Congratulate from February 23 a man cool

Among the many other "red days" calendar, I would like to highlight the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - the most important holiday of all men. Thus, throughout his century history, on February 23, it consistently remained an important day, celebrated with a big sweeping and solemnity. In honor of this significant date, we picked up cool congratulations on February 23 - in verses and prose in their own words, short SMS with humor to your beloved husband, dad, guy, colleagues, thematic pictures and postcards. Happy Defender of the Defender of the Fatherland, Dear Men!

Funny congratulations on February 23 in verses men - colleagues, husband, dad

For the first time on February 23, he was noted in 1919 as the "Day of the Red Army", and on a permanent basis began to celebrate only three years later. True, the name of the holiday was changed - on the day of the Red Army and Fleet. Today, the Day of Defender of Fatherland is still one of the favorite and long-awaited dates, causing pride and joy for our expensive boys and men. We offer to please the "culprits" of a celebration, having prepared cool congratulations on February 23 in verses. Such a cool congratulation can be pronounced at a meeting or send in the form of a short SMS - a colleague, a husband, dad.

A selection of cool congratulations in verses for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23

Male day - excellent holiday.
Congratulations on the soul.
Beer drink, fish are boring,
On the sofa lie.

In the bath, choose with friends,
And then "worst" in the pub,
Well, at night, fermented macho
Become, of course, for the sentence.

Scattering socks around the house
Chips in bed.
But comes for all payback
In the Women's Day, you believe me.

True man
All tasks on shoulder!
All of you - valiant and strong
Wish now want.

Let the boss be good
And the spouse is not capricious,
And the mood - Lychim and cheerful!
Happy Defender's Day is fray!

General has lamps,
In the ensign - a whole warehouse,
And I have only phrases,
So that all men wish:
Think more often about good
On the ball - portray from the ship,
And in general - everything is more!
And - from the twenty-third of February!

Our holiday was decorated
Twenty third of February.
Wish for men happiness
We decided not in vain ...
May happiness come with them,
Everything goes like oil,
Let gifts you buy yourself
Era men come!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Let the fate be delicious
And in his pocket a mound of joy,
By eliminating the road inquiries.

And will be sufficient for WHO success,
And love - to infinity,
And friends let them be loyal
Happiness will meet immeasurable!

Cool short greetings with humor - from February 23 to male colleagues

On the eve of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in many enterprises, it is customary to prepare cool congratulations on February 23 - the boss, male colleagues. By tradition, employees set up a strong half of the surprise office in the form of a festive table with treats, original gifts. A collection of cool short congratulations on February 23 will allow you to make a note of humor, diluting the solemn "official" of the event.

How to cool to congratulate male colleagues on February 23

Today on the calendar sheet,

Date of courage, courage and power,

Happy Holiday, Cute Men!

I wish you always lucky,

The salary rose like the dough,

Always flowed so that delicious wine

And for love so that there was a place in my heart!

Our colleagues today are soldiers,
Well, the boss then the general.
Well, run up in a column guys!
Our heroes are not terrible!

You have great hopes
In the world, we wish and joy to live.
In each of you there is a dignity, the rod,
Everyone will have time to surprise.

I wish you, male colleagues,
No matter how coolness was in life
Grow forest, give birth to daughter and son,
And build a stunning house!

I have a hurry to congratulate you with this meaningful for men in the afternoon and I want to say that I calmly feel at work, because I know if that, you will always protect me! I wish you success in the career and the fulfillment of desires! Congratulations on February 23!

Happy holiday, favorite colleagues! We want to say thank you for suffering our female antics, help us cope with difficulties in work and show care of us. We wish not only we loved you, and to make you always waited for love women, so that you were happy, and that all your dreams seek quickly.

I wish the twenty-third number,
So that every day I give you a good luck,
So that your life is happy.
And so that everything has always grabbed!

Let health be like flint
Wish to live luxuriously and richly
And for this bright day
You all will increase the salary!

Funny congratulations on February 23 with humor men - in verses, prose, video

The twenty-third of February is considered the official holiday of all men - even if they are not related to the army, military service. In this wonderful winter day, a man with pleasure "bathe" in female attention, taking a lot of sincere congratulations and wishes. Despite the solemn "severity" of the holiday, on the day of Defender of the Fatherland, you can hear many jokes and good jokes to the men of all ages. Our cool short congratulations on February 23 in prose, verses in the video will donate colleagues, husband, dad, beloved guy.

Options for cool congratulations for men on February 23

Today, a strong half of our Motherland, a holiday - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, which means it was time to congratulate and praise our dear men without sparing epithets! In a solemn minute, we wish the choir always to be in the ranks, even if you are never a general, be bold and intelligent in every decision, moderately serious and good-natured-cheerful!

