Folk recipes. Folk remedies for beauty: debunk myths

Modern scientists who love to prove everything very much and make different sensational discoveries, with confidence they declare that men and women are completely different creatures. Indeed, very many processes among representatives of the strong and beautiful (we will not speak - "weak") of the floor proceeds differently.

Everyone heard statements about male and female logic, male and female thinking, male and female physiology and features of hormonal exchange. The same tasks, be it mathematics or the development of difficult languages \u200b\u200bfor the perception of languages, representatives of opposite sexes decide in their own way - men involve some areas of the brain, and women are others.

In the brain of men 6 times more gray matter, and in the brain of women - 10 times more than whites. We will not once again find out who is smarter and most importantly - here it is not about it.

Everyone knows about a healthy diet, but most often this issue is considered as a whole - healthy human nutrition. About nutrition for sexual signs remember less often. Nevertheless, every thinking person is understandable - if a man and a woman - creatures are different, then they should have a diet. And this is not that women love sweet, and men are meat and other protein products. We simply require certain products to always stay in the form - and precisely on the basis of gender. In this article we would like to talk about the features of the nutrition of women.

Nowadays, women know a lot about how to be spectacular and perfectly look, like men and be successful. To achieve the desired result, many women spend large sums on expensive cosmetics, beauty salons, clothes "from Couture" and much more. And it is absolutely correct - beauty requires constant care and investment.

However, women often think that expensive cosmetics will hide fatigue and unhealthy skin color, and expensive clothes and decorations compensate for the flaws of the figure. But about the fact that beauty comes from the inside, and to create it is required to make at least some efforts, most often forget - just do not have time to think about it in the desire to keep up with the fashion and make a career at work. And therefore, before rushing into a corporate store for tonal cream, powder and blush, think about your inner world - in all senses and directions.

The female organism has certain features - for example, as a result of monthly physiological processes, a woman loses a lot of blood. Therefore, by 40 years, majority of women develop iron deficiency anemia, which is manifested by muscle weakness and disadvantages, as well as the occurrence of various chronic diseases.

In modern society, the roles are distributed so that women are very little physically labor. It is wonderful, but the energy is less and less. So, the female diet must contain less calories than male. Unfortunately, modern business women prefer fast food - at work, and at home - semi-finished products in order to save time.

At the same time, they argue a lot about how to stay attractive and impress the surrounding, not too thinking that when choosing a dish should evaluate their health benefits - and therefore beauty.

How should you eat a modern woman if she wants to always stay young and beautiful, and at the same time feel good at any time and anywhere? The fact is that in nature enough extraordinary and delicious products that are created as if specifically for women.

These products work both from the inside and outside (various masks, compresses, baths), but all the fabrics of our body are powered mainly from the inside. If you eat fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts and herbs, which are given to us by nature, you can solve not only internal health problems, but also externally become healthy and beautiful. And for this you need to know what these products are and how they act.

Several types of products and recipes that are offered here will help you make food more healthy, and appearance is beautiful.

For example, beautiful and elastic breasts are a dream of every woman. Products containing a lot of boron - fruits, nuts, cabbage, beans and others will help save and improve breast shape; Products containing manganese - raisins, spices, fresh seafood make chest strong and elastic.

Folk recipes of beauty at home

Aloe - Beauty Facial and Eye: Folk Beauty Recipes

In the ancient times, aloe was called immortal, and not in vain - after all, this plant has the ability to strengthen health and extend life. Our great-grandmothers drove the juice of this plant in the eyes so that they were bright and shiny. And today, the squeezes and extract of aloe are in many more cosmetic recipes, shampoos, foam, etc.

If you make the compresses from the pulp aloe, removing the peel from it, then the complexion will be fresh and healthy, and the leather is shining. Masks from Aloe Meakty improve blood circulation, kill pathogenic bacteria and protect the face from acne appearances. Adjusting the flesh of Aloe is not only on the face, as well as on the neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline.

However, we are talking about beauty from the inside: if you drink aloe juice before eating, at least 1 tablespoon, your diet will enricts many useful vitamins and microelements, and food will be digest well.

