Method "find the redundant". Interactive didactic game "The fourth extra

Educational visual materials "Find the excess" are intended for children from 3 to 7 years old. They allow the child to develop logical thinking, which is important in preparing for school. The child not only has to answer the question "What is superfluous?" or "Who is superfluous?", but also to motivate his answer, to explain in detail why he chose this or that picture. Having learned to cope with such simple tasks, the child will be able to move on to solving more complex logical problems. Since parents also have difficulties with the correct solution of these problems, I write explanations for the drawings.

A very important point: the child must learn to highlight the most significant feature when finding an extra picture.

Pictures "Find an extra item" with explanations

Many parents are outraged that the solution to these problems is not unambiguous; with a little fantasy, you can single out almost any item as superfluous and combine the rest. Let the child think, fantasize, let him offer several solutions and find the most significant among these solutions. Make sure that the child applies generalizing words to objects: animal, insect, furniture, clothes, dishes, and so on.

Extra ball. Butterfly, bee and caterpillar are insects and the ball is a toy. They are alive, but the ball is not alive. On the other hand, a caterpillar may be superfluous - it cannot fly, but the rest can, but this is a less generalizing sign, which means it is also a less significant sign, and therefore such a decision is not correct.

Extra - a bear. The sofa and armchairs are furniture and the bear is a toy.

Extra - duck. She is a poultry, and the rest are aquatic. Here you need to draw the attention of the child that the picture is a trick, since a dolphin cannot be called a fish, and therefore it is impossible to combine pictures on this basis. Dolphin is a mammal.

Extra - cactus. He is a plant, the rest are toys.

Extra dandelion. This is a flower, the rest are trees.

Extra mushroom. The rest we will unite with the concept of flowers.

Extra bow. This is a vegetable. The rest are fruits.

The extra one is a dog. This is a mammal. The rest of the birds.

Extra chicken. He is a bird, the rest are mammals.

Extra - banana. This is a fruit. The rest are berries.

Extra boots. These are shoes. The rest is clothes.

Extra grasshopper. This is an insect. The rest of the birds.

Extra bed. The book, notebook and album are school supplies. Bed - furniture.

Extra helicopter. This is air transport, the rest is ground.

Extra bear. This is a forest animal. The rest are African animals.

Extra cap. This is a piece of clothing. The rest is sports equipment.

Extra hat. A handbag, a backpack and a bag are used to carry things, and a hat is for wearing on the head.

Extra mouse. The rest of the animals are domesticated, tamed by man for the benefit. And the mouse is a pest.

Extra table. The rest is dishes.

Extra frog. This animal. The rest is technique.

Extra cherry. This is a berry. The rest is vegetables. The presence of a cucumber is a bit ambiguous, but in culinary terms, cucumbers are traditionally classified as vegetable crops.

The extra one is a kitten. The rest are wild animals, the cat is domestic.

Extra butterfly. This is an insect. The rest are birds.

Extra toys. The rest is transport.

Extra raspberries. These are berries. The rest is flowers.

Extra can be called corn. There are no bones in it, the rest is. Another option is to exclude grapes by color.

The rest is chicken. The rest of the pictures show geese.

Extra - horse. The rest of the pictures are cows.

And a few more pictures without explanation. If something is not clear, ask in the comments.


A source: Zabramnaya SD "From diagnostics to development". - / Materials for the psychological and pedagogical study of children in preschool institutions M .: New school, 1998 - 144 p.

Research objectives
Analytic-synthetic activity in visually perceived objects (first and second options) and on the basis of mental representation (third option) is investigated. Ability to make generalizations. Logical validity and purposefulness. Clarity of representations. Use of help.

Three drawings of different complexity.
There are three squares in the figure (APPENDIX 1), each with four figures, one of which does not fit on one basis (size, color, shape). Offered to children from 5 years old.
In the figure (APPENDIX 2) there are three squares, each with four objects: three of one generic group, and the fourth of another generic group. Offered to children from 6 years old.
In the figure (APPENDIX 3) there are three squares, each with four words-concepts, one of which does not fit. Offered to children from 7 years old.