Our men have golden hands

Husbands do not sit from boredom,

There are different classes.

Who is noise in the garage, who is fishing.

We love you what you are,

Well, the defender, we wish
So that you found a lot of money,
Spouse so that no saw
And let go on football
Well, at this time
You were preparing lunch,
His beer served,
There are no prices such a spouse
And you for all its steel,
Give her different flowers,
Her love, take care of trying
After all, remember that the defender you!

I wish today failures not to know

Gifts are welcome to get everything.

Favorite show so that all on TV,

You could entertain all day.

To visit friends came crowd

And the men's holiday was celebrated with you!

February 23 - a holiday of real men, so I wish you to celebrate him full, because it's your day! Excellent mood - and not only today! Good company, grateful and interesting friends! Travel, adrenaline, delight from life!

Video with cool congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Funny congratulations on the coming February 23 men - short in prose

In 2019, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland will celebrate his centenary anniversary - there are many interesting events to this significant date. So, in honor of all boys and men, future and real defenders of the Motherland, we picked up short cool congratulations on February 23 in prose. Let this wonderful holiday bring a lot of bright impressions to all men - you have a good mood!

Texts of cool congratulations in prose in their own words to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland

Congratulations on February 23 and I want to wish never to lose strength and health, always maintain the fire of optimism in the soul and constantly harde your nature and strong male character.

Congratulations on February 23 and with all my heart I wish to be fair and honest in any fight, win and respect in any fight, reach tops of happiness and love in your life.

Dear men, accept on February 23 congratulations on the holiday and sympathy in connection with the fact that in the near future you are waiting for you on March 8. And you need to find the rest of the courage to spend on gifts for women's half not as much as they want, and how much you can afford, while it is quite convincing that everything is possible.

Grandpa, Rota Smirno, Rota Rock! Probably, these words are familiar to your pain? So I invite you to make an unforgettable walk today so that you can repeat these words again and again. Rota in our family is waiting for you to visit! Happy holiday February 23!

Congratulations on the day of the defender, we want to wish that there was always someone to protect, there were forces on defense and so that you would always take advantage and appreciated.

Short cool congratulations on February 23 - a favorite husband with humor

With the approach of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, so I want to beautifully congratulate your beloved husband so that this holiday is remembered for a long time. In addition to traditional socks and shaving foam, we suggest to give a spouse short cool congratulations on February 23 with humor - from our collection.

Collection of cool congratulations for your beloved husband for February 23

My defender and support
The best you are undoubtedly.
You are always a hero for me,
Hwrying my dear!
I congratulate you
From February 23!

New socks give
Borscht saucepan
Put on red peignoir,
I will arrange passion I am a fire.
Everything today is for you.
From February 23!

Today is the day of men brave
And I want to wish you
Male is the most beloved
Successful days in your destiny.

Health, courage and power,
Good luck, cheerfulness, love,
You every day your husband's favorite,
Easy and fun!

My faithful husband, my knight without fear and reproach! I want to always see you vigorous and energetic, admire your purposefulness, never doubt the reliability of your hands and know that I will even go in old age with an excellent Dulcinea! I just ask: do not fight with mills, love!

From February 23, I congratulate my husband
I wish you happiness and love.
Let there be a break from everything today
I will suffer today for him.
You are the best,
Without you, my world would be worse.
I wish you health and strength,
So that on my hands I was constantly wore.

Funny cool congratulations on February 23 - with humor and jokes

In the life of each woman, the Father is the most important man, a real support and support. If you decide to please your favorite dad, go around cool congratulations on February 23 or send a short SMS. Such a funny congratulation with humor can also be pronounced in the form of a toast on the festive table.

Choose cool congratulations on February 23 for your favorite dad

Happy Defender is fray
Dad cute, congratulations,
And, of course, long life
On this day you wish you.

Dad, I'm proud to you,
You are the best of fathers!
Peace, joy, rest!
Be happy, love, healthy.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
You, Papula, congratulations.
Health lifestyle
I wish you from heart.

You are the best daddy in the world
You are my defender and support.
I wish you only happiness,
Day from day, always and again!

In this true male holiday
I wish you, father,
So that the rest rear in your heart,
But so that the fighter has always been.

I congratulate my dad,
With what was a long soldier,
I will give him a big book,
After all, he is now a big boy!

Today is the holiday of our folder! You are brave, strong, brave and generally a steep man! But if you pour my mother, then she will put us all. Therefore, I wish you courage and courage!

