Early signs of pregnancy before delay. When and how much can you find out about pregnancy? minor bleeding

Motherhood is the dream of many women. It will be possible to find out exactly whether the next attempt was successful or not only after the delay of the critical days and the result of the pregnancy test, but there were cases when, immediately after intercourse, a woman could confidently assert that a new life had arisen in her. Such insight is not characteristic of everyone, but if you listen to your body, you can notice some signs of pregnancy within a week after conception. This is especially felt by those who become pregnant for the first time or who have chronic gynecological diseases.

Despite the fact that all signs are of a relative nature, they can be divided into main ones. That is, they are found in most pregnant women and are relative, characteristic only for some women.

The main signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation

Typical for most of the fair sex, these signs, which appeared on the 8-10th day after intercourse, suggest that the desired replenishment will soon await the family. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Slight brown or brown spotting vaginal discharge. They appear in the period from 6 to 10 days after conception and indicate the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity. Usually, upon discovering these discharge, the girl takes them for the onset of menstruation, and is very surprised when the bleeding does not intensify as during full-fledged critical days.
  2. Fever, an increase in body temperature up to 37 ° C, chills, the appearance of flu symptoms, in the absence of an opportunity to catch an infection.
  3. Aching and pulling pains in the lower abdomen associated with implantation of an embryo in the uterus. Some girls have a feeling of heaviness or distention in the lower abdomen, as with severe overeating. You can also feel a pulling back pain that occurs even after a short walk.
  4. Increased sensitivity of the nipples and breasts. A week before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, swelling and soreness of the mammary glands can be detected, the nipples become very sensitive to any touch, darken, and when pressed on them, colostrum may appear.
  5. On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, a whole war is found: suddenly appeared constipation is replaced by diarrhea, heartburn and bloating do not make it possible to do the usual things. If a woman is firmly convinced that she could not have been poisoned and did not catch an intestinal infection, then a storm in the stomach means pregnancy.
  6. Frequent and unreasonable mood changes. I just wanted to laugh, and after a minute tears are rolling in my eyes and I want to throw a scandal out of the blue - signs of an initial change in hormonal levels, increased production of progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy.
  7. Intolerance to odors. Suddenly, your favorite perfumes become unpleasant, and smells that previously caused only irritation pull the word with a magnet - the first sign of future toxicosis.
  8. Nausea, vomiting, increased salivation - occur in the second week after conception and accompany the expectant mother throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy. Many people get seasick on public transport, especially in the evening.
  9. Increased sexual arousal - pregnant women even in the first weeks noticed that they were simply drawn to pounce on a partner, and thoughts about sex did not allow them to concentrate during the day.
  10. The constant desire to lie down and sleep is the leader among the first signs of pregnancy. I want to sleep always and everywhere, but sleep is very sensitive, nightmares appear.
  11. Impaired concentration, fatigue, inability to concentrate on a specific matter are symptoms that the body is strenuously producing progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy.
  12. Frequent urge to urinate is associated with an increase in the size of the uterus. Women note that they constantly want to go to the toilet, while very small portions of urine are released. One of the main signs of pregnancy, which is easily confused with a disease of the genitourinary system - cystitis. When this symptom appears, it is recommended to visit a doctor and take a urine test. If all indicators are normal, the woman is most likely expecting a baby.
  13. A slight puffiness of the face and pallor - appear after 7 days from the moment of conception, and indicate hormonal changes in the body.
  14. Changes in taste. Everyone knows that pregnant women are distinguished by peculiar gastronomic preferences. If you suddenly felt a strong desire for sauerkraut or chocolate, or maybe some other product that a woman looked at quite calmly a week ago, it is realistic to assume that the long-awaited replenishment will soon occur in the family.
  15. Lack of appetite. A severe decrease in appetite is one of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay in menstruation. The desire for food disappears completely, and if it does, then you want something sweet or light, such as fruit. Along with a lack of appetite, the expectant mother may notice a slight weight loss.
  16. The emergence of previously uncharacteristic interests and preferences. If earlier the girl loved romantic melodramas, now she is surprised to notice an irresistible craving for bloody horror films. The usual order of things causes irritation, you want something new and unusual. Some begin to renovate an apartment or move furniture.
  17. The emergence of dental problems. The child takes calcium from the mother's body, therefore, if suddenly a woman's teeth begin to hurt and crumble, although she had no dental problems before, it is likely that she is expecting a baby.
  18. Frequent and unreasonable panic attacks are also the first signs of pregnancy. The constant change of mood contributes to the fact that sometimes the expectant young mother suddenly feels a strong attack of fear.

