"Modern problems of the interaction of kindergarten and family." Pedagogical Council "Ways to improve the interaction of teachers with parents of children


Improving work with parents in the context of modernization of the educational process.

Purpose: Promoting the formation of educators needs and ability to build relationships with students and their parents based on a personally-oriented approach.


Analyze the state of school ties with the family at this stage;

To identify paths, forms and ways to expand and deepen the relationship between the school, institutions, institutions and organizations operating in the microdistrict of the educational institution.

Positive changes that meet the interests of children, their upbringing and personal development occur only there, where pedagogical teams unite their efforts with the efforts of the parental public, help families in their cultural and spiritual development contribute to strengthening the mutual understanding of parents and children.

In this regard, one of the main tasks of the school is the development of cooperation between teachers and parents, the formation of humane relations between children and parents.

At school, there is a "family" program, which includes a variety of forms of activity.

1. Development of cognitive interests, creative students' activity.

  • Creative reports on subjects that reveal the achievements of students.
  • Days, open weeks.
  • Cognitive contests between parents and children.
  • Public looking knowledge.
  • Class events with parents

2. The organizational activity of class managers to interact with parents, family.

1) Compiling the passport of the family and class as a whole.

2) Selection, drawing up families to study families.

3) Studying families according to the following program:

  • family composition, age, parent profession, education;
  • household and sanitary - hygienic living conditions of the family, material security;
  • the active participation of parents in the education of children;
  • distribution of duties in the family;
  • traditions, family holidays;
  • hobbies, abilities of parents and children;
  • family relationships.

4) organization of the educational events in the class

3. Detection of parental opportunities to participate in the organization of educational work with children, in solving school problems:

  • identifying parents capable of organizational work, preparation and holding of elections of the parent committee at the parent meeting;
  • distribution of orders between parents by participation in class affairs;
  • ensuring the development of self-government in the parent team. Help in organizing the work of the parent committee and other bodies of parental self-government.
  • Organization of psychological - pedagogical education of parents in the classroom.
  • Introduction to the practice of discussing issues related to the peculiarities of education and training.
  • Attracting specialists for educational activities.
  • Organization of individual education of parents through the consultative assistance of a psychologist.
    • challenge to the Council on Prevention, Pedsovets, Administrative Council;
    • visiting disabilities to the Prevention Council;
    • registration of the call of disadvantaged families on the CDN;
    • individual consulting.
    • Conducting class managers.
    • registration of letters from the leadership of the school to the most active parents;
    • acquaintance with the best families, exchange of experience in raising families.

4. Studying the request, ordering parents for the maintenance and forms of children's education:

  • acquaintance parents with training plan, programs, learning options, a possible choice of subjects under study;
  • help parents in drawing up a program for the development of their child

5. Psychological - pedagogical education of parents.

6. Social intervention in the family:

7. Ensuring the professional skill of teachers in working with parents.

8. Promoting parents:

Working with parents has always been considered one of the most difficult teachers in the pedagogical activity. On September 1, the teacher holds the first lesson or a class hour with his pupils, and from that day he and parents are one single team. And on how the relationship in this team is being collapsed, the success in learning and education will be dependent.

Many classics of teachers, reflecting on the development of the child, indicated the importance of family education. For example, Plato argued: "We consider man the creature of meek. Yes, if its properties are properly developed by upbringing, he really becomes the crudest being. But if a person is not pupil or not good, then this is the wildest creature that the land only gives birth. " The importance and necessity of the interaction of families and schools in the work of ensuring the spiritual and moral and physical development of children are obvious.

In accordance with the nature of the influence of parents, the following types of families allocate for the development of children:

a) families with a favorable spiritual - moral atmosphere and responsible attitude towards the education and development of children;

b) families with pronounced hyperopic children;

c) favorably - unstable families in which parents love their children, but there is no complete mutual understanding in the family community;

d) unfavorable to the formation of the child of the child of the family, where spiritually - moral values \u200b\u200bare not significant;

e) a neutral type of family in which children are provided to themselves;

e) criminal type of family.

Social School Portrait has the following data:


Consequently, the class teacher should be different from his parents.

There are a variety of forms and methods of social and pedagogical work with families, their adult members. The most important of them is the parent meeting.

Analysis of the educational plans of class leaders, questioning parents and visits to parental assemblies allow you to state the regularity and systemic meeting of teachers and parents, the topicality and complexity of the problems discussed. It is nice that the parent meetings did not have cases of public condemnation of parents for the failure of children in study or disorder discipline. Individual conversations are used to discuss such issues. As the main disadvantage of working with parents, it is necessary to name what we elect traditional ways to interact with family. In the organization of class parent meetings, the lack of a variety of forms and methods for conducting them should be called, which is the low activity of parents. The subject of parental assembly is compiled without joint discussion with the classroom parent committee, so often does not correspond to the interests of parents and psychological features of families. There is a low activity of parents in conducting school activities, the parent committee is mainly involved in the material provision of the needs of the class. Cool leaders rarely visit the family of their pupils, do it when the education situation in families comes out - under control and do something no longer possible.

Low attendance of parental meetings remains:

in elementary school is 80-95%, on average 20-60%, in the senior link 40 - 70%.

The current state of the family in Russia can be described as a crisis. Not by chance, 2008 declared in Russia the year of the family.

The devaluation of the meaning of family life occurs. Parents, not possessing the knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child, its development, often make up robing blindly, intuitively.

The process of education in those families, where drunkenness, dependency, the semi-criminal lifestyle of parents are especially complicated by the prevailing factors of the influence on the child. The family is a conductor between a person and society, creates and preserves the views taken in society, installations, customs, behavior and communication samples. The modern family faces very complex problems, this is due to an increase in the number of low-income families, the migration of families deteriorating the health of the population, a change in the traditional roles of family, especially women, an increase in incomplete families. There is indicative of the return of parents to the question: "Do you bring up your child? Most parents are responsible for this: "We do not know, bring up, as the intuition suggests." But there is another position that K.D. Shushinsky wrote in his time. Fathers and mothers are confident that they know how to educate children, if not all, then their exactly, the reality is as follows, even the best parents - not always skilled teachers, so "pose" children in their image and likeness without support on scientific knowledge. "The fact of such collisions itself confirms the need to interact parents and teachers. The task of the school is to help parents, while maintaining the best traditions of family education, raise children based on the achievements of domestic pedagogy. Sleepless awareness of his children, misunderstanding what kind of education is often leading to the dysfunction of both the parents themselves and their children. Rising children, we sometimes must educate their adult parents, "V.A.Somhellinsky bequeathed.

The subtlety is to not ask your parents for poor education of the child, not to demand and not to roud a family in errors, because it interferes with mutual understanding, distorts the course of communication of the teacher and parents. The main thing is to teach to understand the nature of the student, his actions, using the opportunities that teachers and parents have, and be sure to captivate fathers and mothers of the prospect of joint pedagogical action. This applies not only to families of difficult children, but also to any family. Many teachers, realizing the importance of this problem, are looking for ways and forms of cooperation with family, their experience is especially valuable against the background of weakening the interaction of the school and family, the loss of ideals, feelings of respect for people. The main thought, which teachers coming to parents, - in modern conditions, education will be the more effective than the most advanced parents will maintain school influence on children.

Our observations show that school and family cooperation is really largely depends on the first step, from how the teacher will set the parents to active work in the classroom.

It is not easy to hold a parent meeting, after which the general understanding of the role of the school in the life of the child would be born. Of course, the parental meeting is an effective way to awaken the pedagogical activity of fathers and mothers. Huge importance in working with parents of students has a pre-thought-out and clearly organized system of cooperation. Spontaneous and poorly organized parental meetings, meetings with students' families, except distrust and anxiety, cannot cause fathers and mothers. Very often you can hear from the parents such a phrase: "In the elementary school, the teacher was engaged in our class, and now ...". Parents and fifth graders, and eighth graders need to help become good parents. The role of the class teacher in this process at all stages of students' training should not be underestimated. Cool parental meeting is an effective form of simultaneous impact with the team of parents of the whole class. The traditions of preparing and holding parental meetings can be the most diverse. They should contribute to the formation of culture to be a parent, to develop interest in the problems of pedagogy and psychology, to overcome various situations in the upbringing of their own children.

Cooperation and interaction do not arise by themselves. They are the result of tremendous effort and creativity of two sides - teachers and parent .. We will be frank: in real life it is incredibly difficult to achieve this, especially with families who have an unhealthy environment, where parents drink, behave immoral lifestyles. In working with such families, neither direct impact, nor advice on the receptions of the upbringing of the child. However, it all depends on what the teacher came to the family. Unless with the requirements and accusations are one; If it stretches the hand of help, it offers: "I know you are hard now, I understand, just what to do, let's discuss, together think" ... It is not difficult to guess how we will build communication further. It's time to reveal the main secret: why the child grows nervous, naughty, plump. And maybe not today, and tomorrow parents will understand that without changing the unfavorable atmosphere, their own legs to expect a positive outcome in the upbringing of the child does not have to.

