How to tie a conversation with an unfamiliar girl. How to communicate with a girl in VK: Tips for experienced

The art of communication with girls is the elusive ability with the help of words, gestures, smiles and glances to please the one that attracted. There is even such a modern course called "Pickup". Pickuparts are men who can get acquainted with any beauty, to have a conversation and "get" the cherished phone number with it as a trophy. Is it difficult to do this science - pickup? Rather than so hard to please the girl when talking? Let's try to figure out.

How to communicate with a familiar girl

Sometimes it happens that the classmate with which you are friends, you like it insanely, and it belongs to you only as a friend. How to draw attention in this case?

To get started to make a conversation with her. Laugh a girl, because if she laughs - she is already half submissive. You can talk about anything, the main thing is that you are interested. Invite familiar to drink coffee, but I am playfully add "just not think that this is a date." Subconsciously, she will begin to perceive the situation as a date.
Communication should be easy, relaxed. You can ask for a lacaround from her, which type of guys like it, and then a joke to ask a question "And I do not fit?". The girl will understand all your hints perfectly and starts to consider you as a man, not a friend.

How to communicate with an unfamiliar girl

Communication in a stranger is a completely different story in which many of its advantages and minuses. On the one hand, you can show yourself from the good side, because the stranger does not know you at all. And on the other hand - you can suffer Fiasco, without even starting communication. And you do not need to blame yourself or your abilities. Just a girl may not be configured to communicate, or in general, she has a jealous guy.

  1. First you need to guide visual contact. Look a confident girlfriend looks straight in the eye. Give her to understand what you like it. Change and intersect the views several times.
  2. Look at her reaction. If she smiles, embarrassed hides his eyes or nervous, triumphing - she is on your hook. You can approach.
  3. If the subject of your adoration sits at the next table in the cafe, just come and ask "here free?". This simple and at the same time an effective method as it asks the girl for approval to communicate with her. If she says yes, it means that the green light caught fire for you.
  4. You can start communication from the words "here are preparing terrible coffee, there is one place where magnificent coffee is served. Do you want to show? " Words should be told confidently and simply, as if you really think about the quality of coffee.
  5. Do not forget to introduce yourself. Do it simple and easy. Tell me "Sasha is called me, and you?". This question is a girl just will not be ignored.
  6. Watch her words, manner of communication and facial expressions. A good sign, if she is flirting or even flirting with you. Poor, if the girl crossed his hands on his chest, responds with rude, monosyllary phrases - you have not won it yet.
  7. Judge. You must arrange a girl to yourself. The easiest way to do is with laughter. However, do not joke on personal and delicate themes. It is best to joke about something neutral, for example, "Yesterday I looked at the film about boxers, and in a dream I almost knocked out."
  8. Make her unobtrusive compliment. Tell me that it looks great and ask how she manages it?
  9. Any girl likes to talk about his person. Ask her any question, for example, "Do you like to play sports?". While the girl tells, showing real interest in her words.
  10. It is very important to finish the conversation on time. It is impossible to load the girl at the first communication, otherwise you will be too much for her. Half an hour will be enough for dating. You have to tell her that you really liked communication and hint to continue the conversation. For example, "We are going to ride snowboards on the weekend on the weekend, I will write to you if surviving." Such a relaxed joke will make her wait for your message. And further. Do not forget to exchange phones, because if this is not done, it will be difficult for it, especially in a big city.

To "hook" a beautiful, stylish and elegant girl, you need to look suitable. Even if you are a guy, you can not walk in dirty, neglected or mint clothes. You have to dress in a poorly, but tasteful. For example, stylish jeans, fresh T-shirt and fashionable sweatshirt. Clothes should not be in rollers or stipulated.

If you prefer classic style, you need to be able to combine it. No sneakers with pants. If you put on a shirt and trousers, then the textbooks need to shift into the portfolio, and not to wear a habit in a backpack.

It is very important to monitor hygiene. Well-groomed guys always like girls. Cannot be allowed or abandoned nails. It is impossible to figure out too much - go on the haircut on time. And further. Probably, you remember how the heroine of one of the Soviet films said that he could not tolerate dirty shoes in men. I would like to note that this is few loves - watch the cleanliness of your shoes.

Properly chosen perfume can become a welcome fragrance for a girl. It should be easy and elusive. Do not pour out the whole bottle is vulgar. Several pencils will be enough.

