Creating a mask of transparent elements. Layer mask in photoshop

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Layers - the basis of photoshop. Any, no matter how serious manipulations with the image, as a rule, imply the use of layers and masks. Without an understanding of the concept of a multilayer image, you simply will not be able to truly deal with the editing of its photos in Adobe Photoshop, and if you can, this process will be painful and unnatural.

What are the layers?

Layers in Adobe Photoshop can be represented in the form of sheets of transparent films laid by a stack on each other. Any image can be applied to each of the sheets, so that the images underlying above are overlapped with images under them. The sections are free from images remain transparent and the underlying layers are visible through them. In general, if you look at the stack on top, it turns out a certain integrated image, composed of the interconnecting elements of individual layers.

The layers are needed so that one can make one, as well as in the multilayer image to be able to edit each layer independently of other layers.

Working in Photoshop, we repeatedly create new layers, glue already existing, duplicate, move, change the order of layers and their transparency, in a word, we do everything that may be required when editing photos.

Obviously, any file, open or created in Adobe Photoshop, contains at least one layer. Typically, this layer is called Background, i.e. Background or background.

Many actions in Adobe Photoshop can be made directly with a layer of background, without resorting to the help of additional layers, but even in such situations I still prefer to create a copy of the main layer and work with a copy, while maintaining the source code is untouched, and only if the result is completely It suits, I let myself merge the layers together. This approach is more convenient and safer. And why, in fact, turn photoshop in Paint?

Palette layers

Layers palette (Layers) is usually located at the bottom left. If you do not see it, press F7.

Consider the main elements of the layer palette.

Each layer corresponds to a small color icon. The name of the layer is written to the right. By default, new layers receive standard names (Layer 1, Layer 2, etc.), but you can always rename them to your liking, clicking on the name of the layer twice.

Next to the colored layer icon can be placed black and white icon. masks of the layerwhich is responsible for which sections of this layer should be shown, and which are hidden. If the layer mask is absent, then the layer is completely visible. The layer mask is the most important tool when working with layers, in connection with which we will return to this issue later and let's talk about masks.

To the left of the layer icon is the eye icon, symbolizing visibility of the layer. Click on it - the eye will disappear, and the layer will be invisible.

To make a layer active, sufficiently climb on it. To select multiple layers, use the Ctrl / CMD or SHIFT keys.

To create a copy of the active layer, press CTRL / CMD + J. To combine the selected layers, press Ctrl / cmd + e. If only one layer is selected, it will be drained with the underlying layer. CTRL / CMD + SHIFT + E combines all currently visible layers. To merge together at all all the layers of the document, go to the Layers menu and select Flatten Image.

The layers can be dragged using the mouse and, thus, change their mutual location. The shortcuts of the Ctrl / cmd +] and Ctrl / CMD + keys [move the active layer to one position up or down, respectively.

The following settings are located at the top of the layer palette:

Layer Filtering Allows you to display only those layers in the palette, which correspond to certain criteria, and hide everything else. You can filter layers by type, by name, styles, etc.

Via layer Locking (Layer) You can partially or completely prohibit the editing of a specific layer.

The right is the settings window. OPACITY (density) and Fill (Pouring)responsible for layer opacity. Default values \u200b\u200b- 100%, i.e. The layer is completely opaque and visible in all its glory. 50% will mean that the layer is transparent and the lower layers are translucent through it. At 0%, the layer becomes absolutely transparent and invisible. Between Opacity and Fill Only one difference: Opacity regulates the opacity of the layer together with all styles applied to it and special effects, while Fill acts only on the pixels of the layer itself without affecting the styles.

The background layer differs from other layers in that its opacity is always 100% and is not regulated. In addition, the Background is permanently protected from moving. The overlay mode for the background is always Normal, since there are no other layers under it and it's simply not to overlap.

At the bottom of the palette of the layers there are seven buttons:

Link Layers. Binds (but does not combine) selected layers. Related layers remain independent layers, but when trying to move them moving as a whole.

Add A Layer Style (Add a Layer Style). Allows you to apply various special effects to the layer, like that: shadow, glow, contour, etc. When processing photographs, styles are rarely used and basically find an application in graphic design.

Add Layer Mask Mask. Adds a mask to the selected layer. By default, the white mask, i.e. The content of the layer is visible completely. For more information about masks, see below.

Create a new correction layer (Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer). Creates a correction layer or fill layer for non-destructive editing. For more information about the corrective layers, see below.

Create a new group (CREATE A NEW GROUP). Creates a new empty group. To combine already available layers in the group, you should select them and press Ctrl / cmd + g. To disband the group, press CTRL / CMD + SHIFT + G. Groups are useful when the document contains many layers and the need arises somewhat orderly. In addition, masks and styles applied to the group automatically affect all layers included in the group. The rest of the group is similar to the binding of the layer.

