Teenage depression and how to deal with it. How to get rid of depression teenage. Who is subject to depression

Depression in adolescents - It is much more than teenage chanda. Teenagers are impulsive, some of them are poorly adapted in the social environment. The jumps of hormonal background violate the internal equilibrium in adolescents, which immediately affects their mood. In adolescents, the symptoms of depression can be masked for antisocial behavior.

In order not to miss the symptoms of depression and not lose a teenager, parents need to constantly hold a friendly contact with him. Only so you can notice the signs of clinical depression on time.

Symptoms of depression

Symptoms of depression in adolescents coincide with their incredible capriciousness.
Many of the symptoms of depression: isolation, aggression, the appearance of bad habits, sleep disorder (night Or daytime drowsiness), changing food habits, the rejection of personal hygiene is almost every adolescent behavior. But parents can still notice depression in a teenager themselves and distinguish it from adolescent rebounds. Drops , Sudden change in behavior is a phenomenon, as a rule, temporary. Symptoms of big depression last much longer - depression does not take place six months and more. And the symptoms of depression are much more serious: suicidal thoughts may appear when depressed, members' coming, inability to function.

Causes of depression in adolescents

    It is possible that the teenager fell into depression just because of an indifference by adults (parents in particular), from lack of attention and affection. This is also the reason for depression, the unfortunate love can be attributed, from which teenagers suffer often.

    Also the cause of depression can be the use of drugs. Alone to get rid of Difficult even adults. In this case, without qualified medical care can not do.

    Wrong food can also lead to depression. Abuse of food rich in fats and carbohydrates (and this is, as a rule, Fast Food) can significantly harm not only physical, but also spiritual health. After adding leafy vegetables, olive oil and tomatoes into the daily diet (contains liquid, helping to cope with depression), it is possible to significantly improve the emotional state.

    Depression occurs during the deficit (Cyancobalamina), then it is combined with other symptoms of hypovitaminosis (megaloblastic anemia, chronic fatigue, irritability, dizziness, ringing in the ears). In this case, before turning to the symptoms of depression to the psychiatrist, it is enough to pass the usual blood test from the finger. Correcting a diet by adding products to it containing this vitamin (mainly meat), you can cope with depression.

    Depression happens in violation in the organization of serotonin metabolism. When depressed, its blood level is reduced. It is possible to increase serotonin synthesis not only by drugs (carefully, can cause dangerous serotonin syndrome), but also in a natural way: taking into food .

    In adolescent girls, depressed rolling at a low level that again, there may be a consequence of a low-calorie diet, and not just some kind of disease (for the same reason it arises impression in the elderly).

    As in adults, adolescents have insufficiency of sunlight can manifest the symptoms of depression.

Depression in adolescents has a lot of reasons. Teenagers, suffering from depression, are angry with themselves and cannot independently break this vicious circle.

Teenagers are difficult to independently cope with such a difficult problem as depression, and they are in dire need of assistance from adults. It is in help, and not in reading notations.

An important step in helping a teenager who has depressed to be depressed: to talk to him without using any condemnation or assumptions in conversation. Help .

Sufficient physical activity is well helped by depression: strength training, , . Regular physical exertion in the treatment of depression is almost also effective as psychotherapy or medicine.

In severe, launched cases, antidepressants are prescribed when depressed by the doctor, but they have a mass of side effects. The list of side effects of the prosecutor (fluoxetine) takes a whole page. In patients with depression, accompanied by anxiety, insomnia and psychomotor excitation, he is able to exacerbate the symptoms, up to the amplification of suicidal inclination.

From time to time we all sad. However, as a rule, sadness passes after a few days in itself, and we rejoice in life again. Unfortunately, not always the feeling of sadness quickly passes. If the teenager, along with sadness, is experiencing a sense of hopelessness and uselessness, most likely he suffers from depression. Fortunately, to defeat the depression possible. After reading this article, you will learn how to cope with depression in adolescence.


Part 1

Get help

    Find out the doctor if you need medication treatment. Consult your pediatrician or therapist. If necessary, he will send you to consult a psychotherapist. For the treatment of teenage depression in some cases, fluoxetine (prozak) and escitalopram (cipralex) are used.

    Part 2

    Take care of mental health
    1. Communicate. A man experiencing symptoms of depression has a tendency to isolate himself from society. Such behavior aggravates the course of the disease. Instead of staying at home, skip school or isolate yourself from people using other ways, do not let yourself do this.