Funny congratulations on February 23 guy - in pictures and postcards

The Day of Defender of the Fatherland is a great reason to congratulate the beloved guy, wishing him to remain as strong, decisive and gentle. Here you will find the most cool congratulations on February 23 in pictures and postcards, the best wishes with humor.

Pictures with congratulations guy on February 23

So, on our pages you can always find cool congratulations on February 23, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - in verses and prose with humor, pictures and postcards, short and long texts for your husband, dad, boyfriend, colleagues and other men.

On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, you can become the first person that congratulated your friend or your beloved man with a holiday. To do this, you will need only a few minutes. Even, being from congratulated far, you can send SMS on February 23 . Depending on what kind of relationships are you with the culprit of the celebration, short telephone messages can be very cool, just ridiculous, serious or even official. The tone of the selected SMS may depend on the sense of humor of the man himself, and on the mood of a woman who is sending him a message.

Short SMS February 23 - Funny congratulations to men

Choosing short SMS from February 23 to men, pay attention to our examples of telephone messages in honor of the Day of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Probably, you yourself want to come up with small rhymes dedicated to a friend. By composing SMS, do not be afraid to joke - a cool message that came in the morning for your friend's phone, a friend or buddy will raise his mood. The day will begin with positive emotions, and therefore the holiday February 23 will be wonderful!

In the past advance, and no salary,
But no obstacle for serious men -
Now our day! Congratulations guys!
Well, now - who runs to the store?

Okay! Heat, light, soulful!
Let his wife groan, brain drilling:
Like, again! .. I am completely happy:
Today on February 23!

Examples of short cool SMS for February 23

Choosing the form of short SMS on February 23, you can send a man's wishes in cool poems or prose. Congratulating a friend or beloved in this February day, wish him a sweet life, forces on all his bold undertakings, gladiator health and good luck of the most crazy person on the planet. A cool telephone message on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland may contain unusual comparisons, exaggeration, epithets. For example, a man's "hero", "defender of the weak," "destroyer of evil", and ave. Make funny SMS will help you with a feast of the SMS with a holiday.

I wish you success, I wish good luck,
Easy to relax and work with the return.
So that the joy in the fate of your more often met,
So that everything went out and everything turned out.

Congratulations to those who have no problem
And those who want to become rich
Those who already have everything
And those who are only soup.

Be sure! From the birthday you - a man,
And let him not become military
But the twenty-third of February -
Good day and for you!
Gifts will take
Girls all oncoming kissing!

Short SMS on February 23 - humorous congratulations to men

On February 23, it has long ceased to be a holiday dedicated to an exclusively army and a fleet of the country. Today is the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - the day of all men. Congratulate them, regardless of age. Well, who can know exactly, who will grow a little boy fighting with friends in the courtyard wooden or even plastic sabers? Perhaps this is the future hero of Russia. Perhaps he will make a good modest man who loving the father of the family. On February 23, congratulate all familiar and loved ones - who personally, and whom with the help of short cool SMS. Humorous messages will surely delight the perpetrators of the celebration.

Let women felt warm
After all, in February it will come in handy,
Today is the day of men, and therefore yours.
I wish you to sing forever and having fun!

Examples of short SMS with humorous congratulations on February 23

The rabid rhythm of modern life does not always give us a chance to congratulate men from February 23 personally. The best way to raise the mood to a friend or a close person is to send him SMS with congratulations. Cool will be released if you send short telephone messages throughout the holiday day with humor. Perhaps you want to even play a man, sending him an unexpected SMS about "debt" or "win"?

Congratulations! February 23, you won a gypsy girl in the lottery! If you do not take a prize for
14 days, then we will have a whole tabor!

Royal Highness,
You want to congratulate you today
Happy Defender Day. be healthy
And for ladies on madness ready!

Know, from the day of the defender of this -
Everyone will revive the wishes!
Yes, since February, from twenty-third,
Dreams and dreams come true!
You are the defender, man, hero -
So luck will be with you!

As a symbol of male victories
I wish this winter day
Love more and coins,
And have fun, since not too lazy!

Funny SMS with holiday February 23 - Merry short phone messages for men

If for some reason you are on February 23, far from your expensive or beloved man, do not lose touch with him. Please make it a cheerful short telephone message. Wish him to stay the same hero as he is always for you, promise to "climb the mountains of money", "Good luck", to give the Ocean of Love. Via. Funny SMS, assure it that at home he is always waiting for a "tablecloth-self-banner" in the form of the most delicious dishes made by your skillful handles. Remember - the text of the phone must be not only short, but also positive.

