Hand cream nutrient approved by cosmetologists. Cream for Coconut Walnut, Yves Rocher. Hand cream with urea

Acquaintance with a person begins at first sight, a few words and shakes of hands. Many women, paying so much attention to their face, makeup, clothes, care for hairstyle, completely forget about the skin of their pens. But it is by hand that you can define the true age of a woman. They can disregard care and care about themselves. Choosing a means to care about expensive handles - a very important point to which you need to take seriously and be the most prepared as possible.


Of course, now our hands are not experiencing such loads as a hundred years ago. Now at our disposal there are washing and dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, multicookers and other technological development benefits. More we do not have to work in the field all day and remove your domestic cattle. Despite all these improvements, the skin assumes a serious blow daily. It is the wrong nutrition, the sun, the wind, cold, and aggressive detergents that our hands contact.

Initially, apparently, toasting nature, the epidermis of hands is defenseless. The palms do not completely have on their surface of the sebaceous glands, and on the back side of their catastrophic. Accordingly, the derm cannot create a protective layer. Yes, and we constantly wash this film with water and soap. Chemicals are adversely affected by it, and continuous influence can lead to the development of skin diseases. The skin will dry, subjected to stress and raw quickly, wrinkles. Microcracks may appear, incorrect pigmentation. All this happens if not to use special means to protect the handles.

If we are often on the street, especially in summer, the protection against sunlights for our gentle hands is simply necessary. Cosmetics for them does not always contain protection from ultraviolet, but it will never be superfluous. The main goal of hand cream is moisturizing, softening and protection.It should not irritate the epidermis, well absorbed, restore the structure of the dermis.

The funds are applied quite often, especially at temperature drops, when exiting the street, after washing.

With regular use of a properly selected product, you can get the following results:

  • provide a dermis protection against harmful environmental impact;
  • add required moisture and nutrition;
  • heal the skin;
  • get rid of signs of aging;
  • give elasticity and elasticity;
  • cure certain skin diseases.

Along with ordinary cosmetic products, professional cream can be found on store shelves. They are produced by such brands like Phytomer, Kinetics, Iodas, Biodroga, Academie, Declare, Opi, CND and others.

Professional cosmetics takes into account the peculiarities of a type of skin, and as a result, narrowly aimed. Ideally, the composition of such a means consists only of natural substances, mineral-vitamin complexes, vegetable oils and extracts. At the same time, the remedy is not alone, but has related products such as scrubs, masks, protective products. The complex of funds allows you to provide a full-fledged care, recovery, solving the majority of problems.


To implement a conscious choice, you need to understand which assortment of hand tools provide manufacturers and what functions they carry out.

  • Moisturizing. Cream with such a function should restore the water balance of the epidermis. Therefore, most of its composition is water. But important are components that help the derma to absorb this water. Texture of such a means is extraordinarily comfortable and easy. It quickly absorbs and leaves no feeling of presence on the skin. It is easy to apply and can be used quite often as needed.
  • Protection. Best of all the effects of external hand factors protect gloves. Protective cream acts in a similar way, it creates a thin invisible film on the surface of the dermis, which does not allow contact with chemicals, water, harmful environmental factors. In addition, it is capable of keeping the necessary skin moisture, supporting the natural water-fat balance. It protects the surface of the epidermis from the drainage if necessary is frequent washing. There are products with hydrophilic properties. They are used in contact with aggressive substances and dirt, paint, resin and other not very pleasant media.
  • Food. Such products are in their composition a huge amount of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on skin. The nutrient cream structure is quite fat, it should maximize the skin with the necessary substances, stimulate the processes of cell division and restoration of the structure. It makes skin soft and tender.
  • Anti-aging effect.Such a means struggling with signs of aging: wrinkles, pigment stains, loss of elasticity. It can have a lifting effect to achieve the best result. Sometimes manufacturers add a whitening component to align the tone of the skin.
  • Treatment. There are special medicinal preparations that purposefully act on certain skin problems. At the same time, they often have healing, anti-inflammatory and other means of directional action.

In addition, cutting creams on day and night.

The daily texture has a light texture, mainly has a moisturizing and protective effect and is equipped with components that form protection against ultraviolet. The night is directed mostly for food and the restoration of the dermis, more fat and tight. Applying it before bed, you can be sure that it will act during the whole period of rest.

Hand products successfully can also be used for elbows often needed additional nutrition and moisture. Especially suitable for such care products with vitamins A, E and F, almond oil and extracts of herbs such as licorice, calendula, palm and others.

Many firms besides a conventional cream produce a means of cream-oil format. This form is usually more dense and thick. Performs emergency nutrition and recovery. Also protects against environmental exposure, especially in winter.

Separately, you can also put a hypoallergenic cream for hands.

In addition to the usual functions of other products, it must have the highest quality composition, gently affect the skin and not cause unpleasant reactions. Suitable for delicate and sensitive skin, prone to irritation.


The appointment of the means imposes an imprint on its composition. The following component groups can be distinguished, which make up the basis of any means to care for the skin of the hands.