      Learn positive thinking. Analyze your attitude towards yourself and your life. If you notice that you are prone to negative thinking, try to replace negative thoughts positive. Fill your mind inspiring and positive thoughts. Follow patience. Time is required to change the way of thinking.

      • Please note that negative thoughts contribute to the development of depression. If you want to overcome negative thinking, you will need help with a psychotherapist who will offer you effective ways to combat negative thoughts.
    2. Put yourself with reachable goals. Put in front of you the goal you can achieve. Do not put too complex goals in front of yourself, which is simply impossible to achieve. Try our best to achieve the goal. This will help you strengthen self-confidence, which is very important if you are struggling with depression.

    3. Make a graph. Make a daily and weekly schedule and follow it. Take notes that will serve you with a reminder. Include in your schedule predominantly positive events. If you know that you have to experience the stressful situation, highlight enough time for yourself to recover. The presence of a graph will allow you to avoid situations that cause you negative feelings and emotions. Try split the day for short time intervals and analyze whether you managed to achieve the planned plans. Think about how you felt at this time, and what influenced your mood.

      • Early morning hours
      • Late morning hours
      • Downtown
      • Afternoon
      • Evening

Signs of depression in adolescents often appear during pubertal development, that is, about 12-15 years old. Not every adult can cope with intense rhythm of life and with daily stressful situations, not to mention the rapid child's psyche.

Stressful states in children are less than adults, but their influence affects the nervous system. Periods of teenage depression are associated with hormonal processes and with the knowledge of the surrounding world.

The main reason for the occurrence of depression in adolescents is rapid hormonal changes in the body in combination with the inability of the inconspicuous psyche adequately respond to stress and criticism.

Why are adolescents are subject to depressive states? Provoking factors are:

  1. Replacing the children's presentation of the world for immersion in adulthood with all its difficulties and disadvantages.
  2. Youth maximalism (in adolescence, any minor problem turns into a global scale catastrophe, which is associated with the exacerbation of egoism).
  3. An unfavorable situation in the family (in this case, children acutely react to complex relations between parents, frequent quarrels, divorce, insufficient financial situation).
  4. Beach of modernity - Internet addiction (the child is immersed in the virtual world, and the real turns it into the state of oppression).
  5. Mockery of classmates, ridicule, loneliness, which often become the causes of the development of depression at school age.
  6. The need to move a family to another city or country (a teenager is forced to break the established relationships with friends, neighbors, classmates, and in a new place to build a new circle of communication).
  7. Teenagers from the risk group on which strong pressure in the family is provided (the child is criticized related to school at school or other activities).

Sometimes depression arises and against the background of general well-being (excessive care of the family). In this case, the psyche relaxed and is not able to confront even minimal stress.

There is also a factor of heredity, which increases the likelihood of the development of adolescent problems and aghesive their manifestations. It should be remembered that the child's gloomy mood never appears without a reason. And you should not write off on a difficult age. At the root of each problem, the reason lies, and to cope with these problems follows the whole family.

How to understand what is happening with the child?

You should know what signs of the appearance of depression have a teenager.

We list:

  1. decline in interest in everyday affairs and even to hobbies;
  2. bad performance in school, possible absenteeism;
  3. insomnia;
  4. apathy, irritability, depression;
  5. violation or complete absence of appetite;
  6. society (Angedonia);
  7. bad concentration, difficulty decision-making;
  8. unmotivated flashes of aggression, excitation, plasticity;
  9. suicidal thoughts and even attempts to get away from life.

There are also physical symptoms of mental impairment (frequent migraines, muscle weakness, skin rash, itching, stool impairment, stomach pain and heart).

There is a certain classification of depressive states. Depending on the types of depression, symptoms differ:

  1. Reactive.
  2. Melancholic.
  3. Anxiety depression.
  4. Distimia.
  5. Bipolar disorder.

Most often occurs the reactive type of depression (aged 12 to 17). Developed by divorce parents or the death of loved ones.

Melancholic depression is characterized by manifestations of oppressed state, longing. At the same time, a sleep disorder is noted, the ability of reactions, there are thoughts on suicide.

If a depressive teenager shows signs of anxiety, panic, confusion, fear of death, then this indicates anxious depression.

