How to win a girl: gain favor and win her heart. Basic principles important to girls Be confident

Sometimes, on the male path, there are really good girls whom you want to get seriously and for a long time. How to win a rebellious beauty that is worth it?

Take your time to get a girl

Many men make the mistake of trying to get a girlfriend as quickly as possible. But that doesn't work with nice girls. Do not rush to conquer it, but go slowly. When a man is in a hurry and fussing, it seems that he is a needy or anxious fellow. Experienced hunters do not rush, but slowly sneak up on their prey.

Flirt and flirt

What's the difference between a friend and a boyfriend? The presence of sexual tension between you, otherwise, welcome to the friend zone. Let the chemical reaction begin to rage between you. Feel free to tease, pry, flirt and flirt. Touch the girl more often for any reason. Girls love when there is "high tension" between you, and you play on the verge of emotions and sexual desire.

Take responsibility

You don't have to give your girlfriend a lot of choice. Girls are indecisive and often do not know what they want. It is up to you to decide where you go, what you do and what you do. Do not follow the girl, but lead her. Take responsibility for your life, and let her relax and feel like a real woman.

Listen more

Boys have always loved to hang girls on their ears and rarely listened to them themselves. Listen to the girl more and ask questions. This is a really important tip that will help you stand out from the crowd of her fans. Girls love to talk about their life, experiences and feelings. Listen to her carefully. She will consider you the best conversationalist in the world.

Be spontaneous

Girls do not like boredom and monotony. Show your fantasy for a date. Take her to the theater, the zoo, on an excursion, or invite her to a festival. Invite her to do something that she does not expect from you. Such surprises make a girl's heart beat faster. Be spontaneous, not predictable. Give the girl some impressions.

Remember the details

Girls are impressed when a man remembers their favorite dish or buys the ice cream she always prefers. Memorize the little things of her actions, conversations and the very communication. The girl understands that the man is really interested in her.

Be bad

Girls don't like dull good guys who do everything right and are afraid of everything. Be the bad guy. Be confident, bold, independent and a little spoiled. Break the rules of the game, do not be afraid to flirt with the girl and pester at the right time. Touch, hug and kiss, not flap your ears. Be the bad guy. A bit ironic, cynical and aggressive. Girls like males with eggs.

Winning a girl is not difficult, start chemical reactions in her brain and body. The beauty herself will be ready to lower the white flag and her clothes at the mercy of the winner.

Girls often complain about the lack of positive men with a serious attitude. They just don't notice smart and handsome guys who don't know how to win over a woman and show their best qualities. How to understand the psychology of the fair sex and what steps need to be overcome on the path to reciprocity?

What does a woman want?

You do not need to conduct a poll to find out what girls expect from a man. Ask any lady how to conquer a woman, and she will outline for you an approximate list of the most attractive qualities for most of the fair sex:

  • pleasant appearance,
  • the ability to maintain a conversation,
  • desire to earn,
  • politeness and gallantry,
  • good sense of humour,
  • patience for women's whims,
  • tirelessness in bed.

"Such a huge list, I went ..." - you say and you will be right, but only partially. We all strive for the ideal, and fall in love with impeccable people, with all the pros and cons. Therefore, it may not be worth taking the generally accepted requirements of girls too seriously, but it is quite possible to learn from them for yourself. Let's summarize and draw a conclusion from women's claims about the candidacy of a real man:

  1. Mutual caring is the foundation of a healthy relationship. Women love to be treated like a treasure: taking care of their health, pampering, caring for and supporting. Such behavior on the part of a man significantly raises the chance of success in the further development of relations. A girl treated in this way will reciprocate 90% of the time. And you yourself will feel like a real gentleman, master of the situation and a kind of benefactor. Your lady's grateful eyes will tell you a lot.
  2. No rude, yes - respect in a pair! Even if you are not a prince on a white horse and will never become one, you simply have to show respect, restrain aggression and not be rude. This is one of the most important requirements for men, which must be strictly observed. Do you want to create a harmonious pair?
  3. Slackers don't have much success with women. Many young people dream of marrying an oligarch. But in reality they are looking for at least those men who can be relied on in difficult times. Think for yourself how many worries the average woman takes on the shoulders: comfort in the house and cooking, caring for children and husband, and almost everyone works! Well, I really don't want to take on the maintenance of an adult capable man. Therefore, ladies choose hard-working guys with a desire to go up the hill.

These are the key points that girls pay attention to when choosing a partner. Of course, there is love at first sight, when ladies lose their heads from a handsome man without a king in their heads. But a relationship based on momentary sympathy is unlikely to last long. Therefore, develop in the right directions and you will be successful with any girl.

Mention: where to start working on yourself?

