The baby is constantly crying what to do. If the newborn cries too much. Baby crying for no reason

No sooner had the baby been born, and now he is already crying. And moms, especially beginners, go crazy, because they still don’t know how to recognize the “signals” of their crumbs. How to understand why a baby is crying, how to help and whether it is necessary to help him at all?

The main causes of baby crying

When adults cry, then, most likely, they really feel bad, which means that some kind of trouble has happened, and a serious one at that. As far as children are concerned, things are not so simple for them. First of all, it is their nature: newborns cry because they cannot express their feelings and emotions in another way. So, when analyzing children's crying, you should not panic. Stay optimistic!

True, there are more serious reasons leading to crying. Let's organize them. Some of the most common causes of crying include:


This is the same crying that immediately stops after mommy takes the baby in her arms. The child is scared, he cannot yet “live” alone in this world, so he calls for help. Instinctively, the baby needs to feel the smell and warmth of mommy. Do not be afraid that he will be spoiled, will become "tame". Tactile contact with parents is not only a way to calm the baby, but also stimulate his physical and mental development.

Hunger, thirst

The first thing parents should think about when a newborn cries is that he is hungry. Food is the most important need of the child, and in the first months of life, he "talks" about his hunger by crying. Fortunately, it's easy to check if a baby wants to eat. Offer him breast or formula. By the way, in the first 3-4 months, especially if the newborn is breastfed, he has not yet developed a diet. Many mothers feed the baby not according to the regimen, but on demand. Therefore, it is not surprising that adults have not yet adapted to their child and his nutritional needs.

Mom's milk and the mixture will also quench the thirst of the child.

When a newborn begins to cry loudly and nervously, taking short breaks, then most likely he is hungry. Offer your baby breast or formula

Hungry crying has its own characteristics by which it can be identified. Firstly, it is very demanding, accompanied by short breaks in which the baby is waiting to be fed. If food does not appear, the cry continues with renewed vigor, it can turn into hysterics. Secondly, the child smacks his lips and makes sucking movements with his lips. After eating, the child immediately calms down.

Overwork, overexcitation and sleep

A fairly common cause of crying and even tantrums is the overexcitation of the child's nervous system. The body of a newborn is still very weak, it is difficult for him to control even his own body. Therefore, he gets tired quickly. And if at the same time the baby is overexcited and overloaded with impressions, then the load on his body increases. As a result, the baby really wants to sleep, but does not sleep. The result is the bedtime hysteria that scares new moms so much.

To avoid this problem, it should be remembered that a newborn definitely needs a sleep schedule, moreover, organized so that the baby can easily relax and that nothing interferes with him. A semi-dark, well-ventilated room, measured noise (for example, white noise, which you can read about here) are important nuances.

The kid is overtired, overexcited - expect tears! Nervous strain children "reset" through crying. This often explains the tantrums before a night's sleep. Try not to play the crumbs an hour and a half before bedtime

In this regard, pediatricians do not recommend taking a month-old baby (and indeed children up to a year old) with you to noisy crowded places, concerts, football matches, etc. Do not invite a crowd of guests and relatives. This is harmful not only in terms of overexcitability, but also his health (the cub does not need extra bacteria and viruses).

What to do if the baby began to cry and scream? You need to take him in your arms, give him a breast, shake him. Some babies can be soothed by being tightly swaddled.


Oddly enough, but the child may cry before urinating. The thing is that some kids do not yet understand what kind of process this is, and they get scared when they start to write. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

But here you need to be very careful. Crying can also be caused by a urinary tract infection. In girls, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genital organs is also often observed, and in boys - fusion of the foreskin, which can be determined by the stream of urine "to the side", and narrowing of the urethra. The crying of the child in these cases at first looks like a whimper, but just before peeing, the baby begins to cry and scream a lot. An elevated temperature is an indicator that inflammation occurs in the genitourinary system. You should immediately consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.


If the baby has small cracks in the anus, then defecation will cause him discomfort and pain. It is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms: the baby groans, pushes, frowns and cries. Most often, this problem occurs from frequent constipation. If the child has constipation on a regular basis, you should contact a specialist and pass the appropriate tests.


Colic is one of the most common causes of baby crying. As a rule, they begin to torment newborns after feeding in the evening. Gases in the intestines can cause quite a lot of pain, so the baby starts crying suddenly, shuddering, as if he had been pricked, pushes hard and arches. In some children, the cry turns into a tantrum "excitedly." Crying will continue until the colic attack has passed.

To alleviate the condition of the baby, it is necessary to make him a massage of the abdomen “clockwise”, as well as light gymnastics: bend the legs and press tightly against the tummy, raising the ass, then unbend and straighten to the stop. During straightening, the baby farts, and this indicates that the gas is coming out and will soon feel better.

If colic is your daily "headache", and the child often arranges long concerts, then you should tell your pediatrician about this. In addition to massage and gymnastics, he will prescribe other means.

Colic is the most common crying problem in newborns. Gases accumulated in the intestines cause pain and discomfort to the baby. A good sos remedy is a massage and special exercises. Contact your pediatrician, he will show you how to do them correctly.

Heat and cold

Children don't like being too hot or too cold. In both cases, they feel uncomfortable. In this regard, the question arises, how to understand that the baby is cold or hot.

If the little one is overheated, he will whimper sluggishly, spread his legs and arms to the sides. Touch it: the skin will be hot. In infants 3-5 months and older, sweating is already possible, so the skin may be wet. The folds on his body will be especially indicative. Sweat will accumulate there.

If the child is constantly wrapped up, then a problem such as prickly heat may arise. Itchy and itchy red pimples sometimes cover the entire body of the baby. This will be another reason for the crying of the newborn.

