Consultation (middle group) on the topic: Consultation for parents “Children's fears can ruin their whole life. Advice for kindergarten parents. Childhood fears

It is not easy to find a person who has never experienced fear. Worry, anxiety, fear are the same integral emotional manifestations of our psychological life as joy, admiration, anger, surprise, sadness. Earlier, we covered the topic of children's fears in this article.

The emotion of fear arises in response to an action of a threatening nature and implies the experience of some real or imagined danger.

Despite the general negative connotation, fear performs important functions in the mental life of the child:

Fear is a kind of means of knowing the surrounding reality, which leads to a more critical and selective attitude towards it and, thus, can play a certain educational role in the process of personality formation;

As a reaction to a threat, fear helps to prevent a meeting with it, playing a protective adaptive role in the system of mental self-regulation.

Causes of fear there may be events, conditions and situations that are the beginning of danger. Fear can have as its object any person or object, which is sometimes not connected with it and is regarded as non-objective. It can be caused by suffering if connections between these feelings were formed in childhood.

Age fears , that is, the fears characteristic of a certain age period reflect the historical path of development of human self-consciousness. At first, the child is afraid to be alone, without the support of loved ones, afraid of strangers, unknown people. In the period from 2 to 3 years, the child is afraid of pain, heights, giant animals. After 3 years he is afraid of the dark, imaginary beings. The fear of the dark coincides with the development of the child's imagination. Sometimes a child cannot separate reality from fiction, overwhelmed with fear of Baba Yaga and Koshchei as symbols of evil and cruelty. From 6-7 years old, children can be afraid of fire, fire, disasters. Researchers believe that the most common fear after 7 years is the fear of death: children themselves are afraid of dying or losing their parents.

Such childhood fears are quite common. Their source is the adults surrounding the child, who involuntarily "infect" the child with fear, that too persistently, emphatically emotionally indicate the presence of danger. As a result, the child perceives only the second part of the phrases: "Don't walk - you'll fall", "Don't take it - you'll get burned", "Don't stroke it - you'll bite". It is not yet clear to the child what this threatens him with, but he already recognizes the alarm signal and experiences fear.

in trouble prevention of children's fears the following points are important:

In no case should children be frightened - neither by an uncle, nor by a wolf, nor by a forest - trying to bring him up obedient. The child, according to his mental development, should be pointed out to a real danger, but never intimidated by invented collisions.

Adults should never shame a child for being afraid. Making fun of a child's timidity can be regarded as cruelty.

A child should never be left alone in an environment unfamiliar to him, in a situation where various surprises are possible.

Effective methods and techniques for preventing and overcoming children's fears:

1. Increasing the overall level of emotional experiences of the child (achieving comfort in communication, in anticipation of a new game, the maximum deployment of evaluation criteria and praise). At the same time, great attention is paid in the children's team to an atmosphere of acceptance, safety, so that the child feels that he is valued despite his successes.

2. The method of sequential desensitization, the essence of which is that the child is placed in situations associated with moments that cause him anxiety and fear.

3. The method of "reacting" fear, anxiety, tension, which is carried out with the help of a dramatization game, where children, with the help of puppets, depict a situation associated with fear.

4. Manipulation of the subject of fear (techniques "drawing fears", "stories about fears") in the course of this work, situations and objects of fear are depicted caricatured.

5. Emotional switching, "emotional swing" (the child is offered to portray a brave and a coward, good and evil, and the like.

6. Fairy tale therapy (in the game, the child becomes a brave hero of a fairy tale or cartoon, gives his beloved hero the role of a defender).

What are our children afraid of?

This depends on the age of the child.

In a year, babies are afraid of the environment, strangers, distance from their mother.

From 1 to 3 years - darkness, the child is afraid to be alone, there are also other fears.

From 3 to 5 years old, children have a fear of loneliness, darkness, enclosed space, fairy-tale characters (as a rule, at this age they are associated with real people).

From 5 to 7 years, fears associated with the elements prevail: fire, depth, etc., fear of parental punishment, animals, fear of terrible dreams, loss of parents, fear of contracting any disease.

