Self-hypanosis for the performance of their desires. Manual for self-hypanosis. The great self-sustaining power - how the self-hypanosis works


Self-hypanosis: desires

We are accustomed to thinking that hypnosis is a matter of fraudsters and charlatans or just part of the show. Often hypnosis are compared with extrasensory abilities. In fact, everything is wrong.

No matter how surprisingly, the hypnotists do not have supernatural abilities. They simply use the knowledge and skills you need, thanks to which help people relax and plunge into the transcendent.

You can independently try hypnosis on yourself.

And in this article I will tell you that self-hypnosis - a technique that will help to fulfill your desires and gain a happy life that you dream about.

What are you dreaming about?

About the new car, increasing income, live in a happy marriage, go on a trip, meet new friends? You have the right to wish anything.

Moreover, you can get everything about what you dream. And this can be done using a self-hypnosis.

Important! I myself have been using a self-hypanosis for the fulfillment of desires: one lesson of my master class is devoted to this technique.

As a rule, I give students the script, reading which they are very easily immersed in self-appearance with open eyes. I learned this technique from one American psychotherapist.

In this article you will read the other, classical technique of self-hypnosis.

Self-visa: What is the benefit of him?

Self-hypanos - technique is absolutely safe for health and is effective for self-action and mental self-regulation.

Immersion in your own inner world gives you the opportunity to know yourself and fulfill any my desire. After all, no one knows a person better than he himself, and by nature all these knowledge is deeply hidden from us.

Self-hypnosis - This is a conscious, controlled human ability to immerse itself in a hypnotic state, as well as the ability to implement various phenomena peculiar to hypnotic state. In the technique of self-hypnosis, a component must be present, called self-sustainment.

Self-pressure - This is the introduction of imaginary commands or plants to the brain against the background of the hypnotic state of consciousness.

Read more about self-sufficiency in my article

As an impeller, we can also use affirmations about which I wrote in my articles:

Self-hypanosis is a whole mechanism that helps independently manage physiological and mental processes, and this is consciously consciously and benefit.

Practicing self-hypanosis and self-sufficiency, a person receives a unique opportunity to program his own reality, to fulfill the desires, healing the body, attract the necessary people and things.

It is possible to do this correctly, only working with the subconscious, that's why the ability to introduce yourself to the transcendency is preferably and useful.

Being in the moment between wakefulness and sleep, a person is exempt from the factors that the consciousness that controls it is disconnected, which will enable the opportunity to focus on his desire and turn it into life.

Self-hypanosis: desires

Using self-visa you are immersed in trance.

In the state of the trance, new teams and affirmations are remembered and perceived as their much easier. A person changes and changes his life at his own discretion.

Regularly practicing self-friction you can achieve success in absolutely different areas of life:

  • get a certain thing;
  • in stretch the right person;
  • increase income;
  • be happy in relationships
  • find perfect health;
  • protect specific changes in life.

Next stage - This is the introduction of the program. Work with installations and affirmations begins. Here you can represent a pre-thought-out scenario. You mentally repeat your program you need. It can anything, any of your desire:

  • I have a new, good car.
  • I love and I love.
  • I am happy in perfect relationship.
  • I have perfect health.
  • Money come easily.
  • I work on perfect work.
  • I rest on the seafront in an expensive hotel.
  • I am a charismatic man.
  • I am feminine and sweet.

Repeat the settings repeatedly. Connect the capabilities of the imagination: during the progress of the program in detail and clearly imagine the image of the target. The figurative representation may be much strengthening the effect of suggestion, since the image itself is suggestion. You can represent pictures, sounds, tactile feeling, smells, taste.

After you are in a state of trance several times mentally repeated your program slowly and carefully, you still have a little more relaxation.

Then you need to exit the transmission state.

It turns out of it from it quickly. You can overcome the dormant. Hurry up is not worth it. Gradually return the usual sensations of the body and thought. You need to go out of this state as much as you need. Even if you fell asleep, there are no reasons for concern. Completely self-hypanosis passes into a regular sleep, after which you will be wanted to rested.