Distimia is called sluggish depression, which has lubricated symptoms and can even last several years. Due to the disease, problems in social adaptation are possible, the behavior of the teenager is difficult to organize drug correction.

A frequent change in the behavior of a child from depression to aggression may indicate a bipolar disorder, that is, on manico-depressive psychosis.

Treatment of disorder

Depressive states in a child in no way can be allowed on samonek. The missed time may lead to exacerbation, and the depression in a teenager will be more difficult to treat treatment.

A easier degree of violation of behavior is adjusted using psychotherapy, and with good family relationships, parents or close relatives will cope with the task.

Heavy psychological deviations with manifestations of suicidal thoughts require complex treatment, which includes a course of drug therapy in combination with psychotherapeutic correction.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

To prevent the burden of teenage depression up to a bipolar disorder or suicide, it is recommended to refer to a specialist at the first changes in behavior. To this end, a regular unit is introduced in schools to the pedagogical composition - a school psychologist.

Its responsibilities include consulting conversations with adolescents, timely identification of signs of depression and elements of family psychotherapy. Therapy of the psychologist helps the child to deal with his own feelings and with the perception of the surrounding world.

Help the psychologist is not limited to conversations. First of all, some surveys are appointed - analyzes, neurological research, psychological tests, inspection from a pediatrician.

After clarifying the characteristics, the pediatrician and the psychologist are diagnosed together and take the general decision to appoint.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is carried out both individually and as part of the group (group therapy).

Medical therapy

Medical treatment of depression in adolescents is appointed to facilitate the symptoms and correction of the psychological state. The drug course includes such types of drugs:

  • vitamins;
  • antidepressants;
  • immunocormers;
  • stimulants;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • package.

The appointment of antidepressants often scares relatives, since these drugs act directly to the psyche of the teenager. Medicines of this group contribute to the normalization of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine. The reduced level of content in the body of such hormones as noraderenlin, serotonin provoke depressive states.

Also, antidepressants can cause a certain type of addiction, which develops as a result of the normalization of the mental state. Therefore, the teenager appears the view that he will not cope with the situation without medicines. If the doctor prescribes antidepressants to the patient, he must prevent the parents and a teenager himself about this factor.

What can parents

The family relationships are defining a teenager's psyche in the formation and formation. What if the child changes dramatically, he began to learn worse, and conflicts appeared at school?

In addition to deciding for help from a specialist, parents must take an active part in the correction of the teenager's behavior. Psychologists give parents such tips:

  • helping a child with an increase in self-esteem by developing the ability to make their own decisions;
  • talk with a teenager on topics that are important for him: interested in his hobbies, everyday life;
  • limit criticism, excessive custody;
  • gradually, without pressure and pressure, build trust relationships;
  • conflict situations in the family must be minimized;
  • when discussing one or another problem, to propose a solution based on your own experience.

Also, parents are also important to find as many points of contact with the child as possible. After all, the teenager during the day is surrounded by classmates, friends in the yard, and with parents seemed only in the evening. In such a situation, the surroundings of the teenager should not push the family. But at the same time, this does not mean that it is necessary to limit communication with friends.

You can organize joint leisure - vacation in nature, sports. It is recommended to attract a child to the pastime in various sections (chess, dancing, drawing). Such types of art therapy are recognized as official medicine, help to form a psyche and adjust its violations.

Prevention of depression in adolescents

Teenage depressive states are found quite often, therefore preventive measures should be applied in the educational process of almost every child. Sincere and friendly relations in the family are rarely combined with severe manifestations of depression in a teenager.

Parents should carefully track the mood of the child. With sharp drops, it may be necessary to help a psychologist. In this case, it is also not worth a child to send forcibly forcibly to the doctor and at the same time to force a tablet to the taste. During therapy, the teenager should feel the support of loved ones, so for the whole family it will be better to use the services of a family psychologist to pass through the therapy together.

Not only adult people have a depressive state. In 15% of cases aged 10 to 15 years old, depression has teenagers. What can provoke it? Why is this carefree period accompanied by depression? Reasons help in finding ways of effective treatment, which contributes to the elimination of all major symptoms of this state.

Readers of the site of psychotherapeutic assistance site often suggest that they are hard with. This period really becomes hard because the struggle between the parent education and independence of the teenager takes place. One important reason for depression in a teenager can be called the victory of the parents. When the child wanted to prove his independence and the ability to solve his fate himself, they suppressed his gusts. Parents forced the child to stay by a child and not grow up - it looks like a stop in the development and beginning of degradation.