Many guys see girls as eccentric creatures with an almost complete lack of logic. Of course, there are such individuals, but most girls in their hearts want love, tenderness and the notorious "wall" behind which you can hide from pressing problems. You need to work on yourself, and the question of how to charm a woman will simply not arise. Every man has the qualities of a protector and a sensual macho, learn to pull them out. If you can't find a soul mate or the relationship ends before it even starts, pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Personal care. Even Brad Pitt washes his hair and throws away his holey socks. No matter how sexy handsome you are, ignoring the rules of personal hygiene will turn any lady away from you. Three-day stubble can look as sexy as you like, but practice shows that the sensations from it on the delicate female skin are akin to cactus spines. Do not throw away the deodorant and shower gel donated by your colleagues on February 23rd, use them as directed, and you will be happy.
  2. Ability to say compliments. Every girl wants to feel like a queen in the company of a close man. It is so pleasant to feel an admiring glance on yourself, accompanied by pleasant words addressed to you. It is important for a guy to be able to note the peculiarities of a lady in a conversation. If she changes her hairstyle or picks up a new shade of lipstick, the man needs to verbally confirm these changes with a compliment. Firstly, it will emphasize that you are attentive to the passion, and secondly, it will relax the girl and give her confidence in her irresistibility.
  3. Intellectual development. To achieve a woman, you do not have to be seven inches in the forehead. But it will not be interesting to communicate with an absolutely illiterate man of an intellectually developed lady. Yes, and silly people prefer that the guy was smart and could pull them up in the field of erudition. Therefore, try to keep abreast of modern news, the latest innovations and read at least sometimes classical literature. Such classes will help you not only in communicating with girls, but also in life in general.
  4. Ability to overcome life difficulties. The daily hustle and bustle and unstable situation in the country have a huge impact on the emotional sphere of both boys and girls. How to win a woman's heart? Give her confidence in the future and often say that everything will be fine. After all, it is important for ladies to rely on a strong-willed man. If you cannot calm down a woman in difficult times and support in time, it will be difficult for her to get along with you. Learn to find solutions in difficult life situations and psychologically smooth out troubles, and girls will definitely appreciate it.
  5. High-quality humor. Flat, unfunny jokes can disappoint a girl, even if you are a handsome man. The ability to make laugh is not given to everyone. Therefore, if you feel that this area is your weak point, watch carefully for humorous statements. Some guys can easily fall in love with a woman with one good joke, while others, on the contrary, will repulse her with a ridiculous attempt at ridiculous sarcasm. Watch the performances of fashionable comedians, subscribe to the Internet newsletter of your favorite funny publics and get inspiration from there. Be careful when introducing jokes with the woman and watch her reactions. Delicacy will not hurt here.

If you develop these qualities in yourself, you will surely like many girls. Do not think about how to subjugate a woman, look for ways to interest her. Develop and look for a worthy soul mate.

How to conquer even the most unapproachable woman?

The ability to teach yourself from a favorable angle will help in any area, but it is especially important to present yourself in a favorable light in love affairs. The ability of a man to please is the key to success among the fair sex. Many guys have good looks and extraordinary intelligence, but do not know how to conquer a woman. And some seemingly nondescript men are able to turn the head of any sultry beauty. These guys have the secrets of seduction. These tricks are especially important if the lady who has captivated your heart is difficult to approach.

How to win a married girl?

You can't command your heart, and sometimes men fall in love with married women. If you really have deep feelings, you can try to resolve such a difficult situation. First, find out how satisfied the girl is with her marriage. It is difficult to break happy family ties, and in this case, try to forget the lady and mentally wish her all the best.

If you are aware that a girl does not love her husband, but does not dare to leave, then everything is in your hands. How to fall in love with a married woman:

  1. Find out what she is missing in her marriage. Perhaps her husband pays little attention to her or is rude. Contrast your ideal behavior with his mistakes: present small surprises, give compliments. If her spouse drinks or cheats, show your categorical attitude towards such vices.
  2. Create a romantic areola around you. All women love manifestations of feelings from a man. Everyday family life often kills romance, and the girl must have yearned for bouquets and notes with declarations of love. Show her a favor and prove yourself as a boy in love to ignite the fire of passion in her soul.
  3. Be interesting:
    • cocky, but sensual at the same time,
    • easy to talk to, but serious when required,
    • strong, but understanding women's weaknesses.

Your chosen one should see how much you are a more profitable candidate for husbands than her current spouse. Note the girl's tastes, delve into interests, use this knowledge, and then you should be lucky.

How to win the attention of a beauty queen?

Every woman is beautiful in her own way. But there are girls so beautiful that they make the hearts of men just flutter with delight. How to master such a woman?

In fact, very beautiful girls often remain alone for a long time, because men are afraid to approach them. Guys think that these people are either already taken or won't even look in their direction. How not to fail in an attempt to win the heart of a sultry beauty:

  1. Tidy up your look: change your wardrobe to a more modern one, get a new haircut, stop eating donuts at night. First of all, you need such changes, as they will affect your self-esteem for the better.
  2. Believe in yourself. An insecure guy makes any girl doubt him, let alone the most beautiful. This does not mean that you need to impudently roll up to her, showing disrespect. Just do your inner work and tune in to a positive outcome before taking the initiative.
  3. Don't mumble, act decisively. Approaching or writing to a beautiful woman is not so scary. The main thing is to set a goal for yourself and go towards it, regardless of doubts.

Be sincere and gallant, and even a written beauty will not resist the onslaught of a real man.

Is it possible to fall in love with a girl of higher social status?

Wealthy and successful women are often spoiled for male attention. But what they lack in life is sincere feelings. Guys are mercantile and often rush to lasso a girl who is profitable in every sense in order to give themselves a carefree existence. A lady can be a priori negatively opposed to any gentleman of lower status, as she will suspect him of wanting to use her.

How to win a successful woman:

  1. Show her your independence. If you do not have a definite place of work and do not strive for this, it will be difficult for you to attract the attention of a more wealthy girl. Don't be content with little. Moscow was not built immediately, therefore, at the initial stage of acquaintance, a successful woman will assess, if not her position in society, then the prospects in this matter.
  2. Surprise her. This lady is spoiled with expensive gifts, and she can afford anything. Therefore, in order to subdue this girl, look for ways to impress her to the core. Think about forgotten talents. Write a song, a poem, or a portrait to the woman. Such a romantic impulse speaks brighter than any words and diamonds.
  3. Be a man. Even an independent woman at least occasionally dreams of leaning on a man's shoulder. Show courage, gallantry, and nobility when the opportunity arises. The girl will note the manifestations of masculinity and pay attention to you.

