Creation of conditions for maintaining the psychological health of preschoolers. “Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of young children

The formation of a viable younger generation is one of the main tasks of the country's development. Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing! If there is health, a person rejoices, lives peacefully, works, studies, goes to kindergarten. Without health, one cannot live, love, one cannot be beautiful, charming. The first steps towards health, the desire for a healthy lifestyle, for self-knowledge, the formation of a health culture are made in a preschool institution. The catastrophic state of children's health requires systematic work on health conservation, the optimal use of the material, intellectual, creative resources of a preschool institution. The need for an integrated approach to the organization of a health-saving space in a preschool institution does not raise any doubts.

In our garden there are two specialized groups for children with musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, understanding the state significance of the work on the formation, strengthening, and preservation of the health of their pupils, the kindergarten team needs to purposefully work on creating a favorable health-saving space, look for new modern methods and techniques that are adequate to the age of preschoolers, use best practices in their work. Try to organically combine all the elements of the complex:

  1. Educational.
  2. Correction-pedagogical.
  3. Medico-prophylactic.
  4. Physical culture and recreation and sports-mass.
  5. Psychological.

From the above, the main directions for creating a health-saving space in kindergarten follow:

  1. Organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and the creation of hygienic conditions for the life of children.
  2. Physical education.
  3. Correctional work in groups for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Organization of medical and preventive work with children.
  5. Ensuring the psychological safety of children during their stay in kindergarten.

The organization of the sanitary and epidemiological regime and the creation of hygienic conditions are regulated by a whole series of regulatory and instructive documents that not only managers, but also ordinary employees of a preschool institution must know, and some extracts from them must be introduced to parents of preschoolers. The main documents for us are SaNPiN and “Hygienic requirements for the maximum teaching load in the classroom with preschool children”. Hygienists note an increase in the mental load on children, the risk of overloading children increases, and any overload leads to loss of health. We try to compose organized educational activities in such a way as not to violate the requirements of SaNPiN.

Work with regulatory documents is reflected in the annual plan and monthly work plans of our kindergarten. Regularly at production meetings, it is necessary to study the instructions and SaNPiN. Place a "Health Corner" in the reception room of each group, where educators place not only recommendations for improving the health of children, but also extracts from SaNPiN and methodological recommendations.

In the health-saving space of the kindergarten, a special, most important place should be occupied by physical education and health work, correctional and pedagogical (mainly for groups with disorders of the musculoskeletal system) work and the correct organization of the motor activity of pupils, taking into account the age-related psychophysiological and individual characteristics of children, the time of year and operating hours of the kindergarten.

The gym, sports ground and sports group corners are equipped in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN. In the kindergarten, a system of sports, recreation and hardening activities has been worked out in accordance with the individual characteristics of the child. Exercises have been developed for children with frequent acute respiratory infections, physical exercises to correct posture and correct flat feet.

Every day a child in kindergarten begins with morning exercises, if possible, in the fresh air, which allows you to get a charge of vivacity, gives an incentive to work activity in class. In the morning period of time, the heaviest load falls on children, at this time organized educational activities take place. Organized educational activities require children to exert themselves for a long time, associated with maintaining a certain posture and significant visual loads. In this regard, we include recreational activities in the educational process: gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises, physical minutes, corrective exercises (for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system), which are necessary to relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Physical education classes are diverse in form and content depending on the tasks:

  1. Traditional.
  2. Game, in the form of outdoor games of low, medium and high intensity.
  3. Role-playing, giving more emotional impressions.
  4. Thematic days.
  5. Classes - training is the consolidation of exercises familiar to children, elements of sports games.
  6. Classes - tests for diagnostics on the main types of movements and the development of physical qualities (2 times a year).
  7. Sports holidays, health days, the holiday “Dad, Mom and I are a sports family”.

It is extremely important and necessary to form in children of each age group a calm motivation for the development of hygiene skills, skills, habits that lead to maintaining health and ensuring a healthy lifestyle. Such a task can be solved only by the joint efforts of doctors, educators, specialists and parents.

After organized educational activities, the time for walks comes, a dynamic change of activity takes place. Therefore, our walks consist of outdoor and sports games, relay races and competitions, for this, each site is provided with physical education equipment and a sports ground, which has ladders, snakes, ball rings, equipment for crawling, stepping over, climbing, portable gaming equipment.

The child's health issues are resolved in close contact with the family. At the beginning of the recovery period, a conversation is held with parents, which allows you to find out their attitude to health-improving activities and draw up a plan for health-improving work, taking into account the requests of parents. An extensive range of recreational activities is carried out in the kindergarten:

  1. Compliance with the temperature regime according to SaNPiNa.
  2. Proper organization of walks and their duration (organized educational activities are compiled taking into account the duration of the walk at least one and a half hours).
  3. Compliance with seasonal clothing (individual work with parents).
  4. Lightweight clothes in kindergarten.
  5. Exercise after sleep.
  6. Corrective gymnastics (for groups with disorders of the musculoskeletal system)
  7. Hardening procedures (according to the age of the children):
  • salt paths - younger age;
  • washing hands with cool water up to the elbow - middle age;
  • a complex of contrast hardening procedures - older age;
  • lessons in the pool.
  • Rinse your mouth with cool water.
  • In summer, walking barefoot on the sports ground and the health path.
  • Vitaminization of third courses.
  • Massage prescribed by a doctor.
  • Physiotherapy as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Perspective: to continue medical and health-improving work, dividing it into three stages:

    Stage 1 - intensive prevention - preparing the child for the most unfavorable time in the season (vitaminization of third courses, phytoncidotherapy, breathing exercises, hardening)

    Stage 2 - recovery, which uses a system of protective measures to prevent ARVI, tonsillitis - gargling the throat and mouth with water at room temperature.

    Stage 3 - rehabilitation - phyto- and vitamin therapy, sparing mode of organized educational activities, individual approach to the health group.

    Ensuring the psychological safety of children during their stay in kindergarten is based on the cooperation of a psychologist with all structural divisions of the institution. The psychologist identifies factors that contribute to the emergence and development of stressful, neurotic conditions in children and helps educators in preventing unwanted affective reactions in children. The employees are attentive and responsive to children, they treat each child with respect. Teachers try to aesthetically design the interior of group, locker and bedroom rooms so that the child feels comfortable in a cozy environment. The psychologist assigns a large role in psycho-correctional work to music therapy, psycho-gymnastics and theatrical activities. To do this, in each group of the kindergarten and in the psychologist's office, theatrical corners with different types of theaters, a set of finger gymnastics are decorated.

    These classes help to improve the mental well-being of children, we try to strictly fulfill the main commandment of preschool education - “do no harm”. Work with employees is one of the most important areas for strengthening and maintaining the somatic, psychological and physical health of children.

    An important area of ​​activity in the formation of a physically and mentally healthy child is work with the family. For ourselves, we have identified the following tasks for working with parents:

    • Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.
    • Setting for joint work in order to solve health-saving problems.
    • Involvement of parents in the educational process.
    • Arm parents with psychological and pedagogical knowledge through psychological trainings, consultations, seminars.

    To do this, we use the following forms of work with parents:

    • holding parent meetings, workshops, consultations, open days;
    • pedagogical conversations (individual and group);
    • joint activities and entertainment, work;
    • round tables with the involvement of kindergarten specialists (speech therapist, nurse, massage and physiotherapy nurse, doctor, physical education instructor, exercise therapy instructor, swimming instructor, psychologist, music teacher);
    • organization of joint affairs.