Create a new layer (Create a New Layer). Creates a new layer. You can also use the CTRL / CMD + SHIFT + N key combination. The new layer does not contain any image and therefore invisible.

Delete Layer. Removes the active layer. You can use the DEL button.

Why do we need masks?

The layer mask is needed in order to selectively and reversibly hide from sight (in other words, mask) part of the layer pixels. For example, when working in an HDR technique, I use several photos of the same scene made with different exposures, then insert them into one file as separate layers, and you specify with masks, which elements of each of the pictures should be present in the ultimate image.

The mask is a black and white image of the same size as any layer. The mask color encodes the layer transparency. White color means the normal visibility of the layer, black - its absolute transparency. Various shades of gray correspond to different degrees of transparency - the darker, the more transparent. Thus, if the mask contains the sections of the white, the corresponding areas of the layer retain their original density, and where the mask is painted into the black color, the image will become invisible, and the underlying layer will be shifted through it. Plots, designated on a mask with gray, will only be partially transparent.

To see the whole mask enough to clamp Alt / Option and click on the mask icon.

Mask created using the "Add Layer Mask" command, all chopped with white, i.e. Leaves a layer completely visible. If you click on the mask icon and press Ctrl / Cmd + I mask will be inverted and painted in black. The layer will completely disappear from sight, i.e. will be disguised.

If you want to hide some part of the active layer, create a white mask, select it by clicking on it with the mouse, take a black brush and fill the area unwanted to you - they will disappear, as if you used an eraser. However, in contrast to the elasty, really erasering part of the layer, the mask does not destroy the layer itself, but just hides it. At any time you can take a white brush and restore any portion of the image. This approach is called non-destructive (non-destructive) editing.

It often happens to apply any effect only to a minor part of the image. In such cases, I duplicate the working layer (or create a correction layer), modifying it in a way I need (for example, raising the contrast, sharpness, shading or brightening the image), after which I hide this layer with a solid black mask, and then the white tassel show the effect Where necessary.

Of course, the editing of masks is not limited only to drawing on them with the brush. You can use any tools. Very often, it is necessary to resort, for example, to the gradient fill, or create a mask based on the area allocated on the principle of color or brightness range. Sometimes a template for the mask serves one of the color channels. In short, the methods of creating masks are countless, and I will not even try to list them. Simply keep in mind that if you wish, you can create a very difficult mask, if you need artistic tasks facing you. There are even special plugins for photoshop (for example, Mask Panel), partially automating the creation and editing of complex masks.

Corrective layers are needed for non-destructive image editing. Instead of applying curves, levels or some other tool directly to the layer, you create a special correction layer, and you already work with it. The correction layer itself does not contain any image, but is rather instructions on how the program should be modified the image under the correction layer. The advantage of this method is that you can repeatedly return to the correction layer and freely change its parameters, without fearing to spoil the image. The correction layer can be turned off, you can change the degree of opacity, and if you wish, you can and remove it without any consequences for the photo. It is also convenient to copy the correction layer and paste it into another document, thus applying the same settings directly to several photos.

Adding a new correction layer is carried out through a special Adjustments palette, or through the appropriate button in the Layers palette, or through the Layer\u003e New Adjustment Layer menu.

Each correction layer is automatically supplied with a mask that allows you to control the impact area of \u200b\u200bthe corrective layer. It is quite natural that various areas of the editable photography may require the intervention of various tools. With the help of several corrective layers, limited by masks, it is quite feasible. Corrective layers masks do not differ from ordinary masks and edited by standard methods.

When combining the correction layer with the underlying layers, the correct correction occurs, i.e. Changes are finally transferred to the present image and become irreversible. In this regard, the layers should be combined only when you are fully satisfied with the result obtained and do not plan further changes.

Thanks for attention!

Vasily A.

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Mask Transparency, More precisely, the use of a mask to create a transparency effect allows you to set up a different degree of transparency with certain elements or sections of the image. Moreover, the transparency of the mask can be applied using a quick mask mode and a layer mask.

In any case, to achieve the effect of transparency using a mask, it is necessary to use the tool tools or a gradient to help us ask the necessary transparency.

So, proceed. I took two photos of the underwater world in the internet (1 and 2) and now with the help of the transparency of the mask turn them into a single whole. If you are in the layer string (3), after opening the document, you will see the image of the lock (4), click on it twice the left mouse button to convert the image in the layer. In the new layer window that appears (5), click on the "OK" button (6). After the disappearance of the lock, the "Education layer" (8) will appear on the history palette (7). Considering that the photos have different size, choose as a background image greater than the size of the photo (2) and the upper layer will be placed in a smaller (1). As it is done, I have already told you in the lesson. "

On the layer palette, we make an active upper layer (9) and add a layer of the mask, one click on the button (10). To the right of the preview of the layer will appear previews of the mask (11). Now, all our actions will be applied not to the layer, but to his mask. We need to set the transparency of the mask in the places of imposition of the boundaries of the top photo (12). Take a simple gradient (from black to transparent) (13) from the standard set (14) and appline it as shown in Figure (15). To call a set of gradients, select the "Gradient" (16) tool and click on the arrow (17) on the toolbar. Apply the gradient is necessary from a dark - point (a) to a light - point (b), while the transparency of the mask is the greater, the darker of the gradient section.

