The smallest things in the world. Chinese christmas dog. The smallest sculptures in the world

Dogs of small rocks are divided into the size of tales in the withers to 28 centimeters, dwarfs up to 35 centimeters and small growth of up to 45 centimeters. The weight of these dogs does not exceed 10 kilograms. Among the most popular miniature breeds there is a dachshund, Toyuterar, Cocker Spaniel, a dwarf poodle, French Bulldog.

Consider the top 10 of the smallest dogs and look at their photos. Maybe this information will help navigate in choosing a pet. Below are breed small dogs with photos.

The advantages of the smallest dogs are their small weight, small growth, pretty appearance and love of excess attention. Miniature representatives of dogs are not afraid of heights. This is also the big plus.

Little pebbles weigh no more than five kilograms, so everyone can catch them and train. However, such dogs are very cheerful, have a huge temperament and require much attention from the owners. Small sizes of small pieces are created, mainly to please the eyes. However, they are removed not only for beauty. The Yorkshire Terrier, for example, will be able to protect the owner from Rodent without any problems. These cute animals love tenderness. They need to pay a lot of attention. Representatives of this dog class are of great popularity, especially in the world of Glamor.

For many, such a pussy is not only a decoration, and the desired companion on travel, when entering the city and, of course, a friend. The rocks of the most miniature dogs are excellent comrades who own in the perfection of the art of communication.

Among these dogs more long-livers. Some individuals live for 15 years and more. It all depends on their content. Having such a friend in the house, you will not complain about the amount in the apartment of square meters, because they do not take much space.

These small representatives of the world of dogs abroad are attracted to therapeutic activities, because their playful and friendly character has the healing effect of man.

See which breeds of the most miniature dogs will help photos in the ranking of top 10 famous breeds.

10th place Top-10 belongs to Maltese

The main decoration of this Maltese Bologun is its extremely beautiful and snow-white long wool to the floor. Maltese resembles a small white cloud that moves around the apartment. However, under exotic appearance lies real dog quality.

Maltese is a breed that will be able to raise the mood, will make a company on a walk. Decorative crumb with black spurious eyes against the background of snow-white wool will be able to become an excellent companion for the realization of his hairdressers talents. This is a great option for lovers of long-wool care, it is combing and decorating with hairpins.

The growth of Maltese Bologna 21-26 centimeters, weight up to 4 kilograms. However, American dog breeders were able to reduce the breed before the weight of 1.8-3.2 kilograms.

9th place Top-10 - Japanese Hin

Japanese chin is an exclusive decorative dog. Impressant appearance in combination with devotion and obedience makes this dog popular among other breeds. An interesting appearance with an ideal character is connected here.

In a small taurus, 23-25 \u200b\u200bcentimeters increase and loving heart beats up to 4 kilograms. Representatives of this breed of Odnolyuba. Dogs are very strongly tied to their owner, but friendly with all family members.

Breed Japanese Hin is suitable as a pet even a novice dog breeding - find a common language with them is easy. In antiquity, Khains were the mascot of emperors. In this regard, the sale of this sacred dog is alien to the treason.

Having a proud appearance, Japanese Hin has a slight character. Potted, obedient, sociable and few emotional dogs. Lit little, do not bite, however protect the owner from any danger.

8th place Top 10 Sadle Dogs - Russian Toy Terrier

These are representatives of blue blood in the world of dogs. Noble dogs of this breed small and gentle, with an active life position. Owners are bribed with exquisite manners of communication. With a royal view, they will be reclined on the sofa pillows. However, sometimes they sometimes be bored - the blood of tireless terrier hunters flows in their veins.

Russian Toy Terrier is active creatures, ready to play in nature all day. Very friendly breed, finding contacts with family members in a short time. The rather modest size of the representative does not interfere with behaving confidently and suppress the strength of their spirit of the largest pieces. Standard growth of this breed from 18 to 26 centimeters, weight of about 2.5 kilograms.

7th place Top-10 - Breed of that focister

That focister is a tiny dog, which has absorbed all the good qualities of his larger Fox Terrier. The energy of the hunting breed was also transmitted. That focister is a tiny chick of energy that will improve your mood.

The growth of these tiny hunters varies within 16-25 centimeters, and the weight is 1.5-3.5 kilograms. It is clear that this is a hunter not on a large beast, but small rodents will leave your home if it settles that focister. That focister is obedient and easy to upbringing.

6th place Top-10 - Yorkshire Terrier, which represents one of the most popular breeds of miniature dogs

Over the past ten years, representatives of this category receive increased attention. Yorkshire terrier today at the peak of popularity. This favors appearance and interesting character. You will not get bored with him. Your pet will bring a lot of positive emotions. His ardent temper and decisive character will make your life next to him very cheerful.