    Methods used by teachers in working with parents:

    • questioning;
    • family visit;
    • child supervision;
    • conversations with parents;
    • conversations with the child;
    • study of drawings on the topic: “Our family” and their discussion with children.

    Thus, one of the main conditions in strengthening the health of preschool children is the closest cooperation between teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and children.

    Perspective on this issue:

    1. Reducing the number of diseases most common in preschool childhood, through the implementation of an individual approach to each pupil and a system of health-improving measures.
    2. Improving the system of physical education based on the introduction of new methods and technologies.
    3. Creation of a system of comprehensive monitoring of the child's health.


    "Preserving and strengthening the health of the child in the conditions of preschool"

    • Creation of conditions in preschool educational institutions for solving the problem of protection and promotion of children's health
    • Formation of healthy lifestyle values ​​for preschoolers
    • Forms of recreational work in the preschool educational institution
    • The system and features of the work of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution for the preservation and promotion of children's health
    • Application of health-saving technologies in all areas of development and education of children

    health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

    (according to the WHO charter)

    physical health

    the state of harmony of physiological processes and maximum adaptation to environmental conditions (body health, growth and development of organs, physical activity, immunity)

    mental health

    the ability to adequately respond to external and internal stimuli, general mental comfort, adequate behavior, the ability to manage one's emotional states

    social health

    harmonious attitude of the individual in the social structure of society, social activity, a favorable relationship with others, the assimilation of the rules and values ​​of society, etc.

    I am not afraid to say again and again: health care is the most important work of an educator.

    Their spiritual life, worldview, mental

    development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence.

    V. Sukhomlinsky

    The result of our work should be the need for a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, realized by the younger generation. Every young person should realize that

    healthy lifestyle

    life is success

    his personal success.

    Vladimir Putin

    Optimal conditions that ensure the full life of children in a preschool institution

    Professionalism of teaching staff;

    Appropriate material and technical equipment of the preschool educational institution;

    Organization of activities of the preschool educational institution, based on the effective results of scientific and methodological research in the field of development and rehabilitation of preschoolers;

    Motivation of the team for the introduction of innovative processes that contribute to the development and strengthening of the health of pupils.

    Tasks for the preservation and promotion of health :

    • · Develop an algorithm for the activities of participants in the educational process of a preschool institution, focused on maintaining and strengthening health.
    • · Provide conditions for the preservation, strengthening of the physical and mental health of children in accordance with their age characteristics.

    • To study and introduce into the practice of preschool educational institutions modern technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of children's health by developing health-saving skills and habits, forming the habit of thinking and taking care of their health.
    • To create a health-improving microclimate, an appropriate subject environment to ensure the physical activity of the child.

    Healthy lifestyle

    is a concept of human life, aimed at improving and maintaining health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and the rejection of bad habits

    • to form ideas that being healthy is good, and getting sick is bad; about some signs of health;
    • cultivate healthy behavior skills: love to move; eat more vegetables, fruits; wash hands after each contamination; do not get angry and do not worry; be friendly; visit more fresh air; observe the regime;
    • help to master sustainable behavioral skills;
    • develop the ability to talk about your health, the health of loved ones;
    • develop correct posture skills;
    • enrich children's knowledge about the physical movement in general;
    • develop artistic interest.

    • physical education,
    • walks,
    • Balanced diet,
    • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene,
    • hardening,
    • Creating conditions for good sleep

    • elements of music therapy, light and color therapy, art therapy,
    • psychorelaxation,
    • health jogging,
    • target walking,
    • classes on the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle,
    • awakening gymnastics,
    • hardening,
    • air baths
    • water games
    • physical education and exercise therapy.

    Cyclogram of the use of recreational activities in the daily routine


    Before every meal

    Individual work on the development of basic movements; finger gymnastics; articulation gymnastics; self-massage of hands and face; acupressure; morning exercises; breathing exercises.

    Washing hands with cool water.

    While eating

    seating at the table; formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

    After every meal

    Rinsing the mouth with boiled water.


    Dynamic pauses; finger gymnastics; articulation gymnastics; gymnastics for the eyes; change of dynamic postures, massage, music therapy.

    Outdoor games; elements of sports games; barefoot; air and sun baths; games with water and sand; downhill skiing; individual work on the development of basic movements; targeted walks; health run.

    Before bedtime

    Walking on correctional paths; air baths, barefoot, relaxation.

    After sleep

    Charging awakening; walking on correctional paths; air baths; barefoot.

    In the evening

    Individual work on the development of basic movements; finger gymnastics; acupressure; self-massage; breathing exercises.

    Model of interaction with the family

    Publication of the newspaper of the kindergarten

    • Observation of children by an orthopedic doctor 2 times a year;
    • exercise therapy : sets of exercises using various attributes, posture control against the wall and lying down;
    • parental counseling;
    • Preventive work from an early age;
    • Implementation of constant monitoring of the landing of children at the table, posture during the day;
    • Selection of furniture in accordance with the growth of children;
    • Massage - 2 times a year courses.

    Model of interaction of specialists

    Head as an organizer of the educational process

    Methodist (Deputy Head of VMP)


    in need of help and correction

    Health saving technology

    this is a system of measures that includes the relationship and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at maintaining the health of the child at all stages of his education and development.

    • medical and preventive;
    • physical culture and health;
    • technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child;
    • health saving and health enrichment of teachers of preschool education;
    • valeological education of parents;
    • health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten



    • "Do no harm!"
    • The principle of consciousness and activity.
    • The principle of continuity of the health-saving process.
    • The principle of comprehensive and harmonious development of personality.
    • The principle of accessibility and individuality.
    • The principle of systematic and consistent.
    • The principle of systemic alternation of loads and rest.
    • The principle of a gradual increase in health effects.

    • Time spending : Not earlier than 30 min. after meals, from middle age in a gym or music room or in a group room, in a well-ventilated room
    • Recommended for children with sluggish posture and flat feet. Be wary of disproportionate muscle strain

    • Time spending: Not earlier than 30 min. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age
    • Features of the methodology: Pay attention to the artistic value, the amount of physical activity and its proportionality to the age indicators of the child

    • Time spending : During classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired
    • Features of the methodology: Recommended for all children as a prevention of fatigue. May include elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity

    • Time spending : As part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - small with an average degree of mobility. Daily for all age groups
    • Features of the methodology: Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding. In preschool educational institutions we use only elements of sports games

    • Time spending : Any suitable location. Depending on the state of children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups
    • Features of the methodology: You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature

    • Time spending : From a young age individually or with a subgroup daily
    • Features of the methodology: Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time)

    • Time spending : Daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time; depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age
    • Features of the methodology:

    • Relieves eye strain, strengthens eye muscles, improves their coordination
    • It is carried out daily, depending on the intensity of visual load, starting from a younger age.
    • It is recommended to use visual material, showing the teacher

    • Time spending :
    • Features of the methodology: Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure

    • Recovery of the body.
    • Prevention of SARS.
    • Activation of metabolism in muscles.
    • Workout



    The entire basic complex consists of 14 exercises. The author of the methodology recommends doing 3 "sets", which include all the exercises in sequence, but if there is not enough time, you can limit yourself to one or two "sets".

    It is better to do it 2 times a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner. You can practice after eating, but not earlier than an hour later. You should not do Strelnikova's gymnastics for children at bedtime, as it is quite invigorating, and it will be problematic to put the child down after doing it. When doing exercises, focus on inhaling (it is performed with closed lips) and do not pay attention to exhalation - it should happen naturally.