  • In any means in the first place should be water. Moisturizing creams contain it up to 80%, others are at least 60%. There are practically no sebaceous glands on the brushes of the brushes, and it is simply not capable of maintaining the optimal water balance. Water should prevent drainage.
  • Fatry of plant and animal origin, feeding and protecting cover. Olive and therapy components are perfectly coping with this feature.
  • Funds with wax perfectly protect and soften. Paraffin has the same action, as it is, in fact, an analogue of natural waxes.
  • Glycerolhelps to detain moisture on the surface of the dermis.
  • Vaseline and siliconeforming a protective film on the skin, delaying moisture and protecting from harm when washing, the impact of chemicals, wind and cold.
  • Panthenolit has a wound healing effect.
  • SPF factorprovides protection from the effects of sunlight.
  • Vitamins and Mineralsrestore cells and stimulate their division.
  • Extracts and oils of plants Heat out and perform a lot of useful functions.

To combat age-related changes, funds with hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin, aloe vera extract are suitable. Moisturizing and nutrition will be promoted by glycerin, lanolin, vitamin E, natural aloe extract or calendula, sea buckthorn or olive fats.

Is it possible to apply to face

The structure of the skin face and hands is radically different.The epidermis of the person, in contrast to the brushes, is generously equipped with saline and sweat glands. In addition, it is characterized by high sensitivity both to the environment and the composition of the funds applied.

Applying means for hands on the face of the face - a very bad idea.

You can and not notice a negative impact immediately if you decide to conduct an experiment. But after a while, the "fruits" of such care will be shown. Even in one case, the face of the face can be closed, the respiratory process and water balance will disturb. Inflammation and irritation may also arise. A huge amount of glycerin can have a drizzling effect, and components designed to mitigate, the face will have a completely different impact - the causation will be caused. Hand creams have a stringent composition and can cause allergic manifestations.

It can be concluded that experiments on their face with the help of cosmetics for palms are an ungrateful case that can lead to the emergence of a huge number of problems. If necessary, you can use such a means for the legs, because the structure of the dermis is most similar to the hands. But applied to the face is excluded with proper care.

Popular manufacturers

Hand creams are made a huge set. Let's look at some popular manufacturers.

EOS is a fairly popular brand. Looks up interesting in the original packaging of funds. Releases for hands for hands in an attractive shape of a naval smooth pebble. There are three types of product with different smells, but their composition is about the same. Contains natural ingredients, positioned as organic cosmetics. Fully absorbed, not leaving stickiness on hand.

The cream is enriched with an antioxidant complex, aloe extract and carite oil and oats.

Russian companies produce cosmetics for the handles under the brands "Velur", "Clean Line", "One hundred beauty recipes". The first is enriched with a complex of vitamins, olive oil and bisabolol, a component derived from the carcasses of the Kandy tree. The "net line" has a means of means for protection and nutrition, moisturizing, rejuvenation and general for hand and nails. They contain the extracts of chamomile, aloe, clover, ginseng, flax and oatmeal and other natural ingredients. The brand "One hundred recipes of beauty" is also a fairly large range of products.

The cream "Care" is a cheap representative of the Russian market. It absorbs rather quickly, but leaves the film on the hands. The composition has sunflower oil, corn and soybeans, glycerin, chamomile extract. The smell, unfortunately, is not too attractive.

The Aevit series from Librederm is a representative of high-quality domestic cosmetics. There are various creams containing in the composition of vitamins A and E, oil and herbs extracts. We produce small formats of funds that are comfortable to carry with you in the handbag. A comprehensive impact, feed and refresh the dermis.

Kamill's hand cosmetics are available in four versions. The remedy in the jar is pretty thick and dense, it absorbs for a long time, but when used at night it shows itself perfectly. Contains chamomile infusion. Approximately the same composition has a product produced in a tube. It has a lighter consistency, but on the skin surface still leaves the film. The third product is designed for moisturizing, contains provitamin B5, apricot and cotton extracts, as well as silk proteins. Quickly absorbed, does not leave traces. The last tool is intended for men.

There are no dyes and paraffins, enriched with chamomile and cotton extract. Many women do not mind using this tool.

The well-known company Mary Kay produces a whole complex of goods to care for Satin Hands. This is a scrub, night and day creams. It is noteworthy that the line does not smell. The complex carries out full care even behind problem epidermis.

Aravia - professional cosmetics, which includes a large number of options.Interestingly, the presence of paraffin creams used as a mask. Paraffin provides maximum moisturizing and feeding of the skin.

Dove has a pleasant texture and smell. When used at night, it has an explicit power effect. The comfortable tube cover makes it pleasant to use on the road. Softens and leaves the film effect.

Review creams for hands - see the next video.

Which to choose

It is natural to assume that its efficiency and positive effect depends on the right choice of the product. It is necessary to pay attention to some facts to consciously make the selection of cream.

  • Guide the needs of your dermis.If the main problem is dry, choose a moisturizer, at the age of more than forty years - anti-aging compositions, with certain skin diseases - therapeutic preparations. It is these criteria that should be at the heart of your decision.
  • The ideal option will be the acquisition of a package of leaving products.For example, nourishing cream for use at night and moisturizing for use during the day. Also, depending on the needs, you can purchase a protective composition or scrub, also when problems with cuticle or nails, a good option will be a complex means working for skin and for nail plates.
  • Pay close attention to the product composition. Check if there are no components to which the manifestation of allergic reactions is possible. It is possible that some ingredients are not suitable for you. It is better to choose the goods with the most suitable composition.
  • Check if the shelf life of cosmetics expired, the use of an overdue cream can turn into allergies or dermatitis. Too much shelf life also does not speak in favor of the product, because it means the presence of a large number of preservatives.
  • Choose this form of the cream that will arrange you. Tube or availability of the dispenser are the most hygienic option. If you get a jar, get acquainted and buying a special plastic or wooden spatula. If the bottle is constantly in a handbag for daily use, it should not be cumbersome or too easy to open.
  • Of course, the price is an important factor.However, remember that it is not always more expensive - it means better. On the other hand, when purchasing cosmetics in a special store, you may spend more money, but not exactly choose a fake.