If the baby is cold, then his crying is like screaming, which at the end turn into moans and whimpers. At the same time, the child actively pulls the legs and arms. Often a symptom of hypothermia is hiccups. It is worth noting here that hiccups are not always an indicator of hypothermia, but if the baby began to hiccup, then it is worth checking first if he is cold. It's easy to check. Touch his arms and legs. If they are cold, put on socks and mittens (scratches). To accurately determine whether the baby is freezing, the back, chest and tummy will help. If they are cool, then warm your child.

Crying in a dream

Almost all mothers have noticed that a baby cries in a dream. There may be several reasons for this:

  • emotional congestion, leading to nervous overwork, which is expressed by twitching of the limbs in a dream, sobbing and sharp paroxysmal crying;
  • colic (while the baby tightens his legs, screams sharply, strains) or other pain;
  • a newborn cries when he wants to feel his mother nearby;
  • unpleasant, frightening dreams.

Don't wait until the baby is fully awake. Take the crying baby in your arms and shake it, give it a breast. In most cases, this is what he needs.

Other reasons

If all the needs of the child are satisfied, but at the same time he continues to cry, you should pay attention to the following reasons.


Perhaps he is already small to the child and squeezes his legs. Check if he leaves red streaks on his skin. If it does, then it's time to think about buying diapers that match the weight of the crumbs.

The baby will cry even if he emptied himself into the diaper, or the diaper is full of urine, and mom still does not guess to change it. It is very uncomfortable for the baby to lie in a dirty diaper, and, of course, he will worry and mess around.


It is necessary to carefully and regularly examine the baby's body for the appearance of allergic reactions. Rashes, redness can itch and cause concern for the child.


Teeth begin to erupt in most children no earlier than 6 months. If your baby is already about six months old, then you can slowly check his gums. Crying may well be caused by this reason. Recognizing "teeth" is easy: the baby will put his fists in his mouth, scratch his gums, drool, get nervous. Some children have a fever.

There are several ways to soothe a child:

  • firstly, buy him a special "tooth comb" with water inside. It is placed in the refrigerator, the water cools down and pleasantly cools the baby's gums, bringing him relief;
  • secondly, buy a special freezing gum gel that will eliminate discomfort.

Is it good to cry?

On the Internet (and some of our grandmothers also think so), one can find statements that crying is good for a nursing baby: in this way, the lungs open and develop. But it's not. In fact, it is harmful for a baby to cry, it negatively affects his health and character.

Despite the popular belief that crying is good for babies, it is not. Frequent and too long crying, not to mention crying "rolling", is dangerous to health! Do not leave the baby alone with your infantile "problems", take him in your arms and do not be afraid that he will be spoiled

Nikolai Pavlovich Shabalov, a well-known Russian pediatrician and neonatologist, MD, tells about the dangers of crying in his book "Children's Diseases". Moreover, he considers crying (especially with "rolling") dangerous to health, explaining that with a prolonged cry, the baby breathes superficially, due to which the diaphragm function decreases and the ventilation of the lower parts of the lungs is disturbed. Some areas of the lung may even "turn off" from the breathing process.

If the child cries all the time, and even with rolling, then the result will be the occurrence of bronchospasm, and then atelectasis will develop - a condition of the lungs characterized by a complete or partial absence of air in them. Complications of atelectasis are pneumonia, pneumosclerosis and bronchiectasis.

Important to remember

Healthy babies don't cry for no reason! If a newborn is constantly crying, this is not normal, you need to figure out what is bothering him and eliminate the discomfort.

Don't leave a crying baby unattended! In addition to the above reasons, the baby can fall, get tangled, hit, the leg or handle get stuck in the bars of the bed, he can hit himself with a toy, and more. etc. If you hear crying, you need to come up and check why the baby is crying.

Most often, the baby whimpers when he wants to eat, feels discomfort. Screaming trying to get attention. You should not assume that the child is crying for no apparent reason, you must learn to understand him. After all, the baby is absolutely helpless. The further development of the personality depends on how the adaptation goes. A newborn learns to trust family and friends. In this way, the baby pays attention to their needs. By facial expressions, intonations, you can understand what worries the little one.

Types of crying

A newborn expresses his demands in different ways: whimpering, naughty, loudly, demandingly screaming. But it can sob excitedly, yell, blush, choke. It is better not to bring to such a state. This negatively affects the health of the crumbs, leads to serious psychological problems. It is difficult to soothe the baby in this case. This condition can lead to restless sleep and serious developmental disorders.

Although the child is still small, he cannot even speak, but he already knows how to be offended. Especially if they do not comply with his requirements. After all, young children have few needs. It is necessary to feed, change clothes and communicate with him in time. Crying for help from adults. At first, he just makes sounds, if they didn’t pay attention to him, he starts to whimper, then screaming demandingly. If they continue to ignore him, he is offended, and the worst thing is that he ceases to trust. And if he is capricious at night, and no one responds to his call, he develops fear. First of all, it is the fear of loneliness.

If the baby began to whimper, you should immediately pay attention to him. Listen to intonation, look at gestures, facial expressions, find out why the baby is crying.

  1. If he whines, groans, frowns, presses his legs to his stomach, while the cry intensifies, then he is worried about pain. Most often it is the tummy, but it is best to consult a pediatrician.
  2. The baby whimpers, stretching his lips into a tube, while looking for something intensified - he is hungry. The baby should be fed on demand. Later, mom should learn to determine whether she really wants to eat, or indulges. This is not difficult. If he is not hungry, he will smile, look slyly.
  3. Whimpers, yawns, rubs his eyes - it's time to go to bed. To avoid problems with falling asleep, from the first days of life, it is recommended to carry out a special ritual of going to bed. First, the newborn is fed, then they rock it in the crib, sing a lullaby or quietly, monotonously tell a fairy tale.

Sometimes the cause is more difficult to determine. The baby may worry when it is cold or hot, wearing uncomfortable clothes. If there is no apparent reason why the baby often cries, you need to pay attention to his psycho-emotional state.

