Congratulations on the Great Easter in verses, prose and pictures. Congratulations on Easter in verse and prose! Beautiful congratulations on Easter

Congratulations on Easter in verses and SMS

Fill the chest, holy delight!
Christ is risen! Christ grotto
Verigi Eternal Darkness, lifting the grave.
Christ struggled and death, and hell,
Our name gave the Lord Chad,
Thugs with us darkest power.

On Easter day, happily playing,
Highlands took off,
And in the sky blue, disappearing,
Song of the resurrection soldered.
And the song was repeated loud
And the steppe, and the hill, and the Dark Forest.
"Wake up, the earth, - they broadcast, -
Wake up: Your king, God is resurrected!

Covenant of bad skies
Song sounds sunday song
Love, and happiness, and forgiveness, -
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! He, king of worlds,
Kings mighty lord,
He is all humility, all - love,
For the sinful world holy blood
Shed as an angel Redeemer!

Christ is risen! He announced
That on earth all people are brothers,
He will update the world with love
He forgave on the cross of enemies,
And we opened our arms!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Let these joyful sounds,
Like angels with heaven,
Draw anger, grief, flour!
Connect all brotherly hands
Hug everyone! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! - just two words
But thanks how much in them!
We are unearthly bliss again
Illuminated in their hearts.

Christ is risen!..
About MiG Sacred! ..
About a miracle, above all miracles.
What were the universe! ..
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

Opened royal gates before us
The holy fire shines from the candle ...
Circle again put in the temple
Colored eggs, Easter, Culichi,
Still dark, but the sun plays
Plays all the paints of heaven.
And we repeat with each other joyful:
"Christ is risen!"
"Truly Rissed!"

Earth and sun,
Fields and forest -
Everyone is famous for God:
Christ is risen!
In the smile blue
Alive skies
All the same joy:
Christ is risen!

Everywhere, Blagovsty buzzes,
Of all the churches, the people of Balit.
Zarya looks already with heaven ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

How the sun shines brightly
As the sky deep light
How fun and loud
Gudyat bells.
Unless in God's temples
Sing "Christ is risen!"
And sound songs
Reach the skies.

Praise the Lord from Heaven
And nice, people!
Survised Christ! Christ is risen!
And death scored forever!

People - Brothers! Coming
Great Day, Salvation Day!
Light holiday Sunday
God is truth, God forces! ...
Away from us feud and angry!
Everyone will forget! All forgive!
Reconciliation near
Duration of the rebel from the coffin!

Christ is Risen! People-brothers!
Friend in a warm arms
Hurry to happily accept!
Forget quarrels, insult
Yes bright holiday Sunday
Nothing will overshadow.

Christ is Risen! Hell trees
And the sun of eternal truth shook
Over renewed land:
And the whole Universe of Sogret
Light of Divine Light.
Tits joy and peace.

Easter Day
Easter day. Clean nature.
And every moment Miles today!
Orthodox people
The Great Holiday has come.

"Bright Christ Sunday"
Light Resurrection Christ
The bell telly flies from heaven,
And in the glory of the god of chanting
Licacy - "Christ Rissed!"

"Keep you Christ!"
Keep you christ
From any bad weather
From evil language
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And give you the Lord,
Kohl is in his power,
Health, years old,
Love and grace!

"With Christ Sunday you"
Spring came again!
Life again became a light fairy tale:
Happy Sunday you!
With the Great and Beautiful Light Easter!

My soul, likui and sing,
Heiress Heaven:
Christ is resurrected by your savior
Truly risen!

Christ is risen! Again with zareyu
Reduces a long night shadow
Again lit over the earth
For a new life, a new day.

People - Brothers! Coming
Great Day, Salvation Day!
Light holiday Sunday
God is truth, God forces! ...
Away from us feud and angry!
Everyone will forget! All forgive!

Christ is risen!..
About MiG Sacred! ..
About a miracle, above all miracles,
What were the universe! ..
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! In love Luchah
The grim cold is disappeared,
Let joy reigns in the hearts
And those who are old and those who are young!

Spring and Sun - Dal Light,
Passed bad weather
Easter bells
Sing about happiness.
Land and sky, reservoir,
Forests and weights,
And people - we all sing together:
Christ is Risen!

The most important Christian holiday - Easter, Orthodox believing is celebrating immediately after the most strict in the year of the Great Post. The history of the holiday is rooted in times of paganism. Then Easter was associated with the phenomenon of the spirits of the living. It was believed that they were going from heaven and come on this day to their burial sites.