Trying to get out of the state of hypnosis, pronounce such phrases in my head:

The next time, when I want to do a self-hypanosis again, I will achieve the state of rest and relaxation faster, and in the trans will even deeper than now. And now I start to wake up. Breathing is expensive, eyelids begin to tremble, all my body awakens. He head rested, and in it new bright thoughts. All I open my eyes.

Important moments to achieve the best result

If you find it difficult to relax

Try to remember those moments when you were very good.

It may be some day from your holiday on the sea, and then you can imagine everything that was there - to see the sea and yourself relaxed, hear sounds, feel the light fresh wind and so on.

Try to remember and recreate all the details in the imagination, and your body and mind will obey that you imagine.

Formulation for self-pressure

Must be positive and affirmative.

Exclude such words and particles as "not", "no", "without", "get rid", "quit." Replace them on positive wording, for example, instead of "not late" - "come on time, have time", instead of "not sick" - "be healthy", etc. If you want to quit smoking, the suggestion may sound so "I am lent Lifestyle".

If the goal is big

If the goal is big, Implement it in stages.

When you want long-term changes, it is useful to inspire a particular result, but the achievement process. For example, if you inspire a good health, instead of the suggestion "I feel good" better to say "my well-being is improving, it becomes better and better every day every hour."

Compliance with values

The goals you seek to achieve must meet your values, beliefs, your lifestyle.

For example, if you put yourself a goal to earn a lot of money, and internally convinced that "money is bad," "Money spoil people", "from big money some problems", then the subconscious simply "will not miss" your suggestion and result you are not Get.

In order for the suggestion that you in the session continued to work in a dream, it is useful to give yourself such a setup: " I fall asleep quickly, easy, deep sleep, strong, healing. All the necessary processes are launched by themselves in a dream.».

By regularly practicing self-hypanos, you can learn to relax fully, to relax deeply and establish sleep, strengthen your health, perform any of your desires.

It is important to understand that self-hypanosis - technique clear and scientifically substantiated To work on yourself and on the specific tasks specifically set. It is not any kind of "magic" or a magic tablet.

Self-hypnosis is a skill, it is a natural and normal state of consciousness that can be used to influence your own subconscious and organism.

Only lazy dreams of their cherished desires do not dream. From fairy tales, children become aware of Gyns sitting in lamps, about goldfish and magic chopsticks. Since childhood, people believe in mythical ways to help achieve the desired. But few people try to embody dreams into reality with the help of strength of their own thoughts and self-hypnosis. Meanwhile, thoughts are material. And there is no doubt! After all, the life path of each person is regulated by means of his thinking. And even .

Fig. How to fulfill desires with the power of thought and self-hypnosis?

How to achieve fulfillment of desires?

Experts assure that dreams are positive aspirations and thoughts that are in consciousness and facilitating the filling of the soul positive energy. Not so long ago, scientists have proven that any idea can materialize. Thanks to this, everyone has the opportunity to transform his thoughts into real life. The essence of the psychological methodology for execution of desires is the priority cleansing of consciousness from negative thoughts and emotions.

Under the concept of negative thoughts and emotions, psychologists imply any alarms, fears, doubts. First, they deprive the person of vital energy, secondly, they interfere with the emergence of logical reasonable thoughts. It is unlikely that luck will smile by those who behave passively in life, has many detrimental habits and, in general, is extremely pessimistic.

Passion for sports and creativity, proper nutrition, outdoor activities, the acquisition of useful knowledge - all this, on the contrary, contributes to an increase in the strength of thought. This aspect is important as a serious attitude towards his own aspirations and intentions. In other words, a person must be fully ready for the embodiment of his desires in reality.

Basic principles of desires

The universe takes a mental stream of a person, highlighting his thoughts about his dreams. After that, she realizes dreams. But the timeliness and accuracy of implementation depends on how correctly the person keeps the following universal principles:

  • . The dream must be most realistic to draw in their imagination. The brighter will be the presented image, the faster the desire will embody into reality;
  • adoption. Specialists are confident that all the people wish, the universal mind has already prepared for them. People remain only to take his gifts. But the essence of the problem is just that people simply do not believe that their desires can come true, all the more fully and quickly. And by this they personally deprive the desires of the opportunity to be fulfilled;
  • vibration compliance. A vibration field is formed around any thought, which is displayed in the universe. And, if a person regularly arises the thoughts that his dreams are not destined to come true, he most likely will push away from herself that today it may appear in his life today;
  • attraction. The essence of this principle is simple: the most cherished desires have the property to attract the one who dreams of their execution. Suppose a person wants to buy a car. And soon his eyes are beginning to constantly come across the commercials of cars. And everywhere - on the streets, on TV, in magazines. It turns out that a person, leading the car, has given the principle of attraction.