Examples of ridiculous short SMS to men on February 23

Solving to send a man short SMS on February 23, select, in what form you will send your cheerful postal information. It may be a prose - exaggerated compliments to the perpetrator of the celebration. SMS in verses is the most common form of congratulations on the phone. Here you will find examples of the most funny messages for men for the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

We do not let your fate
And raise the flame glass
For those who now rule the service
And who once "sipped"!
So let in a glass bouffals and splash,
When the rear is secure!
Successes to you, Defenders of the Fatherland,
To this nice day of the Armed Forces!

You, real men, we wish the strength of the big ...
So that with this force you defended the world and peace!
We will be happy and twice calm,
When there are guys next to us ...
So be and you are happy twice
Our knights are expensive.

Congratulations to you, Men,
Do not meet you trouble!
Well, if fail
Meet in the way
Then the fate - the villain
You will be able to find.
Winning and in trouble
And in great work,
All the obstacles destroying
Never sad
Strong floor always ahead
A clear goal is suitable.
Weak floor do not forget
We love and respect us!
It will be difficult to live without us
Uncomfortable, boring, poorly.
After all, the ancestor is your adam
I could not live in paradise without ladies!

Short SMS on February 23 to a friend

February 23 Your friend is waiting for you congratulations. In the case when the buddy congratulates personally, it is not possible to make it possible to do this with SMS. Short phone messages can be both very serious and cheerful. Of course, if you write a friend with whom they served together and fought, fulfilling international debt, the SMS tone will be serious. However, in this case, you can remember the funny cases from army life and hint about them in the message. A friend can be surprised by a creative message - a verse that has been celebrated for a holiday.

The friend is true, with the holiday of you!
Be at the twenty-third of February
Forever collapsed with good luck
Swim in the waves of love hot
He is healthy and do not miss
Successes many meet!

I want to congratulate the day of men
I sincerely sincerely now!
After all, you are a worthy citizen,
So be lucky every hour!

Examples of short SMS to a friend on February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day has long been the holiday of all men. On this day, you can congratulate each representative of the male. Of course, time to wish all men good and health is not enough. In this case, short telephone messages will help you - SMS with verses or prose, sent to each other in the morning of the holiday. In order not to spend a lot of time searching for a suitable event case, we invite you to take advantage of the ready-made examples of small phone congratulations to friends.

Happy twenty-third of February
You, buddy, congratulate!
I wish to meet with luck,
In all matters to have a return,
Truly happy to be
Mutually, sincerely love!

We are fighters in the life of this.
So, a friend, do not explore -
On the day of the defender of the planet
Anyway on guard whether

Friend and loyal comrade! On February 23, I wish a peaceful path and reliable rear. I am glad that I can always trust you any "military" secrets!

Happy Defenders Defenders
I congratulate you!
Be always a bold guy,
So that all friends were proud!

Short phone messages on February 23 - SMS to your beloved man

Free short telephone messages sent in the morning of February 23 to her beloved - a great version of congratulations to a man, especially if he is not near. In addition, SMS helps to say about their feelings, which women are very shy to do, smooth in the eyes of a man. By sending a message to a man, tell him that you love him, appreciate, value with every second, spent together. Of course, good SMS can be sent not only on such holidays as the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, but also more often, pleaseing the dear heart of a man "just so."

Examples of short SMS to your beloved man on February 23

If you can't formulate the main idea of \u200b\u200ba short phone message to a man if you are watching, and you didn't even decide that you can tell a person on February 23, our examples of SMS lovers will help you do it. Choose from the number of the messages we offer, which, in your opinion, reflects the best of all all those words that would like to say a man, but do not decide to do this. The most courageous ladies can write small poems and send them to a favorite to the phone.

My beloved, I know
You are for me - a wall!
With hope I congratulate
So that was always with me!

My beloved, I know you for me - wall! With hope I congratulate you to be always with me!

I congratulate you, cute
From February 23!
We will force your own sweeter -
You do not know me!

Defender of the Fatherland Day has long been the holiday of all men. None of the other days of the year, women do not devote so much time to their loved ones and friends. Of course, to wish every of them good, love and happiness simply not enough time, so SMS on February 23 such a common form of congratulations. Short phone messages are not only official, but also very funny. We believe that our examples of cool SMS with humor and poetic messages will help you congratulate men with their holiday!

Dear brunettes, blondes,
Also red and without hair,
Dear our men,
Congratulations ... And, however, the question:

Why the world without you is gray and boring
Long day and even longer - night?
Why don't I need this, "
And then "cute, I'm not seriously!"

