Morning and evening face care. We care for the skin of the face: how to spend home procedures

Calling for ourselves is not only morning make-up hours. More skin care is evening care!

The evening beauty treatments are the most important and most efficient, since at night the body is concentrated on restoring and updating, skin regeneration processes are most effective and care products intended for use before bedtime, much more please us in the practice of their use than day-rejuvenating.

The dream treats in the most important sense of these words, which is why one of the main mistakes of many women is neglecting evening beauty treatments due to fatigue, abstractness and just forgetfulness. Meanwhile, finding 15-30 minutes of free time in the evening much easier than in the morning filled with a fussy hurry.

1. The most important thing: do not postpone evening procedures Until that moment when you fall asleep on the go. This is the most common mistake of women - wash in a couple of minutes (and someone can go to sleep with makeup). Take a face right away how to change clothes into home clothes. Ideal time to apply night cream - 8-9 pm

It is at this time that skin cells are most actively configured to restore. Consequently, the effect of it will be maximal. But after 11 pm, it's better to simply wash, wipe the face with Tonic and go to bed, without applying any cream. The thing is that by midnight, the lymph circulation is very slowed down and blood pressure decreases, and any skin care in these clocks can lead to edema or irritation.

2. Even if you do not paint in the morning, a huge number of toxins, dust and harmful substances from the city are accumulated on the skin on the skin - all this needs to be removed. therefore evening wash need to make ritual - It should be careful, using water and a soft washbasin (to wash off all accumulated toxins).

Thoroughly my hands and only then remove the day makeup. To do this, we put on the face of a layer of a fat cream or cosmetic milk, cream (but not rubbing, but slightly smear). After 15 minutes carefully wipe your face with cotton.

For cleansing fat or combined skin Persons are better to use foam, gel or mousse, but for normal and dry skin - Emulsion or cosmetic milk. An alternative can serve peeling gommage - it is suitable for any type of skin.

For these 15 minutes you can cook yourself water for washing and various cleansing and fuel mixtures. For example, in 1 liter of boiled water, dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of soda. You can also take milk and water in equal amounts and use this solution to clean and feed the skin of the face.

3. After cleansing the face from makeup and pollution it is necessary use tonic . It will restore the pH balance on the surface of the skin and improve the absorption of the useful components of the night cream.

4. Next stage exfoliation . Before applying a night cream, you can additionally clean the skin. It is in the evening they make cleansing procedures, they need even for sensitive skin - just in this case follows Replace abrasive peelings on enzyme or acid. You should not do them during the reason for possible skin reactions (temporary redness, for example).

1-2 times a week use scrub for the face of the type of your skin.

5. Use masks it is also useful only in the evening: the skin becomes the most susceptible to the effects of active substances at this time of the day. Facial mask - an important point of skin care before bedtime. The main function of the face mask in the process of skin care is an increase in the ability and deep skin moisturizing. Silk mask for a face as a second skin contribute to absorption and penetration of extracts into deep layers of skin, accelerates blood circulation, which allows the skin to absorb nutrients faster and has a very effective moisturizing effect.

6. After washing, not dried face praise his palms. The vibration movements of the pillows of the fingers will pass from the chin to the forehead - from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Easy skin massage for its relaxation is useful, but must be no more than three minutes to speed up the metabolic processes in the skin. Such a massage will also allow to remove old dead skin cells, melanin and pollution and prepare the skin of the face to subsequent care.

7. One or two minutes we apply night cream (again the movements of self-massage): Apply the cream on the skin, starting with the cheek and towards the ears, then up. Roll cream to light massaging movements. On the forehead applied cream from eyebrows up. On the chin and neck, apply the cream by the outside of the palms from the bottom up. This is the easiest evening procedure.

Evening compositions contain a high concentration of assets and have a regenerating regenerating effect. When choosing a night cream, be sure to take into account age, type and condition of the skin.

If you have normal, combined or oily skin, It is necessary to moisturizing a special cream with flavones that are withdrawing toxins and microelements.
If a dry skin , use nutrient creams with vitamins E, and, with.

