Psychological features of the development of preschool children. Mental childhood development of preschool age

The preschool age of a child from 3 to 6 years is a turning point. During this period, a small person begins to set his first ties with the outside world, his mental system is completely changing and rebuilt and he looks at the world in a new way and his place in it. It is at this time that the formation of the child's personality begins, and the internal regulation of behavior is formed. That is, if before, it was precisely the parents who were determined for the child a behavior and decided for him that he was bad, and what is good, now he learns to do it himself. For parents it is very important to know which principles are the mental development of children of preschool age, in order to help the child become a full-fledged and harmonious person, which would be a socially adapted and ready for the transition to a new age step.

Features of development

The development of a person from birth to conscious age is a unique and amazing process. Everything happens on so much harrily and competent that there was no one scientist yet to explain and prove how it works and where he came from. From three years, the child begins to show a special conscious interest in life. This is due to the whole chain of neoplasms in the psyche, which are the preparatory platform for a new direction in social development. In this regard, the child is precisely during this period seeks to comprehend the world, the inalienable part of which he is. In direct contact with this world and people, he cannot and therefore begins to contact with adult people closest to him - parents or other senior relatives. At this time, the world of the child, like around the center, rotates around an adult. The baby attaches importance to all the said and made and remembers everything that happens around him. That is why during this period from the child you can hear so many adult phrases. He seems to try on the model of adult behavior and is trying to understand whether he fits into it. The task of parents during this period is to make such an introduction as comfortable as possible for your child. Many psychologists whose work is highly appreciated in the field of pedagogical and social development, they say that the best way to communicate and learning is a role-playing game with a certain story.

Role-playing games with a specific plot are trained by processes of thinking, attention and memory. In such games, a child can try on the role of adulthood and adapt to it. With the help of different objects, qualities and conditions, you can simulate different situations, and the child will reproduce certain relations between people, their reactions and actions. What is it for?

The formation of the child's personality is a responsible and very important process of the mental development of children in preschool age. The various qualities and functions of the psyche begin to function among themselves in the new Ipostasi, and at each stage of development every time the new quality comes out. For example, up to three years, the child relies exclusively to his perception, but in preschool age memory plays the main role. Memory is the main process on which all other sensations are based. The process of thinking a child is absolutely not similar to the one who are guided by adults. They are typical of logical thinking, and the child relies only to his experience and memory and modifies it, causing the situation under the current situation. At this time, the quality of the memorization system is at the peak of their development and opportunities. It is during this period that the kid gives care of the best way, for example, can study foreign languages \u200b\u200band train his attention. In a particular situation, memory is helpful forms a certain model of behavior that the child observed between adults. During the formation of the personality, it is very important to monitor what model of life you provide your child. It is not very good at all that is good, but what is bad - for him normal is exactly what he sees in the life of his parents. That is why it is worth showing vigilance and attention to your own behavior and relationships with other people. At this time, the child appears the desire to develop further and further, and he tries to determine his own place in this world. His help comes imagination and ingenuity.

Imagination is the following feature of the psychic development of preschool children. For the baby, this is a quality in a novelty and he strives to try it out of all possible perspectives. Imagination is an integral memory satellite. Memory provides a child different models of certain situations, and the imagination modifies them. Gradually, the imagination helps the child to create absolutely new stories, situations, pictures and images. Thus, the imagination forms new models of communication and new relationships that are inalienable processes of formality.

Another link in the chain of mental neoplasms is the process of arbitrary behavior. If, up to three years, the behavior of the child was distinguished by impulsiveness and insoluctivity, then in preschool age everything changes dramatically. The child begins to divide the actions on what is right and no. It is these sensations that normalize his behavior. The child remembers the reaction of adults to those or other his actions and in the future he arises the question as to how it should behave in relation to other people. He has a sample of behavior that his parents create for him, and a child of preschool age begins to model his image of behavior, equal to the sample.

Parents must take into account the peculiarities of the mental development of children in preschool age. They fall on them a lot of different innovations from the body and the psyche, which must be adapted, and then learn how to use it correctly. At this stage, the help of parents is extremely important for them. And it can be expressed in a game form - and fun, and interesting. The game will help correctly form all mental qualities and features of the person.

What is the positive impact of the role-playing game on various areas of development, thinking of a child and its quality, which are laid in exactly this age gap from 3 to 6 years:

  • Arbitrary behavior and formation of mental processes. During the game, the child plays a certain role implied or proposed by the situation. Children get pleasure from it, fully joining and put into the created situation. During the game, all their qualities, sensations, actions and reactions are low-spirited and impulsive. But parents can adjust these moments, explaining the baby, which is correct in his actions, and what is not. The child learns to focus and concentrate its attention, commemorating its actions. Under the conditions of the game, this is obtained as it should not be better and no need to instructions and morals, which, besides, at this age perceives reluctantly;
  • Mental development. Initially, the image is applied to this or that item. Playing with them, children begin to transform real things into elements of figurative thinking. In an artificially created situation, children can play different roles, which will allow them to look at the same subject with various angles and points of view. Such a game is indispensable for the development of the right attitude towards reality and the most important mental ability;
  • Development of imagination. The game is an imaginary situation, every item, action, the role of imaginary. Children may create the world around themselves during the game, create different situations and look for way out of them. With the participation of parents in preschool age, children can develop or discover not a dozen ability to work - talents;
  • Personality development and social contacts. Initially, the process of communication and acquaintance with peers occurs exclusively in a game form. When children play, they begin to understand that there are not only their desires and preferences, but also another person too. They learn to find contact, give up, but at the same time and defend their own opinion. Such game actions help the child socially adapt in the surrounding world and the life, the essence of which he is trying to comprehend. Parents are extremely necessary to take an active part in these acts by helping the Council and Actions.

The main advantage of the game is that playing toys with imaginary heroes in the invented situations, the child involuntarily crosses the role of an adult. In most, children play doctors, astronauts, pilots, sellers. And they do not just come up with a role - they are trying to fit her, acting as an adult would act. This allows them step by step to enter the adult life, to which the child is pushing mental changes occurring in the body in preschool age.

Development of mental thinking functions

Preschool age is the period when children's activity, informality and curiosity is at a peak. Children during this period learn to see and analyze not only what they see, but also what is outside the visible picture. Thus, they are trying to explain their feelings and phenomena of the surrounding world. Of course, the child can not always explain the meaning of certain objects, phenomena is also exactly how adults do it. Children cannot think largely and everyone perceived literally. For example, they think that the moon runs behind them when they run or stands up with them, when they do not move. One famous psychologist called this phenomenon by realism, but it should be distinguished from objective perception. Due to the fact that the child at this age does not distinguish his mental world from the real, then he has special processes of thinking, for example, the revival of non-living objects. That is why, playing with toys, children perceive them as living and often lead conversations with them. These are normal processes, as well as helping the mental development of the individual.

In view of this, children create on all phenomena and items their point of view and often consider it the only true. It is not worth it forcibly to persuade or impose his point of view. Gradually, they will learn to perceive the world objectively.

The mental development of children from 3 to 6 years also has its mental features:

  • Vividly effective. This is the form of thinking, which arises in the earliest stages of preschool mental development of the child. Such thinking go hand in hand with elements of practical activity. At this stage, neither fantasy nor imagination is involved. The child binds his thoughts into a single inseparable chain and practical actions. Vividly effective thinking is only following the actual situation, the brain processes those events that sees in real time. Such thinking is not ahead of events, but only follows them, processing the information obtained;
  • Vite-shaped. After the child has learned to recycle and rethink the events of the real situation, it begins to form a clear-shaped thinking. This is the second stage. Now the child can use and think about real actions, but also imagine them. At this stage, fantasy and imagination is connected. The child learns to distinguish between the revealed and models that he designs his imaginary situation. This is due to the process of imitating an adult person, for example, a parent. In the development of visual-shaped thinking, the game is very well helped in which the child plays with adults;
  • Logical. This is a stage that becomes an affordable child only by the end of the pre-school period is such a feature of mental development. At this stage, the child studies the sequence of actions, establishes the relationship between its thoughts and the necessary actions. The child learns to simulate various relationships that were not presented to him clearly.
These stages are quite difficult interacting with each other, but without it can not be. Development process Step by step should also help to carry out parents. The child itself reaches its goals by experimenting.

Experimentation is another characteristic to the mental process of children of age category from 3 to 6 years. This process controls exclusively a child, and it does not affect adults. These are spontaneous actions aimed at helping the surrounding world. Experiments are heated child interest, make more fascinating and diverse every day. It is thanks to this, children can receive absolutely new, not a rethinkable information and form their own worldview on its basis. Often, on the basis of experiments, the child learns to ask questions. He wants to get an answer, and with him and new knowledge about the world in which he seeks to enter.

The role of parents in experimental fun - to make them safe, maintain the interest of the child and create more and interesting models of various situations. Do not prohibit the child to act. Preheat in it the desire to know, be active and inquisitive. So you can create a full-fledged and self-sufficient person.

Knowledge of the peculiarities of the mental development of children for parents is very important. Thus, you can understand what moments, feelings and impressions are experiencing your baby, and help him get used in a new unfamiliar world. The child grows, its capabilities and abilities change. He still does not fully understand that he needs to do and the task of adults to direct his actions in the right direction. Preschool age is the time of the biggest and active changes. All changes, knowledge, skills, behavior models will remain with a child for life and will influence his behavior, lifestyle and thinking. Psychological development at this age is the foundation of the quality of the next anniversary of life. Want to know about the talents of your baby - let it fantasize, show imagination and experiment. Thus, the child is formed as a holistic person, capable of forming its own ideas about the world and have its own model of behavior. You not only provide him with a huge field of activity, but also take a direct participation in the process, which is important for your beloved Chad.

We studied in many children's experts, on the basis of the studies of which certain patterns were allocated.