Remember that the black color on the mask is erased, and the white restores (when applied to the processed black color), or leaves the original image unchanged at 100% white. These gradient properties on the mask makes it possible to achieve a smooth transition of one image to another due to directly proportional to a decrease in the transparency of the mask when moving the gradient from black to white.

Using the "Magic Wand" tool (18) to highlight all sections of water (19), clearly knocking out the color of the color of the water background image. Choose the "Brush" tool (20), set the opacity of the tool 100% (21) and process the selected areas. As a result, in these places we will get the full transparency of the layer mask. Do not forget to make sure that you have the main color - black (22). If in some places you have moved and you have images (in my case, fish) have become very faded (transparent), select the main color white (23) and process this image. In the opacity setting, set in accordance with the transparency you need for this image (image plot).

As a result, we had a new image, harmoniously united two into a single whole, thanks to the transparency of the mask.

Another option to use the transparency of the mask, to combine two photos (images), is the use of the "Fast Mask" tool. Take again the same two photos of the underwater world, open them as two different documents. We turn to the photo that we will have the top layer, and proceed to processing using the transparency of the mask. Click on the fast mask icon (24). The fact that we moved to this mode will be shown to us black and white squares (25) below the front and rear plans colors switch (26), with which we can switch from black on white and vice versa with one click. Now exactly as in the previous example, we use the gradient and the "brush" tool. Apply them by building those sections of the image that we want to make transparent. Brush Choose a soft, with a small% opacity (interest 10-25) (27) and pressure (28). Working with a brush, hold down the left mouse button, release only to move to a new section. If necessary, you can re-process the desired sections. Transparency in this case is calculated by addition. Visually - the more transparent you want to see the element, the more intense it should be painted. As a result, we get an image partially painted in red in different intensity. I can click on the fast mask icon (24). We get the selection (dotted line) of images with different transparency.

Copy the selected (Ctrl + C) and insert (Ctrl + V) to the new layer (29), on top of the main background layer (30) open in another window. By selecting the "Move" tool (31) and using the arrow keys on the keyboard, move the top layer to the place you need. If necessary, we can refine the fate, requiring greater transparency, the "Eraser" tool (32), as I wrote about this in the lesson. "

The picture is ready, now we can save it.