Even with a bunch of male flaws
You, loved, so we need!
Why? Yes, without "bitterly" there is no "sweet" ...
With your day, my dear!

A man is pride
Honor and respect.
Man is an area
And take-off, and Padena.

A man is courage,
Protection and fade.
Oh, how I would like
Such a reward!

Men I congratulate
In his so important holiday!
Male, I know exactly -
Tsar, Jester, Hero, Pumps!

So our most men's holiday has come when every woman works for its near future - March 8. So let all congratulations be still sincere and without hints for a major return, all holidays end without a sick hangover, and the pleasure of life you will get in full and successful.

You support and support
And reliable like a rock.
Trash will bring out without dispute
And eat everything that baked! ..

You and the master on all hands.
You are smart, handsome and cheerful.
Do not die with you from boredom,
Even if the nose hung!

You protect me,
How graduate patriot!
You are tested and strong,
As if the whole Russian fleet!

Diffirable these, cute,
I sing not in vain!
Congratulations, my favorite
From the twenty-third of February!

Our defender is all stronger,
Against monsters now came out -
And in the cloak computer
All trembling and barely breathe.

But in the real world too
Spirit and muscle are not weak,
Our defender is good,
Even the pancake is oblique.

So that you do, the birthplace,
You are wonderful in every case
Let the fire invincible
Never goes out in the body.

This top-secret congratulation pursues a super-fast mission: to congratulate you. We wish the most courageous and fearless person to find out that we consider it a reliable defender. It is very strange that such a brave Knight Miss Universe does not break down the phone. For some reason, she does not know that you are the best defender of the Fatherland.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday, when we congratulate our wonderful men - loved ones, husbands, brothers, colleagues and just friends, our homeland defenders, we wish them all the benefits, good luck and prosperity.

But it is worth emphasizing that February 23 is a wonderful holiday, which is congratulated not only men. It is also customary to honor women who serve or once served in the ranks of the army, this day is dedicated to all defenders of the Fatherland.

Our portal site made for you a selection of humorous congratulations on February 23 in verses and prose

Rushing to us not in vain
Twenty third of February!
On this day from all over the country
Boys will gather

Will fry kebabs
Super-pupper men
Will drink brandy and vodka,
There is under a nice herring,

A lot of toast talk
It can be!
If unnecessary bunch
Wonderful holiday will spend!


Defender, Warrior, Worker, Support,
I congratulate heart on the holiday!
I wish you Furor in my life,
At all pairs, good luck let him hurry!

I wish the faithful and devoted friend
Fire and water with pride go through
Successes of different closed circles,
On the pedestal of victory you will take!


Congratulations on the 23rd
As a defender I wish
Suzuki-like tank
With a boost computer and hatch

Dry Pajo with Black Corroy
And the sinel "Versace is modest"
And dugout on miami
Front-line 100 grams with friends,

Look in battle girlfriend
And so that no war!


Favorite, congratulations,
The defenders are mine.
From tenderness I ta
Under affectionate hand.

But I know her strength,
How to protect.
With you reliably, cute,
Walk through the streets.

Male today holiday,
There is no reason for disputes
As the Virgin B nevertheless
There is no reliable men.

In spirit you heroes,
And if suddenly trouble,
From the misfortunes of any
Defender hand.

My beloved, I know
You are for me - a wall!
With hope I congratulate
So that was always with me!


Twenty-third, zero second.
Two bottles zero five.
Headquarters in the kitchen. We're deciding
Do not rush to the breast to take.

Do not rob! Do not relax.
Do not distract to salute ...
It is worth only to go -
Everything will be all the mig.

Tightly holding defense
And brave, and brave.
Skin from "Tefal"
Do not demolish our heads.

In the whirlwind of kitchen battles
We will certainly win.
And nor a mogon
We will not give the enemy!

Funny congratulations on February 23

Happy holiday you congratulate you!
Happiness, joy we wish
So that luck smiles,
And the currency came out,

Not lose weight and not fully
Shapes are slender.
So that friends are idle
And the relatives did not bore

On the Canaries to relax,
Pineapples eat.
You can taste the ripper
And I can drink it ...

To house, car, cottage
Were easy task
And solved without work
For the power of magic words.


At the end of February, when the blizzard is spinning.
To congratulate you want a friend's defender day.
With you, we are friends with school bench,
And you became a member of the family for me.
Accept the wishes of love and good,
I am glad that you have fate with you!


Like Pirates Captain
Whether today is drunk in the insole!
And socks you can throw
Boldly right under the bed.
After all, today you are a hero,
Because your holiday!


February 23 - the holiday of all men
In women, there are no reasons for the grumble today
In flower shops from women there is no penalty,
Flowers all rejected and took themselves with them.