Basal temperature change
This feature allows us to say with an accuracy of 80% that a woman will soon become a mother, but only those girls who constantly measure her and keep temperature charts can reliably determine it. According to research by doctors, 2-3 days before the expected date of menstruation, the basal body temperature rises to 37 ° C - 37.4 ° C and does not decrease. However, this sure sign can give errors if:

  1. Basal temperature was measured incorrectly. According to the instructions, the basal body temperature is measured daily: in the morning, just after waking up, with the same thermometer. It should be measured in the vagina, mouth, or rectally. If any of the above conditions were violated, the result may be incorrect.
  2. Temperature measurement was preceded by morning sex.
  3. In the evening, on the eve of the temperature measurement, the young woman drank alcoholic beverages.
  4. Taking medications, especially tetracycline antibiotics, can bring down the temperature indicators.
  5. Viral diseases and infections have settled in the body, which can increase the measurement result.
  6. Before measuring the basal temperature, the woman made any, even the slightest movement, not to mention going to the toilet.

If the above factors were absent, the temperature schedule is maintained without violations and the thermometer froze for several days at around 37⁰С and above - you can choose the name of the baby.

Relative or Complementary Signs of Pregnancy

In addition to the main signs, it is possible to distinguish relative (additional) signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation, which are not found in all representatives of the fair sex, but, together with the main ones, they give a high probability of assuming a possible pregnancy:

  1. Increased vaginal discharge. The leucorrhoea secreted from the genitals becomes more intense, and acquires a yellowish-brownish tint uncharacteristic for them. This happens especially strongly at night.
  2. The onset of thrush. If a woman does not have a cold, has not taken antibiotics or other medications that can provoke this unpleasant disease, the sudden onset of candidiasis may be associated with a change in the vaginal flora characteristic of pregnant women. Thrush must be treated, as it can cause a lot of trouble for the expectant mother and baby.
  3. Lack of comfort while sitting. Since the beginning of pregnancy, a woman cannot sit comfortably in a chair or chair. She constantly wants to change her position.
  4. Change in body position during sleep. Expectant mothers often notice that from the moment of conception they are drawn to sleep in only one position, lying on their stomachs. Attempts to roll over often provoke insomnia and end up returning to the starting position.
  5. Headaches can be associated with both the onset of pregnancy and evidence of overwork or vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  6. A tingling sensation, not strong spam in the lower part, is quite possibly a harbinger of menstruation, and may also indicate the growth of the uterus. If, when this symptom occurs, frequent urination is observed, then we can confidently say that a woman is expecting a baby.
  7. A blue spider web of veins appears on the chest. This happens on the 8-10th day from conception.
  8. The taste of metal in the mouth, which neither food nor drinks can drown out, indicates the onset of an interesting situation. This unpleasant reaction of the body is based on a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is characteristic of all pregnant women, as well as an increase in the sense of smell, which affects the perception of the taste of products.

Our predecessors, just like modern women, wondered how it is possible to determine pregnancy before delay. What did the previously living representative of the beautiful half of humanity undertake to determine an interesting position long before the advent of modern tests? In addition to the signs listed above, pregnancy before the critical days are delayed can be determined using time-tested methods:

The most famous methods of determining pregnancy are associated with the use of iodine and a woman's urine:

Method number 1. It requires a drop of iodine in a pipette and a morning urine sample. After collecting the urine in a container and letting it stand for 10 minutes, the women dripped iodine into the liquid and observed the behavior of the medicine. If the drop dissolved in the liquid without a residue, the woman found out that she was not pregnant, but if the medicine remained a stain on the surface of urine or sank to the bottom of the container, it was necessary to sew baby clothes.

Method number 2. The ingredients are the same, only a strip of thick white paper is still needed. The paper was dipped into a container with morning urine for a few seconds, then it was delivered, laid on a flat surface and the medicine was dripped onto it. If the strip turns blue, it means there is no pregnancy, but if it turns purple, it means that the woman is expecting a baby.

A slightly unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, but a reliable method of determining pregnancy before the onset of a delay came to us from the Soviet past. According to him, a representative of the fair sex, who wants to know her condition, collected morning urine in a heat-resistant container, put it on the fire and brought it to a boil. If large white flakes appeared in the urine, it means that pregnancy has come.

Beautiful ladies of the Middle Ages, dreaming to bring the good news of the appearance of the long-awaited heir, mixed wine and morning urine in equal proportions. If the liquid remained transparent, it was worth rejoicing in the speedy fulfillment of desire.

Traditional methods of determining the first signs of pregnancy

Popular methods and beliefs for determining an interesting position include:

  1. Unusual dreams. According to popular belief, if a representative of the female half of humanity dreamed of a fish in any form, this means an early replenishment of the family.
  2. Feeling of "fluttering of butterfly wings in the stomach." Many women noticed that almost from the moment of conception, they felt indescribable sensations in the stomach, comparable to the touch of insect wings to the skin.
  3. The look of a pregnant woman. A woman, within whom a new life is growing, has a special look. According to the signs, the first sign of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation is a change in a woman's gaze, if you look into her eyes, you can see in them some kind of secret, known only to nature.

All of the listed first signs of pregnancy before the onset of a delay in menstruation are considered unreliable. It is possible to determine exactly whether a long-awaited event has occurred only after a delay and a modern pregnancy test. The final opinion will be given only by a gynecologist after a thorough examination and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Video: the first signs of pregnancy

The main sign of a successful conception is a delay in menstruation. Is it possible to find out about the onset of pregnancy before that? This question is asked by women who dream of a baby. If you listen carefully to your body, then you can learn about the birth of a new life early. The appearance of discharge in the early stages of pregnancy before the delay should prompt a woman about her new status. Also informative are indicators of basal temperature, breast sensitivity, general health and other "signs" of the body.