Before starting communication with a girl, you need to make sure whether your attraction is between you. And if you pull to each other, communication will begin by itself. And then you do not have to select topics for conversation and think about how you look from the side. After all, natural communication between a man and a woman laid in our nature. Let him feel your interlocutor that she is safe, let her be comfortable. And only after that you can tie a long interesting conversation.

Video: how to communicate with girls

Often in Hollywood films, an exquisite hero, confident in himself and knows exactly how to start a conversation with a girl, implying to the woman you like, casually throws: "Hi, beauty, do not want to meet?". At the same second, she turns out to be in bed with him. Of course, you can say that you have one friend who can also be so. But if he is not James Bond, we are unlikely to believe you.

In real life, acquaintance occurs a little differently. And often all the smart words and phrases at the sight of a beautiful woman are instantly forgotten. The guys are trying to say something low-touch, blush, pale and robe.

And men are very afraid of failure, so sometimes it is difficult for them to decide to speak with a pretty lady. All these doubts and fears can be significantly reduced, if you know how to start a conversation with a girl.

Where to start a conversation with a girl

Before we talk about phrases for dating, let's pay attention to the behavior of the behavior and the style of communication that women likes.

Pay attention to the following things:

  • Smile. Show friendliness, openness and sincerity. This rule is also valid for both men and women. If you doubt how to start communication with the girl, then a simple greeting and sincere smile - your undoubted assistants.
  • Related tone And the familiar intonation for you. Do not try to give the vote of importance by changing its timbre or speech speed. Speak the way you do it in everyday life, otherwise you will be all the time compound, and sooner or later make a mistake.
  • Be sure to pay attention to how does a woman behave when meeting: Where it is sent to her look, as far as it is open, etc. If the girl is not configured to continue the conversation, do not be intrusive.
  • Interest confident, but naturally. Interactive importance will look ridiculous. If you are modest in character, then you should not depict a restless merry.

So, you prepared for a right acquaintance with girls. Now let's consider ways to start a conversation with a girl.

How to speak with a girl on the street

There are many phrases for a successful acquaintance, but, of course, it all depends on the situation in which you use them. Consider how to speak with the girl step by step:

  1. Greece it is an elementary manifestation of courtesy.
  2. Ask such a question to which the girl will not be able to answer one-way. Talk to this just below.
  3. Be careful with the compliments: to speak their unfamiliar woman is very accurate, so as not to sign a picaper.

What phrases are best suited to start talking? Here are some successful examples:

  • Tell me, please, where is the cafe on this street, in which the most delicious coffee is served? Maybe you will make me a company?
  • Let me offer you an umbrella - such a shower on the street!
  • You have a wonderful posture! Are you by chance not a professional dancer?
  • I can't remember where I have already seen you? Maybe you dreamed me?

Such phrases reduce the likelihood of instant failure. Unlike template techniques ("Your mother is not needed?), The girl is practically deprived of the opportunity to answer a sharp refusal.

And a few more ways to start communication with a girl:

  • Ask her that hour, and immediately ask the second question (you can use the already proposed options).
  • Ask to tell you somewhere the road.
  • If you met in the institution, you can ask how long it is here and do it like this cafe. Ask to advise any delicious dishes (by the way, this is one of the effective ways for girls, if they do not know how to start a conversation with a guy - we have already written about it in our article).

The main thing is to be original, you are interested in the opinion of the interlocutor about this or that matter and maintain a conversation in the right direction.

How to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet?

On the one hand, the Internet gives much more opportunities to tie relations with a stranger, but on the other, it narrows the variety of ways:

  • you do not see the reaction of the interlocutor;
  • you cannot express emotions with a look or smile;
  • banal dating methods almost never work, because Cute young ladies get a mass of the same type of familiarity.

How to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet so as not to suffer fiasco?

  • Pay attention to the proper design of your page. - Write about yourself, about hobbies, add photos. Usually girls will not too willingly get acquainted with guys who have little information about them. Such pages push on the thoughts that the account can be fake.
  • Examine the girl's page. It is necessary in order to find a topic for conversation with it: Analyze what it is wondering where it happens, etc. Arm yourself about the hobbies of the women you like, and write an interesting greeting.

For example, you can see by photographs or in the profile information that the girl is engaged in sports. This is an excellent reason to start the conversation: "I noticed that we are engaged in the same sports club. It is strange that I have never seen such a charming woman there. What section do you visit? ".

Do not make dubious compliments about the appearance of the girl under her photographs. This is not the best way to start a conversation.

  • When you "hooked" the girl, continue to communicate. Lay your dialogue, alternating replica. Tell a little about yourself. And speak more about a woman: ask questions, interest her opinion.