At a young age to update the skin enough and its own reserves, so the use of a night cream up to 25 to 30 years is not appropriate.
Women, chatting thirty years old recommended to use cosmetics with enhanced regenerating properties capable of developing collagen. After 30-35 years, the ability of tissues to regenerate is slowed down, it is for this reason that it is recommended to start using the means that stimulate the restoration of the physiological mechanisms of the skin. The composition of such funds should include vitamins, trace elements, fruit acids, hyaluronic acid.
Fading leather needs a cream with proteins, trace elements and vitamins, which are focused on the fight against wrinkles. Night skin cream after 45 years should contain antioxidants, vitamins and regenerating components - fruit acids, glycolic acid, retinol, phytoestrogens, peptides, sea DNA.

Tips for evening leather care

Recipes cleansing mixtures

The above-mentioned tips are simple, but will not go and half a year as you, using them, notice that you look markedly fresh, and your skin cleared and has become much more elastic.

The morning face mask allows you to cope with common aesthetic skin problems. Stresses, emotional instability, nutritional deficit, overwork - immediately reflected in the form of the first wrinkles, decay, unhealthy color. Correctly care and take care of the epidermis, it means that you feed, clean and tone. The optimal time for cosmetic procedures is before morning.

Morning face care

The most significant drawbacks can be seen after sleep. Edems and redness, sensations of depth and gray shade, easy to remove thanks to home procedures. The skin needs a whole complex of events, allowing to fill all the losses of the epidermis per night. Morning wash, toning and nutrition must necessarily be present daily. It is better to use a ruler for your skin type. Each process is complemented as follows, making up a full-fledged care program. Do not forget about the selection of special means that protect against the harmful effect of ultraviolet. Begin to applying decorative cosmetics not earlier than in forty minutes after applying a moisturizing cream or removal of a mask.

Rules for using masks Early in the morning

To obtain the desired result, you need to properly use the morning masks:

  1. It is worth calculating the time, the mask itself will take about twenty minutes, and after the skin should recover about an hour before entering the street;
  2. Prepare one-time portions, small volumes, exclusively from fresh products;
  3. Before applying a face, wipe with milk or micellar fluid, soap, and other aggressive means, not apply;
  4. For convenient distribution, depending on the consistency of the composition, you can use a cosmetic spatula, a brush, sponge;
  5. Apply purely through massage lines, smooth smoothing movements;
  6. You can also distribute the composition on the decolte area, then the volume of the mask must be increased twice;
  7. Rinse off cool water to close the pores and refresh the color;
  8. The remaining moisture on the face of moisture slightly brushes, to intensively wipe the towel is not recommended;
  9. Use the morning mask for the face stands with regularity three / four times a month.

Interesting video: how I take care of the skin in the morning

Home Recipes Morning Face Masks

Earlier morning, the ideal time to care for the skin. With the help of natural tools, it is easy to remove fatigue at home, and return the elasticity. Folk recipes allow you to strengthen the capillaries, to ensure that there is a complete oxygen breathing.

Refreshing mask

For freshness of the person, the elimination of stress and insomnia traces should be used proven formulations. Restore color and natural elasticity easily with home recipes. Fatigue and solidity takes place, the epidermis becomes soft, velvety.

Important Council from the editorial

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening digit - in 97% of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull. But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of the resiluphous shampoo, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


  • 3 strawberry berries;
  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 10 gr. Starch.

Strawberry skip through a sieve or gauze, add honey and rice starch. Cosmetic mass Apply to a smooth layer, with a spatula on massage lines. You can wash in fifteen minutes of action.

Tightening mask

Anti-aging program necessarily includes morning face care. It is at this time that it is possible to act as much as possible on the synthesis of elastin, cope with wrinkles. With the loss of the turgore and highlighted nasolabial folds, it is recommended to conduct a course of five / seven sessions.


  • 20 gr. gelatin;
  • 5 ml of sesame oil;
  • 15 drops of retinol;
  • grapefruit ether drop.

Gelatin granules to dilute with green tea, into a homogeneous mixture to introduce warm oil, a vitamin solution and citrus ether. A finished means to apply a spatula, forming three / five layers. Leave for thirty minutes, after removing the frozen film.

Rejuvenating mask

After 40 quickly cope with flabby, wrinkled skin, smooth deep mimic folds will allow a simple recipe with oils. It perfectly acts on the structure of the skin, provides an accelerated update. Deep food allows you to get rid of peeling and irritation.


  • 10 gr. Oil Shea;
  • 10 gr. pink clay;
  • 5 drops of wheat oil.

Nourishing African oil mixed with clay, add wheat oil drops. With too thick consistency, you can dilute with green or herbal tea, the cream mass should turn out. To start the thick layer from the chin, forming a tightened oval. There is a composition of about twenty minutes, then you can end.