    • Time spending : Daily after daytime sleep, 5-10 min.
    • Features of the methodology: The form of carrying out is different: exercises on beds, extensive washing; walking on ribbed boards; easy running from the bedroom to a group with a difference in temperature in the rooms and others, depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution



    • Time spending : In various forms of physical culture and health work
    • Features of the methodology: The form of conducting depends on the task and the contingent of children



    • Time spending : In various forms of physical culture and health work
    • Features of the methodology: It is recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot.

    • general weakness,
    • reduced physical development,
    • rickets,
    • excess weight,
    • tight shoes,
    • hereditary predisposition.

    The sheep were walking along the road,

    Walking on toes

    Wet feet in a puddle.

    Walking on heels

    One, two, three, four, five

    Get up on your toes

    They began to wipe their feet.

    Middle part of the right foot

    Who with a handkerchief, who with a rag,

    slide on the inside

    Who has a holey mitten.

    Legs of the left leg from the foot to the knee. The same with the left foot 6-8 times

    Our legs in the morning

    doing exercises

    This is how they stand on their toes,

    And then on your heels.

    Let's stand on our toes

    Let's look into the distance together

    We drop on our heels

    Let's start dancing squatting

    Standing on our toes again

    Let's look left and right.

    We drop on our heels

    We have finished charging.

    • Time spending : In your free time, you can in the afternoon. Time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher
    • Features of the methodology: The lesson can be organized imperceptibly for the child, by including the teacher in the process of playing activities.

    • Time spending : 1 time per week for 25-30 min. from older age
    • Features of the methodology: Can be included in the curriculum in the educational area "Cognition"

    • Time spending : Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical culture and health work
    • Features of the methodology: It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body

    • Time spending : It is held on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age.
    • Features of the methodology: It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. It is indicated for children with frequent colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. visual material is used

    • Time spending : Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes. from the middle group
    • Features of the methodology: Classes are conducted in subgroups of 10-13 people, the program has diagnostic tools and involves training protocols

    • Time spending : In various forms of physical culture and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals
    • Features of the methodology: Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

    • Time spending : 2-4 lessons per month for 30 minutes. from older age
    • Features of the methodology: Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children.

    • Time spending : As a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks
    • Features of the methodology: It is necessary to pay special attention to the color scheme of the interiors of the preschool educational institution. Properly selected colors relieve stress and increase the emotional mood of the child.

    • Time spending : Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 25-30 minutes. from older age
    • Features of the methodology: Conducted by special methods in small groups of 6-8 people. Groups are not made up on one basis - children with different problems are engaged in the same group. Classes are held in a playful way, they have diagnostic tools and training protocols

    • Time spending : 1-2 times a week from older age for 25-30 minutes.
    • Features of the methodology: Classes are held according to special methods

    • Time spending : 2 times a week from a younger age not earlier than after 30 minutes. after eating. In the gym or music halls. ml. age-15 min., older age-30 min.
    • Features of the methodology: Classes are recommended for children with hearing problems or for preventive purposes. The purpose of the classes is phonetic literate speech without movements


    Morning exercises:

    • breathing exercises;
    • finger gymnastics;
    • general developmental exercises;
    • dance exercises, rhythmoplasty;
    • use of elements of exercises from various health-improving methods: aerobics, stretching, etc.

    Before class:

    • various types of massage (acupressure, self-massage, etc.);
    • finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes.

    In the classroom:

    Physical education minutes;

    Change of dynamic postures;

    • breathing exercises;
    • finger gymnastics;

    Gymnastics for the eyes.

    Morning walk:

    Breathing exercises, including muscle exercises;

    • health walking, running.

    Before bedtime:

    • relaxation, self-regulation, tempering procedures.

    After sleep:

    • awakening gymnastics;
    • breathing exercises;
    • finger gymnastics;
    • walking with the use of special physical education equipment (prevention of flat feet, correction (prevention) of posture, scoliosis), hardening procedures.

    Before dinner:

    • massage for the prevention of colds;
    • breathing exercises.

    • Gymnastics for children aged 5-7 years: program, planning, class notes, recommendations / ed. L.G. Verkhozina, L.A. Zaikin. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. - 126 p.
    • Krasikova I.S. Scoliosis. Prevention and treatment. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Korona Vek", 2012. - 192 p., ill.
    • Krasikova I.S. Posture: Cultivate correct posture. Treatment of posture disorders. - St. Petersburg: Korona print, 2013. - 176 p.: ill.
    • Krasikova I.S. Flat feet. Prevention and treatment. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Korona Vek", 2014.

    • Penzulaeva L.I. Recreational gymnastics. Complexes of exercises for children 3-7 years old. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2013. - 128 p.
    • Prevention of flat feet and postural disorders in the preschool educational institution: A practical guide / Ed. HE. Morgunov. - Voronezh: LLC "Method", 2013. - 144 p.
    • Modern technologies for teaching preschoolers / ed. E.V. Mikheev. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.
    • Formation of the motor sphere of children 3-7 years old: fitball-gymnastics: class notes / ed. N.M. Solomennikova, T.N. Car. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. - 159 p.

    • Recreational gymnastics: game complexes, classes, physical exercise. The first junior group / ed.-comp. E.I. Podolskaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2014. - 143 p.
    • Improving the health of the child in kindergarten. From the experience of the preschool educational institution: Methodological guide / Comp.: E.A. Yakimova, I.L. Timofeychuk, N.E. Fatyushina and others; Under total ed. M.E. Verkhovkina. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2014.
    • E.I. Nikolaev, V.I. Fedoruk, E.Yu. Zakharina Health saving and health formation in kindergarten: method. allowance. - St. Petersburg. : LLC "Publishing House" CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2015. - 240 p.

    Publication date: 10/16/17

    “Creation of conditions for the preservation and promotion of health

    young children"

    Spesivtseva Larisa Vasilievna,

    teacher MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 14"

    “Health care is the most important work of an educator.

    From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children depends on their

    spiritual life, outlook, mental

    development, strength of knowledge, self-confidence"
    V. A. Sukhomlinsky

    At an early age, the foundation of health is laid: maturation and improvement of the vital systems and functions of the body, its adaptive capabilities develop, its resistance to external influences increases, posture is formed, physical qualities and habits are acquired, volitional character traits are developed, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.

    One of the conditions for the full development of young children is a high level of health, but at present, due to the current environmental situation, unfavorable hereditary factors, there is a tendency to increase in young children with deviations in health.

    More and more children with pronounced hyperactivity come to kindergarten. In addition, the number of young children with chronic diseases is increasing every year. In the age of development of television and computerization, adults communicate less with children. Many parents prefer that their children sit at the TV and computer, watch cartoons, so as not to be distracted. As a result, physical activity is at a low level. In children, capriciousness, increased fatigue prevail, they often suffer from colds.

    In the light of the above, the problem of preserving and strengthening the child's body is of particular relevance.

    One of the main conditions for our successful work to preserve and promote the health of young children is the competent organization of a health-saving space in the group.

    A health-saving space is considered as a flexible, developing system that does not oppress the child, the basis of which is an emotionally comfortable environment for staying, a favorable regime for organizing the life of children.

    The daily routine in the group contributes to the harmonious physical and full mental development of young children, provides for a variety of activities throughout the day in accordance with their interests and needs, taking into account the season, as well as the state of health.

    In the group, airing and wet cleaning are carried out in a timely manner, the optimal temperature regime is ensured, the children are in appropriate clothing and footwear for the temperature regime and type of activity.

    The organization of the health-saving space of our group is based on:

    Formation of the health of young children based on the integrated and systematic use of available means of physical education, optimization of motor activity in the fresh air;

    Direct teaching of children to elementary methods of healthy lifestyle: health-improving finger, corrective, breathing exercises;

    Specially organized activity of the child: GCD, outdoor games, physical minutes;

    Family and preschool partnership.