How to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet with the help of the original greeting? Here are some options:

  • Request for help:

"Hi, I'm looking for a good swimming pool in the city for training. I saw on the page that you are actively engaged in swimming. Will you tell me where it is better to sign up? "

    1. Common interests:

"Hello, I see that you are subscribed to the event" Meeting Marketers ". I'm also going to go there. Do not tell you what topics there is planned to consider. "

    1. Familiar friends:

Such questions for dating a girl on the Internet are an excellent example of a non-standard approach.

At the stage of tying acquaintance, it is important to interest a woman, add it to friends or take a phone number and make a good impression so that she wanted to continue the conversation with you.

Who can say how many meetings connecting two hearts did not take place due to the fact that the guy was not decided to meet, did not know how to start a conversation and communication with the girl, how to draw attention? It is bad that we have not taken to teach this nor at home or at school. Let's try to figure out how to solve this problem.

If you are familiar, but did not have to communicate personally, the situation is easier. You can ask her opinion about any outlined or past event, about a common acquaintance.

Ask a question - the best opportunity to hear what you want, and tie a conversation to distract topics. It is important to show that you really wonder what you ask. Show interest in the problems of the girl, it will definitely appreciate it (do not immediately be interested in personal life).

For a start, you can tell a little about yourself if they touched out some topic concerning you (for example, a game of football on the upcoming Faculty of Games, in-depth courses for some common topic). It should not be categorically judged by anything, without finding out the opinion of this another.

If nothing comes in the head and you do not know how to start a conversation with a girl, perhaps telling what the girl is doing now that she has a book, a dog, a backpack.

If it is impossible to start a conversation due to the lack of visible signs of girls' classes, resort to "eternal" sources:

    • music (what do you like? Were there at a concert ...?),
    • literature (do you like detectives? melodrama? poetry?)
    • sports (what types of sports love), etc.

The conversation should be built in a relaxed manner (this is not interrogation). Start more convenient sometimes with yourself, for example, I love the bike and drive almost every evening along the embankment, will not make a company? Or - Do you want to teach?

You can build a conversation not on real events, but about how it perceives that or something? What does that think about that? If, after discussing a question, an awkward pause was hung - the conversation should be translated into another channel, changing the topic.

It is not worthwhile to invent anything and deceive so as not to get confused and not to give a storyteller. In addition, the cheating is usually revealed, and how it turns unknown.

It is not worth a conversation from the discussion of girlfriends or acquaintances, relatives, their financial situation. It is more important to man himself, and not he whose son or daughter.

Of course, there are no universal instructions on how to start a conversation with a girl. The reverse reaction of the girl will help to understand exactly how to act in one way or another.

You can start so. To begin with the situation. If a response signal was noticed and served you: an open look, a gesture or a call smile - the situation is easier. The option, if you are not considered and simply ignore, will be more complicated.

First you need to say hello, and then introduce yourself. You can go on, as if by chance, with the words: "Hello, I Vasya, glad to meet."

Next, you can ask simple questions to which one cannot give a single answer (for the development of the conversation). For example, "What are you doing on weekends (holidays, vacations)? Or "What are you fond of? Do you like a swing (film, theater, opera)?

Make a remark about what is near. This can serve as a topic for tying a relaxed conversation. It is good to raise the topic that will allow you to distract from everyday life, just be sure that she is not in a hurry. At the stop, you can make a comment on the irregularity of buses, in the store - about not the originality of the range, etc.

Your contact with the interlocutor depending on the place of your conversation: in the bar - the fact that it is already drinking with the recording of your phone number (if the drink will be brought to the waiter), then report this look; On the street or in the cinema you can offer a cup of coffee.

All women love compliments, so to start a conversation with a girl, make a sincere compliment. Remember: A compliment must be sincere, a slim girl can admire her ease of her gait, everyone will come to a remark about a cute smile.

Try to call her a smile, it is noted that women are in favor of men who know how to make them laugh. Humor can help out in any situation.

Confident straightness is often a win-win option. A woman will seem appropriate to continue the conversation.

Now you can find out if she has a guy (husband). Although it is a pretty brave move, but not to suffer this question, it is worth solving it immediately. Although with a serious imposition it may not matter.

If all your tricks were not crowned with success, you can resort to pity. Women often come across this fishing rod because of their natural pity. You can, for example, to say that you are lost, will she tell you the road?

Probably, you will have to start a conversation with an unfamiliar girl if you read our advice on how to start a conversation with a girl.

