Gift for boyfriend for graduation. On the first holiday of adulthood - with gifts

I welcome you to the pages of the site site! In this article, you will learn about what to give to university graduates. The university has one wonderful tradition - to give gifts to graduates. As a rule, they are given by students of the pre-graduation course (the 4th, if they are specialists, and the 3rd, if they are bachelors). At the same time, many donors often have a question: what, in fact, can be given to graduates? Read carefully, because then you will find the top 5 gifts for graduates.

What to give university graduates?

Especially for you, I made a small survey among the readers of the site (by e-mail) in order to find out the following: what would you give to graduates of your university?

To be honest, the answers were very different. At the same time, people offered to give both quite banal things for such an occasion, and very extravagant ones.

In short, after sitting for several hours grouping answers, I made up some top 5 gifts for university graduates. As I said above, some of the gifts will seem very ordinary to you, while others will be unusual.

In any case, I believe that the selection below will allow you to make the right choice and give your graduates the gift that, from your point of view, is the most optimal both in terms of price and other criteria.

So, I present to your attention a miracle-mega-super-wow-wow-wow selection of the top 5 gifts for university graduates.

A selection of possible gifts for university graduates

5th place. Travel by boat.

I’ll tell you right away that such a gift is worth the most money from the others that are on this list. However, in my opinion, it is more memorable, and most importantly, a memorable gift than all the others.

Let me explain why I think so. The thing is that a person only in 5% of cases proceeds from logic, and in the remaining 95% he is subjected to the trends of feelings and emotions.

At the same time, in ordinary life it is customary to proceed from the fact that a person is a very rational being. Yes perishing, in some moments it SUCH rational. Especially when drunk.

Well, that's okay. This is all to the fact that people in everyday life do not have enough emotions, impressions. Therefore, such a gift as a trip on a ship will give the usual graduation (or last call) at the university a certain bright final touch.

Graduates of your university will be immensely happy to ride on local reservoirs with their friendly course. Indeed, sometimes, the older the course, the less a person goes to couples. It is very rare to have the whole course in one day.

And then there will be such an occasion - to ride a boat in the evening city and celebrate your graduation from the university.

Conclusion: If your course consists of fairly wealthy guys, and if they don’t mind throwing themselves on a ship for graduates, then go ahead - order a ship.

4th place. Video about student life.

As I said, a gift to graduates should be memorable. In this regard, if you and a group of like-minded people make a film about the student life of graduates, then this will be a great gift.

About how to create such films, I wrote earlier.

In that article, I reveal a step-by-step algorithm for working on a film. But I'll hide it, making a film is not a quick business. Although, if desired, everything can be done in one or two days.

Trust me, if there was a person standing in front of you who pointed a shotgun at your knee and said that the film was ready in 24 hours, then you would have made it in 5 hours, maximum 10. Motivation and stimulation are such things ... Good things, all in all .

Conclusion: If you want to give university graduates a really memorable gift, then I advise you to create a film about their studies at the university. Such a film can be distributed in beautiful CD boxes to each graduate so that it always reminds of those moments that were lived within the walls of the university.

3rd place. Order a cake at a bakery.

Although this gift does not fall under the category of memorable ... Although, how to say. Today you can order a cake that will remain in memory for many years.

Here you need to show your imagination. It is necessary to order a cake that will cause genuine emotions among graduates.

What can you think of for decorating a cake? Lots of things you can think of. For example, you can write some phrase that is known to absolutely all students, because. it is spoken by a well-known person in the university (teacher, dean, rector, etc.). Moreover, if this phrase is really “cult”, then its appearance on the cake will cause a genuine smile among the graduates.

Also on the cake, you can ask to portray something funny that personifies your graduates. Much depends on your knowledge of the course to which you will give the cake.

Conclusion: A cake as a gift is a good opportunity to please graduates. Just don't buy just a cake. It is better to order a cake from a pastry shop and decorate it with some image or phrase that is meaningful to graduates.