These crumbs can rush on the rat and on the dog with the same courage. This is the hunting instinct. The combat nature of Yorkshire Terriers confirms the representative of the Smoky breed. This babe during the Second World War accompanied its owner. Having become a member of the intelligence airlock of the United States of America, she has 12 combat departures, jumping with a parachute, work therapist with wounded soldiers in the hospital. Yorkshire terrier Smoky has the title of Capral and eight combat awards.

The Yorkshire Terrier named Lucy, depicted in the photo, got into the Guinness Book of Records. Fifteenisantimeter York recognized in the world the smallest service dog. The puss weighing 1.1 kilogram helps the elderly and disabled in New Jersey, bringing people positive and joy.

A tiny terrier named Macy, that in the photo, from the Polish town of Yarocin is a challenger for the title of the smallest dog in the world in the Guinness Book of Records. Maisi weighing 150 grams, 12 centimeters long, 7 centimeters height. At birth, it weighed 45 grams. This is a playful, fast and brave dog.

Yorkie perfectly get along with family members and other animals. They are not jealous and very tolerant to competitors. These are friends of children and joy for a lonely elderly person. The growth of the Statistical Yorkshire Terrier is 17-23 centimeters with a weighing of 2-3.5 kilograms. However, there are exceptions and more minor representatives of the breed may be born.

5th place the top 10 of the smallest dogs takes the breed Papillon

Eccentric appearance of papillones resembles a butterfly. Tiny dogs, really, have similarities with beautiful beauty - the same weightless and lungs, capable of bringing their owner a feeling of harmony and joy. They are inherent true friendship, sincere love and endless devotion.

The growth of these miniature animals reaches from 20 to 28 centimeters, and weight in the range of 2.5-5 kilograms. A fun and friendly breed, not at all nervous, has a stable psyche. Very fast, the dog is attached to its owner. Papillon Chistopoten, requires minimal care and feel great even in small apartments. The main condition to live next to the owner and be a pet.

4th place Top-10 - Breed Affentpinscher

This breed of dogs looks like a small monkey. And here not only the external similarity - the affontinchers are actually quite moving and plastic. Their funny facial expressions and funny face are able to cause laughter not less than antiques of monkeys in the circus. Standard growth of no more than 28 centimeters, and weight from 3 to 4.5 kilograms.

Tiny affontinchers are very large optimists. They are always funny, beyond and have a wonderful mood. And you will raise the mood to communicate with these funny animals. Affentpinchers are deprived of evilness, they all ways seek to please the owner. Great gets with children.

Nine-year-old Affentpinscher named Banana-Joe in 2013 at the international beauty contest received the title of the most beautiful dog of the United States of America. Note that 2700 representatives of 190 different breeds took part in the competition.

3 place Top-10 in Pomeranian Spitz

You will be fascinated by a fluffy lump (see photos), which is called Pomeranian Spitz. These are the favorites of many famous people: Korolev, writers, artists and idols of modernity. Their growth of no more than 22 centimeters, however, the vertically worthwheel is visually making them a bit larger. The weight of such beauties is not more than 3.5 kilograms. This is the perfect friend and companion for any person.

Spitz playful and active, loves to frolic, however, he also likes a little lying in your hands with a soft lump. Impressant appearance of this crumb will not leave your way out with him unnoticed.

Pomeranian Spitz always adapts to the lifestyle of its owner. If the owner of the household, then his spitz will lie on the sofa. While the dog's active owner will be happy to go for a walk to any weather. But you need to remember that this is not only a beautiful toy, and the guard of the dwelling, which does not trust the stranger and will notify about his appearance in the apartment loud lament.

2 place Top 10 The smallest is bussed by Brussels

This category of small dogs less familiar to us. Brussels Griffin has not only miniature dimensions, but also an excellent balanced character who has the features of a true aristocrat. The average representative of this breed has a size of 22-28 centimeters and a permissible weight of up to 4.5 kilograms. However, more tiny griffins, having a 2.5 kilogram weight, are sometimes born.

Representatives of this breed are very playful, which makes it possible to improve the master's mood to improve the messengers. Having played, the little chaloon can curl up and fall asleep on the hands of the owner as a kitten. But if someone out of you believe that this idyll will last long, then this is not the case - the griffin is always ready to stitch and play. The upbringing of the baby must be done on time to grow obedient and educated dog, causing admiration for those who surround their own dignity and noble manners.

On the leash of the owner, Griffin walks with such a kind, which causes respect for such a friend of the owner. Interesting is the fact that Brussels Griffon was derived to destroy rats in the Middle Ages in ports. Then this animal was, as a mandatory attribute of the fashionable toilet of noble ladies at the courtyard of European kings.

1 place top 10 of the smallest dogs occupies the Breed of Chihuahua

This breed is recognized in the world of the smallest. However, small sizes are not an obstacle for most Chihuahua - they can rather aggressively protect themselves from people who wish to stroke them. Try only to bring your hand to her cute little face, and the crumb will immediately bite you, without warning about it. Reliable guard of the lady handbag. It will not submit to the content of anyone except the hostess. Chihuahua is divided into long-haired and short-skirts. They have different wool colors.

