Make your own shampoo at home. Do-it-yourself soap grass root shampoos. Recipes for strand growth

The shelves of modern stores are full of a wide range of detergents and cosmetics. And shampoos are no exception. Why make your own shampoo when you can buy it in the store, you ask? The fact is that industrial shampoos contain a lot of artificial preservatives, fragrances and dyes. Some women experience terrible allergies to them, so they are forced to use natural shampoos and masks.

But sometimes homemade shampoo is much more useful than its factory counterpart. After all, everyone knows that a natural hair mask made from fresh products is much more useful than a bag of incomprehensible powder bought in a store. The same goes for shampoo. Homemade shampoo is useful because it is made from fresh and natural ingredients. In addition, you know exactly what is contained in its composition. So, let's look at several recipes for making homemade shampoo, depending on the type and condition of the hair.

Homemade shampoo for normal hair type

To prepare this shampoo, you will need a banana, egg yolk and lemon juice. Grind the banana in a blender so that there are no pieces left, otherwise it will be difficult to wash out of the hair. Mix banana mass with freshly squeezed juice of one lemon and chicken yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the mass on the hair. Start application from the roots of the hair, and then distribute the shampoo along the entire length. It is better to leave the beneficial composition on the hair for about 15 minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly and pat it dry with a towel. Do not blow dry your hair. After such a mask, the hair becomes incredibly soft, friable and obedient.

Homemade shampoo recipe for oily hair

Dealing with oily hair is not easy. If your hair is shiny the very next day after washing your hair, you need to take action and prepare a healthy homemade shampoo for oily hair types. In half a glass of kefir, add a teaspoon of soda and egg white. You can add a little vinegar or lemon juice. Thoroughly apply the prepared mixture to the hair roots and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse off in the usual way. This is an excellent tool that gives good results with regular use. Already after the first wash with this shampoo, you will notice that the hair has ceased to gather in icicles, they remain fresh and clean longer.

Shampoo for dry and brittle hair

Dilute half a glass of vodka with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Add two egg yolks, a few drops of lavender oil and a teaspoon of ammonia. Mix the ingredients and apply the mass on the hair. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. If the smell of ammonia remains on the hair, the hair can be rinsed with water and lemon juice at the end. After such washing of the head, the hair will become alive and flowing. And regular use of homemade shampoo for dry hair will save you from brittleness and split ends.

This recipe perfectly restores hair after extensions or unsuccessful dyeing. With the help of such a tool, you can turn dried tow into flowing curls in just a month of regular use. Grind one kiwi to a state of homogeneous puree, add a tablespoon of sour cream and two tablespoons of natural honey heated in a water bath to the mass. All ingredients are aimed at enhanced nutrition and hair restoration. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to the composition - it will gently cleanse the strands of grease and dirt. Apply the prepared mixture on the scalp and carefully massage every centimeter of the hair roots. Then leave the nourishing shampoo on your hair for about 15 minutes, after which you can safely rinse off with warm water. After washing and drying your hair, you will notice that the hair has become smooth and silky.

Homemade Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Homemade recipes successfully fight dandruff no worse than branded brands of expensive shampoos. But why overpay if the problem can be dealt with just as effectively, spending mere pennies? To prepare homemade anti-dandruff shampoo, we need nettle, aloe, apple cider vinegar and calendula. Nettle has a pronounced antifungal effect, and fungus is the main cause of dandruff. Calendula is an antiseptic that inhibits the formation of white flakes. Aloe suppresses inflammation and relieves the scalp from itching. And vinegar gently cleanses the curls from dirt and sebum.

From nettle and calendula, we need to prepare a rich decoction. Take two tablespoons of each plant and pour two cups of boiling water over them. When the broth is infused, it must be filtered. 5-6 leaves of aloe need to be crushed and squeezed out of them juice. You should get at least two tablespoons of valuable juice. Mix decoction, aloe juice and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Pour the liquid into your hair and pat through each strand. For a greater effect, do not wash off the composition immediately - it is better to leave it for half an hour, covering it with cling film. Rinse thoroughly afterwards. Washing your hair regularly using this recipe will help you get rid of dandruff forever.