During gestation, it is important to pay attention to any changes in well-being, to do a routine examination

Vaginal discharge can tell a lot about the female body. They are always present, only the consistency, color, intensity change. It depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, the state of health. Discharge can confirm successful conception even before the onset of the main symptom - delay. At the earliest stages, and then throughout the entire period of gestation, they can be used to determine how the pregnancy proceeds: are there any risks of miscarriage, inflammatory processes in the mother's body, etc. The change in the nature of discharge after conception is due to the influence of progesterone. Its amount affects the work of the vaginal glands, which leads to a change in the volume and consistency of secretions.

Discharge indicating pregnancy: normal

Normally, discharge during pregnancy does not have a pronounced odor. They are transparent, not very abundant. Allocations are similar to "second-phase" - those that occur in the second phase of the cycle. Over the course of nine months, they can change.

How to understand from the discharge that conception has occurred? If a woman monitors her own body, then she will notice a change in the density of secretions. It is the increased density that indicates that conception has occurred, even before the delay is recorded.

Changes in secretions are associated with a restructuring of the hormonal background. In the early stages, progesterone gets to the “part of the first violin”. Under the influence of the hormone, the secretions acquire a thick consistency, become viscous. They lose their transparency, acquiring whiteness. For expectant mothers, this is considered the norm. With implantation and formation of the placenta, viscosity increases significantly, but abundance is lost. This is no coincidence: changes in consistency are needed to form a mucous plug. She got an important role: to protect the fetus from external infections.

A variant of the norm is a discharge that looks like a protein. They are slimy in consistency. This type of discharge usually occurs before ovulation. So the female body prepares for fertilization, making it easier for the sperm to pass. However, the discharge may not change even after successful conception: white mucus is observed until the delay itself.

Cheesy discharge

Getting rid of thrush for a future mother is not so easy

After conception, cheesy discharge often appears. They have a sour odor and are white in color. Another characteristic feature is abundance. This phenomenon may indicate the development of vaginal candidiasis. Especially if the woman is also worried about discomfort in the perineum (burning, itching). Discomfort increases at night, intensifies after water procedures, sex.

Candidiasis often occurs in pregnant women. Especially immediately after implantation. This is due to hormonal changes. The restructuring of hormones, which is necessary for successful bearing, leads to a change in the acidity of the vaginal environment. In parallel, the immune system of the expectant mother is suppressed, which is necessary for successful implantation and early development of the fetus. These two factors provoke the active reproduction of vaginal fungi. Often, a cheesy discharge accompanies a woman for nine months. It is difficult to fight with thrush, which arose immediately after conception.

Bloody issues

Blood impurities in your secretions tell a lot. They may indicate:

  • pathological pregnancy;
  • implantation;
  • inflammatory process in the reproductive organs.

Bloody discharge can scare a woman, especially if she hopes that conception has occurred in the cycle. Abundant discharge, reminiscent of bleeding, indicates that something is wrong with the body. With this phenomenon, you need to see a doctor. If there are severe pains, then you need to get an appointment with the doctor immediately. The search for the cause of bleeding is complicated by the fact that the delay has not yet arrived and the "interesting" situation is difficult to diagnose. Often bloody discharge indicates early termination of pregnancy, implantation of the ovum outside the uterus.

The first signs of pregnancy before delay often appear in the form of minor bloody discharge. The phenomenon can be observed even in the absence of pathologies. Why do bloody impurities appear? They arise at the time of implantation of the ovum into the endometrium. The lining of the uterus has a developed vascular system. When the blood vessels are traumatized by a fertilized egg, a small amount of blood appears. The implantation process usually takes place on the sixth day after the sperm reaches its target. You can understand that the blood indicates the introduction of the ovum by:

Expectant mothers can see brown discharge, of a smearing type. Swindle is rarely dangerous. It usually appears instead of menstruation. The first day of the delay is counted from it. You should be alert if brown discharge is heavy and / or has an unpleasant odor. This may indicate an inflammatory process caused by pathogenic microflora. Inflammation is especially dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy: it can affect the lining of the uterus and provoke self-abortion.

It is only a gynecologist who can determine exactly why the bloody discharge appeared. Do not speculate: you need to immediately consult a doctor to find out the reason for this phenomenon. If the discharge is due to pathological processes, then timely therapy prescribed by a specialist will help maintain the pregnancy.

Basal temperature as an indicator

When planning pregnancy, women often refer to basal temperature measurements. It is measured rectally at rest: in the morning, immediately after waking up. Measurement of basal temperature allows you to determine the days that are most favorable for conception. Before ovulation, the rate rises to 37 and then drops.

If a woman during the planning period turned to the measuring method, then she will be able to determine the onset of pregnancy even before the delay in menstruation. Temperature values ​​with a successful conception do not fall, but remain at 37 degrees. This temperature lasts for about four weeks. This is due to the production of progesterone. By fixing a pre-ovulatory temperature jump, and then not seeing a downward trend in the graph, one can conclude about a successful conception.