    The medical and pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution identified the main directions for maintaining and strengthening the health of young children:

    Assessment of the health of children by a nurse with daily monitoring of his condition;

    Help and pedagogical support for the child during the period of his adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution;

    Prevention during the period of seasonal increase in the incidence;

    Organization of summer recreation for children with maximum exposure to fresh air;

    Interaction with parents on hardening and protecting the health of children;

    Promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the families of pupils.

    Preservation and strengthening of the health of young children is ensured by:

    Complete nutrition;


    Carrying out hardening activities;

    Equipping with special health-improving equipment;

    Medical control and prevention.

    Our group has a health corner, which contains equipment for independent sports, health paths, attributes for outdoor games, non-standard equipment that combines physical education with play, which contributes to the creation of conditions for independent motor activity that occurs at the initiative of children. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development of the child. It gives a wide scope for the manifestation of their individual motor abilities. Its duration depends on the individual manifestations of children in motor activity.

    Physical culture inventory and equipment comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements, safe for children, easy to clean. Physical education benefits correspond to early age, the space of the motor zone, periodically change taking into account the interests of children and the results of individual work. Safe storage of physical culture equipment, convenience of its arrangement are provided.

    The effectiveness of our work to preserve and improve the health of young children is determined by the use of health-saving technologies, various forms and methods of rehabilitation.

    I want to bring them to your attention.

    Morning gymnastics.

    The main task of morning exercises is to strengthen and improve the child's body. Only systematic gymnastics contributes to the activation of metabolic processes, raising muscle tone, charges with positive energy for the whole day, improves motor abilities in children, develops physical qualities: strength, agility, flexibility, etc. Children acquire and consolidate the skills of placement in space: building in a circle. Gymnastics relieves drowsiness, children have a feeling of cheerfulness, an emotional upsurge occurs, and working capacity appears.

    In addition to health benefits, morning exercises also have educational value. With the help of morning exercises, children are accustomed to the regimen. Morning exercises contribute to the development of attention in children. Memory develops, the ability to do exercises on demand, according to the word.

    After a daytime sleep, corrective gymnastics is carried out on the beds. Gymnastics includes elements of sipping, alternately raising and lowering arms and legs, excluding sudden movements. Charging time is 2-3 minutes. Gymnastics after sleep ends with walking along correctional paths.

    hardening procedures.

    Hardening of young children is also an important factor contributing to the health of babies.

    It has a positive effect on adaptation to cold, heat, weakens the body's negative reactions to weather changes, and increases resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

    The main natural hardening factors are the sun, air and water.

    In our work, we use the following hardening methods: walking barefoot is a good way to strengthen the arch of the foot and ligaments; "Health path", mat "grass". These paths are used by us for the prevention of flat feet and are active stimuli of the receptors located on the child's foot; air hardening is airing the premises, walking; sunbathing, acupressure - increases the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, larynx and other human organs.

    Washing is the most accessible type of hardening. Young children are recommended (with the permission of their parents) to wash daily not only their faces, but also their hands up to the elbow.

    Specially organized physical activity of children: a walk, outdoor games.

    Keeping children outdoors is essential to good health. Walking is the first and most accessible means. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds. The walk is carried out in any weather, the exception is when a strong wind blows, it is pouring rain and when the air temperature is below -10 degrees. The walk includes outdoor games with high and low physical activity.

    Finger games, development of fine motor skills.

    Systematic finger exercises are a powerful tool for improving brain performance. Psychologists say that gymnastics for the fingers develops mental activity, memory, attention of the child, helps to eliminate emotional stress, improves the activity of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, develops coordination of movements, strength and dexterity of the hands, and maintains vitality. In our practice, various finger gymnastics are widely used, accompanied by poems, there is a file of finger games.

    The use of physical minutes during the GCD.

    Prolonged stay in a monotonous position during the GCD leads children to fatigue, reduced performance of children, disturbed posture. Therefore, for the prevention of fatigue and for psycho-emotional relaxation, we use physical minutes.

    Children 2-3 years old, performing exercises, do not know how to correctly combine movements with the rhythm of breathing, often hold their breath. Poetic physical exercises help to solve these problems. To teach children to breathe correctly when doing exercises, they are invited to lower their hands down, while squatting, bending over, to pronounce sounds or words.

    Breathing and sound gymnastics.

    When working with young children, much attention is paid to the formation, development and strengthening of the respiratory system and, against this background, the general improvement of the body. Respiratory gymnastics plays a significant role in the development of the respiratory system, which increases metabolic processes that play a major role in blood supply, including the respiratory system. At the same time, the mechanisms of the central nervous system, including the brain, which were disturbed during the course of the disease, are gradually restored, the drainage function of the bronchi improves, and nasal breathing is gradually restored.

    The formed skill of correct breathing is one of the components of a healthy lifestyle.

    In a group with children, game exercises are carried out, during which children learn to breathe correctly. The importance of such playing techniques lies in the fact that children learn how to properly inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Such game exercises as "Ball", "Dandelion" help children to form this skill. In addition, we try to arouse interest in breathing exercises, the desire to know your body, to develop an understanding of a conscious attitude towards your health.

    Various attributes used when performing breathing exercises also have their own significance. The importance of using non-traditional material: snowflakes, ribbons, bright tubes, turntables, etc. cannot be overestimated, since a preschool child is characterized by visual-figurative thinking. This has a beneficial effect on their emotional mood, as well as on the whole organism as a whole.
    Game exercises "Komarik", "Fly", "Goose", "Trumpeter" - form in children the ability to perform a full elongated exhalation.
    The next important stage in the formation of proper breathing is the use of game exercises with the movement of arms, legs and torso, which allow you to monitor the distribution of the load on all parts of the body: “Cockerel”, “Crow”, “Owl”, “Locomotive”.

    Technologies of musical impact

    Technologies of musical influence are used as an aid, as part of other technologies, to relieve tension, increase emotional mood. With the help of music, it is possible to establish a balance in the activity of the nervous system of a young child, to moderate overly excited and disinhibit inhibited children, to regulate incorrect and unnecessary movements.

    Musical-rhythmic movements contribute to the enrichment of children's motor experience, the development of basic movements, and the removal of psycho-emotional stress.

    The movement of children to music is used by us both as a means of creative, musical development, and as a tool for their physical development.

    For the full formation of a healthy lifestyle for young children, it is necessary to interact with the family. Parents of a child should have information about strengthening and maintaining health, understand the importance of health as the main value of life. For this purpose, we use folders-movers, conversations, group and individual consultations, and questionnaires. At parent meetings, questions are discussed on the use of health-saving technologies for improving the health of children at home, leaflets are distributed, card indexes of various types of gymnastics are offered, recommendations are given on organizing joint active activities for children and adults.

    In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the system of health improvement for young children, which I spoke about, has allowed us to reduce the number of cases of diseases, the motor activity of children is effectively developing, and the health of pupils is maintained and strengthened.

    This confirms the fact that the creation of conditions for maintaining and strengthening the health of preschool children based on health-saving technologies should become a priority in the activities of every kindergarten teacher.

    Introduction ___________________________________________________ 4-5

    Section 1.

    1.1. About the goals and work at the school aimed at preserving and

    strengthening the health of students ____________________________ 6-7

    1.2. Priority principles, tasks and basic concepts __________ 8-9

    1.3. Measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening health

    students _______________________________________________ 10-11

    1.4. Sports and mass work at school _________________________ 12

    1.5. Psychology of health perception. The inner picture of health

    children and teenagers ______________________________________ 13-15

    1.6. Conclusions ___________________________________________ 16-17

    1.7. Dictionary ____________________________________________ 18-19

    List of used literature __________________________________ 20


    “Health care is the most important job of an educator.

    From the cheerfulness, cheerfulness of children

    their spiritual life depends,

    outlook, mental development,

    strength of knowledge, faith in one’s own strengths”

    V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

    Preserving and strengthening the health of students is a paramount task

    educational institutions.

    The state of health of children, their education and upbringing are inextricably linked

    together. Therefore, today the education system is tasked with

    to preserve the health of children and young people, to develop their skills

    healthy lifestyle, motivation to be healthy, education of general

    culture of health, creating conditions for a general health-saving environment,

    introduction of effective health-saving technologies into the educational process.

    Health is the first element and the key to personal development. Therefore, the main

    the task of the school is to continuously pay attention to the physical, mental and

    social health, which serves as the foundation for intellectual and

    creative personality superstructure.

    Planned preservation and development of children's health is carried out with

      Therapeutic and prophylactic (annual medical examination, children taking multivitamins, oxygen cocktails, anti-epidemic vaccination).

      Ensuring the psychological safety of the child's personality (psychologically comfortable organization of regime moments, optimal motor mode, the correct distribution of physical and intellectual stress, the correct style of communication between an adult and children, the use of physical education sessions during the day, the use of the necessary means and methods).

      The health-improving orientation of the educational process, taking into account the requirements for the maximum load of children in organized forms of education, creating conditions for health-improving regimes, valeologicalization of the educational space for children, respect for the child's nervous system, taking into account his individual characteristics and interests; providing freedom of choice, creating conditions for self-realization, focusing on the zone of proximal development of the child.

      Formation of the valeological culture of the child, the foundations of the valeological consciousness (knowledge about health, the ability to save, maintain and preserve it, the formation of a conscious attitude to health and life).

    Works at school pediatrician and nurse, which systematically

    carry out preventive and curative measures.

    Annually planned and systematically carried out at the school

    preventive medical examinations students by specialists

    State Healthcare Institution "Outpatient Clinic No. 3 of the city

    Enakievo". Scheduled dental check-ups and

    regular meetings - prevention with the participation of medical doctors


    SECTION 1.

    1.1. On the goals and work at the school directedon the.

    The priority direction of the school's activity is the preservation and strengthening

    health of children, promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Working on it

    pedagogical collective, parent community. This issue is ongoing.

    director's control. At administrative meetings, pedagogical councils,

    parent meetings analyzes the work of the teaching staff with various

    groups of students, achievements and shortcomings in the work on

    improvement, measures are being developed for further

    improving the system of work to preserve and improve the health of children.

    The work at the school is carried out in five areas:

    1.Pedagogy of health

    Target: Healthy lifestyle promotion and healthy lifestyle training.

    2. Improving and preventive measures.

    Target: Prevention of diseases, taking the necessary measures to prevent

    deterioration in health and help children adapt to the consequences of a violation

    health (consequences of illness, disability, emotional problems).

    3. Prevention of the use of psychoactive substances.

    Target: Form a healthy lifestyle, an effective behavior strategy

    and personal resources that prevent the abuse of narcotic and other

    PAV, the work of a practical psychologist for open confidential communication.

    4. Physical education is a traditional form of school work. Each

    the student is busy in the football section.

    5. Creation of a comfortable object-spatial environment.

    The school provides comprehensive assistance to the development of students' creativity.

    The hygienic requirements for the conditions of training are strictly observed,

    SanPin. The school has created a model of health-saving learning technologies

    schoolchildren. It includes taking into account age characteristics, health status

    student and his individual psychophysiological characteristics when choosing

    forms, methods and means of teaching. Using health-saving actions

    to maintain performance and expand functionality

    organism. The model is based on health-saving actions, namely:

    optimal lesson time, rational alternation of types of educational activities,

    respectful style of communication, emotional release, physical culture pause,

    correct working posture, correct school furniture marked by age

    7. School sports competitions are regularly held in the school gym and

    sports training. The gym is open. training

    base and sports equipment meets the requirements of today.

    1.2. Priority principles, tasks and basic concepts:

    Ensure coordination of activities to revitalize and develop the movement for

    promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

    Formation of healthy and safe lifestyle habits in

    young generation of citizens, as well as the orientation of the younger generation to

    health as the highest social value that provides in modern

    professional longevity, family well-being and secure

    old age.

    - The main concepts used are:

    1) health - a state of complete physical, spiritual and social

    well-being with full adaptation to environmental conditions and the ability to

    reproduction, and not just the absence of disease and physical impairment;

    including favorable conditions for human life, the level

    its culture and hygienic skills, allowing to preserve and strengthen

    health, prevent the development of its disorders and maintain optimal

    the quality of life;

    3) way of life - persistent, formed under the influence of social,

    cultural, material and professional circumstances, image

    life, manifested in the norms of communication, behavior, warehouse

    thinking and tradition. Lifestyle covers all spheres of society: work and life,

    social life and culture, behavior (lifestyle) of students and their

    spiritual values;

    4) lifestyle - a socio-psychological category that characterizes

    behavioral features of human life. A lifestyle that depends on

    behavioral characteristics of the individual;

    5) the formation of a healthy lifestyle is a systemic process, covering

    many components of the lifestyle of modern society and the individual,

    including the main areas and directions of people's life;

    6) culture of health - an integral part of the general culture, which allows

    individual to take care of health and well-being. The concepts of "culture

    health" is formulated as a certain level of valeological literacy

    population, the state of social well-being, the degree of development of creative forces,

    physical, mental abilities of citizens;

    7) disease prevention - a system of measures of medical and non-medical

    nature, aimed at preventing, reducing the risk of developing deviations

    in health and disease, preventing or slowing them down

    progression, reduction of their adverse effects;

    8) valeology (from one of the meanings of the Latin valeo - "to be healthy") is

    area of ​​knowledge about the patterns and mechanisms of formation, conservation and

    strengthening human health;

    9) valeological education - systemic receipt by children and youth

    knowledge about health, the formation of a valeological worldview about the value

    health in life and personal responsibility for its preservation;

    1.3. Measures aimed atpreservation and strengthening of the health of students:

    Students actively participate in health-saving activities:

      sports competitions between classes, schools;

      sports holidays (health days, International Educational

    festival of sports and art "Falcon of Donbass");

      months and weeks of health;

      daily outdoor and sports games, morning exercises;

      • advisory work with students, teachers, parents.

        scientific and practical activities (participation in city competitions,

    propaganda teams “We are for a healthy lifestyle”).

        extracurricular activities (participation in the preparation and holding of competitions,

    themed evenings, promotions).

      quit smoking day

      Single Day to Combat AIDS and Tuberculosis;

      anti-drug day

      health day;

      holding a school action "Change a cigarette for a candy";

      • holding competitions of drawings and posters;

      interactive action in - leaflets about healthy lifestyle;

      watching and discussing films on the topic of healthy lifestyle;

      School-wide parent meetings promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of various diseases constitute a significant part of all work with parents (85%). Prevention of diseases among students and parents is carried out by a pediatrician and a practical psychologist of the school.

      Parent meetings are held on the following topics:

      Knowledge about PAS and early signs of use.

      Prevention of bad habits in children.

      Impact of iodine deficiency on children's health.

      Proper nutrition of children in the family.

      The role of parents during puberty.

      STD prevention.

      Reproductive health of girls.

      Prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections.

      Children's neuroses.