Psychology of preschool children

Features of the mental development of children in the senior preschool age are primarily in the emergence of arbitrary behavior. The child learns to consciously manage himself and its own actions, begins to realize his own capabilities. If in 3-4 years the child acts depending on the specific situation, then closer to 7 years, from each such situation, he tries to allocate certain patterns.

The following changes are allocated for psychologists characteristic of the child's pre-school development:

  • Formation of worldview.

It begins from direct causal relationships "I hit, so my hand hurts") and ends with a more complex definition of dependencies of objects and phenomena ("If the snow will go for a few more days, then people, and cars will be difficult to move around the snowdrifts").

  • Moral estimate system.

Evaluating this or that situation, the child argues, based on the basic concepts of "bad-good" and their derivatives. "Animal to beat can not, because it is cruel," "I help younger sister, because I am good."
Motivation of own actions. There is more conscious actions, the child responsibly refers to the fulfillment of these promises. "Now I want to play, but I promised my mother to remove toys in the room."

  • Arbitrary behavior.

If earlier the child acted, pushing out from external factors (and therefore many parents complain about naughty children), then children can consciously monitor their own actions even in the presence of external stimuli.

  • Awareness of the qualities of self.

The child understands that he is surrounded by many other children, as well as adults, and gradually lines its place in this social system. This is the beginning of the formation of self-esteem.

All listed changes are the product of the age crisis, the so-called turning point that occurs at the end of the preschool and the beginning of younger school age. The formation of these parameters is an indicator of a child's readiness to school.

Possible problems of preschool age

Features of the mental development of children of preschool age determine the main psychological problems to which parents of preschoolers should be attentive. Frequent phenomenon in children at this age is anxiety. The main reasons for its formation are adverse relationships with parents, as well as in other social groups.

Among preschoolers are also aggressive children expressing suspicion, alertness. Aggression in children often arises against the background of an unfavorable situation in the family, as well as due to insufficient (or, on the contrary, hypertrophied) attention to the child.

In the age psychology, preschool childhood is considered one of the most complex and important stages of the child's mental development. Each parent needs to know the psychological features of preschoolers in order to be able to create favorable conditions for the development of the baby, to educate him a strong, harmonious personality.

The pre-school period is divided into three stages:

  • junior preschool age (3-4 years);
  • medium (4-5 years);
  • senior (5-7 years).

The psychological features of the child largely depend on what age group it refers. In the psychology of junior preschool age, the need for love and attention of adults, sex identification. Already in three years, the child begins to understand, the boy he or a girl is admiring his parents of his sex and tries to imitate him. For senior preschoolers, it acquires great importance, communication with peers, the development of creative deposits. Accordingly, the approach to upbringing should undergo changes.

Psychological peculiarities of children of preschool age: briefly about the development of mental processes

The development of thinking takes place in several stages.

  1. Vite-effective thinking (characteristic of the psychology of children of junior preschool age) - mental processes are inextricably linked with action. As a result of multiple manipulations with real objects, their physical conversion, the child receives an idea of \u200b\u200btheir properties and hidden connections. For example, many guys love to break, disassemble the toys on the part to see how they are arranged.
  2. Vite-shaped thinking (dominant type of thinking in the middle preschool age). The child learns to operate not specific objects, but their visual images, models.
  3. Verbal-logical thinking. It begins to form aged 6-7 years. The child learns to operate with enough abstract concepts, even if they are not presented in a visual or model form.

Psychological features of preschool children need to be borne in mind when communicating with them. For example, 4-year-old crumb is interested when dad comes home. You explain that he will return in the evening after work. It is likely that a few minutes later the kid will ask the same question. And this is not a pellement. Due to the characteristics of children's thinking, the child was simply unable to comprehend this answer. Using the words "after", "Evening", you appeal to verbally logical thinking that the child has not yet formed. In order for you to understand you, it will be much more efficient to list classes, events in his life, upon completion of which the father will appear at home. For example, now we will play, we will discuss, sleep, let's see the cartoon, the window will be dark, and dad will come.

Attention in the preschool period is still involuntary. Although it becomes more resistant as they grow up. Hold childish attention is obtained only if you maintain interest in activities. To organize attention on the upcoming activities helps the use of speech. Children of senior preschool age who obstruct those received from adult instructions, it is much easier to focus on their implementation.

Arbitrary memory begins to master the most difficult material to assimilate if his memorization is organized in the form of gaming activities. For example, to help the baby learned the poem, you need to play a scene with him for this product.

In preschool age, the process of mastering speech is mainly completed. There is a transition from situational speech ("give a doll", "I want to leave") to an abstract, not related directly with a momentum. Intensively grows vocabulary.

At the age of 3-5 years, an egocentric speech is observed - commenting out its actions out loud without contacting a specific interlocutor to influence it. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon, the intermediate view between the social and internal speech, performs the function of self-regulation.

Mastering the child speech is the most important condition for its full mental development. It depends here much on how often adults communicate with the baby. It is important not to suck with the child, not to put the words. On the contrary, carefully follow the literacy and cleanliness of your speech when you speak the child. After all, children develop their speech skills, actively imitating others. Property words clearly, slowly, but emotionally. Speak with the baby and simply in its presence as much as possible. Accompany the verbal comments all your actions.

Do not limit yourself to a household speech. Around the patters together, stamps - everything is good and rhythmically falls on the rumor. Play the gaunting of riddles. This will help to form the kid's ability to analyze, generalize, the ability to identify the characteristic features of the subject and make logical conclusions.

Game as leading activity

Preschoolers games can be divided into three categories:

  • movable (ball, settling, bumpers), primarily contributing to the development of the physical body;
  • educational (puzzles, lotto) - educational intelligence;
  • scene-role - most popular among preschoolers and play a major role in their psychological development.

Psychology of preschool children is close attention to children's fears and phobias, since their specificity may indicate the nature of the problems of the psychological development of the baby. For example, repeating nightmares with the participation of a negative female character (Baba Yaga, someone else's aunt), may indicate a child of some features of mother's behavior. But since parents are idealized by the baby, the negative emotions on their address are displaced and personally in the form of negative heroes of fairy tales or evil strangers.

Psychological features of children are such that they can use fears to attract attention, cause sympathy. Such behavior can provoke the insufficient emotional responsiveness of the parents, the jealousy of the child to the younger brother or sister.

There is a direct connection between the number of fears of the kid and his parents, primarily the mother. Anxiety transmission channel becomes maternal concern, consisting of some concerns and alarms. In this case, there are not so much a child as parents themselves in therapy. Cancel your nerves will help listening to hypnotic suggestions from fear and panic attacks:

In addition to listed factors, children's phobias develop as a result of fixing in the emotional memory of strong eats. However, it is not necessary to think that any irrational fear in preschool age is pathology. Many of the children's phobias, from the point of view of pre-school psychology, are considered natural, characteristic of this age period and as the child grows themselves in itself. For example, the rate of death, attacks, abductions, fear of a closed space, darkness are considered the norm.

Methods for the treatment of children's fears and other psychological problems resemble the favorite classes of preschoolers:

  • art therapy (drawing, modeling);
  • game therapy;
  • talegotherapy (Erickson hypnosis).

The meaning of the use of such techniques is that the logical thinking in preschoolers is still not sufficiently developed, and the rational explanation for the child's childbirth will not bring the result. It is necessary to appeal to the figurative thinking - through the archetypes and symbols that are impregnated with visual arts and fairy tales.

One of the main features of preschool age is the development of the arbitrariness of leading mental processes. This fact was noted by almost all scientists engaged in this age period.

This regulation is associated with the indirect nature of the PPE, and they are mediated by the sign or incentive, which creates an additional connection between the impact stimulus and the human reaction (both behavioral and).

Unlike incentive tool, which can be invented by a child (for example, nodules on a scarf or a wand instead of a thermometer), signs are not inventing children, but they are purchased in the process of communicating with adults. Such a browse, the sign appears at the beginning in the external plan, in terms of communication, and then goes into the inner plan, the plan of consciousness, or, as Vozki wrote, "each highest mental function appears on the stage twice; Once as an external, interpsychic, and the second - as inner, intraxichetic.

At the same time, signs, being a public development product, carry the imprint of the culture of that society in which the child grows. Children assume signs in the process of communication and begin to use them to manage their inner mental life. Thanks to the interiorization of signs, the children are formed by the sign of consciousness, the formation of such human actually, as a logical, i.e. Interiorization of signs is the mechanism that forms children.

Exploring the formation of arbitrary behavior, A.V. Zaporozhets concluded about the importance of the role of orientation in this process. In his experiments, children had to carry out a labyrinth machine or run on a specific route, or jump as far as possible first with preliminary orientation (for example, a trait was carried out to which children had to be burned), and then without orientation (jump as far as possible). It turned out that almost all children jump further if there is orientation, i.e. At least the trait to which you need to dare. Similarly, they better lead the car and coordinate their actions when highlighting an approximate stage. Studies of Cossacks led him to the conclusion that the orientation passes several stages - from the orientation of the external, deployed, to the inner, rolled, i.e. Interiorized.

The interiorization of thought operations in preschool age was written and, which established many basic patterns of development of thinking at this age: egocentrism (inability to stand on someone else's point of view), syncretism (the absence of child thinking), transduction (transition from private to private, bypassing the general), Articism (artificiality, creativity of the world), animism (animation), insensitivity to contradictions. By the end of the preschool age, children appear in reversibility and egocentrism overcomes.