Abundance of cards, notes and poems,
And they all contain tender words!
We cordially congratulate our sons, spouses,
Nephews and brothers, grandfathers and grandchildren!

Humorous congratulations on February 23

True man
All tasks on shoulder!
All of you - valiant and strong
Wish now want.

Let the boss be good
And the spouse is not capricious,
And the mood - Lychim and cheerful!
Happy Defender's Day is fray!


Defender of Motherland,
Your day has come
I wish that "greens"
It helped.

So that always went
On a cool car
And the ladies sighed:
"Envious man!".


Shoot guns, machine guns,
Rockets with bombs fly,
And in the sky brave pilots
Master's workshops are knocked down.

Flames flames, fluttering mines,
Lie throughout the corpses of the mountain
And tanks deadly wedge
Frying peaceful fences.

And the commander taking eraser,
Bent over the military card.
Here I understand it - a holiday,
Not that there is March 8!


Twenty-third came
All men it squirmed -
All glasses poured,
And today celebrate.

Nothing here is not bad
I will say a simple word -
You, men, relax,
And do not know the problems!


I will give you me on a holiday ...
Kohl Salad - then a whole basque,
If the beer means Keg,
Kohr Icork - without bread,

Kohl car - only "Lada"
(Support Russia needs!),
If the house is only with the cottage
EDAK SIDS Six in addition.

On this holiday, on the day of male,
I am my dear,
All you want, I will give, -
I love you very much!


Eh, Men, Eh, Fighters,
Delica youth!
The strong floor of all the ladies is needed
It would be without you, oh, boring!

From February 23
Congratulations I hurry you!
Money to desire, good luck?
So that all the tasks are solved?

No - today is not this day,
I wish you to find a method
Pride of the country to all become
What I wanted to get!

Congratulations in Prose

Funny congratulations on February 23, male colleagues in prose will surely delight your colleagues, make the atmosphere of the holiday light and relaxed. They can also be perfectly sent in the form of an SMS by mobile communications, messages in social networks, in Vatsape or Vaiber.

Dear colleague, in this holiday I wish you: Roads without ughabs, successful achievements, loyal friends and less abrasions at work, bright days and fun holidays, happy smiles around and mutual understanding with colleagues and bosses! Happy holiday February 23!

Congratulations to the defender of the Fatherland and my personal defender with the holiday! Be always courageous, charming and lucky!

Congratulations on February 23! I wish to be a strong nutrition, click all the difficulties, like seeds, destroy problems and always stay on horseback! Combat Spirit, positive charge, desire for the better and only to victory!

Dear men, let it be only for you on this day: let the river poured the favorite drinks and women's sympathy, let the delicious treats and the increase in salary, let the income and the number of family increase in the year!

Let it fall in this February day from the sky, and happiness, wealth and success, to sow you with all the life benefits, enrich the spiritually and financially, so that your destiny envied all the men!

I wish you male superposts: one kiss turn any grumpy frog into a fabulous princess; One look to defeat the Dragon-Chief; For each feat, get pillings and always have molded apples in stock.

Cute defenders, from February 23 you! We wish you always enough forces to wear us in your arms, valories to make feas for us; courage to admit to us in love!

Congratulations on February 23 Colleagues men with humor

The "harsh" working days can always be brought to jokes, cheerful and interesting corporate in honor of February 23. And cool greetings with humor will raise the mood to all colleagues to men.

From the 23rd of February of the present defender is not a sin to congratulate. And I am pleased to wish as soon as possible to climb the highest floor of the career highness. Let it be pleasant, without overwork and failure. Let you, a colleague, appreciate not only for the mind, but also for a sensible ardor heart and reliable shoulder.

When you're next to me, I'm not afraid to break the heel, nor the flooding from the ceiling, nor anger of the boss. You will always help if you need, and laugh, if sad. Happy holiday you February 23, my dear colleague, the most courageous and reliable men!

Defender, colleague dear, in these lines a congratulation flies. To annually you did not forget about February 23 of us, your friends. Together we, as at work, were looking for adventures on the hunt. So that in the bath we have corrected health. And wives to come from work in late hour, never scolded us.

If you are called a man, you should constantly prove to the Fatherland, friends, colleagues and the most stringent examiners - women. I wish everywhere and always you got the highest points!

Let your car be the fastest, but safe; Let the wife be the most beautiful, but true, let the house be big, but not empty, the income will be enormous, but honest! From February 23! Let the unreal become real!