Self-hypanosis for the fulfillment of desires

For dreams to come true, it is very important to tune in to them in a psychological plan correctly, because the basis of the technique of embodiments of desires in reality. For this you can. They can be created independently. Here are some examples of verbal installations for wealth and a successful career:

  • "I am on the most prestigious and highly paid position"
  • "Abundance and prosperity - my constant satellites"
  • "I easily appreciate the career ladder"
  • "Money sticks to me like a magnet"
  • "My job is a desired lesson for me"
  • "Every second I will reconcile my capital"

Effective self-hypnosis technique for the fulfillment of desires

Lie, close your eyes and relax the most deeply. Immediately imagine as much as possible and brighter: you are located in front of beautiful gilded gates. They will decide and you enter the beautiful garden. Imagine what flowers, trees, birds, meadows and reservoirs are there. Then you see a beautiful building where you are waiting. You enter into a spacious room where a person meets you. Who will be, come up with yourself. Perhaps some kind of celebrity, your friend or long deceased relative.

After greetings, you sit down at the table, you are lying a sheet of paper and pen. You set out your desire on paper. Imaginely imagine how the letters written by you, what color ink, etc. look like. Lastly, not only the essence of dreams should be set out, but also to attend your personal data, the signature, the deadline for the execution of the desire and the date of writing a petition.

Give a sheet of paper to a person, thank it for your attention and delete. You again fall on the original position (stand in front of the gate). After the end of the exercise immediately do not open the eye and do not get up. Tell approximately 5 minutes, keep a little in a light trance state. Repeat this exercise regularly, believe in what you imagine, and your dreams will definitely come true! It is checked multiple!

10.02.2017 3997 +12

It is difficult to find a person who would have no desires. Almost every person dreams about something, something seeks to something. For most people, life is the process of implementing their desires. How it would not sound unusual, but many researchers talk about it. Our desires are constantly manifested in this world, but we are very rarely aware. Much what is happening seems to us with something random. We think so because of the inattention and misunderstanding themselves and the surrounding world. This phenomenon is associated with very non-obvious things that are key points of our life. This article will tell about the nature of desires, about their meaning in our lives. You will learn how to master self-hypanosis to fulfill your desires.

Michael, too, like me, was interested in self-knowledge for a long time. At some point he accepted a firm decision to achieve the result, check theory in practice. The results were amazing. Long before that, he dreamed of a distant independent journey to India. Then it was something difficult to achieve, and it seemed that for this you need to live many more years. He had no money nor knowledge of foreign languages, no free time. Upon learning of how hypnosis works for the fulfillment of desire, he began to practice every day in his free time.

After some time, changes in life began to occur. New familiar began to appear. Improved financial position. Suddenly at some point everything was the most appropriate way. It turned out that his good acquaintance soon goes to India, he traveled no first time. And so it happened that he had to leave the old work, the same friend invited him to a new place. It was more interesting and prestigious work. He suddenly appeared and free time, and a travel conductor.

He quickly issued a visa, and they went to India. It was not a journey through a ticket, but an independent adventure. They visited many cities. My friend saw many sacred places, the legacy of the culture of ancient civilization. He was very surprised how quickly many factors were in the overall picture. As if the whole universe was adjusted under his intention. He dreamed of this from school, but thought that while it was impossible. In life, all the circumstances were against, despite his dream. But apparently wresting can be different. If we wonder correctly, you can not wait half the life of suitable conditions that may not come by themselves. It is necessary not only to dream, but also affect reality.

How to get out of limited to the level of pure potential?

To understand how to manage your life, you need to know the device of the universe and yourself. As a person grows up, the world around us becomes familiar and predictable. Most adults believe that they all know. They think that they can explain everything by ordinary logic. It seems to them that the world definitely lives in the strict rules that they know. This happens because of ignorance. With age, people plunge into a common collective hypnosis. That is, they begin to live according to certain programs and standards established by society.

Remember your childhood. For most people, this is a fabulous time when the world is full of riddles and secrets that I want to know and understand. Who else has retained fresh memories, he understands what it is about. Then the unusual events and phenomena often happened. Everything was interesting and alive, it seemed that the world constantly answers our requests. This is not that all the whims were performed. But the universe constantly communicated with us and we heard her. You might think that this is a child imagination. Maybe something is like that. But only partly. The fact is that the universe includes several levels. Man is a copy of the universe on a local scale. And we also conclude several levels. Basic levels it is:

  • Physical level. This plan exists material objects and our bodies.
  • The level of mind. This is a plan of mental activity, our thoughts. The brain is his projection on the physical plan, but not the mind itself.
  • Superflum. This is the level of consciousness. It is different from logic and thoughts and is unlimited by them.

Consciousness is a person himself, the living being alive only without body. The mind is a necessary tool that serves as a bridge between the unmanifested world of consciousness and the world of matter. He binds us with our bodies that serve us for interaction with the physical world. Children are still in that condition when their consciousness did not have time to succumb to the general hypnosis of society, which manifests itself at the level of mind. They have not yet well developed enough, which is not very good in terms of survival in the material world. But therefore, there is still no connection with pure awareness, as there has not yet managed to establish a deep connection with the mind.

As you grow up, a person develops his mind. This requires life. But this process is so fascinating that we are forgetting. We begin to seem to be that we are this mind. We fall into the framework of limited thinking. The mind is a very effective tool, but at some point he becomes a prison for an infinite consciousness. To expand your consciousness, your capabilities, you need to understand it. An adult should develop his mind, but then climb him. Then life will again gain paints, and everything will become interesting as in childhood. But at the same time, it will be possible to use the mind to implement their goals and desires.

Understanding that the mind limits us, it is possible to overcome this limitation. This means the transition to the level of consciousness - the plan of pure potential. There are no restrictions and certainty, everything is possible. From this level, all subsequent plans of being are managed. In this regard, the consciousness of a person is in unity with the whole universe.

Evidence of the possibility of influencing their intention to reality

Despite the materialism of science, today scientists are approaching the study of this nonlocal level of pure potential. The level where there is no rigid framework, but there are infinite many options and capabilities. In classical physics, everything seems to be clear, but in questions of quantum physics there are many interesting unsolved issues. The processes occurring at this level are not fitted in the usual laws of physics.

"We must remember that what we observe is not nature itself, but nature that acts in the form in which it is detected thanks to our method of formulation of issues."

Werner Geisenberg "Physics and Philosophy"

Physician scientists conducted experiments with quantum particles. An observer effect phenomenon was opened. It lies in the fact that if someone is observed for the experiment, then this observation itself changes the state of the system. If there was no observer, there was one predictable result. But when observing the process, something changes, and the result is different.

It was monitored by an electron flying through an obstacle with the slits. When the observer was not, then the particle showed a wave nature, that is, as if it was divided and passed through both slots. It was fixed on the plate located behind the obstacle. When they tried to fix how this separation occurs, the electron did not show himself as a wave, but flew only through one slot.

In the usual logic of a person it is inexplicable. But from the point of view of the existence of a pure potential field, this is an explanation. In the mind of a person there is a preset knowledge that it is impossible, it is illogical. Therefore, his attention from the pure potential of the quantum world pays its picture on which the electron should not turn into a wave. This is how the mind limit works, hypnosis by an ordinary worldview. Such a worldview we get the growing in society. But you can use the same effect not to limit, but to expand your capabilities. You can apply self-hypanosis for the fulfillment of desires.

Incintentness of the possibilities of pure consciousness

Of all this, we can conclude that our attention is a key factor in the implementation of events in our life. With my attention, we wake up what we need. But it does not always happen consciously, so it seems to us that the events occurring random. The fact is that our mind is hypnotized for a certain reality, fixed capabilities. This hypnosis creates reality, it is quite tangible and financially.

To be clearer the power of hypnosis, I will explain some more. The whole material world that we see is supported by collective hypnosis. Each observer looms its consciousness from an infinite shapeless pure potential a certain picture of the material world. No observer, no form. There is an observer, it means there is some kind of orderliness and form. But mostly most people have the same picture of the world, so reality seems predictable and uncertain.

But if you reprogram your mind, change the hypnosis program, you can achieve any goals. You can go beyond the limits of general hypnosis, to identify your reality itself, which will be fried into the overall picture of the world. Now you understand that you can use the power and possibilities of hypnosis to fulfill their desires. What methods are used for this purpose? Basic methods for the implementation of desires:

  • Working with intent. The intention is a very powerful force of universe. It acts as well as natural forces on the physical plan. But the intention is more versatile. Thanks to him, space and time is ordered. Events adapt to it, forming physical reality. The intention means that you clearly defined the desired result.
  • Establish confidence relationships with the universe. This means that it is not necessary to think through every little thing. You do not need to try to compare everything and reveal the possible and impossible. From the level of ordinary logic, it may seem too complicated. But at the level of pure potential, the Universe itself permits the tasks. You need to entrust your intention of the universe, and not limit the process of realizing the desire to some doubts.
  • Clean the intention. Another important point of trusting relationship is to clean the intention in relation to the world around. The greater the willingness to comply with the laws of harmony of the universe, the faster it is implemented. If it is selfish or harm to others or yourself, it can also be realized, but the universe will move this moment to the last. The highest strength of humane and she protects us to the last. The smaller the egoism, the faster the desire will be implemented. On the contrary, large egoism interferes with the implementation of intent.

Exercises for the implementation of desires

Though the universe and helps us, we still require some actions or even small efforts. Step-by-step self-hypnosis technique for the fulfillment of desires will help achieve the necessary goals. It is advisable to perform exercises for concentration every day. Optionally for a long time, the main thing from time to time to repeat these actions. The intention does not require constant work from you. But it will be necessary during the exercises to focus as desired as possible. What do we have to do:

  • Desires need to record. It will be easier to focus on their own purposes. Sit in the room where no one except you. Gather with thoughts. Determine clearly your intention, discard all the extra thoughts. Try to separate your main desire from the minor so that they do not create the background. When you clearly realize it, write it down on paper. This may not be one, but a few most significant desires. But try to define the most significant desires. Suppose you can want to simultaneously want several things or events at once. Then it will be difficult to get immediately and that's it. Imagine if there are two desires mutually exclusive. Then it will be difficult to implement at least one of them.
  • Every day you give time to concentrate on the desired. If possible, exercise every day. Let it be five, ten minutes. But the main frequency and high degree of concentration. For example, you can give it every morning from 5 to 20 minutes after the rise before starting an active day. At this time, the mind is even more calm and more susceptible to meditation. Or you can do it in the evening, when all things ended and no one bothers.
  • Visualization. Visualize those events you wish. Try to be more detailed. Develop imagination and clarity of visualization. So the desired picture of the event will be issued. For example, if you want to go somewhere to a certain place, you need to visualize yourself with all bright details. If there is a dream to buy a house, you need to visualize this house, this is a place.

Be reasonable in your desires

As I mentioned, the Universe protects us from errors. Just as parents take care of children. But when children grow up, they become independent and take responsibility for themselves for their lives. A person should relate consciously to new opportunities, understanding its responsibility. It should be remembered about security rules for hypnosis to fulfill desires.

This is rather not even rules, but recommendations. No one limits you. But you need to know about possible options for events. Not always people are aware of what happiness and what are their true desires. And sometimes a person confuses happiness with his idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness. Therefore, before practicing self-friction, you need to present the consequences of the realization of your desires. It is necessary to try to understand what will happen after that, as will affect your life and the lives of others. It is not necessary to engage in self-hypanosis, if there is no clear idea about it. Are you happier after the realization of the desire or new problems will appear? Answer yourself to this question.

Remember the main tool of self-hypnosis intensity of concentration. Do not try to sit for a long time in an attempt of visualizations and meditations, if it is impossible to focus. It is better to rest, wait. When awareness clears, practice. Let shortly, but qualitatively.

I want to summarize the above. In order to quickly realize their desires, you need to clearly realize them. It is necessary to distinguish them against the background of indiscriminate spontaneous unconscious impulses caused by an external background of imposed programs and other wishes. It is necessary to try to synchronize their desires with the Ecumenical law of harmony, involving trust and mutual assistance, and not egoism.

Dear reader! I am sure that if you show interest and curiosity to the topic of self-knowledge, the universe helps you on this path. All our efforts do not remain unnoticed. Do not forget about the regularity of these simple exercises. Remember that the main thing is harmony, the trust of the universe. Let your desires serve for benefit to you and other people. Forward to the tops of self-realization!

It is difficult to imagine a person who never dreamed. And it is surprising, in childhood, almost all the desires are performed, but we have to look for various techniques and tools to the realization of their dreams. All because adults are focused on consciousness, and at the same time it is known that conscious brain activity processes occupy only about 3-4% (some psychologists claim that 17%, but even this indicator is negligible), and everything else is Our unconscious. No wonder that the most effective techniques, among which self-hypanos occupies not the last place, work with the subconscious.

Why wishes are not executed

Before moving to the technique itself, it is necessary to remind why it happens that a person dreams of something about something, but, despite all the tools used, it can not approach the desired one. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Fear.
  2. Violation of the free will of other people.
  3. Thoughts about the impossibility of the fulfillment of the dream.
  4. The desire of something contradictory.

In the first case, we are talking about the fact that often people are afraid to achieve the desired, since the fulfillment of dreams will entail and the appearance of something dangerous. For example, the desire to live in the house on the shore of the ocean is incompatible with fear of possible tsunami.

The second case implies the inability to fulfill the desire, for example, to build relationships with some person, if one relationship does not want.

The third option suggests that our consciousness blocks the fulfillment of dreams, because it finds a million reasons for which the realization of the intended impossible. And the person begins to think no longer about how he lives in a house in Spain, but how impossible is such a house, as unrealistic to get a residence permit and learn Spanish.

And it happens that a person dreams all about the same house in Spain, because it is so accepted, because in his surroundings it is a good desire, and on the very moment in a dream he dreams about a small house on the banks of the Volga. And thereby shows the bright signal "Stop" by the execution of its "reasonable" dream.

Self-hypnosis technique for desires

In fact, all wishes are executed if they are real. Self-hypanosis is not the magic at all. Well, except for a little bit. The fact is that entering the state of self-hypnosis (deep meditation), that is, plunging into the trance, a person soothes his consciousness and stops preventing the desired one. There is a binding to the result, loopiness, and on shift, on the contrary, there may be some completely unexpected solutions to achieve the dreams that previously blocked the brain.

In addition, when the conscious part of the brain falls asleep, it may come to an understanding of what restrictions are on the way to the desired one. Also either can become obvious solutions to free from restrictions, or an unexpectedly completely different desire can be formulated, which will seem very natural and correct.

How to enter the state of self-hypnosis

In the technique of self-hypnosis a lot of positive moments, one of which is the simplicity of action. For the first time, not everything can turn out, but regular practice will make the process of immersion in trans pleasant and easy.

Procedure Next:

  1. Before starting a self-hypnosis session, clearly formulate your dream, think over all the details, you can write it all on paper. The basic rule at such requests is to avoid denials. It is believed that our brain does not perceive the "not" particle, and instead of "not doing" understands exactly the opposite - "do". And in dreams, such a nonsense can very much appear on the result.
  2. To go to the transcendent, you need to create comfortable conditions. You can conveniently get settled in the chair, but it's not worth bedding, as you can just fall asleep and not reach the desired result.
  3. Next you need to fully relax. For this there are many different techniques. For example, you can first strain each muscle very much, and then release the voltage. Or, it is possible to relax separately all parts of the body, starting with the tips of the fingertips and to the head of the head, moving their consciousness. You can choose any technique. The result is important - the body must completely relax.
  4. After the body you need to relax and your consciousness. It is not always possible from the first time, but the more you will train, the better and faster will be the complete relaxation of the mind and the body, which is the trance.
  5. Having reached the status of full immersion in trance, it is necessary to submit your dream. In the details to feel emotions, see, perhaps some first steps towards the implementation. This item can be devoted so much time as it wanted.
  6. At the end of the session, you must exit the state of the self-hypnosis. This is capable of helping the repetition of some phrases, the item that needs to be felt and experienced. It is not scary if the transcendance of the trans will go into sleep. The main thing is not to fall asleep at the very beginning of the session.