Exploring egocentrism, Piaget asked for children simple questions, responding to which children had to look at the situation from the point of view of another person. For example, he asked a child, how many brothers had, and hearing the answer: "I have two brothers," asked the child the next question: "How many brothers have your older brother?" As a rule, children were lost 3-4 years old and could not correctly answer this question, answering that Brother had only one brother, and forgetting himself. A more difficult experiment was spent with three mountains of different heights, on the tops of which various items were located - mill, house, tree, etc. Children were presented photographs, they were asked to choose the one of them, where all three mountains are visible in the position in which the child sees them in this minute. Even small, 3-4-year-old children coped with this task. After that, on the other side of the layout, put a doll, and the experimenter requested the child to choose the one photo that corresponds to the position of the doll. With this task, the children could no longer handle, and, as a rule, even 6-7-year-olds again chose the photo, which reflected their position before the layout, but not the position of the doll or another person. This gave the possibility of Piaget to conclude about the difficulty for a child to stand on a foreign point of view, about the egocentricism of children. However, as studies have shown M. Donaldson, J. Bruner and other researchers, in more familiar and understandable situations for children, cognitive egocentrism is overcome by 5 years. At this age, many children are able to understand someone else's position, to see the world of the eyes of another person, for example, to choose a picture of a maze from the point of view of different toys (Donaldon experiments). As studies have shown, the cognitive decentration is preceded by emotional - i.e. At first, the child appears the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, even if it is diametrically different from its own at the moment. As a rule, this ability appears already to 4.5-5 years, while in projective interviews (BRESLAV) children differentiate their desires from the desires of others (adults, peers).

No less important is the emergence of reversibility by the end of this age period. Studying the operational side of thinking, Piaget has developed experiments to study the mental operations of children. It should be noted that in fact Piaget was the only researcher who paid attention to this particular problem, since most scientists, including those known as L.S. Vygotsky, V. Stern, K. Bühler and others, investigated mainly not the process of thinking, but products of mental activity. This difference of positions is visible even in the names of those stages, which are described by scientists: concepts or complexes at magnificent and sensor engine or specific operations in Piaget.

Describing the concept of "reversibility of mental operations", the Piaget led as an example arithmetic action - addition and subtraction, multiplication and divisions that can be read both from left to right and right to left, for example:
5+3=8, 14:2=7
8-3 \u003d 5, 7x2 \u003d 14,
those. These operations are reversible.

Developing its experiments, Piaget investigated the ability to understand the preservation of mass, quantity and volume of objects. So, children were presented two rows of cubes located at the same distance from each other. Since the number of cubes in both rows, as well as the distance between them, it was the same, these two rows were the same length. Children asked whether the number of cubes in two rows was the same, and the children answered that the same. Then, in front of the children, adult has shifted cubes in one row, so they turned out to be close to each other. Naturally, the length of this series decreased. After that, he asked the children a question about whether the number of cubes in two rows was changed. Children 3-4 years old, as a rule, responded that the amount changed and in a short row of cubes was less than long. Similar experiments were done with the study of mass conservation in a round and flattened piece of plasticine and water volume, when it was bludging into the vessels with a wide and narrow ditch so that its level in one vessel was much higher than in the other. And only by the end of preschool age, the children began to understand that the mass of plasticine, the number of cubes and the volume of water did not change.

Research, in which the difference between the figurative and logical plan in thinking was proved. So, he showed children a drawing, on which Mishke had to walk to the chair, located at a distance of four red mug, and then to the table, which was defended from the chair at a distance of three white mug. Children asked what circles more - white or red, and they correctly answered that red more. Then they were asked what more - mugs or red circles, and they answered that the red circles are more. To the question of the experimenter, to which subject Mishke go further to go to the chair or to the table, the children were correctly answered that the table was further, showing this distance in the picture. However, on a repeated question of what more - mugs or red circles, children repeated again that red.

These studies led the Piaget to the conclusion that under 7 years old children are at a preoperative stage, i.e. Internal thinking operations are beginning to be formed, but they are still impermanent, irreversible. Only by 7 years, children begin to solve proposed tasks correctly, but their logical thinking is connected only with specific problems, while the formal logic they only begin to develop. And only for adolescence in children is formed both concrete and abstract logical thinking.

Studies of development of the relationship between perception and thinking at this age were led by L.A. Hungarian to the thoughts on the existence of a model form of thinking, intermediate between shaped and logical thinking. They also developed educational training programs for preschoolers, allowing to form logical generalization operations, classifications, etc. On the figurative material available for children of this age. In his work it was shown that there are certain types of activity to which sensitive and thinking; In preschool age, they are drawing and design.

Drawing and especially designing have a significant impact on the transition of figurative thinking to a higher level of schematic thinking. If, with a figurative thinking, children during a generalization or classification of objects can rely not only on major, but also on their secondary qualities, then schematic thinking implies the ability of children to highlight the main parameters of the situation, the quality of items, on the basis of which their classification and generalization are carried out. However, this feature exists in children only if the items are present in the external plan, in the form of schemes or models, which help children to separate the main signs from the secondary. In the same case, if children can withdraw the concept already on the basis of the verbal description of the subject or situation, i.e. The thinking process is "in the internal plan" and children even without support on the external scheme correctly systematize objects, we are already talking about verbally logical thinking.

In the older preschool age, all types of thinking are present in a more or less developed form, which makes it particularly difficult to diagnose it. In this period, the most significant role is played by figurative and schematic thinking, therefore, it should be examined first of all these types of thinking, but at least one test for verbally logical thinking is also needed, as it is important to know how user-friendly (i.e. went to the inside plan ) The process of mental activity and whether the child does not arise the error in the transition of mental activities from the external plan (with shaped and schematic thinking) into the internal (with verbal thinking) when he needs to rely only on verbally decorated logical operations without support for the external image of the subject or his scheme.

When diagnosing the level of development of thinking and perception in preschool age, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristic errors when examining the subjects, which are that children do not know how to identify informative points and consider the subject entirely. Therefore, perception takes a long time, and the systematization of images required in the future is difficult. The low level of development of perception during survey of objects is manifested in the fact that they are not interiorized, i.e. Children must necessarily touch the items, attach them to each other. Without this, the formed image will be inaccurate.

Deviations in the development of sensory standards are associated, as a rule, with the fact that these standards are subject, and not generalized, i.e. They do not have formed such concepts as a form, color, the size that normally appear already in 3-4 years. The non-formation of standards prevents the development of the correlation of objects with the standard, since children do not see the difference between the ball or balloon, which can be oval and round, do not distinguish the objects close in color, can not arrange figures in size. Therefore, such an action as modeling (i.e., the decomposition of the subject to the standards, of which it consists), maybe such children are not formed by the end of the preschool age, although the norm should appear by 5 years.

Thus, when diagnosing the cognitive development of preschoolers in the center of attention of psychologists should be the study of the following parameters: the level of interiorization of cognitive processes and orientations, the degree of generalization, arbitrariness and decentship of mental operations.

An important place in the study of preschoolers occupies the study of the peculiarities of their communications with peers. At this age, for the first time, the attention of children begins to switch from an adult to peer, interest in communicating with which is gradually increasing. During preschool childhood, selectivity in communicating with peers increases - if in 3-4 years, children are quite easy to change communication partners, then from 6-7 years old, they try to communicate with specific children, which are difficult to replace even if this communication is not Arrange an adult.

Group differentiation develops, in the group there are leaders who know how to organize the activities of other children, and attract their sympathies. The allocation of stars, preferred and rejected children, as well as the constancy of the status of a child in a group hierarchy, are important indicators in diagnosing.

In the process of communicating with peers, the self-assessment of children is developing, which is becoming increasingly adequate. Comparing himself with the surrounding children, the child more accurately imagines and its capabilities that it demonstrates in different activities and on which he is assessed.

Speaking of the meaning of adequate self-esteem for, the famous psychologist Carl Rogers came to the conclusion that the inner essence of a person is expressed in. Rogers ideas about what should be the true relationship between the child and adults should have formed the basis of the works of the famous scientist B. Spock, which in his books wrote about how parents should care for children without disturbing their true self-esteem and helping their socialization.

However, parents, according to both scientists, do not often comply with these rules and do not listen to their child. Therefore, in early and especially in preschool age, the child can alienate from its true self-esteem. Most often, this is under pressure from adults who have their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe child, his abilities and destination. They impose his assessment to the child, seeking him to accept it and made his own self-esteem. Some children begin to protest against the actions imposed on them, interests and ideas, entering into a conflict with others, which gives rise to negativism and aggression.

However, most often, Rogers notes, children are not trying to resist their parents, agreeing with their opinion about themselves. This is because the child needs caress and adoption by an adult. However, the problem is not only that, trying to earn the love of others, a person refuses himself, but also that when carrying out activities imposed by other and not relevant true, although not at the moment desires and abilities, the child cannot Being fully successful, no matter how hard he tried and no matter how he convinced himself, that this activity is its real vocation. This leads to the development of uncertainty, anxiety or aggression towards others, to new activities and new people.

Almost all psychologists who studied the development of the personality of children agreed with Rogers in the fact that its self-assessment is the main characteristic of the personality, which includes attitudes towards himself and knowledge about themselves. Studies also showed that one of the conditions of the conflict-free development of the individual is a positive emotional attitude in combination with accurate and complete knowledge of himself, i.e. A person must be aware of his good and bad qualities, its advantages and disadvantages. Such self-esteem coincides with the assessment of others, i.e. People see the child in the same way he sees himself, which proves its adequacy.

Self-assessment is sufficiently stable and often, especially in children, unconscious. However, there is also such quality as the level of claims. The level of claims depends on the situation, from the work performed, since in some conditions a person can attract the highest assessment, and nothing claims to anything. The level of claims is almost always realized and it also differs from self-esteem.

Speaking about and, it is necessary to remember that the misunderstanding of these qualities is only in a negative plan. Aggressiveness (as well as anxiety) by itself - the quality is insightless, it can be bad and good. For example, aggressiveness helps a person to insist on its own, to achieve the necessary results, organize activities and their own, and others. Therefore, this quality is a necessary component of leadership. At the same time, aggressive behavior is estimated as a negative, deviating behavior. At the same time, aggressive behavior or aggression (but not aggressiveness), which is often manifested in conflict, in the desire to achieve the desired, even in cruelty, and aggression from anxiety, which is a protective reaction, but manifests itself in conflict, fights, violations. rules of behavior. Anxiety can also be anxiety, anxiety that poison the life of a person and his loved ones. But anxiety can help a person, improving his reaction, increasing observation, organization, contributing to the formation of the necessary knowledge and skills.