A persistently elevated basal temperature immediately before menstruation does not always indicate a subsequent delay. Increased rates are often recorded in the presence of inflammatory processes. In case of atypical changes in the temperature schedule, it is recommended to undergo an examination.

How to find out about pregnancy by general condition

If conception has occurred, then the woman will soon feel the changes taking place in the body.

General well-being will help to determine the "interesting position" at an extremely early stage. You just need to listen carefully to the body. Still not even knowing about her situation, a woman may feel systematic weakness. General malaise is accompanied by drowsiness, headaches, dizziness, fatigue. Such signs of pregnancy before delay appear due to a decrease in immunity, which is a natural process. A decrease in protective function is necessary to prevent the rejection of the fetus by immune cells.

Malaise may indicate a lack of vitamins, indicate an illness. To find the cause of systematic weakness, you need to see a doctor. This will allow you to confirm or deny pregnancy, to determine the correct measures to improve your well-being.

Absent-mindedness, which is reinforced by general poor health, can also indicate pregnancy. Forgetfulness occurs against the background of an increase in progesterone levels. Under the influence of the hormone, all systems of the body are rebuilt, the resources of the brain are directed towards this restructuring. Because of this, it is difficult for the expectant mother to concentrate, she becomes absent-minded. With the development of pregnancy, this passes, but before the delay it can serve as an indirect signal that it is worth waiting for two strips.

Low pressure

Before a delay in menstruation, pregnancy may indicate low blood pressure. However, this sign is relevant only if a woman regularly uses a tonometer, knows her rate, and at the same time is sure that the decrease cannot be caused by another reason. Rarely does anyone connect pressure and the development of a new life.

A drop in pressure is always observed after implantation. This is due to the antispasmodic effect of the "pregnancy hormone". The effect of progesterone is directed to the uterus, but the vascular muscles also respond to a natural antispasmodic. The result is a drop in pressure. This is not a critically low indicator, but simply a deviation from its norm.

Breast tenderness

The breast is one of the first to respond to egg implantation. Noticeable changes do not appear immediately, but if you carefully observe the condition of the mammary glands, you can recognize the signs of successful conception before the delay in menstruation. What happens to the breast? She can:

  • swell a little after seven days after implantation;
  • become unusually tense;
  • painful to touch.

The nipple sensitivity is also increased. Even light touches to the nipples can cause unpleasant sensations. Sometimes women notice a change in the color of the halos.

One of the early signs of pregnancy is a change in the Montgomery tubercles (rudimentary tubercles on the halos): they become pronounced after the ovum is fixed.

Reaction to odors and tastes

A change in taste preferences is an important sign

It is known that expectant mothers change their taste preferences, they react sharply to smells. Usually, noticeable changes are recorded after confirmation of the "interesting position". However, even before the delay, atypical reactions may occur, especially to odors. This is due to early hormonal changes that affect the central nervous system. A woman begins to smell more distinctly almost immediately after the successful fixation of the fetus. This increases as the "pregnancy hormone" is produced. Later, atypical eating habits, uncharacteristic reactions to tastes are added to the olfactory sensitivity. Against this background, nausea appears and toxicosis develops. But usually, by the time nausea appears, the delay is already obvious, the woman guesses or knows that she will soon become a mother.

Reaction to pungent odors, nausea at the sight of certain foods can occur with gastritis, food poisoning, intestinal infection. Changes in olfactory and gustatory perception require clarification of the cause. The doctor turns to differential diagnostics, which makes it possible to understand whether the patient is pregnant or whether the manifestations are due to any disease.

Frequent trips to the toilet

Frequent urination before retention may indicate pregnancy. Frequent trips to the toilet are due to hormonal changes, which are triggered in the body immediately after the ovum is fixed. Hormonal fluctuations lead to an active supply of blood to the uterus. The filled vessels temporarily force the kidneys and urinary tract to work in a new mode. Due to hormones, the kidneys have to actively filter urine. An increase in its amount leads to distension of the bladder, which causes frequent urge.

A signal of a successful conception in the cycle is only painless frequent urination. And even then not always: such a phenomenon may indicate diabetes mellitus. If frequent urination is accompanied by increased thirst, you need to see a doctor. The trip to the hospital cannot be postponed if the urge has become frequent and pain occurs during emptying.

Increased gas production

Increased gas production may indicate a successful conception. If, before the delay, a woman noticed the appearance of such a problem, she may assume pregnancy. The phenomenon is caused by an increased production of progesterone. This hormone slows down the work of the intestines, relaxes its muscles. The result is increased gassing.

The problem can haunt the expectant mother for a long time, up to the middle of the term. Usually, an unpleasant phenomenon is associated with the first trimester. You can get rid of the problem by reviewing your eating habits.

Accuracy of early signs

It is impossible to accurately determine the pregnancy before the delay by the signs. All characteristic phenomena can indicate a successful conception only with a degree of probability. With the same share, they can indicate various diseases, disruptions in the operation of systems. The surest way to find out the cause of any symptoms is to see your doctor. On the tenth day after the alleged conception, you can donate blood for hCG, which is considered the most informative diagnostic method at such an early stage.