APPENDICES 1, 2, 3 are offered alternately.

When working with APPENDIX 1, the instruction: "Tell me what does not fit here?".
When working with APPENDIX 2, they are first asked to name what is drawn, and then they ask: "What does not fit here?". Help: "There are three objects (pictures) here that are somehow the same, but one does not fit. Which one?".
When working with APPENDIX 3, the researcher reads the words himself, and then asks the child to name a word that does not fit the rest. If the answer is correct, they are asked to explain the choice.

Analysis of results

Children with normal mental development understand the purpose of the task and independently identify a sign that distinguishes the figure from the rest. They give a speech justification for the principle of highlighting a figure. In working with pictures, they are also able to make an independent generalization and justify the selection of an inappropriate picture. When highlighting words-concepts, re-reading is sometimes required. Leading questions are sufficient for correct execution. It must be borne in mind that the level of development of generalization at this age in children is different. Some immediately highlight the essential features, while others pay attention to side features. This testifies to the insufficient formation of the higher levels of generalization. Nevertheless, in children with normal mental development, there are no cases of inadequate performance of this task.

Children are mentally retarded They do not understand instructions and do not complete tasks on their own. By the age of 6-7, they visually highlight the size, color, but find it difficult to give a speech generalization even with leading questions. The task (APPENDIX 3) is not available to them at this age.

Children with mental retardation understand the instructions, perform tasks (APPENDIX 1). The task (APPENDIX 2) to establish generic groups and their justification causes difficulties. Organizing assistance is effective. Work with the selection of words-concepts (APPENDIX 3) is carried out with leading questions, repeated readings, explanations. Children find it difficult to explain the principle of selection. They have the greatest difficulty in verbal substantiation.





A source: Nemov R.S. "Psychology in 3 volumes". - M.: VLADOS, 1995. - Volume 3, page 148.

This technique is intended for children from 4 to 5 years old and duplicates the previous one for children of this age. It is designed to explore the processes of figurative-logical thinking, mental operations of analysis and generalization in a child. In the methodology, children are offered a series of pictures (APPENDIX 4), which represent different objects, accompanied by the following instructions:
“In each of these pictures, one of the four objects depicted in it is superfluous. Look carefully at the pictures and determine which item and why is superfluous.
You have 3 minutes to solve the problem.

Evaluation of results

10 points- the child solved the task assigned to him in less than 1 minute, naming the extra objects in all the pictures and correctly explaining why they are superfluous.
8 -9 points- the child correctly solved the problem in time from 1 min to 1.5 min.
6 -7 points- the child coped with the task in 1.5 to 2.0 minutes.
4 -5 points- the child solved the problem in 2.0 to 2.5 minutes.
2 -3 points- the child solved the problem in 2.5 minutes to 3 minutes.
0—1 score- the child did not cope with the task in 3 minutes.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points- very tall
8 -9 points- high
4 -7 points- average
-3 points- short
0 - 1 point - very low


APPENDIX 4 B. Additional materials to the methodology "What is superfluous?"


A source: Almanac of psychological tests - M.: KSP, 1996 - 400 p.

To conduct the study, forms of the “Exclusion of the superfluous” methodology will be required, which allow assessing the ability of the subject to generalize and highlight essential features. The technique consists of series, in each series - 4 words. (2 options are offered). The experimenter must have a stopwatch and a protocol for recording responses.

Material: Form with printed series of four to five words.

Instruction and progress: I present the form to the subject and say: “Here, in each line, five (four) words are written, of which four (three) can be combined into one group and give it a name, and one word does not belong to this group. It needs to be found and eliminated (deleted).