When studying a child, it is necessary to remember about the difference between the individual characteristics and qualities of the person. If individual features are congenital and are associated with certain properties of the nervous system, then the quality of individuals are formed during life and depend on the social environment. Therefore, we can talk about correction, changing the structure of the individual, but it is impossible to change the individual characteristics of the person. One can only try to help the child to create an individual, based on its features, the style of activity and communication, which uses the positive aspects of it, if possible neutralizing negative.

What features are congenital (psychodynamic)? This is a impulsiveness that is associated with the inability and reluctance of children to think, realize the conditions and requirements of the problem, before starting to decide. Impulsive children immediately begin to perform the task, often even without listening to the instruction, without letting themselves the time to navigate in the atmosphere. The opposite quality is reflexiveness, which is expressed in the fact that the child needs time to look around, orient in a situation and only after that he can start doing something.

Such quality as plasticity, which is associated with switching speed from one activity to another, transition from one mood to another is important. The opposite quality is rigidity - is associated with the impossibility of such quick switching, fixing on some mood or action. Regional people often can't start a new thing until the old one finished.

Emotivity - quality that characterizes. This quality is manifested in the threshold of emotional reactions (high or low) and the form of their expression (open or closed). Thus, there are people who are enough trivia in order to laugh or praise, while others are very difficult to laugh or upset. Some people have their emotions "written on the face", they are clear to everyone (open form), and others are "closed", and no one can guess that they have in the soul. The peculiarity of an emotional attitude towards people is called Empathy. There are empathy people who instantly determine the emotional state of others (for example, such children have a strong emotional attitude towards other people, both positive and negative). Non-empathic people, on the contrary, can build communication based on mind, and the emotional attitude to others they have after a long acquaintance.

Some psychologists (for example, the famous American scientist G. Aizenk stand out and such an individual quality as neurotism. This quality is also associated with the characteristic of the emotional sphere and manifests itself in the emotional instability of a person. Children with low levels of neurotism are resistant in their sympathies and antipathy. Although they are quite emotional, their emotions are more or less constant, unlike the emotions of children with a high level of neuroticism, for which their constant change (for example, sharp transitions from a fun mood to sad, from sympathy to hostility). The difference between these emotional reactions is and their inadequacy (for example, crying, a strong resentment would seem insignificant remark). In adverse circumstances (for example, under stress), such children develop neurotic complexes more often than in children with a low level of neurotism.

Individual features include both qualities such as openness or closure (extrovertivity or intravertion). This does not mean that people are born in sociable or closed, these qualities are formed already in the course of life. But closed, introvershertic people are harder to come into contact with unfamiliar, it is difficult for them to reveal to the end even with close people, although they can be very sociable, loving companies and interested in other people. Similarly, open, extrovert people can become conflict, embittered, uncommunicable, but lack of communication with them.

And finally, the last quality is extrapunitivity (or intrapunity) - is associated with the assessment of complex situations. Extrapunitive people in cases of difficulties decide to rely on the case of external circumstances. The same external circumstances are accused of failure. Intrapunitive people, on the contrary, they only rely on themselves and in case of failure, they also blame themselves, not others.

Thus, the combination of these individual qualities, which is completely unique in every person, largely determines his behavior, communication with other people and attitude to itself. However, these qualities are only the background, on which the personality structure is formed.

During preschool age, the independence of children from the surrounding situation increases, their behavior is determined by the motives that begin to develop into a certain hierarchy, while not yet aware of the child. According to L.I. Bojovich, precisely at this age, children begin to realize themselves with subjects in the system of social relations, they have an internal position, which reflects their satisfaction their place in this relationship (for example, the internal position of the student).

A. Adler wrote about the importance of communication and social environment in the formation of the child's personality. He believed that the family had great importance in this process, people who surround children in the first years of life and affect the development of an individual lifestyle.

The first year of the child's life can be divided into two periods - a period of newborn, which lasts from four to six weeks and ends with the appearance of a reciprocal complex, and a period of infancy that ends in a year.

The newborn stage is the time of adaptation of the child to new, outtrupping living conditions, elongation of the wakefulness period compared with the sleep period, the formation of the first necessary for the mental development of reactions - visual and auditory concentration (i.e. skills focus on sound or visual signal), First combinative or conditional reflexes, for example, to feed.

At the same time, the pattern is beginning to manifest itself, characteristic of the overall direction of the development of children in the first years of life and significantly distinguishing them from the young animals. This pattern is manifested in the fact that the development of sensory processes - i.e. Vision, hearing, touch, is significantly ahead of human babies the development of motility, while in animals, on the contrary, movements develop earlier than the senses.

Spectator and auditory concentration that appear according to 4-5 and 3 weeks, actually lay the basis of the transition from the sensation to perception, to the possibility of seeing the subject of the whole, in the entire totality of its properties, as well as trace a look at the moving subject or turn the head behind the moving source Sound.

These reactions are developing on the principle of dominant - i.e. At the time of concentration, all other child reactions stopped, it freezes and focuses only on the sound or object that attracted his attention. On the basis of these formed reactions, a complex of revival appears, which is the indicator of the transition to a new stage of development - infancy.

The avenue complex is also a kind of dominant, since at this moment all other needs for the child lose their meaning. When an adult is suitable for him - he freezes, and then begins to move hard with handles and legs, smile, to go through - the word to do everything to attract the attention of an adult.

Such a reaction to an adult proves that close people are for a baby not just a necessary condition for development, but its source. This is also a significant difference between the young person from young animals, since the environment, communication with adults, the surrounding culture, the language is not just accelerating or slowed down the pace of development, favorably, or vice versa, preventing the formation, the formation of certain qualities, but send this development and enrich Its new content that can significantly change the direction of self-development of children. It is important to remember all adults surrounding children from the first days of their lives.

The reaction to the adult is not only the first psychological reaction of the child, but the first social reaction. L.S. Vygotsky, speaking of the development of babies, wrote that this is the most social being, and partly it is true, because the child is completely dependent on the adult who satisfies all its needs. The child himself could never survive, it was an adult, surrounding it with attention, care and care, helps him to form normally. With the need for the care of an adult and the fact that we have already mentioned above are the predominant development of sensory, i.e. The senses, and not movements, since the necessary care and maintenance operations takes adult, letting it be formed by the authorities for which the most important information is being held for mental development. Development of perception All the first years of life, in fact all school age, is one of the most important mental processes. From the development of perception at this age, as we will see further, all other cognitive processes are largely dependent, first of all thinking.

However, the role of an adult is not reduced only to child care and creating favorable conditions for the development of perception. Studies of many psychologists (M.I. Lisin, L.I. Bozovich, E. Eric - Son, A. Adler, A. Freud, J. Bowlby, etc.) showed that in the first months of life is extremely important for the child is emotional Contact, affection and protection, which comes from a close adult. Proving that the leading activity in infancy is an emotional and personal communication with adults, Lisina conducted a series of experiments, in which he showed that both cognitive development, and not only the development of emotions and speeches is associated with communication with adults. Ethnopsychological studies have also demonstrated that children who have permanent tactile contact with the mother (for example, they are tied with her back, as in many African tribes) are developing faster.

By the end of the infancy, almost all the properties of the perception of children are formed - constancy, correctness, object, systemability. The appearance of these properties is associated with the development of children's locomotives, moving in space, due to which they will learn to see the object at different angles of view, recognize it in different combinations, from different distances and under various angles of view. The first sensory standards appear - permanent images of surrounding items. With these stalls, children relate new objects perceived in the surrounding world. Since the first standards are not yet generalized, but reflect the properties of concrete items, they got the name "subject standards".

The main laws and regulations of the mental development of infants were established in the first decades of the XX century. Thanks to the studies of N.M. Slikovanova and A. Gezella.

The systematic study of the genesis of the development of the psyche of the child was launched Socilovanov back in 1922 with the opening of the laboratory of genetic reflexology. The method that was used in the laboratory was uninterrupted, systematic observation with the registration of all the reactions of the child arising under the influence of external and internal stimuli. The method of the reflexological experiment was also applied, which was concluded in the formation of artificial combat reflexes in infants (for example, reflex on milk in a horn of a certain shape and color).

N.M. Socilovanov and his employees N.L. Figure and M.P. Denisova established the most important patterns of the development of children during the newborn and infancy. They recorded the dynamics of transition from sleep for awkwards, the development of sensory analyzers was described, the possibility of forming the first conditional reflexes in the second-third month of life is shown. In their works, visual and auditory concentration were opened and described, the standards for the development of memory and perception of infants were established, the stages of the formation of motorcyc and sensor coordination were revealed in the first year of life. A reciprocal complex was also opened (the term that was introduced into the psychology of these scientists) and the crisis of one year. On the basis of the data obtained, the Psi Diagnosis Criteria has been developed -

(Helic development of babies, which, with some modifications, are used in modern practical psychology.

A great contribution to the study of the mental development of infants was made by the American psychologist Arnold Lucius Gesell - the creator of the Ielian clinic of normal childhood, in which the mental development of young children was studied - from birth to 3 years. Periods of infancy and early childhood were in the center of the scientific interests of Gezella due to the fact that he believed that in the first 3 years of life the child passes most of his mental development, as the pace of this development is the highest in the first 3 years, and then gradually Slow over time.