Beauty Recipes: Elastic Buttocks

A rare woman will believe that in 50 years you can look great and have elastic forms. However, many experts argue that it is absolutely real - because the muscle and skin tone depends on the amount of collagen in the connecting tissues. So, the path is one - proper and healthy eating.

When the body begins to lack nutrients, proteins and vitamins, it begins to take collagen from connective tissues. What happens with our skin and muscles? The muscles become flabby and faded, and wrinkles and cellulite are formed on the skin. Of course, you can buy an expensive anti-cellulite cream or a wonderful serum, but it is unlikely to help if the skin remains depleted from the inside. In order for the cells of the connective tissue to produce again to produce punctured, you need to eat fresh fruits 4 times a day! Fresh pineapples are especially effective in this case.

Pineapple stimulates the natural production of collagen organism, and also contains a unique digestive enzyme - bromeline, a natural fat burner. Fresh pineapple displays slags and toxins from the body, contributes to normalization of weight, strengthens immunity and restores lost sexuality, making a woman attractive and desirable. Eat pineapples and be happy in love!

Oatmeal - Food for the present Lady: Folk Beauty Recipes

The beauty of the hair is very important in creating the appearance of a woman, and we constantly strive to make them strong, beautiful and thick. It turns out that the best product for strengthening the hair is the usual oatmeal, but not everyone loves it. And in vain - oatmeal contains a lot of useful substances necessary for the health of the whole organism and especially vessels, scalp and hair.

These are vitamins of group B, vitamin A, RR, nicotinic and folic acid, iron and calcium. Oatmeal does not simply purify the stomach and intestines, and out of deep layers of tissues accumulated salts of heavy metals and other harmful substances. At the same time, the hair restore its natural force, cease to break, become healthy, smooth and shiny.

Products capable of making a woman beautiful and healthy, in nature a lot, and in a small article it is impossible to tell about all. Here we talked about some simple and affordable products, however, you can recall some more advice for health and beauty.

  • the usual carrot not only improves the skin and eyesight, but also very useful for hair;
  • cottage cheese makes the skin of the lips to the soft and tender - enough to eat 40 grams per day;
  • fish or fresh earthy nuts will help get rid of acne;
  • bananas will help to soften and moisten the skin of the hands;
  • soy and soy products strengthen hair bulbs;
  • whawy cheese gives nails a fortress and healthy color.

Vegetable salad with shrimps

Shrimps, welded in salted water, rinse with cold water and lay out in a salad bowl. In a boiling water in a pan (approximately 1 cup), put green beans, salt to taste and boil for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water and add to shrimps. Sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers and tomatoes also put in a salad bowl.

Separately in a bowl, mix green onions, oregano, fragrant pepper, lemon zest and 3 spoons of fresh lemon juice, olive oil and some mustard. You can add sugar to taste. The resulting shrimp sauce with vegetables, add cheese and mix.

We wish you a pleasant appetite, a slim figure, elastic forms, delicate skin, bright eyes and silky hair. Be beautiful!

Using those products that almost always have at home, you can achieve the same good cosmetic effect, as well as when using cosmetics from the store. In addition, you can not doubt that you will be shown a cheap fake at a high price. Yes, and the effect will be no worse. Here are the preparation of scrubies and hair masks, face and bodies from those products that are available at each kitchen, folk recipes of beauty With kitchen shelves.

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Folk recipes of beauty

Kitchen pantry health

Take a look at the fridge and the kitchen regiments, for sure there is something that you can cook the scrub for face and body or useful nutritious. Especially like the recipes of the rapid "home" leaving fans of natural funds, because in such cosmetics there are no fragrances, no preservatives, no substances that cause harm to the environment.

Sea salt for beauty

For example, sea salt is a wonderful natural peeling. It is possible to clean the skin of the whole body using a scrub cooked from a small slices of salt and oily cream or sour cream. This mixture should be applied to the wet body and gently massage, paying special attention to places where the skin is smaller - elbows, knees. The scrub made from the sleeping coffee grounds and olive oil will help to achieve the same remarkable result.

Sea salt containing many useful trace elements, perfectly saturates the skin with the nutrients necessary to it. It is useful to do from it for hands and legs. To make such a bath, salt dissolve in a small basin with warm water. For a better result, you can add a few drops of essential aromatic oil, for example, lemon.

