Basic rules for playing darts for beginners. Darts rules. The main games The main reasons for writing off the game of darts

In all the games described below, players alternately throw 3 darts. If the dart flew off the target or did not hit it, then points for it are not counted without the right to re-throw, even if all 3 darts fly off.

This is the most popular game of darts. This game can be played as a team by team or one on one. When playing together, they often play "501" or "301". Also, to practice endings, you can play "101" or "170" (170 is the maximum number of points that is deducted by three darts, i.e. in one approach). Teams often play "701" or "1001".
Purpose of the game: players take turns throwing 3 darts each, deducting their points. The first one to reach 0 wins.
Scoring rule: Hits in all sectors are counted, as well as sectors of doubling and tripling (when hit in the tripling sector, the points of the sector are multiplied by 3). The points scored for 1 approach (3 darts) are summed up and subtracted from the sum of points after the previous approach.
End rule: the last throw must hit the doubling of the corresponding sector (for example, if there are 40 points left, then you need to hit the doubling of the sector "20", and if there are 32 points left, then you need to hit the doubling of the sector "16"). Beginners usually play without this rule. By agreement of the players, you can end with an even sector or any sector.
Iteration rule: If the player scored more points than necessary during the last approach, then this approach does not count. For example, if a player has 7 points left, and he got into the “16” sector, then on the next approach, this player starts again with 7 points.

They play often to warm up. All throws are made to the center of the target. Only hits on the bull and the green ring count.
Purpose of the game: be the first to score the number of points agreed before the game. For example, 500.
Scoring rule: bull (red ring) - 50 points, and green ring - 25 points.

American cricket
This game originated in America. You can also play as a team on a team, and one on one.
Purpose of the game: each player (team) must close all sectors from "20" to "15" and a bull, while scoring the same or more points than the opponent.
Closing rule: A sector is considered closed if it has been hit at least 3 times. For example, 1 time per tripling of this sector or just 3 times per sector.
Scoring rule: If a player enters a sector that is closed for him, and the second player is not closed, then the first player gets points. For example, if the 1st player has the “20” sector closed, and his opponent does not have this sector closed, and the 1st player hits the “20” triple, then 60 points are recorded for him. You can play without this rule.

big round
Nice game to warm up. You can play alone or with an opponent.
Purpose of the game: score as many points as possible by throwing three darts in turn at each sector from "1" to "20" and the center.
Scoring rule: The number of hits in a sector is multiplied by the number of that sector. For example, if, throwing at sector 2, they hit a triple and once a sector, then the points scored in this sector: (3 + 1) * 2 = 8. The points scored in each of the sectors are summed up, and the final result is displayed.

27 is played to practice doubles. You can play alone or with an opponent. The beginning is played with a throw to the center - the one whose dart is further from the center starts.
Purpose of the game: Go through all the doublings in turn: from doubling "1" to doubling "20", keeping the points in the black.
Scoring rule: Each player is given 27 points. At the beginning of the game, the player throws 3 darts at the doubling sector "1". Moreover, each hit on the target brings 2 points (1 * 2). If none of the darts hit the double, then 2 points (1 * 2) are subtracted from 27. Next, the player throws a "2" for doubling. Each hit brings 4 points (2*2). If none of the darts hit the double, then 4 points are deducted (2 * 2). Thus, each player must go through all the doubles, up to and including the double "20". If the score falls below 0, the player is out of the game.

Sector 20
All throws are made in sector "20". You can play alone or with an opponent.
Purpose of the game: Score the maximum score in 10 sets (30 darts).
Scoring rule: Only hits in the "20" sector are considered. One hit is worth 1 point, a double hit is worth 2 points, and a triple hit is worth 3 points. After 10 approaches, the total amount is considered.

Double round
This game can also be played by one player, setting personal records.
Purpose of the game: hit all doublings in turn, starting from the 1st and ending with the 20th sector, spending fewer darts than the opponent.
Rules of the game: Until the player hits the doubling of the 1st sector, he does not proceed to the doubling of the 2nd sector. Etc.