Start a conversation with a girl in VK

Today, the World Wide Network replaced us to walk through the parks and even sitting. Today we are increasingly making friendship in the network, get acquainted with people, communicate with them, but there are people who want to behave exactly, but do not know how to start a conversation on the net. Therefore, we decided to teach them correctly communicate with people.

It should be noted that today the number of cute, lonely girls who want to communicate in a large network, and you have all 100% of what you can find your soul mate, a friend or just a good person, with whom you can communicate with different topics.

Before you begin a conversation with a girl Vkontakte or other network you need to pay attention to the state of your page. Since in the network, people cannot see what you really are, they draw conclusions, looking at your page, it is kind of outdoor clothing.

Depending on how the people you have to answer your posts, that is, on the same thing your message, girls can respond completely differently. First of all, you need to pay careful attention to the photos.

You need to upload only those photos where you look decently, that is, it can be a photo in interesting places clubs, restaurants, bars, etc., but try to pictures, where you throw with friends, it was smaller.

An important role is played by your wall. It should be as few ways of vulgar photos and pictures, stupid jokes and jokes. Try to add only interesting and cool records.

If you liked one particular girl, see what interests I have, read the entries, and then select Approximately the same and put on the wall. It will show her that you are equally thinking, or you have common interests.

If you want to fill in the fields of the questionnaires as your passion or what you do, we advise you to write only real facts, while to attract girls your lesson should be interesting and profitable. No need to write that you are a courier or seller in the store, the girl immediately develop a negative opinion about you.

Almost always a message type: "Hi how are you?" He gives girls to rabies, many of them simply ignore such messages. Try to show your originality during the first communication, especially the first opinion has an important role.

If you want to start a conversation with a girl who loves to hang out in clubs, then you can write: "Hello, and you often go to ..., for some reason I have never seen you, otherwise I would definitely invite the dance)))". Such a message has several advantages. First, you can continue our communication on the topic of clubs, and secondly, you can offer to meet in real life, saying: "The meeting place cannot be changed)))".

What to write a girl in sms

Communication via SMS is one of the most common and simple ways to communicate at the beginning of relations. Although the messages are short phrases, you still have a great depth of feelings and emotions. Sometimes we are looking forward to an example from your loved one.

In SMS, you can write, what's shy to pronounce words. In acquaintance via SMS, there is only minus - you do not see a person in person. How to start communication by SMS girl, how to express your feelings? In these short few lines, the guy should be able to express and show a lot of feelings and qualities. Show a sense of humor and charm. Here are some tips to start a conversation with a girl by SMS:

Be sure to be the word of greetings, even though this phrase seems to be banal, it is just necessary to start any speech, and to show the ability to act culturally, express respect for the interlocutor and to start any conversation.

Try to exclude the phrase "What are you doing?", This phrase is exactly banal and it will be felt in your message. Better try to assume what she can do, and write about it in a questionnaire. For example: "Watch TV?" And in such a situation, whether you guessed what it does, it is important that she responds to your message.

But in case you are still inappropriate guess, an interesting reason may arise to further develop a conversation - "Yes. And where do you know about it? " "I presented you and felt it, perhaps we are associated with some magnetism."

Something like that, act will still have to do in circumstances. The advantage is that SMS allows you to think about your next phrase, unlike a telephone conversation or direct conversation in real life. Especially if the girl really likes, and you feel some timidity in communicating with direct contact.

Want to start a conversation with a girl? Then you can come up with some joke, humor always helps somewhat discharge the atmosphere in the national situations. The main thing is that the joke is not a banal from a different magazine with jokes.

It is also important that the joke is not vulgar and ambiguous, you simply can seem in the non-ultimate. In communicating with girls, it is always necessary to behave culturally and be gallant, all girls want to feel the object of great respect and courtesies, they are nice.

Feel free to come up with compliments, banal compliments will not be promoted to you, but competently compiled author's compliments will help you look in a favorable light.

Modern methods of acquaintance

Today, you can get acquainted not only live, but also with the help of the Internet or mobile phones. By the way, such communication is somewhat easier than living, because with an unfamiliar man you can not only be myself, but also to play a certain role in the image. It is good or bad - everyone decides for himself for himself, but still most men have the same problems: how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, what to talk about and what is better to avoid in virtual communication.

Places for dating

Today, getting acquainted on the Internet is the most simple and convenient on social networks, but often interesting communication with various people can be tied up in chat rooms and on the forums. People communicate with the help of "ICQ" and Skype. All these achievements of our time are interesting in their own way. But why most often social networks are a favorite territory for the establishment of new friends? Everything is very simple: already from the first page you can learn about a lot of man. Moreover, people are important to the appearance of the interlocutor, which can be perfectly considered on the avatar. In addition, information about the place of study, hobbies of this person, because it is possible to determine whether it will be interesting to communicate on various subjects.