For you, valiant warriors, cute men, we, as behind the stone wall. And today, on February 23, we wish you the volleys of champagne and explosions of joy, fireworks of smiles and a victorious parade of success and achievements, and the reward is our fervent hearts and tender kisses.

Dear male, protecting from women to their hook, a remote or a rapid place, I wish you in every sense to keep your face! Remember that the enemy is ingenious and cunning, better give themselves. With a valiant day on February 23!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day you, Men! You are a real treasure, your opinion and tips for us are priceless! Let them always be loved by each of you, who will appreciate such a treasure!

In any situation - a simple or complex, sad or joyful, unexpected or predictable stay on horseback, keep the strength of the Spirit and calm! After all, you are a man! From February 23!

Oh, our courageous, bold, severe men. You have any business on the shoulder, you are not afraid of difficulties: you manually cope with difficult office work and with honor withstanding "shelling" through the eyes of the beautiful half of our team. We congratulate you on February 23 and wish to always be open and unprotected with the attack on you money, beautiful, loving women and grateful, enthusiastic chiefs.

Comic greetings from February 23 to men

Comic wishes from February 23 - the perfect version of congratulations for loved ones. They can also be used as a drinking toast.

To be proud to wear the title of defender, you need to protect us from all troubles! Therefore, you will go to the authorities "on the carpet"! Happy holiday! Stuck!

If you come to work and see that women are particularly good today and welcoming, then you know - this is February 23. Do not regrender for us and you will be rewarded. Do not be boring and rigging, and you will get full. Happy holiday to you, dear our colleague!

Congratulations on your holiday courage and courage, February 23! And let my fragile shoulders often bear wear your shortcomings, and your rich fantasy provides Alibi for all occasions, you still have the best man in our team!

We know that you are our wise head, strong hands and reliable shoulders. Always stand for the salvation of the team and the Motherland. Let not darken your dum small grinds and the vigor of the Spirit never leaves. And love gives strength for new accomplishments!

In each team there must be at least one real man. Not by name, but in essence. Congratulations to you, colleague, with a male day. You are our center that unites and disciplines. You are our male shoulder, strong fist, reliable hand and good heart.

Congratulations on the holiday of courageous and brave! Let the victories be only peaceful, the weapon will be a smile, and it falls only in a dash! And let those who want to defend. Tranquility and sunny happiness!

I congratulate you with your weighty male holiday. I wish that today the fate weighing you a couple of kilograms of fun, a kilogram of five hugs and kisses and wholesale gave happiness.

A real man Be sure to serve in the army. At least in the army of lovers by General. For real men.

Sometimes we are not fair to men,
Groals, heartless and jealous.
Therefore, men are not in vain
So love twenty-third of February.
Today you can walk and have fun,
Drink vodka and forget in infamony.
And on this day no wife, nor mom
Arrange scandals, squabbles, dramas.
We wish men with all good luck,
Let all tasks be performed on their shoulder.
The most cool cars for all cars
Health, happiness, power, abundance.
Friends worthy, faithful, company,
Ideas of successful, undertakings of the audacious.
Love diverse but beautiful
Feasts frequent, money bunch, beer sea,
Beauty of hot, slim, long-legged
And thoughts are bright in the heads of warring!

No matter how old you are
And it is important to be always a man,
Keep the answer
For the safety of your loved ones.
Defender of his country
A man everyone should be
Will won't let the war
But we are the enemy ready to beat.


Once upon a time, in primitive genus
Did not know the universe contention,
But a certain savage on the head made an enemy,
This is how the military appeared.


If I woke up with a machine gun,
From clothes: helmet and belt,
Under a mine pillow and grenade,
Next to the bow of a basin like a target,
If my cute spouse
With admiration looks at me,
So I'm not boring yesterday
Met twenty-third of February!


Let it be on the holiday of the army and fleet
All men have only one concern -
Glasses bezing fill to the edge,
And drink all day for us, for men!


Men, happy holiday to congratulate
I am very pleasant - very much.
I will not smash -
You need and day and night.
And even if we swear -
For this women you sorry
But an extra winery at the late hour
Your married people are not gray.
Man - husband, man - friend
He is our defender fair.
In the arms of your strong hands
We feel happy.


Today Arsenal is filled under the urban -
Glass grenades and empty ammunition,
And the life of men is like a fairy tale,
After all, on this day we wanted not a decree!


Give me vodka and snack,
Cream for facets, shaving foam,
So that I'm not sad today
On the holiday of the twenty-third of February.
On this day for women of all man
Commander, brave general,
Even if they have a reason
Run a frantic scandal.
Vleu deftly I am on a stool
In the cowards, with a bottle in hand,
I am cool - with me at least in intelligence,
Although you have a fight in the kabaska!