7 lives
The number of participating players in this game is not limited.
Purpose of the game: score more points in one approach than the previous player scored (counting, as in the game 501).
Rule for counting "lives": If exactly the same or less points are scored, then one "life" burns out. If more is typed, then "lives" are saved. The next player tries to beat this result. Once all lives are burned out, the player is out. The game can be made more difficult: for example, limit yourself to the 20th sector. If you miss, life burns out, and when you score 180 points, a bonus "life" is awarded, while scoring is preserved.

Purpose of the game: be the first to score the number of points agreed by the players before the game.
Rules of the game: After the start draw, the winner throws darts at the center (Bull 50). If he misses all three darts, the turn is passed to the second player. In the event that the first player hits the center (gets the puck), then he appoints a doubling of the sector into which he will throw darts (score goals). When hitting this doubling, he scores one point (scores one goal), 2 points if he hits 2 times, 3 points - 3 times. Then the second player continues the game. Since the 1st player took the puck (having hit the center), then in order to intercept it, the 2nd player also needs to hit the center, after which he assigns his doubling of the sector. If the 2nd player does not hit the center, the 1st can score points (scoring goals) in the doubling of the sector that was assigned to them before.

They play alone or in pairs.
Purpose of the game: be the first to own/close certain numbers on the board and score the most points. The player who does this first is considered the winner.
Rules of the game: the numbers involved in the game are: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and bullseye. Players take turns throwing darts. Three throws in one go. In order to take possession / close the number, the player must knock it out three times. This can be achieved:
or 3 single hits in this number;
or one single and one hit in the "double ring" for a given number;
or one hit in the "triple ring" for a given number. If one player knocks out one number three times, then this number becomes his property. If both players take possession of the number, then it is considered "closed" and no longer participates in the game. In order to close the apple you need:
Or hit the bull's-eye three times (sector 25);
Or 1 time in the "bull's eye" (sector 25) and once in the "Double bull's-eye" (sector 50) If one player has "taken possession" of any number, and the second has not yet, then the first player can score points on it until this number is "closed". Points from hitting the number begin to accrue to the player from the moment when he takes possession of the number, but at the same time this number is not yet “closed”. The numbers may become owned or "locked out" in any order the player wishes. The player is not required to name the number at which he is throwing. After the number becomes the "ownership" of the player, then getting into the doubling or tripling sector for this number leads to doubling or tripling additional points for this number. The winner is the one who "closed" all the numbers and the "bull's eye" first, and at the same time has the most points. If both players have finished the game, and at the same time have the same number of points or no points at all, the winner is the one who first received all the numbers and the bull's eye. If the player is the first to “own” all the numbers, but he has fewer points than the opponent, he must continue the game and score on the “uncovered” numbers until he scores an equal or greater number of points than his opponent, or all the numbers are “covered”. This game has an interesting feature: if one player has already "closed" a sector that the opponent has not yet closed, then each hit in this sector is recorded with points at the sector's face value. You can play ahead of the curve, and then the game is played until all sectors are closed by one player. You can play for points, and then it is customary to play until both players close all sectors. The one who scores the most points on the opponent wins.

Around the clock (dial)
One of the simplest games. An unlimited number of players can take part in it.
Purpose of the game: each player must consecutively hit the numbers from 1,2,3,4 to 20 (the last one to hit is the number 25).
Rules of the game: Players alternately make 3 throws. The player who hits all the numbers first is the winner.

5 lives Great team game. You can play five or six. It will be fast and fun. Perhaps the only game that is not interesting to play together.
Purpose of the game: score more points than the previous player. At least one point, but more. The only exception is 180 points.
Rules of the game: each player is entitled to 5 errors. On the 6th mistake, the player is out of the game.

Points set
Purpose of the game: score as many points as possible.
Rules of the game: continuously or alternately according to the lot, the players make 30 throws in 10 series of three darts for the best amount.
Scoring rule: the points scored as a result of all accurate hits on the target are summed up. When hitting the doubling or tripling zones, points are respectively increased by two or three times and added to the total points.

