Sensory development of children of primary preschool age by means of didactic games. Cognitive development of younger preschoolers in a preschool educational organization


In recent years, there has been an active reform of the system of preschool education: the network of alternative preschool institutions is growing, new programs of preschool education are emerging, and original methodological materials are being developed.

Preschool age is the period when the foundation of a child's preschool life is laid. The problem of the emotional development of younger preschoolers is relevant because the emotional world plays an important role in the life of every person. Many teachers and psychologists dealt with this problem (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.A. Rubinshtein, T.A. Markova, Ya.Z. Neverovich, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin, and others), who argued that positive emotions create optimal conditions for active brain activity and are a stimulus for understanding the world. These emotions are involved in the emergence of any creative activity of the child, and of course, in the development of his thinking. Whereas negative emotions make us avoid unwanted or harmful actions, they protect and protect the child. But it should be noted that excessive exposure to negative emotions destroys the human brain and psyche. If you look at our daily life, you can see that our attitude to people, events, assessments of our own actions and deeds depend on emotions.

Emotions help the child to adapt to a particular situation. Thanks to emotional development, the child will be able to regulate his behavior, avoiding those actions that he could do under the influence of random circumstances and fleeting desires. Therefore, we consider it necessary not only to study, but also to develop the emotional sphere of a preschooler, since emotions “tell” the adults around him about the state and inner world of the child.

Scientists have proven that emotions affect the functions of organs and tissues of the body, and, therefore, affect human health.

The absence of emotions leads not only to the passivity of thought processes, but also to motor passivity. Physical exercise, of course, can help improve the build and good spirits. After all, physical culture promotes development, provides not only physical, but also spiritual health of a person.

Research hypothesis.

Research objectives:

.Based on the analysis of pedagogical, psychological literature, determine the essence and develop the structure of key concepts: “emotional development of younger preschoolers”, “psychological and pedagogical means of emotional development”.

.Determine the psychological and pedagogical means of the emotional development of preschoolers.

.To analyze the programs of preschool education on the emotional development of children of primary preschool age.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the problem of emotional development of children of primary preschool age

emotional development junior preschool

1.1Emotional development of children of primary preschool age as a psychological and pedagogical problem

Features of the development of children of primary preschool age.

Younger age is the most important period in the development of a preschooler. It is at this time that the transition of the baby to new relationships with adults, peers, with the old world takes place.

Psychologists pay attention to the “crisis of three years”, when the younger preschooler, until recently so accommodating, begins to show intolerance towards the guardianship of an adult, the desire to insist on his demand, perseverance in the implementation of his goals. This indicates that the former type of relationship between an adult and a child should be changed in the direction of giving the baby greater independence and enriching his activities with new content.

It is important to understand that the requirement “I am myself” characteristic of a child of the third year of life, first of all, reflects the emergence of a new need for independent actions in him, and not the actual level of his capabilities.

Therefore, the task of an adult is to support the desire for independence, not to extinguish it by criticizing the child’s inept actions, not to undermine the child’s faith in his own strengths, expressing impatience with his slow and inept actions. The main thing is to help each child notice the growth of their achievements, to feel the joy of experiencing success in their activities.

The desire for independence is formed in the experience of cooperation with adults. In joint activities, the child learns methods and techniques of action, gets acquainted with an example of behavior and attitude, learns to act independently, taking into account growing opportunities, and strives to achieve a better result.

The younger preschooler especially needs maternal support and care of the educator.

By the end of the younger preschool age, the need for cognitive communication with adults begins to manifest itself actively, as evidenced by the numerous questions that children ask.

An adult should encourage the cognitive activity of the child, develop the desire for observation, comparison, examination of the properties and qualities of objects. Together with children, an adult experiences feelings of surprise, the joy of knowing the world, and with his questions encourages new discoveries.

During the younger preschool age, interest in communication with peers develops, new opportunities open up for educating children in a benevolent attitude towards others, emotional responsiveness, without which proper social development is impossible. In order for the child to take into account the feelings and interests of other people in his behavior, he must first learn to experience close people - parents, educator, peers.

The ability of an adult to convey his feelings, to evoke an emotional response in a child is a necessary condition for awakening empathy. An adult shows children an example of a humane, kind attitude towards others: how to console the offended, treat, please, help. It helps kids to see in facial expressions and gestures a manifestation of a bright emotional state of people. With his approval, an adult supports the desire for positive actions, contributes to the formation of positive self-esteem, which the child begins to cherish.

Children 3-4 years old are primarily "doers", not observers. The experience of active and diverse activities is the most important condition for their development.

Features of the development of children of middle preschool age.

The children are 4 years old. They moved to the middle group of kindergarten. A number of new features have appeared in their behavior and activities that distinguish them from babies.

The physical abilities of children have increased, they experience an acute need for movement. In case of dissatisfaction of this need, restriction of active motor activity, they quickly become overexcited, become naughty, capricious.

Children of this age are characterized by rather high excitability, weakness of inhibitory processes, and therefore require frequent changes in activity. This helps the child regain strength and calm down.

In the 5th year of life, the desire of children to communicate with peers is actively manifested. The average preschooler needs meaningful contacts with peers. Speech contacts become longer and more active.

Particular attention should be paid to children who, due to shyness, shyness, aggressiveness, cannot find friends in the group, that is, they do not realize their age-related need for communication. This can lead to further personal deformations.

In each such case, an adult analyzes the reasons and finds ways to establish contacts between the child and peers.

New features appear in the communication of middle preschoolers with adults. Children of this age actively strive for cognitive, intellectual communication. A serious mistake is made by an adult if he dismisses the child's questions, does not notice them, or answers with irritation, hastily, without a desire. The benevolent, interested attitude of an adult to children's issues and problems, the readiness to discuss them on an equal footing with children helps, on the one hand, to support and direct children's cognitive activity in the right direction, and on the other hand, strengthens the child's trust in an adult. This promotes a sense of respect for elders.

It has been noticed that children who do not receive answers to their questions from an adult begin to show features of isolation, negativism, stubbornness, and disobedience towards their elders. In other words, the unfulfilled need to communicate with adults leads to negative manifestations in the child's behavior.

A preschooler of the 5th year of life is highly active. This creates new opportunities for the development of independence in all spheres of his life.

Children of this year of life clearly show interest in the game. The game continues to be the main form of organization of their lives.

In children of the middle group, there is an awakening of interest in the rules of behavior. It is by the age of five that numerous complaints begin - the statements of children that something is wrong or someone does not fulfill some requirement. Meanwhile, the “statement” of the child indicates that he has comprehended the requirement as necessary and it is important for him to receive authoritative confirmation of the correctness of his opinion, as well as to hear additional explanations from the educator about the “limits” of the rule. Discussing what happened with the child, we help him establish himself in the right behavior.

Middle-aged children are highly emotional, vividly and directly express their feelings. An adult awakens the emotional responsiveness of children, directs it to sympathy for peers, elementary mutual assistance.

An adult develops the aesthetic feelings of children. He draws their attention to the beauty of nature, the sound of music, brightness and visual means.

Every day, an adult should find time for confidential communication with children, reading fiction to them, telling fairy tales, stories from personal experience, and listening to music.

Much attention is paid to the development of creative abilities.

The attentive, caring attitude of the educator to children, the ability to maintain their cognitive activity and develop independence, the organization of various activities forms the basis for the proper education and full development of children of middle preschool age.

Features of the development of children of senior preschool age.

The transition to the older group is associated with a change in the psychological position of children: for the first time, they begin to feel like the oldest among other children in kindergarten.

An adult helps preschoolers understand this new position. It supports the feeling of "adulthood" and, on its basis, causes them to strive to solve new, more complex problems of cognition, communication, and activity.

An adult no longer needs to rush to the aid of a child at the first difficulty, it is more useful to encourage him to make an independent decision; if you can’t do without help, at first this help should be minimal: it’s better to give advice, push for a solution with leading questions, and activate the child’s past experience. It is important to provide children with the opportunity to solve problems independently, to aim them at finding several options for solving one problem, to support children's initiative, creativity, to show children the growth of their achievements, to arouse in them a sense of joy and pride from successful independent actions.

Senior preschool age is fertile for the development of creativity, cognitive activity and interests of children. This should be facilitated by the whole atmosphere of the life of children. For children of this age, it is important to emphasize the role of the book as a source of new knowledge.

The subject of special attention of the educator is the social and moral development of children, the formation of their relationships with others. An adult, by his behavior, should show examples of a kind, caring attitude towards people, encourage him to notice the state of his peer (offended, upset, bored) and show sympathy, readiness to help. An adult should push the child to show care, attention, help. This enriches the moral experience of children.

Older preschoolers are able to master the rules of the culture of behavior and communication. They understand the motives for following the rules. Supporting positive actions and deeds, an adult relies on the child's developing sense of self-esteem and his growing independence.

A characteristic feature of older preschoolers is the emergence of interest in problems that go beyond kindergarten and personal experience. Children interested in the events of the past and future, the life of different peoples, the animal and plant world of different countries.

Discussing these problems with children, an adult seeks to educate children in the spirit of peace, respect for all life on earth. He shows children how their good deeds make life better and more beautiful.

Older preschoolers are beginning to show interest in the future of schooling. The main thing is to connect the developing interest of children in a new social position (“I want to become a schoolboy”) with a sense of the growth of their achievements, with the need to learn and master new things.

The task of adults is to develop the attention and memory of children, to form in them elementary self-control, the ability to self-regulate their actions.

The condition for the full development of older preschoolers is meaningful communication with peers and adults.

Several forms of communication are used:

business communication, which enters the child, trying to learn something from an adult. Cooperation with adults develops in the child the valuable qualities of social behavior, the ability to accept a common goal, join in joint planning, interact in the process of work, and discuss the results obtained;

Cognitive communication with the educator about the cognitive problems that concern the child. It contributes to the deepening of cognitive interests and activity of children;

Personal communication, in which the child enters to discuss with adults the problems associated with the emotional, moral world of people, with their actions, experiences. The child shares his thoughts, plans, impressions with adults. In this communication, the child's social maturation takes place, social value orientations are formed, the meaning of events is realized, readiness for a new social position of the future student develops.

Entering into communication and cooperation, an adult shows trust, love and respect for a preschooler.

Emotions are a person's reaction to the impact of internal and external stimuli that have a pronounced subjective coloring: they are usually situational in nature and express an individual's assessment of a certain situation related to meeting a person's needs at the moment.

The emergence and manifestation of feelings and emotions is associated with the complex and interconnected work of the cortex and subcortex of the brain, autonomic nervous system. This determines their close connection with the activity of the heart ( heart sank with fear ), respiratory organs ( listened with interest, with bated breath ), with expressive movements of the whole body (pantomime), the activity of facial muscles (facial expressions), with a change in voice intonations (voice expressions), etc.

Emotions are a special class of mental processes and states that make up the relationship of a person experienced in various forms to objects and phenomena of reality. Emotions and feelings are a specific form of reflection of reality. If objects and phenomena are reflected in cognitive processes, then in feelings - the significance of these objects and phenomena for a given person in a particular situation. That is, feelings are personal in nature. They are associated with needs and act as an indicator of how they are being met.

According to P.A. Urunta's distinguishing characteristic of feelings is their polarity as the simplest experience of pleasure - displeasure. Feelings have varying degrees of duration and intensity. They differ in their genetic origin, depth, awareness, dynamics of development, effect on the organism, direction, mode of expression, conditions of occurrence and disappearance, and so on. Feelings have an external expression in the expressive movements of the face (facial expressions) and body (pantomime), in the intonations of speech.