Recipe for natural shampoo for enhanced hair growth

Hair often falls out during pregnancy and breastfeeding, after unsuccessful dyeing and due to poor ecology. To restore the previous density of hair, you need to use a recipe for homemade shampoo based on mustard and kefir. Mix kefir with mustard in equal proportions and apply the mass on the head. Mustard not only absorbs sebum and impurities, but also irritates the scalp. This has a stimulating effect. Increased blood circulation makes the hair follicles wake up and become more active.

Kefir in the mask reduces the aggressiveness of the mustard so that there is no excessive burning during the application of the mask. In addition, kefir has excellent moisturizing and restorative properties. It is better to wash off the shampoo no earlier than half an hour after application - this is how you get the maximum benefit from it. After washing off the mixture from the head, you can rinse your hair with a decoction of herbs or lemon water. After several procedures, you will find the result - a fluff will begin to grow along the edge of the scalp - new, young hairs.

All industrial shampoos designed to increase hair volume are made on the basis of gelatin. So why can't we take advantage of such a useful ingredient?

Pour a tablespoon of gelatin with a glass of warm, skimmed milk. Leave the bowl at room temperature to allow the gelatin to swell. After an hour, add a teaspoon of ylang-ylang oil and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the gelatin milk. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mass on the hair, mainly on the scalp. Then rinse off the mass under running warm water. Drying hair with a hair dryer is not recommended. This mask will give your strands extra volume that will last all day long.

Recipe for homemade shampoo for shine and radiance of hair

When the curls become dull and faded, they need an emergency repair in the form of a homemade shampoo with chamomile and vinegar. Prepare a strong decoction of chamomile. Four tablespoons of fresh or dried plants, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for half an hour. Then pour the broth into a container with a tight-fitting lid and leave the product to infuse for several hours. When the broth has cooled, it can be filtered and mixed with two tablespoons of vinegar. The prepared liquid must be rinsed with hair. You don’t need to rinse off the chamomile and vinegar - immediately blot your hair with a towel and leave to dry. Vinegar not only gently cleanses the hair, but also gives it an incredible shine and smoothness. And chamomile nourishes the scalp with vitamins and has a light brightening effect.

Homemade shampoos are not only about cleansing hair from dirt and sebum. This is restoration, nutrition and getting rid of hair from various cosmetic problems. Love your hair and choose the most natural for them!

Video: do-it-yourself shampoo

You can not envy the owners of oily hair type. The only reason you can classify your hair as oily is the need to wash your hair daily or every other day.

In order to combat this problem, you should use a special shampoo for oily scalp.

Using only one cleansing shampoo for hair is not enough, you must also be able to properly wash your hair. According to experts, you should wash your hair as it gets dirty.

Yes, indeed, such a statement is correct, but certain rules should be followed:

  1. An effective shampoo for oily hair will have even more results if you wash it off with boiled, filtered or distilled water. If this is not possible, then at least rinse the strands with it.
  2. Rinse water should be acidified by adding a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of liquid. Or two tablespoons of tincture of chamomile flowers per 500 ml of water with a small addition of citric acid.
  3. An excellent result during the treatment of oily hair can be shown by a simple rinse with cold water, this blocks the release of oil by reducing the size of the pores.
  4. If your hair is very oily, and its ends are dry as a result of constant washing, try to apply shampoo only at the beginning of the hair, without rubbing it into the head.

When using a clarifying shampoo for oily hair, the water for rinsing it off should be warm, and if health allows, then completely cool. When using hot water, you will only stimulate the work of the sebaceous glands even more, increasing the oiliness of the hair.

When choosing which shampoo to wash oily hair with, it must be borne in mind that it should not only reduce the work of the sebaceous glands, but also block their subsequent appearance. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a therapeutic shampoo for oily hair that contains natural herbal extracts, antibacterial components, vitamins C, K, A, and also in the case of dandruff with the addition of zinc, sulfur and tar.