Players arbitrarily choose two diametrically opposite sectors and try to hit them with doublings and triplings along an imaginary straight line. For example, doubling sector 11 - tripling sector 11 - a small (green) ring - tripling sector 6 and doubling sector 6. The winner is the one who first passes the imaginary line at the given points.

Purpose of the game: hit the bull's-eye first.
Rules of the game: you need to alternately hit the sectors from the 1st to the 20th, then doubling and tripling the 20th sector, and end the game by hitting the "bull" of the target. In the event that in a series of throws all three darts reach the target (for example: 1. 2.3 or 12, 13, 14, etc.), the throwing player continues his game out of turn. The scoring field of a sector is its entire area, including the rings of doubling and tripling the score.

Quick Round
Additional conditions are imposed on the rules of the game in the "Round": if you hit the triple of a given sector, the score moves three positions forward. For example: a player needs to hit sector 10. He hits a tripling of this sector. Now the goal of this player is sector 13. When hitting a doubling, the score moves forward two positions accordingly.

Double round
The game is based on the rules of the game in the "Round", with the exception that the scoring field of each sector is only the sector of its doubling.
Note: This game is best suited for honing throwing technique. The Double Round is generally recommended for daily workouts. You can also play the Triple Round according to the same principle.

The in-goal field of play is "Bull - Red Ring" and "Green Ring". Each player initially has no points and scores them in series of three darts, considering only "50" and "25". The winner is the one who scored 1000 points. The game has a rule of thumb.
Note: Depending on the degree of preparedness, you can play "500" or "250" according to these rules.

All fives
With a series of three darts, players aim to score the maximum number that is a multiple of 5. A series of throws that gives a number that is not a multiple of 5 does not count. The number 5 gives 1 point, 10 - 2 points, 50 - 10 points, etc. The winner is the one who scores 51 points first. The game has a rule of thumb.

Purpose of the game: score the most points by successively hitting all sectors from 1 to 20, or make a "shanghai" (hit on the first throw in a simple sector, a sector of doubling and tripling). The player who makes "shanghai" automatically becomes the winner, regardless of the number of points.
Scoring rule: hitting a simple sector gives 1 point, a double - 2 points, a triple - 3 points.

301 Parchessi (run away!)
The game starts at 0 (zero). If during the game one of the players reaches the same number of points with any of the participants in the game, then by doing so he destroys the opponent's points, and he is forced to start the game again. When scoring more than 301 points, the player automatically loses the right to the next throw and the number of points exceeding 301 is awarded. For example, a player who scores 310 points loses the right to throw and continues the game with 310 - 301 = 9 points. The first player to reach 301 points wins.

Baseball (baseball)
The game consists of 9 rounds. In the 1st round, the player must hit 1, in the 2nd round, the deuce, etc. up to nine. The winner is the player with the most points.

Darts is a popular game in which participants throw darts at a special target. For some, this is a hobby and an interesting hobby, while someone plays at a professional level. This sport is interesting because you can do it at any age, even in childhood, even in old age. You don’t need a lot of space for training, and besides, the material costs in order to start exercising are relatively small. Thanks to such democracy, the game is gaining popularity, so it is interesting to consider the rules of the game of darts. Also, parents should remember that the game develops accuracy and accuracy in the child.

Targets and darts

First you need to find out what equipment is needed for this sport. For the production of targets, a natural fiber is used, which is obtained from agave leaves. This material is called sisal. It is from its compressed fibers that the targets are made, their total diameter is 451 mm (+/- 10 mm).

On the front side there are sectors of different colors, a wire is attached on top, dividing the target into radial sectors (20 pcs), it also has doubling and tripling rings. In the center is the green sector "Bull" and the red - "Bull Eye". According to the rules of the game of darts, the markup determines the number of points received by the player.