According to the form of flow, a sensual tone, mood, emotions proper, passions, stress, frustration, higher feelings are distinguished. The highest product of a person's emotions is stable feelings for objects that meet his highest needs. Higher feelings have a clearly expressed objective character, as they are associated with any specific object. Depending on the subject area to which they belong, they are divided into moral, aesthetic, intellectual. Moral ones are experienced by a person when perceiving the phenomena of reality and comparing these phenomena with the norms developed in society. Intellectual feelings arise in the process of human cognitive activity. Aesthetic are the emotional attitude of a person to beauty in nature, art, people's lives.

Emotions are mental states that reflect the individual's subjective perception of the world around him and himself. They accompany us throughout life, changing depending on age and external influences.

Part of human emotions coincides with the emotions of animals: rage, fear, pleasant, unpleasant. However, due to differences in mind, as well as special needs, a person forms more complex formations called feelings.

It is customary to subdivide emotions into sthenic (stimulating) and asthenic. The former contribute to the mobilization of creative possibilities, the latter, on the contrary, hinder the implementation of activities. In addition, emotions are divided into positive and negative - on the basis of the pleasure or displeasure delivered.

Positive emotions (joy, bliss, sympathy) create an optimistic mood in a person, contribute to the development of his volitional sphere, negative ones (grief, contempt, envy, fear, anxiety, hatred, shame), on the contrary, form lack of will and weakness. However, such an alternative division is not always justified: negative emotions also contain a “rational” grain. One who is devoid of the feeling of sadness is just as pathetic as the person who does not know what joy is or who has lost the sense of humor. If there are not too many negative emotions, they stimulate, make you look for new solutions, approaches, methods. It is also possible to distinguish neutral (according to their sign) experiences: such are the states of calm contemplation, surprise, curiosity, indifference.

The emotional sphere of a person is very well manifested in his temperament.

In humans, the main function of emotions is that, thanks to emotions, we better understand each other, we can, without using speech, judge each other's states and better tune in to joint activities and communication.

Emotions influence the expression of a person's feelings. At the same time, the mood is determined by the emotional reaction not to the mediocre consequences of certain events, but to their significance for a person in the matter of his general life plans. The mood of most people fluctuates between moderate despondency and moderate joy. People differ greatly in the speed of transition from a joyful mood to a dull one and vice versa.

Emotions also affect the sphere of perception: memory, thinking, imagination. Negative emotions give rise to a feeling of sadness, grief, despondency, envy, anger, moreover, often repeated, they can cause psychogenic skin diseases: eczema, neurodermatitis, secretory and trophic changes in the skin, hair loss or graying.

Acute emotional stress can be manifested by a variety of painful sensations - excessive sweating, nausea, loss of appetite for some, or a feeling of insatiable hunger, thirst for others.

Such functional changes in the well-being and activity of internal organs are due to deviations in the autonomic nervous system.

So, emotions can be a direct signal, an assessment, a stimulus for action or inaction, and underlie the energy of the individual himself.

It is known that from the first minutes of life, the baby shows emotional reactions. The presence of the same reactions in blind and sighted children confirms the fact of the genetic component in emotional manifestations. It was found that newborns are able to distinguish between expressions of happiness, sadness and surprise, and at a later age - joy, anger and neutral expressions and then learns to imitate them. The development and improvement of facial expressions goes along with the development of the psyche, starting from infancy, and with the weakening of neuropsychic excitability in old age, facial expressions weaken, retaining the features that are most often repeated in life and therefore cut deeper into the external appearance of the face.

S.L. Rubenstein believed that emotional development is the development of mental and volitional processes that are formed during childhood, as a result of the child's mastery of the experience of previous generations and the assimilation of moral norms and ideals developed by society.

A.N. Leontiev understood emotional development as a purposeful pedagogical process closely connected with the personal development of children, with the process of their socialization and creative self-realization, the introduction of interpersonal relations into the world of culture, and the assimilation of cultural values.

Emotional development proceeds from immediate, single and particular manifestations to general, abstract and selective ones. The ways of responding to certain emotions also change. For example, the retreating face of the mother will not cause much reaction in a three-month-old baby, while a 13-month-old child will react to this with an angry protest, and a 13-year-old teenager may even be delighted.

With age, the child develops positive emotions. The moment of experiencing pleasure in children's games shifts as the child develops: for the baby, pleasure occurs at the moment the desired result is obtained. At the next stage of development, pleasure is provided not only by the result, but also by the very process of the game. At the third stage, older children develop an anticipation of pleasure at the beginning of play activity.

In the process of ontogenesis, the ability to use emotional expression as a means of communication develops. On the other hand, facial recognition of emotions improves with age. True, at the age of 11-13 years there is a temporary regression in the recognition of a number of emotions.

According to Western psychologists, the entire process of the child's socialization is accompanied by a state of anxiety, as he tries to avoid unpleasant experiences due to parental discontent and punishment. It is impossible not to take into account the presence of school anxiety associated with the educational process. During the early school years, it is relatively stable, then there is a sharp surge of anxiety in older adolescence, especially in the 9th grade. In the 10th grade, the level of anxiety drops sharply and rises again before graduation from school.

With age, knowledge about emotions expands and becomes more complex. The number of concepts in which emotions are comprehended increases (the “dictionary of emotions” expands), which occurs due to the differentiation of the initial generalized concepts “pleasant - unpleasant”. The boundaries of emotional concepts become clearer; thus, young children use the same term to refer to a wider range of emotional phenomena than older children. The number of parameters by which emotions are characterized increases; at first there are two of them - “excitation - calming” and “pleasure - displeasure”, then the parameters “connection with others”, “correspondence to the place”, etc. appear. If at the age of five children closely associate an emotion with the situation of its occurrence and determine the first through second, then later the child begins to differentiate ideas about the causes of emotions and internal states that mediate the connection between the situation and the emotional reaction.

The development of the emotional sphere of the child largely depends on the emotional atmosphere of the family.

Thus, the following steps are outlined in the development of emotions:

Elementary feelings as manifestations of organic affective sensitivity, playing in a person a subordinate role of a general emotional background, coloring, tone, or a component of more complex feelings;

A variety of objective feelings in the form of specific emotional processes and states;

Generalized worldview feelings.

All of them form the main manifestations of the emotional sphere, organically included in the life of the individual.

The development of emotions is inextricably linked with the development of the personality as a whole.

So, each age period is characterized by its own characteristics of the manifestation of emotions and feelings.

The emotional development of a preschooler is associated, first of all, with the emergence of new interests, motives and needs. The most important change in the motivational sphere is the emergence of social motives that are no longer determined by the achievement of narrow personal, ulitarian goals. It is noted that social emotions and moral feelings begin to develop intensively, which were absent or observed in their infancy at preschool age. The establishment of a hierarchy of motives leads to changes in the emotional sphere. The selection of the main motive, to which the whole system of others is subordinate, stimulates stable and deep experiences. Moreover, they do not refer to the immediate, momentary, but rather distant results of activity. That is, emotional experiences are now caused not by the fact that is directly perceived, but by the deep inner meaning that this fact acquires in connection with the leading motive of the child's activity. Feelings lose their situationality, become deeper in semantic content, arise in response to the proposed mental circumstances (P.M. Yakobson). An emotional anticipation is formed in a preschooler, which makes him worry about the possible results of his activity, to anticipate the reaction of other people to his actions. Therefore, the role of emotions in the activity of the child changes significantly. If earlier the child felt joy because he got the desired result, now he is happy because he can get this result. If earlier he fulfilled a moral standard in order to earn a positive assessment, now he fulfills it, foreseeing how those around him will be delighted with his act.

Thus, gradually the preschooler begins to foresee not only the intellectual, but also the emotional results of his activities. It is at preschool age that a child masters the highest forms of expression - the expression of feelings through intonation, facial expressions, pantomime, which helps him understand the experiences of another person, open them for yourself. On the one hand, the development of emotions is due to the emergence of new motives and their subordination, and on the other hand, emotional anticipation ensures this subordination.

Also from the reasoning of A.D. Kosheleva, it can be noted that changes in the emotional sphere are associated with the development of not only the motivational, but also the cognitive sphere of the personality, self-consciousness. The inclusion of speech in emotional processes ensures their intellectualization when they become more conscious, generalized. The first attempts to restrain one's feelings, for example, their external manifestations - tears, can be seen in a child of 3-4 years old. Although the baby is still bad at it. The older preschooler, to a certain extent, begins to control the expression of emotions, influencing himself with the help of a word.

Preschoolers have difficulty restraining emotions associated with organic needs. Hunger, thirst make them act impulsively.

At preschool age, the development of communication with adults and peers, the emergence of forms of collective activity and, mainly, role-playing games lead to the further development of sympathy, sympathy, and the formation of camaraderie. Higher feelings are intensively developing: moral, aesthetic, cognitive.

Relationships with loved ones are the source of humane feelings. At the previous stages of childhood, showing benevolence, attention, care, love, an adult laid a powerful foundation for the formation of moral feelings.

Scientists rightly noted that a preschooler turns into a subject of emotional relationships, he empathizes with other people. Practical mastery of the norms of behavior is also a source of development of moral feelings. Experiences are caused by social sanction, deprivation of children's society. The experience of such experiences is generalized in the form of moral feelings. If the younger preschoolers give an assessment of the act in terms of its immediate significance for the people around them, then the older ones give a generalized assessment. At this age, the moral assessments of actions from external requirements become the child's own assessments and are included in his experiences of attitudes towards certain actions or actions.

From the practice of psychologists, it can be distinguished that a role-playing game is a powerful factor in the development of humane feelings. Role-playing actions and relationships help the preschooler to understand the other, take into account his position, mood, desire. When children move from simply recreating actions and the external nature of relationships to conveying their emotionally expressive content, they learn to share the experiences of others.

In labor activity aimed at achieving a result useful to others, new emotional experiences arise: joy from common success, sympathy for the efforts of comrades, satisfaction from the good performance of one's duties, displeasure from one's bad work.

On the basis of acquaintance of children with the work of adults, love and respect for it is formed. And preschoolers transfer a positive attitude to work to their own activities.

Empathy with peers largely depends on the situation and position of the child. In conditions of acute personal rivalry, emotions overwhelm the preschooler, and the number of negative expressions directed at a peer increases sharply. The child does not give any arguments against a peer, but simply (in speech) expresses his attitude towards him, empathy with a friend is sharply reduced.

Passive observation of the activities of a peer causes twofold experiences in a preschooler. If he is confident in his abilities, then he rejoices in the success of another, and if he is not sure, then he feels envy.

When children compete with each other, realistically evaluating their capabilities, comparing themselves with a friend, the desire for personal success, recognition of their own merits increases their expression to the highest level. In group competitions, the main core is the interest of the group, and success or failure is shared by everyone, the strength and number of negative expressions are reduced, because against the general background of the group, personal successes and failures are less noticeable.

The child experiences the brightest positive emotions in a situation of comparing himself with a positive literary hero, actively empathizing with him. The preschooler makes such a comparison only mentally and with confidence that in a similar situation he would have acted the same way. Therefore, there are no negative emotions towards the character.

Sympathy and sympathy encourage the child to commit the first moral deeds. Even a 4-5-year-old child fulfills moral standards, showing a sense of duty, first of all, in relation to those with whom he sympathizes and sympathizes.

The beginnings of a sense of duty are observed in the 3rd year of life. The kid obeys the requirements of an adult, not realizing their meaning, he does not understand the significance of his actions for others. There is only a process of accumulation of initial moral ideas: can , it is forbidden , Badly , Okay and correlate them with their actions and deeds. Emotional reactions to the positive and negative side of the actions of adults in the baby are unstable. He can give in, but only under the influence of an adult or out of sympathy and sympathy for someone.