In addition, there are still a lot of transition methods to the state of the trance. It can be the focus of view at one point, and the repetition of some kind of one phrase, as well as listening to the text independently recorded. You can choose any of the ways that are comfortable for you.

Whatever light technique seemed, sometimes very laziness to begin. And this is again the very blocks of consciousness. It believes that there are no light ways to fulfill desires. In order to slowly teach consciousness to the opposite, it is best to start with little desires, the achievement of which does not seem impossible and even difficult. Gradually, the fulfillment of dreams will enter the habit, and the program of consciousness about the impossibility of easy ways will change to the installation that all dreams come true. This is the case when the amount works on quality.

Dream, and let the most incredible your desires are performed easily and in the right time!

What is self-appearance? Self-hypanosis, like self-pressure, is a technique at which you directly manage your thoughts, thanks to which any, even the most bold dreams are embodied.

Why, if everything is so simple, not everyone seeks to use the treatment of self-hypnosis, and how is it still correctly set up? This will be discussed in this article.

The principle of self-hypnosis

Many people, in principle, do not know or do not understand how it works. And everything really is simple: any of your desire is a thought, but it all depends not only on the deposit itself. You need to put something energy into your thoughts. Meaning energy force.

Every day, millions of new thoughts appear in our head. Some of them acquire power, others are not. The fact is that you need to understand the difference between such concepts as "desire" and "intention". This is not the same thing. The difference is that the desire can be fleeting, it came in an instant and immediately gone, without leaving any traces. The intention is a persistent, targeted desire. Resistant visualization. Stop. "What is visualization?" - you ask. Visualization is the details of an inspired desire. That is, if you want in the future to get a big house from the world or a beautiful car, you need to constantly think about the house or about the car.

Method of self-hypnosis in practice

There are different techniques at which visualization is well running. These include, for example, stickers on the fridge or other things that you often see during the day. It is enough just to write your desire on paper and attach a sticker. That's all. Every day, waking up and walking into the kitchen, you will remember what you want this. Setting one definite desire in my head, you will consolidate it in your subconscious, and the world will in every way will look for ways to achieve the goal. That is, the rest of the world will do for you.

In modern society, there are many rumors, various adoptions associated with desires. Something works out of it, something is not. But you must understand that there are certain rules of the universe, thereby taking place such miracles with the use of self-hypnosis to fulfill their desires.

Why are thoughts material?

  • Attraction. Our desire attracts the opportunity to fulfill him.
  • Vibration. Internal settings play an important role. If you consider yourself an unsuccessful person, the desire will not come true.
  • Adoption. Whatever we wanted, everything in the world is everything. You just need to want and take it.
  • Visualization. The more often you focus on your desire, the sooner it will come true.

For the picture to be more complete, consider several more techniques, as using the technique of self-hypnosis, achieve the desired. For any of these techniques, you must first decide that at the moment it is more priority for you. Decide and tune in to the result in this area (it is about faith). There are two options that are working trouble free:

You may have often met this word. They are characterized by brief formulas of self-adhesive, which, with repeated repetition, they really configure your subconscious on the desired way. As an example, you can give such: "I love myself", "I do everything", "I am a strong person", etc. Remember, any affirmation should bear a positive charge, unacceptable use of particles "not".

Permanent progress of your desire out loud
The more serious you relate to this, the better the result will be. Ask your loved ones to not pay attention if suddenly you will begin to pronounce your desire with them, let them treat it with understanding. The main thing is permanent practice.

As they say, the main thing will want. Only a person who really wants something The world will give everything.

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