Toning mask for fading skin

With your own hands it is easy to prepare an effective toning agent. After 30, it is necessary to pay attention to moisturizing compositions that activate intracellular processes. Solve the sinking problem, unhealthy color can be possible due to proven recipes.

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  • 10 gr. lemon zest;
  • 10 gr. Spirulins.

Grind citrus stem, add bone oil and stale algae. The finished mass is distributed by circular movements, neatly, without stretching the covers. Keep no more than fifteen minutes, then you can wash.

Morning acne mask and inflammation

To restore perfect skin without specks and redness, you should prepare a cosmetic mixture that removes inflammation. She will quickly dry amusements, gently cleanse, bring toxins. Thanks to the healing properties, it will stop the spread of infection, will give a healthy color.


  • 5 gr. calendulas;
  • 5 ml Lyme juice.

Flakes along with marigolds to chop on a coffee grinder into powder, enter citrus liquid, dilute with warm mineral water. Finished Kashitz with a generous layer will distribute on the face, special attention is paid to the T-region and storage. Leave for thirty minutes, then completed with the usual way.

Smooth skin mask

From cottage cheese, excellent masks of integrated action, allowing to refresh and rejuvenate the covers even after 50. Thanks to the morning procedure, you can get the perfect matte color, reassuring redness. Thanks to the effective means, the skin receives optimal moisturizing, saturation of useful elements.


  • 15 gr. cottage cheese;
  • protein;
  • 20 ml of cream;

Cottage cheese through the gauze, mix with cream, whipped squirrel, after adding a pinch of spices. Cosmetic mass to distribute over the entire surface, excluding eyelids. Caring for the face to complete after half an hour, removing the residues of the mixture.

Moisturizing and nutritious mask

It is useful to apply a nutrient recipe at home to refresh and rejuvenate cover. Thanks to the people's media, the level of moisture, vitamins, acids and minerals is restored, you can forget about peeling. Immune properties increase, the skin does not react to redness and irritation at low temperatures, dry air or decorative cosmetics.


  • 30 gr. yeast;
  • 2 drops of the ether Sandal.

The yeast is stirring in a warm brave, combine avocado and aroma puree. Finished mass Apply to the massage lines with a dense layer, avoiding the nasolabial triangle and eye area. Leave for twelve / fifteen minutes, after completing as usual.

Video recipe: Morning mask with green tea and mint at home

Mask from edema and eye fatigue

It is after sleep that swells, bags and dark circles are found, which make older for a decade. You can cope with the aesthetic problem with natural components. Refresh, rejuvenate, make a look more expressive easily, thanks to the morning procedures.


  • 10 gr. chamomile;
  • 5 ml peach oil.

From vegetable pulp to make mashed potatoes, connect with chopped flowers, add moisturizing oil. The resulting means is distributed under the lower age in the direction from the inner corner of the eye to the external one. Leaving for fifteen / eighteen minutes, after it can be completed.

Mask from bruises and bags under the eyes

Whiten dark circles will cope with the traces of stress and insomnia with the help of available recipes. The active components of the mask also strengthen thin vessels, help smooth wrinkles. To achieve the maximum result, apply sessions in seven / ten courses.


  • 15 gr. potatoes;
  • fennel twig;

Potatoes are chopped into a soft homogeneous mass, introduce the green of the fennel and the cooled sour cream. After cleansing the skin, distribute the generous layer on the eyelids, keep about ten minutes.

Not every time we are satisfied with your reflection in the mirror in the morning. Pallor, swelling eyes and dim color - all this suggests that the skin has not yet woke up. We have several ways to wake it up.

Contrast wash

Having finished washing, rinse the face alternately warm (but not hot) and cold water. The temperature change activates the bloodstream and give the skin to understand that a new day came and it would be time for her to wake up. Start and end the procedure with warm water.

© iStock.

If your skin is prone to Cooperoza, you can skip this item. And immediately after washing, go to the next one.

Moisturizing mask

The first thing to do after awakening is to drink a glass of water to speed up the metabolism in the body and quench the morning thirst for the body. It will take the skin, and the subsequent care will be perceived with greater hunting and gratitude.

Apply a moisturizing mask-gel with antioxidants. A good option is a fabric mask that fits tightly to the face, which means it will not hurt to do you, while working. Cool refreshing texture that distinguishes moisturizing masks will serve as an additional source of vigor.