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Female pickup - lessons, tips, rules for girls of pickuparts. Posted: admin in relation 03.06.2018 0 77 views. Female pickup - Lessons, Tips, Rules for Picaper Girls. \u003e Every woman wants attention and compliments. Each dreams so that the men turn the neck, looking after her, and the stacks fell under the feet. But one art "charming" is given from the diaper, the other you have to learn all your life, how to conquer the heart of a man. The seduction of the opposite sex appeared in our time - Pickup was the prerogative of solely men. But this complex of receptions and the skills of seduction has become interesting and modern women. The only difference is that the task of a female pickup, as a rule, is not a single pleasure, but the search for real love and the desire to become an attractive, confident in itself and desirable. What are the basic rules of the female pickup? Picapperas men have a target simple and understandable - like a girl and put it in the bed as quickly as possible. The goals of the girls are more selective: and preferably - all and immediately. But, of course, it does not happen. Only an accident can send you a prince on a white horse, which, having seen you, tremble from anticipation and immediately offer hand, heart and account in the Swiss bank. Therefore, for a start, you need to understand how to get acquainted and how to behave that the cavalier does not run away from you in five minutes after dating a man. This teaches the feminine pickup - how not to scare a man how to make an impression, etc. Control your behavior: the look of the hungry wolf is prohibited. All potential worsages from it are scattered as devils from incense. Watch yourself as if this is only your holiday of life, and you, so be, allow them to participate in this celebration. Do not look for your happiness with your girlfriend hand in hand. Two hunters are even worse. Better - unanimous loneliness for men (for example, you are one at the table, leafing the book or see the news on the Internet) or the company of men. Do not overdo it with a questioning look. A man can appreciate it as your availability. Are you not looking for so glory? The view of the woman should be placed and, at the same time, hold at a safe distance. There is nothing worse than unsatisfied, crumpled and broken woman. Know your golden middle in alcohol. Exclude vulgarity in words, views and movements. No matter how much you want it to look like hypersexuality - it is not. Do not hook the yoke on the neck from a potential Uhager. Communicate equally with everyone, it gives him a little more attention than the rest. Hunter should be, and not you. In any case, he must believe it. Learn the art of touches. From your touch, he should run goosebumps. Even the easy body contact is able to cause a stronger storm of emotions than, for example, striptease on the bar counter. Learn to love yourself - become interesting, beautiful and non-standard for yourself. Confident woman invariably attracts men. Your first step towards a man should look like a barely lit signal. Let him think that it was he who is the acquaintance initiator. Decide what you expect from dating. Would you like adventures, a stormy novel, just ripping the nerves or quiet family life in the end. The task of the pickup is a provocation of a man for active actions. The result depends on the desire - a short-term date, a close acquaintance in a horizontal plane or a serious relationship and family creation. The science of the pickup can be comprehended by independently, and in special trainings. What are the basic rules of the female pickup? Video: Pickup for girls: the best phrases for dating. More often go into the light, expand their circle of dating. Aimed at the blue-eyed handsome athlete? Do not look for it in the library. On the oligarch? In the eaters, you will definitely not meet it. To meet with your dream, be prepared constantly. Perfect appearance, excellent mood and charming smile - should be your regular satellites. Explore the basics of the right makeup, you should look stunning even when run out the garbage - moderate, but spectacular makeup, heels (studs), neckline, fitted dress, well-groomed hands. Get used to even at home (when no one sees you) follow this rule. See the Makeup Rules in the summer. Learn male psychology. With these knowledge you will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose their own, the only one. Be cute, friendly and independent. Make yourself as calmly and relaxed. Embarrassment and excitement Leave for other situations, here only comprehension and self-confidence. Your speech should be smooth and calm. No "nerve" in his voice. Do not confuse in words. Listen carefully, as if this story about fishing is the most amazing that you all heard. Do not forget about the barely noticeable, "random" touches. Do not tell about your problems (family-work-family) and your desires. The man should have a clear feeling that you are lucky, happy and completely satisfied with the life of a person. And, by itself, go from questions about the number of your former men or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be happy to find out that you are just looking for a candidate for the fourth marriage. Do not forget to praise a man. Men are like children, they need to feel necessary, loved ones and extraordinary. Just do not overdo it - you should not praise a cavalier for beautiful tie or clean boots, you need to praise for actions. Be modest. You do not need to fold your feet on the table, fit down dinner in the restaurant, put on a vulgar dress and require a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty always decorates. When communicating with a man, try to repeat his gestures, movements and a speech manner. This reception is one of the main in Picap. Just do not get carried away - it should not be brought into the eyes. If you were invited to the dance, you should not be in the movements too frank - that is, to hang on the cavalier and pressed all the body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, keep yourself in your hands and wait until "client will donate." Manicure and make-up should be the most natural and minimal. Red lacquer exclude immediately - it is nervous. Too long nails are also not an option. The only thing that magically will work on a man - shiny lips. Expand the circle of hobbies and open new talents. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change the wheels, dance and cook. Never admit the first in your sympathies. After dating, do not be intrusive. It should look for you, call and appoint meetings. And you - only condescendingly accepting his courtship. Do not hang on a kilogram of jewelry. Better one or two decorations, but spectacular and high quality, what to look like a Christmas tree. Do not bend a stick in facial expressions and "erotic" movements. It is enough to fix the hairstyle, lick the lips and throw the leg on the leg. Win your hips and breed bananas should not. Do not tell themselves and do not let the man telling hasty jokes. Having met that man himself, you should not continue the "Games of Picaperov". A man must love you, not your seduction technique. Hold his pickup next to him all life will not work. Loves and respects himself. Not aggressive, but initiative. Independent. Folded and free in sex. Does not pull with a suitcase complexes. Understands a man and accepts him as it is. Able to give pleasure. Any woman - she is already from the nature of the Picaper. In fact, it is absolutely no need to learn the science of seduction, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. It remains only to use them competently and with the mind. And most importantly - to understand what you are waiting for? Imagine that all men pay attention to you, bleed saliva and dream at least to hold you for palm. Are you sure you need it? Or are you dreaming of meeting with your future, the only and unique man? Turning to the trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to give yourself a report that the level of men's high attention will grow. And decide for yourself - you want it or not.
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Dirty pick-up methods. For successful communication with excellent floor, it is sometimes necessary to use methods that are called Picapartes. These are dirty dishonens, but they work. It will be much easier for you to break the female resistance if you will resort to them. You can play in relationships with women honestly and lose. And you can play dirty, but win. What do you choose? Dirty pick-up methods. Undermine the confidence of the girl. Many girls are overlooking the nose in front of men. She is a princess, which is worthy only by a handsome millionaire. Now we will lower it to the sinful land. For this purpose, the next pickup method is useful. It is necessary to donate the grain of doubt in its beauty and qualities. Use jokes, jokes and dubious compliments. Tell me that I have already seen a similar skirt today, her hairpin looks like the decoration of your grandmother, and her blouse is funny. Light irony and she is no longer so confident in its attractiveness. You can hurt her personal qualities, intelligence or character. It follows with humor and naturally. Now the girl is not so good and no longer feels like a princess. Consequently, more vulnerable and available. This is a dirty pickup method, but it works with a bang. Make compete a girl with others. Another good way to interest the girl is to compete with other fair sex representatives. Even if it is imaginary girls. Mention at ease of other familiar girls, get messages from them in social networks and calls. To do this, ask your familiar girls or friends. Let the girl know that you are in demand, even if it is not quite true. Let the girl turn on in a competitive struggle with mythical enemies. So it will be easier to break her resistance and repair yourself. Speak about feelings and programming a girl on sympathy. This dirty pickup method is imposing emotions and girl programming. Women sensitive, so tell her about love for animals, travels or hobbies. When a person is passionately fond of something, it is cautionary. The girl involuntarily represents herself at the site of this hobby. Ask, in a joke, did the girl fell in love with you? Does she think about you before bedtime? More conversations about relationships, emotional topics and feelings. Touch the girl. This is one of the main and main reception of pickuparters. As soon as possible and more often touch the girl. Let it get used to your hands and becomes less damaging. Serve her hand, touch the different parts of her body, come into contact with your legs or shoulders. Touch the girl, and she will give you faster. Girl's nerves loose. If you play dirty, then to the end. The girls are very emotional, what you are in hand. The very spectacular method for the pickup is the rich nerves and emotions of the girl. Razelled or offend the girl, but not much. And now apologize and calm her. Be kind and gentle. Such emotional swings will make the girl weaker and vulnerable. Forcing the girl to periodically suffer, and she will be yours. Once you read until here, then you are ready to play dirty. In girls, honest techniques do not work, and good guys sleep alone. So play dirty and defeat the most beautiful chicks, a bad guy.
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Already that day I wanted boiled chicken and cooked eggs. The body strongly demanded a protein. But if I could cook the eggs without difficulty, then with the preparation of the chicken there were serious problems. I was starting to torment from the type of raw frosthed carcass. And from the smell of raw meat and is suppressed. I could not even force myself to cut it! Attempts to feed themselves and puzzler something else ended at best of nausea. At worst - as after a rapid party - in an embrace with a white ceramic friend. My toxicosis bloomed in a lush color.
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The strangest thing that my nausea was somehow, just not the morning. Waking up, I felt fine. Preparing a breakfast with her husband, accompanied him to work, then he herself. And only closer to 12 I was started to nauseate from everything. From food flavors, from the smell of gel for the soul, from my once beloved perfumes. In the subway, it was simply impossible to enter: my nose unmistakably determined, what time was not in the soul next to the sitting person and how much he poured over his middle-colon / perfume. At such moments, I popked out of the carriage at the nearest station and tried to breathe.