Do not take to heart the seeming inaccessibility of the lady. A girl with a high social status is accustomed to cold-bloodedly perceiving courtship. Strive for a woman at all costs and believe that you can melt her heart. Then fortune will definitely smile at you.

How to conquer a girl who loves another?

Quite often there is such a cruel joke of fate: a guy falls in love with a girl whose heart belongs to another. The man is confused and does not know what to do: go ahead, challenging an opponent to a duel, or secretly courting a lady?

If you find yourself in a similar situation, do not rush into the pool with your head. Find out more about this pair. When harmony reigns between your chosen one and the gentleman, try not to destroy their union. The likelihood of being rejected is very high, and for sure you will have a conversation with her boyfriend that does not promise anything good.

There are options when you can intervene in a relationship with a clear conscience. The first of these is when the girl you have decided to subjugate is offended by her partner. Love is blind, and perhaps the woman has not yet realized that there are other beautiful men in the world, for example, you, who will carry it in their arms. Show her a respectful attitude and try to drag her under your wing.

The second option is to try to win over a woman in love with another woman, if she is not in an official relationship with him. If the girl is suffering from unrequited love, give her support and comfort. Your compassion and timely embrace are the key to a successful operation to transfer the lady's attention from an object that is indifferent to her feelings to you.

Entering the path of fighting for the heart of a girl who is in love with another, you cannot be one hundred percent sure of the result. There is a risk of failure in any endeavor, but don't be afraid to fight for your happiness. This game is worth the candle.

Common mistakes in courting girls

In an attempt to captivate a beautiful young lady, you can break wood. It's better to learn from someone else's experience, so carefully study the list of common male mistakes at the courtship stage:

  1. Excessive importunity. Naturally, one cannot do without regular signs of attention in love affairs. But, when a girl doesn’t take a step without another text message, it starts to annoy. Everything is good in moderation, so strive to conquer the lady, leaving her personal space. Otherwise, you risk being rejected, and rather quickly.
  2. A mask when communicating. If you're a locksmith and you're trying to pose as a Ph.D., don't be surprised that the girl doesn't reciprocate. Don't try to jump over your head when you want to please. Naturalness comes first.
  3. Impudence. A healthy male pressure in love affairs will not hurt, but issuing battle cries at every meeting like "you will be mine, period" or stealing a sweetheart in a tinted jeep on the way from work is not a good idea. The girl will not appreciate the rudeness or she will be very scared, and she will definitely not be able to conquer her.
  4. Lack of initiative. If, by writing a couple of romantic SMS and not receiving reciprocity, you reduce activity to zero, do not expect the girl to suddenly show you signs of attention. Women love to be sought, so they often test men for feelings. After such a nondescript manifestation of them, the ladies will think that sympathy for them is not high enough.
  5. Pressure for pity. For some reason, some guys believe that if you complain to a girl about life and beg for words of consolation, then she will definitely fall in love without memory. Such a thought, visiting their brains, powdered with feelings, is a complete delusion. Women hate whining men, because they are looking for support and support for themselves for life.

During courtship, imagine yourself in the girl's place: how would she perceive your actions? Enlist the help of a good friend, let her tell the secret tricks of seduction of women. Often ask for the opinion of the passion and make up her psychological portrait on this basis. It will help you in the future to refine the tactics of communication with your beloved girl and touch the thin strings of her soul.

Beautiful girls are always surrounded by a crowd of fans. How to stand out among the gray mass and become the only one in her life. Take on board 10 tips on how to get a girl who doesn't want a relationship with you, and everything will work out.

To woo a girl, you don't need to be a wizard or a prince on a white horse. It is enough to understand what women want and what kind of men they like.

Modern girls put forward the following requirements for guys:

  • A man should be neat and clean. Remember that you are greeted by clothes.
  • The guy is responsible for his actions and words. If he promises, he always fulfills, he does not gossip.
  • The ideal boyfriend has a good sense of humor. Dirty jokes, obscene anecdotes are not the best way to keep the conversation going. Subtle humor is a sign of intelligence and correct upbringing.
  • A man is honest, he can be trusted. He is open to communication himself and wants to receive honest answers to questions from his beloved.
  • You can rely on the guy, he is reliable. He can solve his problems and is not afraid to take responsibility for the girl.
  • A man knows how to listen and empathize. He does not interrupt the girl if she is worried about a difficult situation, gives practical advice.
  • He is generous, does not count how much money he spent on his beloved and does not make claims to her for requests for gifts and surprises.
  • A brave man is not afraid to admit his mistakes, ask for forgiveness for wrongdoing. And also knows how to forgive a girl.
  • The guy should be able to devote time and attention to his beloved enough. In addition, do not forget about gifts, compliments, dates important for their couple.
  • I am ready to accept refusal with dignity. Often women do not refuse men directly, but they also do not agree to develop relationships further, so as not to cause aggression from the gentleman.

You cannot be perfect in everything, but women appreciate the desire to change for the sake of their beloved, to try to correspond to her ideas about a real man. Such a guy will not have to conquer a girl for a long time. He will go to his goal and achieve it, and the woman will follow him.

And to quickly understand how to proceed, use our tips. The “10 Steps to Conquering an Inaccessible Girl” instruction can be your reference book.

How to conquer a girl

It is not necessary to achieve the location of the girl and reciprocity right away in real life. Start to act in the usual methods for a woman :, messengers. After a few days of communication, if you feel at least the slightest interest from the pretty girl from the social network, feel free to ask for a date.