It is possible that his needs for protection or knowledge of the world around him are not satisfied. It expresses dissatisfaction with one's surroundings.

Important to remember! As soon as the baby began to cry, you must immediately approach him. Especially in the first year of life, when a newborn learns to trust, therefore, he must know what his parents need, he is under protection.

What does crying for no apparent reason mean?

If the baby is constantly naughty, but at the same time is absolutely healthy, his teeth are not cut, dry, not hungry, then the problem is in the psycho-emotional state. Something could scare him, or just the day was full of new impressions. A newborn may cry because:

  • fearfully;
  • dissatisfied with their surroundings;
  • postpartum stress, especially if the birth was difficult.

Especially often children are capricious, sleep restlessly at night after the guests leave. All day long, unfamiliar, unusual people picked up, squeezed, or simply lisped with the baby. Naturally, the child will be nervous. Moreover, at this age, the nervous system is not yet mature, the baby reacts with a whimper. Even older children, after a busy day, can start crying just like that.

Children between the ages of 4 months and six months are often mischievous because they want to explore the environment. Parents during this period need to be patient and carry the baby wherever they want. That is how the world is known. Children are curious, they have a developed need for knowledge of the environment.

If the baby walks at night and sleeps during the day, it is necessary to change his regimen.

It's important to know! If the baby is worried for no reason, and the parents themselves cannot cope, it is advisable to contact a perinatologist psychologist. The specialist will tell you why and how to calm him down in order to grow a full-fledged personality.

Why does the baby cry at night

There is an absolutely healthy baby, whose teeth are not cut, sobs in a dream. Wakes up suddenly at night screaming. Why is this happening?

The child is scared. I had an incomprehensible dream that scared me. Something woke me up, but no one was around. Young children are most afraid of being alone.

  • Checks if there is someone nearby.
  • Went to bed too late.
  • He had a busy day. Many impressions, even pleasant ones, cause such a reaction due to the imperfection of the nervous system. This is a normal reaction for children.
  • Before going to bed, he was capricious or actively played.

If a child begins to whimper at night for no apparent reason, soothe him in this way. First, say something soothing. Sometimes it's enough to say h-h-h or sh-sh-sh. The baby hears that there is a close and dear person nearby, calms down and falls asleep.

If the whimpering is replaced by a persistent, demanding cry, approach the child. You can even pick up. When he calms down, he should be put in the crib. In this case, you need to talk quietly, or sing a lullaby. You can move the bed. Otherwise, the baby will get used to being in his arms all the time, and will not sleep on his own.

Why do babies cry over a year

Not only babies are naughty, but older children can also start to sob for no apparent reason. If you start asking questions, it turns out that nothing hurts, and why the tears appeared is not clear.

Adult children may cry at night because they had a nightmare. Or just afraid to sleep in the dark. Such fears and anxieties should be paid attention to, otherwise a nervous, emotionally unstable personality will grow up. And that's bad for mental and physical health.

Children cry for no reason, not only at night. Such a reaction is observed after matinees, a long walk. It would seem that everything is fine. Why were there tears?

  1. This is an emotional reaction to a busy day. There were too many impressions.
  2. Tired, not comfortable.
  3. Expectations were not justified. The event was long awaited, but it all ended so quickly.
  4. Something doesn't work for him.

If an older child is naughty, you should be patient, give the opportunity to cry. This will relieve nervous tension, remove toxins from the body and the child will begin new achievements.

What to do if the baby is crying for no apparent reason

Many people think that if a newborn whimpers supposedly just like that, one should not pay attention to whims, otherwise it will not be possible to leave oneself later. This approach is not correct. When the baby is worried, it means that he needs something, so help is required. Otherwise, the baby will be offended, stop trusting.

It is not worth taking the baby in your arms right away. It is desirable to respond immediately. Often a child, having heard the voice of his relatives, calms down. It is important for him that someone from his family is nearby. If the whimpering continues, it is necessary to approach the baby, smile, talk, play. If after that the baby continues to scream, then you need to pick him up. To vilify, shake, quietly talk to him or hum.

When the baby demands that he be given such a thing in his hands that cannot be played, it is advisable to switch his attention. Show the toy, start telling how animals speak (a dog barks - woof-woof, a cat meow-meow, etc.). This will help not only distract the child, but also contribute to the development of speech.

If you want to raise a hysterical, trusting, selfish, naughty child, be sure to follow the following rules:

  1. As soon as the baby whined, scream. After all, it interferes with sleep or doing something. When he grows up, he will become nervous, he will not talk calmly. At every word he says, he starts to snap.
  2. In no case do not approach the child until he turns blue from screaming. Otherwise, when he grows up, he will share his problems, believe that his parents need him, they will always help him.
  3. Allow him everything that requires, so long as he does not cry. In the future, you will indulge all whims, resent that no one is friends with him, does not play. In stores, the child will throw demanding tantrums.
  4. As soon as the baby whimpers, immediately grab it in your arms and wear it constantly. In the future, you will have to carry him all the time, he will not let go anywhere from himself.
  5. Do not try to find the reason why the tears appeared. Show complete indifference to the life of your child.

The attitude of adults to children's whims affects the further development of the individual. If you indulge him all the time, fulfill the requirements, if only he doesn’t yell, then in the future he will throw tantrums in order to achieve his goal. Ignoring crying is also impossible. Then a closed, distrusting personality will grow up, and a hidden resentment towards parents will affect further psychological development.

Emotional children are a special case. Tears appear in their eyes with or without reason. This can only be temporarily reconciled. With age, gradually accustom to keep emotions under control.

Each child needs a special approach to understand why he is naughty, what to do with these. Parents who are attentive to their child will be able to determine the fine line when to pamper the baby or vice versa.