The educational institution should live a family life, choosing everything healthy. It is in such conditions that the tasks of the admission of parents to actively participate in school affairs can be successfully solved.

Parents and teachers are two most powerful forces in the process of becoming the personality of each person whose role cannot be reduced. Both parties have their advantages, their advantages, its specificity, and should not oppose them.

Throughout its practical activity, the class teacher and the teacher tries to make parents with real and sincere assistants of the pedagogical team, showing respect for school and supporting it. After all, the parents relate to the school depends on the attitude towards her children. If parents are trusted by teachers, it means that the children of the school are trusted too. And this is a very good foundation for cooperation, for general success.

Good contact with parents of pupils and successful attraction of them to cooperation, the ability of the class teacher to interest pupils, To organize joint interesting leisure plays a big role in the process of personality socialization: in choosing a profession, acquiring spiritual values, relationships with different people, becoming character.

The experience we received does not pretend to open. At the same time, he gives the opportunity to the teacher together with the parents of both prosperous and not prosperous families to unite efforts, find the best decisions to correct the behavior of children and family education errors.

In the process of communicating, parents receive practical skills and skills, experience and desire to consult with him from the teacher to consult him.

School never get away from working with families. Without contact of these two social institutions, the education of the younger generation becomes flawed. This art and parents, and teachers should learn, enriched with knowledge of funds and methods of education, this necessity is dictated by the needs of the children themselves.

So, today on the pedsove, we will talk about improving working with parents, we will begin this conversation from the work of problem groups.

The task is to discuss issues included in the range of problems, to develop a general judgment on this issue.

(Discussion 5 - 7 minutes)

1 group

cool leaders1-4, 1g-4g classes

The child came to the first class.

How to organize business cooperation with his parents?

How to join his family?

2 groups

class leaders 5-7 classes

Parent-teacher meeting.

How to hold a meeting after which would be born to a general understanding of the role of the school in the life of a child?

How to make a meeting of an effective form of interaction with the parent class team?

How to increase parental attendance.

1. Crane to parents named and patronymic

2. Incidentally thank parents for help.

3. Read more to each meeting as a lesson: think over the topic, goals, the course of the meeting.

4. Fist Non-traditional forms of the Parent Assembly:

Parent readings;

Meetings - disputes;

Business game;

Joint meeting with children;

Visit the museum, exhibition and joint discussion.

5. Use lyric poems, music in assembly scenarios.

6. Use quotes that attract attention to the topic of the meeting.

7. Use digital facts to attract attention to the collection problem.

8. Let the opportunity for parents express their point of view on the topic of the meeting.

9. Prepare to meet the speeches of children.

10. Position.

11.Delite the exhibitions of students.

12. Use the video of the class life.

13. Use the profiles for children about parents.

3 Group

Vlasenko V.I., L.N., Morzhakova T.Ya., 5g -8g

"Difficult" parents

How to work with families, found in a difficult social situation?

How to establish cooperation and interaction with such families?

4 Group

Bobkov G.L., Nogovitsyn T.V., Wais VI, Markovskaya A.K., Rybakova L.G., Sergeev N.V.

Colobayev VS

School council.

What should be the school council?

How to introduce parents to actively participate in school affairs?

5 Group

cool leaders 9, 9g, 10-11 classes

Graduation class.

How to organize the interaction of the class teacher with the family of the future graduate?

How to help parents of a graduate to engage in the process of socializing the personality of their child.

Speeches of class managers on the topic of the Pedagogical Council.

1Psychological aspects of school work. Serpkova MA

2. Forms, methods and techniques for organizing work with families -Shabalkina T.G.

3. Forms, methods and techniques of individual work with families in need of social pedagogical support -Kaplin L.M.

4.Forms and methods of working on self-government with parents - Kolycheva L.N.

Project -3 group (discussion 12 minutes)

What needs to be done in order for the work of class managers with parents aimed at optimizing the process of their communication with children has become more efficient?

Decision meeting of the Pedagogical Council.

1. Activate the activities of parental committees to address the issues related to the vital activity of class teams.

2. Class leaders to draw attention to the improvement of the methodology for holding parental meetings, use active forms of the organization of psychological - pedagogical education of parents

3. To reassemble the technology of using a personality-oriented approach when involving a family in extracurricular activities of the school.

4. Compliant information and methodological bank forms and methods for the preparation and holding of class parent meetings.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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2 Slide

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3 Slide

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Objective: to reveal current forms and methods of working with parents in the preschool institution necessary to increase the activity of parents as participants in the educational process. Tasks: reveal and analyze the effectiveness of the forms used and the methods of interaction of kindergartens and family. To allocate both traditional and new active forms of work with parents with the participation of children. Create conditions for a favorable climate of interaction: a child is a parent - teacher. To summarize the experience of teachers in this area.

4 Slide

Slide description:

Agenda 1. Implementation of the decision-making decisions №02 2. Report of the head "On the need for the interaction of kindergarten and family" 3. Report of the Senior Educator "Search for Effective Forms and Cooperation Methods of a Preschool Education Institution With Family In the Transition to GEF" 4. Exercises 5. Miscellaneous 6. Solution of the pedsovet.

5 Slide

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In accordance with GEF, the DOW is obliged to: inform parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of pre-school education, common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the main educational program, and not only the family, but also to all interested persons involved in educational activities; ensure openness of pre-school education; create conditions for parental participation (legal representatives) in educational activities; support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protect and strengthen their health; To ensure the involvement of families directly into educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects in conjunction with the family on the basis of identifying the needs and support of educational initiatives of the family;

6 Slide

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Kindergarten today must be in development, and not functioning, to represent a mobile system, quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational queries

7 Slide

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8 Slide

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Analysis We are starting to work with the analysis of the social composition of parents, their mood and expectations from staying a child in kindergarten. We carry out the survey, personal conversations on this topic help to make work properly, make it effective, choose interesting forms of interaction with family.

9 Slide

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To solve the tasks and involvement of parents in a single space of children's development in the Dow

12 Slide

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Innovative forms and methods of work: - "Round table" for any topic - thematic exhibitions - social. Survey, Diagnostics, Tests, Survey on Any Topics - Consultations of specialists - Family sports meetings - Mail Confidence, Phone Trust - Open classes To view parents - Parental Living Room, Club - Competition of Family Talents - Family Success Portfolio - Open Day - Top Day »- Izvestia - Dow site

13 Slide

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Interactive forms of cooperation with parents, the word "interactive" came to us from English from the word "interact", where "Inter" is mutual, "ACT" - to act. Interactive means the ability to interact or be in conversation mode, a dialogue with something (for example, a computer) or anyone (for example, a person). From here, interactive forms of interaction are, above all, a dialogue, during which interaction is carried out.

14 Slide

Slide description:

The main characteristics of the "Interactive": - This is a special form of an organization, with comfortable conditions for interaction, in which educated feels its success, intellectual consistency; - the process of interaction is organized in such a way that all participants turn out to be involved in the process of knowledge, discussion; - dialogue deals with interaction, mutual understanding, to joint adoption of the most common, but significant tasks for each participant; - each participant contributes its special individual contribution, has the ability to exchange knowledge, own ideas, ways of activity, to hear another opinion of colleagues;

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Errors in communicating with parents are different parents with different frequencies to appeal to educators; As a result, one of them communicate with the teacher almost every day, and others practically do not communicate, and this fact often remains out of the field of attention of personnel; Parents, first of all, are interested in what he eating a child is less likely - His successes in classes; At the same time, important aspects of the individual development of the child are not discussed, the ways to form his personality;

17 Slide

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the educators are more likely to address parents in cases of negative behavior of the child, which is noted by its success, which subconsciously forms the negative installation for contacts with teachers at all, since each of their appeal is associated with any unpleasant situation; Educators ask parents to intervene in an educational process, but do not give specific recommendations how to achieve the desired result to achieve the desired result. Parents often demonstrate aggressive to the teacher or their own child - a reaction, which indicates that they do not know how to influence his behavior. In some cases, the problem with which the teacher appeals to parents is actually associated with his own incorrect behavior; Educators do not always know how to psychologically competently build a conversation, avoid wounding parents of appraisal judgments about the child, accurately and understandably describe the nature of the problem;

18 Slide

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significant time is the communication of educators with parents for distracted topics; Do not always choose caregivers and style of communication with parents. It is often established a tradition of appeal to each other on "you" and by name, the restrictions on the discussion of other employees and the situation in kindergarten are not respected. Ultimately, it harms the reputation of the tutor himself, reduces respect for the kindergarten and willingness to appreciate the work of the team and the care that he exists in relation to the child

19 Slide

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Solving problems Balance the frequency of communication of educators with parents of all children's children; Plan the content of communication with each family, its expected results; Ensure daily informing parents about the life of the guys in kindergarten, as well as transfer to each of the parents of positive information about his child;

20 Slide

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establish the requirement for developing constructive proposals before applying educators to parents with any problems relating to the child; increase the awareness and psychological culture of communication of educators with parents; work on the formation of the style of communication with parents adopted in this institution; talk with parents only on topics related to the development and health of children; To guarantee the protection of the rights of children in a preschool institution and in the family.