How to choose the right hand cream - look at the video below.

The skin of the hands suffers from external influences is much stronger than the skin on the face. Whether it is cold and wind, water, detergent and cleaning products. From this, the skin on his hands agrees much faster. At all times, women searched for their skin skin protection methods. Currently, the cosmetology market provides the choice of a rich assortment of hands for hands, with which the skin care becomes light and pleasant. It remains only to choose a cream-suitable skin.

How to choose a good hand cream

Among the entire variety of cosmetics, it is sometimes difficult to choose what will really help. When choosing a cream, you need to take into account the goal with which it will be used. According to this criterion, the following creams are distinguished:

  • protective;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutritious;
  • softening;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-referee;
  • bactericidal.

Depending on what result from using the cream, a woman wants to get, it should choose the appropriate means. If the cream is applied before leaving the house in the winter period, he should not be moisturizing. Water molecules falling into pores when applied, in the frost turn into ice crystals, thereby destroying the top layer of the epidermis. That is, instead of the desired result of moisturizing a woman to get unpleasant painful sensations from damaged skin.

But the moisturizing cream will be as impossible, if dry air prevails in the house, which pulls moisture from the skin. In this case, the cream will provide additionally moisturizing and protect the skin from drying out. Moisturizing creams are suitable for any type of skin.

Protective cream can be used at any time of the year. He will give protection against aggressors during washing dishes or washing, will save from the effects of cold, wind or heat. Some protective creams envelop their hands as if gloves, reliably protect them.

Sometimes there are various kinds of redness, rash or irritation in the form of "chickens". This can occur both from drying out and from the impact of chemical domestic products. In this case, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal cream will help restore the skin, save it from unpleasant sensations and return it a healthy and smooth look.


Accent your attention is also needed not on a beautiful and bright packaging, but on what is included in the cream. It is different components that are responsible for which the effect will be after the cream on the skin.

Components included in any cream are:

  • water;
  • lanolin;
  • animal fats;
  • vegetable fats.

The components listed above are the basis of each cream. In order for the cream to acquire individuality to add other components, depending on which it should give the result of the impact on the skin.

Additional components are: vitamins, plant extracts, elastin, collagen, glycerin, silicone, antioxidants, emulsifiers, amino acids, sunscreen filters.

Vitamins E and and are part of most creams. They are rejuvenating and maintaining the natural structure of the skin. These anti-stress components are needed to the skin also to activate its protective properties.

Plant extracts also carry great benefits to gentle female handles. For example, chamomile juice or aloe has a bactericidal and wound healing effect, and calendula protects the skin from inflammation and rash. Other plant extracts will also have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Vegetable and animal oils will protect the skin from the negative effects of cold or wind, rays of the sun, household chemicals and other aggressors. Sunflowers are needed in order to protect the skin from ultraviolet sun rays that provoke premature aging of the skin. Elastins, collagen are needed in a more mature age when the skin loses its elasticity. They will support softness, tenderness and elasticity of the skin of the hands. Amino acids and antioxidants are additional power sources for skin cells.

Glycerin and Silicon are part of protective creams and perfectly cope with their function. Enveloping hands with an imperceptible and imperceptible film, they protect gentle skin from external influence.

Of course, the listed substances do not finish the list of components included in the creams. There are still a number of ingredients contained in the cream. Preservatives, for example. But they should not be afraid - the harm of these substances are not carried, but they allow a long-faced cream to be stored on the shelf for a longer time.

Rating the best hands for hands

In all the variety of the cosmetic market, it is sometimes difficult to make a choice in favor of one or another cream. Experts allocated several creams of different brands that enjoy in great demand and fully meet the tasks of protection and nutrition.

Nitrodzhina / Neutrogena Hand Cream for Dry Skin

This silky, lightweight hand cream instantly eliminates dryness and give the smoothness of damaged skin. The silicone contained does not leave the skin moisture. Compared with most creams, it has a wide range of impacts aimed at eliminating many problems. It not only retains moisture and moisturizes the skin, but also gives it elastic, minimizes the aging of the skin, saturates the skin with vitamins and antioxidants.

It is clinically proven that the highly concentrated cream formula quickly heals the wrecks and cracks, returning its smoothness and elasticity.

Protective Nutrition Cream "Velvet Handles"

The cream is very popular in Russia and love many women due to the ratio of price and quality. He softens the skin of the hands, protects against the temper, heals the wounds, eliminates the peeling of the skin. Additionally, protects the skin from solar radiation, effectively restores the skin structure and slows down the aging process.

The cream is available to every woman thanks to a small price, which does not affect its quality. It also has a pleasant smell, very well applied and does not flow due to its thick consistency. And you should not be afraid of a large number of different preservatives as part of this cream. On his action they do not affect and the dangers for the skin are not carried.