The research of Gezella, unlike the works of Socilovanova, were not aimed at analyzing the patterns of the development of the psyche in the first three years of life, but to establish the normativeness of this development. A special equipment for objective diagnostics of the dynamics of the mental development of young children, including film and photography, Gessel Mirror (semi-permeable glass used for objective observation of children) was developed in the Gezella clinic. He also introduced into psychology new research methods - Longitudinal (method of longitudinal study of the same children for a certain period of time, most often from birth to adolescence) and twin (comparative analysis of the mental development of monosigital twins). Based on these studies, test system and norms for children from 3 months to 6 years of age were developed for children from 3 months to 6 years, speech, adaptive behavior, lich - wept social behavior. The modification of these tests also underlies the current diagnosis of the mental development of infants.

During the first year of life, not only perception and movement, but also the memory is actively developing. It is at this time that all genetic types of memory are formed - emotional, engine, shaped, verbal. Emotional memory is, according to some data, already at the fetus. In the infant, this type of memory is the main in the first weeks of life, it helps him to navigate in reality, fixing attention and guiding the senses to the most important objects in the most emotional terms. At 7-9 weeks, motor memory also appears, the child can remember and repeat some movement, it is beginning to appear certain familiar gestures, the beginning of future operations. In 4 months, children appear in children - first in the form of recognition of familiar items, and in 8-9 months and reproducing the fact that the child has seen earlier. As the emergence of motor memory affects the organization of movements, on the locomotion of children, so the appearance of the forming memory significantly affects its communication and the formation of the motivative sphere. With the development of recognition, the child begins to differentiate the surrounding adults, recognizes pleasant and unpleasant people. Its reaction to them is differentiated and its reaction - the revival and smile are replaced by a plan when the appearance of unpleasant persons. And the development of reproduction stimulates the emergence of the first motives or, as Bojovic calls, the motivating ideas of the child who contribute to the formation of his personality, the development of independence from the surrounding situation. If earlier than an adult could regulate the behavior of the child, changing the situation, removing, for example, unpleasant objects and offering a child pleasant, now, with the advent of playback, the child has less dependent on the cash situation, since it also appears for sustainable desires associated with objects or situations. which are preserved in his memory. So there are constant motives or motives that guide the activities of the child.

The infant thinking is developing. By the end of this age, children appear manual intelligence or visual-effective thinking, which is based on samples and errors and is associated with the development of the first independent movements, locomoci and child. The development of orientation is important - reactions to new items, the desire to examine them. No wonder A.V. Zaporozhets, who studied cognitive development in the first years of life, emphasized that various mental processes are essentially different types of orientation in the surrounding world. So perception, in his opinion, is the orientation in the properties and qualities of objects, thinking - in relations and connections of them among themselves, and emotions in their personal sense. Therefore, the time during which the child examines a new subject, as well as the number of analyzers that participate in this process, is an important indicator of the intellectual development of infants. That is, the longer the child is considering a new toy, the more different qualities he opens it, the higher his intellectual level.

It develops, first of all passive - the child listens and distinguishes the sounds. The own, autonomous speech of children appears, and it should be remembered that at this age the development of external speech comes from the word to the proposal, and internal - from the proposal to the Word.

Of great importance for understanding the mental development of children of this age are data obtained in the works of Erikson. He allocated eight major stages in the development of the identity of children, the basis of which is its identity, integrity. These stages are a series of critical periods that must be overcome throughout life. At the same time, the specific stage not only forms the new quality, which is necessary for social life, but also prepares the child to the next life period. Each stage makes it possible to form opposite qualities and the character traits that the person realizes in itself and with whom he begins to identify. Highlighting the period up to the year as the first stage of mental development, Erickson believed that at this time the psyche was determined in mainly close people, parents who form a child with a sense of basic trust or distrust, i.e. openness to peace or caution, closedness to the surrounding. It is this quality that will subsequently give the opportunity to children relatively to others, without rest and the inner barrier to communicate with new, unfamiliar people. To some extent, Erikson's work shows that the motivation of communication is laid in precisely during this period. In this, the concept of Erikson is very close to the conclusions of Lisina on the meaning for the infant of emotional communication with adults.

An English psychologist and Psychiatrist John Bowle Bi, the author of the "attachment theory" also wrote about this. His idea was that in the first months of life there is a close emotional relationship between mother and a child, which is not negotiable or sexuality or instinctive behavior. A sharp gap of this relationship leads to serious violations in the psychic development of the child, primarily in the structure of his personality. These violations may not be manifested immediately (and this is the difference between the described Bowlby phenomena from hospitalism and similar deviations with it), but much later, often only in adolescence. Bowlby argued that the mother for a small child is a reliable protection, a kind of base, which he leaves from time to time, seeking to explore the world around. However, this research activity is stable and adequate in cases where the child is confident that he can return to the mother's defense at any time. Thus, the main goal of the formation of emotional relations between the child and the mother is to give the child a sense of security and security. It is the warmth and caress that comes from the mother in the first years of the child's life, in his opinion, are more important than the correct care for the child and its training. The works of Bullbi, dedicated to these issues, led in the 50s. In England, and later in other countries, to changing the conditions of hospitalization of small children, which are not separated from the mother.

The development of perception, thinking, the formation of emotional contacts with the surrounding, as well as the appearance of their own motives of behavior, change the social situation of the infant development, which goes to a new level. This is connected with the occurrence of a critical period, including its negative components, such as stubbornness, aggression, negativism, syradiability. As a rule, these manifestations do not become stable and with the end of the crisis are held, but with the full ignoring of the desire and activity of the child can be the basis for the formation of sustainable negative qualities of the individual.

3 .2.

Early age is the period from year to 3 years. At this time, the most important changes in the mental development of children occur - thinking is formed, the motor sphere is actively developing, the first sustainable personal qualities appear.

The leading activity at this age is subject operation that affects all areas of the "psyche of children, determining largely and the specifics of their communication with others. It arises gradually from the manipulative and instrument activities of infants. This activity implies that the subject is used as an instrument by fixed In this culture, the rules and standards - for example, eat a spoon, dig a spatula, and nails are clogged with a hammer.

I detecting the most important properties of the subject in the process of activity, the child begins to relate them to certain operations that it does, while discovering, what operations are best suited to a specific subject. Thus, children learn to use objects so that they are not just a continuation of their hands, but used, based on the logic of the subject itself, i.e. From the fact that they can be best done. The stages of the formation of such actions enshrined behind the object of action were investigated by P.Ya. Halperin.

He showed that in the first stage - targeted samples - the child varies its actions on the basis of not the properties of the gun, which he wants to get the item they need, but from the properties of this item itself. In the second stage - lunches - children are accidentally found in the process of their attempts an effective way to act with an instrument and strive to repeat it. At the third stage, which Halperin called the "stage of obsessive intervention", the child is actively trying to reproduce an effective way of action with an instrument and master them. The fourth stage is objective regulation. At this stage, the child opens the ways to regulate and change the action on the basis of those objective conditions in which it has to be performed.

Halperin also proved that in the case when an adult immediately shows the child how to act with the subject, the stage of trial and errors, and the children immediately begin to act, starting from the second stage.

When diagnosing the development of subject action in children, it is necessary to remember that instrument actions include and subject, since one of the vented action options is historically fixed for this item. So, a spoon can be digging, to move the contents from one container to another, there are soup and perform other instruments, but only the last method of use is also the subject historically fixed by this tool. During the second year, children are trained in most subject actions, and in the study of their mental development it is important to remember that instrument actions to a certain extent may be an indicator of the intellectual development of children, while subjective reflects the degree of their learning, the breadth of adults with adults .

The formation of sensory is of great importance for mental development at this age. It was said that the studies of many scientists (K. Bülera, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Hungarian) showed that in the first years of life, the level of development of perception significantly affects thinking. This is due to the fact that the actions of perception are associated with such operations of thinking, as a generalization, classification, summing up for the concept and others.

The development of perception is determined by three parameters - perceptual actions, sensory standards and correlation actions. Thus, the formation of perception lies in the allocation of the most characteristic of this subject or the situation of the qualities (informative points), compiling sustainable images (sensory standards) and the correlation of these types of standards with objects of the surrounding world. When diagnosing the level of development of perception, it is important to determine the formation level of all these three processes. It is also necessary to relate the causes of the errors allowed by the child with these processes, since there are practically no children who would have been violated they all at the same time. Therefore, as a rule, the correction of one of the parties helps to adjust all the activities of perception.

Perceptual actions help to explore the basic properties and qualities of the perceived subject, highlighting the main and secondary of them. On the basis of such a selection, the child perceives informative points in each of the objects of the surrounding world, which helps with a repeated perception quickly find out this item, delivered it to a specific class - doll, machine, plate, etc. The actions of the perception, which at first are external and deployed (the child should not only look at the subject, but also touch it with his hands, act with it), then go to the inner plan and automate. Thus, the development of perceptual action helps the formation of generalization, as well as other mental operations, since the allocation of the most significant qualities of each subject makes it possible to further combine them into classes and concepts.

At an early age, the formation of sensory standards is also begins - first as subject (appearing by the end (infancy), which are then gradually summarizing, go to the level of sensory. First, the presentation of form or color is connected with a child with a specific subject (for example, a round ball, Green grass, etc.). Gradually, this quality is generalized and, breaking down from the subject, becomes a generalized standard - colors, forms, size. It is these three main references formed in children by the end of early age.

The specifications of the subject of the subject with the standard help to systematize the knowledge that children have in the perception of new items. It is these knowledge that make the image of the world holistic and permanent. At the same time, at an early age, children still cannot divide the complex subject to a number of standards, of which it consists, but can already find differences between a specific subject and standard - for example, saying that the apple is the wrong circle.

Due to the close link of perception and thinking, some tests used to diagnose children of this age, when changing to study both processes.