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the style of interaction of the Dow with families is determined by a number of factors: 1. Adopted subordination and borders of competence in decision-making and answers to various questions of parents. Depending on the specific conditions, questions can be solved in different ways - it is important only that all employees know exactly which of them they have the right to discuss with their parents, and which no

Pedsovets "Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction"

Purpose: Improving the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing cooperation with parents of pupils.

1. To clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents.

2. Enhance the professional competence of teachers to organize new forms of interaction with parents in the conditions of GEF to;

3. Intensify the pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for using non-traditional forms of working with parents in the Dow, to stimulate the development of creativity and professional activity.
4. Support the interest of teachers to further study this topic.


  1. Speech of the Senior Educator: "The interaction of kindergarten and family in accordance with GEF to"
  2. "Homework. Auction projects.
  3. Summarizing.
  1. "Preschool childhood" is a unique period in the life of a person, when health is formed, personality development is carried out.

At the same time, this period during which the child is in full dependence on the surrounding adults - parents, teachers. Therefore, inappropriate care, behavioral, social and emotional problems arising at this age lead to severe consequences in the future.

The change in the state policy in the field of education led to the recognition of the positive role of the family in the raising of children and the need to interact with it. Thus, in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated December 26, 2012 it is said that "state policy in the field of pre-school education is based on the following principles: the humanistic nature of education, the priority of the human values, the life and health of the person, the rights and freedoms of the individual, the free development of the personality , upbringing mutual respect, hard work, citizenship, patriotism, responsibility, legal culture, careful attitude towards nature and environment, rational nature management, love for homeland, family. " In this law, in contrast to the documents of the previous years, respect for the family is recognized as one of the principles of education, that is, the family from the means of pedagogical impact turns into its goal.

The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" introduces the Federal State Standard of Preschool Education (hereinafter FGE to). GEF to represent a combination of mandatory requirements for pre-school education.

In GEF, the requirements for the interaction of a pre-school organization with parents are also formulated.

Installations of GEF pre-school education:

  • the desire for interaction
  • the desire to cooperate and create, joint projects
  • striving for openness
  • the desire for dialogue, the desire to be heard teachers
  • fatigue from declarative in communication, the desire to move from words to business
  • the desire to understand the relationship of the "child-mother", "Father".

In the center of the Standard - requirements for the conditions, including psychological and pedagogical. Among which -collaboration with family.

The standard approves the personality-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction of adults (parents (legal representatives), pedagogical and other employees of the organization) and children.

Among the basic principles:

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child with a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) support for children's initiative in various activities;

5) cooperation of the organization with family;

6) the admission of children to sociocultural standards, traditions of family, society and the state ... "

It is emphasized that one of the principles of pre-school education is the cooperation of the preschool organization with the family, and the GEF is the basis for assisting parents (legal representatives) in the education of children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of their violations development.

In accordance with GEF to a pre-school organization, it is obliged to:

  • inform parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of pre-school education, common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the program, and not only the family, but also to all interested persons involved in educational activities;
  • ensure openness of pre-school education;
  • create conditions for parental participation (legal representatives) in educational activities;
  • support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protect and strengthen their health;
  • to ensure the involvement of families directly into educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects in conjunction with the family on the basis of identifying the needs and support of educational initiatives of the family;
  • create conditions for adults to search, the use of materials that ensure the implementation of the program, including in the information environment, as well as to discuss with parents (legal representatives) of children related to the implementation of the Program.

At the heart of the new family concept and pre-school organization lies the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all other social structures are designed to help, support, direct, add their educational activities.

So, one of the main tasks facing the kindergarten is "interaction with the family to ensure full-fledged child development."

Therefore, an active course is needed to create a single child's development space, both in the DOU and in the family.

The world is constantly becoming more information about. Today it is not enough once to get an education and work in the specialty. To maintain the level of competence, it is necessary to learn anything all the time, to engage in self-education throughout life. Continuing education becomes need. Modern family increasingly needs a variety of knowledge: medical, pedagogical, psychological, legal: the activities of the pedagogical team of kindergarten can not remain aside from the changing situation in society. Working with the family should take into account modern approaches to this problem. The main tendency to train parents to independently solving life tasks. This implies changes in the "Educator - Parenter" system, requires effort from the pedagogical team to Dow. More teachers of the past - K. D. Ushinsky, E. N. Vodovozova, L. N. Tolstoy and others - talked about the need to acquire pedagogically knowledge of the knowledge, about the importance and purposefulness of family education, the need to combine knowledge and experience. In this modern parents are designed to assist teachers of preschool institutions, despite the fact that information on child education can be obtained by different paths. These are periodic publications, and the Internet, and numerous popular literature for parents. But only the educator communicates daily with children and parents, sees problems, difficulties, as well as the positive experience of each family. It assists parents in various forms.

Methodology of interaction.

It is often brought to hear from educators of different ages and work experience that it is easier to work with children than with parents. But it is known that success in the formation of the personality and education of the child can be achieved if the principle of the unity of action between teachers and parents is observed. The cooperation of the pre-school institution with the family involves mutual understanding and interaction of educators and parents.
But what is the interaction and what is meant by this word? Family interacts with Doe or kindergarten with family? Is it possible to put a sign of equality between the words "interaction", "cooperation", "Commonwealth"? In order to reveal these concepts, each group will discuss 1 concept for 5 minutes (1 group - interaction, 2 - cooperation, 3 - Commonwealth) and after the expiration of the group will appear before us. (Pedagogues).

"Interaction" - Joint activities of teachers and parents for the education of a child, as qualitatively and efficiently organized mutual communication, exchange of experience, joint search for solving possible problems.

"Cooperation" is a communication "on equal terms", where parents act in the position of equal partners, and not in the role of "students." The term "cooperation" underlies the interaction.

"Commonwealth" - association of anyone, based on friendship, unity of views, interests.

Question to teachers: "Is mutual friendship possible without communication possible, and therefore without interaction? "(Of course not) Since the Commonwealth suggests the openness of the heart towards each other, i.e., the presence of empathy, then the Commonwealth is the highest point of interaction of the DOW and Family. Thus, we understand that the kindergarten and family, using new forms of interaction and cooperation should strive to create a unified development space.

We know about the existence of the role of the teacher, parent, adult. Moreover, each role may have its own reality, as each of the participants in the process of learning and education of children, such as a teacher, parent, will be right, but in its own way.

Parents are primarily adults who feel competent in the upbringing of their child (remember how mom flashes, if other people are doing comments (even fair) her child. It is often possible to hear a rather aggressive response to such remarks). If the parent has a problem, a particular child, such a position can be protective at an unconscious level, and then the position of the teacher of the kindergarten "We will teach you" to be ineffective, meeting the natural resistance from the parent.

Teachers are also adults, they also need understanding, respect for their work. Obviously, without successful communication and interaction with the child's family, good results are almost unattainable.

Let's remember what kind of interaction forms exist.

"Business game"

Purpose: The formation of skills is differentiated to organize work with parents; optimal ways to resolve conflicts; search for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents; Acquisition of the experience of joint work of the pedagogical team.

Form of holding: Two working groups, senior tutor expert.

The course of the game.

1 part. Torentic.

Questions for the first group:

  1. How do you understand what is work with parents?
  2. List the forms of work with your parents.
  3. Visit at home. In which cases it is advisable to visit the family?
  4. Work with difficult families. What kind of family do you consider difficult? Do you have such families? What work should be done with difficult families?

Questions for the second group:

  1. What are the main tasks facing the pre-school institution for working with parents?
  2. Questioning. What it is? Name the positive and negative sides of the survey.
  3. Do you consider such forms of work with parents like open door day, open occupation, newspaper release? What does it give to teachers and parents?
  4. In which case the child's bad behavior is discussed:
  • In his presence
  • Without him
  • In the presence of all family members

2 part.

If we turn to your pedagogical dictation, we will see that 75% of teachers believe that the family understand the daily life of a kindergarten and actively participated in it needed as often as possible "include parents" in the activities of the preschool institution, i.e. So that they actively participate in the work of Dow. And according to the questionnaires of parents, we see that they lack special pedagogical knowledge (Pedminimum).

Therefore, we divide work with parents into two blocks: pedagogical education of parents and the inclusion of parents in the activities of the DOU.