What are first changes occur in a woman's body, which give rise to suspicion of the birth of a new life even before the delay?

The first (early) signs of pregnancy before delay

Nausea and drowsiness

One of the first signs- morning, which manifests itself immediately after waking up and is not passing, some kind of exhausting character.

The occurrence of nausea is associated with a violation of the functional state of neuroendocrine regulation of body function.

Second sign- unexplained drowsiness, etc. It occurs even when you have a good night's sleep.

And if your work schedule is connected with night shifts, then the situation becomes simply unbearable. Not only does one really want to sleep, but also nausea overcomes. Although nothing like this has arisen before.

It should also be borne in mind that sleep during this period becomes more restless.

Breast augmentation

Another sign- breast augmentation. Although the nipples darken a little later. But the discomfort from wearing a bra occurs right in the first days.

Smell and taste

Sudden and abrupt changes in the sense of smell are another among the first signs of pregnancy. A woman has an intolerance to certain odors, from which nausea is even possible.

Taste preferences also change. A pregnant woman may begin to consume those foodstuffs to which she was previously absolutely indifferent. As a rule, there is a desire to eat something sour or salty.

Increased salivation

Early pregnancy there is increased salivation due to severe irritation of the salivary center. This can lead to weight loss of up to three kilograms per week.

And if saliva is swallowed, then it can cause a change in the acidity of gastric juice and lead to impaired digestive function.

The emergence of disorganization, forgetfulness and apathy

Signs such as inconsistency, forgetfulness or apathy can appear from the first week after conception.

All this is to blame - a general restructuring of the body for the successful bearing of a baby and, plus, an increased production of the hormone progesterone, which suppresses the psyche.

Probably, many people noticed that when performing a task, they did not take into account something or simply forgot to do it as it should be. This is the manifestation of forgetfulness that occurs at the beginning of pregnancy.

But don't despair. After all with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, in addition to progesterone, the level of estrogen rises that have a stimulating effect on the psyche. Then everything will fall into place.

Basal temperature change

When pregnancy occurs, starting in the second half, drops sharply by one day... There are two reasons for this.

Feeling unwell

The thing is that with the onset of pregnancy, our immune system weakens somewhat.

This is due to the fact that the embryo contains half the set of chromosomes from the father, which are foreign to the mother's body. And so that there is no rejection, immunity is reduced.

As a result, our body becomes more vulnerable and defenseless in front of a whole army of pathogens, surrounded by which we are every second.

The main thing in such a situation, on your own do not take strong drugs, as you can cause irreparable harm to a tiny embryo.

Fever and headache

Many pregnant women notice that they are thrown into heat and cold for no particular reason. And some have reddening of the face in the late afternoon. All these changes are attributed to the onset of pregnancy.

- This is an indirect sign of pregnancy. They can occur due to a sudden rise in hormone levels.

Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area and the occurrence of hemorrhoids

With the onset of pregnancy blood flow to the pelvic organs begins to increase... The uterus also slowly begins to change. For this reason, many pregnant women begin to feel their uterus from the very first days of pregnancy.

Women who have given birth earlier may experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as the onset from the very beginning of pregnancy. This is due to increased blood flow.

Perceptible increase in abdominal circumference

A noticeable increase in abdominal circumference is associated with bloating.

During pregnancy, he becomes more lazy. With a decrease in the rate of advancement of its contents, gas formation increases.

Sometimes they do. The fact is that due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, there is a slight swelling of the intestinal walls.

"Backache" in the lower back

In the early stages "Lumbago" in the lower back and in the region of the sacrum can also indicate the onset of pregnancy. They can still appear from the pelvic region to the legs.

Minor swelling of the limbs

Minor limbs can occur due to the increased production of the hormone progesterone, which contributes to the retention of salts and fluids in the body.

Frequent urge to urinate

Arise due to significant hormonal changes.

The increased level of sex hormones promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs. Overflow of blood vessels temporarily causes changes in the functioning of the urinary system.

After four months of pregnancy, these phenomena diminish.

Lowering blood pressure

Occurs in the majority of pregnant women in the early stages. It becomes below 90 to 60 mm Hg.

As a result, there is weakness, dizziness, deterioration of health.

Decreased sex drive

Decreased sex drive occurs due to hormonal changes in the body and resumes at the end of the first trimester.

As you can see, there are many signs by the presence of which one can suspect the onset of pregnancy from the first days after conception. We have listed for you which ones are before the delay. We hope you find them useful and useful.

Knowing the characteristics of your body, you can detect the first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. Women with children often accurately identify new pregnancies at a very early stage. How do they do it? Indeed, many are tormented by doubts for weeks, trying to recognize changes in their bodies. They buy several tests to determine pregnancy, doubting their results, go for an ultrasound scan. A young, carefree girl can detect the development of a new life in her womb by a rounded tummy. What are the main signs of pregnancy before delay and how to notice them?