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In addition to chicken and eggs, I really wanted my salted. Just a classic genre. I absorbed salty and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and zucchini caviar. Girlfriends and mom in one voice claimed: "The Patzan is growing."

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List of things for an extract from the maternity hospital (bag 4)

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Extract from the maternity hospital is a happiest event to which, of course, must be prepared in advance. Most of the future mothers are worried primarily about clothing for the dupress for the baby, and this is understandable: it is important not to overeat and not overlay the crumb. - pregnancy, childbirth, mother and children. Pregnancy Calendar for Weeks

The easiest all with the "summer" newborn. Their standard clothing set includes cap, blouse (sprawling or body) and sliders. Watch the crumb into a light blanket or dress in a light jumpsuit if you have a trip to the car.

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The harbingers of birth at 38 weeks are no different from later. The first thing worth noting is what the belly dropped. You can also feel the fight, future mothers are often called "training". During this period, the woman seems to be losing weight, because a lot of fluids come out of the body. The future mother changes mood. She often goes to the toilet due to the fact that the uterus presses on the bladder, and begins to move the plug. She can get out immediately or gradually. It all depends on the body of a woman. During this period, many admit that they have no appetite. Hospiters of birth at 38 week can be different. Some of them are not even. Everything is very individual. But if you have waited 38 weeks, signs of childbirth, most likely, have already appeared. If you feel drawn pain, as if you have a monthly one, or they noticed blood, then, most likely, soon you will meet with the baby.

Second genera.
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Each woman is waiting for the appearance of a baby on the light and is a little worried. And it doesn't matter at all, it gives birth or not, fear is still present. It is especially strengthened if already 38 weeks of pregnancy. The second birth is usually passing easier and a little faster. But not always. It all depends on the characteristics of your body. Usually, childbirth is divided into two types. The first one is called rapid childbirth. In this case, a woman can give birth within two hours. If the future mother gives birth to more than two hours, then the birth is ordinary. With them, the generic paths have already been prepared for the changes that need for the appearance of a child. But this is relevant only if the first birth was no more than five years ago. Therefore, if a woman is ready to give birth, and she has 38 weeks of pregnancy, the second genera may be the same as the first.