From the observations of psychologists, it can be noted that the first more or less complex manifestations of a sense of duty occur in children 4-5 years old. Now, on the basis of life experience and initial moral ideas, a moral consciousness is born in the child, he is able to understand the meaning of the requirements presented to him and relate them to his own actions and actions, as well as the actions and actions of others.

The child experiences joy, satisfaction when he performs worthy deeds and grief, indignation, discontent when he or others violate generally accepted requirements, commit unworthy deeds. The feelings experienced are caused not only by the assessment of adults, but also by the evaluative attitude of the child himself to his own and other people's actions. He experiences such feelings when performing actions and deeds in relation to people with whom he is in direct contact, he has affection, sympathy, sympathy, but these feelings themselves are shallow and unstable. At the age of 5-7, a sense of duty arises in a child in relation to many adults and peers. The preschooler begins to experience this feeling in relation to the kids.

By the age of 7, the sense of duty is not based only on attachment and extends to a wider range of people with whom the child does not directly interact. The experiences are deep enough and persist for a long time. The development of camaraderie and friendship occurs long before children begin to realize their relationship with comrades in terms of moral standards. Kids are friends because they play together (playing and being friends is the same for them). Older preschoolers play with those with whom they make friends on the basis of sympathy and respect.

The development of intellectual feelings in preschool age is associated with the formation of cognitive activity. Joy when learning something new, surprise and doubt, bright positive emotions not only accompany the child's small discoveries, but also cause them. The surrounding world, nature especially attracts the baby with mystery, mystery. She poses numerous problems for him, which the baby is trying to solve. Surprise creates a question that needs to be answered.

The development of aesthetic feelings is associated with the formation of children's own artistic and creative activity and artistic perception.

It is fair to note that the aesthetic feelings of children are interconnected with moral ones. The child approves of the beautiful and good, condemns the ugly and evil in life, art, literature. N.A. Vetlugina wrote: It is impossible to teach a child the truth, goodness without the formation of concepts in him beautiful and ugly , true and false , it is impossible to teach him to strive to protect the truth, goodness, without forming in him an emotional protest against evil and lies, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and good in people.

An analysis of the literature on the problem allows us to identify the following features of emotional development in preschool age:

the child masters social forms of expression of feelings;

the role of emotions in the child's activity changes, emotional anticipations are formed;

feelings become more conscious, generalized, reasonable, arbitrary, extra-situational;

higher feelings are formed - moral, intellectual, aesthetic.

Emotions have a great influence on mental processes. Mental processes are divided into cognitive, emotional and volitional. The division is conditional, since the psyche is conditional and all mental phenomena in it are interconnected. Emotions affect all components of cognition: sensation, perception, imagination, memory and thinking.

Emotional it is already present in sensations, which can be pleasant and unpleasant. The influence of emotions affects perception: for a joyful person, everything around is pleasant, an irritated person notices in the object of his anger only that which increases his irritation.

Good mood improves memory. Thanks to emotional memory, past events are firmly remembered. People endowed with a developed emotional memory can vividly imagine the very feelings that once possessed them.

Emotions are also associated with forgetting. A person forgets what is emotionally neutral and does not matter much to him.

There are certain regularities in the relationship of emotional states with the quality of thinking: happiness tends to contribute to the fulfillment of a cognitive task, while unhappiness inhibits its fulfillment.

Positive emotions increase motivation, while negative emotions take it away. ( When I'm angry, I don't like to draw.)

Volitional processes are closely related to emotions. The mood is reflected at all stages of the act of will: on the awareness of the motive, decision-making and deployment of the process of achieving the goal, culminating in the implementation of the decision. So, the emotional attractiveness of the goal multiplies the strength of the child, facilitates the implementation of the decision. The ability to volitional effort is reduced in people who are in a depressed state. An indifferent person with dull emotions cannot be strong-willed either.

From the point of view of domestic experts, it was noted that a balance of emotions is necessary for mental health, therefore, when educating children's emotions, it is important not only to teach them to stimulate themselves in the process of volitional action with the help of positive emotions, but also not to be afraid of negative emotions that inevitably arise in the process of activity, creativity, because it is impossible to imagine any activity without failures, without mistakes and breakdowns.

The imbalance of feelings contributes to the emergence of emotional disorders, leading to a deviation in the development of the child's personality, to a violation of his social contacts.

Thus, the features of emotional development in preschool age are highlighted. It has been proven that emotions have a great influence on the development of mental processes in a child.

Drawing a conclusion, it should be noted that it is possible to develop and correct the emotional sphere of preschoolers in classes in preschool institutions, but these classes are specific.

Preschool age is a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the process of socialization begins, the connection of the child with the leading spheres of being is established: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to universal values. The foundation for health is being laid. Preschool childhood is the time of the initial formation of the personality, the formation of the foundations of self-awareness and the individuality of the child.

The task of this upbringing is not to maximize the development of the child, not to speed up the timing and pace of transferring him to rails school age, and, above all, in creating conditions for each preschooler for the most complete disclosure of his age-related capabilities and abilities. At preschool age, the process of cognition in a child occurs in an emotional and practical way. Each preschooler is a little explorer, discovering the world around him with joy and surprise. The child strives for vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, to promote its further development. The fuller and more varied the children's activity, the more it is significant for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is, the potential opportunities and the first creative manifestations are realized.

It is rightly noted that the main task of the educator is to fill the daily life of preschoolers with interesting things, problems, ideas, to include each child in meaningful activities, to promote the realization of children's interests and life activity. By organizing the activities of children, the educator develops in each child the desire to take the initiative, to find a reasonable and worthy way out of various life situations. In organizing the pedagogical process in kindergarten, the question of the originality of educational and educational work with children of preschool age is of great importance.

Preschool education contains such tasks that have not only educational, but also educational value. These tasks include the formation in children of correct ideas about the environment, the development of speech, counting, the acquisition of skills in drawing, modeling, etc.

A significant number of forms and means of educational work with preschool children have been developed, including classes, didactic games and materials. Each of these means has different possibilities in relation to educational tasks.

Preschool pedagogy selectively approaches the means of educational work with children, in accordance with the tasks of the kindergarten, based on the requirements of active management of the development of each child, ensuring a high level of comprehensive development of all children brought up in kindergarten.

Among the means of preschool educational work, training has great advantages, since it provides an organized teaching role for an adult, which makes learning very effective.

Learning, being applied to various educational content - familiarization with the environment, the formation of speech, the development of mathematical concepts, musical abilities, the development of movements, drawing, modeling, etc., has a deep educational effect on children, develops abilities, interests: broadens horizons, enriches skills and abilities in various activities, improves attention. Education makes it possible to raise the development of all children in the group to a higher level, and contributes to a significant extent to mitigating the uneven development of children observed in practice.

In the process of learning and under its direct influence, learning activity is formed in children - the child's ability to perform mental work in a certain direction and, in connection with this, listen and hear, look and see, perceive and learn. These are the first steps in developing the ability to learn. Learning activities make significant changes in a child's behavior. He becomes more collected, responds more easily to the word of an adult, gets used to listening to details. Becomes more attentive. And all this imparts an organized character to the behavior of children and makes them more educated.

Education has a great educational impact also because it provides children with the advancement that is feasible for them, makes it possible to achieve a certain result and experience satisfaction from work. And this stimulates the formation of children's interests, will, character.

All learning has common features. At the same time, these common features are concretized for each age level in a peculiar way. These common features are:

a) training is conducted according to didactic rules based on psychological patterns, pursues the tasks of imparting knowledge, mastering skills;

b) learning is based on the teaching role of an adult (teacher, educator);

c) education is organized in nature: it has a specific program and form of organization of children.

In order to systematically and systematically influence the teacher on all children in the group, kindergarten education is built as an organized process and takes place in the form of classes with a group of children of a certain age.

The systematic development of the learning process in the classroom contains great educational opportunities for the formation of knowledge and skills in children, the education of organized forms of behavior, attentiveness, and mental activity.

The learning process in the classroom allows the teacher to work evenly with all the children in the group, implementing a specific program. The main role in learning is given to classes.

Classes are a form of organization of education in kindergarten. They are obligatory for all preschoolers: the program content is defined for them, constant time is allocated in the daily routine, a certain duration is set. Classes are held under the leadership of an educator who informs children of new knowledge, clarifies and systematizes existing ones, organizes practical activities during which children strengthen their knowledge and master a variety of skills and abilities. The content of the educational material is gradually becoming more complex. In the classroom, the material of the surrounding life is used, giving in a certain sequence knowledge about nature and people, skills in counting, drawing, designing, singing, and movement.

Since the decisive role in the lesson belongs to the personal influence of the educator on children, it requires the educator to have a deep knowledge of the psychology of the child, skillful coordination of his influence with the characteristics of child development. From an adult, a very good mastery of a variety of activities (drawing, rhythmic movements, singing, the ability to observe, etc.) is required, since the child is taught on the basis of the personal example of the educator.

In a methodical sense, didactic materials and manuals are used in the classroom, developed taking into account the tasks and age characteristics of children (colorfulness, dynamism, etc.). Didactic games, game tasks and techniques can increase the susceptibility of children, diversify the educational activities of the child, and make it entertaining.

In a preschool institution, classes are held on the development of speech and familiarization with others, the development of elementary mathematical concepts, drawing, modeling, applications, design, physical culture, music, human studies, valueology, ethics and aesthetics and trainings.

Education is based on the cultivation of voluntary active attention, the ability to act actively, to achieve results in one's actions - all this requires a certain mental and physical stress from children. A properly established measure of such work is possible only when teaching is carried out in the form of didactically expedient classes.

When dealing with children of preschool age, whose nervous system is in the period of formation, it is necessary to take the greatest care in relation to the correct teaching load of children.

An important issue, therefore, is the establishment of the time of classes, their place in the general mode, duration, frequency and regularity.

Considering learning as a system of constantly recurring influences on the child, forming a certain didactic stereotype in him, it is necessary to be especially demanding not only in the individual elements of the learning process, but also in organizing a strict frequency of classes, correct alternation with games, and rationing them with a certain time. It is important to comply with this requirement both for didactic purposes and for the formation in the child of such qualities as composure, organization.

Classes, as a form of organization of training, are designed to serve its diverse content. This can be done only if this form is sufficiently flexible and consistent with its content. Since the principle of our training is to work with the whole group at the same time, then the classes in their organization must meet this requirement.

Analyzing the organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool institution, the following can be noted:

In the organization of the pedagogical process in a preschool institution, the problem of the originality of educational work with children of preschool age is of great importance.

A significant number of forms and means of educational work with preschoolers have been developed, including classes, didactic games, and didactic materials.

Educational activities in preschool institutions have their own specifics:

.are of great importance in preparing children for school; children master the skills of educational activities, become more collected, organized;

.in the classroom develops steady attention, concentration, the ability to volitional efforts;

.with the systematic conduct of classes, cognitive interests are formed;

.when working together in the classroom, children influence each other - this contributes to the creation of a friendly children's team and forms the ability to live and work in it.

Thus, the analysis of theoretical studies indicates that considerable material has been accumulated in the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of the emotional sphere of preschool children.

We adhere to the opinion of A.N. Leontiev, that emotional development is a purposeful pedagogical process, closely connected with the personal development of children, with the process of their socialization and creative self-realization, the introduction of interpersonal relations into the world of culture, the assimilation of cultural values. The specificity of the emotional development of children of primary preschool age allows us to derive the concept of emotional development of younger preschoolers. The emotional development of younger preschoolers is a purposeful pedagogical process, closely related to the personal development of children of primary preschool age, with the process of their socialization and creative self-realization, the introduction of a culture of interpersonal relations into the world, the assimilation of cultural values.