For children aged 1 to 3. In-car play set, consisting of an interactive truss harness (attached to the back of the front seat, in front of the child) and a touch-sensitive steering wheel for children.

What does this mean?

If this is your first child, then this question will especially excite you. The child grows and you become more experienced. You can already tell by the nature of crying what the child needs, and he himself has less and less reasons to cry.

When a baby cries, you think to yourself, “Is he hungry? Isn't it sick? Maybe it's wet? Maybe he has a tummy ache or is he just acting up? Parents forget about the main reason for crying - fatigue. As for the above questions, it is easy to find the answer to them.

However, the crying of a child can not always be explained by these reasons. After 2 weeks, newborns (especially firstborns) have daily periods of crying, which can be called anything, but is very difficult to explain. If a baby cries regularly at the same time in the afternoon or evening, we say that the baby is having colic (if he has pain, gas and his stomach is swelling) or a period of irritable crying (if he is not swelling). If a child cries day and night, then we sigh and say that he is a restless child. If he is extremely irritable, we say that he is an overexcitable child. But we do not know the reasons for the different types of behavior in newborns. We only know that this behavior is typical for them and gradually corrected usually by 3 months. Perhaps all these types of behavior are variations of the same state. One can only vaguely feel that the first 3 months of a child's life are a period of adaptation of his imperfect nervous and digestive systems to the outside world. For some children, this process is easy, for others it is difficult. Most importantly, remember that constant crying in the first weeks after birth is a temporary phenomenon and does not mean that the baby is sick.


Whether you're feeding your baby on a relatively strict schedule or "on demand," you'll soon know what time he's most hungry and what time he just wakes up early. If during the previous feeding the child drank quite a bit of milk and woke up 2 hours earlier than the due time, then he may be crying from hunger. But not necessarily. Often the baby drinks much less milk than usual and sleeps all 4 hours until the next feeding.

If a child drank the usual amount of milk and woke up crying after 2 hours, it is very unlikely that the cause of his crying is hunger. (If he wakes up screaming an hour after his last feed, the most likely cause is gas.) If he wakes up after 2.5 to 3 hours, try feeding him before you do anything else.

When a child cries of hunger, the mother first of all thinks that she does not have enough breast milk or, if the child is bottle-fed, that his portion of cow's milk is not enough for him. But this does not happen suddenly, in one day. It usually begins with the fact that the child completely drinks all the milk for several days and looks for more with his mouth. He starts to wake up crying a little earlier than usual. In most cases, the baby begins to scream with hunger immediately after feeding only after he has been waking up a few days a little earlier for the next feeding. As the baby's nutritional needs increase, so does the supply of breast milk. More complete and frequent emptying of the breast stimulates greater milk production. Of course, it is likely that for a short time the amount of breast milk may decrease sharply due to fatigue or anxiety of the mother.

I would like to summarize the above as follows. If the baby has been crying frantically for 15 minutes or more, and if more than 2 hours have passed since the last feeding, or even less than 2 hours, and the baby drank very little milk during the previous feeding, feed him. If he falls asleep satisfied, then you guessed his desire. If he cried less than 2 hours after drinking his usual portion of milk at the last feeding, then he is unlikely to cry from hunger. Let him cry for 15-20 minutes if you can stand it. Try to calm him down with a pacifier. If he cries more and more, then try to feed him. It won't harm him. (Don't formula-feed your baby as soon as you feel your milk supply is low. If he's crying with hunger, breastfeed him anyway.)

Is he sick?

The most common diseases in infancy are colds and intestinal diseases. Their symptoms are known: runny nose, cough or loose stools. Other diseases are extremely rare. If your baby not only cries but looks unusual, take his temperature and see a doctor.

Does the child cry because he is wet or dirty?

Very few children are bothered by wet or dirty diapers. Most kids just don't notice it. However, it will not hurt the baby if you change the diaper once again when he cries.

Is the pin in his diaper loose?

It happens once every 100 years, but you should check to be sure.

Does his tummy hurt?

Try to help the child burp air, even if he did it before - pick him up and hold him upright, as a rule, the child burps air after 10-15 seconds.

Is he spoiled?

The question of spoilage arises only after 3 months of age. I think there can be no doubt that in the first month the child has not yet had time to become spoiled.


If the child is awake for too long, or if he is among strangers or in an unfamiliar place for a long time, or if the parents have played with him for too long, then this can cause his nervous tension and irritation. You expect him to be tired and soon to fall asleep, but instead he, on the contrary, cannot sleep at all. If parents or strangers try to calm the child by continuing to play and talk to him, this will only make matters worse.

Some children are so arranged that they can not fall asleep peacefully. They get so tired towards the end of each waking period that their nervous system tenses up, creating a kind of barrier that children must overcome before falling asleep. These children need to cry. Some children cry at first loudly and desperately, and then either suddenly or gradually the crying subsides and they fall asleep.

So, if your baby cries at the end of the wakeful period after feeding, then first assume that he is tired and put him to bed. Have him cry for 15-30 minutes if he needs to. Some babies sleep better when left alone in the crib; All children should be taught this. But other babies calm down more quickly when they are gently rocked in a stroller, or their crib is moved back and forth (if it has wheels), or carried around, preferably in a darkened room. It is possible to help the child to sleep in this way from time to time when he is especially tired, but not every day. The child can get used to this way of falling asleep and will not want to fall asleep without motion sickness, which sooner or later will begin to annoy you.

restless children

Most newborns, especially first-borns, have at least a few bouts of angry crying in the first weeks. Some babies especially cry a lot and angrily, either sometimes or most of the time. These periods of angry crying alternate with periods of unusually deep sleep, when it is simply impossible to wake the child. We do not know the reason for this behavior; perhaps the reason is the imperfection of the digestive or nervous system. This behavior does not mean illness and passes over time, but for parents this is a very difficult time. You can try several ways to calm such a child. Try giving him a pacifier if your doctor doesn't mind. Try to swaddle him tightly. Some mothers and experienced nannies find that restless babies feel much better in a small space - in a small basket or even in a cardboard box lined with a blanket on the inside. If you have a stroller or cradle, try rocking your baby before bed, maybe a slight movement will calm him down. Riding in a car miraculously puts restless children to sleep, but the trouble is that everything starts all over again at home. A heating pad can soothe a child. Try also to put him to sleep with music.