Best and Simple Beauty Recipes

  1. Another excellent cleansing agent from the kitchen is corn flour. To get flour, corn croup you need to finely grind in a coffee grinder. To add water to the flour, which received Cashitz evenly apply on the face and leave for 15-20 minutes. The mask will better be better if, applying it, lie down and relax, and at the end, moisturize the skin with cream.
  2. Oatmeal mask, for the preparation of oatmeal, is also lubricated in a coffee grinder, cleans well, softens and nourishes the skin of the face. At the same time, the skin more sensitive, the smallest need to grind flour. Add some water to it (with oily skin) or cream (with dry skin) so that it turns out to be Cashier, and the mask is ready!
  3. And clean the skin of the face and give it a fresh view can be a mixture of soap shaving cream, food salt and soda chopping. Such a mixture perfectly cleans pores from contaminants. And if you make a steam bath for a face before this (simply speaking, ride over the ferry), using the heavers of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula, the effect will be even more noticeable.
  4. Conventional tea bags can be an excellent tonic for the skin around the eyes. You need to brew bags as usual, then remove, cool, impose on the eyes and lie down for 10-15 minutes.

More products and recipes for health and beauty

A large number of skin useful substances are contained in such products as cottage cheese, banana, pear, honey, lemon, strawberry.

  1. Lemon juice returns gloss with hair, and for the face, especially for oily skin, the mask of egg squirrel is very useful, which will add a couple of droplets of the lemon juice.
  2. And to give softness and glitter, the hair cannot be better suitable for the mask of egg yolk, which also add lemon juice.
  3. Banana Mask softens the skin and smoothes wrinkles, and the mask of the pear pulp will give any type of skin smoothness and elasticity, as well as a fresh strawberry mask, which is especially useful with dry skin.

Aloe in hair mask

Aloe is growing in many homes, it is also called the meal. If you take one meaty leaf of this healing plant, make a cleaner from it (with the help of a meat grinder or blender), add honey and castor oil on a spoon (it can be replaced with egg yolk) - it turns out a beautiful nutritional hair mask. They make it once a week before washing the head, and keep the mask on the hair you need an hour and a half.
And with aloe can be.

Try at least a couple of these uncomplicated folk recipes beautyAfter all, they were successfully used to preserve their great-grandmothers when "shopping" cosmetic products were not available.


Recipes of traditional medicine are most often used in a complex with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consulting with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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Of course, every girl wants to be irresistible. But not every ready to post all its money on various cosmetics, which will not even necessarily help. And it is right. There is a huge number of folk recipes of beauty. These are products for hair, faces, hands and whole bodies that can be made of handicrafts, and most importantly - natural products that will not affect the chemical blow to your body. Let's look at some of them.

Hair care

Let's start with the hair. Beautiful long hair is a real pride for a girl. And, of course, require constant care. The following folk remedies will help you in this caring.


For the manufacture of shampoo at home you will need such ingredients:

  • 140 grams of corn flour coarse grinding
  • 20 drops of castor oil
  • 30 drops of any essential oil, which is more like

Cooking shampoo extremely simple:

  1. mix all the above components
  2. after that massage movements apply the resulting tool on the hair, starting with the roots
  3. massive the head for some time
  4. then wash the water with a stream of warm water

Spray for hair

To prepare the spray, you need such ingredients:

  • 3 lemon slices for light hair and 3 oranges for dark
  • 250 milliliters of water
  • 50 milliliters vodka

A caring spray for hair from natural ingredients is made as follows:

  1. immerse the lemon lolly or orange in hot water for half an hour
  2. after that, resolve the decoction received and wait until it cools
  3. then dilute it with 50 milliliters of vodka
  4. pretty everything and break the remedy in a bottle of sprayer

Hand care and nails

Means for accelerating nail growth

For the manufacture of such a fund you need:

  • one dessert wheat oil spoon
  • two dessert spoons of castor oil
  • as much salt

We prepare the tool as follows:

  1. all specified components need to mix
  2. then move to some closing container
  3. pretty shake in this container the resulting mass
  4. after that, apply the tool to your nails and leave for five minutes.
  5. after this period, the drug must be flushed with water

Hand care cream

The cream prepared according to the recipe described below will significantly soften and moisturize the skin of your handles. For him, you should prepare such ingredients:

  • quarter of glasses of olive oil
  • so much vodka
  • one dessert spoon of lemon juice
  • one tablespoon of crushed flower petals (pre-dried)
  • as many
  • 100 milliliters of water

For the manufacture of a nutritional cream, do the following steps:

  1. in the bowl, pour olive oil, vodka, lemon juice and water
  2. then mix well all these components
  3. next, add maritime salt and flower petals (if you could not find the petals - nothing terrible, you can do without them)
  4. get all right
  5. after that, apply the resulting mass on your hands and leave it for a few minutes.
  6. after this period, wash the cream warm water

Facial care

Chocolate Orange Balsam for Lip Care

For Balzam, the ingredients will be needed:

  • three tablespoons oil cocoa
  • one dessert spoon of vitamin E in oil
  • several tiles of dark chocolate (delicious milk, unfortunately, not suitable)
  • orange

At home, lip balm is manufactured as follows:

  1. first, melt cocoa oil in the microwave
  2. immediately add chocolate oil into this oil and stir until it is melted.
  3. if you melt chocolate fail - put the mixture into the microwave for another while
  4. then add vitamin E to the resulting mass and squeeze a few juice from an orange to it.
  5. pretty all mix so that it turns out a homogeneous mass, and move this mass to some comfortable small jar
  6. when the received tool fully cools, you can start using it

Masks for face

White mask

For this mask, only a protein of one or two chicken eggs and a drop of lemon juice are needed. And the effect it gives just a stunning! Rejuvenates, pulls the skin, smoothes wrinkles and wrinkles and opens his eyes.

  1. add a lemon juice droplet to egg squirrel separated from yolk
  2. pretty sweep the resulting mass
  3. after that, apply this mass on the face and keep until the tool dry
  4. then rinse it with warm water

Mask of tincture calendula

  1. take one tablespoon of calendula medicinal plant tincture
  2. dilute it with one tablespoon of cold, pre-boiled or purified water
  3. in the resulting liquid, moisten cotton disks and put them on your face for 30 minutes

Calendula has a disinfecting property and is part of a variety of cosmetics.

Do not forget to also use vegetables, fruits and berries for skin care. It can be the usual circles of the sliced \u200b\u200bcucumber, laid on the eye area, and somewhat loss of berries, or any other ones for a few minutes. For dry and inflamed skin, raw zucchini is useful. Raspberries and grapes perfectly moisturize the skin. Lingonberry, cherry, currants have a property. Tired skin will be treated peach. And tomatoes will be driving too.

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Not always beauty and health are in the balance sheet. And as it is known, the appearance and the mood of man depend on the state of health. Therefore, you need to pay attention from the very beginning, on the state of health, which will pull the beauty and a good mood and faith in yourself. Share with you several recipes of beauty and health!

Beauty and Health Recipes

1. Sesame oil. It contains many vitamins needed for the normal life of the body.

2. Ginger root. It facilitates heavy food and helps to quickly master it.

3. It is very important to keep the beauty and hair health in the tone. Appropriate masks, air conditioners and herbal decoctions contribute to a healthy hair view.

4. What you drink is also strongly affected by beauty and health, like food. Clean the water with special filters or buy cleaned water that contains useful components.

5. Examine bad habits from your life. If you want to look always beautiful and feel healthy, then try to start a healthy lifestyle.

6. Powerful nutrition is the most important key of beauty and health. Do not make myself hunger for weight loss, it is better to pick up the right and useful diet - this will give a much better result.

7. Physical exertion. Even charging in the morning will give the effect and will help you feel active throughout the day. And imagine what effect will be from the regular visit to the Sports Hall! The main thing is not lazy!

Women's beauty is a concept, for everyone has its meaning. For some women, this is the development of the inner world and the search for harmony, for others - appearance, image and style. As they say, "each one".

But we decided to take away several universal councils for female beauty, which will come in handy from the weak floor representative.