The onset of pregnancy

When the egg is fertilized and successfully anchored in the outer layer of the inner surface of the uterus, global transformations instantly begin in the body. All organs and systems are tuned to carry a child and provide him with everything necessary for development. This mechanism is triggered by a hormone that intensively secretes the embryo of the future placenta. This secret is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It penetrates first into the woman's blood, and then into her urine. Every day, the concentration of the hormone in a woman's body is rapidly increasing. It is his presence that is determined by pregnancy tests.

The hCG hormone launches processes to change the entire hormonal background of a woman. It also begins to release other substances that rebuild the work of the whole organism. All these transformations are starting rapidly. They are so stormy and large-scale that a sensitive woman will definitely notice them.

A girl may not pay attention to new sensations and not detect early signs of pregnancy until the delay in menstruation, considering these symptoms to be a random phenomenon. Whereas an experienced mother will not ignore the signals of the body. How to find out about pregnancy before delay?

Typical symptoms

One of the earliest signs of an interesting situation is a sudden change in taste. A woman may suddenly want a product or dish. She eats it with pleasure in large quantities, getting incredible pleasure. Often, pregnant women want herring, pickles, or pickled apples. But there may be other unexpected desires. Often a pregnant woman requires a product to which she was previously completely indifferent.

During pregnancy, the chest often begins to hurt. Sometimes she becomes so sensitive that it hurts to touch her. Women even have to choose special soft underwear to reduce the discomfort from contact with fabric. Tingling in the breasts is another characteristic sign of pregnancy. For a moment it seems to be pierced by a needle. This sensation is familiar to nursing women. It happens during a sudden rush of milk.

Intolerance to odors. This is the most common sign of pregnancy. From the first days after conception, the perception of familiar aromas may change. The smell of your favorite shampoo or eau de toilette suddenly becomes harsh and repulsive. Unpleasant sensations arise in a variety of forms. For example, the smell of autumn leaves, which previously seemed imperceptible, may suddenly cause disgust.

Nausea is also considered a classic early pregnancy. However, the pregnant woman does not necessarily have morning vomiting. Nausea is often mild. There may be an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth from food or an aversion to certain foods. Sometimes there is indigestion, intestinal colic and other disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnancy during the first days and weeks often manifests itself as a mild cold. The woman feels a slight increase in temperature, she shivers. She may have a sore throat and a runny nose. This condition is sometimes observed throughout the first trimester.

Weakness and drowsiness. The pregnant woman wants to sleep all the time. She happily naps at lunchtime, without losing the quality of a night's sleep. The woman gets tired quickly and looks for an opportunity to rest.

Changes in a woman's body can cause dizziness and even fainting. Such pregnancy symptoms before the delay in menstruation often occur unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment.

Physiological manifestations

Unusual scanty bloody or yellow-brown discharge 7-12 days after intercourse may indicate successful fertilization. During the implantation of an egg into the upper layer of the inner surface of the uterus, small blood vessels are damaged. This bleeding is not profuse and is not observed in all women.

Due to hormonal fluctuations, a woman is thrown into the heat, then into the cold. She suddenly becomes stuffy in the room or she can not get warm in warm weather. A pregnant woman's face suddenly turns red or her feet are cold. Stronger these signs of pregnancy before the delay appear in the late afternoon.

Hormonal surges can cause unexpectedly high sex drive or, conversely, complete indifference to sex.

Having received a fertilized egg, the uterus begins to intensively fill with blood, increasing in size. A woman can notice such changes by the characteristic tingling sensation and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. The blood-filled uterus puts pressure on nearby organs, causing lower back pain or frequent urination.

The amount of discharge becomes much larger than usual. They perform a protective function, preventing the penetration of infection into the uterine cavity until it is tightly sealed with a mucus plug. This will happen at 4-5 weeks of gestation. Copious white discharge is odorless and resembles egg white.

Thick and cheesy discharge with a sour odor indicates the development of a fungal disease - thrush. It is accompanied by edema, redness of the genital mucosa. The woman feels itching and burning, which can sometimes be unbearable. This disease is also a sign of the development of pregnancy. After fertilization, a decrease in immunity occurs, which inhibits the reproduction of fungal microorganisms. Therefore, pregnant women often suffer from thrush.

Another obvious symptom of the development of pregnancy is increased salivation. Sometimes it can be so strong that it makes a woman uncomfortable. Excessive production of saliva causes weight loss, which can threaten the health of a pregnant woman. Swallowing a large amount of secretion causes changes in the acidity of the gastric juice.

An accurate determination of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation is quite possible. Regular basal body temperature measurements will help to detect successful fertilization. This is the name of the indicator that is observed in a person after a long rest. It is usually measured in the morning by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Before measuring, you need to move as little as possible.

During ovulation, the basal temperature rises to 37-37.4 ° C. If fertilization does not occur, a few days before the next menstruation, the indicator drops to values ​​of 36.4-36.8 ° C. Otherwise, it doesn't.

By controlling the basal temperature, implantation depression can be detected. It represents a slight temperature jump on the day of implantation of a fertilized egg into the lining of the uterine cavity.