Natura Siberica Winter

Perfect skin protection cream in winter. It will not only save the skin from the cold, but will also be intense it, thanks to the D-Panthenol contained to the cream. The extracts of chamomile and the tolly will calm the irritated skin and remove inflammation. They will help to support a protective barrier and toning the skin of Rhodiola pink and Daurgy Rosehip. No need to be afraid of an unfamiliar substance Crylil glycol is not a preservative, but also an active ingredient that gives deep moisturizing the skin.

Various vitamins, trace elements, carotene and other useful substances that are in Taiga's medullae will strengthen the skin of the hands and protect against the effects of cold air. The bee wax will remain an imperceptible protective film. It will protect his hands regardless of the time spent in the cold. Excellent quality from Siberian cosmetologists at an affordable price.

Clean line "Intensive moisturizing"

Cream based on natural components - cotton milk and aloe vera juice - perfectly moisturizes the skin and provides it with additional nutrition. The action lasts until 24 hours. Throughout this time, the cream restores damaged skin, makes it soft and elastic, saturates with vitamins and amino acids. Thanks to the special formula, the cream quickly absorbs and does not leave the feeling of stickiness on the skin, which is also important. After the constant use of the cream, the skin looks well-groomed and protected even in winter. The cream is completely approved by dermatologists.

Nivea Anti-aging Q10 Plus

This cream is directed not only to protect the skin from negative impacts, moisturizing and nutrition, but also on the fight against skin aging. CENSIM Q10 complex is designed specifically for this purpose. Thanks to it, aging processes slow down, and rises elastic skin. UVA / UVB filters protect the skin from unwanted pigmentation.

Vitamins and minerals, additionally included in the composition, nourish the skin at the cellular level and activate its protective functions. Elasticity of the skin also increases. It becomes softer and gentle to the touch. The cream is well applied and absorbed. Cosmetologists recommend to apply it in more mature age.

Agafia Grannies Healing Recipes

Products from the cosmetic factory "Recipes Grandmothers Agafia" are in great demand. And quite deserved. The composition of cosmetics includes only natural components, as in the case of a "healing" hand cream. The collection of healing herbs restores damaged skin. Rankers and cracks are heal. There is no trace of inflammation and irritation. Hands are smoothed and becomes elastic. After recovery, the cream continues to intensively feed and protect it. The skin is rejuvenated and updated after a long cream application. It is easily applied and does not flow. The consistency has a pleasant smell.

Professional cream from the dryness of the "Belita"

The Belarusian Cosmetic Company recently introduced a new vitamin hand cream, the main component of which is wheat extract. They nourish the skin, restore smoothness and softness. The effect will be noticeable after the first application. The dry skin will disappear, the wounds and cracks will be built, the unpleasant sensations from damaged skin will go. As a result of long-term use, the skin is smoothed and becomes elasticity, saturated with vitamins.

The cream will ensure the protection of the skin in the summer and winter season. The form of the bottle is made in a comfortable form with the dispenser. The consistency is pleasant to the touch, well applied and quickly absorbed, not leaving the sticky feeling. According to testing, the cream fully justifies the expected result.

Restoring cream Vichy Nutriextra Cream

This cream is designed specifically for problem and sensitive skin. All hypoallergenic components and do not harm. It is used as a reducing agent for dry skin. An innovative formula containing hydrates, oil carite and glycerin, allows you to penetrate the cream in the deeper layers of the epidermis and restore the skin not only on the surface. One application per day is enough for the skin gradually acquired a well-kept and healthy look, smooth and became elastic. The thick consistency is well applied, quickly absorbed and leaves no bold film.

Video: Experts choose the best hand and nail cream

In this video, experts will study cream creams for the hands of different brands and choose the best of them. Tell that cream can consist and what action they have depending on the composition. Experts will also share the secrets of choosing a good tool for nutrition and skin protection.

The cream presented below does not have sunscreen effect and are recommended only for night use. In the daytime, your hands need to protect against the Sun, which can provide moisturizing sunscreen. Of course, any moisturizing cream that you would face or body can be used as a hand cream. Actually, the cream for hands with sunscreen properties is an excellent choice if you need a consistency of the cream, similar to the consistency of the cream from the tan, however, less bold is needed. Cream does not cause irritation and softens the skin of the hands.

These properties, as studies show, help restore protective function of the skin, at the same time preventing moisture from loss. Hand cream is better to apply often, it is especially necessary after washing the hands, when the temperature drops, for example, when in the winter you leave the room outside, after the completion of home affairs (in this case, the gloves will help protect your hands to the skin). You will be pleasantly surprised at how much your skin improves with the daily use of cream with SPF, and it does not matter whether it will be a cream for hands or other. Sun protection is necessary in order to prevent the formation of brown spots on their hands.

Best hand cream

Restoring Skinfix Hand Cream, whose name reflects its properties and purpose. The manufacturer declares that this cream is able to soften the most dry skin of the hands (including even affected skin diseases as eczema), helping to restore the protective function of the skin. Excellent news - thanks to the useful substances that are part of the cream, it is able to protect the skin of the hands in full, and therefore earned a high consumer assessment.

