Very vital: the correct dialogue with the child. "Mom, buy!" Refuse or agree? A new way to communicate with the child. Situation when leaving the store

It would seem that the natural communication process with one's own chad, but it can turn into a real test when mutual understanding is lost. What happens between parents and a child? Why does everything change?

Friendly communication - the basis of parental love

Many psychologists and teachers come to the belief that parents do not know the elementary techniques of communication with children. To increase its literacy, it is necessary to read special literature.

Type of communication by age periods

From the moment of birth to 2 years, parents practically lead a monologue with their favorite tea. In 2-3 years, the child realizes itself as a person. At this point, the child is formed in nature, he pronounced his dissatisfaction with what I do not like. During this period, you must perceive the child as a person. Ask the opinion of the child if something does not like something, then attempt to correct the situation.

Communication should be started with breasts

Communication begins with an understanding of the child's condition. If you will master this tactic, then in relations with children everything will be successfully. In case of difficulties in communication, try to adhere to the following recommendations.

If the child does not want to listen - it is necessary to find out the reason

Books of Yulia Hippenrecier about communication

Love, care and non-equations

Your thoughts and actions should permeate unconditional parental love. Only in this case, all communication will be built on a disinterested sense. All the aspirations and actions that a person performs, being in a state of love, will definitely lead to success. It is unlikely that a loving parent will start a conversation with the phrase: "Do you get you now?". The mood of the parent is indicated, the child prepared for defense, now he is only defended. Try to avoid similar statements in dealing with children.

What is unconditional acceptance

Full indifference is not welcome, it is important to understand the difference between calm and frankly indifference. Your indifference plays a detrimental role, the child closes, it is almost impossible to come out in such a situation.

Personal communication methods with their child

A conversation with the child needs to start with a visual contact if the situation is calm can be released on tactile contact. True emotions are transmitted through interactions, try to overcome irritation and negative, take a step to a meeting from the bottom of my heart.

The child takes an example from parents

Try not to use a particle "not" in speech, it gives a negative shade of all speech. Until you throw away the garbage, you will not bring order in the room, do not go to the store for bread. It is preferable to say when you bring garbage, you can play with the guys.

Praise the child for real success. Some parents fall into extremes, some are limited to a miser praise once a year, others bow to the child for making daily actions. It is important to specify the criteria for the success of the child, if the achievement is real, then do not skimp on praise. Such a position will form an adequate self-esteem in a child.

And, finally. Try to study the speech culture - children copy our habits. If the child constantly hears speech errors, he subconsciously copies them. You are the best example - it is a great honor and great responsibility.

Natalia Ahmetshina
Dialogue with mom

« Dialogue with mom» .

"Mother is the name of God on the lips and

in the hearts of young children "

(W. Tekkket.)

When a person is bad or something happens to him, he involuntarily scrawls: "Mum, mommy A child always calls mom, ti only her - the most expensive, close creature, to help and the protection of which he believes is unshakable.

Mom for every child on Earth is a deity.

Creating and unfolding in front of a child the image of Moms we can tell not only about the fact that every person, every child has a mother on Earth, was mom, but also in the fact that every animal, every bird, fish, each Plants were and there is their own mother.

"Everything in nature symbolizes motherhood. The sun is the mother of the Earth, which it warms with its warmth, caresses with light and leaves, having lost the singing of sea waves, trills of the crumbs and chirping of birds; Earth - the mother of trees and flowers, which it produces, feeds, and then takes away from the chest; Flowers and trees ... Mother sweet fruits and life-giving seeds; Mother of all things are the perfect, eternal, indestructible spirit, filled with beauty and love. " (D. Jebrran)

You can show the pictures of various animals with your cubs, birds with chicks in nests, tell me that in Russia, the land on which people lived, who fed them and was loved, which they loved, knew and read, called "Mother Cheese Earth". This is the name we encounter in Russian folk fairy tales and epics. Nowadays, many say - Mother Nature, bearing in mind that everything in nature outside it does not exist. The universe is the mother of the whole worlds, planets, galaxies, constellations. So the word mom can have a wide range of concepts and images. And yet the word "Mum" In human sense, it remains for children of preschool age the closest and clear. Mom without love is not conceivable. Ancient fairy tales, promsories, for example, one of the mother love is told about Mamina Love them:

"Two sisters"

Two native sisters lived in one village. The older sister was everything: hardworking, caring husband, wealth in the house, but it was not the most desirable - children. At the younger sister, on the contrary, a lazy husband, a whirlwind of Domishko, but there were many children.