Task teachers: Determine which forms of work should be used when solving the main tasks in the first and second block. Write them down.




Pedagogical education of parents

Enhancing the pedagogical literacy of parents

Lectures, seminars, workshops, open classes, work of creative interest groups, parental meetings, consultations, visual agitation

Including parents in Dow

Creating conditions for the inclusion of parents in planning, organization and control over the activities of the

Competitions, Mugs, Newspaper, Contests, Quiz, Joint Events

3 part. Gaming exercise "Modern family - what is she?"

Purpose: Conduct the subservation of the ideas of pedagogical personnel about the modern family, to analyze the ideal settings on the family of pupils and real conditions.


  • Each group is awarded a set of magazines, paper for the base, glue, scissors. Task teachers: to portray a modern family in the form of a collage using any illustrations.
  • An expert group to portray a family, ideal in their presentation.
  • After 20-25 minutes of collaboration, each group of teachers tells about his family presentation.
  • (Leading Pedagogical Council sums up the work done, emphasizing the valuable and unique vision in each microgroup)

4 part. Decision of pedagogical situations.

Purpose: gaming modeling of the methods of behavior of the teacher in situations of resolution of contradictions between the educator and parents.

  1. During the feces for a walk, one of the pupils suddenly took a note from his pocket, addressed to the teacher of the group, with the request of the mother, not to order her child after day sleep. The reason was not indicated.Would you do the request of the parent? What will be your actions in the future?
  2. The teacher decided to talk to the mother of a five-year-old child about the boy's routiness.How will you start a conversation?
  3. The educator invited all parents to the Saturday, placing information about this on a group stand. Two people came. The educator is dissatisfied. Saturday had to be transferred.How can one explain what happened? What to do in the future?
  4. During the kindergarten, a sandbox machine arrived at the kindergarten. The sand has been burned on asphalt not far from the entrance. "In the evening, ask parents to move the sand," the head of the teachers suggested.How will you ask parents about help? And if they become refusing, what will be your actions?

5 part. The game exercise "defined a logical sequence."

Educational task: Determine the optimal sequence of actions of the teacher in the preparation and holding of a meeting with a group of parents.

Structure exercise.

Each group receives cards on which fragments of holding or preparation of a meeting with parents are formulated. Having consistent with the regulatory time, playing represents a sequence of actions when organizing and conducting a meeting, commenting on their choice.

For the first group.

  1. The subjects are determined, and the forms of holding meetings with parents are selected based on their applications and requests, as well as taking into account data on families of pupils.
  2. Teachers are defined responsible for the preparation and conduct of each of the meetings. These may be educators of groups, speech therapist, music. Worker, medical worker and others.
  3. With parents, consistent meetings for them are consistent.
  4. The structure and content of each regular meeting is thought out: a plan is drawn up or a detailed scenario using parental activation methods.
  5. Provides the advance alert of parents about the topic of meetings and their preparation for participation in it.
  6. It turns out the opinion of the parents about the benefits of a meeting held in oral survey, by the questionnaire, etc.

For the second group.

1. Broadcast parents of a positive image of a child.

Purpose: Establishment of trust relationships with parents

2. Broadcast parents of knowledge that non6 could be obtained by them in the family.

Purpose: acquaintance with the problems of the family in the education of the child, the formation and reinforcement of the installation to cooperate.

3. Acquaintance with the problems of the family in the education of the child.

Purpose: To give the opportunity to parents to show their willingness to cooperate.

4. Joint research and formation of the child's personality.

Purpose: Education of trust between parents and teachers

Winners get the Melnik medal.

It is important to understand that any parent, even the most inept, from the point of view of pedagogy, a good child wishes to her child. The same goal is pursued by teachers. Parents may simply not know that they lack special knowledge, parents may not have enough pedagogical exposure and time. The situation of communication of the teacher with the parent is for the latter largely learning (a means of studying at the same time, according to the specialist says, as reported by which facial expressions, gestures, intonation is accompanied by a message, etc.)

Pedagogical situation:

"The parent is not pleased, angry with the teacher, for the fact that his child was punished and deprived of the opportunity to play with other children." How do you behave in communication with your parent? (Pedagogues Answers)

In communicating with angry adults, it is necessary:

Show your respect your respect for him, noting the fact of the existence of irritation, anger ("I see, you are angry") and give it the opportunity to speak out;

Persistently designate the boundaries, install them ("I see you are angry, but I will listen to you, but I am not ready to listen, insults and I will not become");

Based on the situation to make the necessary decision, including the partner to communicate such actions that would help him cope with its own state (offer to sit down, drink water, etc.);

Avoid spelling conclusions of the type "Already so", all the time you are so ", etc.;

Meet the parent, who was in an angry state the next day, because most of us need confirmation that relations are restored or not suffered.

The professional behavior of the teacher is the reflection of his moral personality and professional competence. Ineffective behavior also testifies to the problems of the teacher, fatigue, depletion, about the professional deformation of the person.

Competent communication is the key to a good mental well-being of the teacher and his professional longevity.

Possible difficulties in organizing cooperation with family.

Difficulties are actually in organizing communication a lot: this is also a misunderstanding of the parents of the importance of the kindergarten regime, and its constant violation, the lack of unity of demands in the family and kindergarten. It is difficult for communication with young parents, as well as with parents from disadvantaged families or having personal problems. They often belong to educators condescendingly and negligently, it is difficult to establish contact with them, to establish cooperation, to become partners in the general business of the child. But many of them would like to communicate with the teachers "on equal", as with colleagues, to come to the trust, "spiritual" communication. What is the success of communication?

This and the desire to come to contact, establish relationships, to help each other, see in another partner equal to yourself, hear him, recognize the right of another to another position and understand this position. Communication will be successful if it is meaningful, based on general and significant topics for both sides, if each of them has enriches its informational baggage during communication.

Who owns a leading role in organizing communication? Of course the educator. To build it important to enjoy communicative skills, focus on the problems of education and family needs, be aware of the latest achievements of science. The teacher must give parents to feel their competence and interest in the successful development of the child, show parents that he sees partners in them, like-minded people.

Professional teacher competence

All this leads us to the concept "professional teacher's competence » In the field of communication with parents of pupils.

What is the teacher can be called competent in the field of communication with parents? (Podagogov's statements)

Personal qualities and installations (personal component)

  • Readiness for continuous professional improvement in communication with parents of pupils
  • Awareness of own mistakes and difficulties in organizing communication with parents
  • Installation on trust and cashless interaction with parents
  • Exposure, cloth, observation, respectfulness ...

Draw a portrait of a teacher with a high level of professional competence in communicating with parents of pupils.

Portrait of a teacher

  • Has a sustainable need for self-improvement in communicating with parents
  • Recognizes the role of parents in raising children as leading and the role of the teacher as their "assistant"
  • She strives for active and informative communication with parents to assist them in raising children
  • It has a high degree of dialogue in communicating with parents.
  • In communicating with parents, items, exposure, tact, other professionally significant qualities.
  • Owns knowledge of the family, the specifics of family education, methods of studying the family and educational needs of parents.
  • Givens the social demands of parents (interests, educational needs) when organizing communication with them.
  • Knowing the upcoming communication: to select the necessary information, traditional and non-traditional forms of organization of communication and methods to activate parents.
  • It has developed communicative skills.

The teacher competent in the field of communicating with his parents understands why communication needs and how it should be, knows that it is necessary that communication is interesting and meaningful, and most importantly, actively acts.

Many teachers experience difficulties in communicating with parents of pupils. Someone believes that the parents who are not affected by the children and their development, who do not want their child to grow good. Agree to this is difficult. Parents do not always have enough time to communicate, there are categories of difficult parents, but another thing is important.

Need to teachers to see the causes of difficulties - not only in parents, but also in themselves.

The conclusion is unambiguous: the professional competence of teachers in communicating with parents should be constantly working. Consider the approximate code of communication.

Sample Code Communication:

  1. Always strive to be in a good mood and be pleasant in communication.
  2. Try to feel the emotional state of the parents.
  3. To find the opportunity to speak to parents every time something positive about the child is the best way to place parents to yourself.
  4. Giving parents the opportunity to speak without interrupting them.
  5. To be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, submit an example of pupils and tact.
  6. In a difficult situation, try to file an example of compliance - it is impossible to drop in this dignity, but you can strengthen it.

"Evaluation of the level of communicability of the teacher with parents."

Purpose: Development of the excreable perception of communication partner.

Method of conducting.

And now you are offered a few simple questions. You need to answer quickly, uniquely "no", "yes", "sometimes".