After the onset of ovulation, the basal temperature rises to 37 ° C and above. On the day of implantation, the indicator drops by 0.2 ° C for about a day, after which it returns to the previous value. The difference is due to a change in hormonal levels. , estrogen levels rise sharply, temporarily lowering basal body temperature.

To determine the fluctuations of the latter, measurements must be taken at the same time every day. In the process of research, you need to lead a measured lifestyle, avoid stress, strict diets, lack of sleep, overwork and alcohol abuse. Research carried out during illness is not reliable.

Using the test

Modern pregnancy tests are highly sensitive.

They are able to detect the hCG hormone in a woman's urine before the day of her probable period. The electronic inkjet test is very easy to use.

It can be used any time of the day. No additional urine collection container is required for testing. Diagnostics is carried out by substituting the receiving part of the device under the stream. After 1 minute, the result will be displayed on an electronic board.

Instead of the faint strips of a conventional test, the result appears on an electronic device in the form of the words pregnant or not pregnant.

The reliability of such a diagnosis 4 days before the expected menstruation is 51%. If it is carried out in 3 days, the probability of error will be even less - only 18%. And one day before menstruation, the accuracy of the determination reaches 95%.

Modern electronic tests can also determine the age of pregnancy. If the hCG hormone is detected, one of the result options will appear: "1-2 weeks", "2-3 weeks" or "3 weeks or more." The indicator is stored throughout the day.

Folk signs

There have long been folk signs of early detection of an interesting situation. Women used to give birth to more children. They remembered not only their feelings, but also noticed changes in the appearance of other recently pregnant women. Many signs of pregnancy (discharge, nausea, and odor intolerance) are known today. But there were also more unusual signs:

  1. According to popular belief, the girl instinctively covers her stomach while walking.
  2. A pregnant woman has venous networks on her body, especially on the chest and shoulders.
  3. A woman in position sneezes and snores at night (if she has not done this before).
  4. The hair of a pregnant woman cannot be curled in any way.
  5. If you lie on your back, at a distance of 7-8 cm below the navel in a pregnant woman, you can feel the pulse.
  6. The development of the fetus inside the woman was evidenced by night pain in the navel.
  7. A pregnant woman's breasts become fuller. The woman is filling up and gaining weight. She may develop slight swelling.
  8. The young lady in the situation changes her relationship with the animals. She approaches them with tenderness, and they fondle her.
  9. A pregnant woman suddenly starts making big plans. She can start renovating, building a house, or moving.

Signs of pregnancy in the first week

Let's start with the fact that the 1st week of pregnancy begins even before the pregnancy itself. Are you surprised? Wait a second, now everything will be clear. A full-term pregnancy is considered a period of 40 weeks. The starting point in obstetrics is considered to be the date of the first day of the last menstruation.

It is during the period of menstruation that eggs begin to form, which are already some kind of prototype for the future baby. In this first week, the body will select the best of three hundred thousand eggs to create new life.

Now you understand that there are no signs of pregnancy in the 1st week, because conception has not yet occurred. The main first signs of pregnancy, which cause some concern to women, begin to appear from the 2-3rd week after the moment of conception.

The first signs of pregnancy after conception

So, conception took place and your body began to actively restructure its tasks and functions, adapting to the needs of the unborn child growing in your tummy.

Many of the signs of pregnancy may be unpleasant for you. Alas, the restructuring of the body for a new mode of life cannot pass without a trace and, moreover, painlessly.

Try to treat them with understanding and calmness. Understand that pregnancy is not a disease, but just a new state of your body. At the end of this test, you will definitely receive a reward - this is the birth of a baby.

To make it easier for you to understand your condition, we list what signs of pregnancy are usually observed in women:

  • slight bleeding;
  • increase and change in basal temperature;
  • feeling unwell;
  • increased breast sensitivity;
  • feel fullness in the lower abdomen;
  • tingling sensations inside the uterus;
  • absent-mindedness, drowsiness, fatigue;
  • can throw it in a heat, then it becomes cold;
  • aversion to odors, changes in taste, nausea;
  • increased salivation;
  • back pain, frequent headaches;
  • bloating, sometimes a bowel disorder;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • delayed menstruation.

Why are these changes taking place? There is a reasonable explanation for everything. Let's sort it out in order.

The first signs of pregnancy before delay: minor bleeding

A discharge that resembles the onset of your period may puzzle you a little. My first thought is that something doesn’t start as usual, and at the wrong time. Such discharge is characterized by a small amount and a yellowish-brown color.

These bleeding are called "implantation" - the earliest signs of pregnancy. This phenomenon is typical for 6-12 days after conception, because at this time the embryo is planted and engrafted on the wall of the uterus.

They can also repeat after a delay, but be careful here. Indeed, at this time, the possibility of a miscarriage is not excluded, be sure to inform your gynecologist about this.

The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation: a change in basal temperature

To determine this sign of pregnancy, you will need to measure the temperature in your rectum for several days in a row without getting out of bed. It is believed that if the temperature is more than 37 degrees, the woman is pregnant.