How to start a conversation on the Internet?

The very first message is very important in the conversation, because it is precisely for him to determine how much a man is interesting, extraordinary. Wanting to know where to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, it is worth remembering that the most fresh and uninteresting greeting is the standard phrase "hello. How are you?". Such an appeal will only say that a person just tries to kill time, finding new acquaintances for one online evening. In order to draw up an unusual message, you need to spend a little time and study the questionnaire a questionnaire as a friend, learn about her hobbies, consider photos and understand what the girl visited. And, on the basis of this, invent the text of the first message. Only if the girl understands that she is interested in a guy, she wants to start communication. If all these tips on how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, did not work, you can try to go from the opposite - to tease the lady. Such messages most often do not remain unanswered, but it also needs to be able to correctly compile a message, as it is unlikely that someone wants to communicate after frank rudeness or rude phrases.


If the acquaintance has ringed, you need to think about how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, what themes are better touched upon. It is good to start communicating with the discussion of hobbies, basic works - work, study. You can also talk to more innocent themes, such as attitudes towards animals, addiction in food or beloved holiday facilities. And already gradually go to a serious conversation.

Continuation of communication

Knowing how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, you should not dwell on online communication, it is better not to stay at the screen, go to a telephone conversation, otherwise the meeting is live (of course, if the goal is closer communication with the lady, and not Just a desire to pass the evening in front of the computer).

What not to do

Taking up how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, you should know what you do not need to write a girl. It is not necessary to start communicating with zaulny or standard phrases, you also do not need to be treated or rude. I do not like most and messages with errors, as well as messages that are in themselves hints for sexual relations. The abundance of emoticons is the enemy of communication, as it seems that the guy is simply nothing to say.

On the expanses of the global network it is easier to meet girls than in real life. But how to start communicating with a girl on the Internet for many remains difficult. After all, even here you can get well, writing some nonsense. That this does not happen, it is worth focusing and adhere to the recommendations that will be lower.

We start communication with a girl on the Internet correctly

The first thing from which everyone starts, this is "hello, how are you." This is a brought phrase that enrages most of the ladies. Therefore, this classical entry can be slightly diversified. Write after the word "hello":

  • How about talking about?
  • I noticed your beauty and I can not write!
  • And you too fond of (anything)?
  • Cool your status.
  • Would you like to talk with an interesting guy?
  • What about a little dating?

What you will be original, the greater the chance of success. But you should not replay. The female brain has a 16 bit fee and may just not understand you. Then you will be sent to ignore, "because the jerk".

After sending the first message, it is important to look at the reaction of the girl. She was tuned negatively or just ignores, then do not push it. Continue to talk with those who want to talk to you.

What topics to start communication on the Internet

Start communicating with a girl stands with neutral topics. Ask her about the interests and about the worldview. Talk about music, sports, love, modern youth.

On personal topics it is worth moving gradually. At the same time, it is important to analyze what exactly she writes to you. If she sets personal questions, this is the signal to do the same.

You should listen more than talking. Ladies like it. Let her talk about himself and reflects. If everything is the opposite, then her interest will quickly disappear.

Do not disclose all the cards. If you immediately tell her everything about life, then you will become boring. Speak about yourself gradually and minor offers. After all, girls love riddles.

The main thing is not to lie and do not pretend. Be the way you are. Otherwise, you can get confused in our own stories and get into an awkward situation.

How to diversify communication?

To the conversation is not too dry, it can be diversified:

  1. Jokes;
  2. Stories;
  3. Unusual issues;
  4. Reflections;
  5. Interesting facts.

But do not try too much. Otherwise you just get a lady. Conversation is a two event. It should also apply some efforts.

Often, girls respond long and one seems to be "clear", "understandable", "I, too." This is a sign of ignore or employment. If you feel that the conversation is sinking in such a word, then you can ask directly, whether it is not busy. You do not need to immediately express your concerns and blame her in something.

If the girl is busy, then write to her next time. But with constant ignoring, communication is better to stop.

In fact, how to start chat with a girl on the Internet easy to understand. An important task is to maintain the threads of this communication and the preservation of interests. Therefore, to communicate it is better to choose those who have similar interests with you and are ready to meet. To do this, carefully learn the pages of girls in the social. networks.

Kazanov note.