Congratulations on graduation from the medical university. With graduation

On this solemn day, I congratulate you on an important event - graduation from the university! I wish the accumulated knowledge to be useful in the future multifaceted and incredibly eventful life. So that all sorts of prospects lead to success, victories and prosperity!

Today you can congratulate our graduates on graduating from the university! A lot has been passed together, and now everyone will go their own way. But these years will remain in the heart for life, as the brightest, filled with impressions and events, friendship and unity. We wish you great achievements and satisfaction, happiness and prosperity!

Congratulations on graduating from the university and I want to wish that the education you received will certainly be useful to you in life, that the correct knowledge will help you find your place and achieve incredible heights of success, so that every day you manage to realize your plans and get everything you want from your life, activities and yours hobbies.

Congratulations on your graduation from the university and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish that the knowledge, skills and experience gained will allow you to find a good job, which will not only become a source of good income in life, but will also make it possible to translate all your ideas and ideas into reality. I wish you creative success in your activities, confident plans for the future and successful days.

Congratulations on completing your studies at the university and obtaining higher education, we wish you a successful career, easy achievement of goals, may your further activities be fruitful and bring joyful results.

So the final exams, theses, night cramming and eternal worries about grades have passed! University life is left behind, and a happy, eventful life is ahead! I wish you success in your chosen profession, speedy career growth, travel, new fruitful acquaintances and the implementation of all ideas in life!

Behind the exams, thesis, in the hands of a document confirming your qualifications! We wish you to be realized in your chosen profession, to get a good high-paying position. Develop, do not stand still, there are a lot of interesting things in life. Well, today, have fun in full, "wash" your diploma so that all enemies are envious.

Congratulations on your graduation! We wish to realize everything that was received within the walls of the educational institution. Let all the decisions you make be productive and promising. And all actions will to a greater extent be aimed at maintaining the achieved positions.

Graduating from an educational institution, be it college or college, is a big step towards adulthood. In fact, this is the completion of the first life path of each person. Now you can start looking for a job, and although it will still not be possible to do without training over the next years, the main process of acquiring knowledge has come to an end. It's time to take a short break before looking for a serious job. Many graduates do this, and this approach is absolutely correct. Relaxing for a while after you've spent about 15 years studying is definitely worth it.


And the task of relatives and friends is to arrange a big fun holiday for a graduate. It is best to gather all your friends and relatives, because this is a really big event that deserves serious attention.

What to give a person who has entered adulthood? If he is already renting an apartment, you should pay attention to various useful household items - dishes, interior items. Also, money is a good gift option for someone who graduated from college. Even a modest amount at the beginning of an independent life will be very useful.

But even if you do not have the opportunity to help the graduate financially, it is quite possible to get by with congratulations coming from the very heart. It's great if you can come up with them yourself, but even if this is not given to you in any way, you can safely choose one of the options below. On the pages of our site you will find many excellent congratulations on graduation from an institute or college in poetry and prose.

Also, students often celebrate graduation together. In this case, you can definitely do without gifts, but the one who was chosen as the organizer will have to work hard. He has to complete a very difficult task - to come up with a scenario for the evening, find interesting contests and, of course, buy food to celebrate the graduation from the university.

And even on such a holiday, graduates will certainly congratulate each other, so you need to stock up on cheerful or solemn poems in advance (depending on the nature of the future event).

Also, some of our poems are ideal for a relaxing family holiday organized in honor of a graduate. Some of them are filled with care and love, so they will sound great from the lips of parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers.

Well, graduate, I can congratulate you

Well, graduate, I can congratulate you,
You managed to defend your diploma,
Now you can be sent to the service,
Well, okay, I was able to joke a little!

You better go to work
To shine with knowledge there,
Well, and then the money in the account,
And then you can boo!

Congratulations to graduates today
And we let them fly free.
Good luck, we wish them happiness on the way,
To remember whose grandfathers are a glorious family.

You are our hope and support in the future,
Soon we will hand over the whole country to you.
Bear proudly the title of a great people,
The traditions of which we all faithfully keep!

Behind the exams and all the tests
And in your hands is already a diploma.
New heights await ahead
You will be the creator of your destiny.

Let all the doors open
So that you can break through everywhere.
May luck await in your career
And always be on top.

The years of study are over
So much excitement, pride, happiness.
The most important thing is ahead
The main thing in life is now to take place!

May your path be bright and successful
A university diploma is a pass to the top.
Boldly climb every climb
Use knowledge - your strength is in them!

I congratulate you on a great and important achievement in life - on graduating from a university. I wish you even more significant achievements ahead, not stopping there. I wish you good luck and the desired work, which will bring you not only income, but also pleasure from the process. I wish you happiness, love, favorable fortune, bright and self-sufficient future.

Graduated from the institute with brilliance,
The diploma is already in my pocket
Great prospects await
Just follow your dreams!

Let life present you
Nice surprises
Will add bright days in fate,
Will fulfill all the whims!

And let the career go up
Forward without delay
Will bring prosperity to your house,
Honor and respect!

The university is over, congratulations!
Let as a reward for your labors
All wishes come true
And all dreams will come true.

All doors are open to you
Hold on to the stormy sea -
You parted with "alma mater"
There is a great life ahead.

May happiness and good luck
They will be on the way with you
I wish you good health
And in the profession - to grow!

The university is over! Ahead -
Long road.
All the worries are over
Fears and anxieties.

Congratulations! Let your way
It will be interesting
May you be lucky in everything
Life will be wonderful!