hyperexcitable child

This is an unusually nervous and restless child. His muscles are unable to fully relax. He starts violently at the slightest noise or when he changes position. For example, if the child is lying on his back and rolls over on his side, or if the person holding him suddenly moves him, he may jump in fright. Such a child usually does not like to swim in the first 2 months. An overexcitable child may also suffer from gas or cry angrily on a regular basis. For hyperexcitable children, it is necessary to create a calm environment: a quiet room, a minimum of visitors, low voices, slow movements when caring for them. Wash and swaddle such a baby on a large pillow (in a waterproof pillowcase so that he does not roll over. Keep him swaddled most of the time. Put him on his tummy in a small bed with walls: in a stroller, crib or in a box. Doctors often prescribe a sedative for newborns .

Colic in the first 3 months

and regular angry crying. These two conditions are usually related and their symptoms are similar. Colic is a sharp pain in the intestines caused by gases that puff up the baby's tummy. He tightens his legs or stretches them and strains, screams piercingly and sometimes releases gases through the anus. In the second case, the child cries desperately for several hours every day at the same time, although he eats well and is not sick with anything. Some children have gas pains, others just have a regular need to scream angrily every day, and still others have both. All these conditions begin 2-4 weeks after birth and usually resolve by 3 months, with in all cases the worst time being between 6 pm and 10 pm.

Here is a typical story: in the maternity hospital, the mother was told that she had a calm baby, and a few days after he was brought home, he was suddenly irritated by angry crying, which continued for 3-4 hours without a break. His mother changes his diaper, turns him over, gives him water, but all this helps only for a minute. After about two hours, it seems to her that the child is hungry, because he tries to put everything he needs into his mouth. His mother gives him milk, which he drinks greedily at first, but quickly gives up and starts screaming again. Sometimes this heartbreaking cry continues the entire break from one feeding to another, after which the child "miraculously" calms down.

Very many newborns have only a few of these seizures in the first months, but some babies have these screaming fits every night for the first 3 months.

Some newborns have gas and periods of angry crying very regularly, for example from 6 to 10 pm or from 2 to 6 pm, and the rest of the time they sleep like angels. In some other newborns, these periods are longer, even up to half a day or, much worse, up to half a night. Sometimes the child begins to worry even during the day, and by night the crying intensifies, or vice versa. Pain from gas (colic) most often begins after feeding, either immediately or after half an hour. Remember that hunger makes the baby scream before feeding.

The mother suffers when she hears her child crying and thinks that he has a serious illness. She is amazed that the child is not at all tired of crying for a long time. Mother's nerves are extremely tense. The most amazing thing is that a child who cries a lot develops physically well. Despite many hours of screaming, he continues to put on weight, and at an accelerated pace. He eats with gusto, quickly devouring his portion and demanding more. When a child suffers from gas, the mother first of all thinks that the reason for this is nutrition (artificial or breastfeeding). If the child is bottle-fed, the mother asks the doctor if she should change the composition of the milk formula, like the child of the neighbors. Changes in diet occasionally do bring some relief, but in most cases they do nothing. It is clear that the quality of food is not the main cause of gases. Why does the child normally absorb all food, except for one feeding, and cry only in the evenings? Colic (pain from flatus) comes from both breast and cow's milk. And sometimes the cause of them is considered orange juice.

We do not know the underlying cause of colic or regular angry crying. Perhaps the fault is the periodic tension of the imperfect nervous system of the child. Some of these children are almost constantly overexcited (see section 250). The fact that the baby usually cries in the evening points to fatigue as one of the reasons. Many newborns under 3 months are extremely aroused before falling asleep. They cannot sleep without yelling at least a little piercingly.

Colic treatment

Most importantly, parents need to understand that gas is common in newborns, that it does not cause harm to the baby (on the contrary, children who gain weight well are more likely to suffer from gas) and that by 3 months or earlier it will pass without leaving a trace. . If parents find the strength to calmly relate to the cry of a child, then half of the problem has already been solved. Overexcitable children need a calm lifestyle, a quiet room, tenderness and slowness in care, quiet voices, and the absence of visitors. Do not play violently with such a child, do not tickle him, do not go for walks with him in noisy places. A child suffering from colic also needs affection, a smile, in the company of parents, like other children, but he must be handled with special care. Mothers should show such a child to the doctor more often. The doctor may prescribe a sedative. A properly prescribed medicine will not harm a child and will not instill in him the habit of sedatives, even if they are used for several months.

If there is no way to consult a doctor, try a home remedy - a pacifier. This usually proves to be a very effective sedative, but some parents and doctors will not approve of pacifiers.

A child suffering from gas feels better lying on his stomach. You will bring even more relief to him by placing his tummy on his knees or on a heating pad and stroking his back. The temperature of the heating pad should be checked with the inside of your wrist. The heating pad should not burn your skin. Wrap the heating pad in a diaper or towel before placing it on the baby.

If the gas pains are unbearable, then an enema of warm water will bring relief to the child. This remedy should not be used regularly, but only in especially severe cases and as prescribed by a doctor. Is it possible to pick up a child, rock him or carry him in his arms if he is crying from gases? Even if it calms him down, won't it lead to spoilage? Nowadays, they are no longer afraid to spoil the child, as before. If a child is not feeling well and you comfort him, he will not require comfort when he feels good. If motion sickness or carrying in your arms calms a small child, go to meet him. However, if he still cries in his arms, then it is better not to wear him so as not to accustom him to hands.