At an early age, in addition to visual-effective thinking, it begins to form and clearly-figuratively. Based on the fact that thinking implies orientation in relations and relations between objects, in the studies of the Zaporozhets and the Hungarian, methods of studying and diagnosing thinking were developed, based on the methods of orienting a child in a situation. This orientation may be associated with direct actions with objects, their visual study or verbal description, thereby determining the type of thinking - a clear-effective, figurative, schematic, verbal-logical. At the same time, obviously effective thinking arises by the end of the first year of life and is the leading type of thinking to 3.5-4 years. Vite-shaped thinking occurs in 2.5-3 years and is the leading up to 6-6.5 years. Vispically schematic thinking arises in 4.5-5 years, while remaining the leading view of thinking to 6-7 years. And finally, verbally logical thinking arises in 5.5-6 years, becoming leading from 7-8 years, and remains the main form of thinking from most adults. Thus, at an early age, the main (and almost until the end of this age is the only one) the type of thinking is clearly effective, involving the direct contact of the child with objects and the search for the correct solution of the problem by samples and errors. As in the case of the formation of subject actions, the assistance of an adult, which shows the child to which the parameters of the situation should pay attention to correctly orient and correctly solve the task, is necessary for the development of the child's thinking and transition to a higher-dimensional level. At the same time, by the end of early age, when solving simple, related tasks experience, children should be able to navigate almost instantly, without resorting to trial actions with objects, i.e. Solve tasks based on figurative thinking.

A characteristic feature of the thinking of a child during this period is its syncretism, i.e. Eurence - the child is trying to solve the task without highlighting individual parameters in it, but perceiving the situation as a holistic picture, all the details of which have the same value. Therefore, the adult assistance should be aimed primarily on the analysis and allocation of individual parts in a situation, of which then the child (may also be with the help of an adult) will allocate main and secondary. Thus, adult communication, joint subject activity can significantly accelerate and optimize the cognitive development of children, no wonder M.I. Lisin called the leading type of communication during this period situational business.

However, adult communication is of great importance not only for the formation of the cognitive sphere, but also for the development of the personality of young children. The surrounding should be remembered that the introduction of itself, the first self-esteem of children at this time is actually an interiorized assessment of an adult. Therefore, constant comments, ignoring, even if not always successful attempts of children to do something on their own, the underestimation of their efforts can lead already at this age to self-esteem, reducing claims for success in activities.

E. Erickson also spoke about this, proving that at this age, children are formed a sense of independence, autonomy or, with an unfavorable direction of development, a sense of dependence on it. The dominance of one of two options is related, in his opinion, with how adults react to the first attempts of the child to achieve independence. To some extent, the description of this stage in Erikson correlates with a description of the formation of the new formation "I - myself" in domestic psychology. So, in studies D.B. Elkonina, L.I. Bowovich and other psychologists emphasized that by the end of early childhood children appear the first ideas about themselves as a person who differs from other independence of their own actions.

At the same time, children appear the first signs of negativism, stubbornness and aggression, which are symptoms of crisis for 3 years. This is one of the most significant and emotionally saturated crises in ontogenesis. Fixation at the negative stage of this crisis, obstacles that occur in the formation of independence, children's activity (high degree of hyperophec, authoritarian, high demands and criticism by adults), not only impede the normal development of self-consciousness and self-assessment of children, but also lead to that negativism, stubbornness, aggression, as well as anxiety, carriage becomes sustainable personality properties. These qualities, of course, affect all types of children's activities - and their communion with others, and their studies and can lead to serious deviations in the younger school and, especially, adolescence.

An important characteristic of this age stage is the lability of the emotional sphere of the child. His emotions and the feelings formed at this time, reflecting attitudes towards subjects and people, are not yet fixed and can be changed when changing the situation. Fixation on the prohibition when the other positive incentive appears, the lack of a positive emotional reaction to a new toy and other indices of emotion reginities, as well as fixation on negative emotions, are serious indicators (evidence) deviations not only in the development of the emotional sphere, but also in general mental Development at this age.

One of the main features of preschool age is the development of the arbitrariness of leading mental processes. This fact was noted by almost all scientists engaged in this age period.

L.S. Vygotsky, which noted the development of arbitrariness as one of the most important characteristics of the preschool age, tied it with the emergence of higher mental functions (VPF) and the development of the sign function of consciousness. They developed a scheme for the formation of human psyche in the process of using signs as a means of regulating mental activity.

This regulation is associated with an indirect nature of the PPE, and they are mediated by the sign or incentive, which creates an additional connection between the impact stimulus and the human reaction (both behavioral and mental). The diagram of mental processes in Vygotsky looks in this way:

Unlike incentive tool, which can be invented by a child (for example, nodules on a scarf or a wand instead of a thermometer), signs are not inventing children, but they are purchased in the process of communicating with adults. Such a browse, the sign appears at the beginning in the external plan, in terms of communication, and then goes into the inner plan, the plan of consciousness, or, as Vozki wrote, "each highest mental function appears on the stage twice; Once as an external, interpsychic, and the second - as inner, intraxichetic.

At the same time, signs, being a public development product, carry the imprint of the culture of that society in which the child grows. Children assume signs in the process of communication and begin to use them to manage their inner mental life. Thanks to the interiorization of signs in children, a sign of consciousness is formed, the formation of such human mental processes actually, as a logical thinking, will, speech, i.e. Interiorization of signs is the mechanism that forms the psyche of children.

Exploring the formation of arbitrary behavior, A.V. Zaporozhets concluded about the importance of the role of orientation in this process. In his experiments, children had to carry out a labyrinth machine or run on a specific route, or jump as far as possible first with preliminary orientation (for example, a trait was carried out to which children had to be burned), and then without orientation (jump as far as possible). It turned out that almost all children jump further if there is orientation, i.e. At least the trait to which you need to dare. Similarly, they better lead the car and coordinate their actions when highlighting an approximate stage. Studies of Cossacks led him to the conclusion that the orientation passes several stages - from the orientation of the external, deployed, to the inner, rolled, i.e. Interiorized.

About the interioritization of thought operations in preschool age, I wrote and J. Piaget, who established many basic patterns of development of thinking at this age: egocentrism (inability to stand on someone else's point of view), syncretism (child thinking absence), transduction (transition from private to private, bypassing General), arthydramism (artificiality, creativity of the world), animism (animation), insensitivity to contradictions. By the end of the preschool age, children appear in reversibility and egocentrism overcomes.

Exploring egocentrism, Piaget asked for children simple questions, responding to which children had to look at the situation from the point of view of another person. For example, he asked a child, how many brothers had, and hearing the answer: "I have two brothers," asked the child the next question: "How many brothers have your older brother?" As a rule, children were lost 3-4 years old and could not correctly answer this question, answering that Brother had only one brother, and forgetting himself. A more difficult experiment was spent with three mountains of different heights, on the tops of which various items were located - mill, house, tree, etc. Children were presented photographs, they were asked to choose the one of them, where all three mountains are visible in the position in which the child sees them in this minute. Even small, 3-4-year-old children coped with this task. After that, on the other side of the layout, put a doll, and the experimenter requested the child to choose the one photo that corresponds to the position of the doll. With this task, the children could no longer handle, and, as a rule, even 6-7-year-olds again chose the photo, which reflected their position before the layout, but not the position of the doll or another person. This gave the possibility of Piaget to conclude about the difficulty for a child to stand on a foreign point of view, about the egocentricism of children. However, as studies have shown M. Donaldson, J. Bruner and other researchers, in more familiar and understandable situations for children, cognitive egocentrism is overcome by 5 years. At this age, many children are able to understand someone else's position, see the world through the eyes of another person, for example, to choose a picture of a labyrinth from the point of view of different toys (Donaldon experiments). As studies have shown, the cognitive decentration is preceded by emotional - i.e. At first, the child appears the ability to understand the emotional state of another person, even if it is diametrically different from its own at the moment. As a rule, this ability appears already to 4.5-5 years, while in projective interviews (BRESLAV) children differentiate their desires from the desires of others (adults, peers).

No less important is the emergence of reversibility by the end of this age period. Studying the operational side of thinking, Piaget has developed experiments to study the mental operations of children. It should be noted that in fact Piaget was the only researcher who paid attention to this particular problem, since most scientists, including those known as L.S. Vygotsky, V. Stern, K. Bühler and others, investigated mainly not the process of thinking, but products of mental activity. This difference of positions is visible even in the names of those stages, which are described by scientists: concepts or complexes at magnificent and sensor engine or specific operations in Piaget.

Describing the concept of "reversibility of mental operations", the Piaget led as an example arithmetic action - addition and subtraction, multiplication and divisions that can be read both from left to right and right to left, for example:

those. These operations are reversible.

Developing its experiments, Piaget investigated the ability to understand the preservation of mass, quantity and volume of objects. So, children were presented two rows of cubes located at the same distance from each other. Since the number of cubes in both rows, as well as the distance between them, it was the same, these two rows were the same length. Children asked whether the number of cubes in two rows was the same, and the children answered that the same. Then, in front of the children, adult has shifted cubes in one row, so they turned out to be close to each other. Naturally, the length of this series decreased. After that, he asked the children a question about whether the number of cubes in two rows was changed. Children 3-4 years old, as a rule, responded that the amount changed and in a short row of cubes was less than long. Similar experiments were done with the study of mass conservation in a round and flattened piece of plasticine and water volume, when it was bludging into the vessels with a wide and narrow ditch so that its level in one vessel was much higher than in the other. And only by the end of preschool age, the children began to understand that the mass of plasticine, the number of cubes and the volume of water did not change.

Research, in which the difference between the figurative and logical plan in thinking was proved. So, he showed children a drawing, on which Mishke had to walk to the chair, located at a distance of four red mug, and then to the table, which was defended from the chair at a distance of three white mug. Children asked what circles more - white or red, and they correctly answered that red more. Then they were asked what more - mugs or red circles, and they answered that the red circles are more. To the question of the experimenter, to which subject Mishke go further to go to the chair or to the table, the children were correctly answered that the table was further, showing this distance in the picture. However, on a repeated question of what more - mugs or red circles, children repeated again that red.