      Coverage of students with hot meals should be 100%. All students of the school eat in the school cafeteria.

    1.4. Sports and mass work at school:

    To create conditions for the full development of the individual, the preservation and

    health promotion of students great participation takes the teacher

    physical education together with class teachers.

    The question of the state of mass sports work at school is constantly in

    the focus of school administration.

    Sports competitions are held annually at the school:


    Number of events

    Sports relays

    School championship (basketball)

    Volleyball school championship

    Pioneerball school championship

    School football championship

    Competition "Fun Starts"

    Table tennis championship

    School Olympiad in Physical Education

    sports holidays

    Every year, within the framework of the intra-school sports competitions, sports competitions are held between classes.

    Name of the competition

    Military sports relay

    School football championship

    September October

    School Basketball Championship

    lu (boys)

    School basketball championship (girls)

    School Olympiad in Physical Culture

    "Fun Starts"

    Volleyball championship (boys)

    School basketball championship

    "Health Day", "Funny Starts"

    track and field relay

    Physical education teachers are constantly engaged in the preparation and teams , and there are victories in various sports competitions.

    1.5. Psychology of health perception. The inner picture of health

    children and teenagers.

    An important place in the general problems of health psychology is occupied by

    study of the internal picture of health (ICH), which is a kind of

    standard of health, has a complex structure. The inner picture of health

    (VKZ) is a special attitude of the individual to his health, expressed in

    awareness of its value and an active-positive striving for its

    improvement. V.A. Ananiev considers VKZ as self-consciousness and

    self-knowledge of a person in health conditions. Study of the internal

    picture of health is of great practical importance. How fair

    emphasized V.E. Kagan, without understanding the inner picture of health

    it is impossible to understand the inner picture of the disease.

    Of particular interest is the study of the internal picture of the child's health.

    There are very few studies in this direction, with the exception of fragmentary ones.

    internal picture of a child's health requires careful theoretical

    methodological approach to its study. When studying the internal

    picture of health requires a systematic approach, which involves the study

    VKZ as a complex system, the links of which are closely interconnected and interdependent

    from each other.

    VKZ (internal picture of health) - an integral part of self-consciousness

    personality. Conscious attitude of a person to his needs,

    abilities, drives, motives of behavior, experiences and thoughts

    impossible without close attention to your health. Representation

    of a person about his psychophysical development, his experiences are reflected

    in various forms of his relationship to his health. In some cases this

    there may be an adequate attitude, in others - neglect, in the third -

    increased attention.

    Of particular interest is the age analysis of the internal picture

    health, which is important not only in the prevention of disease,

    but also in the formation of a harmonious personality.

    The main component of IHC in children includes three levels of health reflection:




    Cognitive level involves the child's perception of the state of health,

    which largely depends on his age and level of development of intelligence.

    Emotional level associated with various types of emotional


    Behavioral level associated with the actualization of the child's activities on

    maintaining health. This is a higher level of attitude to health and requires

    active activity of the subject, aimed at preserving and maintaining

    your health

    The attitude of the child to his health is part of the personality.

    In modern psychology, it is considered as a multi-level system,

    consisting of three main blocks: descriptive (the image of "I"); attitude

    (attitude towards oneself or one's individual qualities); self-assessment (acceptance

    Age features of the formation of the internal picture of health.

    In psychology, generalized age periods of personality development: baby

    (up to 1 year); early childhood (2-3 years); preschool age (4-5 years);

    Junior school (6-10 years old); teenage (11-14 years old); senior

    school age, or early youth (15-17 years).

      VKZ child- an important part of his personality, which is

    a set of attitudes aimed at their health. Formation of the VKZ

    There are several stages in the development of a child.

      Each stage is characterized by the main psychological backbone

      factors influencing the adequate attitude of the child to his health.

    • First stage covers childhood. Conventionally, it can be called a stage

      emotional attachment of the child to the mother. emotional attachment

      The basis of healthy emotional and social development of the child in

      subsequent years.

      Second phase- the stage of identity formation and imitation - covers

      period of early childhood. From about one and a half to two years old, the child begins

      be aware of their qualities, capabilities and their condition. Formation of the VKZ

      carried out on the model of parental attitude to health, in the process

      imitate them.

      Third stage- the stage of specific situational ideas about health and

      emotional attitude to it - is observed in children of preschool age.

      Fourth stage- the stage of awareness and emotional-evaluative attitude to

      their health (primary school age).

      Fifth stage- the social attitude of the personality of a teenager to his health,

      which includes cognitive, emotional, behavioral components.

    1.6. Conclusions:

    The work on the formation of a healthy lifestyle is quite voluminous and


    The educational institution, the entire educational industry faces the tasks

    which cannot be solved casually.

    It is necessary to create a single program for the entire educational system for

    the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the introduction of unified state

    life safety education standards agreed

    among themselves and by educational levels of programs for secondary and higher

    schools in the subjects "Fundamentals of Health and Physical Education", "Fundamentals of

    medical knowledge”, “Valeology”, “Fundamentals of safety

    life”, “Civil defense”.

    At the present stage, many activities are carried out to form

    healthy lifestyle - lectures, development trainings

    sports abilities, self-control, in schools the introduction of a program to

    instilling in children the love of their lives and the need for maintaining a healthy

    lifestyle. Increasingly, parents of teenagers are encouraged to cooperate, for

    teamwork to promote a healthy atmosphere in the family.

    The work carried out at the school allows us to draw certain conclusions, and


    1. The problem of health in its broadest sense, both personally and

    social dimension has acquired in our time the planetary

    values ​​and is considered as such, which constitutes a danger

    further development of mankind.

    2. It is possible to prevent a possible danger by forming

    healthy lifestyles of individuals, communities, countries, the world as a whole.

    3. Formation of a healthy lifestyle is a complex, multifaceted process,

    Requiring the joint efforts of as many people as possible,

    various organizations, and above all - the relevant state


    At the same time, the formation of a healthy lifestyle is scientifically

    practical discipline with its own theory, methodology, methodology and

    means. Knowledge and practical skills in the formation of a healthy image

    lives should be as widely distributed in society as possible, they need

    be guided in the development and adoption of management decisions at all

    levels of all branches of government, all branches of the public sector.

    It is also necessary by all means to influence the private sector and public

    organizations in the direction of monitoring, control, facilitation and direction

    activities in the interests of public health.

    5. The most effective way to embody worldview values

    health in the minds of the population - this is the initiation on the part of the organs

    state power and local self-government of various local

    projects limited to local scales, in particular to the scale

    primary administrative-territorial structures and individual


    6. Preservation and promotion of health, the cult of a healthy lifestyle should

    be constantly under the scrutiny of the public, and especially

    teaching staff.

    7. Only thoughtful well-coordinated joint systematic

    through actions, we can solve a difficult but honorable problem - to give

    Donetsk People's Republic of healthy citizens.

    1.7 Dictionary.

    Health- as a state of complete physical, spiritual and social

    well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

    The scientific understanding of health also includes timely and harmonious

    bodily and mental development, the normal functioning of all organs and

    systems, high performance during various activities,

    the absence of diseases, the ability to easily adapt to unusual

    environmental conditions and resistance to adverse effects.

    Internal picture of health (IHP) is a special relation of the individual to

    their health, expressed in the awareness of its value and active

    positive striving for its improvement, self-awareness and

    self-knowledge of a person in health conditions.

    Cognitive level of VKZ- the child's perception of the state of health, which

    largely depends on his age and level of development of intelligence.