  1. You will have an ordinary conversation with one of the parents. Does her wait for you?
  2. Do you cause confusion and displeasure the order to make a report, information to parents?
  3. Do you postpone unpleasant conversation about a difficult child with his parents until the last moment?
  4. Do you think that you should not personally talk with your parents about the peculiarities of education in the family, and it is better to spend the survey, written poll?
  5. You are offered to prepare a common parent meeting for parents of the preschool. Do you attach maximum effort to avoid this order?
  6. Do you like to share your experiences from communicating with parents with colleagues, leadership?
  7. Are you convinced that you are so harder to communicate with your parents than with children?
  8. Are you annoying if one of the parents of your pupils constantly asks you questions?
  9. Do you believe that there is a problem of "educators and parents" and what are they talking to "different languages"?
  10. Will you hesitate to remind parents about the promise that they forgot to fulfill?
  11. Does your annoyance please help any of the parents to help understand this or that complex educational question?
  12. Hearing the statement of a clearly erroneous point of view on the issue of education, would you prefer to keep silent and not to enter into a dispute?
  13. Are you afraid of participating in the analysis of conflict situations between teachers and parents?
  14. Do you have your own, purely individual criteria for assessing family education and other opinions on this expense you do not allow?
  15. Do you think that you need to educate and parents, not just children?
  16. Is it any more simple to prepare information for parents in writing, what to conduct oral advice?
    Answer rating: "Yes" - 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - about points.
    The points obtained are summed up and determined to which category the subject refers.

"Psychological Charging"

The exercise is aimed at mastering relaxation and concentrations that contribute to increasing energy potential. Holds a music manager.

  1. Standing, bringing the blades, smile and winking left, then repeat the right eye: "I am very proud of myself, I'm gone on a lot."
  2. Putting the left palm on the forehead, then the right to repeat: "I solve any tasks, with me there is always love and good luck."
  3. Route to repeat the palm about the palm: "I love good luck, I get richer every day."
  4. Having rolled up on the tiptoe, hands over his head to silence into the ring, repeat: "I am sigtish a sun ray, I am worthy of the best."
  5. Hands on the sides, fists squeeze, making rotations with their hands: "I have no obstacle on the way, everything will turn out how it is necessary."
  6. Hands on the belt, making tilts to the right - left, repeat: "Peace and a smile are always a shore, and everything will help me, and I will help."
  7. Hands on the belt tilt forward-back, repeat: "The situation is subject to me, the world is beautiful - and I am beautiful."
  8. By bouncing on the right, then on his left leg, repeat: "I am a bodra and energetic, and things go excellent."
  9. Fasting his hands in the castle, making a deep breath: "The universe smiles at me, and everything I get."

Effective methods, forms, methods of parents involving dow.

Usually, the reporting of the report must be included in the parental meetings, it is necessary to leave the dialogue with the use of parental activation methods. Using unconventional forms: "Oral Journal", "Pedagogical Living Room", "Round Table"; by type of telecast and entertainment programs, games aimed at attracting their attention to kindergarten: "Pedagogical field of miracles", "pedagogical case", "KVN", "Current - show"; Shares "painting verandas", "We are designers." One of the forms of informational and analytical work is a mailbox. This is a box or notebook, in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, handle questions for teachers, head or senior educator. It is not necessary to orient to use the DOU site. Parents can ask questions on the site. The asked questions are covered in parental meetings or are given in writing, or on the DOU site. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the educator and effective when the lack of time prevents the teacher to meet with parents personally.

2. "Homework. Auction projects.

I offer each teacher to present my project to interact with my parents. Each of you have three chips, you can give them all for some kind of project, or one chips for 3 projects, or 2 per one and 1 per one. At the end of our auction, we define what project received the most votes.

The teacher will receive the medal "Master of his business".

3. Summing up.

Today we discussed one of the most important tasks that stand before Dow. What conclusions you will make from the material of this pedsovet, write on sheets - this will be a solution to the pedsovet.


  1. Creation of optimal conditions for the functioning and improving cooperation in organizing work with parents.
  2. Combining the efforts of the pedagogical team and parents in the development of the child as a person.


  1. To promote the formation of theoretical ideas among teachers about the possibilities and conditions of the use of various methods, new forms and technologies in working with parents.
  2. Organization of joint activities of the administration, teachers and parents in the education of children.
  3. Activation of working with parents, search for new ways to attract families to participate in the school educational process.

Form of conducting a pedal track: "Oral Journal".

1. Page One: "Theoretical"

  • Organization of work with parents. The goals and objectives of the joint activities of teachers and parents.
  • The main directions in the work.
  • The functioning of the activities and the main stages in the work.

2. Page Second: "Diagnostic"

  • Family study methods.
  • The implementation of psychological support and correction of child-parent relations.

3. Third page: "excursion"

  • Content and form of work with parents.
  • Family kaleidoscope of creativity.

4. Page fourth: "Applied".

  • Interactive forms of work with parents aimed at collaborating the teacher with the family. Work experience.

5. Page Fifth: "Thank you." "Gamma feelings."

6. Sixtress Six: "Perfect". Pedsetov results.

7. The seventh page: "Pleasant".

Organization of work with parents. The goals and objectives of the joint activities of teachers and parents.

The main directions in the work.

With the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the prerequisites for the equal, creative, concerned interaction of the family and school arose. This is expressed in the orientation of public-public education management, the right to the existence of all forms of education, including family, in updating the content of training and education.

In Russia, family policy is recognized as one of the priorities of social policy.

Today, under conditions, when most families are concerned about solving problems of economic, and sometimes physical survival, the social trend of self-sustaining of many parents has increased from addressing the issues of education and personal development of the child. Parents, not possessing sufficiently knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes make up robing blindly, intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. In such families there are no durable interpersonal connections between parents and children and, as a result, the "authority" becomes an external, often negative environment, which leads to the "exit" of a child from under the influence of the family.

The situation contributes to the growth of children's neglect, crime, drug addiction and other negative phenomena in the children's, teenage and youth environment.

And if the school will not pay due attention to the improvement of the educational process aimed at the interaction of parents and teachers, then there will be an alienation of the family from the educational institution, teachers - from the family, family from the interests of the creative and free development of the child's personality.

The school was, there will be one of the most important social institutions providing an educational process and the real interaction of the child, parents and society.

The main activities of teachers and parents include:

Cognitive lifestyle (work with subject teachers),

Support for physical health student

Additional education of children and the development of the creative potential of children,

Support for gifted children

Social support and prevention of neglect.

The key to success in implementing this idea is to combine the efforts of the parent and pedagogical community at all levels.

Important conditions for the success of family cooperation and school are "educating the whole world", support for this direction at the urban level, i.e. the creation of a single educational space of the city.

The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of a child can be successful only if they become allies, which will allow them to know the child better, to see it in different situations and thus help adults in understanding the individual characteristics of children, the development of their abilities, the formation of value vital Landmarks, overcoming negative actions and manifestations in behavior. Teachers It is important to establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, create an atmosphere of interrelations and community of interest. It is the family from early childhood that is intended to lay moral values \u200b\u200bin the child, landmarks for building a reasonable lifestyle.

But practice shows that not all parents have special knowledge in the field of education and have difficulty in establishing contacts with children. Pedagogues and parents, trying to jointly find the most effective ways to solve this problem, determine the content and forms of pedagogical enlightenment. In the creation of the Union of Parents and teachers, the most important role belongs to class managers. Not all parents respond to the desire for cooperation, not all parents show interest in combining efforts to upbringing their child. The class teacher needs patience and targeted search for ways to solve this problem, excluding authoritarianism and moralism.

The functioning of the activities and the main stages in the work.

School and family work includes sections:

  1. Work with parents of primary school students.
  2. Work with parents of students of grades 5 (adaptation of the transition to the main school).
  3. Work with parents of primary school students (6 - 8 classes).
  4. Work with parents of students of senior and grades.

The main functions of the interaction of school and parents include:

  • Educational-developing.
  • Forming.
  • Security-wellness.
  • Controlling.
  • Household.

Stages of working with parents.

All work with parents is carried out in 4 stages:

Stage 1 - Annually at the beginning of the school year, the parental contingent is being examined and its composition is analyzed. Class social passport is compiled.

2 stage - identification of families in socially dangerous positions and children who have certain problems of the psychological plan:

  • difficulty adaptation
  • aggressiveness,
  • fears
  • communication problems with peers,
  • not assimilation of the program and others.

3 stages - Analysis of the data obtained and drawing up a database to compile the plan for the interaction of teachers with parents for the current year.

All work with the family is divided into daily, weekly, monthly, one-time.

Daily communication With the parents of children visiting school, is carried out by class managers.

This communication is aimed at ensuring the systematic informing of the parents about the life of the child at school and maintain contact in the family.

Weeklyeach parent gets an opportunity for a conversation with a class manager about the individual development of his child. With parents of problem children there are all experts according to the compiled correctional program. The topics and goals of conversations are reflected in the plans of conversations and rely on the material of observation, diagnosis, software material.