Should include extracts of sage, burdock root, coltsfoot, horsetail and nettle. When choosing a suitable detergent, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • if after several washing procedures, your hair begins to comb well, shines and is not greasy for a long time, then this shampoo for oily scalp is right for you;
  • do not forget to carefully study the composition of the detergent indicated on the vial;
  • in order to choose an effective shampoo for oily hair, use a sampler, this will help you not to waste money and not take up much space in the bathroom;
  • shampoo should be changed no more than once every two months, as with its constant use, the skin becomes addictive, as a result of which the effect may be lost.

Try making a homemade shampoo for oily hair, because there is nothing better than such a product. One of the simplest recipes is as follows: carefully beat three egg yolks with a whisk, after which we add 20 grams of cognac and mix - that's it, the hair wash is ready.

Pay attention to cosmetics that do not include aggressive substances in their composition, natural shampoo for oily hair should contain only natural elements that have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and tonic effects.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair, the recipes of which are given below, is no worse than the purchased version, and to some extent even better. After all, only natural ingredients are added to its composition, which refresh oily hair and strengthen the action at the root, giving a feeling of cleanliness for the whole day.

A shampoo recipe for oily hair can include a wide variety of ingredients. It remains only to choose the most suitable and simple option for your particular case.

mustard shampoo

Shampoo for very oily hair based on mustard is the fastest and easiest home-made shampoo. It can not only cope with pollution, but also strengthen the roots, enhance hair growth and give them volume. To prepare it, stir in two liters of boiled cooled water a tablespoon of mustard powder. For 5-7 minutes, you should wash your hair with this composition, then rinse well with water.

oak shampoo

A decoction of oak bark has long been used for oily scalp. This substance allows you to make your hair smooth and well-groomed, and you can use it both as a rinse and shampoo.

Homemade shampoo for oily hair based on oak bark is prepared as follows: we take four tablespoons of oak bark per liter of water. Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. After cooling, the product is ready for use.

Rye shampoo

Natural shampoo for oily hair based on rye bread strengthens damaged follicles, removes pollution and restores damaged areas. Soak a piece of rye bread in ¼ cup of water, adding a tablespoon of mustard powder to it. Wash your hair with this product, rubbing it into the scalp. You can leave it on your hair for a while so that more nutrients are absorbed.

Corn and egg shampoos

To create corn shampoo, you will need to mix one teaspoon of sea salt with one tablespoon of table corn. We apply the dry composition to the roots, after which we wash it off with warm water.

Egg-based treatment shampoo for oily hair adds shine, making your hair silky and healthy. To prepare it, you need to mix a tablespoon of cognac, four tablespoons of hop cones and three yolks. You can use such a tool not only in the form of a detergent, but also a nourishing mask.

Lemon and Clay Shampoo

To mix lemon shampoo, you will need an egg yolk, a teaspoon of almond oil and a tablespoon of vodka. Such a tool allows you not only to cope with oily hair, but also to give softness, shine and smoothness.

Clay shampoo is great for very oily hair. To create it, you will need to mix a tablespoon of horsetail decoction and two tablespoons of clay. Also daily masks with clay will be useful.

Dry shampoos for oily hair

Sure, shampoo recipes for oily hair are simple, but what if you're on the road? And to prepare such a tool is simply not possible? In this case, dry shampoo is suitable for you, which can be used in every place, wherever you are. After applying it to the hair, they must be slightly tousled with your fingers so that the substance is evenly distributed along the entire length, and then remove all excess with a comb.

You will immediately notice that all the fat has disappeared from your hair - it has been adsorbed, and your hair has gained volume and become more airy.

Shampoos for oily hair are an effective tool in the war against this problem. When choosing them, the main thing is to give preference to natural ingredients, because they are able to bring the maximum effect. Of course, do not forget about homemade shampoos, which each of you can prepare from improvised ingredients.

If you're concerned about the quality of the ingredients in the commercial shampoos your family uses on a daily basis, you're not alone.

More and more people are thinking about how to make shampoo beneficial for the health of your hair.

And in solving this problem, shampoo made at home will help you.

Make shampoo at home: is it possible?

Very often, cosmetic shampoos contain aggressive detergents and other harmful agents - sulfates, parabens. Look at the label very carefully before use.. Be sure to check the safety of your shampoo when you buy it the same way you test any other product.