    Emotional level of VKZ- with different types of emotional

    response to health, which is determined by individual typological and

    individual psychological characteristics of the child, as well as

    features of his emotional response to various life


    Behavioral level of VKZ- with the actualization of the child's activities according to

    maintaining health. This is a higher level of attitude to health and

    requires vigorous activity of the subject, aimed at preserving and

    maintaining your health.

    Image "I"- a set of sensations, ideas and experiences of a teenager

    about their physical appearance.

    Healthy lifestyle is a form of life activity

    development, preservation and reproduction of health, which is the main

    personal capital of each person.

    Healthy lifestyle is a form of life that is based on

    on the requirements of the daily biorhythm and includes such main components,

    as personal hygiene, physical activity, diet and sleep, hardening,

    alternation of work and rest, absence of bad habits.

    Mental health function is to maintain an active

    dynamic balance between a person and the surrounding world in situations

    requiring the mobilization of emotional and volitional resources of the individual.

    Psychological training- a form of active learning behavior skills. V

    training, the participant is invited to do certain exercises,

    focused on the development or demonstration of psychological qualities or

    skills. Role-playing games are used to practice the acquired skills.

    Elena Doynikova
    Pedagogical Council "Creating conditions in the preschool educational institution to preserve and strengthen the health of pupils"

    Pedagogical Council

    "Creating conditions in the preschool educational institution to preserve and improve the health of pupils"

    The goals of the pedagogical council:

    Systematization of teachers' knowledge about the health of preschool children.


    To analyze the state of health of pupils for 2013 - 2015,

    To analyze the satisfaction of parents with the work of the kindergarten to improve the health of preschoolers,

    To develop a system of measures to promote the activation of the work of ped. team in this area

    Preliminary work:

    1. Questioning of parents "About the health of your child"

    2. Analysis of the state of health for 2013 - 2015.

    3. Thematic control "The use of health-saving technologies in the daily routine"

    4. Open views of regime moments and classes on the use of health-saving technologies.

    5. Production of benefits, attributes for the prevention of flat feet in preschoolers


    1. Introductory remarks by the head.

    2. Analysis of the health status of pupils for 2013 - 2015, analysis of morbidity for 3 months (November - December - January). Speech by the head nurse.

    3. "Modern health-saving technologies in the joint activities of the teacher and children in accordance with the GEF DO." Presentation by the senior teacher. Results of thematic control.

    4. "Self-massage for preschoolers." From the experience of the teacher of the senior group

    5. "Prevention of flat feet and postural disorders." Presentation by a physical education instructor.

    6. Interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family on the protection and promotion of children's health.

    7. The decision of the teachers' council.

    The course of the pedagogical council

    1. Opening remarks.

    Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the state of children's health. At all times, children's health has been considered as a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.

    Raising a healthy child is the most important thing that we, teachers of preschool institutions, need to do. The full physical development and health of the child is the basis for the formation of personality.

    Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

    In modern conditions, the social and pedagogical importance of preserving the health of the child is increasing. Studies of recent years state the deterioration of the health of the Russian population. Negative trends have an acute impact on the health of the younger generation. The number of healthy children and adolescents barely reaches one-fifth of their total number; about a third of children entering school already have a chronic pathology.

    Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until the age of 7, a person goes through a huge path of development, which is unique throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that the intensive development of organs and the formation of the functional systems of the body take place, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is very important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports. A preschool educational institution should be permeated with concern for the physical health of the child.

    It is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions for health protection and health promotion, the main goals of which are:

    Ensure the maintenance, preservation and strengthening of physical health;

    To form in the child the necessary skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle;

    Teach your child to use what they have learned in everyday life.

    A system of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of preschool children should be developed in the kindergarten. This work should be carried out in three directions:

    teachers - parents - doctors.

    Only through joint efforts a positive result is possible.

    2. Morbidity analysis. The speech of Art. nurses

    3. Health-saving technologies (presentation)

    There are various forms and types of activities aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name "health-saving technologies".

    The main purpose of such new technologies is to unite teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and, most importantly, the children themselves for the preservation, strengthening and development of health.

    So what is “health-saving technology”?

    Health-saving technology is an integral system of educational, health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between a child and a teacher, a child and parents, a child and a doctor.

    The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

    Health-saving technology is:

    Conditions for the child's stay in kindergarten (lack of stress, adequacy of requirements, adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods);

    Rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with age, gender, individual characteristics and hygiene requirements); organization of various activities for children in a playful way;

    Correspondence of educational and physical activity to the age capabilities of the child;

    Necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor mode.

    All this work should be carried out comprehensively, throughout the day and with the participation of medical and pedagogical workers: an educator, a music director, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a medical professional. workers. It is necessary to pay special attention to teaching preschoolers the basic movements and skills of a healthy lifestyle, putting into practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-saving process.

    In between classes, especially in older groups, motor warm-ups are held. Its purpose is to prevent the development of fatigue in children, relieve emotional stress in the process of engaging in mental stress, which contributes to a faster perception of program material. Motor warm-up allows you to actively relax after a forced static posture, mental stress.

    Dynamic pauses are held during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. During their implementation, elements of gymnastics for the eyes, respiratory, finger gymnastics, physical education and others are included, depending on the type of lesson.

    Physical education minutes increase the general tone, motor skills, contribute to the development of attention, memory, create a positive emotional mood and relieve psycho-emotional stress.

    (video "Fizkultminutki", group No. 4, No. 10)

    Finger gymnastics is carried out individually, or with a subgroup of children daily. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, speed of reaction. Useful for all children, especially with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time.

    Gymnastics for the eyes is carried out daily for 3-5 minutes. At any free time, depending on the intensity of the visual load, it helps to relieve static tension in the muscles of the eyes, blood circulation. During its implementation, visual material is used (butterflies on sticks, a magic wand, window stickers, pendants, eye simulators, a teacher's show.

    (video "Gymnastics for the eyes" group No. 7)

    Respiratory gymnastics is carried out in various forms of physical culture and health work. In children, oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which contributes to the normalization and optimization of its work as a whole. Provide ventilation of the room, the teacher instructs the children on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure

    Articulatory gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw), which are necessary for correct pronunciation, help to quickly “set” the correct pronunciation, overcome already existing violations of sound pronunciation. Classes for the prevention and correction of speech disorders with children are conducted by a speech therapist.

    Mobile and sports games contribute to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and abilities, develop cognitive interest, form the ability to navigate in the surrounding reality, which is so important for a child to gain life experience. Outdoor games are held daily as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a small group room, with an average degree of mobility. Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of its holding.

    (video "Mobile game" group No. 3)

    Invigorating gymnastics is carried out daily after daytime sleep for 5-10 minutes. Its complex includes exercises on beds for awakening, exercises for correcting flat feet, educating correct posture, and extensive washing.

    (video "Gymnastics after sleep" group No. 6)

    For preventive purposes, you can use a ribbed track. Children enjoy walking on it after a nap. The track perfectly massages the baby's feet, strengthens the muscles and ligamentous apparatus of the foot, protecting the body as a whole.

    (video "Health Path" group No. 1)

    Morning exercises are carried out daily for 6-8 minutes. with musical accompaniment. Music accompanies every exercise. At the same time, rhythmic skills and abilities are formed in children.

    Morning exercises are desirable for children, they go to her with joy. The presence of musical accompaniment, the introduction of pictures and attributes have a positive effect on both the mood of children and the assimilation of general developmental exercises. The introduction of innovations, an explanation of the benefits of general developmental exercises, contributes to the correctness of their implementation.

    (video "Morning gymnastics" group No. 2)

    Physical education classes are held 3 times a week in accordance with the program (traditional, plot-game, integrated, health-improving). They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in the classroom helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child's body.