Do not hurry

You should not rush, but also get lost. A girl can dizzy in business, daily worries and forget about the existence of a new fan. Delicately remind about yourself, but do not make a claim, do not be offended if the woman did not immediately answer an SMS, a message, asks who you are. Hustle and bustle is the enemy of a serious relationship. Act in a measured, concrete, logical manner. A woman will immediately feel a strong male and want to get to know him better.

Be confident in yourself

Do not be afraid to seem stupid, ridiculous, ridiculous. Frankness, honesty help to win girls, and a lie and a macho mask scare away. Be bold and decisive on a date. If you take a woman by the hand, make sure that your palms do not shake or sweat, do not give out excitement. Smile more and act like you go on dates every day and tonight was set aside for her.

Learn to listen

This will help you stand out from the crowd of fans. Most guys are not interested in the life of their beloved, her experiences. After a frank conversation with a guy who knows how to listen and does not interrupt, women feel close to him and begin to trust their partner.

Choose the right topics for conversation

There are some taboos and universal conversation topics to keep in mind.

It is not advisable to talk to a girl:

  • about your ex, if she herself does not ask how the relationship ended, why they broke up. Do not go into details too deeply, do not retell stories about treason, betrayal;
  • about her shortcomings. To achieve a girl, concentrate on her virtues;
  • complaints of failure, bad luck in life, illness. Losers rarely get girls' attention.

But with these topics, you can always start a nice conversation on a date:

  1. romance;
  2. art;
  3. animals;
  4. children;
  5. humor;
  6. plans for the future;
  7. her family;
  8. humor.

On a note! If you don't know at all what to talk to a girl about, none of the above topics seems worthy, ask the woman about her. Women can talk for hours about their personal life, friends, family.

Flirt and flirt

There should be a pleasant tension between you, a hint of intimacy, sex. Slip the girl, flirt with her, touch in the dance, while walking. Women love determined guys who play with feelings on the verge of lust and friendly jokes.

On a note! If the interlocutor didn't like a joke or a joke, do not forget to apologize. You can immediately ironically play a trick on yourself in order to divert the girl's attention and smooth out the awkward moment.

Give compliments

To make a sincere compliment, pay attention to the pleasant features of the girl's appearance, the outfit chosen for the meeting with you. Do not pour praise all evening, women are disgusted, it seems that men are lying.

If you praise your eyes, look into them without looking up. If you compliment your hairstyle, hair, gently touch the lock, curl.

Give gifts and surprise

Coming on a date, and even more so the first one, without flowers or a pleasant surprise, is a bad form. Prepare for the meeting in advance, show attention. Carefully find out what can please and surprise your beloved and make a surprise. A good mood and location from the girl's side will be ensured from the first minutes of the meeting.

Also choose a place for a date: remember in correspondence or telephone conversation where the girl likes to be, where she would like to go. A well-chosen restaurant or club will add a plus sign to your piggy bank.

Be near

Provide your loved one with ongoing support. If she came to a meeting in a bad mood, is in a sad correspondence, ask what happened. Listen and do not dismiss her problems, substitute your shoulder in time, offer help. Sometimes you don't need to do anything, just write a compliment, cheer, and the girl will perk up. And the gentleman will have a chance for reciprocity.

Don't forget about the kiss

It is also possible to conquer a girl without touching, but a kiss will make the road to a relationship shorter if both partners are disposed to him. You need to kiss gently, but persistently. Hold the woman tightly by the shoulders, hug, do not kiss for too long, try to feel the girl, analyze her reaction. It is important that she does not perceive this gesture as a desire to seduce and an offer of intimacy.

Use a closer-further technique

A dangerous but very effective technique for a couple, where a girl plays with the feelings of a guy. After a perfect date the next day, distance yourself from your sweetheart: do not write or reply to the message shortly. The girl will panic and start taking the initiative. Watch her behavior, enjoy the attention for a couple of days. When you feel that your beloved is at the limit, she is tired of your inaccessibility and coldness, become the same. During this time, the girl will understand that she behaved badly, will be more emotional and passionate.

Zodiac sign

In addition to the advice of pick-up artists, astrology comes to the aid of men. Let's talk about how to win the heart of a girl, taking into account the zodiac sign of the chosen one.

Zodiac signConquest methods
AriesYou can seduce a cute ram with indifference. Do not show her that she is the meaning of life for you, play on feelings, warm them up with jealousy and passionate confessions.
TaurusGive the Taurus girl gifts, but only practical ones. Leave flowers and stuffed animals for fish or scorpions. Show your beloved that she is the only one, always be in good shape. A boring relationship quickly bores the calves, and the woman quickly ends them. And don't forget about beautiful courtship.
TwinsTwin women love witty and well-read men. Amaze their imaginations with stories of scientific discoveries, travel.
CancerTo win a cancer girl, you have to make sacrifices. Set yourself up for a long-term relationship and a strong family. Cancer women dream of children and become the most caring mothers. If you want to win their favor, show that you have the same goals in life.
a lionFor lionesses, love is the meaning of life. To achieve it, you need to scatter compliments, but do not lie, otherwise wake up the "beast".
VirgoVirgos are flirtatious and inquisitive. They are attracted to smart men who can turn love into an intellectual game.
scalesLibra loves cultured and clean men. More often invite her to the theater, cinema, exhibition. Do not try to tell vulgar anecdotes on a date and speak hard.
ScorpionOnly a strong and brave man can conquer a scorpion girl. Weakness on his part will put an end to the relationship once and for all. Be the main one in a couple, ask your loved one for advice only for appearance.
Do not give reason for jealousy, doubts about the honesty of words. When a Scorpio woman gets angry, she cannot be stopped.
Give more compliments, she should feel like a queen
SagittariusShooters are more often than other signs looking for a sponsor and partner for business relationships. The family is also a commercial agreement for them. Show her that you are interested in her affairs, become the assistant, without whom she cannot do at meetings and on trips.
CapricornCapricorns strive to reach heights in everything. They need a strong relationship for life. To achieve the heart of such a girl, you just need to love her and never betray.
AquariusTalk to your loved one more, ask about every minute of the past day, and get ready to listen. Choose intellectual, humorous topics for conversation, show off your breadth of thinking, imagination, intuition.
Introduce your beloved to friends, original people and do not interfere with their communication, the Aquarius woman is rightfully considered a man of the world, she is interested in everything.
FishesTell your fish what it wants to hear. The girl will definitely believe. But if he is caught in a lie, he will quickly forgive and forget the offense. Fish also love to help people. To charm her, ask for help and praise her generosity.