The game also requires darts, which can be brass or tungsten. Their weight should not exceed 50 g (usually 20-24 g), and the length should be up to 30.5 cm. Each dart consists of the following parts:

  • barrel, that is, the metal part into which the needle is pressed;
  • the shank is a replaceable part made of metal or plastic, screwed into the barrel;
  • plumage is inserted into the shank, it is designed to stabilize the flight.

It is better to buy high-quality inventory, even if it costs more. This will protect against unnecessary bounces of the dart.

How to count points according to the rules of the game of darts?

You can play alone or in a team of 2 or more players. It is determined by lottery who will start first. According to the rules of the game of darts, the distance to the center of the target from the floor should be 1.73 m, and from the line from which the throws are made - 2.37 m.

Each team must throw 2 sets of darts, after which they are removed from the target. The throw will not be counted if the person who made it stepped over the line, as well as in the case when the dart got stuck in another dart or fell out of the target.

Scoring is done as follows:

  • hit in the field of the sector is considered according to the number indicated on the sector;
  • a throw into the outer ring leads to a doubling of the number in the sector;
  • hitting the inner ring triples the numbers of the sector;
  • green sector gives 25 points, red - 50.

These are the classic rules for playing darts, but there are various variations that are also worth a few words.

The most popular game is "501", it also hosts official competitions. Each player or team is given 501 points at the start and must be counted down during the competition. It is necessary to close the last points through the doubling sector. If it turns out that in the last approach the player received more points than he had on his balance, then he will remain with the result that was before the throws.

Another well-known game is "Cricket", the essence of which is to be the first to close certain numbers on the target. So, sectors from 15 to 20 and "Bull" take part in the game. In Cricket, to close a sector, you need to score three times the number of points in it.

Of course, the rules for playing darts for children can be simplified or different. You also need to understand that for a child, the target should hang lower, at the level of his growth. Darts can be a great family hobby and leisure activity.

Why is the game of darts so popular? How should you play darts? We consider the basic rules of the game and the features of the technique of throws.

Boredom is sometimes the engine of progress, as well as the craving for entertainment. According to legend, the game of darts appeared thanks to the soldiers who bored and having nothing to do, they threw their arrows into pieces of wood or the bottom of barrels.

If arrows appear in this story, then, as you might guess, the history of the game is very long, but practically cannot say anything for sure until the very end of the 19th century, when a carpenter from a small English town came up with a standard layout for darts.

The invention of the target popularized the game, and in the first half of the 20th century, they came up with a way to make a surface from a suitable material. Thanks to this, darts fields spread throughout cities and countries.

Now every year around the world (mainly in Europe) professional darters gather for competitions, and fans gather to support the athletes. Besides, Darts remains a popular game for bars and other recreational spaces. Many people play darts at home and in the office.

Official modern darts rules

Next, consider the classic version of the rules, which is used in most competitions. However, these rules are not the only ones there are many options for playing darts: both training and recreational.

Each darts board has 20 sectors, the 20th is located at the very top, the rest are a little chaotic. One way or another, there are sectors that determine the number of points scored by a roll.

Eat narrow rings, which are indicated by green and red colors. These rings give multiplication of sector scores. The outer ring is a doubling. Internal - tripling.

Besides, there is a central part, hitting which gives 50 points. Hitting the rim of the central part gives 25 points.

Each player is entitled to three throws, then throws the next one, and so on in turn.

The goal of the standard game is to write off 501 points, that is, points are not added, but subtracted. Initially, each player has 501 points, from which the sum scored for each throw is deducted.

The feature of the rules is the end of the party, which should be performed only by doubling, that is, by throwing into the outer ring. In addition, the end of the game is possible with a throw to the very center of the target, which is also considered a doubling. The bottom line is that doubling writes off the remaining points exactly to zero..

Thus, the completion of the batch needs to be done accordingly. It is required to carefully calculate the scores and choose sectors for throws.

Darts tactics

As it is not difficult to understand from the previous paragraph, the most “tasty” sector for throws is tripling 20. If every dart ends up there, the player scores 180 for the attempt.