Chihuahua has a height of fifteen to twenty-three centimeters, and weight within three kilograms. However, the selection is known for real miracles when almost toy crumbs appear on the light. An example is Chihuahua by nicknamed Milli. Her record for dog growth was 9.6 centimeters, and the weight of five hundred grams. Imagine how carefully you need to communicate with this pet! This crumble is able to absorb food only by very small doses. Krochi Mills requires a lot of strength. Its owners are married couple from Puerto Rico. According to their stories, they are most afraid of losses of lovers in the house or in the yard. It is hard to see such a baby, because its size is terribly small.

In 2007, the little dog was considered long-haired Chihuahua nicknamed Boo from Kentucky, USA. Its length was 10.16 centimeters, and the height is 16.6 centimeters, the weight is 680 grams. Bu-bu was so popular that, performed on television.

Miniature Chihuahua named Daca in 3 years had a weight of 630 grams, and height is 12.4 centimeters. Her tiny head was like a large strawberry. A representative of the Guinness Daci Records Book has a cheerful temper and a wonderful appetite - every 3 hours she eats her favorite cheese.

Do you know what nanoche is? With this technology, sculptures are less than one millimeter sculptures. In this post, I beat those who love all the tiny: to your attention ten miniature things created by the hands of a person.
1. Microscopic snowman
In 2009, scientists have created the smallest snowman in the world - the size of about one fifth width of the human hair. Experts from the National Physical Laboratory in West London made a miniature figure of 0.01 mm in cross-section. This masterpiece was assembled using tools designed to manipulate nanoparticles.
The snowman consists of two small beads of tin, which were welded with platinum, are usually used to calibrate the electron lenses of the microscope. The focused bunch of ions helped to make eyes and a smile of a snowman and make a tiny platinum drop for the nose. This creation of a member of a group of laboratory detection of quantum particles of Dr. David Cox, who also took a snowman snapshot.
2. The smallest sculpture in the world
In April 2015, the artist Johnty Gurwitz created the smallest sculpture in the world. Creation Gurwitsa is so small that they can relax on the human hair or on the head of the same size.

Sculptures less than 1 mm are produced in height using a process called nano-cover. They are too small to be visible naked eyes. Consider them only under a microscope or photo. Mr. Gurwitz used 3D printing technology in production.
After spending months to work on fragments, he invited a 45-year-old photographer from Chichester (Western Sussex) to capture the sculpture in the photo under the microscope. Unfortunately, after a few minutes of the photo shoot, the work of Hurwitz was destroyed by a random blow to the finger of the technique from the laboratory.
3. Tiny Bible

Bible Russell Berry
This Bible will be difficult to read, but this is not the main thing. Russell Berry, researcher Nanotechnology of the Institute in Israel, engraved the Jewish Bible on a chip with a sacrament chip in order to demonstrate the scale in which you can work. "Nanobilia" is written on a ultra-thin silicon plate with a thickness of less than 100 atoms covered with a layer of gold. For engraving Jewish letters, researchers used the same focused bunch of ions, cutting out unnecessary gold layers. By connecting modern technologies and ancient methods, the team called the process of engraving the chip "poetic beauty". Nanobilia is exhibited in the Temple of the Book of the Israel Museum.
4. Racing microbil

This microscopic width of the entire 100 micrometer width was built by scientists of the Vienna Technological University using a nanoscale 3D printer in 2012. As in the usual 3D printer, the resin is used to give a form, and so that it hardened, the laser is used.
5. Little thinker
In 2007, Korean researchers with the help of lasers created a microscopic version of the famous sculpture "Thinker", which Roden graduated from 1880

The size of the micromyslovers with a height of 20 million meters is about twice the erythrocyte. On a tiny model, fingers and even muscles are visible.
6. Miniature Postal Service
If you decide something to surprise your loved ones and believe that great things can come in small packages, you will want to use the services of the smallest postal service in the world. It was created in San Francisco Head of the Post Office Lee Redmond, which decided to embody a bold idea in practice.

She simply put a small writing desk to her backpack, jumped on a bike and organized a post office in one of the local cafes. Leah immediately fascinated all his miniature mail.

In the smallest postal world, your letters are written by microscopic letters, carefully packed and sealed with tiny printing with the initials of the sender. So that small messages do not get lost in traditional mail, lea packs them into transparent envelopes with a magnifying glass to identify the postal address.

7. Less than movies
This is not a joke, this movie is really created by moving single atoms in a circle and removed with a huge microscope. IBM studies new atomic memory capacity. Soon you can click the play button and meet the boy, which made friends with the atom.
8. 3D sculpture of the bull

In 2001, a group of Japanese engineers created a small monument of the three-dimensional bull with an erythrocyte size. He was engraved from the plastic engineers of the University of Ossetia in Japan.
The size of the sculpture is only 10 by 7 micrometers (one micrometer is one thousandth millimeter). Bull is the smallest three-dimensional sculpture from ever created.
9. Little express
Tiny, only 3,175 mm by 6.35 mm, this train is a real work of engineering art. Five wagons, which are 35,200 times less than in a real train, follow an oval route and even pass through the tunnel at the 19-mm highway.

David Smith, Railway enthusiast from New Jersey, created this train with an ordinary craft knife and his hard hand.
The train operates from a standard rotating engine with a length of 51 mm, which it cut out of the molding plastic. David needed a little more than 6 pounds (455 rubles) to make their train model.
10. Microscopic origami
Syzzi Takeuchi and his colleagues from Tokyo University raised the art of origami to a new height. The team managed to create microscopic eds of origami, using the culture of the fabric of the living cell.

They created flat origami designs, cutting thin plastic sheets, then raised cells that filled the seams of tiny plates. In the earliest works used cells of animal connective tissue (which, as a rule, help heal wounds) to make flexible samples. Later began to use roof heart cells. Takeuchi and his colleagues hope that this process will ultimately help create artificial blood vessels, as well as other biological tissues.

Every year, an increasing number of people refuses life in ordinary apartments,
And make your choice in favor of tiny houses. Moreover, such a tendency is observed not in one particular country, but almost all over the world.

What caused such popularity of miniature houses? You may be surprised, but there is at least 10 objective reasons to change the spacious apartments on a small dwelling.

  1. The little house is much cheaper, which will allow save a lot of money When buying real estate. Monthly payments for utilities are also minimal.
  2. Modern mini houses are environmentally friendly and energy efficient. Accommodation in such a house is a contribution to the preservation of the environment.
  3. Thanks to the modest size of the dwelling, it is easy to maintain order.
  4. Family living in a small house holds more time together. It is very beneficial effect on improving mutual understanding and mutual support.
  5. Miniature housing protects the owner from Plushkin Syndrome. After all, due to the shortage of space, you have to immediately get rid of unnecessary things.
  6. Tiny house is reliable insurance from distant relativesLoving to come to buy without inviting owners.
  7. Residents of small houses spend minimum amount of cleaning timeWhat allows you to engage in garden or just chat with neighbors.
  8. Mini-house can fit almost in any corner of the city. It is possible to live in it nearly with your work, and do not spend daily mass of time on the road.
  9. Fewer homework helps to avoid household disputes and scandals between spouses.
  10. And the most important thing. Life in small houses makes people less tied to material values. It stimulates their more time to spend outside the home. That is why the owners of tiny houses communicate more with others, travel and in general have Brighter and rich life Compared to the tenants of huge houses, only occasionally leaving their limits.

For those who caught fire with a desire to acquire their own small house, we offer a selection of the most interesting options.

Little house on wheels at 13 sq.m., USA, Snowomis.

The creators of this unusual home became a married couple Chris and Malisa so. Having no experience in construction, they independently developed a layout, and collected their house-van. The only specialists involved in the construction, steel plumbing and electrician.

Despite the size of 13 sq.m.., In the house on wheels there is everything you need for happy and comfortable life. The cozy kitchen is equipped with a gas stove for two burners, washing and refrigerators. The miniature bathroom has a shower cabin, washbasin and toilet. They have a relaxation area with flat TV and shelves for books. To save space, a bedroom with a gorgeous wide bed was equipped with spouses on the second tier. In a small house whole 11 windowsWhat makes it light and air.

Housing of spouses is 100% environmentally friendly. Their house fully consists of a cedar tree, as a power source, it uses four solar panels, the bathroom is equipped with a system for recycling in compost.

In total, about 800 hours of work went to the construction of this dwelling in Chris and Malisa. In the monetary equivalent to the house on the wheels, the spouses were so spent within $15,000 -$20,000.

Now the pair has created a site about your home on which they sell books with a detailed description of the process and the list of materials needed to build the same house as they have.

Miniature eco-cube with an area of \u200b\u200b12 sq.m, United Kingdom, University of Hartfordshire.

This unusual house is an experimental project called "Cube", the development and construction of which Mike Page, a teacher of the University of Hartfordshire.

The objective of the project was to create a house of a size of no more than 3 x 4 m, in which two people can comfortably live with minimal environmental impact. Therefore, the cube is made exclusively from environmentally friendly materials.

Entering the house, immediately get into the living room. Here are two folding soft modules with a capacity of 2 people each and a mobile table. On the wall there is a flat LED TV, there is a wardrobe for storing things and a built-in washing machine. Slightly above the full-fledged bathroom with a compost waste processing system. Even above, there is a kitchen with induction stove, oven, hood and fridge with freezer. A double mattress is placed on the last tier. That is, in fact, the house consists of whole four tiers at the total height of the structure in 3 m.

Energy efficiency in Cuba is achieved through the use of only energy-saving equipment, LED lighting, consumption of own electricity from eight solar panels, heating of the room using the ECODAN thermal pump, thermal insulation throughout the perimeter of the house, windows and doors with triple glazing.

In fact, a small house produces electricity more than consumes. Thanks to its solar batteries, the hosts housing will earn at electricity to $ 1,600 per year, realizing it in the Green Tariff of Great Britain.

The construction of such a dwelling will take 3-4 days, taking into account the installation of the door and windows. Of course, the Cube is going for such a short time only if you buy ready-made items from Bolton Building, who bought copyrights to this construction.

One-room house for students in 12 sq.m., Sweden, Lund.

Designers of this small house were Swedish students from Lund University. To create a tiny dwelling, they were able to create cheap accommodation for students here.

Inside the house there is a kitchen, a dining table, a bathroom, a workplace, which is located on which the second floor is located with a sleeping place. For the most comfortable stay, students equipped housing with plenty of shelves for books and things. For access of natural light, the mini-house has seven windows, two of which are built directly into the roof. For the heating of the room, the room is equipped with radiators.

In general, students reached the goal - rent for a year of residence in this house is equal to 30,000 Swedish crowns (about $ 370), and the cost of the room is 24-26 sq.m. Located within 50,000 Swedish crowns.

Such a small house caused the dispute between the builders and the municipal authority of Lunda, since this housing in its parameters does not meet the construction regulations. But despite anything, the creators of a tiny house have proved the need for its existence.

Student smart houses for 10 sq.m., Sweden, Viserum and Lund.

In 2013, the Swedish architectural firm Tengbom, inspired by the Mini-Domir of Lund University, created a unique smart home.

Its size in 10 sq.m. He became the main stimulus for the multifunctional use of premises and interior elements. For example, a working and dining tables are simultaneously shutters for windows. Also, a double functional load is performed by wooden shelves for books, which are part-time steps to the bedroom.

Due to such a rational approach, on a small area, it was possible to place the kitchen with a stove on two burners and a sink, a dining area, a workplace with a desk, a hammock, a bedroom and a bathroom with a shower and a toilet.

A tiny smart house is fully built from glued on special wood technology, including 99% of inner furniture. In addition to the environmental aspect, it was this material that was chosen due to the relative cheapness and excellent insulation indicators. So in combination with double glazing windows, thick wooden walls in cold weather are kept warm, and in hot - do not give the house too warm.

Although the smart house and does not have solar panels, its roof is specially designed under the tilt so that each owner of the dwelling, having a desire to install them, could easily do it.

This project was found so successful that in 2014 a 22 smart house was produced, in which students from Lund and Visurum were settled.

Little house 20 sq.m. In the center of Paris. France.

Inside the charming paved Parisian courtyard there is this miniature house with an area of \u200b\u200b20 sq.m. Its interior is divided into four zones - kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom.

In the kitchen, in addition to the working surface and the mezzanine, there is electric furnace, microwave, refrigerator and even a coffee machine. In the living room area, which is located in the same room with the kitchen, there are leather takht and chair near an unusual coffee table.

Little height. Some are trying to hide it, others try to emphasize this
but in any case, these crumbs always attract attention. Maybe they can not
boast model growth is two meters, but they like them as they are.

Snuki. This actress, who became famous after participating in the series "Jersey Shor", is the most
Low girl in our list. Nicole Polyzzi on the nicknamed "Snukka" actively exploits
The image of your heroine, demonstrating all its explosive character, which compensates for its small growth.
This year they took part in the television show "Wrestler" - something like our
"King Ring" - and won. So Snukka once again proved that the little offend is not worth it.

Natalie Portman. It doesn't matter if she is bald, or an obsessive idea to play a black swan,
Natalie Portman always looks sexy. And the fact that it copes with such complex
Roles with only 159 cm growing, proves that Portman Niskolachenko does not complex.

Kylie Minogue. Tiny, but sultry Kylie Minogue exposes all his miniature charms in
Very frank outfits on the scene. Australian beauty growth is only 154 cm, and in their 42
years still looks sexually, good from year to year. And although in America Kylie did not reach
Such success, as abroad, 13 of its singles occupied a leading position in British charts.
And we do not get tired of admiring the sexual, miniature singer.

Kristen Bell. She investigated crimes in Veronika Mars, sang in Broadway Musical
"Marijuana Madness" and forced us to love her in the role of Sarah Marshall in the film "in the span".
Oh yes, she looks great in bikini. Rising about 155 cm Kristen is very miniature, but it is not
It prevents her to conquer Hollywood and our hearts.

Rachel Bilson. We would gladly watched the series "Lonely Hearts" if only in order to again
And again admire Rachel Bilson. Heroine actress Summer is now on the mouth of all housewives. In singer
height 157 cm Rachel was the very low girl in the cast, but it did not prevent her
Also sexually, like other actresses.

Scarlett Johanson. Well, what can not like in Scarlett Johanson? Its growth is about 160 cm, but it is sexy,
like no one else. In 2006, she posed nude for the cover of Wenita Feer magazine, and in 2010 received
Title "Baby of the Year" according to the GQ magazine. And that's it.

Eva Longoria. She married NBA star Tony Parker, and even changed the surname. But then divorced and
Again took her maiden. But what remains unchanged in beauty from Texas, so this is its attractiveness.
With its height, 155 cm it makes admire it, without tearing off the eye. Maybe it is her series
"Desperate Housewives" is obliged to popular?

Elisha Cuthbert. It she played the role of sexual strippers in the "Neighbor" movie. Of all Canadian
Miniature actresses Elisha - undoubted favorite. Even despite your meter 62 cm.

Kim Kardashian. There are no good photos, but Kim Kardashyan is just 160 cm tall. And despite its growth,
She meets with the NBA player Chris Hamfries, whose height is 206 cm. Take a look at her, well, how can she not like it?

Hayden Pennetter. And among the American participants, support teams have their miniature beauties.
Who, how isn't Heiden Pennetter, the growth of which is hardly 155 cm, the living proof of that? She is beautiful,
Slim and has an amazing tendency to choose guys much higher than her. For example, now
She is found in the Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko. But who will judge this?

Hilary Duff. Oh, Hilary, how quickly you grew up! This actress from Disney films has become a real
Beauty. And with its height of 155 cm. With such an increase, it is hardly going to skip in most
American slides, but it does not prevent her from take her niche in Hollywood.

Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. Two are better than one. They earned millions, stunningly look, and all this,
Despite its growth in incomplete 155 cm. In terms of recalculation, it is a lot of achievements for one square meter.
So what do they still associate with us mostly with children's films? Babes have long grown
and turned into real beauties.

Shakira. The hips at Shakira - what is needed, but now the growth has gone up. Do not believe if Shakira says that its height is 155.
Colombian pop star growth is only 150 cm. But despite this, it can be called one of the most
Sexy women in the world, and you never say that it is such a little growth.

Courtney Kardashian. Of course, she is not so famous as her sister Kim, but it looks no worse. Her height is barely
whether it retreats to 153 cm. By age, she is an older daughter in the family, which is even more inspired to admire us
Its appearance.

Tila Tequila. As Joe Nikols sings in one of his hits, "Tequila removes clothes from her." Tila Tequila, growth
Which is just one and a half meters, generally not really loves clothes. This miniature girl knows that
Sexy, and does not try to hide it.

Salma Hayek. It is hardly there anyone who does not like Sita Hayek. The bends of his body make men
Punish saliva, and this despite her height 158 \u200b\u200bcm. And today it is also good as ten years ago.
We will never get tired of revising the episode from the film "From Sunset to Dawn", in which Salma is dancing
with a snake.

Nicole Richie. Although Nicole for as much as 18 cm below Paris Hilton, she very quickly earned his name, removing
In "easy life." Despite its height 155 cm and a very erratic lifestyle, it still looks like

Miniature dog breeds have long been popular. Oddly enough, but the demand for them grows every year. Tiny creatures have a cute toy look. In addition, they are distinguished by a friendly and more accurate character. In some countries, these are even used for therapeutic purposes, the positive impact of which is intended to treat people. For fans of small rocks, an important point is the portability of animals. They can be taken with them at any time, putting into a small handbag. Miniature breeds of dogs do not need large spaces, and therefore they feel wonderfully in small houses and apartments. Probably, this explains their incredible popularity.

Miniature breeds of dogs: general overview

In our article we want to talk about the youngest representatives of the four-legged friends. The ranking named miniature breeds of dogs for the apartment. The main evaluation criteria is the middle body and growth in the withers. It is on these signs that the signs distribute dogs in places.

Very small weight and small growth, sweet appearance and the desire to be in the spotlight - all these are the advantages that the miniature breeds of dogs possess (the photo is given in the article). However, for animal lovers of standard sizes, such advantages in the characteristic will seem deficiencies, because the smaller the dog, the more it requires attention, and therefore it will have to give her a lion's share of free time. Here, as they say, everyone has their own wishes regarding the four friend, and every rights in their own way. Much attention should be paid to your favorite food. Specialists advise you to choose dry food 1st Choice. Miniature breed dogs need to be fed correctly, otherwise they may have health problems. It will help to choose the right diet of the veterinarian.

Lovers preferring the finest dog breeds (photos of such pets are given in the article), are owners of cute and charming creatures, rather reminiscent of small dolls, rather than animals.

The smallest dog

The first place among the miniature breed dogs is occupied by the famous Chihuahua. It was discovered in 1850 in Mexico in Chihuahua. In honor of him, she received her unusual name. The individuals of this breed, as a rule, weigh from the five hundred grams to three kilograms. Animal growth ranges from ten to twenty three centimeters. It is difficult to even imagine such a miniature creature.