With the birth of Christianity, the great resurrection began to personify the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter began to celebrate a week later the Jewish. Orthodox holiday has increased by its customs and symbols, the main of which is an infused egg.

With light Easter congratulations,
Wishing well-being.
Let the soul be warm
And in the house - happiness and good.

I wish prosperity, peace,
The trouble so that passed by.
And were there always
Native, close, friends.

Christ is risen! With light Easter!
Let the house be kindness.
Let not be found bad
Love in the hearts always lives.

Let the sun heats, hugs,
The warmth and light fills.
Let God keep from the troubles always
Let him not come to you trouble.

Congratulations with Bright Christ Sunday. Light and good, prosperity and prosperity, faith and love you. The world and happiness is your home, you, relatives and friends. Christ is Risen!

Let the light Easter
Brings to your home
Love and hope
Rechange in everything.

Let faith Ukroit
From the troubles and adversity,
Let eternal joy
The family will come to you.

Let you have in life
There will be more miracles.
Happy beg.
Christ is our resurrection!

It happened a miracle of miracles -
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
And in this holiday, in a bright hour
Let every praise rummage.
Let happiness be full of house,
Let everyone be healthy in it.
Smile, generosity and fun
Let you give sunday.
Let the news that came down from heaven,
Will notice: "Christ is risen!"

With Easter Sveta congratulations!
And I wish
Good, humane life,
Friendship strong and heartfelt,
Bread of God's piece,
Key water sip,
Conscience and honor affairs
Happiness to the house! Christ is Risen!

With good Easter congratulations,
And I wish you all year all year
Without adversity and chagrin,
Without reproach and doubt
To be a full bowl of the house,
The world and joy lived in it,
The table from the dishes was broken,
Laugh everywhere came to
Faith, mercy, miracles
God give you.
Christ is risen!

With Easter Sveta congratulations!
I say: Christ is resurrected.
I wish you today
Many joyful wonders.

Save you God from grief,
From diseases, other troubles.
You wish you happiness to the sea
Long, glorious life years!

Let Easter bring warmth,
Good luck, joy and wealth,
So that the heart sang and bloose,
And every moment was very sweet!

Let Christ Sunday
Will give each of us
Love, Color Mood
And glitter happy, bright eyes!

Bright, pure Easter came,
Spring, the update brought with me.
I wish today i'm from the soul
Health big, happiness, love.
Faith, patience, in warm hearts,
To come true all dreams!

The holiday in the world is not light.
We deprecate, congratulate you with Easter soon.
Light a candle, cakes consecrate
Yes, good deeds to dedicate this day.
Native and friends with crumbs meet,
And most importantly, generously you treat them.
You are praying with a clean today,
Offend do not copy, you are not proud.
Beautiful let the soul will be your way
Since the candle lit - then it is not blown away.
Successfully a day we wish to step.

The most beautiful congratulations on the Easter Christ we have gathered on our website site, congratulate your relatives and people close to you, share with them a part of the world and warmth of your soul. Please make them the most beautiful wishes with Easter Christ.

The most spiritual congratulations on Easter

With Easter Sveta congratulations!
And I wish
Good, humane life,
Friendship strong and heartfelt,
Bread of God's piece,
Key water sip,
Conscience and honor affairs

Let faith, like the sun,
Descends to us from heaven,
Today we believe in a miracle,
Jesus Christ is risen.

Birds sing about it,
Call bells
And gold sparkles
Churches of all dome.

With Christ Sunday
Let joy be eternal
Love, health, happiness
And faith you heart!

Let your dreams come true
And give inspiration!
Health, Joy, Love -
In Christ, Resurrection!
Let life blooms with smiles,
In warmth fragrant
The Lord will take goodness
And happiness warms!

In the sky shiny shiny,
Earth illuminates the light.
Beats in the windows ray cheeky.
The bell is heard easter.
In the church, the smell of kulukhai.
Dance lights of candles.
Kids exclaim:
"How the testicles are good!"
On the day of Christ Sunday
We wish, without a doubt,
All hope and good
And family heat.
All of you good health
We wish with love.
Will life will be fed and cheerful.
Happy holiday, Christ Risen.

Congratulations to you:
"Christ is risen!"
Good wish
Large miracles!
So that with God in the heart
Svelee lived
He is again with us -
Survised Christ!

On the day of Light Easter Orthodox -
In the azure dressed the sky
And with ancient, meek, smooth
Prayer rose people.

Smiles, joyful faces
With Christ knocks on every house.
Today everything is easy to pray,
Survised Jesus - church ringing.

I hurry, I congratulate you with Easter,
This feast of believers is waiting for
Today we will praise God,
Let only a friend go to visit.

Light Easter wish you for you.
On this day all dreams should come true,
Like angel, I'm flying to you,
And give you you want these flowers.

Maybe this holiday is unknown to you
But believe me, honey, it is very cool.
On this day I shout: "Christ is risen!"
Suggested in the heart of this sound.

April came - it's time for spring,
Nature green.
Today we say - Christ is risen!
So that it fell on the warmer.
And with the words Easter enters the house
With concerns and laughter
I wish a lot of happiness in it,
Be friendly with success!

It comes the choir of angels from heaven,
Hearts at the frequency of one on the air
Enthusiastically knock: "Christ is risen!",
And the joy of blacks is breathing in the world.

Oh, know that the grace does not pass
And the waves of God's grace is vastly!
Earthly happiness eternal seal
For your life, let him fall inevitably!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
Let these joyful sounds,
Like angels with heaven,
Draw anger, grief, flour!
Connect all brotherly hands
Hug everyone! Christ is risen!

Souls are beautiful gusts
Do not hurry to stop.
Spring sings its motives.
Easter wishes to dress

You are the Lord grace
For those cases that created.
You take her arms
And gain strength again!

Beautiful congratulations on Easter

Substitute the cheek rather
I'm drilling you!
After all, today Easter holiday -
Holiday faith and good!

Let always be happy
Your good face.
From me you a gift -
This is a red egg!

On the day of Easter congratulations
And I wish you
Happiness, faith, flourishing
And luck in fate!

Do not lose, please hope
Take love as it is
And we live successfully, honestly!
Happy holiday - Christ is resurrected!

Sunlight flood the sky
Birds sing their songs
Easter came! Let it bring
Miracle to all of the priest!

Christ is risen! Congratulations!
World of Divine Secrets
Measurement, but the earth is also spinning
On holiday beautiful Easter!

I wish you kindness
And to touch the magic,
Miracle learned on the planet so that you
In happiness, so that I could plunge!

Candularly congratulate
With Christ Sunday!
Let this day dispel
Alarms and doubts
And it will be bright joy,
Does not disturb sadness
And every moment
Happy will be happy!

With Easter Sveta congratulations!
And I wish
Good, humane life,
Friendship strong and heartfelt,
Bread of God's piece,
Key water sip,
Conscience and honor affairs
Happiness to the house! Christ is Risen!

One of the cleanest holidays in spring comes in 2017 on April 16. We will all want to congratulate expensive people in peculiar and beautiful. To do this, we have a lot of poems, prose and warm gentle words.

Tablecloth white, candle, aroma from the crumb.
Pours in a glass of Kahors - drink a little - a persuasion!
The emissivity of eggs and smiles of light people.
Happy holiday! Christ is risen! Kindness! Love! Miracles!

Let the light Easter
Brings to your home
Love and hope
Rechange in everything.

Let faith Ukroit
From the troubles and adversity,
Let eternal joy
The family will come to you.

Let you have in life
There will be more miracles.
Happy beg.
Christ is our resurrection!

Christ is resurrected, Christ is resurrected!
Reach sky, sun, forest.
Big miracle, at this hour
We congratulate you on Easter.

Let your hearth be peaceful,
Let it be bold every step,
Health will be lucky.
With the Lord of Light Resurrection!

Christ is risen! These joyful words welcome each other today all Orthodox Christians! So let God's grace fall down and on you will fill the heart of good and love!

Bells are heard!
In the church who is ready to go?
Sense for a long time
Easter, eggs and wine!
Happy Easter Congratulations!
Happiness, people, you wish!

Solar Easter has come!
Finished post, ready kulich!
Christ is resurrected - Ptah,
And itifies the spirit of ancient parable!
And I'll be the second to her - congratulations!
And I wish you in Easter!

Keep you christ
From any bad weather
From evil language
From pain, from illness,
From a smart enemy
From a petty friend
And give you the Lord,
Kohl is in his power,
Health, long years,
Love and again happiness!

Around the nature of the sun washed,
A new spring joined the right!
Let the resentment will be forgotten,
Wonderful light life is illuminated!

Happy Easter sincerely wish
Christ is risen - here are the main words!
Let the Lord from the Bed shifts,
And rewards for good deeds!

The pleasant aroma of Kulukhai spread in the Easter air, everywhere blows a kindness and mercy from everywhere, people rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and just the newly coming spring day ... Let you always do not leave such bright feelings and love will be a faithful companion on the selected life road!

Nuthey in the shower Panuє holy,
І Buda Usіkhіv Bagato!
Nuthey Estate South
І Hai you bless God!

Congratulations on one of the brightest holidays in the year - Easter day. I wish all the most beautiful traditions of this day - Christ, painted eggs and cakes, the procession - brought cleansing and reverence. Most of all, I wish to enjoy the main Easter covenant - to lift your neighbor.


In the holy night flood the temple with lights,
Prayers Christians take off to heaven,
And in the altar grilled Fimiam ...

Nature with gentle trepid
And the stars are not visible in the depths of heaven,
Silence reigned over the world ...
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

As before the storm, the grass froze,
Safety stream, the forest will not move,
Only the wind whispers tender words:
"Christ is resurrected! Verily Rissed!"

IZ Christ Rassennnyum
SCHO Vіtayu!
Zhosti in the jost_y love
Vіd souls ply.
Spare Nehay Buda
Great Pask.
I Dovіku Buda
Svіtla bick caress!

Earth and sun, fields and forest -
Everyone is famous for God: Christ is risen!
In the smile of blue live skies
All the same joy: Christ is risen!
The feud has disappeared and fear disappeared.
No more malice - Christ is risen!
As the sounds of the sounds of saints,
In which you can hear: Christ is risen!

Spring came again. Now
Life again became a light fairy tale:
Happy Sunday you,
With the Great and Beautiful Easter!

With a bright holiday Easter you!

Christ is risen. So congratulate the arcs of Orthodox believers when meeting or by means of SMS messages. But besides standard congratulations, I always want to always wish anything good old eternal.

In this bright day, everything around is only pronounced words of congratulations. Any job this day is a sin. You can only rejoice at congratulate your friends and celebrate Easter. Squash for forgiveness from God and relatives and loved ones, but also forgive himself.

On the tables in almost every house there are beautiful cakes or cottage cheese Easter, painted eggs. Everyone is having fun and congratulate their relatives and loved ones. Our not a big selection of congratulations will make your congratulations a little more beautiful and not like everyone else.

Baked cake on Easter,
You will be switched as a gift.
And I will tell you with caressing:
I love you very much.

Congratulations on the Sunday of Christ,
I wish all the best to you:
Be confident, beautiful and healthy
Live with a smile of happiness on the lips.

Congratulations! Easter holiday
Finally at the door.
The sun, as in a magical fairy tale,
Stew rays for all people.

Nadezhda has come to save
With Easter Light Sunday,
So let her shine in the soul,
Love you blesses!

Christ is risen! We congratulate you -
After all, the Lord for the life of the eternal saved.
We wish to join and have fun
For everyone today, God pray!

Belick let the soul! Christ is risen!
And you can not be happier.
Believe: the power of Divine Miracles
Everything hangs out that the heart is gnawed.

With Light Easter, I congratulate you!
He wish you health and joy
Good luck, wealth and good news.
Let everything that is welcome, comes as soon as possible.

Christ is risen! Congratulations!
Let the same happiness come to the house.
Let warmth, love, care
Easter will bring with him.

I wish in Easter the lot of the earth,
And a lot of good old people,
Heat, health and patience,
World in the soul and mood.

With Easter, you and Sunday,
With joy, warm spring,
With grateful from heaven.
We rejoice all. Christ is risen!

With light Easter congratulations.
Let the world in your home she carries.
You wish you happiness and good
Good luck let them await you.

Bell ringing rafting
Message benefit to heaven.
With Easter I congratulate everyone.
Happiness to you! Christ is risen!

With Easter, bright Sunday,
God's blessing.
Let the house be full of good,
Happiness, joy, warm.

Sunday, Easter Light.
Heart will be shed
Joy, warm, love.
Happiness will be with you!

Sunday Light, with Easter.
Warm, good and affection.
God's grace clean
Happiness and love radiant!

Happy Easter congratulations to light
Let him blow a warm wind,
Will bring good luck to the house
And give everyone good!

Easter collects guests in the house,
Roll away the kulichs soon
Loved ones wish good luck, happiness.
And let your house will be honesty!

With Easter Sveta congratulations,
Light days, I wish love.
Be kind of warrior,
In life, joy to you to meet!

With light Easter congratulations,
Good I wish home
So that the light did not leave him,
And the path always covered!

With Easter, Sunday Light!
Let the soul be sealing.
In life there was no evil,
In the house, love forever entered.

Congratulations dear
We are the Great Holiday
Pasks brought big,
Stay before the face
We are saints, ask happiness,
Let the bad weather go away.

Here's like eggs for Easter,
We were covered with different paint,
The post passed, add in weight!
Happy holiday! Christ Sunday!

The new year passed and removed masks.
Deliver eggs, paint to Easter.
Grace came from heaven!
And Jesus Christ is risen!

Congratulations on the holiday of Easter.
And we wish to live, as if in a fairy tale.
Let the cake with wine stand on the table.
And only joy come to the house!

With Easter Saint Congratulations,
Happiness, I wish you health.
Peace, peace in the country,
Sun in your window.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
From the ground it is worn to heaven.
And on the day of St. Sunday
Take a congratulations on Easter.

On the day of Christ Sunday
Congratulations on Easter.
I wish you fun
Even a glass nap.

Baked cake on Easter,
You will be switched as a gift.
And I will tell you with caressing:
I love you very much.

In the blue sky bird flocks,
The bells are heard.
With Easter, I congratulate you,
Do not regret good words.

Congratulations on the holiday of Spring,
Early Easter pleases April.
In a clean day of St. Sunday
I wish you in happiness.

Under the ringing bells on Easter
I wish the trip from the post:
Kulich, Egg and sausage
For the feast of the Resurrection of Christ.

The whole Christian world with delight
Meets the holiday of the resurrection of Christ.
I congratulate you. Stored by God
Let the cherished dream come true.

Sunday Sun Holiday Lights
Christians of the world Easter celebrate.
I congratulate you, please gone from the heart.
Let you get along the sunny door

Joy comes to us with Easter.
Congratulations on the first day.
Let everyone paint with a sausage
Tasty will be on this day.

In the day of Easter, the holiday is light
All congratulations send.
"Christ is resurrected!", And multicolored
I start the egg holiday.

Snow for Easter melted all,
The sun shines from a height.
I congratulate everyone with a great day
I wish you a beauty

Under Easter ringing church
We say: "Christ is risen!"
Congratulations on the spiritual day,
The sun carries you from heaven.

"Christ is risen!". We will unsubscribe without a doubt
We raise a triple cry.
"Christ is resurrected!", And at that Sunday
Take congratulations and cake.

Beautiful congratulations on Easter for Mom

My dear, kind mom,
I wish you an Easter holiday,
So that you are beautiful yourself
More tenderness, joy, caress,

So as not to know either trouble nor sorrow
So that was young and healthy,
To the eyes of happiness shone,
Delighted, so that dad to you!

Fragrance from Kulich,
Tears with wax pour candle,
Mom, with Easter congratulations
I wish all the best

Happiness, sun, kindness,
Youth, beauty,
Peace, joy, good
And spring heat!

Mom, dear,
Happy Easter
I wish from the heart
Life let it be a fairy tale

Solar and bright
So that you did not know trouble
Smiled more often
And the spring met!

Congratulations on Easter, mommy, you,
A lot of happiness I wish you me,
So that was fun and did not know evil,
Love, you, health, family heat!

Spring comes light,
Nature awakens
I wish you, mommy,
Let happiers do not end,

Let the joy give you
Easter Blagovest
Christ is risen, native,
Truly risen!

Native, my dear,
I congratulate you on Easter
I wish, mommy, you
From the whole soul of love and affection.

Let your life be light,
Coat and without shocks,
And let the soul bloom in spring,
Good luck, Joy in Christ Sunday!

Easter congratulations in prose

Easter congratulations can be given not only in verses, but also in prose. In principle, to compose something festive in prose maybe everyone. But if you do not have time to invent beautiful text, and you need to send very urgent, then try these congratulations.

Congratulations on your light Easter! We wish peace, good, love, peace of mind and well-being! Let your focus always warm love, close to be near, all expectations are certainly justified, and cherished dreams and desires will definitely come true!

Christ is Risen! So let your heart rejoice on the day of the Great Easter! Let faith, hope and grace donated by the Lord on this day, will become a reliable foundation for long, happy and joyful life! Good and happiness to you and your loved ones!

On the day of Light Easter, I wish you and your loved ones, harmony, peace and understanding. Let your shower be cleaned, the house will be filled with grace, and the heart - the desire to create good, to give yourself faith, the desire to love and be loved! Let the bright Easter ringing bells healed the soul, and the eyes will shine from the awareness of the Resurrection of Christ! Christ is risen!

Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing, warm, wonderful day - the feast of the Holy Easter! Let your souls, like today's spring, will inhale Easter warmth and reap clean, warm, joyful! Update and victory over death gives us this day! So let the holy grace and love be with you! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen, we speak with hope and smile. We wish the world, good from Heaven today descended. Health, joy, peace, peace in the shower, holy inspiration, support for loved ones, help from friends, all worldly goods and table full of the cup, and faith in the best, love, hope, and luck, and many bright days. Happy Easter!