So, to win a girl's heart, you don't have to do something special. Understand her character, habits, desires. This will be enough for the unapproachable woman to draw attention to the admirer, and the gentleman will only have to continue making the desired impression with his actions and dates.

It seems like a lot of guys have difficulty meeting women or don't know how to do it at all.

15. Spend money

I do not mean to say that all women are materialists looking for a rich man. However, they want to feel their own worth: if you buy them a drink or leave a generous tip, they may get the impression that you know how to appreciate the things around you and do not spare money for it.

This makes it clear that you can have fun with you. Face the truth: Many women love to have fun but don't want to pay. By the way, this also applies to guys. So you can cry over this fact and state the devilish nature of women, or still fork out. I suggest the second option.

14. Do you have a good job? Talk about it. No? Lie

Before you read on, let me remind you: this is an article on how to impress a woman, not find a future wife. Of course, if you lie to your companion that you are a lawyer and graduated from Princeton, and then it turns out that you are a gardener with a secondary education, your relationship will not last long. But if you do not have ambitious plans, and at the same time you make good money, use it.

Aesthetics love artists, writers and actors. Business girls are more interested in lawyers, investors and entrepreneurs. If you are one of them or do something similar - congratulations, you can do well. Otherwise, lie. If you don't like lying, then that's great. You're going to be a great guy for somebody, just not tonight.

13. Pay attention

A very simple rule, but guys somehow manage to fail it. Pay attention to her, listen to her, act like her words are important. Women like to think that men are interested in them as individuals. Sometimes it turns out that way. Either way, listen to her, don't just nod your head like a dummy.

Post your comments periodically and express interest. Even beauties want to believe that they are curious: this is a question of pride, and not only his. Believe it or not, they want to have a good time, too, before you fall into bed together and run away forever.

12. Make eye contact

Eye contact is essential. You can tell a lot just by looking a woman in the eyes. The main thing is not to overdo it. Don't act weird or make your face too tense, and for heaven's sake, don't hypnotize her. But if she responds in kind to your gaze, halfway has already passed, even more.

Human beings are by nature only, and eye contact is essentially mating games. Keep up the good work, do not let it slip away and most likely you will come to success.

11. Don't waste time

Waste of time with women is one of the biggest mistakes men make. This applies to both short and long term relationships. It doesn't take a genius to know if she likes you or not. I think you can handle it. If she doesn't like you, move on. This is not some kind of test: you will not receive a reward by forcing her to change her mind.

While you spend hours at the bar or months at work trying to charm her, there may be at least five women around you looking to start a relationship. But you didn’t pay any attention to them, more important was the one that didn’t pay any attention. Badly. But we don't always get what we want.

10. Share her interests

This is really an elementary point, but it is often forgotten. She just came from Bernie Sanders' autograph session. Here's a coincidence, you like him. She hates guys watching sports all day - why waste your time like that? You get it, right? You went hiking in the White Mountains last week and it was just amazing.

In fact, you like Trump, and on Sunday you watched the match " Giants”, Ordered a huge burger and pizza, and did not leave the house at all. But what's the difference? Want to argue or do you want to spend the night together? Not that hard, right?

9. Be unusual

Maybe I'll surprise you, but women are not always attracted by guys who are no different from each other. To start a relationship with a hot girl, it's worth being unusual. And right now you ask me " how can I be unique, Leon?". Don't worry, you already have it. The options are different: Maybe you write memoirs of adult movie stars, do powerlifting, love to read classics, lived in New Zealand, worked on an organic farm.

In any case, it should be used. It is not worth talking about this all the time, but you need to be able to screw in a word in time in order to interest the interlocutor. If you’re still your average person, it’s time to change.

8. Be mysterious, not pathetic

Women don't like poor guys. They are not at all thrilled with desperate attempts to take them by storm. It's funny, but a determined woman is, on the contrary, very cool. But not the other way around. Therefore, you need to confuse the object of your sympathy. The best way to win a woman over is to make her doubt whether she likes you.

Are you asking them out, or do you really just want a drink? Walking home or flirting? Do you like her at all or are you just playing the fool? She does not know. A confused woman is vulnerable, and beauties are doubly vulnerable, because they are used to ruling the ball. Sometimes it's helpful to unsettle them.

7. Be funny. Can not? Do not try

Women love funny men. If you make her laugh, she will go with you to another bar, if you make her laugh there, she will call you home, if you continue to joke there too, then I think everything will be clear. It is important for women, however, to have fun.

But if you don't have a sense of humor, don't even try. Nothing spoils the situation worse than a non-funny guy trying to glue a woman together. You can't learn to be funny, it's either given or not. If you have that kind of talent, use it. No - be super handsome, smart, or rich.

6. Be confident, not arrogant.

Don Quixote once said: “ If you want to be a knight, act like a knight". The same principle works with women. If you want to seem a confident, successful man among women, behave accordingly. Remember that arrogance does not mean confidence, on the contrary, it betrays shyness.