    Walking is one of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life. The influence of fresh air, the sun, the physical activity of children - everything gives a positive result. In order for the walk to have an effect, the sequence of activities of children must change depending on the nature of the previous lesson and weather conditions. In cold weather and after classes in which the children were sitting more, a walk can be started with a run, with an outdoor game, in warm weather and after a physical education, music lesson, it is better to start a walk with observation, calm games.

    (video "Walk Gr No. 8)

    Express - survey of teachers "Questions - answers"

    (Questions are prepared on the cards, teachers take turns answering them)

    (See Appendix 3)

    Active rest (physical culture leisure, sports holiday, musical leisure, “Health Day”). When spending leisure time, holidays, all children are involved in direct participation in various competitions, competitions, enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more relaxed than in physical education, and this allows them to move without much stress. At the same time, those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered are used, therefore, children show a kind of artistry, aesthetics in movements. Sports holidays and leisure activities are necessarily accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of a sense of beauty in children, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a piece of music, develops an ear for music, memory.

    Music technology. Music has a strong psychological effect on children. It affects the state of the nervous system (calms, relaxes or, conversely, excites, excites, causes various emotional states (from peace, tranquility and harmony to anxiety, depression or aggression). In this regard, it is important to pay attention to what kind of music we listen to we and our children.When using music, it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of the impact of the nature of the melody, rhythm and volume on the mental state of children.Use as an aid as part of other technologies, to relieve stress, increase emotional mood.Use music to accompany the learning activities of preschoolers ( in classes in art, design, familiarization with the outside world, etc.) Calm music, which evokes feelings of joy, peace, love, is able to harmonize the emotional state of a small listener, as well as develop concentration.Music can also be used before going to bed to help sleep with difficulty for children to calm down and relax. When the children are in bed, turn on calm, quiet, melodious, soft music and ask them to close their eyes and imagine themselves in the forest, by the sea, in the garden, or in any other place that makes them feel good. I draw the attention of children to how each part of their body relaxes and rests.

    4. Results of thematic control.

    5. "Self-massage". From the experience of the teacher of the senior group

    Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. It improves blood circulation, helps to normalize the work of internal organs, improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche. For children, self-massage is the prevention of scoliosis, colds. It favors psycho-emotional resistance to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, and tones the entire body.

    Self-massage is carried out in a game form daily in the form of a five-minute lesson or as a dynamic pause in the classroom. Cheerful poems, vivid images that play with massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, the ability to use in various settings and at any time contribute to changing the position of the child from the object to the subject of pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation, correctional and developmental work.

    6. "Prevention of flat feet and postural disorders." Physical instructor speech

    (video "Prevention of flat feet")

    At what regime moments can I include exercises to prevent flat feet and posture disorders?

    7. Presentation of benefits and attributes for the prevention of flat feet.

    8. Interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family on the protection and promotion of children's health

    Parent survey results.

    Forms of interaction with the families of pupils.

    Information stands for parents in each age group. Headings covering the issues of recovery without drugs (sets of exercises for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, organs of vision, for the development of general and fine motor skills, finger games;

    Pay attention to the change of information (1 time per month)

    Information stands of medical workers about medical preventive work with children in preschool educational institutions (consultations, memos, health bulletins, etc.);

    Inviting parents to participate in physical culture events of preschool educational institutions (competitions, sports holidays, open days, health weeks, etc.);

    Consultations, conversations with parents on health issues, parent meetings.

    Council decision.

    1. Create a creative group to develop the Health Program of the preschool educational institution.

    Wed: March – May 2016

    Responsible: Art. educator

    2. Plan and hold parent meetings on the topic of maintaining health in all groups.

    Deadline: March 2016

    Responsible: educators

    3. Select material and draw up a card file of gymnastics for the eyes in each age group

    Deadline: March – April 2016

    Responsible: educators

    4. Daily include self-massage, gymnastics for the eyes, exercises for the prevention of flat feet and postural disorders in the health improvement work.

    Deadline: permanent

    Responsible: educators

    Annex 1

    Ten golden rules for health care:

    Follow the daily routine!

    Pay more attention to food!

    Move more!

    Sleep in a cool room!

    Do not extinguish the anger in yourself, let it break out!

    Constantly engage in intellectual activity!

    Drive away despondency and blues!

    Respond appropriately to all manifestations of your body!

    Try to get as many positive emotions as possible!

    Wish yourself and others only the best!

    Annex 2

    Questionnaire for parents.

    1. Does your child often get sick? (underline)

    2. What do you think is the cause of your child's illnesses?

    A) Insufficient physical education in the family;

    B) Insufficient physical education in kindergarten;

    C) heredity, predisposition;

    D) Other ___

    3. Does the child attend sports sections?

    4. What should be paid special attention to in the family, in kindergarten?

    A) Compliance with the daily routine;

    B) Rational and high-calorie nutrition;

    B) full sleep;

    D) Sufficient exposure to fresh air;

    D) Healthy hygienic environment;

    G) Hardening measures;

    H) Favorable psychological environment;

    i) Physical education and sports;

    K) Other.

    5. What hardening activities are most appropriate for your child?

    A) Lightweight clothing during a walk, in a group;

    B) Pouring feet with cold water of contrasting temperature;

    B) Walking barefoot

    D) Walking in any weather;

    D) Daily gargling with water at room temperature;

    E) Systematic ventilation;

    G) Taking an oxygen cocktail;

    H) Other.

    6. Do you know how to improve your child's health? (underline)

    Yes No Partially

    7. Do you need kindergarten assistance? (underline)

    Yes No Partially

    8. Does the kindergarten pay enough attention to the issue of improving children's health?

    Yes No Partially

    9. Your suggestions for physical education and health improvement of children

    10. What help could you provide to the kindergarten in the issue of improving the health of children?

    Appendix 3

    Issues for discussion.

    1. Why, when choosing a game, it is necessary to take into account the place of its holding.

    (Protection of the health and life of the child).

    2. How children should be placed on the playground at the time of explaining the game. Graphically depict the location of the children at the beginning of the game "Cat and Mouse", "Geese and Swans". (The explanation is carried out in a playing position, that is, the children stand where the game actions begin: in games with dashes - on the edge of the site, in games with building in a circle - in a circle).

    3. Why it is impossible to start an explanation with a game with the distribution of roles.

    (Children's attention falls at the moment of explanation.)

    4. In choosing the driver, what do we use. .

    (Counting rhymes, a reward for something, the child did good.)

    5. Determine the sequence of the mobile game management:

    Preparation for the game, gathering children for the game, techniques for creating interest in the game, explaining the distribution of roles, guiding the course of the game, summing up.

    6. How the explanations of the game are built depending on the age.

    (In the younger group, explanations are staged during the game, in the older group - before the start of game actions.)

    7. During the game, the teacher must monitor ...

    (For observing the rules of the game, for performing movements, for the well-being of children, give signals - verbal, sound, visual.)

    8. What is the participation of the educator in the game.

    (In the first younger group, the direct participation of the teacher, who most often plays the main role. In the 2nd younger group, in familiar games, the main roles are entrusted to children. In the middle and older groups, the leadership of the game is indirect, but sometimes the teacher is directly involved in the game.)

    9. What is the purpose of physical education minutes.

    (Ensure active rest for children in class.)

    10. How long does it take for children to get tired in class. What are the external signs of fatigue.

    (After 8 - 15 minutes of class. Children are distracted, noisy.)

    11. In what form are physical education sessions held.

    (General developmental exercises, outdoor games, didactic games with movement, dance movements