Teenagers are no longer children, but still not adult people. This is a certain intermediate version of the formation of each person. This period is when everyone starts to look for their own implementation of their own implementation in any field of life. It is then hard not only to their parents, because mostly their complaints are only audible, but also to adolescents themselves, because it is now they have to balance between what they were taught before, and what they see and feel themselves. Oddly enough, it was during this period that teenagers care about what they will think and say their parents. Paradox, isn't it?

One of the bright examples can be given any love event. The girl leads a poor guy home and worries: "And how to explain to parents that I love him, although he is poor?" The boy leads a girl home and is concerned about how the mother will react, negatively relating to all his companions. Despite the fact that teenagers tend to defend their truth, they still cannot completely renounce their parents, to which they listened to the previous 13-18 years of their lives.

And if parents want to understand and take the choice of their child or at least just reasonably discuss with it such a decision, then they threaten the subsequent mistrust and reluctance to tell something. Currently, the phenomenon is increasingly as "do not say anything to your parents." This applies not only to the mistakes of adolescents, but also to the choice of profession, family partner and other affairs. Employers simply do not want to reveal more in front of their parents, because otherwise they will have to be reckoned with their opinion, despite their desires and the worldview.

In modern books on psychology for adolescents, slogans are very often sound: "Do you really care the opinion of parents?", "Think your head", "parents do not have the right to solve your personal life," "Who you will work, do not care for your Parents. " If you want your child to resort to these expressions using books, friends or himself came to this conclusion, then continue to "eat" to him, command and punish it. However, if you want a good-natured relationship between parents and adolescents in your family, then learn to listen to your children's arguments about one or another choice and sometimes even make it a decision, no matter how unknown or wrong it seems to you. If your child chose this answer, it means that he has already seen his prospects in the future.

With adolescents, it is not easy, first of all, due to the fact that they no longer want to obey their parents, but everyone also needs their material and spiritual support. From what tactics will choose parents, will depend on how their teenager will grow. If parents continue to plan their opinion, then it threatens either a complete leaving of a child from a family with quarrels and insults, or the honorary title of "Mamienecian Son" or "Paint daughter." If parents allow their teenager to find their own ways to implement their ideas, it is not burned, to get into trouble and again find a solution to problems (the support of parents is important), he will grow responsible and independent person who will not forget his parents and will protect them all their a life.

What is teenage depression?

Teenage depression is a psycho-emotional state, which is accompanied by a number of specific symptoms. Depression are inherent in such manifestations:

  1. Indifference to life, lack of joy.
  2. Motor inhibition, immobility.
  3. Poor mood with a pessimistic look at the world.

If a teenager has three symptoms at once, then we are talking about depression. Why does she arise? Of course, the reasons for teenage depression differ from the cause of the depressive state in adults. Frequent reasons become:

  • Problems in the family, lack of normal contact with parents, conflicts, violence.
  • Problems in studies, lack of motivation to learn, bad estimates.
  • Lack of friends at school and at home.
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself and our own life.
  • Lack of goals for the future.
  • No interests that would be carried away by a teenager and gave him a feeling of joy.

To eliminate teenage depression, you need to start with clarifying the reasons for its occurrence. And in each case, everything is individually.

What is universal longing inside? Unfortunately, many people are familiar with this feeling. Some call it loneliness, others - a lifelong boredom, the third - disinterest, the fourth - the constant feeling of apathy and laziness. All these interpretations are determined by the concept of "Universal Tosca". There is no speech about space or about the dimension of the life of the Universe, it is in mind your internally self-seeming of how you go through life.

Lack of interest in life, longing, silentness, deep depression and other factors - all this is an internal universal longing. Many people face with this, ranging from the school period and ending with older age. Why does this feeling arise? Why does a person fall into such a state?

From children, it is very rare to hear something similar. Think why? Even in school years, few teenagers feel their own boroughts or loneliness. However, since the end of the school or higher education institution, a risk of such a state is possible. What is the matter?

Often, only one factor leads to this globility - the lack of goals in life. Interest, desire, energy, strength, cheerfulness - all this occurs when you have a goal. You want something to achieve someone to become, to get something and so on - all this mobilizes you, and you are no longer boring. You have no time to miss and spend time on the inner emptiness. What can be emptiness if you know what you want? What could be boredom if you are busy achieving your goals?