Tips for parents to reduce the level of fear or anxiety in children:

Remember that childhood fears are a serious problem and should not be perceived only as “age-related” difficulties.

Do not be ironic, the child will understand that there is no one to wait for protection from, and will finally close.

Direct and control the viewing of children's cartoons, try to make children watch programs with positive characters focused on kindness and warmth.

Strive to ensure that the family has a calm, friendly atmosphere, avoid quarrels, conflicts, especially in the presence of children.

Do not intimidate the child: “If you don’t sleep, I’ll call the wolf” and the like.

Give more encouragement, praise, approval, and moral support to your child.

Draw with your child fear and everything that he is afraid of. The theme of death is better to exclude.

You can suggest destroying the drawing: tear it or burn it.

Do not expect a quick result, the fear will not disappear immediately.

Laugh with your child. This method assumes that the parents have a wild imagination. If your child is afraid of, for example, thunderstorms, try to come up with some story (necessarily scary) from your own childhood that you yourself were afraid of thunderstorms in the same way, and then stopped. Let the son or daughter laugh with you. After all, at the same time they laugh at their fear, which means that they have almost defeated it. It is important that the baby understands: “Mom or dad had the same fears, and then they passed, therefore, this will pass with me.”

Role play. Role-playing games are good because they allow you to simulate almost any situation that causes anxiety in a child and solve it unobtrusively in the game, thus forming in the child's mind the experience of overcoming his fear.

A few games and exercises to overcome fear and increase self-confidence:


Both children and adults participate. The child sits in the “fetal” position, raises his knees and tilts his head towards them. Press your feet to the floor, clasp your knees with your hands, close your eyes. An adult stands behind the child, puts his hands on the shoulders of the seated person and slowly shakes him. Runs 2-3 minutes.

"Artists - naturalists"

A large sheet of white paper, old wallpaper, put on a newspaper. In front of the participants are plates with paints. Let yourself and your child draw with fingers, fists, palms, elbows, legs, socks. The plot of the picture can be different: “Leaves are falling”, “Traces of unseen animals”, “Fairytale land”, etc.


Tubes of lipstick (old). Each participant is allowed to approach any participant and "paint" his face, arms, legs.


The driver is blindfolded - the rest pronounce the sounds: “ku-ku”, “la-la”, “here I am”. Having caught the participant, the presenter guesses who it is without removing the bandage.

Fears often occur in children, and some of them are normal. Only for some, these fears disappear with age, while others are pursued throughout their lives or cause psychological trauma if you do not figure out in time which of them are the norm and which are already pathological.

Where do children's fears come from?



Department of Education Administration

Starooskolsky urban district of the Belgorod region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 42 "Malinka"

Advice for parents

"Children's fears can ruin a lifetime"

Prepared by:

Zuikova G.V.

Stary Oskol 2017

Fears often occur in children, and some of them are normal. Only for some, these fears disappear with age, while others are pursued throughout their lives or cause psychological trauma if you do not figure out in time which of them are the norm and which are already pathological.

Where do children's fears come from?

The most basic and most common reason for the appearance of fears in a child is a specific case, for example, he was bitten by a dog, lost in a store or other crowded place, etc. Yes, and parents themselves often provoke fears: “Don’t touch - you’ll get burned”, “If you don’t eat - Baba Yaga will come”, I’m sure that every parent can now continue this list. That is, we often warn children about the danger, sometimes without paying attention to the form in which we do it, and thereby intimidate the child.

The most common cause of fear is a child's fantasy. Think back to when you were afraid of the dark as a child. In fact, there is nothing in this darkness, but a rich fantasy paints a different picture: it seems that monsters and other terrible creatures live there. And what kind of panic did you experience when you lost your mother out of sight in the crowd, everyone was afraid of getting lost or being kidnapped. There are also intra-family conflicts and corporal punishment.