The composition of this cream is quite good. The active substance of the cream is oatmeal, a proven component that does not cause skin irritation, with the capable of eliminating the redness of the skin and itching, which can be a sign of dry skin. This cream includes such auxiliary substances as Allantoin, Aloe and Chamomile. When it comes to a decrease in dry skin, softening the components of the regenerating hand cream help keep skin moisture content due to such components like shea oil, glycerin, sunflower seed oil and almond oil.

The composition also has antioxidants (for example, calendula extract), which give an impetus to a speedy improvement in skin condition. Perhaps the greatest advantage of the cream is that it is released without smell, which has many creams presented in the market.

Avon has achieved positive results in the development of this delightful cream, which gives comprehensive protection of your skin! Sun cream contains Avobenzon to protect against UVA rays, and although there is no cookels in its composition, there are other ways to ensure the effectiveness of active ingredients in the cream formula. So, sorry for the pun, but you will find yourself in safe hands with this daytime.

And what can be said about glycolic acid (alpha hydroxy acid), which is part of this cream? The amounts of this component is sufficient to exfoliate the skin and improve its composition: pH 4.5 is enough to perform their functions with cream. You will find several advantages of this product, namely: the combination of soft exfoliation and sun protection allows Avon cream to reduce the number of brown spots on your hands. The cream has a slightly catchy, not a sharp fragrance (sensitive people are likely to nourish, but it should be said that the cream is most often choosing, as it is known to irritate the skin, and this Avon does not abuse).

Argan Infinity Cream is a saturated oily moisturizing cream with light aroma and healthy oils of plants. This is a good choice of body / hand cream without SPF, but we do not recommend putting it on your face (even despite the fact that the label states that this is a multifunctional moisturizing face and body cream). The only drawback why this cream did not receive the title of the best, lies in the above-mentioned aroma of oil tangerine leather. But its content is small, so the question of the smell of cream should not be a problem for most people, however, its presence eliminates the possibility of using cream to people with sensitive skin.

Presented as a modern argan oil containing today, this cream perfectly softens the dry skin of the hands. Saflore, avocado, coconut and argan oil, shea oil and beeswax oil perfectly soften and moisturize the skin of the hands, coarse areas, and act much more efficiently than the argan oil taken separately.

Deep Comfort Hand and Cuticle cream is a non-large hand cream with a rich texture, suitable for all skin types. Since it is not a sunscreen, it is not recommended to use during the day (hands are exposed to sunlight, and day protection along with SPF 25 or with the SPF value above - must be required), but it is better to apply it for the night. If you want to use it during the daytime, take the sunscreen - otherwise you risk earning brown spots or other skin problems with age that you do not want to see (trust us!).

What we like in this cream is that in addition to the luxurious texture, this hand cream does not smell, it contains such useful components as an indispensable fatty acids, antioxidants and substances that restore the skin of the hands. Use it as a cream for hands or cuticle, and better for the other, and you will certainly get a positive result.

As for the point that the cream gives moisturizing for 12 hours, the statement sounds good, but the result depends largely on what your hands do during the day. As with any other hand cream, regardless of the assertions of the manufacturer of humidifying skin, regular application and reuse are required to obtain a result.

The therapeutic hand cream cannot be called the traditional type of hand cream, since it includes niacinamide and components that restore the skin of the hands, although their number is less than in the CeraVe series. Nevertheless, there is a plus that they are part of this cream, besides, he has no smell, and that is why this cream is worth taken into account when choosing a hand tool.

ATTENTION: CERAVE claims that it is a water-repellent cream, as it contains silicone. As well as with any moisturizing cream, regardless of its composition, after washing hands it will be necessary to apply the cream again or your hands will be dry again.

A low-fat hand cream with a slightly catchy smell takes care of the dry skin of the hands, give your hands smoothness and beauty. The advantage is an acceptable price, the size of the tube, which is more than usual, and included in the helpful components. Age-Defying Antioxidant Hand Cream is not recommended to be applied in the daytime, as it does not contain sunscreen components, the hands must be protected from an unnecessary amount of sunlight.

This cream has perfectly proven itself as a night cream. Age-Defying Antioxidant Hand Cream did not get into the top 3 of the best creams, because in its composition there are quite a few regenerating skin of the components and properties that would better show its anti-aging properties.

One of the best products strivein! Although its cost is high, and the instruction is not entirely accurate (we will tell more about it below), the simple formula of the cream contains a number of restoring components, thanks to which your hands become softer, gentle and (depending on how often you are applying sunscreen for hands for day) significantly rejuvenates the skin of the hands. Above, we mentioned sunscreen and said that its use is important to achieve a result with anti-aging hand cream.

Unfortunately, this cream does not contain the components protecting the sun, so we recommend applying it for the night. However, with the use of sunscreen during the daytime, this cream acts perfectly. It perfectly moisturizes the skin of the hands and the active formula of the NIA-114 nicamine (as part of Myristyl Nicotinate) has rather convincing research. In addition, he softens the skin of the hands, the cream includes oils rich in antioxidants. Arbutin makes less noticeable dark spots, although we treat this skeptical due to its amount necessary for efficiency in the fight against spots. But this fact does not upset us because Myristyl Nicotinate is fighting with dark spots, if you constantly use sunscreen.