Our choice:

    Soothing and moisturizing face mask with calendula and aloe, kiehl "s - This means on the basis of aloe vera extract with calendula petals you need only 5 minutes to moisten and cheer out the skin. It has a cooling and soothing effect.

    Supervising cleansing fabric mask "Moisturizing and Freshness", Garnier, It will give a normal and combined skin everything that is needed in order for the morning to be kind and vigorous: a mask is impregnated with a moisturizing composition with hyaluronic acid and green tea extract, a tousing pore. The effect of "compress" helps to get rid of the morning swelling.

    Mask-Exfoliant for the face Énergie de Vie, Lancôme, With Melissa, ginseng and cranberries leads the skin into a sense in 3 minutes, and soft abrasive particles polish it during washes. As a result, the face wakes up, shines freshness and purity. Suitable skin.

Coffee machine for the skin of the eyelids

Morning bags and circles under the eyes give the face apart and disturbed view. But, fortunately, there is an ingredient who will quickly solve this problem. Caffeine acts on the skin as well as on the whole body - awakens. And the area around the eyes is also provided with a lymphodic effect, which removes the swelling and accelerates blue.

Here are some decent examples:

  1. 1

    Idéalia Eye Contour Cream, Vichy - The awakening action of a cocktail with caffeine, vitamins C and B3 complement the shiny particles that visually transform the skin of the eyelids.

  2. 2

    Care around Eye Revitalift Laser, L "Oréal Paris, Contains caffeine and hyaluronic acid, which moisturizes the skin and "cracks" wrinkles. Another advantage is a tube with a built-in cool metal applicator, creating an "ice cube effect" for a speedy getting rid of edema.

  3. 3

    Intensively moisturizing cream gel Hydraphase Intense Yeux, La Roche-Posay, It has a refreshing texture, as well as moisturizing and drainage effect, which provides perfect morning cocktail with hyaluronic acid and caffeine.

Here are some more Lifehakov that will help the skin to wake up and cheered up in the early morning watches.

Massage ears

Put the index and middle fingers on both sides of the ears and vigorously scroll these points: cheat yourself, wake up the skin, get rid of the morning pallor.

Eye mask

To quickly "open" eyes and remove the swelling, use the proven method - attach cotton discs in the cool tonic.

Exercise for cheeks

Fix your lips with your fingers and in the rapid pace. Checks. This is a simple exercise:

  1. 2

    improves blood flow,

  2. 3

    stimulates drainage,

  3. 4

    it serves as prevention of nasolabial folds.

  4. 5

    It takes a maximum of 30 seconds.

Step 1: Wake up correctly

This is important not only for the skin, but for life in general!

Do not immediately jump off the bed.

Need to lie down a little, enjoying the morning and rejoicing a new day.

Ideally start the day with meditation.

Stage 2: Wash it right

Then follows the stap of washing. It is necessary to wash it with clean water of the summer temperature. The eyes are not very three - the skin around the eyes is very gentle. Water should be clean - filtered, normal water from the crane can not be washed, if a special filter is not installed.

Water filter must be installed - both for the beauty of the skin of the face, and for the beauty of hair and the whole body.

Wash, using special means for washing (foam, mousse, gel, etc.). Tool select individually to fit your skin type. Such faces for skin care in the morning should not contain alcohol.

Stage 3: how to wipe a wet face

Cosmetologists recommend not to wipe the face from the water after washing (provided that the water is clean, filtered), and wait, when the face dry naturally. This is not a particularly pleasant procedure, but it is necessary to get used to the sake of preserving youth and beauty of the skin of the face in the morning.

Another option is to gently get into the face without a rough cloth (the terry towel does not fit), for example, silk. In no case can face the face. Note: An interesting fact that the night after washing our grandmothers advise wipe face with a shirt to preserve skin beauty.

Stage 4: Tonic - Mandatory Morning Attribute

After the skin dried, we apply a face tonic without alcohol. Tonic also needs to pick up individually. Be sure to read on the package - is this tonic suitable for the skin around the eyes.

If the application does not mention that this tonic is suitable for the skin around the eyes, then it is impossible to apply it to this area. In this case, it is necessary to buy a separate tonic for the skin around the eyes.

Note. If you have a problem of swollen eyes in the morning - see article: (cosmetologist advice).

Stage 5: face care cream in the morning

After applying tonic, we are waiting for about 7-10 minutes so that it absorbs. Then we apply the cream around the eyes and the main cream.