Ideally, the player performs two such attempts, after which 141 points remain, which can be written off in various ways. For example: tripling 20, tripling 17 and doubling 15.

Of course, this is not always possible, and for the most part the throws are attempts to deliver the maximum darts to the triple 20 sector, but the darts often end up in the neighboring sector, that is, they give only 20. As a result, 140 or 100 points are often written off.

The main goal is to competently be at the end of the game, for this you need to be able to count points and throw confidently in any sector.

After all, if there is a bust or shortage on the final throws (it can only be one), then the points for this attempt are not counted, and the player will need to perform throws again.

Therefore, it is best to accurately assess your own capabilities and see what kind of completion for doubling it is possible to finish the game.

Throwing technique: how to throw darts?

The basis of the effectiveness of the game of darts is the ability to throw a dart at a target of one's own choice.. This requires accuracy, which is provided by confident throwing technique. Technique, in turn, is determined by stable and regular training, accumulated experience.

In the throw, the basis is the setting of the body and hand. The body should be placed half-side to the board and slightly tilted forward.

A slight tilt is performed in order to slightly reduce the distance to the target. This technique is quite acceptable and professionals throw darts in this way, without waving their arms and without moving the body.

So, after you put the body in half a turn and turned on one side with an inclination, you need to set your elbow exactly perpendicular to the floor surface. The throw is performed only with the elbow joint and a little with the hand. The fingers lightly grip the dart and hold the projectile at about eye level.

Try to set the tip of the dart in front of the target and directly in front of your eyes. You need to feel with both the brush and the mind how you direct the dart exactly at the target..

In fact, the distance is quite short, and you only have to aim the dart in an almost flat trajectory, in fact, put it on the target. Although if you look professional throws, then they performed in a small arc, including throws to the upper sectors.

By the way, if the throws are performed in the upper and lower sectors, then the forearm is slightly moved, reduced or moved a little higher. Thanks to this, the dart is again located almost completely in front of the desired sector.

If you need to deliver a dart to the side sector, then you should move along the plane of the throw line to the side. Use this technique, as diagonal throws and body side swings are not an effective technique, and do not give the desired accuracy.

For that, to understand how to make accurate throws, training will be required, which consist in improving your own technique and developing the best way for you to hold and throw darts.

How to play darts and count points?

In general, this detail was considered in the previous paragraphs. Therefore, here we note additional opportunities for playing darts:

  • Game of the round. It is possible to play both with yourself and with rivals. The goal is to alternately throw in sectors from 1 to 20. As a rule, the game is completed by doubling or tripling, or some series of similar rolls.
  • Thousand. Throws are made only in sectors 25 and 50. The goal is to write off a thousand points.

Darts - distance to the target, height

The darts the target is set relative to its center. The height from the floor to the center is 1.73 meters, the distance to the front side of the target from the mark from where the darts are thrown is 2.37 meters.

Features of darts and targets

Equipment for playing darts is conditionally divided into professional and non-professional. Professional, as usual, is more expensive, but also has greater efficiency in the process of use, and is more reliable and wears out less.

What are these differences? Let's start with the target, which is usually made from a material called "sisal", which is a compressed agave.

The target has a separation wire, which can be:

  • standard- that is, not professional and have a form that gives the most rebounds;
  • trihedral- semi-professional and allowing darts to roll along the edges towards the field;
  • fine - professional, which gives the minimum number of bounces and is used in most tournaments.

Now consider darts, which are a very complex structure.

However, we will consider a simplified version, which provides for the presence in the dart of such elements as:

  • tip- a metal or pointed needle, if we are not talking about electronic darts;
  • barrel- the part for which the dart is held;
  • plumage- a tetrahedral part that determines aerodynamics.

The maximum length is 30.5 centimeters and the weight is 50 grams, but mainly darts weighing about 20-25 grams are used.

In conclusion, we note the high availability of darts for development. Today you can easily purchase professional kits for a relatively low cost., and for training you need a small space.

And, despite the large number of professional athletes, even today amateurs can easily reach the professional level with a relatively small amount of training.