These studies led the Piaget to the conclusion that under 7 years old children are at a preoperative stage, i.e. Internal thinking operations are beginning to be formed, but they are still impermanent, irreversible. Only by 7 years, children begin to solve proposed tasks correctly, but their logical thinking is connected only with specific problems, while the formal logic they only begin to develop. And only for adolescence in children is formed both concrete and abstract logical thinking.

Studies of development of the relationship between perception and thinking at this age were led by L.A. Hungarian to the thoughts on the existence of a model form of thinking, intermediate between shaped and logical thinking. They also developed educational training programs for preschoolers, allowing to form logical generalization operations, classifications, etc. On the figurative material available for children of this age. In his work it was shown that there are certain types of activity to which the sensitive perception and thinking; In preschool age, they are drawing and design.

Drawing and especially designing have a significant impact on the transition of figurative thinking to a higher level of schematic thinking. If, with a figurative thinking, children during a generalization or classification of objects can rely not only on major, but also on their secondary qualities, then schematic thinking implies the ability of children to highlight the main parameters of the situation, the quality of items, on the basis of which their classification and generalization are carried out. However, this feature exists in children only if the items are present in the external plan, in the form of schemes or models, which help children to separate the main signs from the secondary. In the same case, if children can withdraw the concept already on the basis of the verbal description of the subject or situation, i.e. The thinking process is "in the internal plan" and children even without supporting the external scheme correctly systematize objects, we are already talking about verbally logical thinking.

In the older preschool age, all types of thinking are present in a more or less developed form, which makes it particularly difficult to diagnose it. In this period, the most significant role is played by figurative and schematic thinking, therefore, it should be examined first of all these types of thinking, but at least one test for verbally logical thinking is also needed, as it is important to know how user-friendly (i.e. went to the inside plan ) The process of mental activity and whether the child does not arise the error in the transition of mental activities from the external plan (with shaped and schematic thinking) into the internal (with verbal thinking) when he needs to rely only on verbally decorated logical operations without support for the external image of the subject or his scheme.

When diagnosing the level of development of thinking and perception in preschool age, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristic errors when examining the subjects, which are that children do not know how to identify informative points and consider the subject entirely. Therefore, perception takes a long time, and the systematization of images required in the future is difficult. The low level of development of perception during survey of objects is manifested in the fact that they are not interiorized, i.e. Children must necessarily touch the items, attach them to each other. Without this, the formed image will be inaccurate.

Deviations in the development of sensory standards are associated, as a rule, with the fact that these standards are subject, and not generalized, i.e. They do not have formed such concepts as a form, color, the size that normally appear already in 3-4 years. Unforesefive, the Annia of the standards prevents the development of the relationship of the subjects with the standard, since children do not see the difference between the ball or balloon, which can be oval and round, do not distinguish the objects close in color, cannot arrange figures in size. Therefore, such an action as modeling (i.e., the decomposition of the subject to the standards, of which it consists), maybe such children are not formed by the end of the preschool age, although the norm should appear by 5 years.

Thus, when diagnosing the cognitive development of preschoolers in the center of attention of psychologists should be the study of the following parameters: the level of interiorization of cognitive processes and orientations, the degree of generalization, arbitrariness and decentship of mental operations.

An important place in the study of preschoolers occupies the study of the peculiarities of their communications with peers. At this age, for the first time, the attention of children begins to switch from an adult to peer, interest in communicating with which is gradually increasing. During preschool childhood, selectivity in communicating with peers increases - if in 3-4 years, children are quite easy to change communication partners, then from 6-7 years old, they try to communicate with specific children, which are difficult to replace even if this communication is not Arrange an adult.

Group differentiation develops, in the group there are leaders who know how to organize the activities of other children, and attract their sympathies. The allocation of stars, preferred and rejected children, as well as the constancy of the status of a child in a group hierarchy, are important indicators in diagnosing.

In the process of communicating with peers, the self-assessment of children is developing, which is becoming increasingly adequate. Comparing himself with the surrounding children, the child more accurately imagines and its capabilities that it demonstrates in different activities and on which he is assessed.

Speaking about the meaning of adequate self-esteem for the formation of a person, a well-known psychologist K. Rogers came to the conclusion that the inner essence of a person is expressed in self-esteem. Rogers ideas about what should be the true relationship between the child and adults should have formed the basis of the works of the famous scientist B. Spock, which in his books wrote about how parents should care for children without disturbing their true self-esteem and helping their socialization.

However, parents, according to both scientists, do not often comply with these rules and do not listen to their child. Therefore, in early and especially in preschool age, the child can alienate from its true self-esteem. Most often, this is under pressure from adults who have their own idea of \u200b\u200bthe child, his abilities and destination. They impose his assessment to the child, seeking him to accept it and made his own self-esteem. Some children begin to protest against the actions imposed on them, interests and ideas, entering into a conflict with others, which gives rise to negativism and aggression.

However, most often, Rogers notes, children are not trying to resist their parents, agreeing with their opinion about themselves. This is because the child needs caress and adoption by an adult. However, the problem is not only that, trying to earn the love of others, a person refuses himself, but also that when carrying out activities imposed by other and not relevant true, although not at the moment desires and abilities, the child cannot Being fully successful, no matter how hard he tried and no matter how he convinced himself, that this activity is its real vocation. This leads to the development of uncertainty, anxiety or aggression towards others, to new activities and new people.

Almost all psychologists who studied the development of the identity of children agreed with Rogers in the fact that the main character -. The personality is her self-esteem, which includes attitudes towards himself and knowledge about themselves. Studies also showed that one of the conditions of the conflict-free development of the individual is a positive emotional attitude in combination with accurate and complete knowledge of himself, i.e. A person must be aware of his good and bad qualities, its advantages and disadvantages. Such self-esteem coincides with the assessment of others, i.e. People see the child in the same way he sees himself, which proves its adequacy.

Self-assessment is sufficiently stable and often, especially in children, unconscious. However, there is also such quality as the level of claims. The level of claims depends on the situation, from the work performed, since in some conditions a person can attract the highest assessment, and nothing claims to anything. The level of claims is almost always realized and it also differs from self-esteem.

Speaking about aggressiveness and anxiety, it is necessary to remember that the misunderstanding of these qualities is only negatively. Aggressiveness (as well as anxiety) by itself - the quality is insightless, it can be bad and good. For example, aggressiveness helps a person to insist on its own, to achieve the necessary results, organize activities and their own, and others. Therefore, this quality is a necessary component of leadership. At the same time, aggressive behavior is estimated as a negative, deviating behavior. At the same time, aggressive behavior or aggression (but not aggressiveness), which is often manifested in conflict, in the desire to achieve the desired, even in cruelty, and aggression from anxiety, which is a protective reaction, but manifests itself in conflict, fights, violations. rules of behavior. Anxiety can also be anxiety, anxiety that poison the life of a person and his loved ones. But anxiety can help to help a person, improving his reaction, increasing observation, organization of activities, contributing to the formation of the necessary knowledge and skills.

When studying the structure of the child's personality, it is necessary to remember the difference between the individual characteristics and qualities of the person. If individual features are congenital and are associated with certain properties of the nervous system, then the quality of individuals are formed during life and depend on the social environment. Therefore, we can talk about correction, changing the structure of the individual, but it is impossible to change the individual characteristics of the person. One can only try to help the child to create an individual, based on its features style of activity and communication, which uses the positive aspects of its individuality, as neutralizing negative.

What features are congenital (psychodynamic)? This is a impulsiveness that is associated with the inability and reluctance of children to think, realize the conditions and requirements of the problem, before starting to decide. Impulsive children immediately begin to perform the task, often even without listening to the instruction, without letting themselves the time to navigate in the atmosphere. The opposite quality is reflexiveness, which is expressed in the fact that the child needs time to look around, orient in a situation and only after that he can start doing something.

Such quality as plasticity, which is associated with switching speed from one activity to another, transition from one mood to another is important. The opposite quality is rigidity - is associated with the impossibility of such quick switching, fixing on some mood or action. Regional people often can't start a new thing until the old one finished.

Emotiveness - quality that characterizes human emotions: this quality is manifested in the threshold of emotional reactions (high or low) and the form of their expression (open or closed). Thus, there are people who are enough trivia in order to laugh or praise, while others are very difficult to laugh or upset. Some people have their emotions "written on the face", they are clear to everyone (open form), and others are "closed", and no one can realize that they have in the soul. The peculiarity of an emotional attitude towards people is called Empathy. There are empathy people who instantly determine the emotional state of others (for example, such children have a strong emotional attitude towards other people, both positive and negative). NEMPA - Tyny people, on the contrary, can build communication based on mind, and their emotional attitude towards others they have after a long acquaintance.

Some psychologists (for example, the famous American scientist G. Aizenk stand out and such an individual quality as neurotism. This quality is also associated with the characteristic of the emotional sphere and manifests itself in the emotional instability of a person. Children with low levels of neurotism are resistant in their sympathies and antipathy. Although they are quite emotional, their emotions are more or less constant, unlike the emotions of children with a high level of neuroticism, for which their constant change (for example, sharp transitions from a fun mood to sad, from sympathy to hostility). The difference between these emotional reactions is and their inadequacy (for example, crying, a strong resentment would seem insignificant remark). In adverse circumstances (for example, under stress), such children develop neurotic complexes more often than in children with a low level of neurotism.

Individual features include both qualities such as openness or closure (extrovertivity or intravertion). This does not mean that people are born in sociable or closed, these qualities are formed already in the course of life. But closed, introvershertic people are harder to come into contact with unfamiliar, it is difficult for them to reveal to the end even with close people, although they can be very sociable, loving companies and interested in other people. Similarly, open, extrovert people can become conflict, embittered, uncommunicable, but lack of communication with them.

And finally, the last quality is extrapunitivity (or in-trapunitivity) - is associated with the assessment of complex situations. Extrapunitive people in cases of difficulties decide to rely on the case of external circumstances. The same external circumstances are accused of failure. Intrapunitive people, on the contrary, they only rely on themselves and in case of failure, they also blame themselves, not others.