Especially nervous children should be under close medical supervision. Most of them recover quickly, but the first 2-3 months is a very difficult time for both them and their parents.

Parents have a hard time with a restless, hyperexcitable, gassy, ​​or irritable child

Often, when you take such a child in your arms to calm him down, he first falls silent for a few minutes, and then begins to cry with renewed vigor. At the same time, he beats with his hands and feet. He resists your consolations and even seems to be angry with you for it. Deep down in your heart, you are hurt and offended. You feel sorry for the child (at least in the beginning). You feel helpless. But every minute the child gets more and more angry, and you, too, cannot help but get angry with him in the depths of your soul. You feel ashamed that you are angry with such a baby. You try to suppress your anger, and this leads to more nervous tension in the child.

It is not surprising that you are angry in such a situation, and you need not be ashamed of it. If you admit that you are angry and try to take it with humor, then it will be easier for you to get through this period. Also, remember that the child is not at all angry with you, although he cries angrily. He does not yet know that you are a person and that he is also a person.

If you are unlucky and your baby cries a lot, despite the best efforts of the doctor and yours, you should think about yourself. Maybe you are a calm, balanced person by nature and do not worry, making sure that the child is not sick and that you have done everything possible for him. But many mothers literally go crazy and bring themselves to exhaustion, hearing the cry of a child, especially if he is the firstborn. You should definitely find an opportunity to leave the house and the child for a few hours at least 2 times a week (or even more often if possible).

Of course, you are uncomfortable asking someone to stay with the child. You think: “Why should I force my child on other people. Besides, I'll still be worried about him." You should not treat this little rest as a pleasure. And for you, and for the child, and for your husband, it is important that you do not reach exhaustion and depression. If you have no one to find a replacement for yourself, then let your husband sit with the child 2-3 times a week while you go to visit or go to the movies. Your husband should also spend one or two evenings a week away from home. A child does not need two listeners at once in the face of worried parents. Let your friends come to visit you. Remember, anything that helps you keep your peace of mind, that distracts you from worrying about the child, ultimately helps both the child and the whole family.

A child appeared in the house: cute, smiling and so small! You involuntarily want to protect and protect him from everything in the world, but sometimes it is difficult for a mother to help a baby, it is especially difficult to figure out why a baby is crying. Some grandmothers say: “Let him scream - he develops his lungs!”. But this approach is by no means correct. It is imperative to understand the cause of children's crying and find a solution.

Children's cry as communication

A child's cry broke the silence - a new man was born. All expectant mothers are looking forward to the first cry and rejoice when they hear it. And the absence of a cry, on the contrary, makes you worry and wonder if everything is in order. Screaming means everything is fine: this logic only works at the birth of a baby. Healthy young children whose needs are fully met do not cry for no reason.

Young children cannot talk, and crying is often the only way to express their needs. But how to understand what exactly the child wanted to “say” with the help of crying? An interesting way to understand why a baby is crying was proposed by Spanish scientists. They advise looking into the baby's eyes. If they are open, then the child is angry or scared, and if the eyes are closed, then it hurts.

Also, experts advise to look at the facial expressions of the baby and the nature of crying. An angry child cries loudly and sobbing, gradually calming down. When sick, crying can drag on for several hours. The child will not only not calm down over time, but will start crying more.

Objective causes of baby crying

A child may cry for various reasons. Some of them are easy to "calculate", others need to be guessed. But every mother should know what baby crying can mean. Here is a list of the most objective causes of baby crying:

  • Hunger. The crying of a hungry child is accompanied by special movements and grimaces: he pulls his hands to his mother, smacks his lips and turns his head from side to side, looking for breasts.
  • The child wants to sleep. relatively few. Basically, he sleeps - this is necessary for the development and processing of the information received. If the baby's mood changed dramatically, and he began to cry, not responding to attempts to distract and cheer him up, it is worth putting the child to bed.
  • Wet diaper. Even disposable diapers sometimes cause a lot of anxiety in children when they get wet, not to mention reusable gauze diapers. Crying because of a wet diaper is accompanied by leg movements, so the baby is trying to get rid of it (knocking legs).
  • Overwork. If the child began to cry for seemingly no reason, it is possible that he received too much information and was overworked. Crying, he signals the desire to rest. This often happens after the arrival of guests.
  • The child is sweaty or cold. If the baby is crying, check if the ambient temperature is comfortable for him. If the nose and hands are cold, the baby is cold. And if he blushed, he had sweating - it means that he overheated. This discomfort can also cause children to cry.
  • Colic. Colic is caused by gas in the intestines. A characteristic feature of crying due to colic is pulling the legs to the tummy. Also, as a rule, colic occurs at the same time. Then the baby starts crying.
  • Teeth are cutting. Teeth begin to erupt at the age of 6 months. In some children, this unpleasant process is painless, in others, on the contrary, it is accompanied by severe pain. At the same time, the child shows anxiety, constantly cries, pulls everything into his mouth and loses his appetite.
  • Uncomfortable clothing. The crying of the baby may be due to the narrow elastic band on the sliders, bulging buttons, hard seams, lightning, which can pinch the baby's delicate skin. It is necessary to check whether all things are comfortable and whether they cause discomfort to the child.
  • Weather change. Young children are exposed to weather anomalies: magnetic storms, sudden changes in temperature and pressure, and others.
  • Lack of attention. Sometimes children just want to feel that their mother is there. Their crying is a kind of call. Crying due to lack of attention disappears as soon as the mother takes the child in her arms. Attempts to put him in the crib are accompanied by new crying.
  • Pain. The crying of a child caused by pain is the most dangerous. A sick baby cries constantly. Because of the pain, the child often wakes up at night, shuddering sharply, and crying loudly. It is advisable to contact a pediatrician, especially if the parents can know the reason why the child fell ill (cold, fell, poisoned).
  • Inflammation in the urinary tract. In this case, the child cries before peeing. An increase in temperature can also be an indicator.
  • Irritation of the anus. In this case, the child will cry during bowel movements. The reasons for this may be improper or insufficient hygiene, inaccurate insertion of a gas outlet tube or suppositories into the anus.