The first ingredient should be water, other natural ingredients are olive oil, coconut oil, sucrose and menthol.

If any component does not suit you, then you can think about how to make your own shampoo at home.

Even though it will contain fewer ingredients and won't have the same foaming effect when used, it will cleanse the hair and scalp just as effectively.

Ingredients that are added for smell are ultimately not so good for your overall health. In addition, the home option is more cost-effective.

How to make shampoo at home: recipes for dry hair

Dry hair care tips:

- it is necessary to wash less often: in summer - 2 times a week, in winter - 1 time per week;

- water should be soft and warm;

- Shampoos should be used without alcohol, but with additional nourishing and moisturizing ingredients;

- it is useful to rub oil (olive, castor, etc.) into the hair, heated in a water bath.

Consider the most popular shampoo recipe: take a bar of soap weighing 200-50 grams and rub it on a regular grater until completely crushed. Add 1 liter of water and stir. To give a smell, add 5 drops of any aroma of essential oil. Shampoo is ready!

You will be surprised, but washing with ordinary baking soda is considered the most convenient and safest way to wash your hair. Having an alkaline environment, soda, when dissolved in a liquid, perfectly washes the hair and body, neutralizing all harmful acids that are released through the skin. For hair of medium length and density, you need to take 1 tbsp. soda, dissolve it in hot water and add warm water to normal temperature. The total volume should be 1 cup. Then apply this solution to the entire length of wet hair, massage a little and rinse. At the end, do not forget to rinse your hair with lemon water. The hair will be perfectly washed.

Consider another basic shampoo recipe which is recommended for dry hair.

Compound: 0.5 st. water, 0.5 tbsp. soft liquid soap, 0.5 tsp. vegetable oil.

Cooking method: mix all the ingredients together, being careful not to foam. Pour the shampoo into a clean plastic container. Use it as you normally would, remembering to shake each time before use. A further rinse with a 1:1 solution of water and apple cider vinegar will help protect hair from hair loss and add shine.

The vegetable oil included in the composition is very useful for dry or damaged hair. Do not use oils for oily hair. Given that such hair is susceptible to damage, the shampoo you use should also strengthen your hair.

Very good olive oil recipe. It consists of 0.5 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. liquid soap and ¼ cup olive oil. Coconut milk can be used instead of butter.

Advice: try adding your favorite essential oils to any of the recipes and use the aromatherapy effect to cleanse your hair.

Individual fragrances or combinations of them are best suited for this:

1) for dry hair - chamomile, tangerine, orange, lavender, tea tree, ylang-ylang, rose;

2) for oily hair - lemon, mint, pine, juniper, geranium, eucalyptus, cloves, sage;

3) for dandruff - tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary, grapefruit;

4) from hair loss - mint, coriander, rosemary, ylang-ylang.

When making a shampoo for dry hair, you will need ingredients that will saturate your hair with extra moisture. These are, for example, chamomile tea, olive oil, essential oils of tea tree, peppermint, rosemary.

Make tea. Brew 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers in boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain the tea with a strainer and set aside to cool. Use it instead of water when preparing any kind of shampoo.

Black bread and water- these are the components of a simple, but useful and good shampoo. 2-3 slices of bread without a crust, preferably dried, chop and pour boiling water. For a more positive effect, you can use herbal infusions (chamomile, nettle, string). Wait a bit for the crumbs to swell. Next, use a blender to turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass. This will save you from the problems of washing out the bread particles. To enhance the effect, you can add aloe vera juice, which is very useful for weakened and brittle hair, you can add vitamins A and E (lemon juice is suitable for oily hair). The method of application is also very simple: apply the resulting mixture with a brush or hands on the head, rub it with massage movements, and then rinse thoroughly. Instead of bread, you can use rye flour.

Egg hair shampoo. As an alternative, you can simply beat a few eggs and apply this mixture on your head. Then wash your hair with the usual movements and rinse with slightly acidified water. Eggs nourish curls well, make them soft, give volume to hair. It is only important not to use too hot water, otherwise the protein may curdle.