Cream around the eyes

Cream (gel) around the eye in the morning should be applied separately and preferably before the main application of the cream, and not after. Eye cream is applied first on the pillow of the fingers, then rub it, slightly. If it is a gel, then, as a rule, it is necessary to rub to break, in any case, carefully read the method of application. Next, we apply to the area around the eye by tapping movements. Do not overdo with quantity, and then there will be an opposite effect.

Try the cool cream from Origins - Ginzing Refreshing Eye Cream to Bright and Depuff 0.5 oZ.

Main cream

What cream to apply? It is clear that we select the cream specifically for your skin type, but there are several general rules.

First, the cream should be the day and approach to you by age. Do not smear on the face that it fell. Secondly, the cream must be selected depending on the time of year. Cold weather - Nourishing face cream, warm weather is an ordinary moisturizer. If strong frost is a special protective winter cream. If we go to sunbathing - a tan cream with no less SPF-30 protection.

It is very important - any cream, whether spring, summer, winter or autumn must contain SPF protection. Oh neither twist, ultraviolet adversely affects the condition of the skin of the face. The only plus is that the sun dries pimples, but it is not worth it, remember one single fact - the sun will strike the face.

The main cream is not applied to the skin around the eyes, he is cut it!

Ready: Can be painted!

After applying the cream, we definitely wait 15 minutes, carefully remove the cloth of the cream's remnants and apply decorative cosmetics.

The so-called "Morning Ritual" is very important to preserve the youth of the face. But do not forget that the most important thing for the beauty of our skin is.

Fresh eyes in the morning: Little trick

The makeup artists advise in the morning to cross the mucous eye with a beige pencil to reduce redness.

The effect of a natural clear look! You can also add a white pencil on the inner corners of the eye in the form V. This combination "raises" eyes and makes them more open. It makes you look really fresh in the morning.

You will be useful:

In order for the skin on the face for many years, it remains young and beautiful for her needs to regularly care. Very often we do not know how to do it. Skin need to be careful in the morning and evening.

Morning skin care at home


The purification procedure implies the use of special means: creams, tonic, lotions. Of course, such a procedure is more suitable for the evening, but in the morning our skin is also not perfectly clean. It breathes, highlights moisture and fat, dust and fibers with pillows stick to it.

Containing alcohol are used to clean oily leather. Tonic leaves the feeling of coolness and freshness on the face.

Tonic, which do not contain alcohol, camphores, menthol are used to clean dry and normal skin.


When washing with cold water, the vessels are narrowed, which imposes blood with blood and in the end causes excessive dryness, deprives its elasticity.

Hot water is well washes fat, gradually leads to the expansion of surface vessels, to redness of the skin. With constant use of hot water, the skin becomes a flabby.

The most acceptable water for washing cool water with room temperature.

You have a bold leather you can wash it easy to salted water or infusion of chamomile.

If the skin is normal or dry, then the person instead of washing can be wiped with toilet water or a piece of ice.

Normal skin is warm warm and rinsed with cool water.


Moisturizing the skin is the main procedure in the morning, day and evening.

Before use, it is best to warm up, holding it a bit on the tip of the fingers. It is necessary to apply the cream to wet skin so that the cream is actively effective. Paddle with finger pads in the face and neck skin.

Oily skin in moisture needs less than dry. In winter, care should be more thorough, so we are constantly indoors with a very dry air.


After washing to protect the skin from any atmospheric phenomena, be sure to impose a bold or hydrating cream.

Cream is applied to a wet, even a wet face after washing. The cream is applied to massage lines. After 15 minutes, his surplus is removed, wet face with a napkin.

Evening care


The procedure is similar to the morning, the cleansing milk, lotion or tonic is used.

Makeup removal: Cleaning the face with milk, you can not stretch or scratch the skin. Movements must be smooth upwards. Special attention is paid to the area near the nose and chin, as well as neck.

To remove the mascara from the eyelashes, you need to apply a special means on a low-fat basis. Dry the rut in the milk, close your eyes and lead it along the upper eyelid to the outside. Open your eyes, and turning the tampon, wipe the lower eyelid, but in the contrary, to the nose. Repeat the procedure until the skin becomes clean.

Toning lotion is applied to the merchandise and wipe the face in the direction from the bottom upwards. Well, after applying a lotion on the face to impose a napkin and pat your fingers in the face to absorb excess moisture.


The procedure is similar to the morning.