It has been established that the smallest dog in the world is currently Chihuahua named BU bu. With a weight of 675 grams, its growth is only 10.16 centimeters.

It should be noted that chihuahua is distinguished by a large variety of paintings and types of wool. Representatives of the breed are very kind, funny, obedient kids with the nature of the watchdogs, but with all this there are very touchy and vulnerable.

Chihuahua is a very ancient breed with an interesting story. Many centuries, the animal was considered sacred and participated in many rites. Archaeologists often in the excavations of the graves of the Indians find the remains of this cute dog, which was buried along with the owners. On the one hand, this miniature creature was worshiped, and on the other - the dog suffered from people. And only in the nineteenth century Chihuahua began to be sold as a decorative dog.

Yorkshire Terrier

The second place among miniature dogs is occupied by Yorkshire Terrier. This is a small decorative breed, which originated in the nineteenth century in England (Church of Yorkshire). The standards provide for the weight of the animal not more than 3.2 kilograms, and the growth is 23 centimeters. Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terrier are the most miniature breeds of dogs. If Pesf is recognized by the smallest Chihuahua, then Sylvia became the most miniature york. In 1945, she died at the age of two. Its growth was 6.3 centimeters with weight of 113 grams.

The most miniature breeds of dogs, the names of which are given in the article, as a rule, are affectionate and energetic. Yorks in this sense are no exception. Inquisitive, energetic, bold yorkshire terriers are remarkably coming out in the conditions of urban apartments. Thanks to his mind and intelligence, they are easily trained, the memorization of the commands occurs at the speed above the average.

Even indifferent to dogs people will not be able to resist the pretty face of York. They are so cute and charming that they fall past the will under their charm. Still, miniature breeds of dogs have their own inextricable charm. Yorki will never give up to lie down on the hands of their master and take a nap, but at the same time, when the stranger approaches, they definitely begin to bark.

As a rule, all miniature breeds of dogs have a rather self-confident. At the same time, they feel at least two times more of their modest size. Of course, such behavior is not very fit with small animal sizes, but it confuses little. Yorks can not always curb their brave and decisive character. The irrepressible energy and thirst for adventures are often pulled on new leprosy.


For a long time they won the love of a man miniature dogs. The rocks whose photos are listed in the article are very diverse. The history of some species is quite interesting. Among them are kids created by nature, and those emergence of which are the direct merit of a person. Perhaps there is no such breed that would not touch the human hand. For many centuries, the standards changed in the desire to achieve the best qualities. Miniature breeds of dogs are becoming increasingly popular in contemporary megalopolis, which is quite explained by the limited space of apartments.

The third place in the ranking is occupied by Russian, derived by Russian filmmakers in the twentieth century. Were created as companions these miniature dogs. The breed (photo is given in the text) were displayed by a person in order to get an ideal pet. There are two varieties: smooth and long-haired. The growth of Russian Toya ranges from twenty to twenty eight centimeters, and the weight of the animal is no more than three kilograms. The smallest representatives of the breed weigh no more than one and a half kilograms.

Dogs are characterized by a very friendly and cheerful temper. They are infinitely committed to the owner and at the same time perfectly get along with all other family members. Convenience of the content of Thi is that it can use a tray as cats, so he does not have to go outside. But nevertheless with the animals still need to walk, because he wants to frolic with relatives, it makes the dog bolder and sociable. The main thing is to choose friends corresponding to the growth and set.

Russian Toi is perfectly trained. They are so small that they can accompany you all trips. Such miniature breeds of dogs (describing in the article) can fly even in aircraft salons, and they are allowed to go into all decent hotels. If your job is associated with frequent trips, then such a pet is quite suitable for you.

As a rule, people try to choose the most unpretentious breeds of miniature dogs. Russian refers precisely to such species. If Chihuahua occasionally can show their temper, showing her wild Mexican past, then the most harmless and calm breed.

Prague Krysarik

Miniature breeds of dogs, the description of which is given in the article, is amazed not only with their cute toy faces, but sometimes funny names. Fourth place in the ranking consolidated for the Prague rat. This little breed was bred in the Czech Republic in the ninth century. In the distant times, such kids, along with major individuals, protected property from rodents. Now Prague rats have lost their original purpose and act as companions, however natural hunting instincts in them are fully preserved. The ideal for them is the weight of 2.6 kilograms, and growth ranges from twenty to twenty three centimeters.

Very obedient creatures. They are smart and playful, adore people and are perfectly trained. Such mini dogs are easily taught to the tray, but still needed walks, because you adore an active lifestyle. In cold weather, rats are needed to wear, because they are not adapted to the harsh Russian climate.

As a rule, miniature breeds of dogs, a list of which is a lot, not very well tolerate the cold and dampness of our latitudes, and therefore they have to wear them like children.