This happens because when pregnancy occurs, the level of the hormone progesterone rises, it is he who affects the rise in temperature.

True, the fever will be only the first few weeks after the moment of conception. When the placenta begins to function fully, the temperature will recover again.

Signs of pregnancy before menstruation: malaise

Some girls who do not yet know that they have become pregnant feel that they are sick or have a cold. This is due to the fact that in the first months of pregnancy, the girl's body temperature is increased, and as a result, fatigue increases.

But many women really feel a little bad: a runny nose, complaints of sore throat may appear, since the general immunity of the body is slightly reduced.

The earliest signs of pregnancy: increased breast tenderness

Changes in sensations in the chest area, swelling is a symptom characteristic of the 1st and 2nd week of pregnancy. A woman's breasts become more sensitive: it begins to hurt even at the slightest touch, sometimes it is almost impossible to touch it.

But there are times when, on the contrary, women do not feel changes in their breasts and are surprised why the breasts do not hurt now, as usual before menstruation. Darkening of the skin around the nipples may also indicate the onset of pregnancy.

Small bumps in this area become more visible, and nipple discharge occurs when pressure is applied. So the body prepares the mammary glands for the important period after the birth of the baby - breastfeeding.

Signs of pregnancy before delay: you feel "full" in the lower abdomen

During pregnancy, there is a significant increase in blood flow to the pelvic area, and the uterus also begins to increase in size. Therefore, many women in an interesting position say that they feel the uterus right from the first months of pregnancy.

And this symptom is attributed to the first signs of pregnancy. Another, less pleasant side of this symptom is the appearance of hemorrhoids. In general, this phenomenon is typical for the second half of pregnancy, due to the increase in the fetus.

But in some expectant mothers who have already given birth, this phenomenon can also manifest itself at the beginning of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy before delay: absent-mindedness, drowsiness, fatigue

A state of absent-mindedness, rapid fatigue and drowsiness appears for the same reason: the active production of the hormone progesterone, plus all the complete restructuring of the woman's body is aimed at pregnancy.

It also has a suppressive effect on the psyche, which causes drowsiness. Do not rush to get upset, this condition will not continue throughout the pregnancy, and will soon pass.

After 10 weeks, the placenta will begin to produce its hormones and the level of estrogens will increase, and they already have an exciting effect on the woman's psyche. And your sleepiness will pass.

Early signs of pregnancy before delay: may get hot or cold

This sign of pregnancy is due to an increase in body temperature in the first few weeks of pregnancy and a decrease in blood pressure.

You may get hot when it's only +10 on the street, and you are wearing one light jacket, or, conversely, you are shivering, and you cannot warm yourself under a warm blanket in woolen socks.

Signs of pregnancy before menstruation is delayed: aversion to odors, taste changes, nausea

One of the earliest, main signs of pregnancy. It occurs starting from the 2nd week, and the entire pregnancy can continue, sometimes increasing, then slightly receding. This phenomenon is explained by changes in the functional state of the central nervous system.

Nausea, changes in taste and aversion to certain odors are typical for most women, and only a few lucky women do not face this problem throughout their pregnancy.

Vomiting can occur from 2 or even more times a day, it can be accompanied by a decrease in appetite and profuse salivation.

Signs of pregnancy after a delay: back pain, frequent headaches

Low back pain can appear in the sacrum area and resemble "lumbago", and such pain can be observed later in pregnancy. Headaches are caused by a sudden change in the amount of hormones in a woman's body.

The occurrence of such pains also serves as a sign of pregnancy, but, one might say, more indirect signs. Usually, at the end of the first trimester, hormone levels level off, and headaches go away, and a pregnant woman can already enjoy her position.

Signs of pregnancy after conception: frequent urination

Frequent urination is the first sign of pregnancy. They arise due to an increased level of female sex hormones and a rush of blood to the pelvic area, and the functioning of the kidneys also temporarily changes.

In the second trimester, this symptom can be safely attributed to the general manifestations of a woman's pregnancy. Also, urination becomes more frequent due to the growth of the fetus and its pressure on the bladder of the pregnant woman.

First signs of pregnancy after a delay: increased vaginal discharge

As we have already said, during pregnancy, the blood supply in the pelvic organs increases, because of this, the amount of vaginal discharge increases.

By the way, such discharge has a protective function: the increased content of hydrogen ions in the vaginal secretion protects the mother's body from the penetration of microbes.

But, you should know and take into account the fact that this environment is favorable for the reproduction of yeast fungi, therefore, thrush may appear in pregnant women, which must be treated so that the fetus does not become infected. By the way, because of thrush, a woman's risk increases.

Signs of pregnancy: delayed menstruation

Changes in the calendar of menstruation or delay are the surest and most well-known signs of pregnancy, because of which a woman decides to take a pregnancy test.

As we discussed above, there may be bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy, but they will be minor.

In any case, it is important to understand the seriousness of the delay in menstruation and contact a gynecologist in time, because it can be a symptom of any female disease.

If your pregnancy is confirmed, smile and tune in only to a positive perception of the changes taking place in your body.

Get ready to become a mom and be healthy.