Be yourself, but behave in such a way that the woman knows that you are worth it. It doesn't matter to you whether she is interested or not, you are already doing great. Women are crazy about confident guys until they become sassy idiots.

5. Be persistent

I know that I used to say not to waste time. Now I say you have to be persistent. It's contradictory, isn't it? Not at all. If she is not interested, you should not try, but if she shows reciprocal signs of attention, be persistent, wherever you are.

Sooner or later, everything will fall into place, because she, too, is trying to sort out your feelings. She doesn't want to spend the night with you and feel used up, she needs to feel genuine interest. So give it to her. Spend time with her, be careful. Your persistence will be rewarded.

4. Call her somewhere

This I call " glow test". Just don't do it too early, otherwise it won't work and you will be kicked off. But if things are going well, call her somewhere else (just not to yourself). This is what I'm talking about: ask if she wants to go to another bar, call her for a snack, take a walk. Anything, really.

The bottom line is this: if the girl you are charming does not mind changing location, then soon she will agree to go to you (even if she pretends that everything is not at all like that). If she doesn't agree, you can always stop and move on, which is fine too.

3. Touch her gently

One more check. Speaking of light touches, I do not mean that you need to touch the girl, in any case. But if you are talking to a girl and everything is going well, you can gently touch her hand. If she doesn't mind, move closer or touch her leg with yours under the table. Allow yourself a little more without objection.

If she pulls back, curb your appetites and look for someone else. This method will not only help you understand her attitude, but it will also save you a lot of time. But still, be gentle, this is flirting, not assault.

2. Act like you are experienced

Have you ever seen a basketball player after a successful throw, frantically rejoicing in his victory? Have you seen Jordan act like that? Of course not. They may be happy, but brilliant throws are common for them. The same thing happens when you start a relationship.

Remember, you are not crazy about talking to her, she is not too good for you, and you will not be at all surprised when you get your way. After all, this is a habitual occupation for you - you are the best in love affairs. You are a pro like Stephen Curry or Beno Udrich.

1. Don't apologize for your intentions

It happens that during a conversation with a girl you start to feel embarrassed, and this greatly complicates the process. What is the purpose of the conversation? To charm a girl, that's what. Is there anything wrong with that? Not at all. Don't be arrogant, don't act like a jerk, be nice to her, listen to her, make her laugh. Do it all. But remember that you end up with one goal. There is no need to worry or suffer because of this. Say you're sorry in the morning.

The struggle for a woman's heart is comparable to a theatrical performance. Correctly selected makeup, music, actors and the play itself make the audience tremble with delight. As soon as the theatrical heroes forget the words, the hall is filled with indignant exclamations.

Meeting a woman is a well-played piece, the end result of which should be a standing ovation, not an angry demand for a ticket refund. How to fall in love with a girl and play your male role according to all the rules?

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Experience is not the main thing in seducing women. The first thing to think about before approaching the person you like is the appearance.

A girl may not pay attention to the high cost of clothes, but she will appreciate cleanliness and neatness first of all. The basic rules of a men's pickup truck, for those who do not know how to fall in love with a girl, can be presented as follows:

A gaze and nothing more

All women love attention. If a girl notices that a young man is watching her, she will most likely turn around to do the same. The main thing in all this is not to lose eye contact. It should be clear to the girl that they are interested in her not in order to come up and ask for directions, but with a certain romantic purpose. If the girl looked away first, then the man can celebrate a small victory.

"A smile will make the world brighter"

No one likes gloomy, self-contained people; women try to bypass such individuals. If a man does not have a day and he cannot squeeze out anything but a crooked smile, acquaintance is deliberately doomed to failure. Noticing the girl he likes in the crowd, the man should smile at her. If she answers a smile, you can come up and try to get to know each other.

"Night, street, lantern, pharmacy"

Psychologists say that you can get to know each other anywhere, be it a chic cafe, or a bus stop. The main condition is the right time. If a girl returns home alone late in the evening, then making acquaintance with her will not be the best idea: most likely, she will be frightened and will try to get rid of a random companion.

When meeting, it is best to keep your distance. A distance of 1 meter should be maintained between a girl and a man. Otherwise, a new acquaintance may find the attention shown to her too intrusive.

Nice conversations and compliments

Having practiced gazing and smiles and walking up to the girl, the man should strike up a pleasant conversation. It is better to start it with a banal compliment. You can praise a beautiful hairstyle, manicure, dress, say that a man was delighted with her walk, smile, laughter.

The conversation should be simple, one should not move on to academic topics and ask about the new familiar degree of her mastery of the Gauss theorem. It is better to talk about the weather, the surrounding architecture, cinema and theater novelties, the taste characteristics of the pastries served in the nearest cafe.


You should not immediately pounce on the girl with the requirement to give her phone number. This option is suitable for ending an unexpected date. If a man has made the right impression, the girl will easily agree to give him her number. If not, you can try to find out her profile from social networks and try to continue communication on the Internet.

Women love confident men, because if a young man mumbles and does not know what to say at the first contact, his chances of continuation are minimal. If you want to attract the attention of a girl you like, you can buy a ball or a rose, go up to her and just give her. The accepted present will be the first step towards further acquaintance.

How to make a girl fall in love with you?

Many guys spend a lot of time thinking about how to fall in love with a girl. At the same time, they do not understand that the main problem is not how to do it, but why. If you really liked the girl and the man plans to build a strong long-term relationship with her, then it will be easier to fall in love with her than the one with whom you plan to spend several weeks or even days. Most often, women feel the intentions of men and act accordingly.

It is easy to make acquaintances by correspondence, but it is not easy to fall in love with a girl. To begin with, you should "fill up" her with beautiful compliments, electronic gifts, possibly poetry.