Form for verbal option

1. Table, chair, bed, floor, wardrobe.
2. Milk, cream, lard, sour cream, cheese.
3. Boots, boots, laces, felt boots, slippers.
4. Hammer, pincers, saw, nail, ax.
5. Sweet, hot, sour, bitter, salty.
6. Birch, pine, tree, oak, spruce.
7. Plane, cart, man, ship, bicycle.
8. Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov, Peter.
9. Centimeter, meter, kilogram, kilometer, millimeter.
10. Turner, teacher, doctor, book, astronaut.
11. Deep, high, light, low, shallow.
12. House, dream, car, cow, tree.
13. Soon, quickly, gradually, hastily, hastily.
14. Failure, excitement, defeat, failure, collapse.
15. Hate, despise, resent, resent, understand.
16. Success, failure, luck, gain, peace.
17. Bold, brave, resolute, angry, courageous.
18. Football, volleyball, hockey, swimming, basketball.
19. Robbery, theft, earthquake, arson, assault
20. Pencil, pen, drawing pen, felt-tip pen, ink .;

1) book, briefcase, suitcase, wallet;
2) stove, kerosene stove, candle, electric stove;
3) watches, glasses, scales, thermometer;
4) boat, wheelbarrow, motorcycle, bicycle;
5) plane, nail, bee, fan;
6) butterfly, caliper, scales, scissors;
7) wood, whatnot, broom, fork;
8) grandfather, teacher, father, mother;
9) frost, dust, rain, dew;
10) water, wind, coal, grass;
11) apple, book, fur coat, rose;
12) milk, cream, cheese, bread;
13) birch, pine, berry, oak;
14) minute, second, hour, evening;
15) Vasily, Fedor, Semyon, Ivanov.



Number of points

Characteristics of problem solving

The subject correctly and independently names a generic concept to denote:


First, he names the generic concept incorrectly, then he corrects the mistake himself:

1) to designate objects (words) united in one group;
2) to designate an "extra" object (word).

Independently gives a descriptive description of the generic concept to designate:

1) United in one group of objects (words);
2) an "extra" object (word).

The same, but using explorer to denote:


2) an "extra" object (word).

Can't define a generic concept and can't use help to designate

1) objects (words) combined into one group;
2) an "extra" object (word).

If the subject copes with the first three to four tasks and makes mistakes as they become more difficult, or he solves the task correctly, but cannot explain his decision, choose a name for a group of objects, then we can conclude that his intellectual
If the subject explains the reason for combining objects into one group not according to their generic or categorical characteristics, but according to situational criteria (that is, he comes up with a situation in which all objects somehow participate), then this is an indicator of concrete thinking, inability to build generalizations according to essential features.


Anna Apunic

Didactic game« fourth extra»

Target: to develop the ability to classify objects on an essential basis, to generalize.

Development of thinking and attention of preschoolers.

To develop the ability of children to classify objects according to one attribute.

Didactic material: a set of cards, each card shows 4 objects, 3 objects are connected by a common feature, and the 4th extra.

Game progress:

Can play both with one child and with a group of children.

The child is offered any of the cards. He must look at and select cards among the drawings, three of which are classified according to one attribute, one extra item, which does not fit under a single classification.

The child must explain his choice.

For example, a card is presented on which there are drawings of a duck, a goose, a dog, and a chicken. The child must select extra pet dog. The rest should be classified as poultry.

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Game progress:

Show the child a card and say: “Look, 4 pictures are drawn here, 3 of them fit together, they can be called in one word, and the 4th is extra. Which one? Why do you think so?

Types of provocations:
- to size
- by color
- according to the form
- by style
- in count
- by material
No. 1. Dress, shirt, coat, shoes.

Shoes superfluous, since these are shoes, and the dress, shirt and coat are clothes.
No. 2 Turnip, corn, pear, pepper.

Pear superfluous, since it is a fruit, and turnips, corn and peppers are vegetables.
No. 3. Cucumber, Apple, peas. potato.

Apple superfluous, since it is a fruit, and cucumber, peas, potatoes are vegetables.
No. 4. pear, lemon, pumpkin, Apple.

Pumpkin superfluous, since it is a vegetable, and a pear, lemon, apple are fruits.
No. 5. wolf, squirrel, fox, cow.

Cow superfluous, since she is a domestic animal, and the wolf, squirrel, fox are wild animals.
№6. Cat, bear, hare, tiger.