In such cases, the child is afraid to be the cause of quarrels and be beaten, humiliated. Conflicts with peers can also cause fear in a child. For example, peers do not want to play with him, or older guys offend and humiliate the younger ones. After that, the child is afraid to get acquainted with people, to be in society, often withdraws into himself.

Types of fears:

1. First year of life: fear of strangers and separation from mother.

2. From 1 to 3 years: night terrors, including fear of the dark, fear of being alone.

3. From 3 to 5 years: fear of fairy-tale characters (they just include "Babayki", with which we scare children), fear of the dark, fear of enclosed space.

4. From 5 to 7 years: fear of illness and death, fear of animals, fear of parental punishment, fear of depth or fire, fear of being late and being punished.

5. From 7 to 11 years old, the so-called “school phobias” begin, ranging from the fear of being a “nobody” in a new team to the fear of getting a bad grade.

6. From 10 to 16 years: fears associated with a change in appearance, various fears of interpersonal origin associated with communication with peers.

Fortunately, most of these fears disappear as the child grows up. But parents should pay attention if they become obsessive for a long time.

How to avoid fear.

Never lock a child alone in an enclosed space. Never scare him with Baba Yaga, the police, the angry dog, the uncle doctor.

Do not forget that everything has its time, so you do not need to show a small child aggressive cartoons or tell scary tales, because this can also cause phobias. To avoid fear of the team, try to prepare your child for school in advance. It is best that the child goes to kindergarten, because the younger the person, the easier it is for him to find a common language with people. So that he is not afraid of difficult school assignments or poor grades, send the future first grader to preparatory courses before entering school.

There, in a playful way, children will be prepared for lessons and introduced to future classmates. And most importantly, deal with yourself and your fears, because children copy the behavior of adults, and if a mother is afraid of dogs, then the child will most likely be afraid of them too. If you can’t overcome your phobias, then at least don’t show them to your child.

How to overcome children's fears

The most common and effective way is the game form. There are many examples of games, here is one of them.

Have your child draw their fear on paper as they imagine it. If he does not want to do this, then there is no need to force him, put it off for another time, and if he did draw, then you can begin to act. Let him know how funny and fearless the creature is on paper. Does not believe? Then together paint on this “fear” funny faces, give free rein to your imagination.

And then offer to tear a piece of paper with your fear into many small pieces, or even better, arrange a “competition”, who will get more pieces.

If your child is afraid of fairy-tale heroes, then tell him fairy tales in which these heroes are funny and kind.

If he is afraid of the dark, then light a small nightlight for him at night.

Most importantly, always remember that only parents can help a child overcome childhood fears, do not punish him or scold him for being afraid, try to understand and listen. Patience to you and health to your children.


  1. Zakharov A.I. Day and night fears in children - St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2016. - 328 p.
  2. Zakharov A.I. How to help our children get rid of fear. - St. Petersburg: Hippocrates, 2006. - 128 p.
  3. Zakharov A.I. How to prevent deviations in the behavior of the child: A book for kindergarten teachers and parents. 2nd ed., add. - M.: Enlightenment, 2003. - 192 p.
  4. Zakharov A.I. neuroses in children. - St. Petersburg: Delta, 2011. - 163s.
  5. Zakharov A.I. The origin of childhood neuroses and psychotherapy. M.: Publishing house EKSMO - Press, 2000. - 448 p.
  6. Zakharov A.I. Psychotherapy of neurosis in children and adolescents. - L., 2012. - 181 p.
  7. Zenkovsky V.V. "Psychology of childhood", Yekaterinburg, 1995.
  8. Kolominsky Ya.L. Psychology of the children's team: a system of personal relationships. Minsk, 2014. - 238 p.

It is not easy to find a person who has never experienced fear. Worry, anxiety, fear are the same integral emotional manifestations of our psychological life as joy, admiration, anger, surprise, sadness. Previously, we covered the topic of children's fears in this article.

The emotion of fear arises in response to an action of a threatening nature and implies the experience of some real or imagined danger.