Hand cream has an excellent gentle and softening texture, which perfectly cope with dry, rude hands and makes skin noticeably better. Most of the plant extracts are useful for skin skin, but the effect of some (for example, Coleus Forskohlii - Tropical Mint) is doubtful. The Lauder also included gold into the cream, but it, like other precious metals, is known to cause contact dermatitis, and gold does not bring any benefit for the skin of the hands.

Despite this hand cream contains much more useful components than doubtful, and deserves choices if you do not object to spend a little more time to get rid of dry skin. Some plant extracts are able to whiten the skin coloring disorders, only if you use it with SPF 15 sunscreen containing a sufficient number of components to protect against UVA.

Yes to Coconut Protecting Hand & Cuticle Cream - cream that provides excellent protection and moisturizing the skin of the hands at a great price. In its composition, vegetable oils of coconut, avocado, almond, jojoba and shea oil. We were pleased to detect the components that restore the skin of the hands, which also reduce the loss of humidity, and antioxidants - all this is sufficient for the perfect formula of the softening cream for dry hands and cuticle.

Despite the fact that this cream moisturizer, he has a nice texture that does not leave the skin of the hands in fat. It has a slightly caught smell, which is not ideal, but in a small amount will not be problematic for the majority. Nevertheless, the presence of smell can become a problem for people with eczema or sensitive skin. Please note that this cream does not protect it from the sun, better apply it, and then sunscreen (or stop your daily hand cream with SPF 15+ or use the YES to Coconut Protecting Hand & Cuticle Cream on the night) .

Anna Maslovskaya

Roma pencil


Katia Balabanova

Master of manicure

Alina Kapatsina

Office worker

Vika Lobanova

Editor "Poster Daily"

Cream for youth hand Chanel Body Excellence

Roma: Teach me, please use it right. I can not.

Vika: Like any cream - just a smear! Let's start from the first issue.

Alina: No impressions at all. Ordinary cream with ordinary smell.

Anya: Very light.

Alina: Easy, soft, but no enthusiasm.

Roma:And this is exactly the cream for hands?

Vika:In general, it is probably not supposed to be applied in such quantities.

Roma: Well, the hands are big, and there are two of them.

Alina: Face, face ack. And elbows, on the elbows very rough skin usually.

Vika: And how do you generally use hands for hands usually?

Anya: I like the basic kiehl's, yellow, he is generally for all occasions. I still love Clarins - very light, quickly absorbed, the traces does not leave and really works.

Roma: And my cream has revealed, it seems to me. Some aftertaste is interesting, pleasant.

Katya: I do not like. The smell is lightweight, the texture seems to be easy, but it lies very tightly and leaves stickiness. I want to erase.

Vika: That is, everyone's impressions are the same?

Anya: Well, they can be used.

Roma: Neutral.

Katya: I like, by the way, the smell. Looks like an ordinary baby white soap.

Anya: And I love without smell at all. Therefore, Kiehl's, probably, is generally the most beloved.

Balsam for hands "Velvet Handles" "SOS-recovery"

Roma: Another cream, which does not smell.

Anya: Super. Ideally.

Roma: Although I first sniffed it - he did not gap, and then ...

Anya: He is not easy. All and not light.

Alina:I do not see a big difference between the first and second, to be honest.

Katya: After such a cream, the documents in the hands will not take.

Anya: Do not need. After this, it is necessary to go to bed.

Alina: In general, he is not so fat to go to bed immediately.

Katya: For me, he is uncomfortable.

Vika:And what should there be a cream for hands?

Katya: It should be light texture, neutral smell and must be absorbed immediately, without leaving traces. To quietly it was possible to make hair, clothes, easily put on the decoration. So that there is no haunted effect. And from this stickiness in the hands.

Alina: I agree with everything except smell. For example, I want a smell cream.

Anya: Not to me.

Katya: I believe that the manufacturer who makes a bright fragrance loses. Because the fragrance comes, you can not use such a cream.

Alina: And sometimes I want the summer cream with a bright smell: watermelon, melon, and right now I love everything connected with coconut. I order to iHerb.

Anya:And I here represent the group of people who are very bright smells are unpleasant, they are annoying and rapidly bored. I generally have all the cosmetics without smell.

Hand Balsam Davines Oi

Alina: I rather do not like this smell, but from this cream there is a feeling that he moisturizes.

Katya: He is sticky, but falls easily. I can't call the smell neutral.

Roma: Some quotes smell like, sharp such smell.

Vika: And what kind of smells do you like?

Roma:You will be surprised, but I also have a hand cream. However, I never used them, presented. Ginger such cream, there is a gingerbread man there. I've ever accepted them.

Vika:While you will gather, he has expired shelf life.

Anya: Oh, all these smells are so unnatural.

Alina: There are naturally flavored, with coconut, shea butter, with lavender.

Regenerating Hand Cream Thalgo Deeply Nourishing

Katya:What a comfortable smell, pleasant. It smells in an adult.

Alina: And in my opinion, again the usual cream.

Roma: He is truth about 30-35 in adulthood.

Anya: I am directly feeling that I am such a granny in Chanel.

Roma:Well, not so adult. There is something chamomile in it, no?

Katya:I do not know, but I like it.

Alina: In fact, they all like us. They can use everyone, but I want to find the most.

Hand Cream Lush "Infinity Aid"

Anya: And there are such creams that do not leave the trace at all?

Katya: Sure.