Very helpful kefir shampoo. To which, if desired, you can add olive oil and egg yolk.

How to make shampoo at home: recipes for oily hair

General Tips:

- wash your hair no more than once every 5 days;

- water should be soft;

- rinse your hair thoroughly;

- hair begins to quickly grow oily if you wear a ponytail tied with an elastic band for a long time, or constantly hide it under a scarf or hat.

- mix 2 yolks with 2 tsp. lemon juice or vinegar. Rub the indicated mixture into your hair and leave for a few minutes. Rinse while showering with warm water.

Add 6-8 drops of citrus essential oil to your shampoo.

Recommended for oily hair egg yolk and cognac. In order to make such a shampoo, you need to take 1 - 2 yolks and add 1 tbsp. l. cognac. Beat the yolks with a mixer (or a fork) until foamy and pour in the cognac. It is advisable to hold this mixture for some time on the head to enhance the effect, and then rinse with non-hot running water.

Shampoo with mustard. 4 tbsp mustard powder must be diluted with the same amount of ordinary mineral water or just water. The composition is distributed through the hair, and then washed off. Mustard has a warming property, because it perfectly stimulates blood circulation. It is also believed that after using such a shampoo, by the way, as after shampooing with soda, the hair will need to be washed less often, without prejudice to their appearance. But there is also a fly in the ointment. Some girls observed irritation of the scalp and uncomfortable tingling.

Gelatin Shampoo. It very well envelops the hair follicles, gives the effect of home lamination. It is enough to mix 2 tbsp. gelatin and 250 ml of water. Instead of water, you can use an herbal tincture that suits your hair type and structure. After the mixture has swollen, add an egg yolk or 50 ml of your regular shampoo. It is better to hold the product on the hair for 30-40 minutes. Since gelatin is mainly composed of protein, it is excellent at fighting the problem of hair loss. Since its main purpose is to restore damaged curls. Frequent use of this shampoo is not recommended.

Shampoo for hair with white clay. It will also help in the fight against hair loss. To prepare it, you need to take 5 tbsp. clay (can be bought at a pharmacy) and diluted with water to make a mixture similar to sour cream in consistency. Apply it on your hair and leave for 25 minutes. Then just rinse with water.

Making shampoo at home: reasons for failure

When considering how to make shampoo at home, you are convinced of the simplicity of this process. And the reasons for failures may not lie in the cooking process, but in whether you are satisfied with the result.

It could be:

1. Individual intolerance to some components.

2. Lack of the usual foam and the desired flavor.

3. Inconvenience in the consistency of the mixture or in the fact that additional efforts must be made, for example, to pull bread crumbs out of the hair.

4. Hair stiffness. The result still depends on the structure and type of hair.

5. The result may be influenced by the fact that your hair is dyed or not.


1. Be sure to shake the prepared shampoo before use so that all components are completely dissolved in water.

2. To enhance the effect, massage the scalp for at least 2 minutes.

3. Don't wait for results right away, give your hair a few weeks to adjust to the changes (may take 2-3 weeks or more).

This homemade shampoo is completely safe for all hair types and nourishes your hair with natural oils unlike most commercial shampoos. And as you can see, making it is quite simple.

Try it and enjoy the result!

Cheap shampoos are too aggressive, organic shampoos sometimes cost decent money, but meanwhile, it is very easy to make natural hair shampoos with your own hands!