1. Use creams exclusively with sunscreen effect, even in winter.
If confused by the use of such creams, because I want to look like a tanned Spanish, then you need to consider that a little later, probability looks 15 years older, without the use of such creams.
2. Wear what you really have to face. Review all photos from various events and Select the photos where you look better. This style and follow.
3. Change the order of care. With age, it is necessary to change cosmetics, since each age has developed other creams that take into account the specifics of age.
4. Respond to the negligence to the hair. It is difficult to part with the iron and painting tips, so you need to stably cut the sequencing tips and regularly use the hair conditioner. And also, try to dry your hair with a hairdryer as much as possible.
5. Do not be afraid to conduct experiments with your appearance. Such a bold approach will help you feel freer and more diverse.
6. Women's beauty also lies in the daily diet of a woman. It is necessary to teach yourself to environmentally friendly products.
7. Limit yourself in bad habits. If there is a desire for a beautiful view, then bad habits are the first enemies of female beauty. For example, alcohol dehydrates the organism, smoking contributes to the emergence of wrinkles.
8. Stop rides. Mascara from eyelashes, cuticle, acne. Hands need to keep away from all this.
9. Do not neglect sleep. Sleepless nights do not affect women's beauty and health.

Any woman spends many hours on maintaining her beauty. However, over time, youth leaves, and all the bad habits and a negative emotional state begins to reflect on appearance. Sometimes you just don't want to look at yourself in the mirror: under the eyes there are edema, and the complexion becomes faded and lifeless. Folk means of beauty come to the rescue. Infusions made of herbs and various oils are able to preserve health, return beauty and protect against the negative effect of the environment.

Tibetan youth recipes

Many Tibetan youth recipes restore lost strengths and add health. They offer various infusions that can be prepared at home. To do this, take 10 lemons and leaving the juice from them manually or with a meat grinder. Then find the covers of 10 garlic heads and finely cut them out. The next step will be adding honey. On 10 lemons and 10 garlic heads will need 1 kg of honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and take the resulting balm 3 times a day 1 teaspoon before meals.

There is another Tibetan recipe for rehabilitation, which strengthens the immunity and takes slags from the body. For its preparation, a mixture of herbs is taken from the hormour, daisies, immortals and birch kidney. Next, a large amount of boiling water is added to the saucepan with herbs. It is necessary to wait for the composition to be invested for 20 minutes. After that, the infusion is strain and add a teaspoon of natural honey. Take the infusion every day before meals and you will notice positive results.

Recipes youth for face and skin

At the heart of beauty secrets lie ancient care techniques. To the skin of the face remained attractive at any age, you need to carefully treat the gifts of nature. Dear creams will not help return the attractiveness, but only strike the wallet.

  • Well clean the skin of fermented milk products. If you wipe your face with a tampon, moistened in kefir, then the face will look fresh.
  • Perfectly tones the skin and is used as a fusion lotion from nettle with the addition of a tablespoon of vodka.
  • As a mask, you can use a mixture of honey, cottage cheese with adding a few drops of fruit juice.
  • Helps to warn the appearance of wrinkles mask made of crushed banana and teaspoon sour cream
  • It nourishes and soothes the skin mask from buckwheat flour divorced in milk. When applied to the skin of this mixture there is a light massage.
  • How to preserve youth skin without cosmetics

    There are many ways to stop aging and fill the skin of the face with vital energy. One of the most effective means is oil from sesame seeds. You will achieve a strong effect if you get the skin into the skin after the bath or soul. Then the skin is most susceptible to exposure.

    When you woke up in the morning, try to wash your face with not ordinary water water, but to use purified water for this. Also, it's good if the water is very cold. You can replace this procedure and prepare ice cubes in advance. It costs every day to apply them to face and repeat massage movements.

    Another advice for women is to experience less negative emotions. Anger and attacks of anger are reflected in appearance. Blood comes to the face, as a result, allergic reactions may occur.

    Folk remedies are a good tool in order to stay beautiful and like men. However, you need to change your lifestyle. Harmful habits and caffeine are constantly forced skin to experience stress. In modern life there is a great abundance of methods to return the beauty, do not forget to click on the buttons and

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