Once the younger sister reported the eldest that she would have a child again. A healthy girl and older sister was born on time, I wondered about my grief, which could not have children: "My sister, my beloved, my sister, native give me a baby, I will be the best my mother is your baby! You will be able to see the child when you want, but begging about one thing - silence, nor people nor the spirit of the forest, nobody tell you the truth, we will know we are God. " Salted the younger sister of the older, and indeed, it was hard for them in their family lived, although he worked in the morning to night, and the sister had plenty of sister, and squeezing his heart, her daughter sister.

Years passed, the sisters still lived, worked nearby, the girl was growing up, and the fifth nail went. The younger sister kept his promise, the girl called her aunt.

Somehow sisters were gathered on Senokos, the older sister with her daughter did not part for a minute, and that day he took with him. On the way they met a small river, and through her a shaky bridges thrown. With the swiss women walked, and also daughter should be transferred through the bridge. Younger sister and says senior: "Sister, give me my daughter through the bridges suffered". "Well, nothing wrong with that is not" - Thought the older sister and agreed. I took the baby's younger sister on the hands of the child and suffered through the viewing, and the other with the swinging after it went.

The older sister came with her daughter home, and her daughter and her he speaks: « Mommy, Tell me, why do our tender hands have such soft and warm, not like yours? ". She glanced her old sister on her daughter, she climbed her heart and she cried bitterly. The truth is spoken, native blood will not be deceived, and the heart feels, the other - the native heart ...

Without you, I do not live, my daughter

You are my native, my angel,

I will never bother you

Because I am your mom.

If joy, success, luck

Your faithful satellites will

I will share your joy with you

And I will be with you.

If the trouble has a break,

With you together I will cry.

I will never bother you

Because I am your mom.

Happy holiday our moms!

Be happy!

After all, maternal happiness in children, so let our children will be happy!

Targetlights: Give the idea of \u200b\u200bthe significance of mom in the life of every person.


  1. develop the ability to conduct a dialogue, respond to adult questions.
  2. draw the image of the mother as the closest and native person.
  3. rise up a desire to help mom.
  4. brought up good, respectful attitude towards mom.
  5. talk about the festival "Mother's Day".

Educator: Children, what do you think, what is the first word in his life every person says?

Responses of children.

Educator: Right. The most beautiful, first word - Mom!

Who came to me in the morning?
(Children answer): Mommy.
Who said: "Get up time"?
Publishing house who managed to cook?
Tea - in the pile pour?
Who braids did I get?
Whole house one has done?
Who flowers in the garden narrow?
Who kissed me?
Who child loves laughter?
Who is best in the world?

Educator: Mom, mommy, Mamuly - the most native, the closest, the kindest, most affectionate man on earth! We all love our moms very much, and everyone in their own way. Guys, but tell everyone about your mom, what she is that she loves, as you cares about how you love her.

(Children's stories).

Well done! All of you love your mom, a lot of words said about her: Mom is kind, good, affectionate, caring, gentle, hardworking. Now tell us that your moms can do.

(Stories of children)

Educator: Well done! You are very observational and knowing your moms well. Do you help your mom? How? What?

(Children's responses)

Educator: What are you clever, all the mamina assistants.

Mom is very tired.
Houses of detention.
I'm alone mom's daughter,
I will try to help her.
Gave your toys:
Doll, bear and slappers,
Sweep in the dining room floor
I will help cover on the table.
And he sends to the sofa,
I will give it a pillow.
Plaid on the legs to put
Quietly sit down.
In the kitchen I wash the dishes,
And I will not make noise.
Very much i love
Mom Moju my mother!

And now I suggest you to play the dance "Mamina Assistants".

Horovodel "Mamina Assistants" (children sing, and accompany the words actions).

We wash our handkerchiefs in basking

Mommy, mommy, we will help you,
We will save everything, and put together.
We are my plates, wash dry,
That's how we help you today.

Mommy, mommy, we will help you,
We will save everything, and put together.
Paul in the kitchen brush purely sweep,
That's how we help you today.

Educator: That's what assistants you are. Help your mother and take care of her always, and on holidays care is needed even more. One of these holidays "Mother's Day". He is celebrated in November. On this day, all children give gifts to their mothers and say how much they love them. So I suggest you to make a gift for your mommy.

(The gift is done at the discretion of the educator, it can be a postcard, a craft, a portrait of my mother, etc.). After the gift made the educator reads the final poem about mom:

In the world
Good Words
Live a lot
But everyone is kinder
And gentle one:
Of two syllables
Simple word "ma-ma",
And no words
Relative than it!

educator of the First Qualification Category