Children are never bored, because they pursue one goal - knowledge of the surrounding world. Everything is interesting for them, they are surrounded by so many things that still need to be learned, so they do not feel lonely. Teens do not feel apathy only because in addition to the employment, which the school gives them, they are still concerned about such phenomena as a relationship with peers, attraction to the opposite sex, puberty and problems of communicating with their parents. During these two periods, a person has no time to miss, because it solves many tasks set in front of him. However, there are exceptions. Moreover, then life begins to which not everyone is ready.

All the difficulties that arise during the period of educational and adult life are related to the fact that not all people know how to put goals in front of them, find classes that they are interesting to them, or equip good-natured relationships with others. Initially, the ability of people to be desired is originally, to put goals in front of them and strive to achieve them. Sometimes this is due to the fact that at an earlier age of their desires were suppressed, they were not taken into account or the goals they embodied, put other people in front of them (parents, teachers). And with the exit to adulthood, when they themselves can make decisions, how to live them, they do not have such a feature, how to clearly set themselves the desired goal.

Following the inability to set the goals lame of interests and hobbies that do not have in humans. The individual may not know what is interesting for him, because before him other people said that he should do what to devote time to overwhelming his interests. As a result, its own dissatisfaction leads to the inability to safely contact with other people. If a person is unhappy with himself, then he has many complexes and fears relative to others.

The universal emptiness inside arises because a person does nothing for his own happiness, does not try to adapt to a new life and allows himself a weak, irresponsible and helpless. Life boredom arises because a person does nothing with his own life and does not even try to change his position. Testing an inner vacuum, he sharpens his attention on it, not allowing himself to even think that he himself can change such an unpleasant situation. And for this you need only one thing - to put a goal. It must accommodate your desires, interest and readiness to act. At first it will be difficult and unusual, but then you will like it - and no one else can stop being filled with, happy and pleased.

Symptoms of teenage depression

Teenagers themselves are still children who have children's manifestations. However, teenage depression adds its symptoms:

  1. Enuresis. Accompanied by evilness, a tendency to asocial behavior, immaturity of reactions.
  2. Cry.
  3. Disobedience.
  4. Anorexia.
  5. Intestinal colic.
  6. Headaches.
  7. Night screams.
  8. Laziness.
  9. Inospity of joy.
  10. Reduced mood.
  11. Sadness
  12. Healing.

The longer the teenager is depressed, the more parents can notice the appearance of laziness - when he no longer wants to get out of bed, sits for a long time in one pose, looks at one point.

Signs of teenage depression are:

  1. Anxiety.
  2. Lost.
  3. Flameness.
  4. Somatic disorders.
  5. Coarseness.
  6. Disobedience.
  7. Reduced learning ability.
  8. Increased fatigue.
  9. The emergence of deep longing inside.

Treatment of teenage depression

The treatment of deep form of depression should be done by doctors who prescribe the necessary drugs. There is better self-treatment here. Psychotherapy is also important, which is carried out with any form of depression.

A teenager should receive approval and love in his family, so parents must try to establish relationships with the child, to support him and help find their happiness in this life.


Teenage depression is not as often. However, when it face it, it becomes dangerous, as a teenager begins to think about suicide if his depression is aggravated. In order not to happen irreparable, parents should pay attention to the state of their child and help him, excluding moraling and constant prohibitions.

Recently, in the press, reports of suicide among adolescents have become increasingly. Most often, depressive states are becoming the causes of suicide. Such states are developing not in an hour and not per day. Depression is a long-term condition. The duration of depression is most often more than two years, however, there may be less short-term states (from 2 weeks to 2 years).

Causes of depression in children

The development of depression contributes to the following factors:

1. The pathology of the early neonatal period: chronic intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus, the birth of children with asphyxia, the presence of encephalopathy newborns, intrauterine infections. All these states lead to the affix of the brain.