Graduation from a university is far from a trifle,
This means that a new stage has begun in life.
Accept congratulations and just look ahead
I wish you good luck, less troubles and worries.
Let dreams come true, do not lose faith in them,
Walk along the road without fear, with optimism.

Behind all the sessions, tests,
The university is finished and in the hands of a diploma,
Joyful graduation notes
Mixed with hope and warmth.

Congratulations! Victory is ahead
You are at the beginning of a glorious journey
It is still thorny and not experienced,
With honor this path all of you to pass!

You are not a student now,
All dreams have come true
You are now a specialist
Our young maximalist!

May it be easy for you
And luck will smile
So that there is wealth in your pocket,
There is always order in the head!

And love to you, and happiness,
It is easy to survive bad weather,
If it's hard - don't give up
Develop constantly!

So that you are always loved
And praised and appreciated
So that career growth goes,
And got to the stars!

With graduation from the institute
We congratulate you.
It's cool and cool
Your goal has been achieved.

You have your diploma in your pocket
And all paths are open.
There are many prospects for you
Go to new goals!

Diploma received. Bai study.
The life stage is over.
There is a lot of banter on this topic,
But I'll tell you like this:

Believe in yourself, know - you can do everything!
There is a clean sheet in front of you,
So create whatever you want
Our young specialist.

Another second - and you are not a student, but a certified specialist in your field. Now, in a bright and interesting dress, various benefits and bright interesting achievements, the work of your dreams, where you must have a higher education, have become available to you. Sorrows and troubles, unpleasant teachers and not always interesting classmates are now in the past for you. You have become a free bird, choosing your path and your place in life. With a diploma, many benefits and material achievements will become available to you. But even if you did not graduate from the university of your dreams, you can always enter the place where it is interesting and easy for you and like to study. Therefore, it is always not too late to study, as it will give you a lot of interesting and bright things, as well as the opportunity to change your life.

Everything is behind: study and protection,
The excitement of the sessions, it's all over
The doors to the land of growing up are open for you,
Choose the right path, and dare to go.
Into the sea of ​​life, a friend you enter,
It happens with a huge storm,
Always be able to fight the wave
And never fall to the bottom.

Here is the diploma in your hands
The University was left far behind,
May you be lucky in all matters
Let luck lie ahead.
You graduated from college, congratulations,
I sincerely wish to find myself
Let the flow of life smoothly carry
Let success, friend, find you.

The years flew by like birds
Here is the diploma you hold in your hands,
To you, friend, I wish you bright discoveries,
Great success in all matters.
Let the graduation from the university not be sad,
Let him give you a ticket to life,
Always think about the best
And let the dream come true.

All the excitement is over
You have a bright future ahead of you
All roads are open - choose
Embody your knowledge.
Congratulations on your graduation, friend,
I wish you good luck in the future,
May everything that you dream of come true
Happy life to you.

There's a reason for joy tonight
You graduated from the university with honors,
Now, friend, you are at a loss,
Which road should you take?
May your choice be successful
Let it always be lucky in everything
I wish to cope with any task,
May fate be favorable to you.

The university is over - all the excitement is behind,
A serious choice lies ahead
To you, friend, I wish you happiness and warmth,
Let the sorrows go away forever.
Let your dreams come true
Let fate smile at you
Let beautiful love come to you
Let grief and sorrow go around your home.

You were looking forward to this moment,
Today is filled with joy, excitement,
You, friend, graduated from the university, hurray,
Fate opens the doors for you.
Let the green light always burn for you
May the mood always be wonderful
May wise advice help you
Let your life be a fairy tale.

University! Goodbye dear -
Let's not forget any "two"
It's only better to live again
We're only four or five!
Our goodbye professor! Our assistant professor!
We leave - the percentage will grow:
Everyone will have academic performance
Will end in smoking rooms obscenities and laughter!
I already have a diploma in my hands - a tit,
And the crane has a forward route ...
We will only dream of studying,
Hard engineering work awaits us!

You have tried and studied for five years,
Univer has become like a home for you,
And now, today you were handed
A well-deserved state diploma by you.
May life open the door of happiness
And the knowledge that you have acquired
I wish you to be useful in life,
And you were led to achievements in life.

And the last session is over today,
And the university accompanies you,
Let the roads of happiness await you ahead,
And every day inspires you to win.
I wish you a lot of luck,
And joy, love and a lot of light,
And may the Lord keep you in life,
And let the questions always be answered.

In the books on the last pages,
Grades are given, this means
That the university is already over
And new roads and challenges await you.
May you find your calling,
And you will find happiness and good luck,
And a lot of joy, love and recognition for you,
Let problems, failures, do not touch you.

I have a diploma in my hands and you are so happy
The study is already left behind,
Let it be your reward in life -
Happy and bright ways.
And let every day inspire to victories,
And gives a lot of achievements and love,
And may the Lord send you all health,
And only good luck awaits you ahead.

Years fly by like birds
You can't turn them back
You recently entered the university,
And the graduation chords sound there.
I congratulate you on graduating from university,
I wish you a successful distribution,
So that, as always everywhere you have time,
But in general I wish to live and not grieve.

Today you receive your diploma,
Over the years of study, of course, you miss
The life of the university is left behind
The choice of work, like a lottery ticket, is ahead.
Congratulations on graduating from university,
I wish you success and good luck from the bottom of my heart,
May you always be lucky in everything
And let life flow carelessly.

Congratulations on graduation: