Premature aging placenta: causes, symptoms, treatment. Aging placenta during pregnancy: reasons and consequences Premature aging placenta for 32 weeks of pregnancy

The inconsistency of the degree of maturity of the placenta with a real term requires immediate adoption of medical measures. The defective functioning of the placenta leads to negative consequences for the health and life of the child.

By 32 week, the child adds significantly in growth and weight. On this period, the parameters of the fetus are already dependent on the individual hereditary predisposition, which is transmitted from parents.

A pregnant woman feels well a child in periods of his activity. The weight of the fetus during this period can reach 2 kg. Before childbirth, a few weeks remain, so the future mother is especially important to follow their condition.

On this period of the placenta, it reaches significant sizes, and a month later its aging begins. The inconsistency of the degree of maturity term is an unfavorable sign.

Placenta functions

The placenta is an organ having a disk form, which appears solely for a period of pregnancy, performing intermediary functions between a woman and her child. Placenta, providing a child with oxygen, nutrients, simultaneously displays products of life and toxic substances.

The organ begins to form after attaching a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. The formation of the organ by the end of 12 weeks, after which its growth period begins. The placenta grows up to 8 months of pregnancy (36 weeks), after which her aging begins.

The placenta performs the following functions:

  • protection of the fetus (from shock, damage);
  • feeding nutrients;
  • oxygen supply;
  • withdrawal of toxins and livelihoods;
  • protection of uterus from infections, which prevents infecting the fetus.

Stages of maturity placenta

There are four levels of maturity of the organ: 0,1,2,3. The inconsistency of the period of pregnancy and the level of maturity speaks of the presence of violations that can have a dumpless influence on the health of the child.

The level of maturity is most often determined by the ultrasound diagnosis based on the following signs:

  • body structure;
  • the thickness of the walls of the placenta;
  • gestational age.

Each period corresponds to a certain degree of maturity of the placenta:

If the 3rd degree of maturity came at 32 weeks, then we can talk about her premature aging. Such a state of the body is unfavorable, because it may lead to problems in the development of the child, or the occurrence of childbirth before reaching the deadline. The threat of premature labor appears in the consequence of the inability of the placenta to provide an already formed and viable fruit with everything necessary.

Causes of premature aging

The reasons for which the placenta ages earlier may be associated with the state of the health of a pregnant woman or with her lifestyle:

  • alcoholic, tobacco, narcotic dependence (during pregnancy, or in the previous period of life);
  • previously taken abortions;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • intrauterine infections;
  • gestosis;
  • diabetes;
  • viral diseases (ORVI, ORZ, flu, etc.);
  • pregnancy twins;
  • pairing placenta;
  • reception of drugs without consulting specialists (including vitamins, food additives).

Most often, the reasons for which the pregnant woman had premature aging of the placenta, remain unknown.


Premature aging of the placenta leads to a decrease in the functionality of the organ. The loss of the flooding ability to fully function leads to insufficient supply of a child with saturated with oxygen and nutrients with blood. This negatively affects its condition. The kid has hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

The lack of oxygen is a greater danger to the fetus, since it may have the following problems:

  • violations in the brain;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • in the worst case, the death of the fetus may occur.

The aging of the placenta is a signal for a woman and the attending physician who speaks of the need to take all possible medical measures to prevent the possible deterioration of the child's condition.

At the 32nd week, the third degree of maturity of the placenta is considered to be a deviation from the norm. In this case, we can talk about premature maturation. It is impossible to change the degree of maturity of the placenta, but there are ways to assist the child in order to improve the supply of its oxygen and nutrients.

The final diagnosis is made not only on the basis of ultrasound, but also according to the results of the CTG fetus, Dopplerometry. The data obtained will make a conclusion about the possible lack of oxygen and nutrients entering the child. Also, analyzes for infections can be appointed. Only obtaining data on the deterioration of the state of the fetus will be the basis for prescribing drugs.

Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital. Pregnant woman prescribe medication, droppers.

Timely measures taken will allow maintaining the normal state of the child and avoid hypoxia. In compliance with all medical recommendations, the patient with a premature compiled floater has every chance to give birth to a healthy child at a time limit.

If the child's condition inspires concerns, doctors may be made a decision on early childbirth by cesarean section.

Video - What is a placenta, for what it is intended how it is located in the uterus

The placenta is called the embryonic authority, which is very important to protect and develop the fetus. Its formation begins immediately after fertilization. The placenta naturally agrees, reaching maturity by the 37 week of pregnancy. In some cases, there is an early aging of the placenta, such a state is dangerous and requires treatment.

General characteristics of the phenomenon

Begins to form a placenta for about 12 days after conception, when the egg will attached to the wall of the uterus. It is called chorion during this period.

The first 3 months continues the formation of the placenta, then it grows up to 8 months, after which the process of its aging is launched. This order is natural.

The aging of the body means that its functional abilities are reduced. This state is dangerous, since the placenta is necessary to protect the fetus from infection, external damage, ensuring oxygen and nutrients.

It is right to note that the maturation of the placenta was ahead of time - the phenomenon is quite rare. In some cases, this diagnosis is mistakenly made due to the incompetence of the doctor or incorrect decryption of the survey results.

The ripening of the organ occurs in stages. Each stage corresponds to certain times:

  1. 0 degree. The beginning of this stage is timed to the formation of the placenta, and it continues until 27-30 weeks.
  2. I degree. At this stage accounts for an active growth of the placenta. It continues at about 30-35 weeks.
  3. II degree. This period is considered the maturity of the placenta and continues on the 35-39 week.
  4. III degree starts after 39 weeks. The completion of this stage is childbirth.

Pathological aging of the body is when the II degree is diagnosed earlier than 35 weeks or III degree to 39 weeks.

It is also often observed early ripening when I degree of aging placenta began in 27-29 weeks. Such a phenomenon can be considered the norm, but should control the further ripening process of the organ and the correspondence of the subsequent degrees of aging set for them.

21 weeks are often referred to as the equator. On this period of the placenta must be well formed and strengthened. The thickness of its walls should be approximately 23 mm, but not more than 30 mm.

At 22 week, the placenta thickness should increase to 24 mm. If it exceeds 30 mm, then the risk of premature aging arises.

In the future, the thickness of the walls of the placenta should increase 1-1.5 mm per week, reaching 36 weeks 36.5 mm. The maximum allowable upper limit on this period is 46 mm. If the growth of the thickness of the placenta walls occurs more active than the norm, that is, the risk of premature aging of the body.

The reasons

The aging of the organ before the deadline is a deviation from the norm. Such a state may be provoked by a variety of factors:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • the preview of the placenta, its partial detachment;
  • low or multi-way;
  • infection;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • action of toxic substances;
  • gestosis (complication during pregnancy);
  • broken blood coagulation;
  • rezv conflict;
  • chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular system;
  • harmful habits.

Cause the premature aging of the placenta can both one of these factors and their combination. For competent treatment, it is important to identify the exact cause of pathology.

It is practically impossible to determine the pathology yourself. This state proceeds asymptomatic.

The main measure to identify the aging of the placenta, inappropriate, is ultrasound scanning. Such a survey is normally carried out three times for pregnancy, but if there are any violations, it is resorted to it more often. Scanning ultrasound safely, therefore it is not worth worrying about the consequences of its frequent use.

Scanning reveals the thickening of the organ walls and the presence of calcinates in it. These sediments interfere with the full functioning of the organ.

Another important sign of pathology with ultrasound scanning is the state of the fetus. The kid can lag in development, the frequency of its heartbeat can deviate from the norm. Ultrasound examination allows you to estimate the size of the fetus and its individual parts. This is important to assess the degree of development and identifying its compliance of the norm or deviation from it.

To confirm the diagnosis, blood test (general and coagulogram) is also carried out. To identify disorders of the uterine-placental blood flow, ultrasonic dopplerography is performed.

Additionally, the fruit cardiography is often prescribed. This measure is necessary to control the state of the fetus. The study allows you to identify whether it is enough oxygen and nutrients.

What is dangerous premature aging placenta?

The maturation of the placenta ahead of time can provoke the development of fetoplacentage failure. In this case, the risk of unbearable increases in tens of times, as the most important features of the placenta are violated. This is especially related to blood supply, with a violation of which oxygen and nutrients come to the fetus in an insufficient volume. This leads to the lagging in its development.

Fetal hypoxia against the background of early aging placenta may cause its asphyxia. In this case, antenatal death occurs due to lack of oxygen.

With anomalous aging, the placenta arises the risk of premature births, since the body receives certain signals. It is dangerous in that the fruit is not capable of functioning normally, so the chances of a favorable outcome are significantly reduced. But true premature aging placenta is extremely rare.

Premature aging of the placenta does not necessarily mean a threat to the fetus. If there are insignificant violations and do not have a negative impact on the fruit, it is not worth worrying. In this case, treatment may not be required, it suffices to control the further aging of the placenta and the state of the fetus.

A specialist Uzi Susdko E.N. Susdo Sousidko E.N. is talking about the stages of the ripening of the placenta

Treatment methods

When aging the placenta before the prescribed time is necessary. It is carried out in the hospital.

The purpose of treatment in this case is to normalize the blood flow, maintain the life of the fetus. To achieve the desired result, an integrated approach is needed, including the use of the following tools:

  • Droppers to prevent oxygen starvation of the fetus. Usually resort to Karrantil or Aktovegin. These drugs are important not only for the prevention of oxygen starvation, but also normalization of umbilical blood flow.
  • Eufillin. This drug is a vasodilator, contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the placenta and microcirculation.
  • Aspirin. We are necessary for blood liquefaction and improving blood supply.

If premature aging of the placenta is caused by infection, then appropriate drug therapy is necessary. For its purpose, the pathogen is pre-detected.

The list of necessary drugs can determine only a specialist, focusing on the diagnostics and individual characteristics of the body of a woman and a pregnancy occupying.

Even medication therapy is not able to turn back process. Treatment is necessary to brake aging placenta, maintaining its necessary functions and preservation of pregnancy to a safe period of delivery.

In case of detection of pathology, a pregnant woman needs to abandon bad habits, if she didn't do it earlier. It is also important to strictly monitor its nutrition and a day regimen, spend more time in the fresh air.

Proper nutrition implies a refusal of fried, salt and smoked dishes. Food is better to cook for a couple. Flour products and sweets should be excluded.

A stabilization of psycho-emotional background is necessary. Stresses and emotional overloads should be avoided. If necessary, you can take sedatives. It is better to choose vegetable agents such as Persene or Dashtroke tincture. Reception of any drugs should be coordinated with a doctor.


With timely detection of pathology and competent treatment, the forecast is favorable. An important condition for the compliance of the regime, proper nutrition and all the prescriptions of the doctor. When performing these rules, the childbirth will be held within the prescribed period, and the child will be dumplings and healthy.

In most cases, with diagnosed pathology, there is enough to conduct medication therapy. With severe complications, it may be necessary for premature delivery. This option is appropriate only in critical situations when the risk of negative consequences is high, so more benefit will be from the development of the fetus outside the womb.

The premature delivery is usually resorted when the III degree of aging organ has arrived earlier than the deadline. Birth is carried out by cesarean section.

The aging of the placenta is the inevitable and natural process, but it should flow in accordance with certain deadlines. Premature aging of the placenta can create a threat to health of the fetus, its normal development and even life. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner to preserve pregnancy and avoid possible complications.

During fertilization during the merger of the sperm and egg cell, the zygote is formed, which has a supply of nutrients for a short period of time. After 11-12 days, the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, and from this point he gets all the necessary substances from the mother. This is facilitated by the formation of a placenta ("kindergarten") - a body that is a place for compounding the blood flow of the fetus and women.

Normally, this body acquires the final structure by the 12th week of pregnancy and retains it at least up to 37 weeks. But sometimes there is a premature aging of the placenta - the pathology, in which the "kindergarten" loses its physiological structure ahead of time, which is why there is a violation of the flow of nutrients to the fetus.

The role of the placenta

The placenta is the main element that preserves pregnancy and supporting the development of the organism of the fetus. It performs several important functions, the first of them is respiratory. In the intrauterine period, the fruit does not breathe independently with the help of lungs, so gas exchange occurs due to the connection of the vessels of the fetus and mother in the placenta area. Thanks to this body, the blood is enriched with oxygen and carbon dioxide is removed from it.

The second feature of the placenta is a trophic or nutritious. It enriches the blood of the fetus with the necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, ions.

The third function of the organ is immune. The placenta is permeable for some maternal antibodies, protecting the fetus from pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, the "kindergage" delays antibodies produced in response to the alien child's genome, which can cause reaction reaction.

The fourth function of the organ - endocrine. The placenta synthesizes its own hormones (HCG, progesterone, etc.), which supports the course of pregnancy, induces childbirth.

The fifth "kindergarten" function is protective. The organ is able to destroy the substances unsafe for the fetus.

The last feature of the placenta is barrier. She warns the hitting of microorganisms to the child.

Early ripening placenta during pregnancy leads to a decrease in the implementation of the listed functions of the organ. The presence of this pathology worsens gas exchange and fetal food.

Structure and features of the placenta (17 minutes):

Stages of pathology

To determine the degree of aging, the placenta doctors use ultrasound diagnostics. With it, it is visualized by the structure, condition of the organ and the thickness of its walls, which are compared with the period of pregnancy. Premature maturation of the placenta is classified in 4 stages:

0 stage. It is characterized by a normal structure of the organ at which it fully implements all its functions. Norma corresponds to the 20-30 week of pregnancy.

I degree. It has a second name - the phase of active growth. At this time, the placenta performs its functions well, but degenerative processes begin in it. Normally, this period begins with 27-31 weeks and lasts until 32-33 weeks.

II degree. It is called the phase of maturity. By this time, rather strong structural changes occur in the placenta, its walls are thicker, gas exchange is reduced. The mature "child seat" is diagnosed normally from 34 to 39 week of pregnancy.

III degree. This phase is called "aging." The placenta is preparing for the upcoming birth, with physiological flow, this period occurs after 37 weeks of pregnancy.

If the structural changes in the "Children's Place" do not correspond to the period of pregnancy, the doctor makes a diagnosis of "premature aging of the placenta."

Causes of pathology

Not always doctors manage to reveal the accurate etiological factor of premature maturation of the placenta. A certain role in this pathology plays the lifestyle of the mother and related diseases. Sometimes early ripening of "kindergarten" can provoke disorders of the integrity of the epithelial cover in the uterus.

In a recently published study, the University of Texas University's Medical Branch in Galveston proved that the premature ripening of the placenta may be caused by oxidative stress in the body. Environmental toxins and polluted air are an integral component of normal life. However, pregnant women should avoid other factors leading to oxidative stress: smoking and alcohol consumption, high body mass index, poor nutrition and infection.

"This is the first study that proves that oxidative stress causes the aging of the placenta and premature birth," says Dr. Ramkamar Menon, the Associate Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University of Texas University and Lead Researcher in the study. "More than 15 million pregnancies around the world end premature childbirth, but thanks to the information received, we will be able to reduce the risk of this pathology."

To the main reasons for the development of early ripening placenta include:

  • scraping of the uterus before pregnancy;
  • chronic renal and heart failure;
  • sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, syphilis, etc.);
  • diabetes; congenital anomalies of the development of the uterus and its appendages;
  • spontaneous miscarriages in history;
  • late toxicosis of pregnant women; mechanical injuries;
  • severe generic activity in history;
  • smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction;
  • severe atherosclerosis;
  • tooling several children at the same time;
  • increased amount of accumulate waters;
  • obesity or lack of body weight.

Signs and symptoms

There are no objective symptomatic signs of the development of this pathology. Diagnose premature aging of the placenta can only a specialist with ultrasound diagnostics. But, watching the fetal movements, the future mother can suspect deviations For pregnancy.

The participation or gentle of the child's movements can be a symptom of hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus. This pathology arises due to premature aging placenta of the II-III stage. If the future mother notices the unusual activity of the fetus, she should seek medical care and pass an ultrasound examination.


The most dangerous options for the flow of premature maturation of the placenta are 2 degree for 32 weeks and earlier, or 3 degree to 37 weeks of pregnancy. Lighter forms of pathology in the absence of progression of the process do not lead to severe consequences. Usually 1 degree of premature maturation of the placenta does not affect the development of the fetus, or causes a light growth in hypotrophy.

In severe cases, premature aging of the placenta is dangerous to the development of fetal hypoxia. The future child gets little oxygen, harmful metabolic products are accumulated in its organs, no adequate breathing of cells. Sometimes this pathology threatens a strong lag in the growth and development of the fetus.

Attention! To prevent the development of premature aging, the placenta of the future mother is recommended to prevent abortions, in a timely manner to treat urogenital diseases, lead a healthy lifestyle during the baby tool.

The third degree of premature aging of the kindergarten may entail even more serious pathologies. Due to a strong reduction in blood circulation processes, an influence of spindlewater waters may occur, the placenta detachment, which will lead to premature gods. In rare cases, the intrauterine fetal death is observed.


The identification of early aging of the placenta is possible only with the help of instrumental diagnostic methods. Most often, this pathology can be detected on a planned ultrasound study.Therefore, pregnant women should not pass the inspections of the doctor of the obstetrician-gynecologist. A specialist using an ultrasound sensor sees structural changes of the placenta and thickening its walls.

As additional diagnostic methods, the doctor can apply Doppler ultrasound. This method of ultrasound research helps to visualize placental blood flow. With the help of it, it is possible to estimate the degree of supply of fetus with oxygen. Doppler - method with which the doctor is able to observe the state of the fetus and monitor the quality of the treatment provided.

To observe the livelihood of the fetus, doctors prescribe cardiotokography. This method of diagnosis shows the heartbeats and movements of the future child, their relationship. Based on the results of the CTG, the specialist can estimate the degree of hypoxia kid. Sometimes a general and biochemical blood test is prescribed as a method as an additional diagnosis of a woman.


If the placenta "older" is less than 1 week from the norm, a woman can be treated outpatient. When doctors diagnose a more serious degree of pathology, the future mother should be immediately hospitalized into a narrow specialized hospital.

When diagnosing this pathology of the future mother, recommendations regarding the lifestyle should be followed. A pregnant woman needs to carry out a large amount of time in the fresh air, avoid stress, strong physical exertion.

Future mother it is recommended to revise your diet, exclude fried, salted, smoked and semi-finished products from it. Also, it should be added to the diet as much fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat meat, birds, fish, cereals, dairy products.

Medical treatment of premature aging placenta follows from the causes of the disease. In the detection of urogenital infections, the appropriate antibacterial therapy should be assigned to the woman.

To improve metabolic processes in the body of the future of the future mother, the reception of regeneration stimulants (Actovegin) is recommended. To suppress the thrombosis and expansion of placental vessels, the doctors are prescribed antispasmodics and vasodilators (aspirin, eufillin).

In the effectiveness of drug treatment, natural delivery is possible under the special control of specialists. If the doctors watch the progression of the aging of the placenta, it is recommended to conduct the operation of caesarean sections.

Premature aging placenta is a state of threatening. Any pregnant woman can face him. Why "kindergarten" begins to lose its functions ahead of time and what to do with these, we will tell in this article.

How does the "childhood" matures?

"Children's place", or a placenta, is the temporary authority, the necessary woman and child only during pregnancy. It has a spongy structure, one side is tightly adjacent to the wall of the uterus, from where the reserves of maternal blood gets from, and the other by the umbilical cord is connected to the fruit. The placenta performs protective functions, not allowing blood mixing mom and baby. She also acts as an intermediary in gas exchange and nutrition: through the placenta in Vienna in the structure of the umbilical bodies, the baby comes with fresh blood with oxygen and vitamins, and in two arteries inside the umbilical cord in the placenta, the products of the child's livelihoods are displayed: urea, carbon dioxide, creatinine. The placenta produces important hormones important for pregnancy and subsequent breastfeeding.

A week after ovulation, fertilized eggs falls into the uterine cavity and its main task is to be implanted. This helps the chorial shell, which "ears" into the maternal endometrium. At the site of attachment, a chorion is formed, which is gradually converted into a placenta. The formation of the "kindergarten" is completed by the 14-16 week of pregnancy. The final form of the young placenta acquires by 20 weeks. Before the middle of pregnancy, "kindergarten" grows, expands. After that, it only slightly adds in thickness.

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

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The closer to childbirth, the less functional placenta: it produces its resources, begins to grow old.First, its shells become wave-like, then in the placenta appear in the deposits of calcium salts, then these splashes become more extensive - the placenta of the spongy becomes more dense, starts to become thinner. All these processes are placed in four degrees of maturity.

If degrees are replaced by each other in the time limit, no danger is. If the placenta "fats" too quickly, they talk about her premature aging.

Norms and deviations

The young and complete forces of the placenta has a zero degree of maturity. This means that the resources of the "kindergarten" are not exhausted - the kid receives everything necessary for its development. Normally, the zero degree of maturity is registered until 30 weeks of pregnancy.

The first degree of maturity of the placenta speaks of the above changes: the growth of the grid of vessels and tissues has ceased, the membrane becomes wave-like. But its functions "kindergarten" performs regularly - the baby is comfortable, and only enough. The first degree in the norm corresponds to a period of 30-34 weeks of pregnancy.

The second degree of maturity describes active regressive processes in the "Children's Place": a fragmentary reference point may appear, its structure becomes more dense, salt calcium deposits appear. If the 2 degree is established in the appropriate time limit, you can not worry - the placenta copes with its tasks without prejudice to the baby. The second degree will not be considered a pathological, if the term of pregnancy is already 35-38 weeks.

The third degree is a mature or old placenta. The structure that previously resembled a rather smooth pellet becomes quarrel: the shares are determined, the membrane is uneven, salt deposits are well distinguishable. Usually 3 degree is fixed immediately before childbirth: in the last couple of weeks, and sometimes and just a few days before delivery.

If the doctor establishes an intermediate degree, for example, 0-1 or 1-2, it means that there are signs of the transition of one stage of development of the "kindergarten" to another, but the transition itself has not yet been completed. With transitional degrees, most incomprehensible moments and misunderstandings occur. To make it easier to understand what is normal, and what - no, you should know that 0-1 degree for a period of 27-28 weeks of pregnancy is not a pathology, but an option of the norm.

After 30 week, the doctor can diagnose both the first and transitional (0-1) degree. But 1-2 degree for 32 weeks - obvious pathology, because before the transition to the second degree for about a month. The offensive of 3 degrees of maturity up to 38 weeks is also anxious and dangerous situation at which, most likely, a decision on the early delivery will be made.

The larger the temporary gap between the norm and the real state of the placenta, the more dangerous consequences may be.

What is dangerous?

Since on the placenta nature is entrusted with important functions on protection, nutrition, oxygen, as well as hormonal support for the body of pregnant women, then any changes in the structure of the placenta ahead of time can lead to severe complications. When aging goes on time, it is physiological: the loss of certain features of the placenta, their decrease is compensated by the organisms of the mother and the fetus. It does not harm the child, because normally the fuss of the function proceeds rather smoothly.

If early ripening is observed, the baby receives insufficient oxygen, the placenta copes worse with the derivation of its livelihoods, it lacks nutrients. In addition, the placenta copes worse with protective functions. The most common consequence of premature ripening for a child is hypoxia.

Against the background of oxygen deficiency, the toddler's brain suffers, his nervous system. Long hypoxia can lead to the death of a child intrauterine. Often, the intrauterine hypoxia is the cause of the lag of the fetus in the development, gross violations of the central nervous system.

Children who suffered hypoxy in the maternal womb, more painful, they may have various neurological deviations, as well as dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, such children are worse learned, disability is not excluded.

The shortage of nutrients leads to a delay in the intrauterine development of the kid. It is diagnosed even during pregnancy. Growth, weight, the length of the limbs of the fetus lags behind the normal values \u200b\u200bcharacteristic of a specific period of pregnancy. Often, the delay in physical development is accompanied by brain impairment and metabolic disorders, which after birth is determined in the form of lags in mental and mental development. Against the background of starvation, various defects of the internal organs and the kostyol bone system can develop.

The slowdown output of the fetal life products of the fetus is early ripened with a threat to intoxication, the death of the child. A decrease in the barrier functions of the "kindergarten" can lead to the infection of crumbs with dangerous viruses, which can freely penetrate the blood flow to the kid. An intrauterine infection is a condition that is regarded as a threat to the life of a child.

What is due to?

The placenta ripens before the last time for a wide variety of reasons. Most often doctors face such a phenomenon as the premature aging of the placenta in women who, during the tooling, the baby continue to smoke or cannot deny themselves to enjoy alcoholic beverages. In women who treasure themselves the hope that the "light" cigarettes are not hazardous, and red wine is useful, such pathology after 30 pregnancy is found quite often.

However, the absence of bad habits during pregnancy and does not yet guarantee that there will be no problems with the placenta. The maturation of the "kindergarten" ahead of time may be the consequence of a transferred viral infectious disease, for example, ORVI or influenza, as well as infections that are transmitted by sexual path.

In pregnant women with rhust-negative blood, provided that they carry a baby with a positive rear-factor, a rhesus conflict can develop, in which the placenta begins to suffer almost even at the formation stage. Early maturation is often a consequence of those immune processes that pass in conflict in the body of the future mother.

If a woman had diabetes mellitus or she acquired a gestational diabetes during a baby tooling, the likelihood that the placenta will quickly struggle, much higher.

With such illnesses, the placenta hyperplasia is usually observed (an increase in its thickness), which almost always leads to an early loss of its functions. Early aging of the "kindergarten" is also found in women who have made several abortions: the thinned endometrium in this case cannot provide the normal development of the placenta. In this case, it is more subtle initially, and ages much faster.

Chronic diseases of the future mother, especially if they concern the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels, as well as blood clotting violations increase the likelihood of premature ripening "kindergarten".

At the rate of maturation of the placenta, many drug drugs can negatively affect, which is why future mothers are urgent not recommended to take any medicines if it is not approved by its attending physician. Also destructive on placental tissues and vessels affects the contact of the future mother with toxic substances, varnishes and paints, solvents, bleaching and other chemistry. Work on dangerous and harmful production increases the likelihood of negative changes in the rate of maturation of the placenta.

Premature aging of the placenta is more often observed in women who live in major cities with an unfavorable environmental situation than women who live in a village or a small town where there are no major city-forming industrial enterprises. And also pathology, according to the observations of doctors, is inherited - from Mother to her daughter.

Gestosis (late toxicosis) quite often leads to the aging of the "kindergarten" before the established deadlines. It is dangerous from the point of view of the likelihood of the development of the pathological condition and the drops of blood pressure in the future mother, hypertension. If a pregnant woman on any pregnancy, even minor placental detachments took place or there is a presence of a "kindergarten", the risk of early ripening is above several times than women who do not have such problems during pregnancy.

During the bearing of twins or triple, the risk of early ripening is higher than with one-bed pregnancy. And in women with hormonal problems, there is almost always placental anomalies to one degree or another, including the old placenta on the gestation inappropriate for this.

Symptoms and signs, diagnostics

Feel the degree of maturity of the placenta, as well as determine its thickness and other parameters independently there is no possibility. The accelerated ripening of the "kindergarten" proceeds completely without symptoms. That is why it is important to regularly attend the doctor, to pass all the examination for the term of the examination, take tests and do ultrasound. The earlier an anomaly will be discovered, the more favorable forecasts of doctors for the upcoming treatment.

Signs of premature aging of the placenta at the later deadlines, when the consequences of fetoplacentage insufficiency are already manifested, they are mainly felt as a change in the motor activity of the kid. About the initial stage of hypoxia speaks an increase in activity: the movement of the kid becomes sharp, they can cause a pregnant pain. So the kroch is trying to massate the handles and the legs of the placenta, trying to extract more oxygen.

Printing hypoxia is manifested by back signs - the baby almost stops moving. It enters into the regime of saving oxygen and nutrients, trying to spend as little energy as possible. Complete cessation of movements can be a sign of the death of the baby.

Establish the fact of hypoxia, the delay of the intrauterine development of the fetus, its intoxication and other disadvantaged states can only a doctor. That is why it is so important not to miss visits to women's advice.

With the change in the behavior of the kid, a woman is prescribed a study of the placenta and characteristics of the uterine-placental blood flow on the USDG, an ultrasound, and the CTG is also carried out. Cardiotocography, which can be held from 28-29 weeks of pregnancy, can give a fairly accurate answer to the question, is there a baby in a state.

The maturity of the placenta is established on the ultrasound, starting from 20 weeks of pregnancy. In earlier deadlines, no thickness of the "kindergarten" nor its characteristic of the maturity of the diagnostic value do not have.


Despite the fact that the consequences can be quite serious, the woman should not be in panic: the premature aging of the placenta is always more favorable than its pathological immaturity. In the early detection of pathology, doctors can help the baby and his mother. Treatment is usually carried out in a hospital.

The choice of tactics of action depends on the term. If premature maturation of the placenta is revealed to 31-35 weeks of pregnancy, the doctors try to do everything possible to keep it and extend, because the baby on this period is not yet ready to be born. For a woman in a hospital, they observe the necessary therapy, they make CTG daily to find out if the state and well-being of the baby changed. Once a few days do ultrasound to control the processes occurring in placental structures.

If the term of pregnancy is more than 36 weeks, then with a large share of the probability of doctors will decide on the early delivery: stimulation of childbirth or conducting cesarean sections. Although, if the degree of deviation from the norm is small, can put on preservation and try to maintain even two weeks to maintain the baby inside the maternal womb, so that he can gain weight.

In the standard treatment regimen, spasmolytic preparations are present ("Papvern", "but-shpa") to reduce the contractile ability of the smooth muscles of the uterus. To improve blood flow in the "Mother-Placenta-Fruit" system, "Kuraltil", "Actovegin" both in tablets and in the form of intravenous drip administrations. To replenish the nutritional shortage, vitamin preparations are used. With suspicion of hypoxia of the fetus, a woman recommended oxygen cocktails.

If infectious diseases have become the cause of premature ripening of "kindergarten", in parallel with the standard scheme, the appropriate treatment with antiviral or antibacterial drugs is prescribed. During late toxicosis, diuretic drugs are prescribed to reduce the swelling, and the means to reduce blood pressure, if the future mother hypertension.

If the systematic observations of the kid point to the slightest negative changes in its condition, preserving therapy is canceled and an emergency delivery is carried out. It is necessary in order to save the child life.

It is necessary to abandon smoking, alcohol, uncontrolled medicine - especially dangerous antibiotics, anticonvulsant drugs, hormonal agents, including contraceptives.

If a woman is treated with such means or is protected by oral hormonal contraceptives, before conception, the baby should be consulted with a doctor and pass the necessary assays to avoid problems in the future.

From the first week of pregnancy, it is important to monitor its nutrition, prevent contact with toxic substances, radioactive radiation, do not work in a night shift, since the lack of sleep leads to a violation of the hormonal background. When bleeding on any time, you need to contact the doctor to eliminate the placenta detachment, and get the necessary treatment if it happened.

A woman should breathe fresh air, walk if the weather allows you to sleep with an open window. The more she will receive oxygen herself, the more she can give it his baby by means of placental blood flow. Viral infections should also be avoided, conducting the right and timely prevention of influenza and ARVI, especially during periods of mass morbidity.

During pregnancy, you should not change the sexual partner: any entered infection can cause placenta defeats.

For premature maturation of the placenta, see the following video.

All vital bodies are formed by a person long before birth. And it seems, there is no such that any organ suddenly take and appeared in a person in the process of life. However, this is possible. A similar organ is a placenta, which is formed in women in the process of pregnancy.

Children's place

Placenta - Medical Term. In the people, it is called a kindergarten. So, the placenta is an organ that is formed during pregnancy. It is through her that the baby receives oxygen and all the necessary nutrients. The placenta allows you to withdraw the products of crumbling and carbon dioxide. It is endowed with the most important function - protects the baby from the reactions of the immune system of mothers and various infections.

If we consider the placenta from a scientific point of view, then this is a small disk (in diameter - 20 cm) weighing about 5 kg and with a thickness of about 3 cm. One of its side is directed to the fetus (it is from this side "Pupovina leaves), and the second consisting of Village, attached to the uterus.

In the placenta itself there are arteries and veins, through which the blood exchange between the mother and the future baby is carried out.


The aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a fairly frequent diagnosis that makes doctors to future women in labor. This diagnosis is made on the basis of an ultrasound conducted and is important for the normal development of the fetus.

The placenta passes 4 stages of growing up:

Zero, which is characteristic of pregnancy up to 30 weeks;

The first one that lasts from the 30th to;

The second that corresponds to pregnancy from the 34th to the 37th week;

The third characteristic of that is from the 37th week and until the date of birth.

Depending on the stage of the placenta, it is modified and possesses characteristic features. The aging placenta during pregnancy is to reduce the functionality of the specified organ. This does not mean that the placenta having, for example, the second degree of maturity, ceases to perform its functions. This body simply gradually reduces its capabilities.

In this regard, the identification of such pathology in the later periods of pregnancy should not cause serious concerns. It is much worse when the aging of the placenta during pregnancy is detected in the first or second trimester.

Details about the stages of aging placenta

The age of the placenta is the most important indicator that reports the intrauterine development and formation of the fetus. It happens that the outcome of pregnancy depends on this indicator.

As already mentioned, 4 stages of maturation of the placenta are distinguished.

Since the 12th week of pregnancy begins to form and actively grow such an organ as a placenta. From each week it is compacted. In the period from the 12th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the degree of cultivation of the specified body is normally zero. At the specified period, the structure of the kindergarten is smooth and homogeneous. In the zero stage of the placenta, it fully performs all functions assigned to it: actively saturates the fruit with oxygen and nutrients, remove carbon dioxide and the products of the life of the future kid.

Stage first

Normal flow pregnancy in the period from the 30th to 34th week corresponds to the first stage of ripening of the child's place. It is characterized by the fact that it was during the specified period on a placenta, the first signs of aging begin to appear. They are expressed by the emergence of small irregularities and inclusions. At the same time, the specified body does not lose its functions: the placenta continues to actively help the baby develop, grow and eat.

Sometimes this period is called the period of development of the placenta, since it is precisely on the specified period that the fruit is actively growing and developing.

Second stage

The second stage of ripening (aging) is characteristic of the period of pregnancy from the 34th to the 37th week of pregnancy. Ultrasound examination of the placenta in the specified period shows the appearance of a large number of inclusions, a change in the relief of the authority. Gradually begins to decrease, which leads to a decrease in its functional tasks.

However, for the period from the 34th to the 37th weeks of pregnancy, the placenta performs all the necessary functions: the baby receives such a nutrient nutrient that needs to be properly developed and growth.

Finishing Stage

The third (final) stage of ripening is observed in 36 weeks of pregnancy. The aging of the placenta comes out on the "finishing straight". The functioning of the child's place is significantly reduced, and natural aging comes. The specified stage is characteristic of a dead pregnancy and indicates that the fruit ripe and the mother's body is ready for childbirth. Externally, the placenta at this stage has many plugs and salt sediments. Its structure is very inhomogeneous, large waves are visible on the placenta, the depth of which in some places comes to the basal layer.

Any deviation from these norms is considered pathology and requires systematic observation and treatment. However, the placenta is not a sentence at all. Timely detection of this deviation will help stabilize the state of the fetus and bring future mom to successful childbirth.

Aging placenta during pregnancy: reasons

Photo organ you can see in the article. The placenta, like any other organ, is wears due to excessive loads. There are many factors in which the placenta is aging during pregnancy. The reasons for this pathology are most often reduced to the following:

Infectious or endocrine diseases of the future manufacturer, the presence of blood system pathologies, as well as kidney disease and urinary system;

Rhow-conflict between mother and fruit;

Redundant (or insufficient) weight of the very feminine;

Drinking alcohol and smoking;

The presence of abortion or heavy previous delivery;


Improper nutrition;

Chronic heart disease, lungs, arterial hypertension;

Multiple pregnancy.

As can be seen, the reasons for which the premature aging of the placenta occurs during pregnancy, a huge set. These are chronic diseases, and acquired viral and infectious diseases, as well as the wrong behavior of the mother during pregnancy.

It is worth remembering that such a diagnosis, like premature aging of the placenta, is placed in cases where the second degree of maturity is diagnosed on the period of up to 32 weeks or the third - on the period of up to 36 weeks.

How to find out and understand?

You can only learn about ultrasound. Since the specified pathology proceeds without any symptoms, it is impossible to independently understand that the placenta does not cope with its functions.

It is possible to establish the development of this pathology using an optical cardiomonitor. It shows the heart rhythm of the fetus and its changes.

However, despite the fact that no visible symptoms do not have to suspect that something goes wrong, it is still possible on the behavior of the fetus.


So, the aging of the placenta during pregnancy symptoms has the following:

The fetal has a heart rhythm. This occurs as a result of oxygen starvation and shortage of nutrients. The specified symptom indicates that the placenta does not cope with its functions;

Due to oxygen starvation, the future mother can feel harsh shoes in the stomach (starting from the second trimester): the baby begins to actively move, kick and exercise shocks with handles and legs;

Due to the lack of nutrients, the fruit and can stop moving at all and move.

These symptoms in most cases indicate the premature ripening of the child's place.


What could happen if the aging of the placenta during pregnancy is established? The implications for the child said pathology has the most negative.

In the early stages (in the first trimester), a similar diagnosis, as a rule, leads to a miscarriage or so-called frozen pregnancy.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of this pathology can lead to a delay in the physical or mental development of the future baby, as well as to the birth of a child with a reduced body weight. In addition, premature aging of the placenta is able to cause motion of cerebral cells.

However, most often, a similar diagnosis is placed in the third trimester of pregnancy. In this case, doctors recommend using the methods of artificial provoking of labor. With the help of droppers, special gels and injections, you can speed up the beginning of the generic activity and give birth to a healthy baby for 3-4 weeks earlier than the preliminary date of delivery.


So, the future mother was diagnosed with "premature aging placenta during pregnancy." Treatment in this case will be carried out under hospital. At the same time, in most cases, doctors will use drug methods to eliminate the resulting pathology.

It is worth knowing that it is impossible to cure this pathology. In this regard, the treatment will be aimed at assisting the future kid.

Depending on the cause of untimely growing placenta, drippers or injections can be appointed. If the reason for the specified diagnosis was an infectious disease of the mother, it will be offered a course of treatment with medicines, depending on the kind of causative agent of infection.

Most often droppers and injections that can prevent the development of hypoxia from the fetus are prescribed. Such preparations include Aktovegin, Kuraltil, as well as essential phospholipids and other medical facilities.

These drugs are used to reduce the tone of the uterus and improving blood circulation. The breathing failure of the kid can be restored by glucose drugs.

However, there are such situations in which treatment with a medication does not make sense. In such cases, premature delivery is used, which is carried out with the help of cesarean sections. As a rule, such emergency measures are characteristic when the placenta aging is detected at the 34 week of pregnancy and at later deadlines.

To such emergency, doctors resorted in cases where it was reliably established that intrauterine development for a child is more dangerous than premature labor.

Preventive measures

A complex of preventive measures, thanks to which you can avoid premature aging of the placenta, is quite simple. A pregnant woman is recommended to abandon any bad habits, be something smoking, alcohol consumption and the more narcotic drugs. The future mother should avoid stressful situations, physical exertion and spend the best air as possible.

An important preventive measure is a systematic visit to the gynecologist. After all, timely detection of pathology will help in time to take appropriate measures and avoid unpleasant consequences.

It is not necessary to abandon the visit to the day hospital: it should be remembered that the state of the fetus in the early ripening of the placenta directly depends on medical observation, qualified and adequate medical care.

Instead of imprisonment

Often, pregnancy is accompanied by the emergence of various pathologies and deviations. One of the most common diagnoses that is raised by the future mothers is the premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes and consequences of this pathology can be absolutely different: it is the wrong way of life of the mother, and the presence of infectious diseases, and even congenital diseases.

So, we told about the fact that aging placenta during pregnancy. The consequences of the early ripening of the organ depends on the period of their appearance and detection. However, timely visits to the gynecologist, the fulfillment of all the prescriptions of the doctor, as well as a healthy lifestyle capable of reduced the likelihood of the indicated deviation.

It is worthwhile that in most cases, in the diagnosis of "premature aging of the placenta", doctors manage to stabilize the state of the fetus and future mothers give birth to absolutely healthy and full-fledged children.