Despite the general negative connotation, fear performs important functions in the mental life of the child:

Fear is a kind of means of understanding the surrounding reality, which leads to a more critical and selective attitude towards it and, thus, can play a certain educational role in the process of personality formation.

As a reaction to a threat, fear helps to prevent a meeting with it, playing a protective adaptive role in the system of mental self-regulation.

The causes of fear can be events, conditions and situations that are the beginning of danger. Fear can have as its object any person or object, which is sometimes not connected with it and is regarded as non-objective. It can be caused by suffering if connections between these feelings were formed in childhood.

Age fears, that is, fears characteristic of a certain age period, reflect the historical path of development of human self-consciousness. At first, the child is afraid to be alone, without the support of loved ones, afraid of strangers, unknown people. In the period from 2 to 3 years, the child is afraid of pain, heights, giant animals. After 3 years he is afraid of the dark, imaginary beings. The fear of the dark coincides with the development of the child's imagination. Sometimes a child cannot separate reality from fiction, overwhelmed with fear of Baba Yaga and Koshchei as symbols of evil and cruelty. From 6-7 years old, children can be afraid of fire, fire, disasters. Researchers believe that the most common fear after 7 years is the fear of death: children themselves are afraid of dying or losing their parents.

Such childhood fears are quite common. Their source is adults surrounding the child, who involuntarily "infect" the child's fear, the fact that it is too persistent, emphatically emotionally indicate the presence of danger. As a result, the child perceives only the second part of the phrases: "Don't go - you will fall" , "Don't take it - you'll get burned" , "Do not stroke - it will bite" . It is not yet clear to the child what this threatens him with, but he already recognizes the alarm signal and experiences fear.

In the problem of preventing children's fears, the following points are important:

In no case should children be frightened - neither by an uncle, nor by a wolf, nor by a forest - trying to bring him up obedient. The child, according to his mental development, should be pointed out to a real danger, but never intimidated by invented collisions.

Adults should never shame a child for being afraid. Making fun of a child's timidity can be regarded as cruelty.

A child should never be left alone in an environment unfamiliar to him, in a situation where various surprises are possible.

Effective methods and techniques for preventing and overcoming children's fears:

  1. Increasing the overall level of emotional experiences of the child (achievement of comfort in communication, in anticipation of a new game, the maximum deployment of evaluation criteria and praise). At the same time, great attention is paid in the children's team to an atmosphere of acceptance, safety, so that the child feels that he is valued despite his successes.
  2. The method of sequential desensitization, the essence of which is that the child is placed in situations associated with moments that cause him anxiety and fear.
  3. Method "reacting" fear, anxiety, tension, which is carried out with the help of a dramatization game, where children, with the help of puppets, depict a situation associated with fear.
  4. Manipulating the object of fear (receptions "drawing fears" , "Tales of Fear" ) in the course of this work, situations and objects of fear are depicted caricatured.
  5. emotional switch, "emotional swing" (the child is offered to portray a brave and a coward, good and evil, and the like.
  6. fairy tale therapy (in the game, the child becomes a brave hero of a fairy tale or cartoon, provides his beloved hero with the role of a defender).

What are our children afraid of?

This depends on the age of the child.

In a year, babies are afraid of the environment, strangers, distance from their mother.

From 1 to 3 years - darkness, the child is afraid to be alone, there are also other fears.

From 3 to 5 years old, children have a fear of loneliness, darkness, closed space, fairy-tale characters. (as a rule, at this age they are associated with real people).

From 5 to 7 years, fears associated with the elements prevail: fire, depth, etc., fear of parental punishment, animals, fear of terrible dreams, loss of parents, fear of contracting any disease.

Tips for parents to reduce the level of fear or anxiety in children:

Remember that children's fears are a serious problem and should not be taken only as "age" difficulties.

Do not be ironic, the child will understand that there is no one to wait for protection from, and will finally close.

Direct and control the viewing of children's cartoons, try to make children watch programs with positive characters focused on kindness and warmth.

Strive to ensure that the family has a calm, friendly atmosphere, avoid quarrels, conflicts, especially in the presence of children.