A couple of years is enough to get the initial ranks and possibly reach a higher level. Therefore, if you have always wanted to reach heights in at least some sport, then darts are a great option for this.

The word "darts" is translated from English as darts. The game consists of a target at which darts are thrown from a certain distance. This is a rather old entertainment, invented in England. Even today in the beer bars (pubs) of many countries they like to throw darts in between mugs of fresh beer. The target, as a rule, is made of pressed agave leaves of the so-called sisal. It is round and divided into 20 sectors.

The rules of the game of darts require that the target be at a distance of 2.37 cm, at a height of 1.73 cm. Darts must also be of a certain type. Their weight should not exceed 50 grams, but models with an average weight of 20-25 grams are most often used. They are made of nickel, tungsten or brass. For a novice player, the most optimal material is brass. The sectors of the target for darts are painted in black and white. The bull's-eye, that is, the center of the target, is colored red, and if it hits the player earns 50 points.

Next comes the green ring, for hitting which the player is given 25 points. When hitting the narrow inner ring of red-green color, the numbers of the sector are tripled, and when hitting the outer narrow ring, they are doubled.

The rules of darts dictate the order of throws. Each of the participants must score a certain number of points in three throws. The maximum possible number is 180. This result can be achieved by hitting the inner narrow ring of sector 20 all three times. If the player does not get into the inner narrow ring, then he does not receive points. If the dart does not remain in the target, then this is also a fruitless move. After three throws, the result is calculated, and the turn passes to the next player. The rules of darts must be learned before playing. Before the start of the competition for accuracy, the participants alternately throw darts, and according to the results, the one who will start the competition is selected. Naturally, the one who managed to get as close to the center as possible will be lucky.

Darts rules 301/501.

The score in this case starts with 301 points for each participant. Further, the points scored in one move (3 throws) are subtracted, and the one who first reaches zero wins. The last throw must be made to the bullseye or the outer ring of the sector. If the result is more points or one, then the previous rolls are not counted, and the result remains the same as it was before the last series of finishing hits. Each regular game is called a leg, and five legs make up a set. The one who wins in three legs wins. 301 is played by two players, while 501 is played by two pairs.

Rules for the game of darts "All Fives"

Players try to score a multiple of five points in three throws. With a different amount, moves are not counted. If you scored 50 - this is 10 points, 10 - gives 2 points, 5, respectively, 1 point. The one who scores 51 points the fastest is the winner. It should be noted that when sorting points, the last series is repeated. Should be 51 points and no more, no less.

The rules of darts for amateurs are significantly different from those used by professional players. Try to first master the amateur version, which, by the way, is also not so easy to master, and gradually you will move on to the professional one.

In darts lies in the correct throw, which, if desired, can be easily mastered. Try to keep your torso still, slightly tilted forward and your wrist involved. Also try to keep the dart in your hand pointed straight at the target and in one piece with your hand. The technique of playing darts requires certain skills, so you need to practice throwing darts for at least an hour every day. Try to aim at the bull's-eye and with regular practice you will be able to freely choose any goal necessary for the game.

Here are the basic simple rules for all varieties of darts:

  • the center of the target must be set at a height of 1.73m from the floor level;
  • the minimum distance from the target to the player must be 2.37m;
  • the length of the starting line must be at least 43 cm. The starting line drawn on the floor must be clearly visible.

A standard dart board is divided into twenty numbered sectors, usually black and white, each assigned a number from 1 to 20. In the center is a "bullseye" (English bullseye), which is worth 50 points, surrounded by a green ring around it (25 points). The outer narrow ring means doubling the sector value, the inner narrow ring means tripling the sector value. These rings are traditionally painted red and green. Hitting the dart in the "milk" (the area between the outer narrow ring and the edge of the target) does not bring points. If the dart does not remain in the target after being thrown, it also does not score. Typically, points are scored after the player has thrown 3 darts, which is called a set. After that, the right to make an approach passes to another player. The order of players can be determined by drawing lots: each player throws a dart, the one whose dart is closer to the center of the target starts the game.