Monthly forms Communication with parents is:

  • holidays
  • parent meetings
  • sports events
  • hiking.

These classic forms of work with parents are known to everyone and have a certain result in establishing a benevolent, confidence atmosphere, good emotional attitudes and furnishings of joint parent creativity. Teachers use and such a traditional form of work as advice, they are in demand by parents, the question consists only in determining the most relevant topics for consulting and inviting specialists from consulting centers, doctors, social workers.

The implementation of psychological support and correction of child-parent relations.

Parents became vital for psychological and pedagogical knowledge; Teachers - knowledge of organizing more effective forms of working with parents to involve them into the educational process, that is, motivating to receive these knowledge.

The problem is that each of the teachers determine for himself:

Working with parents is one of the faces of pedagogical skills or a grave official duty?

Teachers and class teachers are fully responsible for this issue, as they work with schoolchildren and their parents. Ask any student: "Why did he come to school?", He will answer that he came to school to learn, and learn "good"! He is inquisitive, torturing, but restless! The efforts of adults, teachers and parents are aimed at "forming a" convenient "child and obedient. However, this is contrary to children's nature and, as a result of such "cooperation" of adults, the child is between two lights, on the one hand the family, on the other, the school. In this tandem, it is very easy to destroy the individuality, the identity of the child. Hence, he has a misunderstanding, insecurity and its own forces, the rejection of the world around, there is a separation from the family and, ultimately, how sad it did not sound, "care" from her. There is nothing more terrible for a person at any age than to lose the support of loved ones, because there is a disappointment in yourself, school, low self-esteem appears, there are no opportunities, and sometimes fate does not make up. ...

Before solving the problem of the child, it is necessary to solve the problem of an adult, and it is that parents sometimes are not competent in matters of education and psychology, do not know the age characteristics of children and adolescents, or do not seriously apply to everything that happens with their children. It prevents them from choosing the only correct behavior line.

Today there are approximately three groups of parents:

First group: Parents are assistants in educational work with children.

They are conscientious, active, interested and ready to help at any moment.

Second group:parents are potential assistants in raising children. They will help if they know what and how to do.

Third Group:parents do not understand or do not want to understand school requirements in educational work. They negatively belong to the school, to teachers, showing it less often - openly, more often - hidden.

It is not easy to achieve success in working with parents, especially with the parents of the Third Group. Attempts to introduce parents to collective affairs do not immediately give positive results. In school practice, such forms are used as

1. Preventive, explanatory work with all categories of parents on the health of children, personality formation and individual educational work.

2. Detection of problem families of children having different problems. Correctional work with them.

Protection of the rights of the child.

3. Invitation to meetings of the Parent Committee, the Administrative Council and there are already cases of appeal to public organizations in the Commission for Minors, to the court (up to the deprivation of parental rights).

It is necessary to create an integrated field of activity for all those responsible for the future generation, where they will be considered, and resolved the performance of work efficiency at the highest levels. The gap generations is because adults do not want to seriously perceive the problems of children, growing, children, pay them the same.

Each human being is a born creator! Parent is no exception. His creativity is to be a good parent, to be an example for your own child in everything, which means it is responsible to treat your duties, to engage in self-education, to move along with the child along the path of knowledge, do not extinguish the creative gusts of the child, and create together with Him and enjoy this creativity!

The quality of interaction that is being built on is to be crucial at the same time; respect for human child; The conviction is that all children are talented; creating a situation of success at each lesson; Faith in the power of the child and their own too.

Family study methods.

Each teacher, the class teacher dreams to see the child of his like-minded child. Only a competent, sensitive, educated parent will be able to respond in time to changes taking place with the child.

A competent parent is a changing parent, which means the changing life of a child and society as a whole and for the better.

The most common methods of working with parents are:

  • diagnostics,
  • consultation, training,
  • observations
  • conversation,
  • testing and questioning,
  • an essay as a method of learning a family
  • the method of generalizing independent characteristics,
  • pedagogical living room.

This work includes the use of optimal forms and methods in differentiated group and individual work with the family:

  • Drawing up the characteristics of families of students (the composition of parents, the sphere of their employment, educational and social level, etc.).
  • Organization of diagnostic work on families.
  • Organization of psychological and pedagogical education of parents.
  • Creating a system of mass events with parents, work on organizing joint socially significant activities and leisure parents and students.
  • Identification and use in the practical activity of the positive experience of family education.
  • The introduction of pedagogy traditions into family education.
  • Assisting parents in the formation of a moral lifestyle of the family, in preventing and diagnosing drug addiction, in the prevention of other negative manifestations in children and adolescents.
  • The use of various forms of cooperation with father's parents, involve them in collaborative with children creative, socially significant activities aimed at improving their authority.
  • Creation of conditions to ensure the rights of parents to participate in the management of the educational institution, the organization of the educational process: assistance in organizing public parenting formations (School Council, Parent Committee, Fathers Council, etc.);
  • Parents' associations on family issues (school of young parents, union, association, clubs of a young family, lonely fathers, lonely mothers, disabled parents, family clubs).
  • Assisting parents in development in children of social experience, communicative skills and skills, training high school students for family life (optional, special courses, clubs, clubs on the programs "Ethics and Psychology of Family Life", "Basics of Family Education").
  • Development of thematic design for working with family (corner for parents, Museum of Family Traditions, etc.).
  • Informational and pedagogical materials, exhibitions of children's work, which allow parents closer to get acquainted with the specifics of the institution, introduce them to a raising and educational environment;
  • Combining the efforts of the teacher and parent in joint activities to educate and develop a child; These relationships should be considered as the art of adult dialogue with a specific child based on the knowledge of the mental features of its age, given the interests, abilities and the previous child's experience;
  • Manifestation of understanding, tolerance and tact in the upbringing and teaching of the child, the desire to take into account his interests without ignoring feelings and emotions;
  • Good relationship between family and educational institution.

To form cooperation between adults and children in a general education institution, it is important to represent the team as a whole, as a large family, which is racas and interestingly lives only if the joint activities of teachers, children, parents are organized. Teachers at school most often have to put up with the informance of the family-run microclimate of the study, help him in solving personal problems based on pedagogical support, engaging a child in general activities, assist in the realization of his creative interests.

It is necessary to organize a significant part of the educational process together with students and parents, and the problems arising and tasks decide to decide together to conclude, without infringe upon the interests of each other and combine efforts to achieve higher results.

Recently, society has been experiencing a constant growing need for advisory and guiding work with parents.

To penetrate the positive impulse in raising children, parents must realize the possibility and the need for their internal growth from which the present education of parents begins.

"Parentine's education" is an international term under which the help of parents is understood by the functions of educators of their own children, parental functions.

  1. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents.
  2. Involving parents in the educational process.
  3. Participation of parents in school management.

Forms of interaction of teachers and parents.

Select individual and collective forms of working with parents, as well as traditional and non-traditional.

Forms of interaction of teachers and parents are a variety of organizing their joint activities and communication.

Traditional forms Non-traditional forms
Collective: Customized:

Creative cases.

Parent-teacher meeting Family traditions.
School-round conference The story of my family.
Parental lecture Family mascot. Horoscope family.
Evening for parents Family book of records.
Parental readings The geographical map of my pedigree.
Seminar Long-liver "Family (book, toy, other).
Workshop Birthday in the family.
Meeting Family holidays.
"Round table" Family hobbies.
"Pedagogical Living Room" "Four ways to delight mom."
"Oral Journal" Babushkina pies (expressions, horror stories, games).
Training My family album.
Sport competitions Famous family people.
Share "Mercy" Dad can anything.
Promotion "Book", "Toy" Our house Theater, Museum, Orangery ....
Labor landing Songs (fairy tales) of my grandmother.
Saturday The most affectionate mother's word.
Creative concert My favorite dish.
Exhibition I am proud of my grandfather!
Vernisazha Competition for the most interesting moms of notation and moraling.

Parent meeting is one of the main forms of working with parents.

It discusses the problems of living class and parent teams. Cool leader sends parental activity in the process of its preparation. Meetings should not be reduced to the monologue of the teacher. This is a mutual exchange of opinions, ideas, joint search. The subject of assembly can be diverse: "We are one family"; "About kindness and mercy"; "Learning to communicate", "Psychological climate in the team", etc.

Interaction with the fathers of children is of particular care of teachers: how to attract fathers to educational activities in the classroom, to increase their role in raising a child. To this end, the class teacher organizes special meetings with the fathers of children, holds conference-reflections, the meeting "The role of the Father in the upbringing of children", etc.

Many educational institutions, taking into account modern requirements, significantly diverged the form of the parental meeting itself. It can be held in the form of a "round table", the thematic discussion of the parents themselves with the invitation of specialists who are interested in family, consulting with experts, etc.