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What are women from other countries about childbirth at 38 weeks. - pregnancy, childbirth, mother and children. Pregnancy Calendar for Weeks

After the survey, it was revealed that women from England were afraid to give birth, no matter, it is a childbirth of 38-39 weeks or later. Most of them are frightened by pains that they will experience with this process. The same opinions about childbirth and women from Germany, Spain, Italy and France. Surprisingly, those mothers who have already passed through childbirth took part in this survey, and they all said that he had nothing more than it. Some complained about the preparatory classes that they did not help them, others on the attitude of doctors. They also experienced inconvenience during pregnancy due to the fact that they were not inferior in transport, or they did not have special privileges at work. But despite these all statements, almost 99 percent said that it was a great happiness for them to feel a lot of happiness, which cannot be compared with anything.

In Photoshop, it became almost impossible to do without many layers. Drawing and editing on a layer is not much different from drawing and editing on the background. But when working with the discharge, the difference is significant. In addition, the layers spawned three new features: transparency masks, a layer mask and using layers as masks.

Do not forget that the masks, as mentioned above, are just channels that are 8-bit "images" in grayscale grades (we will talk separately on contour discharges).

Transparency masks

In most cases, the newly formed layer is transparent. Staining such a layer or inserting a selection into it, you make layer pixels opaque. Photoshop constantly monitors each pixel checking how long it is transparent - completely, partially or is opaque. This information about the transparency of pixels is called a transparency mask (see Fig. 14.34).

Fig. 14.34.

Remember that analogy with a protective film at the beginning of the lecture? Selection / channel / mask (this all the same) performs the role of a stencil. In this case, the mask is not the way a pixel is highlighted, but as far as it is transparent (in other words, as far as he distinguishes). The pixel can be highlighted completely, but is over only 10 percent (transparent to 90 percent).

. The transparency mask can be downloaded on a layer as a selection using the Selection\u003e Load Selection command. But it is much faster to click on the header of the layer on the palette Layers. Pressed keys (Command). For example, if you have an inscription on a text layer, then to create a selection in the form of this inscription, click on the layer string holding the key (Command).

Prompt. Loading transparency and moving mask. Some users apparently believe that they need to load the transparency mask as a selection before moving pixels on this layer. For various technical reasons, it was a catastrophe in Photoshop 3. You can do this without fear, in all later versions, but in fact it is not required. Save one step and just use the "Move" tool: Highlight the desired layer (in the palette Layers.) And drag it.

Mask layer

You were instructed to make a composition of several images. You place each object on a separate layer and, using the technique described in this lecture, carefully allocate and remove parts of objects that should not be visible. Then after many hours of labor, show the result of the art editor, and he says: "Move it a little higher, so that this part is visible."

Fortunately, a layer mask helps to avoid such a nightmarish situation. It resembles a transparency mask, determining the degree of transparency of pixels, but the mask can be viewed, and most importantly, edit (see Fig. 14.35).

If in the situation described above, you used a layer mask, you would only smile and quickly made the necessary changes.

Creating and editing a layer mask. To add a layer mask, select Layer\u003e Add Layer Mask. When the layer has a mask (it can have one mask or two, if you have turned on the contour selection), on the palette Layers. The miniature is displayed (see Fig. 14.36).

Layer mask

Fig. 14.36.

The first difficulty associated with the use of layer masks is that it is often difficult to determine what you actually edit the layer or layer mask. Outwardly, they differ only by the fact that the miniature layer mask has a dark frame (on the high-resolution screen both frames look the same, and "Layer X Mask" appears in the title row. On the title line, we look as often as in the rear mirror The type of car is a good way to keep the situation under control.

To be able to edit a layer mask, activate it by clicking on its miniature on the palette Layers. (See Tip "Keyboard Equivalents for Mask Layer" below).

It will not be reminding again: the layer mask is the same as the selection, and the selection is the same as the channel. At the heart of its this image in gray grades. The painting black "erases" pixels associated with a layer mask, making them transparent. White painting restores the "erased" image on the layer. When painting, the gray image becomes translucent.

Prompt. Fast add-mask layer. Appeal to the "Add Mask Layer" icon on the palette Layers. Requires a little less time than accessing the menu. If you hold down the key (Option), the layer-mask is inverted by making the image on the invisible layer.

Before adding a layer masks, you can create a selection. In this case, the program automatically paints on a layer-mask unselected area black. It is easier than adding a layer mask, and then paint it. (Of course, if in a similar situation, click on the icon while pressing the key (Option), the dedicated areas are flooded with black and become invisible).

Prompt. Keyboard Equivalents for Mask Layer. If you want to activate a layer of editing mask, press (COMMAND) + (\\). To leave the mask layer and switch to the associated layer, press (COMMAND) + (~).

Prompt. How to get rid of mask. In the process of editing the layer-mask you may need to turn it off and turn it on again to see the image before and after editing. The Layer\u003e Desable Layer Mask command allows you to temporarily hide a layer mask. There is a faster way - to click on a miniature layer-mask while pressing the key (SHIFT).