You may still believe that your shampoo is advertised to make your hair strong and shiny. But know that shampoo is just shampoo, its function is to cleanse the hair.
The rest of the care - masks and balms, massage and respect - is a matter of your efforts and only this will help you have beautiful long hair.
Shampoo can make hair spectacular, yes, for example, due to silicones, which are not good for hair at all. Choose yourself.
Homemade shampoos, the recipes of which are presented here, can be made from ingredients such as baking soda, clay, mustard, or egg yolk. They are safe and effective. Any of these shampoos can wash the whole body.
Dilute a tablespoon of mustard (powder) in two liters of water. Wash your hair, rinse with infusion of coltsfoot, St. John's wort, nettle, plantain. Brew like this: take half a glass of herbal mixture in 2 liters of hot water, let stand for half an hour and strain.
It will take 4 or 6 pieces of black bread (depending on how long the hair is). They need to be stacked in a container, pour boiling water, leave overnight. By morning, a bread gruel should form, with which you wash your hair. Wash your hair, rinse with infusion of coltsfoot, St. John's wort, nettle, plantain. Brew like this: take half a glass of herbal mixture in 2 liters of hot water, let stand for half an hour and strain.
And here is another option, suitable for quickly getting dirty, greasy hair: rye bread (150 gr.) Is poured with boiling water. The head is “soaped” with gruel, aged up to 10 minutes. Rinse the hair especially thoroughly with water or an infusion of birch leaves.
Pour medicinal soapwort (200 gr.) With 2 liters of hot water and boil for 30 minutes. In a cooled broth, wash your hair without shampoo and soap, rinse with plain water or, even better, with chamomile infusion for fair hair, a decoction of oak bark for dark hair.
Instead of soap, white clay, which is now often used in medicine, was successfully used. Moisten the hair with warm water, apply white clay diluted to a state of sour cream on the hair. Lightly massage the head, rinse. Repeat procedure. Rinse your hair with acidified water (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water). Hair becomes very soft, obedient, shiny! And the trace elements contained in white clay in large quantities promote hair growth, remove dandruff, itching, and stop hair loss.
MUSTARD SHAMPOO. to stimulate hair growth.
1. Mix mustard powder to the consistency of a liquid estimate, add green or blue clay, apply to hair for 5 minutes, massage a little and rinse. Important! This mixture should be used immediately, as the mustard will then burn strongly.
2. It is better to use mustard, adding to clay, henna, bran, and other mixtures for washing hair. For example, take 50 gr. clay or henna (any), add 1 teaspoon of mustard powder + essential oils. Dilute with cool water. From this mustard is less tearing.
With hair loss and profuse dandruff with itching of the scalp, it is recommended to wash your hair 3 times a week with a strong decoction of a mixture of nettle leaves and coltsfoot leaves, taken equally.
A tablespoon of tansy is poured with a couple of glasses of boiling water, left for one and a half to two hours. Use the strained infusion to wash your hair without soap. Using the product for a month will completely eliminate dandruff.
Beetroot water can quickly get rid of dandruff. Pour 1.5 liters of cold water into a three-liter jar and put chopped, peeled beet roots there. Let it brew and use for washing instead of ordinary water. Before washing, add a little hot water to the infusion. SHAMPOO UNIVERSAL.
Take a little rye flour (but not wheat!) How much we need to determine by eye, everyone has different ways (for example, I need 2-3 tablespoons for hair up to my knees) diluted in water, beat thoroughly until foam forms, and then with this gruel wash your hair and keep it on your hair for about 10 minutes. You just need to rinse it longer, but even if it is not washed completely, it’s not scary, then when it dries, the remnants are easily combed out. You can also use it instead of soap in the shower. Washes and glides well. HAIR CONDITIONERS.
This strengthening conditioner is suitable for all hair types.
You will need: 1 teaspoon dried lavender flowers
1 teaspoon dried white birch leaves
1 liter fruit vinegar
a few drops of lavender oil
Pour flowers and leaves with vinegar, cork the bottle and leave for a week. Drain the liquid and add lavender oil. Dilute 1 part conditioner with 2 parts water before use. Rub the product into the scalp with massaging movements and comb the hair. Don't rinse.
You can change this recipe to match your hair color. Take chamomile for fair hair and chopped walnut shells for dark hair.
You will need:
100 ml water
1 tablespoon dried chamomile flowers or
1 tablespoon chopped walnut shells
6 tablespoons lemon juice
6 tablespoons fruit vinegar
Pour boiling water over flowers or shells and leave for 10 minutes. Drain the liquid, mix with lemon juice or vinegar and cool slightly. After shampooing, apply conditioner to damp hair. FLAXSEED CONDITIONER.
Take 1 tbsp. l. flax seeds, pour 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, strain. It will turn out jelly. When it cools, rinse your hair.
Normal hair:
Aromatic oils: bergamot, lemon, orange, tea tree, rose
Herbal preparations: calendula, sage, chamomile, nettle

Dry hair:
Aromatic oils: myrrh, orange, lavender, rosemary, jasmine
Herbal preparations: calendula, mother and stepmother, chamomile, lavender
Base oil: jojoba oil, olive oil.
Greasy hair:
Aromatic oils: tea tree, rosemary, mint, bergamot
Herbal preparations: nettle, mint, chamomile, burdock, oak bark
Base oil: almond oil, grape seed oil.