Why does the baby cry during feeding?

Separately, I would like to consider the crying of the child during feeding. As a rule, such behavior of a newborn often scares the mother. She fears that he will refuse to breastfeed altogether. Moreover, the well-established process of breastfeeding is extremely important both for the health of the baby and for the health of the mother.

Consider the reasons for the crying of the child during feeding:

  • Pain in the mouth. It occurs due to stomatitis (thrush) or pharyngitis. Thrush can be identified by the white film that appears in the baby's mouth. With pharyngitis, the baby has difficulty swallowing due to a sore throat and cries.
  • Otitis. This disease is accompanied by pain in the ears when swallowing. Therefore, a hungry little child literally pounces on his chest, but at the first sips he starts crying.
  • Hot milk. For this reason, the child can take the breast, then throw it, cry, take it again, throw it ... Milk becomes unpleasant in taste if the mother has eaten onion, garlic or spicy food.
  • "Rapid" milk. When milk fills the breast, its flow becomes too strong. The baby is choking and for this reason is crying.
  • Lack of milk. If there is not enough milk, the baby sucks hard at the breast, but does not gorge. This makes him angry and he cries.
  • neurological disorders. One of them is hydrocephalic syndrome. In this case, when swallowing, the child experiences headaches. You should immediately consult a doctor.

In order for the child to calm down, you need to find out the reason for his crying - that is, what he asks for - and eliminate it. It is clear that if the baby is hungry, he needs to be fed, if the child cries before sleep or is overtired, put him to bed. A wet diaper should be replaced with a dry one, and the baby should be washed and smeared with cream on the ass. A frozen baby will fall asleep as soon as it warms up: change clothes or lie down together under the covers and warm the baby with the warmth of your own body. If the child is sweating, wipe it with a damp swab and change into lighter clothing.

To save a child from colic, several measures should be taken to prevent colic and prevent their occurrence:

  • Adjust ;
  • It is correct to give the baby a breast;
  • After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position: "gopher" or "column";
  • Help your child cope with pain. To do this, you can attach a warm diaper to his tummy, put the baby with his tummy on your chest, or massage the tummy clockwise.

When teething, pain can be reduced with the help of teethers or special gels. So that a month-old baby does not worry about uncomfortable clothes, choose seamless options or with seams outward. Rubber bands should not be tight. It is better to replace buttons with studs, and do not use zippers at all. Very comfortable slips that combine a blouse, panties, socks and "scratches".

If the child does not have enough attention, put aside all the affairs and caress him. The same should be done when the weather changes. Rock the child, sing him a calm song, tell rhymes or nursery rhymes. When crying caused by unknown reasons, you need to seek the advice of a doctor and immediately begin the prescribed treatment. In the meantime, show your child how much you love him and how dear he is to you.

Often, young mothers are faced with baby crying and cannot understand what is wrong. It is almost impossible to calm a newborn without eliminating the cause of crying. What to do? How to understand why the baby is crying? How to calm a newborn baby and provide him with comfort?

Why is the baby crying

If the baby screams and does not let up, then there is a reason for this. It must be understood that a newborn child uses crying as a means to convey to others his dissatisfaction with something. A baby still does not know how to manipulate and seek mother's attention by crying. Therefore, when you hear children's cries, you need to take it seriously and look for the cause.

The main reasons for the crying of a newborn baby:

  • Hunger.
  • Colic.
  • Wet diaper or diaper.
  • The baby is cold or, conversely, he is hot.
  • The child is tired and cannot sleep.
  • Fear, anxiety.
  • Desire to satisfy the sucking reflex.
  • Malaise, illness.
  • Response to geomagnetic and weather conditions.

How to eliminate the causes of crying baby

Hunger is easily eliminated by giving the baby a breast or a bottle of milk or formula. It is necessary to feed the baby on demand or follow the regimen and avoid interruptions in meals for more than 3-4 hours. For children of the first 3 months of life, the intervals between feedings should be no more than 2-3 hours.

It is enough to replace a wet diaper with a clean one, and the baby will immediately stop crying. You can not miss this moment and forget about changing diapers. A long stay in wet diapers threatens not only discomfort, but also inflammation of the skin (diaper rash).

Colic is a very common problem. Dealing with them is not easy, but possible. In this case, it may help:

  • tummy massage clockwise;
  • riding a ball (the baby lies with his stomach on the ball, and the mother, holding the child, gently rolls him back and forth);
  • anti-colic drugs;
  • frequent laying on the tummy;
  • a warm heating pad or diaper to be applied to the baby's stomach;
  • use of special anti-colic bottles.

A cold baby needs to be warmed up. To do this, it is enough to dress him warmer and vilify in his arms. You can use a heating pad wrapped in a diaper. It is better not to use heaters, as they burn out oxygen in the room, which is very harmful for an infant. Their use is advisable only if the room is really very cold.

Often babies cry out of a desire to satisfy the sucking reflex. This can happen both in sleep and while awake. In order to calm the baby, it is enough to give him a pacifier, a bottle of water or a breast.

When a child is hot, everything must be done to eliminate the cause of the heat. If this happens on the street, then you need to go into the shade and give the baby a drink of water. If possible, take off any excess clothing. At home, you can turn on the air conditioner or open the window, while making sure that the direct flow of cool air does not fall on the baby. It is also necessary to install a regulator on the radiators in order to prevent excessive heat in the room.