If she got in touch, you can praise her photos, ask about the places where they were taken. The main thing in this business is perseverance and a clear manifestation of interest in the female person.

To arouse interest, a man must learn about her favorite books, films, and artists. It is important to show the girl how attentive, educated, and ready to respond immediately to any of her messages.

If she doesn't like you

Having problems with building relationships, men often ask themselves the question of how to fall in love with a girl if she doesn't like you? Representatives of the strong half of humanity are literally unsettled by this state of affairs, but one should not despair.

It is necessary to understand what exactly the girl does not like in a particular person. It can be both external data (height, weight, eye color, hair, nose shape, etc.), and character traits. It will hardly be possible to correct external data, but a man is quite capable of changing his own behavior and character.

For example, a sullen person might try to learn a few jokes, invite a girl on a carousel ride, or spend an evening at the movies watching a comedy. If the girl does not like the excessive stinginess of the partner, then you can try to look more generous than usual.

If she has a boyfriend

There is an opinion that a guy is not a husband yet, and therefore you shouldn't even worry about how to fall in love with a girl if she has a boyfriend. In reality, this is not the case. Most of the fair sex are already quite faithful at this stage of the relationship. The main task is to show the girl her best qualities, to make her understand that the young man she has chosen is not a suitable candidate.

To do this, you should give the best gifts, show maximum attention, see off from the university (from work), and regularly invite you on dates. If the one with whom the chosen one is dating for a given period of time does not really like her, then after a while she will pay attention to such obvious signs of favor from the new fan.

If she loves another

The question of how to fall in love with a girl if she loves another is the most painful one. In principle, it is useless to look for an answer to it, since in most cases it is impossible.

If a girl is truly in love, she perceives the men around her only as friends.

There are practically no chances for a new fan, but you can try: real feelings are worth fighting for.

Top 10 ways that work flawlessly

Summarizing everything that has been said above about how to fall in love with a girl, consider 10 ways that work flawlessly:

  1. Jokes and humor. Women highly value men who can make them laugh. Such a man is easy to love, it is easy to fall in love with him. It is necessary to joke more, not be ashamed of comical situations in which a couple may find themselves.
  2. Learn everything about what a girl loves. Men do not like to go shopping with their chosen ones, but the life of most women is not limited to shops. Many girls go in for active sports, dance, embroider, read books, work in an interesting and favorite job. A man must make sure that his interests coincide as closely as possible with the interests of the girl. To do this, it is not at all necessary to run to the gym or buy embroidered paintings, it is enough to find out more information about what a woman does and, if necessary, support her in new endeavors.
  3. Listening to a girl If a man does not know how to listen and hear, it will be difficult for him to win the heart of a beautiful lady. Listen carefully to everything the girl is talking about, even if you are not interested.
  4. Support - Despite the significant percentage of feminists present in society, most girls still rely on a strong male shoulder. At the same time, support does not have to be material, simple sympathy is quite enough. So, if a girl had a fight with her parents, friends, bosses and is looking for consolation, one should not talk about the degree of her guilt, future problems, and the like. She must understand that the man will choose her side anyway.
  5. Trust Without trust, there is no love, because if a man does not manage to win over a woman in such a way that she trusts him, he will not be able to fall in love with her.
  6. Constantly praise the taste in clothes, cosmetics. Girls love attention, so a man should periodically praise another fashionable bag or dress, talk about the beauty of makeup, etc.
  7. Sweets - If a woman cooks well, her chances of winning a man double. A man can also use such a trick, but he does not need to cook for this. It is enough to give the chosen one her favorite sweets.
  8. Flowers. Women love flowers, the more the better.
  9. Memorable dates When planning to fall in love with a girl, one should not forget about memorable dates - the first kiss, the first date, the beginning of a life together, etc.
  10. Pleasant surprises: Not all women love surprises, but everyone can appreciate a truly beautiful gesture. Naturally, having bought tickets for the next flight to Paris, provided the girl's colossal employment at work, or the exam ahead of her tomorrow, the man will not win at all in her eyes. But unexpectedly donated earrings, going to the cinema, or going to a picnic will be appreciated.

The main thing to remember for those who plan to follow the methods presented above is that women love to be achieved, surprised and indulged in most of the whims.

Psychological techniques

Girls do not like overly correct guys, so a man should not talk about being faithful to her only person on the first date, report, talk about everything that happened to him during the day.

The girl should feel like a woman, not a mother, lavishing praise for good behavior. If a man does not know how to fall in love with a girl, the psychological techniques described below can be a real guide to action for him.

So what you need to know about women:

  • girls love when they are looked at and when they are admired, because the main thing is eye contact;
  • the girl, who is not deprived of the attention of men, ignores the views of the next boyfriend (he is only one of many for her), the latter needs to act directly opposite to the others, not paying any attention to the object of passion;
  • if the girl is bored with flowers and gifts and she begins to take them for granted, it is necessary to abruptly stop courtship, she will become worried and in the future she will look for a reason to meet;
  • a girl will never fall in love with someone who compares her to other women, because by doing this, a man can lose his beloved forever.

When making acquaintance and further meetings, you should carefully monitor her reaction to touch. If the girl does not immediately strive to move away from the man, whose hand accidentally touched her shoulder or hair, then he is already halfway to her heart.

Touches, even casual ones, are extremely important: they show the degree of readiness for further rapprochement. If this did not help and the man still has no idea how to fall in love with a girl, psychology will not help here, it is necessary to study the specific situation from the inside and understand the reason for the failure. Perhaps it is due to the fact that the girl is already in love, but hides, or her reaction is associated with the zodiac sign under which she was born.