To remove the mask layer at all, select Layer\u003e Remove Layer Mask (or drag the miniature layer-mask on the basket pictogram). At the same time Photoshop offers you the last possibility to apply a layer mask to the layer. After applying masks, masked (hidden) layer areas are removed.

And the last way to get rid of the layer-mask: With the information or combination of the layers, all the layer masks are removed.

Mask Mask Display. Another complexity is associated with the fact that the layer-mask is not visible, so its editing may seem predicary. If you click on a miniature layer-mask under the pressed keys (Option) + (Shift), the mask is displayed in the form of a translucent color "film" on top of the layer - just like the alpha channel.

To change the color or degree of transparency "Film", double-click (option) + (SHIFT) on a miniature layer-mask Call dialog Layer Mask Display Options. Re-clicking with (Option) + (Shift) on a miniature layer-mask hides a color "film".

If you want to see the actual mask (as an image in gray graduation), click on its thumbnail when the key is pressed (Option). This is especially convenient with detailed editing a layer mask.

Prompt. How to move mask. As noted in the "Basics of competent work in Photoshop", in order to move the image located on a layer, it is best to use the "Move" tool. The layer-mask however is tied to the layer, and if you start moving it, along with it it will move and the layer.

Consider use masks in Photoshop. On examples. Masks allow you to edit the selected area, while the undefined part of the image is protected from any changes. It can be filters, effects or color change, but without a mask can not do when installing images.

Types of masks in Photoshop are different, we will analyze them below. And first you need to understand the mechanism of work of the mask schematically:

Here we can edit a white area (background), and the flush-bluer-colored bee is protected from changes - its pixels are hidden. The mask can be inverted, then we can edit the bee, and the background, respectively, will be protected.

However, the mask may be translucent. Then drawing tools or filters will be able to influence protected areas, but partially. Gray gradations are partial transparency. The lighter shade of gray, the stronger the editing tools affect this site.

This means that the black color corresponds to 100% transparency, and white - complete visibility. it scheme of work masksAnd the appointment is to manage pixels: hide them, protecting against changes.

If you subjected to our image editing, for example, change the color - then the black part of the bee will remain unchanged:

The easiest way to illustrate work with masks on the following example. To highlight the object - our bee, we use the "Fast allocation" tool (Fig. 1-2). To select small bee details, select a smaller brush, or increase the scale of the document until we get the outline (running ants) of the entire object.

Then turn on the "Fast Mask" mode by clicking on the icon (Fig. 1-1) or by pressing the key (Q):

Fig.1. Fast mask:
1 - switching on-shutdown of the "Fast Mask" mode;
2 - "Fast allocation" tool.

If we need to invert the mask, do double click by pictogram (Fig.1-1). In the "Parameters" window that appears, we change the selected and protected (masked) area, which is displayed in red with a red with opacity of 50%. And color and transparency can be changed for visual convenience:

And now you can safely edit the object, without fear of harming the rest of the image. You can use any drawing tools, and we, for example, use the "Blur over Gaussian" filter (Blur filters) to mitigate the bee contour:

What is good "fast mask"? The results of the filter will immediately reflect the document itself. We move the slider by increasing the radius of blur, and at the same time we see the changes to the object allocated by us directly in the document.

And this is the finished result and the original object, compare (for clarity - with a white background). If you want to remove the background, then first invert the selection, for which you press the combination of SHIFT + CTRL + I (selection - inversion), and after the Delete key and poured in white:

Because Selecting some objects can take a lot of time, in Photoshop there is a saving of masks (you can understand: selected areas) in the "Channels" panel. There they are stored as alpha channels.

The icon (Fig.2-2) will allow you to create an alpha channel, and "circles" on the left (Fig.2-3) - load it into the panel at the next opening of this document:

Fig.2. Saving a mask in the "Channels" panel:
1 - alpha channel; 2 - save the mask;
3 - Opening a saved mask.

But this mask (alpha channel) can be applied for other images as a stencil.

The one who already has experience with Photoshop knows that allocating some areas of images are quite difficult and time consuming. For this you have to sort out a variety of selection tools. But for various situations in Photoshop, different types of masks are also provided. We will consider them further.

R Astrovaya mask

Raster (pixel) mask edit drawing and selection tools. As an illustration, take an example of mounting two photos with an aircraft carrier and invisible aircraft. You see the finished result in the second picture:

Create a layer mask with an airplane, highlighting the layer and pressing the "Create Mask" icon on the "Layers" panel. The "brush" instrument carefully paint the excess area around the object. To do this, choose the appropriate size of the brush and install the black color:

If in the process of painting, pay attention to the miniatures of the layer and its masks in the "Layers" panel, it can be seen that only the mask thumbnail changes. We will see the black area of \u200b\u200bhidden pixels, but they are not removed in the layer itself.

If we were simply erased by their tool "Eraser", they would be lost forever. And with the help of a mask, we can return them. Which means: if we accidentally move part of the object (aircraft), you can restore lost pixels. For this you only need to go through this place with a white brush!

Remember the scheme: black - complete transparency, white - complete visibility. Conclusion: the masks do not remove pixels, but they only manage them, or hide them. This feature is successfully used when creating collages.

In an elegant mask

The vector mask restricts into a layer of a clear figure, and use it for objects with sharp boundaries. However, it does not depend on the resolution of the image. As well as all vector objects, styles can be used to it. You can, for example, instantly make decorative elements (buttons, panels) that can be decorated.

To create a vector mask use the "Figure" or "feather" tools. Using the pen tool, you can quickly cut a person's figure from a photo or, as in our example, a car:

To highlight the object, it is convenient to increase the scale of the image. The reference points (nodes) are not necessary to arrange tightly, they can always be added to the pen + tool, and then pull out the arc on this segment. Thus, it is easy to draw a line of any roundness and curvature.

After the outline of the object is closed, a mask is created. For what you need to click, already familiar to us, the pictogram in the "Layers" panel.

The same layer may contain a raster, and vector masks at the same time. This is necessary in some cases, for example, when creating collages with complex objects. However, you can easily remove an unnecessary mask, or ripple vector.

In the "Masks" panel, moving the sluts, you can change the density or make the end of the object edge (Fig. 3-3). And the switches (Fig.3-2) serve to choose between vector and raster (pixel) masks:

Fig.3. Mask panel:
1 - call panel; 2 - Mask switches;
3 - density and tower.

If so far we have dealt with a layer-mask, now it's time to find out that the mask can influence several layers at once.

About a batch mask

The clipping mask acts on the layers located above the layer itself with the mask. In this case, its protected area will spread to the lower layers of the document. For example, insert a portrait of a girl in a frame, yes so that cut off extra edges with a portrait:

We highlight the "Rectangular region" tool internal part of the frame on the second image. Next, click Ctrl + J (layers - new - copy to a new layer), thereby copying the selection in the new layer.

Next copying portrait on image with frame. Naturally, the size of the portrait did not come up. Therefore, click Ctrl + T (editing - free transformation), and pull a frame that appears around the portrait, customizing the portrait under the desired size. If you do with the SHIFT key pressed, then the proportions of the width of the height will be preserved:

Part of the portrait is beyond the framework, and we need to cut off everything too much. With the right mouse button on the upper layer (layer 3), and in the menu that opens, select "Create a clipping mask".

Photoshop has earned worldwide recognition among designers, web developers and just ordinary users. Thanks to the huge arsenal of various tools and is able to solve even the most complex graphic task. One of the most useful functions of this program is a mask. In Photoshop, this function is beneficial from all other graphics editor capabilities.

Fast mask

In Photoshop, the mask has two functions: a quick mask and a layer-mask. Consider first one of them. In the Photoshop program, a quick mask turns on by pressing a hot key - Q. The main function of this means is to form a selected area. For example, we need to separate the background from the main part of the image. Turn on the fast mask mode and choose the "Brush" tool. We supply the area you need, while the palette should become black and white. The first color is selected, and the second removes. As soon as we completed this operation, we leave from the fast mask mode by one more pressing the Q key. We have a dedicated area. Such a mask in photoshop allows you to quickly make changes in the desired part of the image. It is optionally to work with a brush, you can use, for example, a pencil. When we are in a quick mask mode, the dedicated area is painted in red.

Layer mask

Where more extensive functionality has a layer mask. To create it, you need to choose a mug icon in the layer panel in a square with the name "Add Mask Layer". After clicking on this icon near the name, an additional empty sheet will appear. In the photoshop program, the layer mask has received use in many cases. For example, it is used to accurately selected when one or another area cannot determine. Especially when you need to change the color of the hair. It is impractical to distinguish each hair separately, and the layer mask allows us to quickly create the necessary area. Also, this feature allows us to produce consistent changes without fear that they will become irreversible. If we work with a layer-mask, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe image that will be subject to any changes will be saved. For example, we need to remove your eyes from the face of the face. To do this, create a layer mask and simply cover the area you need using the "Brush" tool. From the main image of the eye will be disappeared, and in the layer mask they will appear. Of course, this example cannot demonstrate the entire functionality of this tool. But the meaning should be understood.

additional information

A layer mask in Photoshop has flexible settings that allow you to approach the desired effect as possible. Let's go back for example with hair color change. We created a layer mask, where with the help of the brush created a selection. The resulting result does not suit us, since most often the bang in man is not always perfect. And every hair is simply impossible to circle. And here we will help the "Edge Edge" parameter. That is how the mask in Photoshop speeds up the whole process. The example above is disassembled in a separate article. And this functionality of this means is not exhausted.


As mentioned above, the mask in photoshop is used in many situations. With the help of its functions, you can receive non-standard interesting images.