If the baby is tired and cannot fall asleep from overexcitement, then the mother needs to retire with him in a quiet room, shake slightly, breastfeed, sing a song. In 99% of cases, these measures will be enough to make the child fall asleep. In a similar way, you can calm a child who is experiencing fear or anxiety.

A child may also cry because of some disease, such as otitis media. In this case, it is difficult to immediately determine the cause. It is necessary to monitor the body temperature of the crumbs. If the crying continues for more than a few hours, then the best solution is to go to the doctor.

Also, crying can be caused by geomagnetic storms, low atmospheric pressure, etc. Unfortunately, in this case, it is impossible to eliminate the cause, one must be patient and be constantly close to the baby, thereby alleviating his ailments.

Why else can a baby cry. How to help him?

A lot of babies cry while swimming. There can be several reasons - too cold or hot water, fear (especially during the very first baths), discomfort, for example, associated with a cramped bath or other factors. It must be remembered that bathing should bring joy and pleasure, so a crying child should be immediately removed from the water and the procedure should be postponed until the next time.

Sometimes babies cry a lot in their sleep. This may be the so-called scanning cry, when the baby checks to see if the mother is nearby. This is a subconscious reflex, and the child unconsciously screams without even waking up. It is enough just to take the baby in your arms, give him a breast or a dummy, say a few kind words to him, and the baby will immediately calm down.

Also, crying in a dream can be associated with an uncomfortable posture. In this case, you need to carefully turn the child over so that he lies freely and not pinched. You can put it on your tummy. This position relieves the pain of colic, and many babies intuitively prefer this sleeping position. Also, many children love the pose "on the side, a little falling on the tummy." This pose can also relieve colic spasms.

Another common symptom is crying after feeding. This suggests that the baby is tormented by discomfort. You can wear it vertically, lightly pat on the back, facilitating the release of excess air. The baby will immediately stop screaming as soon as he burps air or excess food.

Babies often cry because of teething. This is inevitable and painful, but it is possible to alleviate the condition of the child. To do this, you can use special teething toys, anesthetic gels for gums, peeled and washed carrots from the refrigerator (it can only be used for those babies who do not yet have teeth, otherwise the child may bite off a piece and choke). Of course, all these methods provide only temporary relief, so you have to be patient and wait until the tooth finally erupts.

Often, children's cries are associated with uncomfortable clothing - things are tight and small, rough seams rub the skin, low-quality dye causes allergic itching and rashes, the fabric of the product is unpleasant for the skin. In this case, you need to pay great attention to the children's wardrobe and choose only high-quality children's clothes. It is better to buy the size of things a couple of values ​​\u200b\u200bmore than necessary. Firstly, such things will definitely not be cramped for the child, and secondly, they will last for a longer time.

Sometimes children cry from loneliness. This happens in those families where the child is not given enough time, and the parents are busy with work and personal affairs. What to do in this case? Of course, remember the role of mother and take care of the baby. The worldview of a one-month-old baby is such that he feels like a part of his mother, her presence and tactile contact are of great importance for his development and psychological comfort.

Crying for no apparent reason is characteristic of children who are easily excitable. They experience strong emotions, but cannot yet cope with them on their own due to an immature nervous system. It all results in constant whimpers, whims, screams.

What to do if the baby is crying for no apparent reason

Sometimes the child is constantly crying, and the mother has already done everything to make him comfortable, but he does not let up.

Sound sleep is the best medicine for these babies, but putting them to sleep is just not easy. Here are some tips for calming and putting a crying baby to sleep:

  • Tight swaddling helps a lot. Of course, you should not constantly swaddle the baby. This is harmful and does not contribute to development, but this method can be used during sleep.
  • "White noise". Strange, but many children love monotonous hissing sounds. It can be a hair dryer, a vacuum cleaner, an out of tune radio that does not broadcast any radio station. Now you can even download a music file with such sounds and turn it on to your little one from your smartphone or mp3 player.
  • Many experts are against pacifier training, but it can be a panacea. A huge percentage of children up to a year and older can only fall asleep with her. No need to suffer - give the baby a pacifier if he likes it. When he grows up, the need for it will disappear by itself.
  • Light rocking in the arms is an ancient and proven way to calm and lull a child. But do not do it too hard and abruptly. This is harmful, and the baby may even lose consciousness. Only light and smooth movements with a small amplitude, like a dance. By the way, such a modern gadget as a deck chair or an electric swing can help here.
  • Children sleep most soundly in a kind of cocoon from a blanket. You need to make a kind of nest by tucking a blanket under the back and tummy of the crumbs. In this position, he will be warm and comfortable, the baby will fall asleep faster and will sleep much calmer.
  • A mother's voice can have a very good calming effect on the baby. You can sing a lullaby, read poetry, talk to your child in a quiet, calm voice. This will help stop crying.
  • Millions of women have already appreciated the benefits of a sling. In it, the child is as close as possible to the mother, while his posture is quite physiological, and the woman's hands are free. With the help of such a device, it is easy to rock the baby, if you just put it in a sling and walk around with it.
  • Sometimes switching the attention of the child helps to distract from crying. For this purpose, you can use rattles, clapping, rustling with a bag or paper. After the baby calms down, it will be easy to put him to sleep.
  • Some excitable babies are helped to fall asleep by a long walk in the fresh air or by bathing and then getting a massage.
  • The benefits of motherhood cannot be underestimated. No need to be afraid to carry the baby in your arms. This is natural and normal. Contrary to many opinions, it is impossible to “accustom” a baby to hands. If a child wants to be close to his mother, then this is not a whim, but a natural desire. Next to mommy, any baby feels good and safe. This is the most effective way to calm the baby.

If the baby cries often, then you need to be more attentive to him, and the reason will become obvious, and by eliminating it, you can easily achieve peace and quiet in the family. If the cause cannot be eliminated (teeth, geomagnetic conditions), then you need to be patient and survive these moments, they happen to everyone.