Recently, we have been actively convinced that it is time to stop pinning our hopes on miraculous foods and cosmetics and take care of health (including hair!) Into our own hands. Admirers of all natural promote a return to nature and the use of organic, harmless to humans and the environment.

Do-it-yourself shampoo is a great opportunity to improve your hair, they say. But before taking these statements for granted, it is worthwhile to figure out whether homemade cosmetics are really in no way inferior to purchased ones. Is it true that "professional" means can be abandoned without any damage? Is it easy to make your own shampoo, is it convenient to use in everyday life, and how safe is it? In general, now is the time to dot the "I".

  • Modern women prefer to wash their hair often. Shampoos are expected to lather well and rinse hair as quickly as they do effectively. Best of all, funds with an "aggressive" composition cope with this. Natural ingredients in such shampoos, if present, are in very small quantities. The operating basis of the finished product is obtained as a result of the processing of petroleum products. Yes, it successfully dissolves impurities, but at the same time it reduces the protective properties of the scalp and irritates it, as a result of which the curls begin to get dirty faster.

Natural shampoos (mustard, egg, soap root or herbal decoction) do not foam well. When switching from a “factory” shampoo to a home-made one, many women note that at first the head does not seem to be washed. And it is. But over time, the fat balance returns to normal, and the need for daily washing disappears. The appearance and condition of the curls are gradually improving, but this does not happen as quickly as we would like (positive changes become noticeable after 2-3 weeks).

  • As a rule, homemade hair shampoos cannot be stored. They should be prepared immediately before use, which is not always convenient. Shampoos based on baby soap are more practical: they can be stored in the refrigerator for a month. But such tools are not suitable for everyone.
  • Having personally selected the ingredients for the detergent composition, you will be sure of its naturalness. But it would be nice to make sure that such a shampoo is harmless before using it. Therefore, do not neglect the allergy test.
  • Not all homemade shampoos are universal. For each type of hair, you need to select different bases and additives. To find "your" remedy, you have to experiment. As a rule, you can use the same natural composition for 1-2 months, after which you need to switch to another. But if the product is perfect for you, replacement is not necessary.
  • Natural shampoo should be used no more than 2 times a week. Some women, using "homemade", continue to use purchased products. This is quite acceptable when there is not enough time.
  • To mix the ingredients, use only plastic, wooden or glassware.
  • Homemade shampoo is somewhat similar to masks: you can’t rinse it off right away, but you need to hold it on your hair for at least 5 minutes.
  • With all the inconveniences associated with preparing hair cosmetics with your own hands, it has a serious advantage over the purchased one, as it really strengthens and restores the hair, and does not burden it with foreign elements that lead to dandruff, cross-section and exhaustion.

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"Great-grandmothers", contrary to popular belief, had an impressive arsenal of detergents. They used burdock root, decoctions of nettle, hops, chamomile, tansy, birch charcoal, beer, black bread, mustard, salt, clay, egg yolks, curdled milk, soda, vinegar, and in some places even soap root. Of course, all these products were a little like shampoo in the usual sense, but they performed their function.

The "great-grandchildren" have an even wider choice. They can use baby soap or a neutral soap base as a base component. Such a shampoo is more convenient and practical, for example, yolk. But, using it, it is recommended to rinse the curls with a softening herbal decoction: the soap dries them.

Effective and readily available additives are used to enrich the hair shampoo and improve its cleansing properties: vitamins in ampoules, essential oils, base oils (in very small quantities), lemon juice, alcohol (occasionally).