In short, here you definitely need to show imagination - without it a good gift will not work.

2nd place. photo collage.

We are approaching the best gifts, according to our readers. Our second place is taken by a photo collage.

For those who are not in the know, I explain: a photo collage is a large photograph that shows small photographs that together make up a whole picture.

I'll tell you honestly, the photo collage looks very impressive if it is done at the proper level. What does it mean? It means that:

a) photos must be of excellent quality (the best solution is a SLR camera);

b) the general idea of ​​the photo collage should be worked out (what the overall picture will be made by individual photographs).

Point "a" to explain separately, I believe, it makes no sense, everything is clear here anyway. Photos must be of high quality, without any flaws.

As for point "b", namely, the general idea of ​​​​a photo collage, I can offer you one of the possible options. You can make a photo collage with wishes from teachers for graduates.

How to do all this? In general, I explain. Take some phrase, like: “We wish you to succeed, to be number one in the profession, any obstacle for you is not a hindrance, because you are the most, the most, you are a herd of sardines!” (pardon my French, but this phrase is just an example).

Next, break this phrase into several parts. Write it in big letters on a piece of paper and give each part of the phrase to different teachers. Photograph each teacher individually with part of the phrase that he holds in his hands.

Then, with a little shamanism in Photoshop, you combine several disparate photos into a single composition. At the output, you get one large photo, which depicts teachers holding parts of a phrase in their hands. In general, it turns out that the photograph shows the same phrase that I wrote above (but it’s better to come up with something other than “herd of sardines”).

Conclusion: A photo collage is a really cool gift! Especially good are photo collages that have a deep meaning. An example with good luck wishes from teachers is the very meaning. Again, imagination is indispensable here. Yes, yes, you need to strain your brains to make a great gift for university graduates.

1st place. Diploma folder (diploma project).

The first place is occupied by a folder for a diploma (or graduation project). Someone will say that this is not a memorable gift. Yes, there is. However, in terms of usfulness (necessity and suitability), this gift is one of the most desired among university graduates.

When a graduate writes a diploma and, later, remakes it a hundred times, sometimes he has no time to go to the store and buy this very folder.

If you and your course make such a gift, then you will help poor graduates solve at least one of their problems.

This gift is a traditional gift for university graduates. At the same time, it is also the best gift, both for students who give it, and for graduates.

The former do not need to spend a lot of money (after all, students, where does the extra money come from?), and besides, this gift does not require any time costs (which cannot be said about creating a film or photo collage), but about the latter (graduates), I already said earlier.

Conclusion: A diploma folder is the best gift of all time for university graduates. It is practical, relatively inexpensive, and most importantly, it has a long tradition.

General conclusion: From this article, you learned what to give to university graduates. As you can see, the gift can be anything. The most important thing is that he just be. Do not spare the money, effort and time to please your undergraduates in the last days of their stay at the university.

Very soon the moment will come when you will be given gifts. Soon, very soon already, this year will fly by very quickly ...

Now you know about what to give university graduates.

So the moment has come when your son, brother or boyfriend, and someone has a husband, graduated from college or another higher educational institution. And the shopping begins in search of a gift. Because I want to congratulate the graduate on graduating and entering a new life. The main problem of choosing a gift is what to give for graduation, because the gift should be unusual. Still, not every year, like a birthday, a diploma is awarded.

The celebration of graduation should be remembered by the graduate for a long time. Therefore, in addition to a beautifully decorated hall for a celebration and a table laden with delicious dishes, it is simply necessary to complete with gifts.

What can be given to graduate students? A girl can give her boyfriend an order by choosing a design in our store, or order an order according to her own sketch. An order with an individual design and an engraved inscription that will glorify his achievements in acquiring knowledge will be very pleasant for the recipient of the diploma.

After graduating from the university, the graduate should be puzzled by plans for the future. Think about where he will work, and outline the goals that he must achieve in some time. To help him decide, you can give a Plan to Conquer the World. This is a card with a protective layer applied to it, which is erased with a coin. The completion of planned trips or any actions aimed at achieving the goal can be marked by erasing the protective layer from one of the sections on the map.

If a young man has a girlfriend who is graduating from an institute, he should think about what to give for graduation so that it is pleasant and remains in memory for a long time. In this case, a premium figurine made of metal-plastic with a marble base is suitable. In our store, craftsmen are ready to make an individual inscription instead of the one indicated in the catalog. Such a gift can be put on a shelf and enjoy the memories of that day throughout your life.

You can give a practical gift. A girl who has received a diploma can be presented with a T-shirt with your inscription. It's nice that you can wear this t-shirt anytime and anywhere. In our store you can order a drawing and an inscription on the product according to an individual sketch. Such a gift will remind the graduate of the day when she stepped into a stormy adult life for a long time to come.

The same graduation gift can be given to a guy. A men's T-shirt with an original pattern and a custom-made inscription will leave a pleasant aftertaste in the graduate's soul.

Friends and relatives of a student, when choosing what to give for graduation, can take his specialization as a starting point. You can choose and buy a unique item in our Gift Valley store, in the section Gift for the teacher. The main thing is that the gift fulfills its purpose, brings joy to its owner.

26 Jul Author: agluiza

Difficult but interesting question. At the end of a long study, you should make an original and memorable gift. For example, you can give a watch, a mobile phone, a laptop. Also, an original gift will be one that you make with your own hands: for example, an original bouquet, or a delicious culinary masterpiece.

You can also give an album where you can collect all the photos that were during your studies. If you are unable to do this, you can contact the printing centers, they will help.

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Graduation from a university is always smiles, hopes and a mountain from the shoulders. The university issues a diploma and freedom as a gift to a graduate, but relatives and friends are sure that the conqueror of the university deserves great awards.

After all, such a significant point in the life of any guy or girl should not remain just a beautiful day from the past.

What to present on the eve of adulthood to your beloved graduates and their teachers, who helped win the difficult struggle for a diploma?

In order not to miscalculate

If the plans do not include unexpected surprises and veils of secrets, you can find out from the student in advance what kind of reward for the work he dreams of. Then misses will be excluded.

Often, the donor will have to prepare for the purchase of a tablet, or a game console - these are the most frequent wishes of modern young people in response to the "goldfish". Here are options for adding to such a presentation:

It is worth recognizing that gifts for graduation from the university are a kind of gratitude from parents: finally, the fears ended, and the investment was justified. Therefore, banal medals with parting words, and symbols of professions, embodied in trinkets, are a bad idea.

For example, giving a plastic bowl with a snake to a graduate of a medical school is no longer relevant. But attaching a symbolic souvenir to the main, serious gift is quite acceptable.

Hand-made is in fashion now, so you can always surprise a university graduate by making a gift with your own hands. It is enough to choose the most interesting photos taken during your studies, process them in Photoshop, print and create a funny or memorable album.

Usually such surprises succeed, and years later, graduates will re-evaluate these photographs with gratitude and nostalgia.

A similar option could be a film about student life. You don’t even have to worry about it in advance: today’s students take so many pictures with mobile phones that there will be no problems with the selection of subjects.

For wise teachers

A graduation gift for a university teacher does not have to be expensive, but you need to pick it up with taste and intelligence. It is ugly to give teachers at the university personal hygiene products, jewelry, homemade pies - these gifts should not go to graduation.

It’s a completely different matter - big, and the best varieties, and original ones (you need to find out in advance how the mentor relates to sweets). You can also put a bottle of good expensive liquor in the basket.

Do not fork out for all sorts of vases. To the donor, they may seem like masterpieces, while the teacher may have a completely different taste, and the vaunted works of art will not fit into the decor of the home.