Alina: The right way is to apply cream and blocked the napkin slightly.

Katya: Why do you need such a cream if you need to miss it?

Vika: And how much are you ready to wait until the cream is absorbed?

Choir:Not at all.

Roma:If someone else interests that I think the smell of this cream is pleasant, but also neutral.

Alina: Very reminds children's cream. Tube blue-white-red.

Katya:No, sweet smell, do not even understand what it is.

Alina:Fabrik "Freedom".

Anya: Very fat. In my opinion, so far the most fat.

Alina: Children's cream and should be fat.

Anya: I have a feeling that hands are wet.

Vika:Do you like the cream in a tube or in a bank?

Alina: I love when the bank stands at home, but with you I wear a tube.

Anya: I love iron tubes.

Katya: In a good way, in the bank you need to climb a spatula or plastic blade. For home use is the most convenient dispenser or tube.

Anya: I'm still horrified from this cream. It is not even a cream, it is a lubricant. Slip, look!

Alina:And I am curious, the children's cream is or not. Feels absolutely accurately he.

Vika: I can assure you that it is not him, because here all the creams are for hand only.

Katya:This is some sos-cream, for hands in poor condition. He straight seals the skin, but it is not clear that then these hands can be done.

Anya: So I think he is for some other purposes.

Alina: Maybe it needs to be used for masks.

Katya: This, by the way, the erroneous opinion that the cream must be fat. The skin primarily needs moisture, and only then in nutrition. Dry skin does not perceive fat. They all just remain on the surface, if it is not moistened.

Alina: In severe cases, I generally saves the mixture of "Bapten" with Nivea.

Neutrogena handless cream

Alina:This is neutrogena.

Katya:Yes. But it contains silicone, it was necessary to test her last.

Vika: Silicone is bad?

Katya:For a protective function, in the frost - well. It creates a film on the skin and protects very well. And now in testing conditions ... You just after him because of this film, no means will not feel.

Alina: I don't want to use this cream at all.

Anya:And I like that, despite the density, quickly cease to notice that he is on you.

Katya:Those who use them often always wear it with themselves and are additionally applied. What happens - you applied, the film was formed, and then you put on this film more layer. It is just meaningless. And this silicone even when washing hands remains. But for the street, on the cold, he is good. It is applied tight, inexpensive, powerful, nelipe.

Roma: And I did not understand anything. Hands both were fat and remained.

Universal protective softening cream Menturm Medical Cream Rohto

Voting Leader

Roma: This is not a cream, it is a piece of oil.

Alina: His smell is hospitalized. But generally interesting. I would sometimes use as such. It seems to me here is menthol or eucalyptus.

Anya:Oh, as it hoses.

Alina:But how well absorbs. I like him.

Roma:Funny smell.

Katya: Therapeutic fonder is felt. It is more comfortable than if the cream had a sweet fragrance on an amateur. If we talk about the procedures of cosmetology, then there on the hands-leg-knee-elbows creams of this plan are just applied.

Alina: I understood what it smells. Remember, before the pharmacy was sold such inhalers in the nose? That's what he smells.

Anya: I like it too. But here would be a package! If it was written on it that he was healing with some super-soles, I would accurately bought.

Cream Caudalie Gourmande

Roma: Have a nice smell.

Alina:I like, comfortable, well absorbed, rather light. I would bought this. But for Ani he is too stinky.

Anya: It is not too smelly compared to actually stinking, he is moderately.

Katya: Very soft cream, non-silicone.

Anya:Absorbed in general perfectly. If it were not for this smell, I would love him. The smell is laretch, but a little annoying. But most likely when it is absorbed, the smell will disappear. I also forgot to say about the cream, which in my workshop in the box lies, - Aesop. Here he has a very bright smell, but it seems to me that this smell is natural, so I like it. I use it when I burn my hands.

Katya: I feel stickiness again. I do not like.

Hand Cream Yeppeum Chocopie

Roma: Anything, honestly. This is me about the smell. For the rest, I do not understand.

Anya:In general, to understand everything about the cream, you need to understand what he gives in an hour, every other day. This we can not check now. Of course, I love those who are not at the time of you slightly moisturize the skin, but really work for the future.

Katya: I am engaged in a manicure and pedicure 19 years, during this time not a single person saw that the residual stickiness would like. Plus neutral smells still more universal. Well, in general, any cream can give residual stickiness if you put three kilos. It is better to smear a little and add, if not enough. I liked this cream, I will write down in favorites.

Anya:And I did not understand him. I am not annoying the smell, but it seems to leave the traces.

Alina:It also seemed to me that he was greasy.

Organic Kitchen Hand Cream "Akun Banana"

Roma:Here this cool!

Alina: This is Organic Kitchen with a banana, it seems to me. I really like the smell, I have an association with banana chewing. As far as it works, I do not know.

Roma:This is my favorite cream at all. All of the World. The smell is chic. There will not say anything about the qualities.

Katya: Comfortable, but because of the smell, I can't perceive it.

Roma: I would even licked.

Alina: Yes, you would have flashed from head to the legs.


Roma: By smell - "Provence", mayonnaise. Cool, if instead of one of the creams you have a mayonnaise here. And all such - oh, what good cream.

Katya: Comfortable, but the smell is right at all.


Katya: Such a smooth, interesting.

Anya: And I like the smell very much, but I do not understand what it smells.