Thus, the combination of these individual qualities, which is completely unique in every person, largely determines his behavior, communication with other people and attitude to itself. However, these qualities are only the background, on which the personality structure is formed.

During preschool age, the independence of children from the surrounding situation increases, their behavior is determined by the motives that begin to develop into a certain hierarchy, while not yet aware of the child. According to L.I. Bojovich, precisely at this age, children begin to realize themselves with subjects in the system of social relations, they have an internal position, which reflects their satisfaction their place in this relationship (for example, the internal position of the student).

A. Adler wrote about the importance of communication and social environment in the formation of the child's personality. He believed that the family had great importance in this process, people who surround children in the first years of life and affect the development of an individual lifestyle.

Developing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe style of life that determines the behavior of a person, Adler proceeded from the fact that this is the determinant that determines and systematizes human experience. Lifestyle is closely connected with a sense of community, one of the three congenital unconscious feelings that make up the structure of "I". A sense of community, or public interest, serves as a kind of rod, which keeps the entire design of the style of life, determines its content and direction. The sense of community is also congenital, but may remain undeveloped. This underdevelopment of the sense of community becomes the basis of the asocial style of life, the cause of neuroses and human conflicts. The development of a sense of community is associated with close adults surrounding the child since childhood, primarily with the mother. Outwarked children growing with cold, motionless from them, the sense of community does not develop. It does not develop in the spoiled children, since the sense of community with his mother is not transferred to other people who remain for the child.

If the sense of community determines the direction of life, its style, then the two other innate and unconscious feelings are inferiority and desire for superiority - serve as sources of energy necessary for the development of the person. Both of these feelings are positive, these are incentives for personal growth, for self-improvement. If the sense of inferiority affects a person, causing a desire to overcome its flaw in it, then the desire for superiority causes the desire to be best of all, not only to overcome the lack, but also become the most skillful and knowledgeable. There is a special mechanism that helps the development of these feelings is compensation.

Adler highlighted the four main types of compensation - incomplete, complete overcompensation and imaginary compensation, or care to the disease. The connection of certain types of compensation with the life style and the level of development of a sense of community allowed Adler to create one of the first typologies for the development of the identity of children. The opening of compensation was of great importance for the formation of new approaches to the correction of mental development, as it began to be based on compensation for the shortcomings inherent in each person, due to the development of his individual advantages.

Adler also noted that one of the main qualities of the person, "which helps her to resist their life adversities, to overcome difficulties and achieve perfection, is the ability to cooperate, cooperate with others. Only in cooperation, a person can overcome his sense of inferiority, bring valuable contribution to the development of all mankind. If a person can cooperate with others, he will never become a neurotic, while the lack of cooperation becomes the cause of neurotic and poorly adapted styles of life.

The development of communication and the role of an adult in the formation of a holistic understanding of himself emphasized E. Erickson, who believed that in preschool age, children develop either a sense of initiative, or a sense of guilt. The development of these feelings is due to how safely the process of the socialization of the child proceeds, how strict the rules of behavior are offered and how hard adults control their observance. During this period, the child learns to relate its desires with the norms adopted in society, to implement its own activity in the channel specified by society and norms. By the end of this period, children begins to be formed or hardworking, or a sense of inferiority. However, to a greater extent, these neoplasms are already associated with the school and the success of educational activities.

The emergence of such neoplasms as hard work, an internal position, adequate self-esteem, are important components of school readiness. The readiness system includes sensorotor coordination (mainly visual-engine), which helps the child simultaneously listen, look at the sample and draw or write. An important indicator of readiness for school is the distribution and concentration of attention, arbitrariness, including the ability to subjugate the activities of a specific model or rule, the degree of generalization and the interioritism of cognitive processes and orientations, i.e. Those parameters of cognitive development, which was mentioned above. Comprehensive diagnosis of these parameters and is a study of the level of readiness for school.

When conducting diagnostics, it is important to remember that the mental development of children is a complex process in which it is impossible to select individual parameters independently from each other. Therefore, when conducting diagnostics, it is necessary to use a whole "battery" techniques aimed at studying all sides of the psyche of children, comparing the data obtained so that it was possible to get a holistic idea of \u200b\u200ba particular child. At the same time, it is important not only to choose the proper methodology, but also to arrange them in a certain order so that the child is not tired, did not refuse work.

Analyzing the data obtained, it is important to establish the relationship between the individual features and the sides of the psyche of the examined child (cognitive abilities, personal qualities, the nature of communication). Based on this analysis, a psychological characteristic is drawn up, which provides a comprehensive description of the psychological features of this child, as well as the main reasons for the appearance of those deficiencies and deviations that have been identified in the survey process. Indeed, in real life, all sides of the psyche influence each other, and, for example, failure in training activities may be related both to the gaga of the cognitive RA in city, and with high anxiety or a slow-down target orientation rate of children. In turn, the peculiarities of memory and the level of thinking are determined by some identity qualities, for example, the level of claims or the aggressiveness of the child, the features of its communication.

Proper diagnosis is the first step in organizing the correction of mental abnormalities, as it shows that it is the root cause of violations in mental development, which qualities are worse than all formed. Thus, on the basis of a psychological characteristic, a correction plan is drawn up - from helping the child in correcting simple drawbacks to compensation of complex defects. Drawing up such a characteristic is not a simple task even for a practical psychologist; For successful work, some practice is needed and, most importantly, compliance with the basic rules for working with tests, because the non-professional approach to the diagnosis can bring more harm than good.

An examination, as a rule, begins with conversations with adults, (by other educators, teachers, parents) in the event that they appealed to you with certain complaints about the child. In the process of conversation, you need to clearly define the nature of the claims for the child and the reasons for discontent with them.

The actual examination of the child begins with the analysis of its appearance and its reaction to the situation of the survey. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to how much the child is open to contact, whether it shows activity (for example, studying the situation in the room, considers with the interest of toys, items in it) or it is dissolved, i.e. Spinning on the spot, rushes to get up, turns something in his hands or just chats with his hands or legs. The manifestation of inhibition, tension, manifested by the child, is fixed, the desire to sit down or get into the corner, reluctance to pay attention to themselves, afraid to join the conversation.

All these facts are associated both with psychodynamic (congenital) features of the child (for example, with impulsiveness or diplomacy) and the qualities of his personality (for example, with anxiety or demonstration). The data obtained when observed is further compared with the test data and help to understand the nature of intelligent or emotional deviations of the child.

During the examination, it is important to alternate techniques in such a way that the methods aimed at studying memory followed the methods aimed at analyzing thinking, and the study of perception followed the study of creativity. It is recommended to start diagnostics from drawing (both free and for a given topic), giving a child a time to enter the survey situation. At first, tasks for memory research are also given, since time is needed (at least 20 minutes) to study deferred playback. At the same time, personal techniques are offered to children at the end of work, after the novelty of the situation will smooth and make contact between adults, conducting diagnosis, and a child. This sequence is preserved in the event that the survey is carried out at the same time, but for several occupations.

When conducting diagnostics, you must remember several basic rules, without which your work will not be successful.

1. Each technique is aimed at measuring very narrow, special quality - some kind of attention, memory, child thinking. There are no techniques that would be measured at once, there are no techniques, on the basis of which you would immediately understand everything in the child and give the overall characteristics of his personal qualities, abilities, features of its communication or style of activity, its cognitive processes. Therefore, it is necessary to use at least 10-15 different tests to compile a psychological characteristic.

2. Be sure to pay attention to the instruction that is given in each method. Remember that the wrong instruction can completely change the content content and, therefore, the result you received.

3. Do not forget that each technique is designed for a certain age. Therefore, carefully ensure that the age of the child under study coincided with the age for which this technique is compiled. There are methods that can be used in different age groups. In such cases, pay attention to the instruction and method for feeding the material for each age.

4. The results obtained by you also cannot be the same for different ages. Therefore, be careful when interpreting the results, be sure to check them with regulativity, i.e. With those results that are typical of children of this age. Remember it is that only according to one technique, even if the child's results are lower than they should be normal, it is still impossible to conclude about its "nonsense" or backwardness, as well as about giftedness. Such a conclusion can be made only if the data of all intelligent tests (or most of them) is lower or higher.

5. Many techniques require a special "stimulus material", i.e. Cards, texts, pictures that are offered to the child. Do not forget that all instructions on the procedure for presenting and the method of filing this material are mandatory; If they are not compared to them or change the material itself, you will get a completely different result.

6. There are so-called subjective and objective techniques, ways to analyze the results obtained. Some of them have accurate keys and calculated over the points answers, others require not quantitative, but high-quality interpretation; Although it is harder to work with them, often these methods give more important data on the mental state of the child. However, when working with them, it is necessary to show special attention and to check the results obtained with the indicators obtained in other tests.

7. Never try to put pressure on the child, i.e. Working with him without his voluntary desire. The rejection of the survey situation may violate the entire diagnostic process and you will receive incorrect results. Try not to emphasize that you check the child, as if examining it, it will lead to tensions, stiffness and also violates the objectivity of the data. You can include a survey in the process of any joint activity, even gaming, but only if the child can focus on this game, take a task, and not throw it halfway if it seems boring or difficult. In short, you must interest it with this activity and seek attention to it.

1. List the patterns of mental development of infants, open N.M. Socilovanov and A. Gesell.

2. Tell us how perception affects the development of thinking in early and preschool age,

3. What activities are the most significant for the development of perception and thinking in the first years of life and why?

4. List the patterns of development of the thinking of children described by J. Piaget.

5. Tell how, according to L.S. Vygotsky, developed -Jas volitional regulation of knowledge and behavior in preschool age.

6. Describe the development of children's self-assessment in early and preschool age.

7. Formulate the individual characteristics of the child and show how they affect the development of his personality.

8. Tell us about the need for an integrated approach to the diagnosis of children.