Parental lecture, "University of Pedagogical Knowledge", etc. Contribute to increasing the pedagogical culture of parents, their psychological and pedagogical competence in family education, developing uniform family and school approaches to raising children. Parents participate in determining the subject of events.

Thematic conferences on the exchange of experience of raising children (at all levels). This form causes well-deserved interest, attracts the attention of the parent and pedagogical community, figures of science and culture, representatives of public organizations.

Presentations of family education experience in the media.

Evenings of questions and answers are held with the involvement of psychologists, lawyers, doctors and other specialists; Parents are invited to them, taking into account the age-related features of children (for example, parents of first-graders, dads of teenage boys, pupils of grades 8-9).

Dispute, discussion - Exchange of views on education issues is one of the interests of increasing pedagogical culture for parents. It allows you to include them in a discussion of the most important problems, contributes to the formation of the ability to comprehensively analyze the facts and phenomena, relying on the accumulated experience, stimulates active pedagogical thinking. The results of discussions are perceived with great confidence.

Meetings of the parental community with the school administration, teachers are advisable every year. Teachers introduce parents with the requirements for the organization of work on the subject, listen to the wishes of the parents. In the process of joint discussion, it is possible to draw up programs of action, promising collaboration plans.

Individual work, group forms of interaction of teachers and parents. A particularly important form is the activity parent Committee. Parental asset - This is the support of teachers, and at the skillful interaction, they successfully solve common tasks. The parent committee seeks to attract parents and children to the organization of classroom, school cases, solving the problems of the life of the team.

The parent club is held in the form of meetings and requires special training from organizers. The goal of the club is to involve parents in the discussion of education issues. The main condition for the success of such meetings, discussions - voluntariness and mutual interest.

Forms of cognitive activity: Public forums of knowledge, creative reports on subjects, days of open lessons, holidays of knowledge and creativity, tournaments of experts, joint competitions, issue of subject newspapers, meetings, reports of scientific societies, etc. Parents can help in design, preparation Incentive prizes, evaluation of results, directly participate in events, creating their own or mixed commands. It can be contests: "Family-Erudit", "Family Hobby"; Reading conferences "Family reading", etc.

Forms of work: registration of cabinets, improvement and gardening of the school yard, landing Alley, creating a class library; Fair-Sale of family crafts, exhibitions "World of our hobbies", etc.

Forms of leisure: Joint holidays, concert preparation, performances, viewing and discussion of films, performances, competitions, competitions, KVNs, tourist campaigns and tours, sightseeing trips. In home clubs, parents organize the activities of children's groups formed taking into account interests and sympathies. Family holidays and festivals are widespread: Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparents Day, My Child Day, Mutual Thanksgiving Day; Game Family Contests: Sports Family, Music Family, Competition of Family Albums, Competition Hosts, Competition "Men in Calibration" (Competitions between fathers and sons) and others. Joint activities in creative associations of various focus, museums, etc.

The effectiveness of the educational system of the educational institution is characterized, along with other factors, interaction with family, approving parents as subjects of a holistic educational process together with teachers and children.

The results of the diagnosis of the effectiveness of the class teacher in working with parents.

Class Classroom teacher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 A. Drobyshevskaya AI 5 2 5 3 2 3 4 4 3 3
1 B. Podgornaya O. 4 2 4 3 1 2 4 5 3 4
1 B. Lapkevich N. 4 3 5 3 3 4 4 5 4 4
2 A. Volkova NP. 5 3 5 5 3 4 5 5 5 3
2 B. Uvarova EI 4 4 5 5 3 5 5 5 4 4
3 A. Bondar EI. 5 5 4 4 1 3 4 5 4 4
3 B. Tycherya T.
4 A. Fesco St. 4 - 4 5 4 5 5 5 3 3
5 A. Gruzkov GN.
5 B Pisarenko V.
6 A. Doronina Gn. 3 1 3 - - - - - 4 -
6 B. Chigrin NN. 2 2 - - - - - - 1 3
6 B. Gunter T. 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 3 4 3
7 A. Gokova G. 4 3 2 4 1 3 4 5 4 4
7 B. Gryazanov LB. 3 2 3 1 2 5 2 3 2 3
8 A. Print Om.
8 B. Kibyreva St. 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 5 3 5
9 A. Zreekodova NN. 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3
9 B. Kuzmina IG.
9 B. Nabokova Yen.
10 A. Smirnova OI 5 1 - - - - 4 - 4 4
10 B. Potapneva Ta 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 4 3
10 B. Starovoitova EP. 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4
10 g Lepina V. 2 1 3 - - - - - 3 4
11 A. Chisel NN. 3 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 4
11 B. Korotkov LS. 4 4 4 4 3 5 5 5 4 4
11 B. Khomenko Om. 3 2 4 3 3 1 4 5 4 4

Participated in the diagnosis of 27 class teachers - 21,

6 class leaders (new classes) - did not participate.

Diagnosis of the efficiency of the class teacher in working with parents.

1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5

Educational and informative

Sports and recreation





1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Your suggestions:
  • High level - 5 points
  • Above average - 4 points
  • Middle level - 3 points
  • Below average - 2 points
  • Low level - 1 point

The results of the diagnosis of the effectiveness of the class teacher in working with parents.

1. Are you satisfied with the work of cooperation with parents? 71 %
2. Do you apply new, non-traditional forms of work with parents? (specify which) 47%
3. What direction in collaboration with parents is most efficient?

Educational and informative

Sports and recreation





4. What is the educational potential of parents in the classroom? 68 %
5. What is the atmosphere of microclimate, relationships in families of students? 69 %
Your suggestions:

"The results of the diagnosis of the efficiency of the class teacher in working with parents."


According to the diagram, it can be seen that the most efficient activity of class managers is:

  • Educational and educational
  • leisure
  • labor

less effective work with parents and children in directions:

  • sports and wellness
  • military-patriotic
  • conservation

1. Implement the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents through the use of various forms of cooperation with parents. (Ot. Deputy Director for BP, Psychologist, CL. Officers.)

2. The involvement of parents in the educational process and the organization of joint activities of the administration, teachers and parents. (AD. Administration, cl. Officers.)

3. Class leaders to intensify work with parents using new ways to attract parents to cooperate. (Autumn cl. Officers.)

4. Plan and hold meetings of class managers, events, class clocks on topics:

"Military-patriotic education of students in school. Forms and methods of working with children and parents. (T. Pichugu Va, Khomenko, Spinko Sun, CL. Hands.)

Sports and recreation destination in school work. (Ot. Zaitseva MV is a valeologist, teachers of the physical officer., CL. Hands.)

Environmental direction in school work. (Pichugu Va, biology teachers, geography, cl. Hands.)


  1. Lysinsky V.M. "Practical education at school", m, center "Pedagogical search", 2002.
  2. Frolov P.T. "School of Young Director", m, "Enlightenment", 1988.
  3. Yerofeyev nude. "Methods of Preparation and Conducting Pedagogical Soviets", Izhevsk, 1995.
  4. Gutkin LD. Planning and organizing educational work at school. M. Center "Pedagogical Search", 2002.
  5. Journal "Class Leader" (1997-2003)
  6. Kuznetsova LV. Educational work at school. M. "School Press", 2002.
  7. Semenov GS. Organization of educational work at school. M. "School Press", 2002.
  8. Culp Educational work at school. Rostov-on-Don: Teacher shopping center, 2001.
  9. Schill zm. Class leader: the art of upbringing. M. 1997.
  10. Wosted VP. Organization of educational work in the classroom. M. "Pedagogical Search", 2000.
  11. Sergeeva VP. Class teacher in modern school. M 2001.
  12. Druzhinin IA. Care and joy of the class teacher. M. "Enlightenment", 1982.
  13. Shchurkova not. Cool Guide: Working Diagnostics. M. 2001.
  14. Boldrev either. Classroom teacher. M. "Enlightenment", 1978.
  15. Makarenko speakers About upbringing. M. 1988.
  16. Pityukov Vu. Basics of pedagogical technology. M. 1997.

Topic: "Improving work with parents in the context of the modernization of the educational process."

Pedsovet script

Slide 1.

1. Most adults are parents: young or not very having sufficient life experience or without any. The parenthood is a responsible role and a position in which the adult is 24 hours a day, and where careful, professional and consistent implementation of all conditions are required for the successful socialization of the child. The fate of the child largely depends on how competent is the parent. Currently, parents master the science of parental skills themselves, often by samples and errors, on the basis of how relations were in their parental families. At the same time, the process of education of the child is not always carried out on the basis of constructive ways of education. Therefore, issues related to the support of parents in mastering parental skill are relevant. Because The success of teaching a child in school depends on how correctly a family and school partnership is built, as far as the parents are the allies of the school and their demands with the school are united and agreed. It is important to create conditions for the inclusion of parents in activities, in which they would have made the necessary conclusions for themselves, mastered the skills and receptions of education, wanted to interact with the school in the future. It is necessary that the school becomes space where parents are unobtrusive to prompt how to bring up a child.