2Psychological and pedagogical means of emotional development of preschoolers

Means are objects of material and spiritual culture that are used in solving pedagogical problems. The means of emotional development of children include the developing environment, games, music, children's art, fiction.

The "Concept of Preschool Education" states that art, emotionally figurative in nature, is a unique means of developing the emotional sphere of preschoolers, forming a value attitude to the world around them.

The subject environment of childhood is developing - a system of material objects and means of a child's activity, functionally modeling the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance. An enriched development environment presupposes the unity of social, including objective and natural, means of ensuring the diverse activities of the child. The main elements of the subject developing environment are architectural, landscape and natural objects, art studios, playgrounds and sports grounds and their equipment; large-sized, proportional to the growth of the child designers (modules); thematic sets of toys, manuals; audiovisual and computer means of education and training. The equipment of the upbringing and educational process should be directly dependent on the content of education, age, experience and level of development of children and their activities.

The developing environment has its own specifics in educational institutions of various types: nurseries, kindergartens, general education schools, out-of-school institutions (gaming rooms, health-improving summer camps, children's leisure, including video and computer centers of a microdistrict, city, village), as well as in rehabilitation educational institutions for children with defects in physical, mental and social development. P.'s system with. d.r. in educational institutions should be correlated with the conditions of the family, residential area of ​​the microdistrict. The architectural and planning solution of preschool and out-of-school institutions, schools, courtyards, parks, children's centers should provide for the creation of conditions for the joint activities of children of different ages and different levels of mastery of a particular activity, take into account local ethno-psychological, cultural-historical and natural-climatic conditions. The initial requirement for the subject environment is its developing nature. It must objectively, through its content and properties, create conditions for the creative activity of each child, serve the goals of physical and mental development and improvement, and provide a zone of proximal development.

The design of the subject-developing environment of a children's institution requires psychologists, teachers and designers to take into account the features of the developing activity of the child. Each of its components must comply with the principle of functional comfort and the basic provisions of ergonomics for the development of children's activities. At the same time, gaming, sports, domestic, natural environments must be unconditionally comfortable at the level of their functional reliability and safety. A necessary requirement is also to ensure the correlation of the constituent elements of the environment with the macro- and microspace of children's activities. The subject-developing environment is not only an object and means of the child’s activity, but also a carrier of the culture of the pedagogical process, ennobles the work of the teacher, provides him with the opportunity to manifest creativity, serves to maintain his personal professional self-respect and good manners of people.

One of the effective means of developing the emotional sphere of preschoolers is music - emotional art in its very content. Researchers in the field of pedagogy, psychology, musicology B.V. Asafiev, N.A. Vetlugina, L.S. Vygotsky proved the interrelation and interdependence of progressive personality changes and musical and emotional development. The need to introduce the child to the world of musical culture, the development of emotional responsiveness to music is emphasized in the works of N.A. Vetlugina, D.B. Kabalevsky.

The art of music presents inexhaustible possibilities for expanding and enriching the emotional experience. Music most deeply captures a person and organizes his emotional being; in communication with it, the child easily finds an outlet for his emotional activity and creative initiative. It is emotional activity that gives the child the opportunity to realize his musical abilities, becomes a means of emotional communication.

One of the effective means of developing the emotional world of children can be considered children's artistic creativity, which can solve the problems of the socio-cultural development of the individual. Artistic creativity is a kind of creativity, the result of which is the creation of a work of art, i.e. specific display of objective reality in the form of artistic images. The visibility and figurativeness, and often the colorfulness of the drawing, affect the emotional sphere of the child, and the image that appears from under the pencil or brush gives him aesthetic pleasure.

A game is a kind of unproductive activity, with actions limited by rules that are aimed at creating, developing and maintaining a process within given boundaries. In preschool children, the game is the main form of activity. Some elemental games of preschoolers have a pronounced resemblance to the games of representatives of the animal world, but even such simple games as catching up, wrestling and hide and seek are to a large extent civilized. In games, children imitate the labor activity of adults, take on various social roles. Already at this stage, differentiation occurs by gender. A special position is occupied by specially designed educational and therapeutic games.

In games, the individual and age characteristics of children are manifested. At the age of 2-3 years, they begin to master the logical-figurative representation of reality. While playing, children begin to give objects contextually determined imaginary properties, to replace real objects with them (play games).

The game of a preschooler is saturated with a wide variety of emotions, surprise, excitement, joy, delight. L.I. Bozhovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, Ya.Z. Neverovich emphasized that the main meaning of the game lies in the diverse experiences that are significant for the child, and in the process of the game, deep transformations of the initial, affective tendencies and ideas that have developed in their life experience take place. The relationship between the game and the emotional state of children acts in two ways, the formation and improvement of play activity affects the emergence and development of emotions, and already formed emotions affect the development of a game of a certain content. Children perform a large number of actions with toys, many of which end in direct, pronounced reactions: laughter, surprise, delight, etc.

The range of emotions addressed to a partner in the game can be extremely wide: from complete indifference and ignoring, to interest and support for emotional contacts, meaningful communication, and mutual actions. Emotional manifestations that arise in a particular game situation are able to consolidate and generalize, so the teacher must organize the game in such a way as to prevent the emergence and development of negative emotions, the manifestation of inattention, aggressiveness.

One of the means of developing the emotional sphere of preschoolers can be considered psycho-gymnastics. The technique under this name was created by Gana Yunova in Czechoslovakia in 1979. Psycho-gymnastics is a course of special classes (sketches, exercises and games) aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child's psyche (both its cognitive and emotional-personal sphere) . The main goal of psycho-gymnastics is to overcome barriers in communication, develop a better understanding of oneself and others, relieve mental stress, and create opportunities for self-expression.

In psycho-gymnastics, great importance is attached to the communication of children with peers, which is very important for the normal development and emotional health of children. It helps the child communicate more easily with peers, more easily express their feelings and better understand the feelings of others. In the course of the exercises, children develop positive character traits (confidence, honesty, courage, kindness, etc.), neurotic manifestations (fears, various kinds of fears, uncertainty) are eliminated.

E. Korotaeva considered the developing environment as a means of emotional development of preschoolers. Under the developmental environment in a preschool institution, the author understands the organization of space and the use of equipment for the safety and psychological well-being of the child. She identifies several components that affect the emotional atmosphere of the group. The emotionally supporting component of the environment involves the creation of an optimal emotional atmosphere in the group. The teacher needs to learn to correlate the goals and objectives of his actions with the installation on the emotional development of children: excitement, relaxation, experience, organization of emotionally rich communication of the child with adults and others. When arranging an emotionally-tuning component, the following circumstances must be taken into account: the color scheme of the room, which should be calm for perception, and the environment should be aesthetically designed. The emotionally stabilizing component involves the systematic fulfillment of the necessary conditions for organizing the daily routine, which contributes to the good emotional well-being of children. Emotionally-activating component provides emotional activation of the child's experiences, which occurs in the game activity. It is necessary to include games focused on optimizing the emotional and sensory sphere in work with preschoolers. The emotional-training component includes conducting psycho-gymnastics with children, which we discussed above.

In this way,

An analysis of theoretical studies indicates that significant material has been accumulated in the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of the emotional sphere of preschool children.

Under the younger preschool age, we mean a fertile period for organizing work on the emotional development of children. The younger preschooler is very impressionable, open to learning social and cultural values, striving to recognize himself among other people. He clearly shows the inseparability of emotions from the processes of perception, thinking, imagination.

The psychological and pedagogical means of the emotional development of younger preschoolers include: developing environment, play, music, children's art, fiction.

Chapter II. Practical experience in studying the problem of emotional development of children of primary preschool age

1 Analysis of preschool education programs on emotional development Program "Childhood"

Purpose: ensuring the development of the child during preschool childhood: intellectual, physical, emotional, moral, strong-willed, social and personal. The introduction of the child into the world around him is carried out through his interaction with various spheres of being (the world of people, nature, etc.) and culture (fine arts, music, children's literature and native language, mathematics, etc.).

The program includes works of oral folk art, folk games, music and dances, arts and crafts of Russia. The teacher is given the right to independently determine the schedule of classes, content, method of organization and place in the daily routine.

The program highlights a new important section: "Attitude of the child to himself" (self-knowledge). "Childhood" is a comprehensive educational program developed by the authors from the standpoint of humanistic pedagogy, a personal-activity approach to the development and upbringing of a preschool child. It includes three parts in accordance with the three stages of the preschool period (junior, middle, senior preschool age).

Each part is based on general ideas that reflect the views of the authors on preschool childhood, its importance in human life, the conditions for effective development in the preschool years.

In the closest and most natural activities for the child, the intellectual, physical, emotional, moral, volitional, social and personal development of the preschooler takes place.

The entire content of the program is conditionally united around four main blocks: "Knowledge", "Humanity", "Creation", "Healthy lifestyle". For example, the Humane Attitude block orients children towards a benevolent, careful, caring attitude towards the world; the purpose of the "Cognition" block is to help preschoolers master the various available ways of knowing the world around them (comparison, elementary analysis, generalization, etc.).

Particular emphasis in the program is placed on familiarizing children with the world of nature, nurturing a caring attitude towards natural objects. The program has a complete set of methodological support for children of primary preschool age.

Kindergarten - the second home of the baby. Much in the life of a child depends on how they meet their new resident there and how they fill his days. First of all, the doors of the kindergarten open for moms and dads who look after a cozy nest where their beloved child will spend many days full of impressions.

In addition to equipment and technical conditions, thoughtful parents are interested in the educational programs that the preschool educational institution works on. Now you can already choose from a range of interesting and useful systems that best suits your wishes.

Many kindergartens in our time work according to the traditional "Kindergarten Education and Training Program", created by a team of authors led by M.A. Vasilyeva. The choice is dictated by the fact that this time-tested program offers evidence-based and proven methods. In addition, it has been updated and supplemented in accordance with the requirements of modernity based on the current theoretical and practical achievements of domestic and foreign pedagogy. The combination of fundamental research with innovative educational technologies made it possible to implement in this program an integrated approach to the development of a child in today's conditions and lay the foundation for the formation of a versatile person.

Based on the basic principle - developmental education, the authors have built an integral and harmonious system that helps to raise a child from the cradle to school. At the heart of the M.A. Vasilyeva is based on the thesis that the development of a child is possible only with the proper organization of the learning process. By learning, the authors understand the familiarization with the main components of human culture: representation, knowledge, morality, art, labor. Therefore, teachers of a preschool educational institution working “according to Vasilyeva” equally pay attention to the physical, moral and aesthetic development of the baby, as well as the formation of such personality traits in him as: curiosity, responsiveness, initiative, creativity. At the same time, in the program of M.A. Vasilyeva used the principle of cultural conformity, that is, taking into account national traditions and value orientations. Therefore, the baby more easily learns the norms and rules accepted in society. And due to the fact that games, activities and exercises are selected in accordance with age characteristics, children quickly and easily learn new knowledge and adopt skills. The result of such a comprehensive development is the creation of a solid basis for the personality of the child.

In order for the program to “work” fruitfully, educators strive to maintain a favorable microclimate in the kindergarten. It is simply necessary for a child to fully live an important age period, which is responsible for the formation of basic personality traits. Offering the pupil various types of activities: playing, educational, motor, labor and artistic, the teacher seeks to reveal the multifaceted abilities in the child and develop them qualitatively.

For this, the M.A. Vasilyeva included detailed scenarios for children's holidays, descriptions of entertainment, programs of leisure circles and materials to test the knowledge and skills of the child. Such a methodological complex helps teachers to individually approach the upbringing of each child, his needs and abilities, competently build a development strategy for each child. The educator creates the necessary conditions, situations that contribute to the development of the necessary qualities and skills, not forgetting the individual interests and inclinations of the child and taking care of emotional well-being and health.