Do not intimidate the child: “If you don’t sleep, I’ll call the wolf” etc.

Give more encouragement, praise, approval, and moral support to your child.

Draw with your child fear and everything that he is afraid of. The theme of death is better to exclude.

You can suggest destroying the drawing: tear it or burn it.

Do not expect a quick result, the fear will not disappear immediately.

Laugh with your child. This method assumes that the parents have a wild imagination. If your child is afraid of, for example, thunderstorms, try to come up with a story (necessarily scary) from your own childhood that you yourself were afraid of thunderstorms in the same way, and then stopped. Let the son or daughter laugh with you. After all, at the same time they laugh at their fear, which means that they have almost defeated it. It is important that the child understands: “Mom or dad had the same fears, and then they passed, therefore, it will pass for me too” .

Role play. Role-playing games are good because they allow you to simulate almost any situation that causes anxiety in a child and solve it unobtrusively in the game, thus forming in the child's mind the experience of overcoming his fear.

A few games and exercises to overcome fear and increase self-confidence:


Both children and adults participate. The child sits down "germ" , raises his knees and tilts his head towards them. Press your feet to the floor, clasp your knees with your hands, close your eyes. An adult stands behind the child, puts his hands on the shoulders of the seated person and slowly shakes him. Runs 2-3 minutes.

"Artists - naturalists"

A large sheet of white paper, old wallpaper, put on a newspaper. In front of the participants are plates with paints. Let yourself and your child draw with fingers, fists, palms, elbows, legs, socks. The plot of the picture may be different: "leaves are falling" , "Traces of unseen beasts" , "Dreamland" etc.


Tubes of lipstick (old). Each participant is allowed to approach any participant and "colorize" his face, hands, feet.


The driver is blindfolded - the rest pronounce sounds: "coo-coo" , "la-la" , "here I am" . Having caught the participant, the presenter guesses who it is without removing the bandage.

We bring to your attention a consultation for parents about children's fears and the reasons for their occurrence, about how to prevent the occurrence of fears in a child and how to deal with existing fears.

Fears often occur in children, and some of them are normal. Only for some, these fears disappear with age, while others are pursued throughout their lives or cause psychological trauma if you do not figure out in time which of them are the norm and which are already pathological.

Where do they come from childhood fears

The most basic and most common reason for the appearance of fears in a child is a specific case, for example, he was bitten by a dog, lost in a store or other crowded place, etc. Yes, and parents themselves often provoke fears: “Don’t touch - you will get burned”, “If you don’t eat - Baba Yaga will come”, I’m sure that every parent can now continue this list. That is, we often warn children about the danger, sometimes without paying attention to the form in which we do it, and thereby intimidate the child. The most common cause of fear is a child's fantasy. Think back to when you were afraid of the dark as a child. In fact, there is nothing in this darkness, but a rich fantasy paints a different picture: it seems that monsters and other terrible creatures live there. And what kind of panic did you experience when you lost your mother out of sight in the crowd, everyone was afraid of getting lost or being kidnapped. There are also intra-family conflicts and corporal punishment. In such cases, the child is afraid to be the cause of quarrels and be beaten, humiliated. Conflicts with peers can also cause fear in a child. For example, peers do not want to play with him, or older guys offend and humiliate the younger ones. After that, the child is afraid to get acquainted with people, to be in society, often withdraws into himself.

Types of fears

1. First year of life: fear of strangers and separation from mother.
2. From 1 to 3 years: night terrors, including fear of the dark, fear of being alone.
3. From 3 to 5 years: fear of fairy-tale characters (they just include "Babaiki" with which we scare children), fear of the dark, fear of enclosed space.
4. From 5 to 7 years: fear of illness and death, fear of animals, fear of parental punishment, fear of depth or fire, fear of being late and being punished.
5. From 7 to 11 years old, the so-called “school phobias” begin, ranging from the fear of being a “nobody” in a new team to the fear of getting a bad grade.
6. From 10 to 16 years: fears associated with a change in appearance, various fears of interpersonal origin associated with communication with peers.

Fortunately, most of these fears disappear as the child grows up. But parents should pay attention if they become obsessive for a long time.

How to Avoid Fear

Never lock a child alone in an enclosed space. Never scare him with Baba Yaga, the police, the angry dog, the uncle doctor. Do not forget that everything has its time, so you do not need to show a small child aggressive cartoons or tell scary tales, because this can also cause phobias. To avoid fear of the team, try to prepare your child for school in advance. It is best that the child goes to kindergarten, because the younger the person, the easier it is for him to find a common language with people. So that he is not afraid of difficult school assignments or poor grades, send the future first grader to preparatory courses before entering school. There, in a playful way, children will be prepared for lessons and introduced to future classmates. And most importantly, deal with yourself and your fears, because children copy the behavior of adults, and if a mother is afraid of dogs, then the child will most likely be afraid of them too. If you can’t overcome your phobias, then at least don’t show them to your child.

How to overcome children's fears

The most common and effective way is the game form. There are many examples of games, here is one of them. Have your child draw their fear on paper as they imagine it. If he does not want to do this, then there is no need to force him, put it off for another time, and if he did draw, then you can begin to act. Let him know how funny and fearless the creature is on paper. Does not believe? Then together paint on this “fear” funny faces, give free rein to your imagination. And then offer to tear a piece of paper with your fear into many small pieces, or even better, arrange a “competition”, who will get more pieces.

If your child is afraid of fairy-tale heroes, then tell him fairy tales in which these heroes are funny and kind.

If he is afraid of the dark, then light a small nightlight for him at night.

Most importantly, always remember that only parents can help a child overcome childhood fears, do not punish him and do not scold him for being afraid, try to understand and listen. Patience to you and health to your children.



Children tend to be afraid of something. Still, because they are surrounded by such a large and unfamiliar world. Childhood fears due to age children's psyche and as the child grows older, disappear without a trace, but sometimes they lead to the fact that the child changes behavior: he becomes insecure, unnecessarily anxious and incapable of harmonious interaction with the outside world. Causes:

excessive anxiety parents. themselves parents have many fears, and these fears are passed on to the child, and in anxious parents anxious children grow up with many phobias and fears.

Hyper-care. Wish parents to protect the child from problems, prevents him from developing, and as a result, can lead to excessive anxiety and the appearance fears.

Child bullying parents. I think you have heard some parents say: "If you don't obey, the doctor will give you an injection", "I'll give you to Baba Yaga", "Don't touch, you'll burn yourself" I'm sure everyone parent now he can continue this list. That is, we often warn children about the danger, sometimes without paying attention to the form in which we do it, and thereby intimidate the child. Then these parents may genuinely wonder why the child is afraid of doctors or why he has nightmares.

Great influence on the formation children's fears provided by the situation in the family. fears in children are more common in those families where there are conflicts between father and mother, and in families where parents work hard and actively participate in public life to the detriment of the family.

Child neglect. More often children suffering from fear left to themselves, deprived parental attention.

There are also intra-family conflicts and corporal punishment. In such cases, the child is afraid to be the cause of quarrels and be beaten, humiliated.

Peer conflicts can also cause child's fear. For example, peers do not want to play with him, or older guys offend and humiliate the younger ones. After that, the child is afraid to get acquainted with people, to be in society, often withdraws into himself.

Older preschoolers are most unpleasant and even dangerous insults, which also reduce the child's self-esteem. In addition, an important role in the emergence fears can play a fright or mental infection when the child learns from peers that something "should be afraid"

However, the main reason children's fears- rich imagination of children, which is why childhood fears more often appear at the age of 4-6 years, when the development of the imagination and the emotional sphere is sharply accelerated.

Remember how in When you were a child you were afraid of the dark. In fact, there is nothing in this darkness, but a rich fantasy draws another picture: it seems that monsters and others live there scary creatures.

Usually age fears live about 3-4 weeks - this is an acceptable norm. If during this time the intensity fear rises, then we are talking about neurotic fear.