(Slide 2)

School and family are two different social institutions and by origin, and by the nature of existence, and to their appointment.

The relationship of the school and family is justified. Moreover, it is extremely important and necessary

( Slide 3.)

Family is the first public stage in a person's life. From early childhood, she directs consciousness, will, the feelings of the child. Under the leadership of parents, children acquire their first life experience, skills and skills of life in society.

Objectives of family education:

Whatever to the direction of the child's development, we will always have, that a decisive role in its effectiveness is played by the family to solve the following tasks of family education:

Harmonic child development;

Caring for children's health;

Assistance in teaching;

Labor education and assistance in choosing a profession;

Assistance in the socialization of the individual and its self-realization;

Formation of experience of humane, emotional-moral relations;

Caring for general cultural and intellectual development;

Development of interests, inconsistencies, abilities and creativity;

Preparation for self-education and self-development;

Poland, preparation for future family life.

(slide 4.)

Makarenko emphasized: "Education is a social process in a broad sense of the word. It raises everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all - people. Of these, in the first place - parents and teachers. " But the school can neither replace nor completely compensate for what the emerging person from parents receives. We can and must be pedagogically to combine, enrich, strengthen positive out-of-school influences, include them in the system of their educational activities, as well as in admissible limits to neutralize negative influences using professional capabilities. Slide 5.

The teacher as a professional endowed with the ability to "enter the child in the context of culture and social relationships" cannot ignore such a deep influence on the child of the family, he does not dare to be angry with children reproducing the family style of speech, behavior, relationship, does not dare and insult to rude Or obscene launches of a child imitating someone from his little social world. He is just looking for the roots of such behavior.

We know that most families have difficulty in matters of modern education. The cultural level of many families leaves much to be desired.

slide 6.

What are the conditions for the interaction of family and school?

The first condition is an exhaustive idea of \u200b\u200bthe functions and content of each other's activities, so as to be able to understand each other and with an adequate image of educational capabilities of each other could establish real mutual action. Completely giving yourself a report in tasks, means and finite result.

The basis for identifying the principles of school interaction and family is the concern for the happiness of the child. We will discuss: not about the marks on educational subjects, not obedience and behavior, not about the compliance of social life standards or parental life standards. The happiness of man is that for which the child should go to school and master the rich cultural achievements.

(slide 7)

Tasks of interaction:

formation of the active pedagogical position of parents;

weapons of parents with pedagogical knowledge and skills;

active participation of parents in raising children)

How best to introduce parents to the affairs and care of the school? How to achieve consistency in the actions of the school and family? How to help your family in raising children? This work begins with the parents of future first graders.

    (Slide 8)

    What factors contribute to the involvement of parents to participate
    in school life

    The activity of the school itself, the use of a variety of cooperation methods with family, well thought-out and planned policies;

    Understanding the parents of communication with the success of children (the activity of parents is the higher, the more directly the connection of their participation in the work of the school with the academic performance);

    Establishing personal relations between parents and teachers (teachers and students) as the basis for creating equal relations in the school community;

    The creation in the school situation, more aimed at the family, with the aim of greater compliance with the cultural, economic and social features of the family, which greatly affect the level of achievements of children in school;

    Information about the success of children;

    The interest of teachers in the success of children;

    Positive climate at school and the efforts of the whole school (and not individual teachers) to develop work with parents;

  • (Slide 9)

    How to attract parents to school

    The first meeting is acquaintance.

    Informal communication and meetings of teachers and parents. Trust tone of the conversation. Maintaining contacts. Allocation of the positive sides of the child and their reinforcement.

    Written forms of communication (information on the achievements of the child, the expression of gratitude to parents for participating in class and school cases).

    Phone calls - in special cases (not to find out the relationship, but invite for conversation).

    A variety of parents' participation in class life. Creating a set of roles for parents (voluntary assistant teacher, Guest class, narrator, guide by profession, member of the parent committee, assistant ...)

    Confidentiality preservation

(Slide 10)

Working with parents in the class team:

The leading role in the organization of cooperation between school and family play great leaders. It is from their work that how much families understand policies held by the school towards learning and raising children, and participate in its implementation. The position of the class teacher is to arouse the positive factors of family and school education, complement each other.

  • Goals and objectives:

    Establishing contact, a general favorable atmosphere of communication with parents of students;

    Study of educational opportunities of the family;

    The formation of the active pedagogical position of the parents, the increase in the educational potential of the family;

    Weapon of parents necessary to educate children by psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills, the foundations of pedagogical culture;

    Warning of the most common parents errors in raising children;

    Assisting parents in organizing pedagogical self-education

  • Slide 11.

    Forms and methods of work with parents should be aimed at increasing the pedagogical culture of parents, to strengthen the interaction of the school and family, to strengthen its educational.

    Work methods: observation; conversation; testing; Questioning.

  • Slide 12.

    The interaction with parents is held ...

    As part of parent meetings

    Within the framework of common parental meetings

    In the framework of the meetings of the Parent Committee

    Through remote informing (stand for parents, memo, booklets)

    Through the individual counseling teacher and psychologist

    Through correspondence with parents by email

    Joint trips on excursions


    Exhibitions of students' creative works, protection of learning projects, performances of amateur amateur for parents. It gives satisfaction with the student himself and pleases their parents.

(Slide 13)

The needs of modern parents. Use of Internet technologies The use of Internet technologies allows you to make the activities of the school visible, open to parents, increase the efficiency of the interaction of parents and schools, to provide the service of remote interaction of the participants of the educational process (consultations, parental meetings, discussions, forums), allows you to create Internet databases, implement Internet projects For parents and families, strengthen the activity constituent work with parents (you will not read the lecture on the Internet), to open new forms of work with parents who have not been possible before.

  • Operational communication with the school, including with a cool leader (performance, skipping, current issues, information, problems, successes, schedule, school services, homework)

    Getting useful materials for education, learning, child development

    Communication with other parents, discussing issues of education and training

    Operational consultations of various specialists

    Participation in the network life of your child

    What gives Internet-technologies to the parent

  • (Slide 14)

    Operational receipt of information and consulting support

    Raising parental literacy

    Closer contact with the school and the ability to more actively engage in the life of the school

    Ability to quickly respond to school situations

    The ability to unite into parent communities and solve questions

    School perception as an open institution that responds to the needs of parents

(Slide 15).

Family and school interaction principles

  • Mutual agreement - the key to the success of the pedagogical alliance
    family and schools
    1. The principle of consent

    School - reveals the purpose of education

    School - reports school functions

    School - gives seven duties

    School - opens the psychology of love

    Family - Comprehensies the purpose of education, expresses the opinion

    Family - expresses the opinion of the productivity of functions

    Family - agrees to create the necessary conditions

    Family - Love children to love art

  • (Slide 16)

    2. The principle of conjugation

    School - notifies about pedagogical requirements

    School - informs about the development of children

    School - introduces educational plans

    School - Presents School

    Family - Supports School Requirements

    Family - reports family education issues

    Family - agree to promote the designs

    Family - makes adjustments to family education

  • (Slide17)

    3. The principle of empathy

    School has signs attention to parents

    School forms love for family

    School introduces school events

    The family thanks and expresses response

    The family approves unconditional respect for school

    Family shows interest in life of all children

  • (Slide 18)

    4. The principle of attribution

    School informs about the needs of the school

    School invites you to discuss problems

    The school asks for the security of the child

    Family provides material assistance

    Family participates in the discussion of the problem

    Family provides a child with necessary means

  • (Slide 19)

    5. Principle of Catering

    School informs family about work plans

    School invites to take part

    School organizes a common cause

    Family evaluates school influence on children

    The family responds to the invitation, participates

    Family participates in general affairs

  • (Slide 20)

    6. The principle of measure.

    The main and only goal of the alliance is to organize an educational space to harmonize the development of children

    Do not forcing the development and deepening of the relationship between "Family School"

    Do not shift your duties to each other (do not go beyond your educational functions)

    Mutually recognize the autonomy of school and family, considering the only possible way to appeal to each other for help - request

    Invariably maintain a high ethical level of relationships in any situation under any circumstances

    Do not qualify for the re-education of parents, to take as a given family circumstances, putting a pedagogical emphasis on attitude to these circumstances

    Do not roam the family in the presence of a child, do not make children in the presence of parents - always remember: they love each other, which means not to destroy this love

    Appeal to the mind of the child as a subject of activity and behavior, do not create a double pressure of the family and school on it

In custody

Brought up in good chooses evil not from a good life. But brought up in evil chooses evil at any life. If children, developing, have a sample of a respectful attitude to the world, a sample of help and support, they themselves will be ready to bear good not abstract people, but a person who is next to them.