It's easy to find out that a girl is in love with a particular man. As mentioned above, she ceases to notice signs of attention given to her by others. In addition, a woman in love forgives a lot, is ready to help her chosen one in any of his endeavors. She is not interested in the opinion of others and even close relatives. She does not allow her to speak badly about her lover.

Having reached an understanding of how to fall in love with any girl, representatives of the stronger sex begin to experience difficulties in understanding why their chosen one prefers to hide her feelings. There are several reasons for this:

  • the girl did not understand herself, confuses friendship with love and vice versa;
  • she does not trust the chosen one, she is afraid of deception;
  • she is afraid of the condemnation of others;
  • the woman does not know that her feelings are mutual and therefore hides them, fearing to look stupid.

It is not easy to understand that a girl is hiding in love, but you can still try. To begin with, it is worth observing her reaction to other representatives of the fairer sex who surround the man. As a rule, it is negative.

Many women give themselves away, unconsciously caring for their beloved - cooking their favorite dishes, gifts for dates that the man himself does not remember, disinterested help in business. In any case, a man must take the first step himself and confess his feelings.

Is it possible to re-charm an ex-girlfriend (and is it necessary)?

After a serious quarrel that became the reason for the breakup, some men are worried about how to fall in love with a girl again, how to fall in love with an ex-girlfriend, wife, girlfriend, whether it is worth doing it. The answer to the question depends on the situation that provoked the breakup.

In most cases, there are no hopeless options, but it is unlikely that the girl will return to the guy who mistreated her, called her offensive words and constantly cheated. If the quarrel was caused by an attack of jealousy, had a domestic character, or was provoked by the environment, then you can return the relationship by repeating a number of points described above.

Entering into an already destroyed relationship, a man runs the risk of facing previously existing and unresolved problems. Before seeking the favor of your ex, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

How to behave with representatives of different zodiac signs?

The nature of the relationship being built largely depends on the sign of the zodiac. So, some representatives of the zodiacal wheel can easily fall in love with themselves, while others do not succumb to temptation for a long period of time, surrendering to the mercy of the winner only after making sure in practice of the authenticity of his feelings.


Aries woman will not tolerate a sluggish and not energetic man next to her, because before deciding how to fall in love with an Aries girl, a guy must evaluate his intellectual and social skills. Aries love to joke, are not touchy, can provoke an argument, prefer people who speak directly about their intentions.


The Taurus woman cannot stand talkers. Not knowing how to fall in love with a Taurus girl, a man is obliged to think about whether he is ready to silently concede in disputes arising in the course of a relationship. Taurus is extremely stubborn, they know exactly who they need, the choice of the chosen one always occurs consciously, in most cases on the basis of careful calculation.


Gemini love witty interlocutors, therefore, there will be no special difficulties with how to fall in love with a Gemini girl. It is pleasant to spend time with representatives of this sign, they are ready to support any conversation.

How a girl under the sign of Gemini loves


Cancers are cheerful, but extremely stubborn, therefore difficulties can arise with how to fall in love with a Cancer girl. Sincerity can help in this difficult task. A man should not hide the emotions that cover him, and then he will be able to conquer the heart of a Cancer woman.

a lion

Leos are headstrong and impatient, they prefer to dominate in relationships, so a man who is thinking about how to fall in love with a Leo girl will have a hard time. Success will depend on his ability to flatter and compliment him. Leo girls love to be put on a pedestal.


Virgos prefer a business approach in everything, including in relationships. A man who decides to devote some time to how to fall in love with a Virgo girl will have to carefully monitor all the words spoken in her presence. Virgo remembers all the promises, literally quotes the conversation that took place 1 year ago.


Libra loves to chat, and it doesn't matter what, what matters is how. They are refined natures, therefore a man who has conceived to win her hearts and does not know how to fall in love with a Libra girl must learn the art of conducting a salon conversation, be competent in all topics of interest to the chosen one.

How a girl born under the sign of Libra loves


Sagittarius love to lecture, therefore, in a conversation with them, there is always an edifying and commanding tone. A guy who doesn't know how to fall in love with a Sagittarius girl should practice philosophical conversations. At the same time, talking about feelings and romance is not worth it, Sagittarius do not like this. As well as conversations about home, work, everyday problems.


Emotions are important to Scorpio. A man should not think too long about how to fall in love with a Scorpio girl, he just needs to show his true feelings. This should be done carefully, since Scorpios are excellent manipulators.


Capricorns prefer to keep their distance from unfamiliar people, so a guy trying to figure out how to fall in love with a Capricorn girl must prepare for a long siege.

How a girl born under the sign of Capricorn loves


One of the easiest zodiac signs to communicate and make new acquaintances. Difficulties with how to fall in love with an Aquarius girl should not arise. Representatives of this sign like well erudite men with a pronounced sense of humor. It is better to talk on abstract topics, preferably bypassing questions about career, life, home, money.


Sufficiently impressionable zodiac sign. A guy who does not know how to fall in love with a Pisces girl should stock up on exclusively positive emotions and news. Pisces are touchy and easily upset. You should talk to them exclusively about cinema, art, literature, pets.

Useful video

There are many ways to fall in love with a girl. If one method doesn't work, then try another. The video below contains 12 questions, after which the girl will fall in love with you:


Not knowing how to fall in love with a girl again, or simply fearing new acquaintances, men experience a lot of emotional troubles.

It is important to understand that women differ from the representatives of the strong half of humanity in physiological terms, but still remain people who, above all, care about attention and care.

If a man loads a girl with expensive things, but at the same time is not ready to sit by her bed during an illness, then he will definitely not be able to fall in love with her.

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