Cat superfluous, since it is a domestic animal, a bear, a hare, a tiger are wild animals.
No. 7. Kefir, butter, cheese, cookies.

Cookies superfluous, since it is a flour product (bakery), and kefir, butter, cheese are dairy products.
No. 8. Potato, Apple, tomato, cabbage.

Apple superfluous, since it is a fruit, and potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage are vegetables.
№9. 3 strawberries, 4 cherries, 4 plums, 4 gooseberries.

3 strawberries, since there are 3 of them, and the rest are 4.
No. 10. Bus, trolleybus, tram, watering machine.

watering machine superfluous, since this is a special technique, and a bus, trolleybus, tram is a passenger transport.
No. 11. Butterfly, bee, 2 beetles, mosquito.

2 beetles superfluous, since there are 2 of them, the remaining insects: a butterfly, a bee, a mosquito one at a time.
No. 12. chanterelles, fly agaric, white mushroom, russula.

fly agaric superfluous, since they are not edible, poisonous mushrooms, the rest of the mushrooms can be eaten.
No. 13. goat, horse, Elk, sheep.

Elk superfluous, since he is a wild animal, and a goat, a horse, a sheep are domestic animals.
No. 14. Elk, bear, pig, Hare.

Pig superfluous, since she is a domestic animal, and an elk, a bear and a hare are wild animals.
No. 15. Table, wardrobe, sofa, chair.

Sofa superfluous, since it refers to upholstered furniture, a table, wardrobe, chair - to wood.
No. 16. Locomotive, helicopter, car, bus.

Helicopter superfluous, since it is air transport, and a steam locomotive, a car and a bus are land transport.
No. 17. Cow, horse, pig, hedgehog.

Hedgehog superfluous, since he is a wild animal, and the cow, horse and pig are domestic animals.
№18. Airplane, ship, boat, sailboat.

Airplane superfluous, since it is an air transport, and a ship, a boat a sailboat is a water one.
№19. Carrot, lemon, pear, apple.

Carrot superfluous, since it is a vegetable, and lemon, pear, apple are fruits.
№ 20. Banana, eggplant, potatoes, beets.

Banana, since it is a fruit, eggplant, potatoes, beets are vegetables.

In the second part of our game from the "The Fourth Extra" series, we will look for an object that is inappropriate in meaning. And if in the first part we were looking for something superfluous among geometric shapes, then this time the objects will be completely different. It can be toys, clothes, animals, birds, plants and flowers. And your task is to find one of the four items that does not fit the rest. The reasons can be very different - a different color or size, different seasons, different properties and behavior. It is very difficult to explain in words - you need to play and try. In order to select an inappropriate item - click on it with the mouse, or with your finger if you play on a tablet or smartphone. And if you guessed right - go to the next level. By the way, there are only 30 levels in this educational game, and we tried to make each subsequent one more difficult than the previous one. And even if you didn't make it, it's okay. You can't lose in this game for kids. Just choose another item. By the way, if you do not agree with our opinion - write in the comments. Let's make a children's website together!

Information for parents(How to help your child play games from the series "The Fourth Extra")

Detailed instructions are given on the example of the first task, which, in the opinion of an adult, is accessible and interesting for a child. Moreover, we tried to do tasks in these games in ascending order. The first ten should not cause difficulties and it is on them that examples should be analyzed together.

Instruction. "Each drawing shows 4 objects. Three of them can be combined with each other, can be called one word, and the fourth object does not fit them. Find which one?"

If the child cannot immediately understand such an explanation of the task, he is given an additional explanation. “Find this unsuitable object, tell me why it does not fit with the others. How can you name the other 3 objects with one word?

If the child still finds it difficult to answer, the adult analyzes the task independently and in as much detail as possible, gives a designation to all three objects (figures) and explains why the fourth object (figure) should be excluded.

A good indicator of successful, meaningful completion of tasks is the independent choice of an "extra" object (figure) and generalization of other objects (figures) according to a common feature, for example; toys, clothes, dishes, quadrilaterals, furniture, shoes, etc.

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