2. Family climate: incomplete family, conflicts in the family, "superflock" mothers, lack of concerns from parents, lack of proper sex education from parents. Very often in incomplete families, children cannot tell their parent about all their problems, especially for families, where daughter brings up only father. In such families, children closes in themselves, the whole cargo of problems to lie only on their shoulders, and sometimes they do not cope with this cargo. Frequent conflicts in the family lead to ideas in a child that it is a burden for parents, which without him it would be much easier. In the presence of "superpod" from the mother, children are not able to adapt to the environment and society, without lack of support from the mother, they become completely helpless. Teenage age is the period of experiments, especially in sexual terms. In the absence of sexual experience, problems and failures may occur in the first sexual contact. With a sufficient informality of a child in sexual terms, this circumstance will not cause a negative reaction in a teenager, however, in the absence of sex education, this situation may adversely affect the adolescent, which will lead to its closets.

3. Teenage age. As mentioned above, adolescent age is the period of experiments. In addition to the previously described problems, during this period there is a hormonal and structural restructuring of the body. Girls appear the first monthly, boys have nightly offices (Night Sophia), the body shape changes, youthful acne appear. Due to the overaffect of hormones, children become more aggressive, in their environment, leaders appear, which dictate one or another lifestyle. If you do not fit this image, you can not get into a group of communication, and therefore you find yourself overboard public life. All this can lead to the alienation of a child from society, the appearance of thoughts that he is not like that.

4. Frequent change of residence. The child should have a circle of communication, friends. With a frequent change of residence, the child cannot have a full-fledged friends with whom he could spend free time, share secrets.

5. Problems in school. The modern educational process is too overloaded with objects, not every child can cope with the school burden. The lag on the school program isolates the child from his classmates, making it very vulnerable in mental terms.

6. The presence of a computer and the Internet. Achievements of technology allowed us to unite the whole world by escaping it to a computer monitor, however, it did not affect youth's ability to communicate. Children narrows the circle of interest, they are not able to discuss anything with their peers, besides, as far as he "hungry" his hero or how many "bots" he "frustrated" yesterday. Children become shy at a personal meeting, they are hard to choose the words, because the computer is so easy to hide behind the pair of emoticons. At the same time, the only form of communication with them is chatting.

Depression in a child can develop due to the impact of sharp or chronic stress (death or severe disease of loved ones, disintegration of a family, a quarrel with loved ones, conflicts with peers, etc.), but can begin outliving with some visible reasons against the background of full Physical and social well-being, which is usually associated with violations of the normal flow of biochemical processes in the brain. The so-called seasonal depression is distinguished, the emergence of which is associated with the special sensitivity of the body to climatic conditions (often manifested in children who have suffered hypoxia who have received various injuries in childbirth).

Symptoms of depression in a child

Depression is susceptible to the greatest degree of teenage age. Early (12-13 years old), middle (13-16 years) and late (over 16 years old) depression.

Depression is manifested by classical triad symptoms: reduced mood, reduced mobility and reduced thinking.

Reducing the mood during the day when depressed unevenly. Most often in the morning, the mood is more raised, the children are pretty willing to go to school. During the day, the mood is gradually decreasing, the peak of the reduced mood is in the evening. Children are not interested in anything, may be disturbed by headache, in rare cases it is possible to increase body temperature. Children complain that they are all bad that they have permanent problems at school, conflicts with teachers and students. No success is pleasing to them, they constantly see only negative sides even in the best things.

In addition to the reduced mood, the so-called outbreaks of very good mood happen. Children joke, having fun, however, such a raised mood lasts long (from several minutes, up to an hour), and then replaces again with a reduced mood.

Reduction of mobility is manifested in the reluctance to move, children either constantly lie, or sit in the same position, most often cut down. Physical work does not cause them any interest.

The thinking process in children is slowed down, the speech is quiet, slow. Children with difficulty choose the necessary words, it becomes problematic to build an associative series (for example, a wedding-bride-white dress faith). Children respond to questions after some pause, most often only in one word or just nodding. It occurs on one thought, most often with a negative tint: no one loves me, I'm not bad, I don't work with me, everything is trying to make me something bad.

Children decreases appetite, they refuse food, sometimes they may not eat a few days. Sleep little, worried insomnia, as the looping on one thought interferes with the process of falling asleep. Sleeping in children is superficial, restless, does not allow the body to rest fully.

Suicide thoughts arise not immediately, most often for their occurrence, a long term of the disease is needed (from year to year). One thought of suicide is not limited. Children come up with themselves a plan of action, thought out options for leaving life. This variant of the disease is the most dangerous, as it can easily lead to death.