Babies from birth to 1 year old can be frightened by loud and unexpected noise, any strangers, undressing, dressing and changing the scenery, height.

Children 1 to 2 years of age may be afraid of being separated from parents, trauma, falling asleep and sleep (nightmares);

Children under 3 years old are afraid of them afraid of a change of scenery, changing the order of life.

Children from 3 to 4 years old begin to be afraid of the dark, loneliness and closed space. It is in the dark that the child projects his daytime fears, which he has, believe me, a lot;

At 6-7 years old, it reaches its apogee fear of death. At this age, the child develops a sense of time and space, the concept of life appears, he understands that life is not endless, that people are born and die, and this also applies to his family;

7-8-year-old children are afraid to cause disapproval from the outside parents not meet their wishes and expectations. From the age of 8, children are most afraid of death parents.

I would like to reiterate that the above fears - age, however, in emotionally sensitive children, they can be transformed and consolidated.


Reaction parent for fear should be calm and compassionate. One cannot remain indifferent, but excessive anxiety can lead to increased fears.

1. Try to discuss it with your child fear, ask him to describe feelings and himself fear. The more the child will talk about fear, the better - this is the most effective therapy. Try to convince the child, but do not underestimate fear, and share your experience, if any, advise something, compose together a fairy tale about how to win fear

2. Most common and an effective way is the game form. Have your child draw their own fear on paper as he presents it. If he does not want to do this, then there is no need to force him, put it off for another time, and if he did draw, then you can begin to act. Let him know how funny and fearless creature on paper. Does not believe? Then paint it together « fear» funny faces, let your imagination run wild. And then offer to tear the paper with your fear into many small pieces, and even better arrange "competition" Who has more pieces?

3. If your child is afraid of fairy-tale heroes, then tell him fairy tales in which these heroes are funny and kind.

4. If he is afraid of the dark, then light a small nightlight for him at night.

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective games is the game of hide and seek. It helps get rid of fear of the dark, loneliness, closed space

Mom can hide with the child under the covers, as if they were mice in a mink, at first the child will try to leave some space for that so that the light passes, then he will get used to playing in complete darkness.

Do not try to act by force, forcibly turning off the light and leaving the baby in the dark, alone with his fears. Leave him a night light or leave the door ajar. If a child is afraid of any specific items, put them in another room at night. Invite your child to sleep with a soft toy that will protect him at night.

5. Nightmares and related fear of falling asleep. To overcome this fear it is necessary to limit TV viewing, carefully select the fairy tales that you read to the baby, they should not contain scary scenes. You can also invite the child to draw what he dreamed of, and then burn this drawing.


Never lock a child alone in a locked space.

Never scare him with Baba Yaga, the police, the angry dog, the uncle doctor.

Do not forget that there is a time for everything, so you do not need to show aggressive cartoons to a small child or tell scary tales because it can also cause phobias.

To avoid fear of the team Try to prepare your child for school in advance. It is best for the child to go to kindergarten, because the younger the person, the easier it is for him to find a common language with people.

Do not shame or punish the child for his fear. His fear- this is not a whim and not a whim. It is useless to advise "pull yourself together and stop being afraid" or not be afraid because "only girls are afraid".

Satisfy your child's curiosity. Sometimes parents very tiring endless "Why?" and “What is this?”, but the more incomprehensible, the more fears. If the child does not get an answer to his question, he may come up with one, and his fantasy may be frightening. At the same time, the information should correspond to the age of the child, not be too much for him. There is no need to focus his attention on fires, natural disasters, death, and so on.

Recognize the child's right to fear and show sympathy for him without fear that it will strengthen him fear. The child should feel that you understand and do not judge him.

And most importantly, take care of yourself and your fears, because children copy the behavior of adults, and if the mother is afraid of dogs, then the child will most likely be afraid of them too. If you can’t overcome your phobias, then at least don’t show them to your child.

Most importantly, always remember that only parents can help a child overcome childhood fears, do not punish him and do not scold him for being afraid, try to understand and listen. Patience to you and health to your children.