Prague rats are quite rare dogs. According to experts, their in the world is no more than two and a half thousand, therefore the price of them is quite high. Puppy with all documents will cost a thousand dollars and above.

Pomeranian Spitz

The fifth place among the kids is occupied by Pomeranian Spitz. He is the most tiny representative of the spitz family. He received its name in honor of Pomerania (one of the German regions). The most miniature breeds of dogs, whose names we mentioned, always enjoyed love for nobility. Pomeranian spitz, for example, known as the favorite breed of Queen Victoria. The individuals of this species occurred from sufficiently large driving dogs, but today their growth is no more than twenty-eight centimeters. Animal weight ranges from two to three and a half kilograms.

Spitz is not a simple dog. This is a very smart, kind, society, devoted to his owner, fearlessly standing on protection if necessary. The modest sizes of the rock with interest are compensated by exceptional mental abilities and ingenuity. It is for this reason that Spitz perfectly lescribe to training. No wonder the same breed takes twenty-third place in the ranking of the smartest four-legged friends.

American Toy Terrier

The sixth place is occupied by an American to-terrier. This little dog is coming from a huge focister. The individuals of this breed weigh from one and a half to four kilograms, and growth does not exceed twenty nine centimeters.

Focterers differ in mind and activity. They are easily trained and react perfectly to a large number of teams. That focister - loving and fun creatures, infinitely devoted to man. Perhaps they are the perfect homemade companions. The individuals of this breed have a sufficiently long period of life (up to fourteen years). At the same time, they almost until the oldest retain a cheerful temper.

That focister is a homemade dog, she willingly look with you a TV, we have a leap in your hands, but at the same time it will be infinitely to play with children and have fun on the lawn. In addition, it is not capricious, unlike other miniature rocks.

Foxterier - mobile, energetic, jumping dog, very brave for its growth, real fighter.

Japanese Hin.

At the seventh place, Japanese Hin firmly secured. This solely once it used incredible popularity with the Japanese and Chinese courtyards. This breed is long-haired, its representatives weigh from 1.8 kilograms up to 4 kg. Animal growth ranges from twenty to twenty seven centimeters.

Japanese Hin is a sociable, cheerful and playful dog, who has a wonderful character and a calm temperament. It is quickly learning, mastering the most complex teams.

Intellectual breed has proven itself perfectly. Animals are well addressed to those who know and who are trusted. If they diligently take care of them, then more devotees and faithful friends you will not find. Caution fee belong to strangers. Almost always they are launched with all family members and other pets. However, if they do not pay the necessary attention, they can become very closed and jealous. It is believed that this breed is most obedient among all thenesses.

English Toy Terrier

The eighth place in the list is a miniature tool, artificially derived in the nineteenth century. The standard is provided by the weight of the animal from 2.7 and to 3.6 kilograms, and the growth should not exceed thirty centimeters.

Terriers in the main mass - playful and friendly creatures, distinguished by unlimited devotion to a person. But with all this, they possess a very peculiar character, so they need to be seriously trained and corrected behavior.

Toy Terriers are always ready to protect their family, with the slightest danger, they apply their sleeve bark. Representatives of this breed are real livelists, they are playful, sports, merry. Such dogs will become excellent companions for very energetic and active people. In addition, they are very easily adapting to a new life.

Toy Terriers love to take part in all domestic affairs. There is no such place where they would not put their nose. Fully live with cats.


The ninth place occupies the famous decorative breed was bred in the sixteenth century. His beautiful name received thanks to the beautiful ears that look like a butterfly. Exactly unknown the homeland of these dogs: this is Spain or Belgium. Representatives of the breed weigh from 2.3 and to 4.5 kilograms, the height ranges from 20 to 28 centimeters.

Papillon is characterized by a gentle character and funny behavior. Dogs love to run and jump, scaring from the house of different rodents. The breed occupies a ninth place in the rating of smart dogs, which indicates its excellent mental abilities. Papillons are very graceful and active, they will never become hand dogs sleeping on her knees, animals prefer to run on the square. Merry dogs are very cheerful, they will be able to cheer you when there is no mood at all. In essence, Papillon is an eternal child.

Italian Bolonka

Italian Bologna, or Bolognese, takes the tenth place in the rating of miniature dogs. The breed was bred in Italy and received its name in honor of the city of Bologna. Bolognese weighs from 2.5 to 4 kilograms, height reaches thirty centimeters. Representatives of the breed are very clever and affectionate. They are quickly trained and leaving for training without special difficulties. Because of his kind and fun Nrava, Bologna has long acquired the glory of beautiful companions.

Instead of pre-school

In the article, we told about what the most miniature breeds of dogs. With the names given in the text, and photos will be easier for you to figure out the rank of four-legged kids. However, it is worth noting that this is not the entire list of miniature dogs. There are still enough breeds in the world that loved people for their small sizes and incredibly nice face.