In between classes, teachers will be pleased to relax and remember their students over a cup of tea or coffee. Flowers no longer surprise anyone, so it is advisable to leave them for concerts and ceremonies.

A useful and beautiful gift to the university from graduates can be a pre-cleaned lawn around the educational institution and the installation of flower beds in which flowers will be planted.

Gifts are what helps to bring pleasant moments through the years. Awarded graduates will definitely feel the importance of their status, which will become a motivation for further victories.

H and receiving a completed higher education a person spends at least five years of his life. Therefore, graduation day is a truly significant event for a person. So it is not at all surprising that close and dear people want to please the graduate on this day by giving him a significant present. But choosing a present for a university graduate is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is especially difficult to choose a gift for a girl who graduates from the institute, as ladies are more capricious than men.

golden decoration

Perhaps the most optimal gift for a young woman who has just graduated from the institute is a stylish gold jewelry. The fact is that on such a really significant occasion it is better to give memorable gifts so that this day is remembered for a lifetime. This effect can be achieved by giving the girl a beautiful gold jewelry. However, one must take into account the fact that such a gift is quite expensive, since high-quality gold jewelry is not cheap.

Stylish bracelet

If you do not have enough money to purchase expensive jewelry, then instead of it you can give a girl a graduate a stylish jewelry at the end of the institute. The ideal choice in this case can be a fashionable bracelet, which can be ordered right now on the Internet. The choice of stylish bracelets is now so great that you will surely be able to choose a really interesting model that your girlfriend will like.

Electronic photo frame

Another wonderful memorable gift that will not let the girl forget not only about the day of graduation from the institute, but also about the academic years. The fact is that a girl will be able to upload the best photos that were taken during her studies at the institute into such an electronic photo frame. Periodically changing each other, the photos will remind the girl of the brightest moments of her studies at the institute.

Wristwatch on a leather strap

Another wonderful memorable gift that can be presented to a graduate of the institute. Now watches on leather straps are very popular among fashionistas from all over the world. So their choice is now really great. This will allow you to choose for your girlfriend a watch with a leather strap that she will surely like.

Massage course certificate

At the end of the institute, a graduate girl can be given not only memorable, but also truly useful gifts. So, for example, you can give her a certificate to a massage parlor. Such a certificate will be not only useful, but also a symbolic gift. In addition to the certificate itself, give the girl a postcard in which you need to write: “Finally, you can relax. Congratulations!". Surely the lady will like this move.

Case for tablet or laptop

If you want to make a symbolic gift to a graduate on the day of graduation, then pay attention to covers for electronic gadgets. So, for example, if a girl has a tablet computer, then you can present her with a case for it. Remarkably, you have the opportunity to order a cover with absolutely any image. So if you order a cover with the logo of the institute that the girl graduated from, you can associate the gift with the occasion.

Illuminated shower

For many girls, taking a shower is a whole ritual. Given this fact, you can make a truly original gift for a graduate of the institute. These are shower heads with lighting. Such nozzles will make the ordinary process of taking a shower more fun and interesting.

Original wall clock

Another memorable gift that the girl will look at every day and remember her academic years at the institute. The beauty of such a gift is that the original wall clock can become not only a memorable, but also a useful present. The fact is that with their help the girl will be able to decorate the interior of her apartment.

Flowers and a large soft toy

Do not forget about such a classic set, which can also be safely handed to a graduate girl at the end of the institute. Such sets are the best gift for girls, so you can give them absolutely for any occasion. High school graduation is no exception.


If you want to make a really expensive gift for a girl on the day she graduated from college, then you can present her with a high-quality camera. Considering the fact that most girls love to take pictures, it's safe to say that she will like such an expensive gift.

original umbrella

Well, if you want to make a useful gift to a graduate of the institute, then buy an original umbrella for her. Absolutely every person needs such an accessory, so you can be sure that you will guess with a gift. And even if she has a good umbrella, then your gift can be useful to a girl.