The performance of this system is supported by:

commonality of approaches to family education and kindergarten;

the continuity of the educational activities of the preschool educational institution and the school;

creative organization of various activities.

A child involved in the M.A. Vasilyeva, receives volumetric and qualitative development, including aspects of physical, mental, moral, artistic, aesthetic and labor education. Competently combining all the elements, the teacher implements the idea of ​​"learning from birth", based on the "Convention on the Rights of the Child" and enshrined in the UNESCO report "Education for All".

Now no one doubts the need for early development - it gives a start to the further improvement of the child's abilities. An excellent opportunity to carry out comprehensive and timely development is provided by the "Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten" by M. A. Vasilyeva, which was effectively used in most kindergartens in 2010.

Preserve the health of children and form the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

To ensure the timely and full physical and mental development of children.

To provide each child with a joyful and meaningful experience during pre-school childhood.

The program is based on the idea that each year of a child's life is decisive for the formation of certain mental neoplasms. Pedagogical work is built on the basis of theoretical positions on the leading role of activity in the mental development of the child and the formation of his personality. The creation of special conditions opens up a wide field for independent actions of children, stimulates the setting of new goals, and allows them to look for their own solutions.

An essential point in pedagogical work is also the creation of motivation in children, which can be used and, with their help, encourage children to willingly learn the new things that adults will pass on to them.

On this basis, 3 types of motivation are proposed:

game motivation,

communication motivation,

self-interest motivation.

The authors of the program called it "Rainbow" by analogy with the seven-color rainbow, because. it includes 7 important activities of children and activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child takes place: visual activity, mathematics; development of speech, construction, music, movement, the world around.

The program has a complete set of methodological support and is an integral system of upbringing, development and education of children in a kindergarten.

The authors pursue the goal during preschool childhood to form such personality traits as upbringing, independence, purposefulness, the ability to set a task and achieve its solution, and others that allow the child, without losing interest in learning, to fully acquire knowledge not only at school, but constantly.

In this regard, the solution of upbringing and educational tasks is primarily aimed at the upbringing and general mental development of the child. At the same time, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is considered not as an end in itself, but as one of the means of child development.

"Rainbow" - these are the seven most important activities in the process of which the upbringing and development of the child takes place.

The program of the emotional development of preschoolers “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing!”

Emotions, on the one hand, are an "indicator" of the state of the child, on the other hand, they themselves significantly affect his cognitive processes and behavior, determining the direction of his attention, the features of perception of the world around him, and the logic of judgments.

Young children are often "captured by emotions", because they still cannot control their feelings, which can lead to impulsive behavior, complications in communicating with peers and adults. Only as their personal development develops, they gradually develop the ability to realize and control their experiences, understand the emotional state of other people, the arbitrariness of behavior develops, feelings become more stable and deep.

Especially difficult for a child is a period when significant changes occur in his life - he begins to go to kindergarten or school. It takes a lot of time for a child to get used to a new environment, get used to a new daily routine, to communicate with previously unfamiliar children, to understand the requirements of educators and teachers, to understand how to acquire new knowledge in the process of group learning.

Not every adult is able to understand the whole gamut of his experiences, and for a child this task is even more difficult. Children do not always correctly understand even simple emotions, the more difficult it is for them to realize the various experiences that arise as their connections with the outside world expand.

The author of the training program for the emotional development of preschoolers “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing” is S.V. Kryukov. This program is a logical continuation of the program "Let's live together!" (held in September-October), the purpose of which is to help children adapt to the conditions of kindergarten. Work on the program “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing” is recommended to begin in November, after the period of adaptation of children to a preschool institution is over.

S.L. Rubinstein distinguished three types of emotional experiences. The first is the level of organic affective-emotional sensitivity, when a feeling expresses the state of an organism that is in certain real relationships with the surrounding reality. A higher level of emotional manifestations is made up of objective feelings corresponding to objective perception and objective action. At this level, feeling is nothing more than an expression in the conscious experience of a person's relationship to the world. The value, the qualitative level of these feelings depend on their content, on what attitude and to what object they express. Finally, more generalized feelings rise above objective feelings, such as: a sense of humor, irony, a sense of the sublime, tragic, etc.

This program is aimed at working with "subject feelings". Its main goal is to introduce the child into the complex world of human emotions, help to live a certain emotional state, explain what it means, and give it a verbal name. Accumulating certain moments of living and fixing on any feeling, the child will be able to create his own "emotional fund", with the help of which he will be able to navigate in his own feelings and in the feelings of the people who surround him.

A person judges the emotional state of another by special expressive movements, facial expressions, voice changes. Posture, gesture, features of movements largely complement facial expressions and play an important role in conveying an emotional state. In the words of J. La Bruyère, “there is no less eloquence in the tone of voice, in the eyes and in the facial expression of the speaker than in the words themselves.” Therefore, the task of the program is to teach children to understand their own emotional state, express their feelings and recognize the feelings of other people through facial expressions, gestures, expressive movements, intonations.

The program is presented in the form of detailed lesson scenarios. The author emphasizes that its developments can also serve as a basis for creating their own scenarios, taking into account the needs and characteristics of each specific group.

The undoubted value of this program is a clear logic of construction, a psychologically justified sequence of group classes and exercises.

The leading, most attractive activity at preschool age is the game, so the proposed program is based on game exercises aimed primarily at ensuring a psychologically comfortable stay of the child in a preschool institution. All classes have a common flexible structure filled with different content. The structure was developed taking into account the age characteristics of preschool children. The lesson consists of several parts, each of which can be used independently.

Part 1. Introductory

Purpose: to set up a group for joint work, to establish emotional contact between all participants. Basic procedural work - greetings, games with names.

Part 2. Working

This part accounts for the main semantic load of the entire lesson. It includes etudes, exercises, games aimed at the development and partial correction of the emotional, personal and cognitive spheres of the child. Basic procedures:

elements of fairy tale therapy with improvisation;

elements of psychodrama;

games to develop communication skills;

games for the development of perception, memory, attention, imagination;

games aimed at getting to know different feelings;


Part 3. Final

The main goal of this part of the lesson is to create for each participant a sense of belonging to the group and to reinforce positive emotions from working in the lesson. It provides for the conduct of some kind of common fun game or other collective activity.

Since the program involves working with young children, the leader must constantly ensure that the participants in the lesson are included in the work, do not get tired, are not distracted. Therefore, each lesson necessarily includes procedures that promote self-regulation of children, namely:

muscle relaxation exercises (reduces the level of arousal, relieves tension);

breathing exercises (they have a calming effect on the nervous system);

mimic gymnastics (aimed at relieving general tension, plays a big role in shaping the expressive speech of children);

motor exercises, including alternating or simultaneous execution of movements with different hands for any text (promotes interhemispheric interaction);

reading nursery rhymes with alternating movements, tempo and volume of speech (contributes to the development of arbitrariness).

During classes, children sit in a circle - on chairs or on the floor. The circle is, first of all, an opportunity for open communication. The shape of the circle creates a sense of integrity, completeness, gives harmony to the relationship of children, allows them to feel a special community, facilitates mutual understanding and interaction.

Since emotions are contagious, collective empathy enhances them and allows for a more vivid experience of living emotional situations.

The program is designed for children 4-6 years old and includes 17 lessons.

Classes are held once a week in the form of mini-trainings lasting 30-40 minutes. The optimal number of children in a group is 10-15 people.

After a block of classes where children learned different emotions (timidity, joy, fear, surprise, complacency, anger, shame, disgust, disgust), it is proposed to conduct several final classes in the Creative Workshop. Their goal is to consolidate the acquired knowledge, develop the ability to convey emotions by artistic means.

Emotional and Personal Development Program for Preschoolers


Program goal:

Emotional and personal development of preschool children. The age of children is from 4 to 6 years.

Program objectives: the program implements 3 main objectives for the harmonious development of the child:

1. Enlightenment. Deep study of various feelings, emotional states and life values.

Prevention. Application of acquired knowledge in role-playing games.

Correction. Removal of psycho-emotional stress in the process of playing conflict situations or internal contradictions.

One lesson is devoted to each feeling. At first, children learn basic feelings (joy, sadness, anger, fear). Then we move on to finer differentiation of emotions. And we alternate the study of unpleasant, conditionally “negative” and positive, resourceful feelings.

The scenario of each lesson is built around a fairy tale, aimed at immersing children in the feeling being studied. Being psycho-corrective, fairy tales can be used by parents outside of class, in order to harmonize the emotional state of the child.

We study each feeling, taking into account various aspects:

expression of feelings in facial expressions and gestures;

how and in what situations it occurs;

how it manifests itself (words, actions);

how it can be evoked in oneself and in others;

Playing fairy-tale and game situations allows the child to learn to manage his own feelings and gain experience in the harmonious resolution of difficult life situations.

Thus, the programs of the emotional development of preschoolers were analyzed: “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boasting and rejoicing!” and the Program for Emotional and Personal Development for Preschoolers "I-You-We".

Read poems that name parts of the body.

Play games in which the child has to share something between people or toys.

Play with your child on children's musical instruments.

Take your child to live music concerts.

Read to your child books whose characters show different emotions.

Explain to your child what is happening to others. “He fell and hurt himself. He hurts." “She has a birthday. She's having fun."

Express your emotions openly and talk about them.

Play story games with your child in which the characters show different emotions, such as "Doll Sickness".

To teach your child to calmly communicate with people, play like this: pick up some attractive object (toy, book). The task of the child is to persuade you to give this item. You give away the item whenever you want. The game can then be complicated: the child asks only with the help of facial expressions, gestures, but without words. You can change places - you ask the child. After the game is over, discuss how it is easier to ask, what techniques and actions influenced your decision to give the toy, discuss the feelings that the players experienced.

Suggest using "miracle things" to vent negative emotions:

a cup (you can shout into it);

a basin or bath with water (you can throw rubber toys into them);

sheets of paper (they can be crushed, torn, thrown with force at a target on the wall);

pencils (they can draw an unpleasant situation, and then shade or crumple the drawing);

plasticine (from it you can mold a figurine of the offender, and then crush it or remake it);

pillow "Bobo" (it can be thrown, beaten, kicked). Select a separate pillow "for discharge", you can sew eyes, mouth to it; do not use soft toys and dolls for this purpose.

Fast Discharge Tool. If you see that the child is overexcited, "on the verge", then ask him to quickly run, jump or sing a song (very loudly).

The game "Calls".

To exclude offensive words from everyday communication, call names! Throwing a ball or a ball to each other, call inoffensive words. It can be the names of fruits, flowers, vegetables. For example: “You are a dandelion!”, “And then you are a melon!” And so on until the flow of words runs out.

How does this game help? If you get angry with the child, want to “teach him a lesson”, remember the funny “names”, perhaps even name the child, he will not be offended, and you will get an emotional release.

Teach your child to manage their emotions.

You can strongly clench your fists, tighten the muscles of your hands, then gradually relax, “letting go” of the negative.

You can pretend to be a lion! “He is handsome, calm, confident in his abilities, his head is proudly raised, his shoulders are straightened. His name is like you (child), he has your eyes, body. You are a lion!"

Strongly press the heels on the floor, the whole body, arms, legs are tense; teeth are tightly clenched. “You are a mighty tree, very strong, you have strong roots that go deep into the ground, no one is afraid of you. This is the pose of a confident person.”

If the child starts to get angry, ask him to take a few slow breaths or count to 5-10.

Have you already understood that driving emotions inside, trying to hide them, is very harmful? The consequence of such actions is heart disease, neurosis, high blood pressure at an older age, plus misunderstanding of others, high irritability, aggressiveness, and communication problems. Therefore, teach your child and learn to show emotions yourself, “splash out” them without harm to others. Emotional discharge is necessary to maintain health (physical and mental), and the ability to talk about your problems will help you establish contacts with others, understand yourself.

How to deal with children's tantrums?

Tantrums are the most difficult and patient parenting problem along with child naughtiness and child aggression.

Many people know firsthand the following picture: a three-year-old child, having barely heard a refusal to urgently satisfy him ... no, not a request, but a tough and momentary demand, falls on the floor with the back of his head, screams that there is urine, and there is no way to stop this disgrace. What to do with it and how to deal with children's tantrums?

The child understands that a tantrum is the fastest way to get what they want, or at least get attention. And if you can not stand it and give in? Oh, then he will instantly realize that he has achieved his goal and will resort to this remedy again and again.

Children 3-5 years old are quite capable of understanding the logical explanations of adults. It's time to teach your child to experience and live through troubles, and not to pretend that nothing happened.

Of course, it is very difficult to explain something to a loudly screaming child.

If possible, forget that they are looking at you: these people themselves have found themselves in this situation more than once;

When communicating with a child, try to avoid conditions: "if you do, then ...". Sometimes the conditions become unfeasible, independent of the child, and you may find yourself in a very difficult situation.

Try to find at least half an hour during the day when you belong only to the child, without being distracted by household chores, television programs, communication with other family members. At this moment, the most important thing is his work, care, joy and good luck.

It is important to remember that even if you do absolutely everything exactly right, this will not save your child from problems. Problems are normal. It is important that they do not deprive you of the opportunity to enjoy the good.


An analysis of theoretical studies indicates that significant material has been accumulated in the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of the emotional sphere of preschool children.

Under the younger preschool age, we mean a fertile period for organizing work on the emotional development of children. The younger preschooler is very impressionable, open to learning social and cultural values, striving to recognize himself among other people. He clearly shows the inseparability of emotions from the processes of perception, thinking, imagination.

Under the emotional development of younger preschoolers, we mean a purposeful pedagogical process that is closely related to the personal development of children, the process of their socialization and creative self-realization, the introduction of interpersonal relations into the world of culture, and the assimilation of cultural values.

The psychological and pedagogical means of the emotional development of younger preschoolers include: developing environment, play, music, children's art, fiction.

The programs "Childhood", "Rainbow", Vasilyeva's program, the programs of emotional development of preschoolers "I am surprised, angry, afraid, boast and rejoice!", the program of emotional and personal development for preschoolers "I-You-We" were analyzed and methodological recommendations for emotional development of children of primary preschool age in a preschool educational institution.

List of sources used

1. Hesse G. Bead Game. - M.: Progress, 1975.

Preschool Pedagogy. / Ed. IN AND. Yadeshko, F.A. Sokhin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1978.

Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten. /IN AND. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva and others - St. Petersburg: Accident. - 1995

Izard K. Human emotions. - M., 1983.

Game: learning, training, leisure. / Ed. V.V. Petrusinsky. - M.: New School, - 1994.

Game therapy of communication: Methodological guide. /Comp. M.A. Panfilova. - M.: GOO "Intel Tech". - 1995.

Kryazheva N.A. Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development. - 1997.

Kalinina R.R. Visiting Cinderella. - Pskov: Pskov Regional Institute for the Improvement of Teachers. - 1997.

Korotaeva E.V. I want, I can, I can! Education immersed in communication. - M.: KSp "Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences". - 1997

How to update the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution. /Comp. I.A. Kutuzov. - St. Petersburg: State University of Pedagogical Excellence. - 1997

Lyubina G. Teaching preschoolers the "language of feelings" // Preschool education. - 1996. -№2

Nemov R.S. Psychology. - Book II. Psychology of education. - M.: Enlightenment. - 1994.

Fundamentals of communication. Programs for the development of the child's personality, communication skills with adults and peers. /Comp. L.M. Shipitsina, A.P. Voronova and others - St. Petersburg: Raoul Wallenberg International Children's Fund. - 1993.

General psychodiagnostics. / Ed. A.A. Bodaleva, V.V. Stolin. - M.: Moscow University. - 1987.

Pavlova L. Developing knowledge: adults and children. //Preschool education. - 1996. - No. 3

Psychologist in a preschool institution. Methodological recommendations for practical activities. / Ed. T.V. Lavrentiev. - M.: New school. - 1996.

Plan-program of educational work in kindergarten. / Ed. Z.M. Mikhailova. - St. Petersburg: Incident. - 1997.

Rogov E.I. Handbook of a Practical Psychologist in Education: Textbook. - M.: VLADOS. - 1995

Royak A. Emotional well-being of a child in a kindergarten group.//Preschool education. - 1977. - No. 2

The development of cognitive and volitional processes in preschoolers./Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, Ya.Z. Neverovich. M., 1975.

Simonov P.V., Ershov P.M., Vyazemsky Yu.P. Origin of spirituality. - M.: Science. -1989.

Samoukina N.V. Games at school and at home. - M.: New school. - 1993.

Usova A.P. Education in kindergarten. - M.: Enlightenment. - 1981.

Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology: Textbook. -M.: Academ A. - 1997.

Chistyakova M.I. Psychogymnastics. - M.: Enlightenment. - 1990.

Emotional development of preschoolers. / Ed. HELL. Kosheleva. - M., 1995.

Hello dear teachers, your attention is given to the work on the topic "Means of emotional development of children of primary preschool age."

RELEVANCE. Preschool age is the period when the foundation of a child's preschool life is laid. The problem of the emotional development of younger preschoolers is relevant because the emotional world plays an important role in the life of every person. Many teachers and psychologists dealt with this problem (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, S.A. Rubinshtein, T.A. Markova, Ya.Z. Neverovich, A.P. Usova, D.B. Elkonin, and others), who argued that positive emotions create optimal conditions for active brain activity and are a stimulus for understanding the world.

This work may be significant for the practical activities of education, as it reveals the possibilities of using psychological and pedagogical tools that contribute to the emotional development of younger preschoolers.


Object of study: emotional development of children of primary preschool age.

Subject of study: psychological and pedagogical means of emotional development of younger preschoolers.

The purpose of the study: to theoretically substantiate the problem of the emotional development of children of primary preschool age and to select the means that contribute to the emotional development of younger preschoolers.

Research hypothesis.

The emotional development of children of primary preschool age will be successful if:

the essence is defined and the structure of key concepts is developed: "emotional development of younger preschoolers", "psychological and pedagogical means of emotional development";

psychological and pedagogical means of emotional development of preschool children are determined;

the programs of preschool education on the emotional development of children of primary preschool age were analyzed;

Research objectives:

Based on the analysis of pedagogical, psychological literature, determine the essence and develop the structure of key concepts: “emotional development of younger preschoolers”, “psychological and pedagogical means of emotional development”.

Determine the psychological and pedagogical means of the emotional development of preschoolers.

To analyze the programs of preschool education on the emotional development of children of primary preschool age.

Research methods. In the course of the study, a set of complementary methods was used that were adequate to the subject of the study: theoretical analysis of scientific literature; organizational method (comparative method).

The theoretical and practical significance of the work lies in the scientific development of the problem of the emotional development of younger preschoolers, which made it possible to determine the significance of psychological and pedagogical means as the most effective for emotional development, and to select methodological recommendations.

The structure of the work includes: introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of references.


In this course work, we have defined the essence and developed the structure of key concepts: "emotional development of younger preschoolers", "psychological and pedagogical means of emotional development"; determined the psychological and pedagogical means of the emotional development of preschool children;

analyzed preschool education programs on the emotional development of children of primary preschool age; selected methodological recommendations for the emotional development of children of primary preschool age in preschool educational institutions.

An analysis of theoretical studies indicates that significant material has been accumulated in the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of the emotional sphere of preschool children.

Under the younger preschool age, we mean a fertile period for organizing work on the emotional development of children. The younger preschooler is very impressionable, open to learning social and cultural values, striving to recognize himself among other people. He clearly shows the inseparability of emotions from the processes of perception, thinking, imagination.

Under the emotional development of younger preschoolers, we mean a purposeful pedagogical process that is closely related to the personal development of children, the process of their socialization and creative self-realization, the introduction of interpersonal relations into the world of culture, and the assimilation of cultural values.

The psychological and pedagogical means of the emotional development of younger preschoolers include: developing environment, play, music, children's art, fiction.

The programs of emotional development of preschoolers “I am surprised, angry, afraid, boast and rejoice!” were analyzed. and the program of emotional and personal development for preschoolers "I-You-We" and selected methodological recommendations for the emotional development of children of primary preschool age in preschool.


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Preschool age is a very important stage in a person's life. During this period, there is a functional improvement of the brain, nervous system, main organs and systems of the body.

The peculiarities of the development of preschool children are studied by such psychologists as L.S. Vygotsky, G.A. Uruntaeva, L. A. Venger, N. K. Krupskaya, E. E. Kravtsova, G. S. Abramova and others.

Knowledge of the age characteristics of the child's development will help parents and educators to correctly carry out the artistic and creative education of preschoolers: monitor their physical, mental and creative development, select educational methods that are accessible to the child, and prepare the necessary material for classes.

The great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “If pedagogy wants to educate a person in all respects, then she must first recognize him in all respects too”

"The pedagogical essence of the process of forming artistic and aesthetic ideals in children, taking into account their age characteristics, is to form stable meaningful ideal ideas about beauty, about society, about a person, about relationships between people, from the very beginning, from early childhood, doing this in a diverse, new and fascinating form that changes at each stage," notes E.M. Torshilov.

Preschool age is of great importance for both the physical, mental, emotional, and creative development of the child. It distinguishes three periods: younger preschool age (from 3 to 4 years), middle (from 4 to 5 years), senior preschool age (from 5 to 6-7 years). The beginning of preschool age is usually correlated with the crisis of 3 years.

The driving forces behind the development of the psyche of a preschooler are the contradictions that arise in connection with the development of a number of his needs. The most important of them are: the need for communication, with the help of which social experience is assimilated; the need for external impressions, resulting in the development of cognitive abilities, as well as the need for movements, leading to the mastery of a whole system of various skills and abilities. The development of leading social needs in preschool age is characterized by the fact that each of them acquires independent significance.

The social situation of the development of a preschooler. The need to communicate with adults and peers determines the formation of the child's personality. Communication with adults develops on the basis of the increasing independence of the preschooler, expanding his acquaintance with the surrounding reality. At this age, speech becomes the main means of communication. Younger preschoolers ask thousands of questions. They want to find out where the night goes, what the stars are made of, why the cow lows and the dog barks. Listening to the answers, the child demands that the adult take him seriously as a comrade, partner. Such cooperation is called cognitive communication. If the child does not meet such an attitude, he develops negativism and stubbornness. At preschool age, another form of communication arises - personal (see ibid.), characterized by the fact that the child actively seeks to discuss with an adult the behavior and actions of other people and his own from the point of view of moral standards. But for conversations on these topics, a higher level of development of the intellect is required. For the sake of this form of communication, he refuses partnership and takes the position of a student, and assigns the role of a teacher to an adult. Personal communication most effectively prepares the child for school, where he will have to listen to an adult, sensitively absorbing everything that the teacher will say.

A significant role in shaping the personality of the child is played by the need to communicate with peers, in whose circle he is from the first years of life. A variety of forms of relationships can arise between children. Therefore, it is very important that the baby from the very beginning of his stay in a preschool institution acquire a positive experience of cooperation, mutual understanding. In the third year of life, relationships between children arise mainly on the basis of their actions with objects and toys. These actions acquire a joint, interdependent character. By the senior preschool age, in joint activities, children already master the following forms of cooperation: alternate and coordinate actions; jointly perform one operation; control the actions of the partner, correct his mistakes; help the partner, do part of his work; accept the partner's comments, correct their mistakes. In the process of joint activities, the children acquire the experience of leading other children, the experience of submission. The desire for leadership in a preschooler is determined by the emotional attitude to the activity itself, and not to the position of the leader. Preschoolers do not yet have a conscious struggle for leadership. At preschool age, ways of communication continue to develop. Genetically, the earliest form of communication is imitation. A.V. Zaporozhets notes that the child's arbitrary imitation is one of the ways of mastering social experience.

During preschool age, the nature of imitation changes in a child. If at the younger preschool age he imitates certain forms of behavior of adults and peers, then at the middle preschool age the child no longer blindly imitates, but consciously assimilates patterns of behavioral norms. The activities of a preschooler are diverse: playing, drawing, designing, elements of labor and learning, which is the manifestation of the child's activity.

The leading activity of a preschooler is a role-playing game. The essence of the game as a leading activity is that children reflect in the game various aspects of life, the characteristics of the activities and relationships of adults, acquire and refine their knowledge of the surrounding reality, master the position of the subject of activity on which it depends.

At preschool age, elements of labor appear in the child's activity. In work, his moral qualities, a sense of collectivism, respect for people are formed.

Children at preschool age think purely concretely, think in living images. Coloring is of particular importance. If you tell a preschooler a fairy tale about a girl in a pink dress, and if you say the next time that the girl is in blue, you will arouse the indignation of the young listener.

The development of the cognitive sphere of the preschooler. In preschool age, under the influence of training and education, there is an intensive development of all cognitive mental processes. It refers to sensory development.

Sensory development is the improvement of sensations, perceptions, visual representations. In children, the thresholds for sensations are reduced. Visual acuity and accuracy of color discrimination increase, phonemic and sound-altitude hearing develops, and the accuracy of estimates of the weight of objects increases significantly. As a result of sensory development, the child masters perceptual actions, the main function of which is to examine objects and isolate the most characteristic properties in them, as well as to assimilate sensory standards, generally accepted patterns of sensory properties and object relations. The most accessible sensory standards for a preschooler are geometric shapes (square, triangle, circle) and spectrum colors. Sensory standards are formed in activity. Sculpting, drawing, designing most of all contribute to the acceleration of sensory development.

In the study of E.E. Kravtsova showed that the neoplasm of the preschool period of development is imagination. The author believes that in preschool age, three stages and at the same time three main components of this function can be distinguished: reliance on visibility, the use of past experience and a special internal position. The main property of the imagination - the ability to see the whole before the parts - is provided by the holistic context or semantic field of an object or phenomenon. It turned out that the system used in practice to familiarize children with various standards, which occurs at early age stages and precedes the development of imagination, contradicts the logic of the development of a central neoplasm of preschool age.

The child's imagination begins to develop at the end of the second - beginning of the third year of life. The presence of images as a result of imagination can be judged by the fact that children are happy to listen to stories, fairy tales, empathizing with the characters. The development of the recreative (reproductive) and creative (productive) imagination of preschoolers is facilitated by various activities, such as playing, designing, modeling, drawing. The peculiarity of the images that the child creates is that they cannot exist independently. They need external support in their activities. So, for example, if in the game the child must create the image of a person, then he takes on this role and acts in an imaginary situation. Of great importance in the development of creative imagination is children's word creation. Children compose fairy tales, teasers, counting rhymes, etc. In the early and middle preschool years, the process of word creation accompanies the child's external actions. By the older preschool age, it becomes independent of its external activity.

At preschool age, notes K.I. Chukovsky, the child is very sensitive to the sound side of the language. It is enough for him to hear a certain sound combination, as it is immediately identified with the thing and serves as an impetus for the creation of an image. "What is Bardadym?" - they ask the four-year-old Vali. He immediately answers without any hesitation: "Terrible, big, like this." And points to the ceiling. Characteristic of the preschooler is the increasing arbitrariness of imagination. In the course of development, it turns into a relatively independent mental activity. From an early age, the baby lives in an atmosphere of positive attitude towards others, love, trust, mutual understanding.

The main thing is to educate, develop such qualities, such abilities that will allow the individual not only to achieve success in any activity, but also to be the creator of aesthetic values, enjoy them and the beauty of the surrounding reality. A variety of creative activities for children contribute to the development of their thinking, will, perseverance, organization, and discipline.

In order for an adult to become spiritually rich, special attention must be paid to the upbringing of children of preschool and primary school age. B.T. Likhachev writes: "The period of preschool and early school childhood is perhaps the most decisive in terms of education and the formation of an artistic and aesthetic attitude to life." The author emphasizes that it is at this age that the most intensive formation of relations to the world takes place, which gradually turn into personality traits.

Preschool age is the initial stage of personality formation. Children have such personal formations as the subordination of motives, the assimilation of moral norms and the formation of arbitrariness of behavior. The subordination of motives consists in the fact that the activities and behavior of children begin to be carried out on the basis of a system of motives, among which motives of social content, which subordinate other motives, are becoming increasingly important. The study of the motives of preschoolers made it possible to establish among them two large groups: personal and socially significant. In children of primary and secondary preschool age, personal motives predominate. They are most clearly manifested in communication with adults. The child seeks to receive an emotional assessment of an adult - approval, praise, affection. His need for evaluation is so great that he often ascribes positive qualities to himself. So, one schoolboy, a decent coward, said about himself: “I went to the jungle to hunt, I see a tiger. I caught him - once - and sent him to the zoo. Am I really brave? Personal motives are manifested in different activities. For example, in play activity, the child seeks to provide himself with toys and attributes of the game, without analyzing the process of play itself in advance and without finding out whether he will need these items during the game. Gradually, in the process of joint activities of preschool children, socially significant motives are formed in the child, expressed in the form of desires to do something for other people. At preschool age, children begin to be guided in their behavior by moral standards. Acquaintance with moral norms and understanding of their value in a child is formed in communication with adults who evaluate opposing actions (telling the truth is good, deceiving is bad) and make demands (one must tell the truth). From about 4 years old, kids already know that they should tell the truth, and it’s bad to lie.

Mastering actions with objects and comparing them with the actions of an adult forms in the child an idea of ​​an adult as a model. Therefore, the preschooler is approaching the "discovery" of the world of adults. In early childhood, the child learned social reality from the side of objects created by people. Before the preschooler "opens" the world of adults from the side of their relationships and activities. The social situation of development at preschool age is reorganized into the following ratio: child-subject-adult.

The main need of the child is to enter the world of adults, to be like them and to act with them. But the child cannot really perform the functions of older children. Therefore, there is a contradiction between his need to be like an adult and limited real opportunities. This need is satisfied in new activities that the preschooler masters. The range of its activities is expanding significantly. All activities of a preschooler are united by their modeling nature. Children model human relationships when they act out a story in a game. They create models that represent relationships between items when they use proxies instead of real items. A drawing is a visual model of the depicted object or situation. The created structures represent three-dimensional models of objects.

At the same time, the types of activities of a preschooler differ in terms of the relationship that develops between the child and the adult, that is, in what form the adult is present in one or another activity of the baby. In the game, an adult, his social functions, attitudes towards things and other people are present indirectly, through a role. Thanks to the role, its effective implementation, the preschooler learns the attitudes towards people and things accepted in society. Close to the game are productive activities. In them, the surrounding reality is mediated in the form of the child's representation of objects and situations. In everyday activities associated with the implementation of routine processes, the child acts in a real situation in the same way as an adult. In various types of labor available to the preschooler, he becomes a direct collaborator of the adult, just as in household activities. And at the same time, the child enters into a relationship with an adult through a socially significant result of his work. At preschool age, there is a significant expansion of the scope of communication with an adult, primarily due to the mastery of speech, which takes communicative contacts beyond the limits of a specific situation, expands their boundaries. Now communication takes place about cognitive, moral, personal problems. In addition, the child communicates not only with loved ones, teachers, but also with strangers, the forms and content of communication with peers are intensively developing, turning into a powerful factor in mental development, which entails the development of appropriate communication skills and abilities.

The leading activity is a role-playing game. It is in it that the child takes on the role of an adult, performing his social, public functions. Thus, preschool age can be called the period of the most intensive development of the meanings and goals of human activity, the period of intensive orientation in them. The main neoplasm is a new internal position, a new level of awareness of one's place in the system of social relations. If a child at the end of early childhood says: “I am big,” then by the age of 7 a preschooler begins to consider himself small. This understanding is based on the awareness of their capabilities and abilities. The child understands that in order to be included in the world of adults, it is necessary to study for a long time. The end of preschool childhood marks the desire to take a more adult position, that is, to go to school, to perform a more highly valued by society and more significant activity for it - learning.

In preschool childhood, significant changes occur in all areas of the child's mental development. As at no other age, the child masters a wide range of activities - play, labor, productive, household, communication, both their technical side and the motivational-target side are formed.

The main result of the development of all types of activity, on the one hand, is the mastery of modeling as a central and mental ability (L.A. Wenger), on the other hand, the formation of voluntary behavior (A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin). The preschooler learns to set more distant goals, mediated by the idea, and strive to achieve them, despite obstacles. In the cognitive sphere, the main achievement is the development of the means and methods of cognitive activity. Close relationships are established between cognitive processes, they are becoming more and more intellectualized, realized, acquiring an arbitrary, controlled character. The first schematic outline of the children's worldview is being formed on the basis of the differentiation of natural and social phenomena, animate and inanimate nature, flora and fauna.

In the sphere of personality development, the first ethical instances arise, subordination of motives is formed, differentiated self-esteem and personal consciousness are formed.

The process of personal growth is facilitated by both evaluation by other people and the development of self-esteem. During preschool childhood, the child's self-esteem, his evaluative statements about himself become more and more complete, detailed, and detailed. A preschooler is able to realize himself, his position among adults and peers, the attitude of others around him (“He loves me: plays with me, gives toys, treats”). In older preschool age, the child increasingly begins to evaluate his personal moral qualities, to realize, to differentiate the emotional states of himself and other children and adults. The independence and criticality of children's evaluation and self-esteem increases. Children, first of all, evaluate those qualities and characteristics of the behavior of their peers and themselves, which are most often evaluated by others and on which their position in the group largely depends. Throughout preschool childhood, children evaluate others more objectively than themselves. At the same time, self-esteem of older preschoolers, like younger ones, is often overestimated.

Preschool childhood is a period of high sensitivity of the child to educational and environmental influences. It is at this age that the foundation is created on which all subsequent training and education is based. Therefore, the family plays an important role in the upbringing of a preschooler. Often it is the only environment that forms his personality, says O.L. Zvereva.

Attitude towards children is the most important material for the well-being of a civilized society, and the main foundations of education are laid at an early age and make up 90% of the entire educational process.

Parents and teachers have always been concerned about the question: how to ensure the full development of the child in preschool age? How to prepare him for school? Answer: "Of course, it is necessary to know the features of preschool age."

Features of artistic and creative activity of preschoolers 3-5 years old.

Children emotionally respond to works of art in which various emotional states people, animals.

There is more interest in music, various types of musical activity. Children emotionally respond to the sound of a piece of music, talk about the nature of musical images, means of musical expression, correlating them with life experience. Musical memory allows children to remember, recognize and even name their favorite tunes.

The development of performing activity is facilitated by the formation of motivation (sing a song, dance a dance, play a children's musical instrument, reproduce a simple rhythmic pattern). Children make their first attempts at creativity: create a dance, improvise simple march rhythms, etc. formation of musical taste and interest to musical activity in general are actively influenced adult settings.

By 4 years of age drawings details appear. The idea of ​​a child's drawing may change as the image progresses. Children possess the simplest technical skills and abilities: they saturate the bristle of the brush with paint, wash the brush at the end of work, use color to decorate the picture. The composition of the drawings changes: from the chaotic arrangement of strokes, strokes, shapes, children arrange objects rhythmically in a row, repeating the images several times. Draws straight horizontal and vertical lines, paints simple shapes. Schematically draws a house, a person, a tree.

In progress modeling children can roll out plastic materials with circular and direct movements of the palms of their hands, connect finished parts to each other, decorate molded objects using a stack.

Construction begins to have the character of purposeful activity (from the idea to the search for ways to implement it). They can make crafts from paper, natural material; begin to master the technique of working with scissors; make up compositions from ready-made and self-cut simple shapes.

Features of artistic and creative activity of preschoolers 5-7 years old.

It is characterized by great independence in determining the concept of the work, a conscious choice of means of expression, sufficiently developed emotional, expressive and technical skills.

Preschoolers understand artistic image, presented in the work, explain the use of means of expression, show interest in visiting theaters.

In visual activity children can purposefully follow their goal, overcoming obstacles and not giving up his intent. The created images become similar to the real object, recognizable and include many details. The technique of drawing is being improved and complicated. Children can convey the characteristic features of an object: shape outlines, proportions, color. In drawing, they can create color tones and shades, master new ways to draw, use methods of different overlay of a color spot, and color as a medium conveying mood, state, attitude to the depicted or highlighting in the figure of the main one.

Many children who know the basics of visual activity do not have sufficiently conscious figurative ideas about the phenomena of reality.

"The ascertaining examination of children aged 6-8 showed that only 24% of the diagnosed ones show the ability to feel the emotional nature of the phenomena of reality and highlight the "expressive" in the world (admire the world); 88% of children do not adequately assess their creative abilities. The same group does not social motivation to realize themselves, creative initiative is not sufficiently developed.They do not know how to take a worthy place in the team, to reveal to others the value of the idea and execution of their work, they are not confident, shy, internally "clamped".

V modeling children can create images from life and from imagination, also conveying the characteristic features of familiar objects and using different modeling methods.

V applications preschoolers master the techniques of cutting out identical figures or parts from paper folded in half with an accordion.

Children are capable design according to the scheme, photographs, given conditions, own design of the building from a variety of building materials, supplementing them with architectural details; make toys by folding paper; create figurines of people, animals, heroes of literary works from natural material.

Most important achievement of children- mastering the composition, taking into account spatial relationships, in accordance with the plot and one's own plan. They can create multi-figured plot compositions, placing objects closer, farther.

Children show interest in teamwork and can negotiate among themselves.

By the end of preschool childhood, the child develops conscious independence : from the culture of self-service to the ability to independently make decisions and be responsible for their actions.

Younger age is the most important period in the development of a preschooler. It is at this time that the transition of the baby to new relationships with adults, peers, with the old world takes place.

Psychologists pay attention to the “crisis of three years”, when the younger preschooler, until recently so accommodating, begins to show intolerance towards the guardianship of an adult, the desire to insist on his demand, perseverance in the implementation of his goals. This indicates that the former type of relationship between an adult and a child should be changed in the direction of giving the baby greater independence and enriching his activities with new content.

It is important to understand that the requirement “I am myself” characteristic of a child of the third year of life, first of all, reflects the emergence of a new need for independent actions in him, and not the actual level of his capabilities.

Therefore, the task of an adult is to support the desire for independence, not to extinguish it by criticizing the child’s inept actions, not to undermine the child’s faith in his own strengths, expressing impatience with his slow and inept actions. The main thing is to help each child notice the growth of their achievements, to feel the joy of experiencing success in their activities.

The desire for independence is formed in the experience of cooperation with adults. In joint activities, the child learns methods and techniques of action, gets acquainted with an example of behavior and attitude, learns to act independently, taking into account growing opportunities, and strives to achieve a better result.

The younger preschooler especially needs maternal support and care of the educator.

By the end of the younger preschool age, the need for cognitive communication with adults begins to manifest itself actively, as evidenced by the numerous questions that children ask.

An adult should encourage the cognitive activity of the child, develop the desire for observation, comparison, examination of the properties and qualities of objects. Together with children, an adult experiences feelings of surprise, the joy of knowing the world, and with his questions encourages new discoveries.

During the younger preschool age, interest in communication with peers develops, new opportunities open up for educating children in a benevolent attitude towards others, emotional responsiveness, without which proper social development is impossible. In order for the child to take into account the feelings and interests of other people in his behavior, he must first learn to experience close people - parents, educator, peers.

The ability of an adult to convey his feelings, to evoke an emotional response in a child is a necessary condition for awakening empathy. An adult shows children an example of a humane, kind attitude towards others: how to console the offended, treat, please, help. It helps kids to see in facial expressions and gestures a manifestation of a bright emotional state of people. With his approval, an adult supports the desire for positive actions, contributes to the formation of positive self-esteem, which the child begins to cherish.

Children 3-4 years old are primarily "doers", not observers. The experience of active and diverse activities is the most important condition for their development. At the end of the 3rd year of life, one can also note the understanding of the comic by children - during this period they develop a sense of humor. This happens as a result of the emergence of an unusual combination of objects and phenomena familiar to the child. For example, a child laughs out loud when he sees a dancing trained dog dressed up in a dress or when he sees a picture of a cat with a hat on its head.

But along with this, you can see an inadequate reaction in children. This happens because the child has very little life experience, he does not always correctly understand the meaning of what is happening and often sees only the external side in everything. That is why a child can laugh at things that really should not cause laughter. For example, children may laugh at the sight of a fallen elderly person who finds himself in an unusual, somewhat ridiculous position (Modina A.I., 1971).

Features of the development of children of middle preschool age.

The children are 4 years old. They moved to the middle group of kindergarten. A number of new features have appeared in their behavior and activities that distinguish them from babies.

The physical abilities of children have increased, they experience an acute need for movement. In case of dissatisfaction of this need, restriction of active motor activity, they quickly become overexcited, become naughty, capricious.

Children of this age are characterized by rather high excitability, weakness of inhibitory processes, and therefore require frequent changes in activity. This helps the child regain strength and calm down.

Features of taking a role in the game by children of primary preschool age

1.1 Age characteristics of children of primary preschool age

According to E.O. Bondarenko, younger preschool age is characterized by a high intensity of physical and mental development. The activity of the child increases, its purposefulness increases; movements become more diverse and coordinated. From the age of 3-4 there are significant changes in the nature and content of the child's activities, in relations with others: adults and peers. The leading type of activity at this age is subject-effective cooperation.

The most important achievement of this age is that the child's actions acquire a purposeful character. In various activities - playing, drawing, designing, as well as in everyday behavior, children begin to act in accordance with a predetermined goal, although due to the instability of attention, the unformed arbitrariness of behavior, the child is quickly distracted, leaving one thing for another.

Babies of this age have a pronounced need to communicate with adults and peers. An especially important role is played by interaction with an adult, who is the guarantor of psychological comfort and security for the child. In communication with him, the baby receives information of interest to him, satisfies his cognitive needs. During the younger preschool age, an interest in communicating with peers develops. In games, the first "creative" associations of children arise. In the game, the child takes on certain roles and subordinates his behavior to them.

This shows the child's interest in the world of adults, who act for him as a model of behavior, reveals the desire to master this world. Joint games of children begin to prevail over individual games and games side by side. New opportunities are opening up for educating children in a benevolent attitude towards others, emotional responsiveness, and the ability to empathize. In the game, productive activities (drawing, designing) the child gets acquainted with the properties of objects, his perception, thinking, imagination develop.

A three-year-old child is already able not only to take into account the properties of objects, but also to assimilate some generally accepted ideas about the varieties of these properties - sensory standards of shape, size, color, etc. They become samples, measures against which the features of perceived objects are compared.

Visual-figurative becomes the predominant form of thinking. The child is able not only to combine objects according to their external similarity (shape, color, size), but also to assimilate generally accepted ideas about groups of objects (clothes, dishes, furniture). Such representations are based not on the allocation of common and essential features of objects, but on the union of those that are part of a common situation or have a common purpose.

Children's curiosity is growing rapidly. At this age, there are significant changes in the development of speech: the vocabulary increases significantly, elementary types of judgments about the environment appear, which are expressed in fairly detailed statements.

Thus, achievements in the mental development of the child create favorable conditions for significant changes in the nature of education. It becomes possible to move from forms of learning based on imitation of the actions of an adult to forms where an adult in a playful way organizes independent actions of children aimed at completing a specific task.

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The younger preschool age, and this is about 3-4 years of life, is marked by the onset of a new stage in the life of the baby. The kid gradually becomes independent, and the former joint position “We” with parents turns into his own position “I”, that is, the baby begins to feel like a separate person, and this significantly changes his attitude to the world around him. A child without the help of an adult still cannot fully cope with many things, but he already has a desire for independence. The desire of parents to protect the baby by limiting his freedom leads to the beginning of conflicts. At this age, the baby shows a desire to do something himself and feels pride when he succeeds.

The orientation of the interests of the child is changing. This change is very noticeable, because if earlier the baby was interested in the world of objects, then at this age all his consciousness is directed to the knowledge of the world of people. The kid begins to get acquainted and study peers, adults, their habits and relationships, their activities. The child begins to observe people, perceive and imitate them. That is, the development of children of primary preschool age is characterized by the knowledge of social reality.

Depending on these changes occurring in the mind of the child, the development of children of primary preschool age is characterized by the appearance of such a type of his leading activity as a role-playing game. It reflects the meaning of human relations, that is, its communicative behavior becomes more complicated, social perception develops, figurative thinking arises, as well as imagination.

The kid reaches out to peers, learns to get acquainted and play, is embarrassed, shows joy, interest, sometimes is greedy. This means that the development of children of primary preschool age leads the baby to the fact that he has a desire to act not only independently and independently, but also in a team, together with peers. The game "nearby", when the children each played their own game, but were nearby, is replaced by the game "together". This is evidenced by the games in which the baby begins to play with other kids. And if at the beginning of the younger preschool age his relations are only subject-play actions that are of a short nature, then over time these relationships turn into full-fledged games.

The speech development of children of primary preschool development is characterized by its high activity. The kid is constantly talking, dialogues appear between the child and the parent, as well as between the child and peers. More often these are questions, urges to something or messages about oneself or about something. Here the cognitive function comes first, because the baby constantly asks questions and develops, receiving answers to them. The main distinguishing feature is that the baby begins to speak while acting, that is, speech becomes part of the action.

Memorization in children of younger preschool age is involuntary. Memory is rather figurative, the child is dominated by recognition over memorization. The kid cannot still keep his attention on one object or activity for quite a long time. There is a rapid change of activity, the child quickly switches from one subject to another. The mood background is unstable, depends on physical well-being and comfort. The child is characterized by sudden mood swings. An emotionally healthy baby is characterized by cheerfulness and optimism.

It is impossible not to say about the changes in the cognitive development of children of primary preschool age. There are also significant changes associated with the fact that children improve their object perception. The child learns to analyze, realize what he is doing and learns to act productively. At this time, the child is actively undergoing sensory development, he already knows about the shapes, position and sizes of objects, which adults can notice from the child’s drawings, in which shaping appears, by the fact that the baby begins to solve mental problems at a new level. The kid begins to experiment, his instrumental actions are being improved. And most importantly, what characterizes the development of children of primary preschool age is that the baby begins to think, rather complex cause-and-effect relationships already arise in his brain. That is, he begins to understand what he is doing and why he needs it.