the most meticulous will study the composition, knowing for sure that they will NOT buy. The rest will be guided by the opinions of sellers. We will not risk taking responsibility for your choice. But we will be happy to tell you about some brands and their SZ cosmetic lines ...

24 july 2018 For the first time I came into contact with the theme of "sun protection", thoroughly burnt in the sun at the age of 11. All my childhood memories on this topic are associated with the thick "anointing" of the burning shoulders and back with fat country sour cream. I don't remember what the result was. But the memory stuck in the memory firmly, because then we had no other ways to do something with ourselves before and after sunburn ...

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09 August 2013 It is believed that it is at the end of July - beginning of August that it is possible to get the most even and high-quality tan, and therefore during this period the beaches and shores of reservoirs are simply overflowing with beauties and beauties who want to give their body a chocolate shade. However, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight is fraught with severe burns, which will cause a lot of trouble and will heal for a long time ...

The skin is the largest organ, occupying almost 2 square meters of the body. It protects us from germs and precipitation, participates in the regulation of body temperature and allows us to feel touch, warmth and cold. But she herself needs to be protected from chronic damage. Sunlight is especially important to our health and well-being, but it also has a dark side. When there is too much of it, it becomes the main culprit for skin damage, so time outdoors should be spent wisely.

In this case, sunscreens are especially important. Without the use of special creams, harmful effects are possible, ranging from painful sunburn to skin cancer. The prevalence of melanoma, the most dangerous form of this disease, has been growing steadily since 1970, and since 2000 it has grown at a rate of 1.6 percent a year. About half of young people report at least one sunburn per year. Repeated burns only increase the risk of skin cancer.

One of the main problems is the misconception that sunscreen is only for summertime, beach or outdoor activities. In fact, without proper protection, the sun's rays can be harmful all year round.

Sun and skin aging go hand in hand. Women of bygone years, who wore hats, gloves and umbrellas to protect themselves from the sun, knew what they were doing. About 80% of the visible aging of a woman's skin is due to sun exposure. In a 2013 study, researchers concluded that diligent, daily use of sunscreen can slow or temporarily prevent the development of wrinkles and loss of skin firmness. The study involved 900 white Australians, some of whom have used a wide range of products every day for 4.5 years. People who did this did not show a noticeable increase in skin aging during this time, compared to those who followed normal habits.

Minimizing UV damage - This is especially important for children, light-skinned people and those with sun sensitivity for medical reasons. Unfortunately, most people don't think tanning is dangerous; they simply associate it with outdoor activities and beauty. When staying outdoors this summer, it is important to remember to avoid overexposure to sunlight. This will help protect against free radical damage and skin cancer.

Sun Protection Videos

How to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about the dangers of sun exposure:

1. Try to be in the shade often.

2. Wear protective clothing.

4. Choose safe and effective sunscreens based on the guidelines below.

Remember, no sunscreen stops all UV rays. UVB rays cause sunburn, UVA and UVB rays contribute to skin cancer. Many sunscreens do not provide UVA protection. The sun protection factor (SPF) indicated on such a product refers only to UVB protection. The FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration) requires sunscreens to be tested to be considered "broad spectrum" products, that is, to determine their ability to protect against UVA and UVB rays. The FDA recommends choosing a broad spectrum SPF of at least 15 to prevent skin cancer.

5. Avoid sunscreens containing vitamin A.

Vitamin A is often listed on labels as an antioxidant that can fight skin aging. It is indeed an antioxidant, but it can be dangerous in isolation, both in supplement form and in skin products. Animal studies have shown that sunscreens can promote the progression of skin cancer when they contain this vitamin.

6. Oxybenzone and CMC sunscreens are dangerous

The chemical ingredients oxybenzone and OMC (octyl methoxycinnamate) are of great concern. They are endocrine disruptors, that is, they have the ability to mimic, suppress or alter the action of natural hormones in the body. The effects of endocrine disruptors such as BPA and DDT have been linked to early puberty in children and hormonal cancers in adults. Endocrine disrupting effects from chemical sunscreens have been reported in animals and are likely to affect human health as well.

In a study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, oxybenzone was found in urine samples by 96% of Americans tested. This suggests that oxybenzone is absorbed into the bloodstream when sunscreen is applied to the skin, and therefore can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body.

In other studies, the chemical components of sunscreen have been found in breast milk. In observational studies, urinary oxybenzone has been linked to endometriosis, possibly due to its estrogenic effects. In addition, there appears to be an increasing skin allergy to oxybenzone.

7. Sun protection sprays -not the best choice

The FDA is researching whether sunscreen sprays are effective enough and what potential risks they could pose if inhaled. They cannot cover the skin evenly or thick enough. Until this is figured out, it is best to refrain from using them.

8. Mineral sunscreens are safer than chemical

Mineral sunscreens usually contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, or a combination of the two, and are preferred over the chemical sunscreens currently available. These minerals do not penetrate as deeply into the skin as chemicals do. They remain on its surface, penetrating only the surface layers and absorbing ultraviolet rays before they can damage the skin. Zinc oxide is superior to titanium dioxide in its ability to absorb UVA rays.

Some products contain nanoparticles of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide to facilitate absorption by the skin. There were concerns that these small particles could penetrate the skin and from there into the bloodstream. Evidence suggests that zinc nanoparticles do not penetrate the skin but break down at the surface of the skin, which can cause zinc to enter the skin and enter the bloodstream.

There are conflicting reports that these nanoparticles are able to penetrate the skin. However, they can damage lung tissue or other organs if inhaled (as in sunscreen sprays) or if swallowed. More research is needed to definitively determine how safe the nanoparticles in sunscreen products are for the skin.

Mineral creams without nanoparticles are a safe choice

Mineral sunscreens are safer than chemicals. However, the most harmless and effective option for UVA and UVB protection is a product with non-micronized zinc oxide. Unfortunately, on the labels most often you will not find information about whether nanoparticles are present in the composition.

Don't rely on the sun for your vitamin D needs because it increases your risk of cancer and premature skin aging. Taking supplements with this vitamin is the safest way to get enough of it.