In addition to psychological disorders, somatic symptoms arises very often. Such children often appeal for medical care with complaints for general malaise, weakness, chest pain, heart, abdomen, headache, it is possible to increase body temperature, which is often regarded as a persistent (circulating) infection in the body.

In connection with the presence of psycho-emotional violations, children begin to fall behind at school, interest in any fun, children cease to engage in hobby, even if they have given all their time before.

As mentioned earlier, the course of the disease is long and it can leak over the years. Therefore, if a child lives in a family with his parents, it is easy to notice the symptoms. Another thing, if a child lives in a hostel. Happy fellow students see its usual, unchanged, since the deterioration of the condition usually occurs in the evening, and in the evening the child most often is one in the room of the hostel, where no one sees it. For the administration, such a child does not represent any interest, since he does not violate the order.

What needs to pay attention to parents?

First of all, it is necessary to talk to the child, interested in his life, problems at school. It is necessary to pay attention to the intonation, the availability of plans for the future, optimistic views for tomorrow. Pay attention to your child's friends, wondering what he is doing after school. It is necessary to pay attention to how much the child spends time without doing any things. Some children are lazy, but even the most lazy child can be made something to do, bribing him, the child is not interested in depression, nor gifts or incentives.

The closure and lack of friends can sometimes be observed with an enzyme when children try to retire, avoid prying eyes. Frequent mood swings may be observed when taking a child of narcotic substances. In this case, other signs of drug addiction are also referred to: the preference of wearing clothes with long sleeves, light-friendly, increased irritability, not the ability to concentrate attention in one lesson (expectability), the detection of syringes, needles, incomprehensible bags.

Survey of a child with depression

Treatment of children with depression

In severe cases, when the child expresses suicidal oils, especially when he has a specific leaving plan, treatment must be carried out only in the hospital, in the border office department.

With lighter forms of the disease, treatment can be carried out at home. The child throughout the course of treatment should live a common life: go to school, do homework, go to shop for shopping.

In pediatric practice, the drug Adaptol has proven very well. This drug is very well tolerated, does not have side effects, does not cause drowsiness. The drug normalizes sleep, improves mood, enhances the body's stability to psycho-emotional loads. Take the drug is necessary in the dosage of 300 mg of 1 tablet 3 times a day. The duration of treatment from 2 weeks to the month. With pronounced symptoms, adaptol must be taken in a dosage of 500 mg 2-3 times a day for 3 weeks, and then go to the dosage of 300 mg and continue reception for another 1 month. This drug besides psycho-emotional symptoms, the somatic manifestations of depression also relieves well: the pain moves, the temperature normalizes. The use of adaptol with frequent headaches, pain in the heart, frequent body temperature increases, is one of the ways to accurately diagnose and allocate patients with depression from a group of children.

Also in the outpatient conditions, such a drug can be used as tenoten. Tenoten is a homeopathic preparation that blocks some brain proteins. Well reduces the feeling of anxiety, improves sleep, normalizes appetite. The drug contributes to improving the concentration of attention, memory normalization.

In severe cases, antidepressants are used: amitriptyline, pyrazidol, azapane. These drugs should be applied only under the control of the doctor, and preferably only in the hospital.

But no treatment of depression in children will not be complete without positive changes in his family, parents must accept the "real child", his needs and desires instead of their own expectations, instead of the "child of their dreams." When carrying out psychotherapy, they work on strengthening the child's self-esteem, the development of his ability to express their feelings, share them, step by step to cope with problems and constructively influence the situation itself.

Prevention of depression in children

For the prevention of development of depression in children, the organization of psychological assistance in schools and schools is needed, children need to explain the need to visit a psychologist in case of problems. It is necessary to improve the climate in the family, try to engage in some kind of family affairs (picnics, hiking in the forest, sports games). Integet to the life of your child, show how interesting things are what he is interested in, for you. Try to know your child's friends, however, it is necessary that it was unobtrusive, everything should happen in the form of a conversation, when a child himself tells you everything. Pay attention to the behavior of the child, notice all the new addictions from your child.

Alone, the child will not be able to get out of the depressive state., Therefore, the task of the parents in time to pay attention to the change in the child's personality and seek medical attention.

The child must be in air more often, be active in daylight and relax in complete darkness. This is favorable on the whole organism, normalizes biorhythms.

Physician Pediatrician Litashov M.V.