Alina:Cream ordinary and smells. Such a good neutral cream.

Anya:Strange smell of old furniture. I was just captivated.

Regenerating Hand and Leg Cream Shiseido Urea Cream

Roma:Is it possible to smear the face cream?

Vika: You can at least take the bath from it. Do not die for sure.

Anya:Imagine, you are in the forest in a house for a week, and you have only hands for hands.

Vika:Everything you make on the face, you can smear anything, but in the opposite direction it does not work very well, I think.

Roma:With leg cream, probably especially.

Alina:But Silicon Neutrogena, I don't even smear the fear of death on my face.

Katya: And if on the skiing drove through the wind, it would be very even smeared.

Alina: And the cream is very dense.

Katya: Yes, dense, but stickiness quickly leaves, it's good.

Anya:It was hard for me, but I waited a minute, and everything was absorbed.

Cream for hands "Clean line" "Intensive moisturizing"

Alina: In general, nothing smells.

Anya: Smells, smells.

Roma:It smells, but not very good.

Anya:Smell like a napkin, refreshing hands. But absorbed well.

Katya:Comfortable, but I don't like the smell either.

EOS Hand Balsam with Cucumber

Alina: Body Works or Victoria's Secret - Something from there, I think. Some cucumber with a melon.

Roma: I like.

Alina: I love such a smell very much.

Roma:There is definitely melon here. I will not say about the cucumber. I will write to your loved ones.

Alina: We are with you, Roma, very similar tastes: how stinking, the better.

Katya: Well, the smell ...

Alina: Classic American flavor, and cream, most likely, American. The combination of melon and cucumber is typical absolutely.

With the arrival of cold, our skin does not particularly protect and moisture. We recently told how you can help, and today we will talk about the hands for hands - the product that is in the arsenal of every girl. How to choose the right cream than they are all different and which of them really work - read in our material!

The skin of the hands needs to protect the same way as the skin of the face. At the cosmetic market, the incredible number of hands creams are currently represented, which differ from among themselves not only composition, but also function. Therefore, it is often difficult to determine which cream you need in the fall and winter.

Criteria for the selection of hands cream

Before choosing a hand cream, it is important to determine what function it should be performed - moisturize, protect or feed the skin?

Moisturizing cream Satisfies the skin moisture, eliminating it from dryness. That is why their composition includes a large amount of water. By texture, moisturizing creams are lungs and quickly absorb.

Protective cream Creates an invisible film on the skin surface that protects the skin of the hands from harmful environmental impact (cold, wind, water). Such creams have a more dense consistency.

Nutritious cream Satures the skin with a large number of minerals and vitamins. It actively nourishes and restores dry and irritated skin. It is recommended to use in the cold season.

What must be in the cream of hands

In order for the cream to really moistened, Putal and softened the skin, such components must be present in its composition:

glycerin (kept moisture in the skin);
paraffin (softens the skin);
lanolin (nourishes the skin);
panthenol (skin healing);
natural oils and vitamins (give smoothness and healthy appearance).

Best hand creams

Hand Cream "Luxury Makadamia", Velvet Handles

Due to the presence in the composition, this cream not only moisturizes, but also nourishes and restores the skin. At the same time, it has a very lightweight consistency, instantly absorbed into the skin and gives effect after the first application.

Concentrated hand-smelling cream "Norwegian Formula", Neutrogena

High-quality hand cream, which envelops the skin with a protective film and protects it from the negative impact of the environment - wind, cold and water. The cream has a concentrated formula, so very economical. In addition, he will like people sensitive to smells.

He got a cream as a gift and appreciated him to dignity. This is a "Napoleon" format: compact, but on the effect of CSO :) on the tube marked that this is a concentrate, and the cream really need a little (from two or three peas), therefore it is enough for a long time. In the means a pleasant consistency that resembles a thick gel. What is important: not fat in traditional understanding. Without obsessive dormant or tart smell. Almost transparent, white-gray. It is pleasant to moisturize the skin of the hands, without sticky film and fatty gloss. And, of course, Superudnie for a female handbag. The only minus: it's hard to use the final, because you have to "rape" this mini-tube. Who will not fit: amateur covers the skin of the hands with a generous oily layer of cream and those who love the hands polished to the shine after the cream. The effect of natural moistening is pronounced here, when you have comfort without a feeling of applying something on the skin of the hands. Recommend.

Cream for very dry skin, yak

Due to the presence of Shea oil and a whole complex of vegetable oils, this cream is intensively restored, nourishes and softens the dry skin of the hands. It is enough to apply it for the night, and in the morning you will see a noticeable improvement in skin condition.

Intense moisturizer, Nivea

To date, one of the best and most popular hands creams. One of the main active ingredients in this cream is the shea oil, which feeds, rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, as well as the scarlet, which heals the cracks and roughness of the skin.

Protective Recovery Cream Barrier for Hands, La Roche Posay Cicaplast Mains

The cream is suitable for supersensitive and atopic skin. After the first application of the cream, the skin becomes less dry, and a few weeks completely updated. Reduces the level of inflammation of the surface layer of the skin, restores the barrier function of the epidermis and prevents further fracture formation.

You saw an overview of the best creams for hands. Do not forget to take care of the delicate and sensitive skin of the hands to extend her health and youth for years ahead!