There are many options for playing darts, but the most popular is of course the game "501". It can be played as a team by team or one on one. When playing together, they often play "501" or "301". Teams often play "701" or "1001".
The goal of the game is to write off the points accrued at the start (501 or 301, etc.). The winner is the one who first reaches 0. Hits in all sectors are counted, as well as doubling and tripling sectors (when hitting the tripling sector, the sector points are multiplied by 3). The points scored for 1 approach (3 darts) are summed up and subtracted from the sum of points after the previous approach.
The obligatory rule of closing the last points through the "doubling" sector complicates and introduces additional intrigue into the game. For example, if there are 40 points left, then you need to hit the doubling of the "20" sector, and if there are 32 points left, then you need to hit the doubling of the "16" sector. Beginners usually play without this rule. By agreement of the players, you can end with an even sector or any sector.
You should also pay attention to the bust rule: if in the last approach the player knocked out more points than his balance or 1 point remains in the remainder, then the points scored are cancelled. The player remains the same result as before the approach. For example, if instead of the required 47 points in the last approach, 57 points are scored, then the player still has 47 points left, and he is waiting for the next approach for the next attempt to “close”. Similarly, if 46 points are knocked out, then the result is not counted, because. there is no doubling sector for the remaining one point.

Cricket is the second most popular darts game after 501 and can also be played team by team or one on one. The game is believed to have originated in America, which is why it is often also referred to as American cricket.
The goal of each player or team is to close all sectors from 15 to 20 (15, 16, 17, 18, 19) and bull (the green sector in the center of the target), while scoring the same or more points than the opponent. To close each sector, you need to score the maximum number of points in this sector (that is, tripled). This can be done in different ways, for example:

  • hit the first dart in the "doubling", and the second - just in the sector;
  • hit the sector with three darts.
  • to hit with one dart immediately in the tripling of the sector.

In the Bull sector, you need to score 75 points to close. Those. hit 3 times in "Bull" (green sector - 25 points) or 1 time in "Bull" and 1 time in "Bull-eye" (red sector - 50 points).
Sectors can be closed in any order. To complicate the task of the opponent in terms of scoring, you can start closing from the largest sectors (20, 19, etc.). The winner in this game is the one who first closed all sectors and at the same time has more points. If you have already closed all sectors, but you have fewer points than your opponent, then you are forced to continue the game and score the missing points on the opponent's "unclosed" sectors.
Beginners can choose a simplified version of Cricket - "Cricket without scoring". The rules are simplified by the lack of a set of points. The winner is the one who first closed all the game sectors (from 15 to 20 and "Bull").

There are also games that are great for group time or for warming up before a big game:

In this game, all throws are made to the center of the target. Hits are counted only in "Bull Eye" (red center of the target) and "Bull" (a whole sector around the red center). The winner is the player who first scores the number of points that is agreed before the game.

5 lives.
This is a great team game. The more players in this game, the more fun, together it will be too fast and not interesting. The goal of the game is to score more points in one approach (three throws) than the previous player. Each player is entitled to 5 tries ("lives"). If the attempt is unsuccessful and it was not possible to bypass the previous player, one attempt is deducted from the participant. After the 6th unsuccessful attempt, the player is eliminated.

Sector 20
As the name implies, all throws in this game are made in sector 20. You can play alone or with opponents. The task is to score the maximum number of points in 10 approaches (30 darts). Only hits in sector 20 are counted. One hit gives 1 point, a double hit gives 2 points, a triple hit gives 3 points. After 10 approaches, the total amount is considered.

Double round
One of the few darts games that can be played alone. It helps to train and set personal records. During the game, you need to hit all doubles in turn, starting from the 1st and ending with the 20th sector, spending the minimum possible number of darts. If you are playing with an opponent, you must spend fewer darts per game than your opponent. Until the player gets into the doubling of the 1st sector, he does not go to the doubling of the 2nd sector, etc.