Let everything come true,
And the women say let "yes"!
And full will let the glass be,
And the friend and swell will be, and drunk!
I wish you lucky,
Long roads on Earth!
And every time your dream,
Comes true. Here is beauty!

AND If tomorrow the enemy comes - do not panic!
We have a machine gun in the storage room
And armored train on the spare!
From February 23!

FROM Kazhi, uncle, because no wonder
Meet the morning with a hard
On the 24th?
So that life is happy to become
You note the 23rd,
But I don't forget to measure!
I want to wish health
And never lose heart!

FROM During the day of the defender to congratulate
I want you now.
Protect me, favorite,
Well, at least a couple of times!

C. Is it necessary for men? Recently learned.
Bank account with six pile capital
Reliable friends, the prospects of ambitious,
Dwellings of five-bedroom and five-star,

Disposable socks whole stock,
Everywhere passed Fais control once,
So that the wheelbarrow is better and cooler,
Gasoline is infinite, the weather without Tuchuk,

Gaishnikov good, without traffic jams,
Girlfriend, so that the legs grew up
So that she never asked for money
About married silent and beer wore,

Head praised, so as for the mind and courage,
And the premium issued, without tension,
Salad raised, the team respected
And grew in connection with this, completely capital,

So that the cat "Masyany" was happy with everyone,
Slept somewhere near, and meowell modestly,
It would be good to teach her:
Prepare, wash, go to work.

Oh, and, of course, to be president,
Another rock star and legend.
And if everything is true that I set out
All this then I wish you

B. dude today is well done
Start all the cucumber,
Satellite snacks
Point all with vodka,
Gram five hundred, well, Ile Politra,
Holiday to understand the palette,
Let him help not let
You wait for salute brother,
And here and on the second,
We celebrate, dear!

P I am warm with a beautiful day. And my congratulations will not be banal, I wish you to shoot at you today ... beautiful eyes, they took captive ... Sweet sponges, won ... Gentle hands! In general, war and love you! Happy holiday!

D. Wairty third - this date
All the most important for you guys!
And you are terribly happy
All in the soul of Patriarchate.

For such your views
You will honor you awards:
Let the girls congratulate you
Happy Patriarchate!

D. about the holiday a little left
You will be drunk, my defender, in Umitting!
Let what is conceived, came true,
And life was like chocolate.
And there will be a holiday and fun,
And the money is poured let the river
And sexual attraction
The age will remain with you.
And let women love gently
And tears pour that you are on the other!
And I ... I'll just be near
You are for me and so the hero!

P Cook from February 23,
My general, I hurry you loving
Today you can hand out orders,
And I am ready to give you!

P Ring paratroopers. All jumped. Release:
- Ivanov, you first jumped up?
- Yes, Comrade Captain, the parachute did not reveal - I had to go back!
Let's drink for that and at any failure we can go back and start everything first!

P Ust February 23 will be the day when you finally understand what you need to stop! By the way, with the past new year, and then we have not seen you sober from that time! Congratulations!

J. Waola happiness whole heavy
And so that your gunpowder

I I wish you such adventures,
So that you woke up tomorrow you are in doubt,
And, though everything was, and it was with you!
And after a glass, what was the "hug"?
Tell friends, YouTube will show
And maybe the channels are central even
Acceptance today, see congratulations,
And tomorrow you can need apologies!

I I propose to drink standing
For your valor, strength, honor.
And for the dignity of men,
I hope there is also it?

FROM February 23,
I congratulate you
Because you are a man
You have here Kadyk!
And mustache, and the car,
Congratulations, you are a man!

P Jean husband came from work,
Instead of trousers on it tights,
All in lipstick and spirits,
In women's pink shorts!
But you do not dare
Kiss him soon
Husband and so tired
Glorious holiday celebrated!
They had a corporate party,
Female friendly team
Congratured them "Oh! Laa!"
From February 23!

23 February - the best calendar day!
Guys in the heat of Azart, quagitized until March 8.
And then, as our grandfathers, go to battle before the Victory Day!
Well, there, between us, the new year is not far off!

T. fucking congratulate i'm ready passionately
In some galatics open ...
To beautiful day on March 8
I do not stay Y Pazbed trough!

IN February Day for the noise of blizzards
Do not hear the rumble of victories ...
Girls give us shampoos,
And we would like to blowjob !!!

Z. And the health of the wounded,
For freedom of prisoners,
For beautiful girls
And for us, the military!

P I get ready from February 23! And I wish you be sure to win your war with my wives, and came to us in the garage, to the deposited territory!