"Dry wash"

When you urgently need to "refresh" your hair, modern women use dry shampoo. It turns out that this remedy has many natural analogues. Here are some simple recipes:

  • Soda + wheat flour + talc (1:4:1)
  • Oat flour + fine salt (2:1)
  • Starch (corn or potato) + fine salt (2:1)
  • White clay (powder) + starch (1:1)
  • Violet Root Powder (available at pharmacies)
  • Cocoa powder + salt / mustard (1: 1, for brunettes).

Dry homemade shampoo is applied to the curls (mainly the roots) with a large cosmetic brush. Hair is lightly fluffed with fingertips. When the product absorbs sebum, it is necessary to comb it out very carefully with a fine comb.

Despite the fact that such shampoos are completely natural, you should not resort to their help too often, as they absorb not only dirt, but also moisture.

Traditional means for cleansing curls

  • Rye bread is a general tonic product that, among other things, eliminates dandruff. Grind a couple of slices of stale bread (without the crust) and pour a little warm water over it. Apply the resulting slurry to the hair, massage the scalp. After a few minutes, rinse the strands in the shower. Let them dry naturally and comb very carefully to remove any crumbs.

This homemade shampoo is especially good for oily hair. But if your strands are dry or normal, it makes sense to soak the bread not with water, but with warm kefir or yogurt.

  • To clean and improve oily hair, white, blue or green clay is used. 2 tbsp. spoons of the powder must be diluted with water to make a creamy mass, and add 3-5 drops of essential oil (lemon, bergamot, rosemary, tea tree, cypress, grapefruit) to it. Distribute homemade shampoo through your hair, massage your head, and after 5-10 minutes, rinse your curls.
  • To cleanse, soften and moisturize dry and normal hair, use yolks. Take 1-2 pieces, carefully remove the transparent film from them and fluff with a fork. Add a few drops of essential oil (lavender, rose, geranium, ylang-ylang, orange). Apply the mass to the hair, distribute evenly, beat and rinse after a few minutes. If desired, rinse your hair with a decoction of nettle, sage or chamomile, and when it dries, comb it by applying 2 drops of any essential oil (listed in this recipe) to the teeth of the comb. This is done in order to “beat off” the egg smell.

  • To accelerate hair growth and awaken "sleeping" bulbs, mustard homemade shampoo is used. 1 st. a spoonful of mustard powder, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of strong tea. If desired, add an egg yolk and a few drops of essential oil (thyme, lavender, basil, eucalyptus, coriander, mint). Apply the product to the hair, shake, hold for a few minutes and rinse. Rinse your curls with vinegar or lemon water.
  • Tansy infusion is universal. Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried herbs 400 ml of boiling water, leave for half an hour, and then strain through a sieve and rinse your hair with this product. In the same way, an infusion is made from dried or fresh birch or nettle leaves.
  • Another remedy for hair of any type is birch charcoal. Fill it with water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse the strands with charcoal infusion, and when they are completely dry, grease the roots with 1 teaspoon of natural unrefined oil (olive or sunflower). It doesn't need to be washed off. Repeat the procedure twice a week for 1-1.5 months.

Soap based products

So, how to make shampoo at home? - To prepare a "modern" type cosmetic product that can be stored in the refrigerator for 7-10 days, you need to take a ready-made soap base (sold in craft stores), shavings of baby soap or liquid transparent baby soap. A mild baby shampoo will also work.

Pour 1 teaspoon (no more!) of warm almond oil into 20 ml of the base. Prepare nettle decoction: pour 2 tbsp. spoons of dry leaves 150 ml of boiling water and boil again. Let it brew for 20 minutes, strain. Take 10 drops of decoction and add to the base (the remaining liquid can be rinsed with hair after washing). Nettle in this recipe can be replaced with calendula, aloe, sea buckthorn, raspberries. Then add 5 drops of an essential oil suitable for your hair type to the shampoo. Stir the mass and pour into a small bottle. This shampoo can be stored in the refrigerator for a week and a half.

Sometimes vitamins (A, E, B12, B6) are added to natural shampoos. But in this case, the prepared composition must be used immediately, otherwise the vitamins will lose their beneficial properties, and you will not expect any positive effect from this supplement.